
ddecatorZeRoDeAtH50435: is ubuntu the only OS on your system, or do you dual-boot?00:00
ZeRoDeAtH50435my drive is fine put in ubuntu install disk and it loaded right up00:05
ZeRoDeAtH50435but my os still doesnt detect their is a disk in the drive00:10
yax51ZeRoDeAtH50435: what OS are you running?00:11
ZeRoDeAtH50435ubuntu 10.1000:11
yax51ZeRoDeAtH50435: but it detects the drive, but just no disc right?00:14
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=== your_favorite_ja is now known as jasono
yax51ZeRoDeAtH50435: Have you tried to do a driver update?00:20
ddecatorand there is the obligatory "have you tried turning it off and on again?"00:20
ddecatorbut have you rebooted at any point since experiencing the issue? i had the same problem you're having about a year ago, and a reboot fixed it for me00:21
ZeRoDeAtH50435yes twice00:22
ddecatorstrange...unfortunately i'm not very good with hardware issues :/00:23
ddecatorwell, i guess this is more of a software issue, but yah00:23
ZeRoDeAtH50435the twice time put in a install disk booted right in to  it just checked the drive and it showed up ejected it put different disk in and it doesnt detect00:23
yax51ZeRoDeAtH50435: what machine are you running?00:25
ZeRoDeAtH50435sony vaio00:26
yax51this might hep, didnt read all of it though00:32
yax51go to go00:32
ZeRoDeAtH50435ok I fixed the problem00:34
ddecatorwoo :)00:34
* jasono is away: I'm busy01:05
thewrathhey all!01:55
ddecatorhey thewrath01:55
thewrathwats up01:57
ddecatordoing some homework atm. how are you?01:57
kristian_I keep getting missing gstreamer dependencies for radiotray :(02:05
ddecatordoes it say what package?02:08
kristian_not as far as I can see... I got almost anything named gstreamer0.10-plugin* at this point02:17
kristian_holy smoke, it seems to be working now :D02:19
ddecatorgood :)02:19
kristian_it's a very neat idea but still beta-ish...02:19
kristian_or perhaps my distro is02:20
* hajour goodnight all03:06
=== collin is now known as collinp
ddecatorhey egossett05:13
egossettHi ddecator05:14
egossettI have a question05:14
ddecatorgo ahead and ask :)05:14
egossettcan i run kde in 10.04 lts05:14
egossetti want to keep 10.04 no maverick for me05:14
egossettHi elise00105:15
egossetti set updates to only lts ones05:15
ddecatoryou can install kubuntu-desktop to install kde, and then at the login screen you can choose gnome or kde05:15
ddecatorhey elise00105:15
elise001I would appreciate help with installing Ubuntu updates. Seem to be stuck in loop.05:15
egossetti am gonna try this05:16
ddecatorelise001: how so?05:16
egossettddecator: thank you05:16
ddecatoregossett: no problem. i'm actually installing kde on 10.10 right now :)05:16
egossettuse software center right05:17
elise001Says 42 updates have been selected.05:17
egossettelise001: i had to set the updates to take only the lts so i would know what i was getting. but that is all i can say to you05:17
ddecatoregossett: if it's in there. if not, you can run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" or find the kubuntu-desktop package using synaptic05:17
ddecatorelise001: in the update manager?05:17
egossettddecator: checking now05:17
egossettthank you05:17
elise001I click on Install Updates button. System chugs along for a while. Then displays I have 42 updates to install again. Frustrating. {lease help.05:18
ddecatorelise001: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:19
elise001ddecator: Ubuntu 11.0405:20
ddecatorelise001: there are two possibilities i can think of. 1) you need to restart, 2) some updates didn't install properly. is the "power" icon in the top-right corner red?05:21
elise001egossett: What is lts please?05:21
egossettlts is long term support05:21
egossettUbuntu 10.04 LTS is what i am using05:22
elise001ddecator: Power icon in top right corner not red.05:22
ddecatorelise001: alright, so that isn't the issue. can you open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" without the quotations please? that will either install the updates, or give you a message saying if something went wrong05:22
elise001I would like to see commands execute as installation happens. I mean see the script execute. How do I do that?05:23
ddecatorthe command i gave you will do that :)05:23
egossettkubuntu desktop was in the synaptic05:23
elise001ddecator: I will do that.05:23
ddecatoregossett: yup, select to install that and it will select everything needed for kde05:24
egossettyes unpacking now05:24
ddecatoregossett: after it's done, you can logout and select kde on the bottom panel of the login screen (might be listed as Kubuntu instead of KDE)05:25
egossettgeez you would never get this sort of help with windows stuff05:25
egossettkk smile05:25
yofelshould be listed as KDE05:25
ddecatorthanks yofel05:25
egossettawesome dude - big smile05:26
ddecator10.10 says "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" instead of "GNOME" so i wasn't sure what 10.04 would say05:26
egossettit has taken me over 2 years to get this far05:26
yofelI'm quite sure we kept KDE, only KDE 4.6 renamed that into 'KDE Plasma Workspace'05:27
ddecatorah, i see. 4.6 is what i'm installed atm, haha05:27
egossetti have the ubuntu 8.04 bible and now the koppel book on 10.04. but i seem to be a stable user now05:27
ddecatoregossett: congrats :)05:27
egossettstable on one laptop I have a second laptop and an OLD DELL dimension which i want to put the server ubuntu on. not yet tho05:28
ddecatorsetting up the server edition is a good learning experience05:28
egossetti bet05:29
yofel(setting up gentoo is a good learning experience - if you ever want to spend a vacation on it)05:29
egossettmy brother says i need a larger hd for the server. the drive is only 60gb right now05:29
ddecatorhaha, so i've heard05:29
egossettwhat is gentoo?05:29
ddecatoregossett: depends what you plan to use the server for. 60GB can be more than enough05:30
yofelanother linux distribution - you should know quite a bit about linux though before trying that05:30
yofelvery manual setup05:30
egossettwell i won't even try then05:30
yofelstarts with chrooting and compiling your own kernel :P05:30
egossetti am a teacher and i want class file on server05:30
ddecatoryah, it's for advanced users, haha05:31
egossettmy school gives me 1 tb drive space but i don't want my files there05:31
yofelah, server should work fine - although the only difference from a server and a desktop is that the server edition doesn't come with a graphical environment installed by default05:31
egossettand it is vpn which makes me sick in windows and i am sick of vpn05:32
yofeland a few settings changed05:32
egossettok - i will remember that05:32
elise001ddecator: First, I keyed in the cmd up to the semicolon. Got "something wicked happened resolving 'security.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)05:32
egossetti am gonna reboot in kde now be back05:32
ddecatoryah, 60GB should be plenty for something like that. just keep in mind what the guidelines of your ISP are (some restrict server use on personal accounts)05:32
elise001Then a bunch of commands executed.05:32
yofelegossett: logging out should be enough05:32
egossettthanks did not know that05:33
egossettlog out thank05:33
egossettone minute brb05:33
