
brobostigonafternoonings all.12:18
brobostigonafternoonings spectre15:04
brobostigonafternoonings chippanfat :)15:28
chippanfatHelloo :)15:29
chippanfathow are we all?15:29
brobostigonchippanfat: my eczema is alittle calmer, however i am alittle emotional and depression creeping. how about you?15:30
chippanfatI'm good :) a bit gutted I've woken up so late though. I wanted to get on with some uni work before going to work :(15:31
chippanfatgotta stay up late tonight now :(15:31
chippanfatIts my own fault for staying up to late :(15:32
brobostigonlol. yes.15:33
chippanfathaha xD15:33
chippanfat:) dw15:34
brobostigondw ?15:34
chippanfatdont worry :)15:34
brobostigonah, :)15:35
chippanfatI enjoy doing my college work too, I seriously cannot be bothered to go and give people pizza tonight xD15:38
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:05

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