
debfxand another thing: kubuntu-bugs needs to be subscribed to synaptiks :)00:02
yofelPING: need some kdevelop 4.1.90 maverick testers once the packages are published https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+packages00:47
vanguardhmm, apparently I made a successful binary package with my java project, but launchpad rejects it for not being source. A source package is a little more complicated, isn't it?01:00
nixternalyofel: I will test01:01
nixternalyofel: upgrading now01:04
nixternalyofel: update went well, so-far-so-good01:07
nixternalyofel: it is missing all of the KDE Project Templates. Only has Qt and non-gui templates01:08
yofelyou mean under project templates -> c++ -> KDE ?01:09
nixternalerr, yes01:09
yofelok, I'll need a VM to test this then, they are there in natty01:10
nixternalthink I know why01:10
nixternalI didn't have kapptemplate installed01:10
* nixternal checks again01:10
nixternalahh, there they are01:10
nixternalyeah, need kapptemplate installed for the kde templates01:10
yofelah, kdesdk pulls that in here01:11
* yofel wonders if kdevelop should recommend that01:11
nixternali think it would be a good recommend to be honest01:11
nixternali don't remember ever installing it before and it was always there for kdevelop01:12
yofelodd, I didn't drop it though01:12
nixternalit could have gotten dropped a while ago though01:13
nixternalespecially with the hole separation of libs and what not with kdevelop01:13
nixternalit isn't a show stopper by any means, everything thus far is working, and finally code completion doesn't make me want to throw the computer out the window01:14
nixternalevening it is01:14
yofelhi jjesse01:14
jjessehello yofel and nigelb01:14
vanguardwhat of the debian packaging files should go into the development branch?01:14
nixternalthat's my name, don't wear it out :p01:15
yofelvanguard: can you rephrase that? do you mean a bzr branch? how did you create the debian folder?01:16
vanguardyeah, I mean a bzr branch. I got my the whole project+makefile in a branch01:16
vanguardnow I have created a packaging/ and there is a packaging/debian folder as well01:17
vanguardand the latter contains control, changelog, rules, ...01:17
yofelvanguard: hm, usually I would keep the debian folder in a seperate branch, you can just check the packaging branch out into debian/ then01:17
yofelor into the local folder if the packaging branch contains the debian/ folder itself01:18
vanguardI thought about creating a rule that creates the orig.tar.gz into the makefile, and I would have all the packaging stuff in the trunk01:19
vanguardor would that be way off the standards?01:20
yofelwell, if you keep the packaging in trunk you can just use a native package and omit the .orig.tar.gz - the orig.tar only makes sense if you have the original source and the packaging stuff seperate01:21
vanguardMakes sense, what would I feed to the packaging tools then? Would I just refer them to the sources/ folder somehow?01:23
yofelwell, you have your source folder, called application-0.1 for example, and you'll have the packaging stuff in application-0.1/debian/ - then you build a source package out of that with 'debuild -S'01:24
yofel(run debuild inside application-0.1/)01:25
vanguardthe makefile would then be inside /app-0.1/?01:25
yofelthe makefile and whatever else your application contains01:26
vanguardI got some other stuff (like docs) flying around my branch, and the makefile is in the root directory. I guess I should move that into the sources folder then, and put the debian/ folder inside there too.01:27
yofelnote: the application-0.1/ folder will be the root directory for your package source01:28
yofelmeaning make will be run in there when the package is built01:29
vanguardOkay, then we were talking about the same thing. But why do you append a version number to the directory? It changes all the time in my trunk branch ...01:29
yofelah, that was a habit, you won't need that without a orig.tar and you'll set the version in debian/changelog01:30
vanguardOkay, now I got /sources/debian/... and /sources/*.java01:34
yofelthe debian/ folder needs to be in the package root01:36
vanguardit is kind of, since nothing outside the /sources/ gets into the .jar or the .deb01:36
vanguardthat is just HTML documentation or some original artwork01:37
vanguardso I would say that it is in the source-code-root then01:37
yofelah, if the html and artwork stuff doesn't get into the package then fine01:37