yofel3rd time today I say that..., and it's 6:30 am!05:33
ddecatorelise001: any other error messages?05:33
ddecatoryofel: said what? logging out should be enough?05:33
elise001Then W: Failed to fetch msg.05:33
yofelhm, I only get that 'something wicked happened resolving blabla...' when my resolv.conf is empty (DNS settings not there)05:34
elise001Then E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored,.... msg.05:34
yofelelise001: are you connected to the internet?05:35
yofelobviously your are..05:35
ddecatorthat's the interesting part05:35
ddecatormaybe the server is having issues?05:35
elise001Then tried both commands, with semicolon inbetween them.05:35
yofelhm, pinging security.ubuntu.com works, so the routing is up05:36
elise001Where is resolv.conf?05:37
yofel /etc/resolv.conf - but that should be set when you connect to the internet. Do you need to use a proxy server of any kind?05:38
ddecatoryah, that shouldn't be the issue05:38
egossettit is very nice05:38
ddecatoregossett: wb :)05:38
yofelegossett: nice to hear :)05:38
egossettquassell irc is better than xchat05:38
ddecatorirssi ftw05:38
ddecatorelise001: have you successfully installed updates in the past?05:39
egossetti tried irssi yesterday, to many commands for me05:39
JackyAlcineI'm using Pidgin for IRC right now, it's pretty great. :D05:39
yofelirssi takes getting used to, I use quassel for it's split core/client (only useful if you have a server though)05:40
ddecatori starting using irssi so i could use screen, but now my irc server is turned off back home, haha05:40
elise001ddecator: I think so. Brought up Firefox and attempting to read my email to see if I can get to websites. Slow computer. Computer had trouble detecting wifi before. You guys helped me. Think you had me install updates then.05:41
ddecatorhm, so it's most likely something recent05:41
elise001Firefox says that this is taking longer than usual and to try relodaing page.05:42
ddecatormaybe it's timing out?05:42
elise001Maybe. 2wire493 now connected.05:43
egossetthi jacky and nit wit05:43
ddecatornot sure if timing out would give that error message though05:43
yofelif the DNS is timing out it's possible05:44
ddecatorwe could try google's dns servers and see if that helps, otherwise just waiting until the isp fixes their dns server might work as well05:44
elise001Tried lodaing basic html. Same problem. zwire connected 100 percent. DNS messed up? How tell this?05:45
ddecatorelise001: up to you really. we could try using google's dns servers and we can walk you through how to do that, or you can try again tomorrow and see if it works05:45
ddecatoryou wouldn't be able to load websites05:46
ddecatorso if no websites will load, but your internet is working (which it obviously is since you're here) that may very well be the problem05:47
elise001I will get my other computer that runs window XP and try to access websites from it. Please wait a few minutes while I go get computer. Thanks.05:47
ddecatorsure thing05:47
ddecatorin the mean time, i'm going to switch to kde, brb05:47
elise001ddecator:Turning on the Samsung netbook that runs Windows XP.05:52
elise001Double clicked on Firefox icon.05:55
elise001Got Google webpage and clicking on Gmail link.05:56
elise001Got gmail and read a msg.05:56
ddecatorhm, so the DNS is fine05:57
yofelelise001: does running 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' list a nameserver line?05:58
elise001ddecator: So what should I do to be able to access websites via Firefox on Ubuntu? Hey, Gmail just came up on Ubuntu system! Probing further.05:59
ddecatorhaha, maybe it got fixed in that short time06:00
egossettwow i really like kde better06:01
elise001ddecator: On the terminal screen, last line: 8% [7 libc6-dev 194.0kB/2,726kB 7%]06:03
ddecatorthat means it's downloading the updates :)06:04
egossetti can get my google calender right on desktop panel06:09
Elise001This is Elise001. All of a sudden my computer running Ubuntu turned off. Now using mIrc from Windows XP system. Will start other system.06:11
egossettElise001: you are having a time.06:12
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest96454
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
elise001_Firefox working now. And something is happening in terminal window.06:19
ddecatorthat's progress :)06:19
MrAnthropeI'm trying to make a very simple bash script. When I type the script's name in the Run box it just opens it in gedit >.< what am i doing wrong?06:20
yofelMrAnthrope: did you give the script executable permissions?06:20
MrAnthropeNo :)06:20
yofelif not, either add those with nautilus or 'chmod +x <script>' or use 'bash <script>' when running it06:21
elise001_Even though got E: Some index files have failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead, .....06:21
MrAnthropeAlright, next problem. I want to bind the script to a key. The script now works when I type it into the Run box, but not through CCSM. Nothing happens.06:22
ddecatorelise001_: any error messages besides that one?06:22
MrAnthropeIs there a different/easier way to bind keys to scripts?06:24
MrAnthropeThan through compiz.06:24
elise001_Last 2 lines say Get:9 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/main libc6-dev.......75%06:24
ddecatorso it's still downloading updates06:24
elise001_No complaints about Gets 1-8. Good.06:25
elise001_Yes, thanks.06:25
Elise001This is Elise001 back on my netbook running Windows XP, because screen on Ubuntu computer now has funny repeating pattern.06:29
Elise001When that happens, I have to remove battery to turn off computer and restart.06:29
Elise001Not happy to do so in middle of updates/Gets. Might need help from you guys please.06:30
Elise001Here goes.06:30
Elise001Removed and replaced battery, after removing power cord.06:32
Elise001Pressed power button after reattaching power cord. Selected Ubuntu instead of Windows Vista, and then the top Ubuntu selection.06:33
Elise001Logging in with password. Got Ubuntu sign-on music.06:33
Elise001Gave the authentication password required by wireless network. Did not get same windows as before. Drats.06:35
Elise0012wire came up.06:38
Elise001www.google.com coming up very slowly.06:39
=== JackyAlcine1 is now known as JackyAlcine
Elise001ddecator: Should I type in the 2 sudo commands in terminal window?06:41
ddecatorElise001: or you can try the update manager again if that's what you prefer06:41
Elise001ddecator: Hey, my computer running Ubuntu just turned off and turned on again. Then it had me type in my password again. Strange.06:43
ddecatorElise001: did it log you out? or maybe it locked the screen?06:44
Elise001ddecator: Not sure. But I keyed in the 2 sudo cmds, seperated by semicolon, and then the password that was requested.06:46
Elise001ddecator: zwire is connected at 100%. But getting Something wicked msgs about us.archive.ubuntu.com06:47
ddecatorElise001: sorry, i'm personally at a loss as to what is causing that :/06:48
ddecatoranyone else have a guess?06:48
Elise001ddecator: Got at least 4 W: Failed to fetch msgs and 1 E: Some index files failed to download msgs.06:49
Elise001Then Reading package lists...DOne06:49
Elise001Building dependency tree.06:50
Elise001Reading state information...Done06:50
