
bjsniderthat frigin' wagom driver just won't build, will it?02:10
bjsniderer, wacom02:10
bjsniderquilt needs to be added to the build-deps02:11
TakyojiSince Wacom devices operate under X; would anyone be of assistance for a Wacom BambooFun tablet?03:48
TakyojiThe device is powered and everything, just no input is shown (such as manipulating the cursor, clicking, etc)03:50
rippsTakyoji: my bamboo did that too, try install linux-backports-modules-input-maverick-generic04:31
Takyojia PPA, package, or?04:36
rippsTakyoji: that's in the maverick repos for maverick kernels04:37
watermainshello, can't see if anyone is in here: I need help04:54
watermainsI installed the nvidia drivers under the X updates repository but now when I load up "Hardware Drivers" it tells me "This driver is activated but not currently in use".  I try to run xconfig but get this error: sudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found" Should I install fglrx-installer?04:58
llstarksstupid power converter08:54
llstarksi'm glad i brought my mouse to israel08:54
DanaGSay, how the heck do you get xorg to reload the input rules, without entirely restarting X?09:01
DanaGYou used to be able to do it with HAL... and with udev... but I can't figure out how to do it now.09:02
DanaGAnd if the answer is, "you can't", it's a regression.09:02
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ryrychgood evening17:08
ryrychis anybody out there? I've got a few questions17:08
ryrychhi kklimonda!17:51
evilvish!ask | ryrych 17:58
ubot4ryrych: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:58
ryrychI've been using radeon driver from Ubuntu-X on Kubuntu 10.10. When kWin effects are turn on after some time X crashes. I'd like to make sure what package I have to fill bug report against? The same error I get on radeon version from 10.10 (without Ubuntu-X). But it is important because version from Ubuntu-X will be used in Natty.18:03
ryrychevilvish: OK, here you go :)18:03
evilvishryrych: what do you mean "radeon driver from Ubuntu-X" ?  you mean the x-edgers ppa?  or which ppa are you referring to?18:05
ryrychevilvish: oh, sorry it should be x-updates: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates18:07
evilvishryrych: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers has info on the top, mentions how to file bug reports.. you could do the same for x-updates18:11
evilvishryrych: btw, x-updates has all old packages, which version are you using it for?18:13
evilvishwell, not very old.. just old as in 'last month' ;p18:13
ryrychevilvish: for xserver-xorg-video-radeon: 1:6.13.2-0ubuntu1~xup118:14
evilvishryrych: in maverick?18:16
ryrychevilvish: yes, in maverick18:16
evilvishryrych: well, that is older ..(2010-09-28) … while edgers has 1:6.13.99 .. not sure which is landing in natty  … are you sure that the package from x-updates is the one landing in natty?18:22
evilvishryrych: anyway.. to file a bug just use "ubuntu-bug xorg" and mark the description with "[x-updates]"18:23
ryrychevilvish: don't fill it in freedesktop?18:24
evilvishryrych: not sure about that.. 18:26
ryrychevilvish: I think this bug is similar to mine: https://bugs.freedesktop.org//show_bug.cgi?id=2914818:27
ubot4Freedesktop bug 29148 in GLX "KWin segfaults when OpenGL desktop effects are enabled" [Normal,New]18:27
ryrychevilvish: and 1:6.13.2-1ubuntu2 will make it into Natty18:30
evilvishryrych: well, if that fdo bug is the same issue you are facing, edgers aint going to fix it either(there is a comment from someone using edgers).. ;)18:33
ryrychevilvish: it was a half year ago, maybe something changed? ;)18:35
evilvishryrych: there seems to be a patch which hasnt been applied in main, anyway.. you should try during weekdays when the main X folk are around..18:36
evilvishoh wait, it is in main..18:37
ryrychevilvish: suppose I'd like to try out xorg-edgers. Can I install only a driver?18:39
evilvishryrych: from the usptream bug it looks like you need to update mesa , the xserver-xorg-video-radeon seems not the issue18:40
evilvishryrych: and x-updates doesnt have a mesa newer than the maverick stock, might be the reason why you saw no improvement with the ppa18:44
ryrychevilvish: so what do you suggest? Fill a report in launchpad, fill a report in freedesktop, or install some pkgs (which?) from a ppa?18:46
evilvishryrych: well, you can try edgers first before filing the bug.. you'd have to test the latest at some point ;)   [but from the comments on the bug the proposed commit does not fix for the reporter, (but if you are having different hardware, might work?)]18:49
evilvishedgers sounds all scary, but we can purge it if it does not solve anything...18:49
evilvishryrych: curious though, why the two reporters have not mentioned any issues after 7-21..18:51
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ryrychevilvish: OK, I'll give edgers a spin but please tell me which package install first to get the rest of the dependencies?18:56
evilvishryrych: use synaptic.. add the ppa and select 'mesa' to update, it will say what else needs to be updated 18:58
evilvishjust the packages you get when you search 'mesa', like libgl1-mesa , -glx , -dri19:01
ryrychevilvish: thanks and bye for now :)19:07
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rippsTakyoji: did you get your wacom working?21:59

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