
coz_hey all00:04
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nysosymhi there18:14
darkmatter'ello coz_18:57
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy18:57
thorwildoctormo: hi! my backtestground ppa package doesn't install any modules, a fact i overlooked because the installed scripts worked on my system due to a little tweak here :/19:32
doctormothorwil: Do you need my help?19:33
thorwilalso, i thought if the setup.py doe sit right, that would be all needed19:33
thorwildoctormo: yes, desperately! after figuring out so many things, this packaging business is still a mystery for me19:33
thorwildoctormo: lp:backtestground/packaging19:35
* thorwil pushes cleaned up version he's actually working with19:43
doctormothorwil: OK, please start with clear question/request.19:45
doctormoOtherwise I have to think for a bit what you mean ;-)19:45
thorwildoctormo: i have a setup.py that works fine if used as such. but the package i created does not install any of modules that are in the "lib" dir of my source tree19:46
thorwildoctormo: so the question is what i have to change for building a package that will install everything including the modules19:47
doctormothorwil: Your commit looks funky. there is a directory in here with versions...19:52
doctormothorwil: OK so I spot the problem19:53
doctormothorwil: You can't use packages=['lib'], packages isn't a list of directories, it's a list of packages.19:53
doctormoand lib isn't a package19:53
thorwili started to suspect that, but my experiments with package_dir and packages didn't lead to useful results, so far19:55
doctormothorwil: No, that's because you don't have any packages19:56
doctormoYour source code indicates that what you have is a collection of modules, no packages.19:56
doctormoalthough they should probably be packaged into a proper set of python module packages....19:56
doctormobecause at the moment it's a bit of a mess.19:56
thorwili thought a package was more or less a dir with modules19:57
doctormothorwil: It is, but it's a dir with __init__.py in it as well as the namespace. Your scripts in bin don't use lib.alpha_composite they just use alpha_composite.19:58
doctormoYou need to make a new directory in lib, this is your namespace.19:59
doctormoAnd make it unique19:59
doctormothen add package_dir={'':'lib'} and edit all your scripts to use the correct name space.19:59
thorwildoctormo: ok, thanks20:01
doctormohave a look at some of the python libs I've packaged, they may give you an idea about how to organise modules and packages.20:02
thorwildoctormo: uhm, would just using py_modules work, too?20:02
doctormothorwil: sort of, it will work, but you'll have the wrath of python devs on your back if you ever wanted to put it into debian or Ubuntu.20:03
doctormoBecause you'll be taking lots of confusing namespaces from the root global python dir.20:03
=== daker_ is now known as daker

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