Elise001The following packages will be updated: apparmor, apparmor-utils,......xserver-xorg-core06:51
egossettwill log outt again but will brb - following your work here06:52
Elise00142 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded06:52
ddecatorenter "y" without the quotes to update everything06:53
Elise001Need to get 23.2MB/25.4MB of archives.06:53
ddecator(if you didn't already)06:53
Elise001After this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used.06:53
Elise001Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y06:54
ddecatorthat will actually download and install the updates :)06:55
Elise001Get:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/main lib........7%] (last 2 lines) (got tired of typing)06:56
Elise001Good. Thanks.06:56
Elise001I think I'll move the cursor every so often, in case that's the problem.06:57
Elise0018% now. I'l let you know when and if it goes on to next step.06:57
Elise001On Get:2 at 10%. I'll let you know how it goes in a few minutes. Sorry to keep bothering you.06:58
Elise001I got a different repeating pattern on screen of my Compaq running Ubuntu while doing Get 2. Drats. Hardware problem? Was moving curser every so often.07:04
Elise001Removed power cord and battery to turn off Compaq.07:05
Elise001Reinserted battery and power cord. Pressed start button. Selected Ubuntu, not Windows.07:06
Elise001Selected Ubuntu, not Ubuntu in recovery mode. Wondering if screen problem again, should I select recovery mode Ubuntu.07:07
Elise001About to key in password.07:07
Elise001Ubuntu sign-on music.07:08
Elise001Zwire conection established.07:08
Elise001In Get 207:15
Elise001On Get 3 now. But on Get 2 Err http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security/main libc6-dev amd64 2.12.1-0ubuntu10.1       Connection failed [IP: 91........07:21
Elise001Got thru Get 3 ok07:22
Elise001Screen blue. Drats.07:23
Elise001Taking a break while not removing power cord and battery yet.07:24
Elise001I'm back. Running Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool on my Compaq. Will try Ubuntu later.07:31
Elise001No problems detected yet.07:35
nlsthznSilly question, doesn't Ubuntu also have an option to test memory at boot-up anymore?07:42
hobgoblinnlsthzn: it does here07:46
nlsthznhobgoblin: thx (was just wondering in line of Elise001 scanning memory from Windows :p)07:47
hobgoblinoic - no idea what Elise001 is up to - only just joined channel :)07:48
nlsthznme too07:48
* nlsthzn can't wait for 11.4 so he can switch back to Ubuntu on his laptop and start using it again...07:49
ChrisDruifnlsthzn: Isn't 10.10 good enough for ya?07:49
hobgoblin10.10 not working?07:49
Elise001No memory problems.07:51
nlsthznChrisDruif: sure it is... but I currently have Sabayon on the lappy and I also prefer openSUSE over Ubuntu currently, however 11.04 is bringing some interesting new things to the table :D07:52
Elise001I was trying to install Ubuntu updates. Screen kept on freezing with strange patterns on it during Get 2, Get 3, Get 4 different times.07:53
ChrisDruifIsn't all linux the same? Only how it's installed and which default apps are installed? An how many times you can expect updates from the main repos>07:54
ChrisDruifGtg....see y'all later07:56
Elise001Thanks and bye.08:06
akshatjhi Silver_Fox_12:37
Silver_Fox_Hello akshatj12:38
Silver_Fox_How are you ?12:38
kristian-aalborghi all12:55
Silver_Fox_Hello kristian-aalborg12:55
kristian-aalborgso... who found the method to absolutely, positively remove those unneded language packs?12:56
kristian-aalborgI do "completely remove" in synaptic, but they still seem to be "wanted" somewhere as aptitude lists them as such12:56
geirhaHello :)13:03
Silver_Fox_Hello geirha13:04
geirhaapt-cache rdepends language-pack-en-base   # that'll show all packages that depend on language-pack-en-base13:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ggeorgydo you know any j2me emulator for ubuntu like midpx???13:46
ggeorgy :)13:46
geirhaAnd the patience award goes to ... *drumroll*14:10
hobgoblinanyone using the forum14:12
akshatjhobgoblin: askubuntu is where all the cool kids are14:12
hobgoblinI refuse to use it14:13
geirhaWhat's askubuntu?14:18
bioterrorroot :G14:54
bioterrorgzm, welcome back, what was your problem15:05
gzmHi bioterror, can ubuntu backup system for system fail recovery ?15:06
gzmeg: backup to iso file etc.15:06
cprofittgzm: yes15:07
bioterrordd if=/dev/sda /media/Backup/backup.iso15:07
cprofittgzm: there are several ways to do it... dd would do it by block15:07
bioterrorthat's really primitive way to do it15:07
cprofittyou can also use products like PING15:07
gzmis it the best way to backup system in ubuntu ?15:08
bioterrorcprofitt, I use ping at my work15:08
bioterrorcprofitt, another tool could be clonezilla15:08
gzmping ?15:08
bioterrorping is not a ghost15:08
bioterroror what is it :D15:08
gzmas I know ping is a network tool15:08
gzmgood,PING can create bootable recovery CD !15:10
cprofittthe most recent one I have heard of is FOG15:10
bioterrorwe make images of windows xp's and install new laptops from network with ping15:10
gzmok.. I got it , How do you think it's for backup linux system ?15:11
cprofittgzm: the think you have to do is determine if you want a complete system backup or just a data backup15:11
gzmI am talking about backup linux system15:11
cprofittthey you have to figure out your time objective15:11
cprofittand your data loss tolerance15:11
bioterrorgzm, where are you going to move that iso file15:11
cprofitthow long can it take to recover?15:11
cprofitthow much data are you willing to lose?15:11
* phillw is also a fan of clonezilla.15:12
bioterrorclonezilla is powerful15:12
cprofittYou can not take ghosts at every data change, but you can use a near real-time data replication process15:12
cprofittassuming you have the resources to do it -- server or removable drive15:12
bioterrorbut with DD you can do it on the fly15:12
gzmhmm.. for my desktop, I want to save the desktop settings, and my files . to same disk maybe, but it should be recovered even it can not be booted .15:12
bioterrornot with same disk15:13
bioterrorit's not a safe backup15:13
cprofittgzm: saving to the same disk is only a solution for you accidently making a mistake15:13
cprofittfor disk failure all would be lost15:13
gzmI know, but for home usage , I need not so "safe" to another PC .15:13
cprofittthat is why it is important to determine what you want15:14
bioterrorgzm, you can think about application called hdup15:14
phillwgzm: well, firstly you will want to make /home a seperate partiton. Getting an external drive is cheap these days.15:14
cprofittfor home usage I used a USB attached drive15:14
cprofitt$99 for 2TB is the latest price I saw... and it was USB 3.0 too15:14
phillwcprofitt: as do I :) handy little things.15:14
gzmok ? yes, maybe a 2 or 4G USB disk is also a option .15:14
cprofittgzm: for small home directories yes15:15
bioterrorgzm, is it? few hunder RAW pictures and it's 4GB :)15:15
cprofittif you do any photography or store music there -- no15:15
gzmhehe, I wont save movies15:15
gzmI just want to know the basic backup function of ubuntu15:16