vanguardit is artwork in svg, the game uses Java2D, so the svg is just upstream data if one can say that like this01:38
vanguardthe generated packages should be one level higher, and not in the /sources/folder, right?01:44
vanguardThanks a lot for your great help, I have to go to bed now. Tomorrow I might try to tackle the source package :-)01:54
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== emma is now known as em
=== KRF_ is now known as KRF
valoriesheytan: people are lovin' on your splash screen08:54
valoriecomments on the release announcement08:54
sheytanvalorie yeah, i see :D08:55
sheytanglad to hear :)08:55
valoriethanks again for your work!08:56
=== Tscheesy_ is now known as Tscheesy
markeyhey folks11:14
markeygot a question:11:14
markeyis there any way to remove LibPulse, without breaking anything?11:14
markeyI have already remove PulseAudio11:14
markeybut I still have to suffer from LibPulse crashes. it makes no sense to me11:15
=== valorie is now known as n
=== n is now known as valorie
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sputmarkey: I'd expect for removing deps to a library, you'd have to recompile the packages13:33
markeyoh god13:34
jussiHrm, Our wiki theme is still old... are we planning on fixing that soon? 14:51
=== emma is now known as em
kaydsoftHi ..... would anyone who happens to be workin on the kubuntu variant of natty answer this question .... what is the default python interpretor on kubuntu's variant of natty natty .... zit 2.x ow 3.x?15:56
JontheEchidnakaydsoft: 2.7.116:03
Quintasan_HERP DERP16:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
* Quintasan has suicidal impulses from Python16:16
* yofel hands rm to Quintasan16:17
yofelwon't really help though16:17
=== kronos_ is now known as kronos
Quintasanyofel: LOL16:17
Quintasanyofel: test from Polish tomorrow, I already gave up learning16:18
yofelheh, good luck16:18
kaydsoftJontheEchidna:thanx for the answer16:21
JontheEchidnakaydsoft: no problem16:21
shadeslayermgraesslin: the meeting is in 22 minutes17:08
mgraesslinshadeslayer: ok I'll try to attend, though i might be a little bit late17:13
shadeslayersure :)17:14
shadeslayeri might not be there17:14
CIA-39[libqapt] jmthomas * 1214850 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Bump the version for the impending 1.1.0 release17:16
CIA-39[libqapt] jmthomas * 1214854 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.h Add @since 1.1 for the controlField() function's apidox17:31
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1214857 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ChangeLog ChangeLog++17:43
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1214860 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/categories.xml Include the IRCClient .desktop file category to the "Chat" category17:44
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1214861 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (installer/main.cpp muon/main.cpp updater/main.cpp) Version bump for the impending 1.1.0 release17:44
shadeslayer!find plasmakpart.h18:20
ubottuPackage/file plasmakpart.h does not exist in maverick18:20
shadeslayer!find plasmakpart.h natty18:20
ubottuPackage/file plasmakpart.h does not exist in natty18:20
shadeslayersheytan: poke18:26
shadeslayersheytan: to #rekonq18:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: is the damn flash even working in rekonq?18:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: Qt Webkit issue18:45
shadeslayerits not working in my demo browser too18:45
neversfeldemessage indicator support in choqok is very buggy. It should not be activated default if it is not fixed with 1.0 stable19:54
sheytanshadeslayer sorry, was away ;)19:57
sheytanwhat happen?19:57
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
markeyphononlogger: skype coming up20:54
markeyget ready.20:54
CIA-39[repo-management] [master] Tom Albers * c3e1f0a7e73a * repo-configs/email/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Add muon and libqapt hooks.21:41
JontheEchidnaphononlogger: you should finally be happy about ^21:49
JontheEchidna(moving to git)21:50
phononloggerJontheEchidna: oh, how verz groovz23:58
phononloggergerman kbd23:58
phononloggeroh I hate it23:58
phononloggerJontheEchidna: what is the keycombo for muon ester egg_23:58
JontheEchidnactrl + shift +m (m for moo)23:59
JontheEchidnabtw, are you any good a writing git conversion rulesets?23:59
JontheEchidnaoh, nvm. I see what I did wrong23:59

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