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nucc1hi guys, i'm trying to fix a minor evolution bug, and i get this error when trying to build the package, what does it mean? http://pastie.org/146598109:02
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micahgnucc1: it means you don't have gnome-pkg-tools and cdbs installed15:14
nucc1micahg, had cdbs, didn't have gnome-pkg-tools and dh-autoreconf . someone at ubuntu-devel told me. thanks15:15
micahgnucc1: ah, ok, you can use apt-file to tell you what package something is in15:16
nucc1if you're trying to patch an ubuntu package, is there a shorter way to get to test it?15:16
nucc1currently, you have to build a .deb and install it15:16
AmaranthI don't see how it could get shorter, you have to actually compile the thing and test to make sure it works...15:18
micahgnucc1: no, that's the only way at least for a compiled program, for an interpreted program, you can copy the file on the system, but that's only a partial test15:19
nucc1Amaranth, yes, compile, but skip the build a deb and install part.15:19
nucc1micahg, thanks15:19
Amaranthnucc1: well if you run debuild binary it'll only do the full build once15:20
Amaranthnucc1: and further changes will only recompile the things you changed then make the package15:20
Amaranthonce you think you've got it you should do a full regular build though15:20
nucc1Amaranth, i was following the instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix15:21
nucc1and that uses pbuilder-dist which seems to build the entire thing15:21
AmaranthRight, you'll want to do that once you've got a proper fix15:21
nucc1so what command do i run to do a quick build?15:22
Amaranthdebuild binary15:22
Amaranthit won't be quick the first time, you of course still have to build everything15:22
nucc1ah, lol. my eyes saw "debbuild"15:22
Amaranththink of it like make but also building the package15:23
nucc1yea, it seems to require me to install all the dependencies15:23
Amaranthof course15:23
Amaranthyou need to be able to compile it :)15:23
nucc1yes, pbuilder-dist seems to do that in some sort of way. anyway, if i actually install the dependencies, then i should be able to get away with the standard ./configure && make ?15:24
Amaranthnucc1: no, use debuild15:24
Amaranthpbuilder sets up a chroot and installs the dependencies there15:24
Amaranthbut it installs them every time you run it, thus it takes quite a while15:25
nucc1running sudo apt-get build-dep now.15:25
nucc1anyway, the issue i was tracking seems to be out of my league :p15:25
nucc1a segfault in evolution15:25
Amaranthah, do you have a stack trace?15:26
nucc1i got some stuff out of gdb yes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/70348815:26
Amaranthusually it's just a missing NULL check for forgetting to keep a reference to something15:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 703488 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution crashes if you drag and drop a file on the message list (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:26
nucc1Amaranth, yes, but i couldn't find where to place the check :)15:26
nucc1I tried valgrind, it was reaallly slow on my machine and i didn't quite understand what it was telling me afterwards15:27
Amaranthnucc1: well, it tells you where the crash was (line 873 of em-utils.c)15:27
nucc1yes, that is not the source, cos i added a null check there but it still crashed15:28
Amaranthnucc1: in gdb run 'thread apply all bt full' when it crashes15:28
nucc1ok, lemme try that now15:28
Amaranththat'll give you the entire detailed backtrace for every thread running15:28
nucc1evolution is taking a while to quit... storing folder15:30
nucc1Amaranth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/554749/ i suspect i need to install more dbg symbols15:35
Amaranthnucc1: that crash doesn't look anything like the first one15:35
nucc1ah, seem to be many15:35
Amaranthnucc1: you did run it and wait for it to crash, right?15:36
nucc1yeap. i've found it. let me paste it15:36
nucc1Amaranth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/554750/15:37
Amaranthnucc1: well, there you go, uris is 0x015:38
AmaranthShould uris be NULL at that point or is that your bug?15:38
nucc1uris should not be null, because it get's set when a file is dropped onto the window. however, NULL is a valid value, but there is no null check15:40
nucc1that sounds dense.15:40
nucc1Amaranth, see the snippet, with my added null check: http://pastie.org/146691315:41
nucc1(the ubuntu pastebin is not so convenient for repeated use)15:41
Amaranthnucc1: line 3 is your addition?15:42
Amaranthodd, line 873 is actually in a different function...15:43
nucc1line 873 is the first line of the loop15:44
Amaranthnucc1: oh, are you using maverick?15:46
nucc1ah, yes :)15:46
* Amaranth is looking at natty evolution15:46
Amaranthnucc1: in that case the first thing you should do is see if it still happens with natty's packages15:46
nucc1that means a VM...15:46
Amaranthor just installing them on top of your maverick install15:47
Amaranthnucc1: but it's a waste of time trying to fix a bug that may already be fixed15:47
nucc1that could pull in stuff that might make my machine unstable.15:47
nucc1true, i just figured it was still helpful to fix it on a stable release15:48
nucc1Amaranth, you could drag and drop a file onto evolution and see if it crashes :)15:50
nucc1the message list, that is15:50
Amaranthnucc1: I don't even have it installed :)15:50
nucc1ok, lemme download the ISO.15:50
Amaranthwhy would you drag a file on to the message list anyway?15:51
nucc1happened by mistake15:51
nucc1then it felt embarrassing that the default mail client crashes when you drop a file on it.15:52
nucc1so i figured, lemme have a go at it15:52
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