cprofittthis book is awesome -- http://www.amazon.com/Backup-Recovery-Inexpensive-Solutions-Systems/dp/0596102461/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1295190958&sr=8-115:16
cprofittI am part of the way through it and learing a great deal abou the options I have15:16
gzmthanks you all introduced so many tools,but I really want to know what15:16
gzmwhat's the general tool which can do it15:16
gzmthanks. bioterror.15:17
cprofittdo you want scheduled or near real time backups?15:17
bioterrorhdup in cron is a smart one15:17
gzmok,thanks ,let me study it15:18
cprofittrsync is a near real-time option15:18
gzmfor system synchronize, I am reading docs for Xen, is ubuntu have solutioin for real system synchronize between two PCs or servers ?15:19
cprofittbioterror: wow... that page needs a lot of work15:19
bioterrorcprofitt :D15:19
cprofittI see I may need to work on that page in the next few weeks15:20
gzm? no one know it ?15:23
ChrisDruifDoesn't Ubuntu use "standard" css-stylesheets? Because I see a lot of old-style help pages :S15:23
ChrisDruifYou want to sync one account on 2 (or more) systems?15:24
gzmNo , the full system15:24
bioterrorput your system make dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/Backup/backup.img   in cron ;)15:25
ChrisDruifWith account I mean all the settings/program an account has installed/setup.....but you mean complete system...15:25
bioterroryou get mountable image file which you can use for recovery15:25
gzmyes, but it depends backup frequency ..15:25
gzmno real time solution?15:26
bioterrorwith cron you can add it daily, hourly, what ever15:26
ChrisDruifSo semi-real-time...15:26
gzmok,maybe it's a foolish question I asked .15:26
bioterrorit's not15:27
ChrisDruifgzm: The aren't stupid or dumb questions :)15:27
bioterrorthere's just few ways to do it what you want15:27
cprofittgzm: they are questions most do not even think to ask...15:27
cprofittdude... they are very good questions15:27
cprofittand many, many sys admins have different opinions...15:27
ChrisDruifcprofitt: Or bother to do at all O:-)15:27
gzmso I will try Xen for doing this .15:27
ChrisDruifWhile we are discussing backups ;) I've got a question which is to a degree related with that :P15:30
ChrisDruifI want to sync an account (program, keyboard shortcuts, etc) between 2 pc's, what could my options be?15:31
bioterrorscp -r chrs chris@anothercomputer:/home/.15:33
bioterroror you can use rsync and it will run too over ssh or what ever15:33
bioterrorpossibilities ;)15:33
gzmI will record this command bioterror applied and try15:35
bioterrorChrisDruif, ofcourse you have to install applications when copying home directory to another, but you have configs even tho ;)15:37
ChrisDruifWell....maybe not everything everything....I don't need to sync about 300GB of files for instance :P15:38
gzmsynchronize all folders to other PC then ...15:38
ChrisDruifLemma check in term what scp is :P15:40
bioterrorChrisDruif, it's a file transfer over ssh15:41
ChrisDruifOw...what I might need to add is that the computers aren't on the same network :P15:41
ChrisDruifAnd that would mean that both PC's need to be on?15:42
ChrisDruifWell....not really :P15:42
bioterrorhow else you can move data15:42
ChrisDruifI was thinking about using Dropbox or Ubuntu One or something to sync :)15:42
ChrisDruifLike I sync all my pidgin settings and logs with dropbox...I want to be able to sync with dropbox....if at all possible :)15:43
pumba_can you help me?15:55
AbhiJitpumba_, ask15:55
pumba_hi abhijit, i have just installed ubuntu on my laptop, ubuntu 10.1015:55
pumba_i had already windows over it, so it installed it in another partition15:55
pumba_but now at start it gives me this ugly black menu15:56
pumba_to choose ubuntu or windows 715:56
pumba_how can I change this ugly console menu to something graphical?15:56
pumba_with colours?15:56
pumba_i have tried to search in google but its so confusing.. grub, grub2.. burg...15:57
pumba_which one I have??15:58
ubot2Factoid 'burg' not found15:58
ChrisDruifUse Burg pumba_ :)15:58
AbhiJitpumba_, thats not ugly and its called gas  grub.15:58
pumba_chris, may i install this burg, over the ugly one I have by default?15:58
AbhiJitpumba_, see this http://code.google.com/p/burg/15:59
AbhiJitpumba_, yes you can install. but that burg its more resources and if you dont have powerful hardware it will slow down boot time15:59
ChrisDruifThat site is btw a good Ubuntu news site :)15:59
pumba_i tried to look it up in the ubuntu software centre from my laptop but it cannot find anything about burg!15:59
ChrisDruifAbhiJit: He want's pretty :P15:59
ChrisDruifpumba_: Burg isn't in the current repos :)16:00
ChrisDruifYou need to install the burg ppa :)16:00
pumba_abhijit, what u mean by powerful hardwarE? my laptop has 2gb memory and a centrino duo 1,816:00
AbhiJitpumba_, see the site i give16:00
pumba_is that okay?16:00
AbhiJitno idea16:00
AbhiJitbut btw you just going to see that grub for some second? why are you bothering about it?16:01
pumba_ok let me have a look at these sites, be right back in a moment16:01
AbhiJitChrisDruif, :)16:01
pumba_abhijit, the fact is that that console is all black16:01
pumba_and when it boots ubuntu16:01
pumba_nothing shows up on the screen , always black16:01
AbhiJitpumba_, its the default setting.16:01
pumba_until desktop comes up16:01
AbhiJitits black only by default16:01
pumba_in windows i have the flickering logo during boot and its nice...16:01
pumba_in ubuntu nothing :(16:01
ChrisDruifOw...is that your problem :)16:02
AbhiJitpumba_, yeah and free viruses and warm and mulware and no security and.......................................................................................................16:02
AbhiJithi Silver_Fox_16:02
pumba_yes also, my problem is to change that black console to something graphical, and have something to see while it boots, but first let me have a look at the links u copied...16:02
ChrisDruifWe thought that you ment the grub (OS selector) was ugly...16:02
pumba_yes also that16:03
pumba_thats the priority16:03
pumba_secondarily... the image while booting16:03
AbhiJitpumba_, you can add photo to your grub16:03
ChrisDruifAlright....the "ugly" grub selector can be easily made pretty with burg...16:03
AbhiJitno need for burg if you want only is walklpaper16:03
pumba_then i have another thing to ask but.. lets not confuse too much for now16:03
AbhiJit!manual | pumba_16:03
ubot2pumba_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:03
pumba_in the manual its not written....16:04
AbhiJitpumba_, there are wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com you can always refer there first. then there are 100s of website like omgubuntu or ubuntugeek.com etc16:05
* AbhiJit thinks of telling his blog address too!!! :P16:05
pumba_chris and abhijit, in the sites you gave me there are the links to download burg but no mention on how to install this....16:05
ChrisDruifpumba_: In this page you can see the "pretty" OS selector themes of burg: http://www.sourceslist.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/taben4.png16:05
AbhiJitpumba_, read the site carefully16:06
AbhiJitpumba_, http://pics.nase-bohren.de/windows_firewall.jpg16:06
pumba_oh!!! i love it, yes exactly like that I wanted :)16:06
ChrisDruifToo who was that pumba_? :P16:07
pumba_i think i have to get this burg manager16:07
pumba_and install it!16:07
pumba_i hope its an auto-install package....16:07
ChrisDruifAnd the site I gave, gave the link to the deb (thought it was a ppa) which you can install by double clicking it when you've downloaded it :)16:08
AbhiJitpumba_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg16:08
pumba_look at this page: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/burg-boot-loader-installation-themeing-more-gets-even-easier-with-burg-manager-app/16:09
pumba_do you think that for me is better to download the .deb.. or to proceed with the 3 lines in the terminal?16:09
ChrisDruifpumba_: Check the link AbhiJit posted the last :)16:09
ChrisDruifJust this link in terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bean123ch/burg16:10
pumba_yes but in that document is confusing cause it gives options to install... pc .. efi..etc...16:11
pumba_how can I know which one i have to?16:11
ChrisDruifafter "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install burg" just use this command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc"16:12
pumba_ok hold on...16:13
pumba_i try to give these commands16:13
ChrisDruifI think it auto-reconfigures so that it uses burg over grub16:13
pumba_i hope :/16:13
ChrisDruifYou can even configure which OS to use by default :)16:15
ChrisDruifI've got burg running on my mother's laptop....was a bit of a hassle to make it default to Windows instead of Ubuntu :P16:16
pumba_its doing something on the second command...16:16
pumba_downloading from the net...16:16
pumba_now it asks,16:16
pumba_after this operation it will occupy 25,6 mb... continue? yes/no16:16
pumba_I proceed16:16
ChrisDruifGood :)16:17
ChrisDruifYou could even add -y to something you would install no matter how much space it would be occupy :)16:17
pumba_now a blue screen just came out in the terminal16:17
ChrisDruifWhat does it say?16:18
pumba_it asks for a linux command line16:18
pumba_but before that empty field16:18
pumba_it says16:18
pumba_the following command line bla bla bla... its been extracted from16:18
pumba_check if its correct and go on16:19
pumba_but there's nothing in that field... no line16:19
pumba_i press okay anyway?16:19
ChrisDruifIt grabs it's configuration from grub...16:19
ChrisDruifCan you post what it says to paste.ubuntu.com ?16:19
pumba_so I dont have to write anything in it? and just go on?16:19
pumba_how can i capture an image screenshot of that?16:20
pumba_from ubuntu?16:20
pumba_print screen doesnt work16:20
ChrisDruifIt should work :-/16:20
pumba_sorry i had to press fn first16:21
pumba_yeah i grabbed, hold on i upload it16:21
ChrisDruif(paste.ubuntu.com is for text, not images :P)16:21
ubot2Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.16:22
ChrisDruifThat one, thanks AbhiJit :)16:22
pumba_im uploading in imageshack.. is that ok anyway?16:22
ChrisDruifAs long as we can check it :)16:22
pumba_oh i forgot to say that its in italian........... but you should understand what it means anyway.. ?16:24
ChrisDruifWe only suggested it for really new people who don't know have any idea where they can post things like that :)16:24
pumba_its the upper right box16:25
pumba_with the blue and gray16:25
pumba_the field is empty16:25
ChrisDruifI see....I don't understand italian I'm afraid :P16:27
pumba_i can translate...16:27
ubot2Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:27
pumba_italians are cold when they have to help16:28
pumba_i prefer to stay here :(16:28
UndiFineDjust meesing16:28
pumba_basically it says that it extracted the following command line (which is empty) from etc default grub or from the parameter kopf16:29
pumba_kopt, present in the menu.lst of the old grub16:29
Red-Ravenim desperate. i caan't erase this write-protected, virus-infested pin drive, and not even the dd command worked. ive tried erasing and formating in Gparted, but the write-protection won't allow it.16:29
Red-Ravenwow WTF?16:29
pumba_check if its correct  and modify it, if necessary.16:29
pumba_oh.. we are talking of 2 different things lol16:30
Red-Ravendrew121 was my  name a month ago. whos using it?16:30
pumba_I click ok......lets see what happens16:32
pumba_quiet splash...16:32
pumba_now its complicate...16:33
pumba_it asks for Grub install devices:16:33
pumba_[] /dev/sda16:33
pumba_[] /dev/sdb16:33
pumba_where do i have to put the check? in sda.. sdb.. or both?16:33
ChrisDruifRed-Raven: sudo rm /path/to.file ?16:34
geirhaMost likely /dev/sda16:34
pumba_lets try...16:34
ChrisDruifI thought it was sda as well....16:34
geirhaWhichever harddrive the BIOS will boot, which is usually the first one.16:34
pumba_now the third line you said....16:34
ChrisDruifMost of the time that's the first drive...16:34
pumba_sudo dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc16:35
pumba_is still needed?16:35
pumba_or i can reboot?16:35
Red-Ravenmight work. but the virus doesn't show up as a file. so just put the pin drive's location as the file path?16:35
geirhaSounds like you already configured it. dpkg-reconfigure will probably just ask you the same questions again.16:35
ChrisDruifYou can try to reboot.....if it doesn't work (aka, you see grub instead of burg) try that command...16:35
pumba_i see the ugly black screen again16:36
pumba_gnu grub version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu316:37
ChrisDruifYou could also try this command: sudo burg-install "(hd0)"16:37
pumba_now i'm booting16:37
pumba_first i try sudo dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc or this one?16:38
pumba_i tried the reconfigure one16:39
pumba_but its the same procedure it did before16:39
pumba_with the blue screen and so on...16:39
pumba_ sudo burg-install "(hd0)"16:39
pumba_do i have to put also the " ?16:40
geirhaYes, to escape the ( and ) from being parsed by the shell16:40
pumba_installation finished. no error reported.16:40
Red-Ravenwhats he trying to do?16:40
ChrisDruifI copied the command from the ubuntu help page...16:40
pumba_im trying to install this ...burg16:41
pumba_i try to reboot again ,lets see.16:41
pumba_now something changed16:41
pumba_there's burg but i see just a console16:42
ChrisDruifFor the better I hope? :D16:42
pumba_minimal bash16:42
pumba_and at the end, the grub> _16:42
pumba_waiting for something :/16:42
ChrisDruifDoes it look like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=proto.png ?16:42
pumba_no! its even more ugly that grub!16:42
pumba_because i have no os to choose16:42
pumba_just a prompt with grub> _16:43
pumba_what do i have to write there?16:43
ChrisDruiftry 1?16:44
pumba_its like this16:44
pumba_instead that at top its written not grub16:44
pumba_burg version 1.98+....etc16:45
pumba_unknown command "1"16:45
pumba_i guess I have to reinstall ubuntu? :(16:46
ChrisDruifI don't know...maybe someone else got some suggestions?16:47
pumba_if i can get to boot again into ubuntu16:48
pumba_thru a boot cd16:48
pumba_how can I repair grub?16:48
pumba_no, i cant :( neither with boot cd...16:49
pumba_probably that hd0 command killed the bootloader16:52
ChrisDruifIt might have....I hope you didn't store too many things on the machine before messing with burg/grub?16:53
pumba_no it was a fresh install16:53
pumba_i just installed it when i came here16:54
ChrisDruifAlright :)16:54
pumba_its so easy how 2 commands can scr***w everything up :((16:54
ChrisDruifone is enough ;)16:55
ChrisDruifsudo rm -rf / ;)16:55
pumba_i hope windows there.. its still entire ... :/16:55
ChrisDruifIt'll probably still be there :)16:56
ChrisDruifOnly grub was messed up...16:56
pumba_now another hour will pass :/16:58
tsimpsonChrisDruif: please don't post that, even as a joke (people actually do run random commands they see)16:58
ChrisDruifBetter then windows ;) 5 hours and counting :)16:58
* tsimpson actually has it on highlight, pity me16:58
pumba_now i cant go on...16:58
pumba_its not easy as before...16:59
ChrisDruiftsimpson: Won't do it again :)16:59
Red-Ravendid you wipe your HD?16:59
pumba_now it see the old ubuntu installation16:59
pumba_and its creating another partition for another ubuntu beside there...16:59
pumba_but it doesnt see the rest of the 40gb where windows is16:59
ChrisDruifMaybe you only need to recover grub?16:59
pumba_it see only 17,5 gb (old ubuntu)17:00
pumba_and 16,5 gb (new ubuntu)17:00
ChrisDruifAnd 16,5GB was windows?17:00
pumba_the windows installation is 40gb17:00
pumba_the hdd is 80gb17:00
pumba_but it doesnt see that partition17:00
pumba_before when i installed it.. it could see17:00
ChrisDruifMaybe you can do this first? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/17:01
pumba_do i have to load ubuntu live from that installation cd?17:01
pumba_and open the console?17:01
pumba_and input the commands there?17:01
ChrisDruifYeah :)17:02
pumba_but are we sure i'm using.. hd0 ?17:03
pumba_if i input sudo grub17:03
pumba_it says17:03
pumba_grub: command not found17:04
ChrisDruifI was wondering about that....Linux uses sda and sdb etc for hdd's...17:04
pumba_im trying recover a damaged system17:09
pumba_option in the ubuntu 10.10 dvd17:09
pumba_but i dont know what it does..17:09
pumba_and if its able to recover grub.17:09
ChrisDruifJust try I would say....maybe boot to liveCD and back-up your files from the windows first?17:10
hobgoblinpumba_: did you try reinstalling grub yet? is it a normal dual boot or wubi?17:10
ChrisDruifhobgoblin: Normal :)17:11
ChrisDruifHe wanted to make his grub more beautiful....17:11
hobgoblinpumba_: also if you are reinstalling then you can just overwrite the origianl install17:11
holstein^^ how to recover grub from live CD17:11
pumba_i didn't touch windows17:11
pumba_i was only messed with ubuntu17:12
holsteingrub boots windows17:12
holsteinyou touched what boots them both17:12
pumba_if i make a new install17:12
pumba_it see only 2 partition17:12
hobgoblinpumba_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20217:12
pumba_one of 16,7gb with ubuntu17:12
pumba_the other of 15 gb or so.. and ubuntu17:12
pumba_and the rest 40 gb (where windows is)17:12
pumba_i dont even see it17:13
holsteinpumba_: you can fix what is broken17:13
holsteini wouldnt add an install17:13
holsteinunless you need one17:13
pumba_how can I fix it?17:13
holsteinand hobgoblin 's link17:13
pumba_the problem is that17:14
pumba_i installed burg already17:14
pumba_and it doesnt even see grub now17:14
hobgoblinreinstall grub217:14
holsteinlose burg17:14
holsteinand try and get back to normal17:14
pumba_as live cd, may i use the already made ubuntu 10.10 dvd ?17:15
pumba_ok, i try to boot with it as live17:15
holsteintell it what to do :)17:16
hobgoblinpumba_: when you get there open a terminal - run sudo fdisk -l and paste the information to paste.ubuntu.com - put a name in the name box and hit paste - give us the new url17:16
pumba_its loading17:17
pumba_finally its booting17:19
pumba_i heard the sound.17:19
ChrisDruifAhh...the sound I remove almost instantly after installing :P17:20
pumba_ok i got the info you need, give me time to get that with a usb pen17:21
ChrisDruifpumba_: With the live cd you can go online aswell :)17:21
pumba_tell me that windows partition is still there?17:25
hobgoblinthere's a windows partition17:26
pumba_its around 40 gb?17:26
ChrisDruifIndeed...sda2 is the windows...17:26
pumba_now i am supposed to input the command: sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt17:28
pumba_but which ... sd* ?17:28
pumba_when i installed ubuntu.. this afternoon17:28
pumba_it did all automatically17:28
hobgoblinin the commands that you need to run in the reinstall commands - you need sda517:28
hobgoblinsda5 is your install17:28
pumba_i clicked the option to install it beside the current os17:28
pumba_so i put sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt ?17:28
hobgoblinthen sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda17:29
pumba_its doing something17:32
pumba_installation finished. no error reported.17:33
pumba_now i just reboot?17:33
hobgoblincool - try a reboot then - it might not have win - don't panic17:33
pumba_normally or still from live cd?17:33
hobgoblinremove the dvd when prompted to17:33
pumba_yeah i just closed the tray and pressed enter17:34
pumba_oh thank god!!!17:34
pumba_the old good grub!!17:34
holsteinnotice how long you have to look at it17:34
holsteintry and embrace it ;)17:35
pumba_:D :D17:35
pumba_i dont think its a bad idea to install burg again :(17:35
pumba_as there's no automatic install :(17:35
hobgoblinpumba_: was win om the boot list?17:35
holsteini dont get it17:36
pumba_yes it was17:36
holsteini mean, do what you want17:36
holsteinBUT its like 2 seconds of my life17:36
pumba_I just wanted to change grub into something graphical17:36
hobgoblinpumba_: k - have fun then17:36
pumba_but i ended up screw*ing bootloader :(17:36
pumba_at least now i know how to go back and restore grub17:38
pumba_in case i mess around with it again17:39
pumba_i think it got corrupted when i input that install with hd0 option...17:39
pumba_maybe my hdd is not hd0?17:39
pumba_i had to put sda probably.17:39
holsteinfdisk -l is handy too17:40
hobgoblinpumba_: it is - hd0 is sda hd1 sdb hd2 sdc etc17:40
pumba_we gave: sudo burg-install "(hd0)"17:41
pumba_and then all messed up.17:41
holsteinpumba_: During the installation, it should ask you to write the new boot loader to MBR. If you skip that step, you can later use the following command to update MBR of hd0:17:43
holsteinassuming you're reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg17:44
holsteinsudo apt-get install burg , and you should be promted where you want it17:44
holsteinand not need the other command17:44
pumba_now it gives me an error about17:47
pumba_a deb command not recognized :/17:47
holsteinyou might need to remove burg17:47
holsteinor re-install it17:47
pumba_maybe it scre*ed up before17:49
pumba_because we did not give the command sudo update-burg17:49
pumba_after sudo burg-install “(hd0)”17:49
pumba_auch! :(17:50
pumba_now i try again then17:50
holsteinyou shouldnt need sudo burg-install hd017:50
holsteinunless you skip the step in the install process17:50
pumba_im following the guide here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/get-animated-themed-icon-only-grub-menu-using-burg-now-simple-to-use/17:50
holsteinfollow what you want17:51
holsteinyou might be telling it to install twice17:51
holsteinand to different places17:51
holstein^^ is the guide i would look at17:52
pumba_ok i try that then17:52
pumba_i wonder why this burg is not installed by default with a normal installation?17:53
holsteini would think udo dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc17:53
holsteinwould give you that promt again17:53
holsteinpumba_: if you have ubuntu installed17:53
holsteinby its self17:54
holsteinyou dont see grub17:54
holsteinso theres no reason to pretty it up17:54
pumba_i see it just because there's a windows installation17:54
pumba_in the other partition?p17:54
holsteinyou need to see it17:54
holsteinto select windows17:54
holsteinor whatever17:54
holsteini use different kernels at boot17:54
holsteinso i have mine showing17:54
pumba_why everytime i input a command starting with "deb"17:56
pumba_it always tell me17:56
pumba_deb: command not found?17:56
holsteinwhat command?17:56
pumba_i copied and pasted this in terminal:17:56
pumba_deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bean123ch/burg/ubuntu maverick main17:57
pumba_deb: command not found !17:57
holsteinwhat are you tying to do ?17:57
holsteinpumba_: you already added the PPA right?17:57
pumba_as stated in the instructions page u linked:  I have created a PPA package for Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04), Karmic (9.10), Lucid (10.04) and Maverick (10.10) users. To use it for example, add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.lst (Maverick) distribution:...17:58
pumba_im trying to input such commands...17:58
holsteindeb is not a command17:58
holsteinpumba_: you already added that PPA right?17:58
holsteini think sudo dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc might do the job17:58
pumba_just that?17:59
holsteinIF burg is still installed17:59
holsteinsudo dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc17:59
pumba_lets see...17:59
holsteinSHOULD give you the prompt17:59
holsteinthe prompt from the installation17:59
holsteinabout where to install it17:59
pumba_i have that blue screen17:59
pumba_the usual one18:00
holsteinread it ;)18:00
holsteinpumba_: thats the step18:00
holsteinread that18:00
holsteinanswer appropriately18:00
pumba_it asks me to verify that its correct18:00
pumba_but there's nothing in that field18:00
pumba_so i suppose its correct!18:00
pumba_and i go on...18:01
holsteinim not sure18:01
pumba_or do i have to write something? in that field?18:01
holsteinnot sure18:01
holsteinthis is how you will fix it though18:01
holsteinand you dont need the other command18:01
holsteinburg-install “(hd0)”18:02
holsteinthis is burg asking you for that info18:02
pumba_and what is the "quiet splash" thing in the following screen?18:03
holsteinyou might want to see that18:04
holsteinif the splash screen is burg18:04
pumba_i completed the steps in the blue screen18:04
pumba_now i try to reboot but i think nothing will change...18:04
holsteini dont know much about burg and the terminology18:04
holsteinusually, quiet splash is the text that you see18:05
holsteinOR used to see18:05
holsteinsystem messages and what-not18:05
pumba_i noticed a different thing18:05
pumba_when it asked where to install18:05
pumba_there was only dev/sda18:05
holsteinif i were you18:05
pumba_before there was also dev/sdab18:05
holsteini would probably leave well enough alone18:05
holsteinand start reading about grub18:05
holsteinand ppa's18:05
holsteindo some research18:06
holsteinunless this is a 'test' box18:06
pumba_yeah but its making me nervous the fact that a burg installation is so simple18:06
pumba_and i cannot even do it :(18:06
holsteinit can be frustrating messing with a main machine18:06
holsteinpumba_: nah18:06
holsteinits not that simple18:06
holsteindont sweat it :)18:07
pumba_see, there's still grub18:07
pumba_nothing changed.18:07
holsteinpumba_: good :)18:07
holsteinyou can still get in18:07
holsteinpumba_: you might need to remove burg18:07
holsteinand reinstall it18:07
holsteinnot sure how it works18:07
holsteinwhen burg is installed18:07
holsteindoesnt work18:07
holsteinand grub is isntalled afterwards18:07
pumba_im trying to search in google18:09
pumba_how to remove burg completely18:09
holsteinyou can use synaptic18:09
holsteingraphical way to do it18:10
holsteinand get the job done :)18:10
holsteinshould be able to use the software center18:10
holsteinsynaptic package manager18:10
pumba_but I had maybe to install burg after synaptic...18:10
holsteinits in the menu18:11
holsteinyou already have synaptic18:11
pumba_let me see18:11
holsteinsystem - administration18:11
pumba_im booting again cause i wanted to see if windows18:11
pumba_was still working18:11
pumba_you mean the package manager?18:12
holsteinsystem -administration - synaptic18:13
pumba_oh no!! :( another problem18:13
pumba_i can't open the package manager anymore18:13
holsteinyou dont have to use synaptic18:13
pumba_because of that "deb" thing18:13
pumba_when i open it , gives a error message telling18:13
holsteinthats why i suggested you read about PPA's18:14
pumba_type deb not recognized at line 59 in file /etc/apt/sources.list18:14
pumba_its impossible to read the list of sources.18:14
holsteinseveral ways18:14
pumba_correct the problem in the repository configuration18:14
pumba_but how can i correct it?18:14
holsteinsystem - administration - software sources18:14
holsteinyou can get to them from synaptic and the software center18:15
holsteinas well18:15
holsteingksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:15
holsteinlook at line 5918:15
pumba_ok hold on18:15
pumba_neither updates work anymore for that thing18:16
holsteinnot sure what 'that thing' is18:16
pumba_type deb not recognized at line 59 in file /etc/apt/sources.list18:16
pumba_i meant that18:16
pumba_the problem.18:16
holsteinpumba_: you *can* fix this problem18:17
holsteini guarantee it :)18:17
holsteinyou can pastebin that file18:17
pumba_ok im at line 5918:17
pumba_i notice in fact a deb written with "18:18
pumba_i just delete that line, ok?18:18
holsteinyou can pastebin the file18:18
holsteinOR play the game 'one of these things is not like the other'18:18
holsteinyou dont have to delete it18:18
holsteinyou just put a # in front of the offending line18:19
holsteinat the beginning of the line18:19
holsteinuse pastebin, and i'll make a suggestion18:19
pumba_the problem seems clear18:19
holsteinpumba_: cool18:19
pumba_i copied that line wrong with " and " at the end18:20
holsteingo ahead and think it through18:20
pumba_can u see it?18:20
holsteinand let me look and be sure18:20
pumba_i just delete that line, cause the following one is the correct one18:20
pumba_did u see it?18:21
holsteinpumba_: yup18:21
holsteini would just comment that line out for now18:21
holsteinits the quotes18:21
pumba_i put # in front ?18:21
holsteinOR just get rid of the quotes18:21
pumba_or delete completely?18:21
holsteinbut you've already got the same line at 6018:21
holsteinit looks like that18:21
holsteinjust drop a # in there18:22
holsteinand save18:22
holsteinand you can make sure thats the deal18:22
holsteinthen, you can leave it, or comeback and do something about it18:22
holsteinif you want18:22
pumba_it doesnt like it anyway18:22
pumba_i think its something wrong with the "18:22
pumba_it tells bad flagvector18:22
pumba_i delete it!18:22
holsteinthey should be there18:23
holsteinso what does that file look like now?18:23
pumba_i deleted and no more errors18:23
pumba_it looks like the one i copied18:23
pumba_without the 59 line18:23
holsteinare you in synaptic now?18:24
pumba_brb a sec18:25
holsteinno worries18:25
holsteinlunch... BBL18:29
pumba_he went to lunch :(18:34
pumba_when u are back please drop a line here!18:38
pumba_how much are you eating?19:23
pumba_an elephant? ^_^19:23
iktany wiki guru's around?19:33
ChrisDruifikt: what do you want to know?19:40
iktheya ChrisDruif :)19:43
iktI have a slight issue19:43
iktvery small issue with the contents list on a wiki page19:43
ikthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ikttest <- it has, 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4.19:43
iktthere's an extra 1 in there :/19:44
Red-Ravenhey. would this command wipe my pin drive? or at least kill whatever is on it, even  if a virus has write-protected it to keep itself safe?19:44
iktwhich command Red-Raven ?19:44
Red-Ravenoh this one sorry: dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdb bs=1M19:45
ChrisDruifikt: Doesn't TableOfContent have () into it?19:45
stlsaintheya anyone know how to bring down a bridge? (br0)19:46
ChrisDruifstlsaint: What kind of bridge? ;)19:46
iktseems like it Red-Raven, but I would be extremely careful you have the right disk :P19:47
pumba_chris! i'm still fighting with burg19:49
stlsaintpumba_: why use burg?19:49
ikthrm ChrisDruif, I just copied the line from another page and it stayed the same19:49
ChrisDruifstlsaint: Sorry, then no. I was thinking/hoping a physical bridge....like metal/stone :P19:49
Red-Ravenok i will. thx! i have tried the normal dd code that should have erased it, but that didn't work. will this randomizing one be any different?19:49
ChrisDruifOwkay...I'll have a looksy myself....is it locked atm?19:50
iktjust trying something, seems like you need a stepping stone header19:50
pumba_stlsaint! do you know anything better than burg to have a graphic boot interface?19:50
ikt= = then == == then === ===19:50
stlsaintpumba_: grub19:51
ChrisDruifYeah, that would be it O:-)19:52
ChrisDruifIt shows header level :)19:52
pumba_it still doesnt work :( I have even installed the burg manager and installed burg from there19:53
pumba_all okay! but when i boot, still grub! :(19:53
pumba_i dont know anymore what to do19:53
iktty :)19:54
ChrisDruifYou've restored grub pumba_? :)20:00
ChrisDruifHai egossett :)20:15
egossettjust signed in to read along for a bit20:16
pumba_chris :(20:18
pumba_I have tried everything!20:18
pumba_even the most simple install20:18
pumba_by installing burg-manager 1.1020:18
pumba_and install burg automatically from there!20:18
pumba_it says all okay, but at boot i always have burg!20:18
ChrisDruifgrub you mean...20:20
pumba_or grub2...20:20
pumba_i dont even know!20:20
pumba_maybe the problem is that i'm installing burg20:20
pumba_over grub2 of ubuntu 10.10?20:20
ChrisDruifYeah....same for me.....does the same....looks the same atleast :P20:20
pumba_chris, is grub2 themeable??20:21
ChrisDruifI've got burg installed on a ubuntu 10.10 install...20:21
ChrisDruifI've heard you can change the background and colors of grub :)20:21
pumba_I want icons20:21
pumba_i want a cute icon for ubuntu and a cute one for windows20:21
pumba_thats all20:21
pumba_since i cannot manage to install this burg i might do it for grub220:22
egossett I will check in lateer here just to ssee what is going on. I might learn some things.20:25
kristian-aalborgpumba_: look at burg20:27
kristian-aalborgI've not tried it, though20:28
kristian-aalborgah sorry, missed your last messages20:28
ChrisDruifHe's got troubles installing it kristian-aalborg :)20:28
pumba_maybe I have found a solution...20:29
pumba_forget about burg!20:29
pumba_it seems that even this grub 2 is themeable20:30
pumba_i'm downloading from the software center a collection of grub2 splash images...20:30
pumba_lets see............20:30
kristian-aalborgpumba_: you can set the images yourself20:30
pumba_i downloaded that package20:31
pumba_and installed...20:31
pumba_but where is it?20:31
pumba_in application there isnt anything new20:31
pumba_nothing, i rebooted and still that console :/20:33
pumba_kristian what do I have to do to put a splash image for grub? :(20:33
head_victimpumba_: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Splash%20Images%20and%20Theming I"ve never done it myself but it should work20:35
pumba_but its just a background? :(20:37
pumba_no i didn't mean that then.............20:37
pumba_maybe I will just install ubuntu 9!20:42
pumba_probably it works well!20:43
head_victimpumba_: sorry I must have misunderstood you20:46
pumba_i am the one to misunderstand20:50
pumba_i thought that I could change also icons for the os choice20:50
pumba_but we can do that only by installing burg20:50
pumba_and in my configuration i cant.20:51
head_victimpumba_: ah ok20:55
head_victimGood morning21:58
Red-Ravenwait, whaere are you?22:00
head_victimAustralia :)22:00
Red-Ravenits 5 P.M here. im in Florida, U.S.A.22:00
head_victimAh well hello from down under22:00
overdrankgood day22:01
Red-Ravencool. is it cold there?22:01
head_victimIt's 8am and already 24 degrees22:01
Red-Ravenwow. that sucks.22:01
Red-Ravenit gets that cold in FL but it never stays bellow 32 during the day.22:02
head_victimOh that's celcius22:02
Red-Ravenoh ok.22:02
Red-Raventhat makes sense. wich we used metric. "standard" is just stupid.22:03
Red-Ravenim doing what should never be done: knowingly putting a virus-infested pin drive into a windows computer. im trying to remove it with Microsoft security essentials.22:04
ChrisDruifhead_victim: C?22:05
ChrisDruifOnly saw 24 degrees....22:06
ChrisDruifDumb C and F :P22:06
ChrisDruifUse K :D22:07
Red-RavenF stand  for FAIL22:07
ChrisDruifC for Crash22:07
Red-Ravenk = potasium/22:07
ChrisDruifOr Catastrophe :P22:07
ChrisDruifNope...Kelvin :D22:07
head_victimIf it was 24 K I'd be a bit worried22:09
head_victimAnd probably typing a LOT slower22:09
ChrisDruifWould be -249 C ;)22:10
head_victimI'd probably need a coat on at least22:10
ChrisDruifYeah...prolly (A)22:11
PCChrisI receive the error "Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: " when trying to suspend my laptop.  Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, Dell Studio 174723:36
PCChrissame output with pmi action suspend, pm-suspend, dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.Hal" /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Suspend int32:0, and dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend23:36
PCChrisand the regular suspend doesn't work, either.  They all result in kind of a flashing screen white screen and then it returns me to the desktop23:37
PCChris*flashing white screen23:38
ChrisDruifSorry, I can't help you PCChris :)23:38
PCChris..anyone have any ideas?23:41
PCChrisI receive the error "Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: " when trying to suspend my laptop.  Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, Dell Studio 174723:59

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