
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== emma is now known as em
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Tm_Tguntbert: thanks for the headsup10:58
guntbertTm_T: you're welcome :-)10:58
guntbertits easy when the only contribution of someone is "lol" :-)10:59
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== s1aden is now known as sladen
=== emma is now known as em
peppe84Hi, is possible to have an ubuntu cloak for this my irc registred account? this is my LP profile http://tinyurl.com/4veol8q16:27
peppe84tsimpson, Pici I can talk with you for this?16:31
jussipeppe84: just a moment please16:33
jussiCould get a staff member to cloak peppe84 with an /ubuntu/member cloak?16:35
jussipeppe84: now we wait for a freenode staffer :)16:36
peppe84yes :-)16:41
Tm_Twhile we wait, coffee anyone?16:41
peppe84Tm_T, sure :-D16:41
tsimpsonVorTechS, marienz, mquin, tomaw: ping ^16:48
* marienz is pinged16:48
marienzpeppe84: can you please set a valid email address first (/msg nickserv help set email)?16:48
peppe84marienz, ops. now is ok16:51
marienzyou are now cloaked16:51
peppe84thanks :-)16:52
DJonesDoes anybody know of an IRC client preinstalled on a livecd that uses "drt" + a random number sequence as the nick by default that would join the #ubuntu-* channels by default, or would that be something the user would have to physically change, it could be an unsupported ubuntu variant, I'm putting a record of some logs together & wondered if it could be a "known" variant/version16:54
=== plantigrade1 is now known as avelldiroll
rwwDJones: I've never seen that, and I've been around for a while on #ubuntu.19:35
DJonesrww: Thanks, I didn't think so either, but just worth asking the question19:36
rwwDJones: although after some log grepping... we've had two users in #ubuntu with that pattern of nick, and they both came from the same ISP and IP range.19:37
DJonesrww: Its probably the same user, happened over the last couple of days19:38
AlanBellpopey: I spy phineas I think19:38
popeyyeah, i suspected that early on19:39
popeygonna give benefit of doubt for now19:39
popeyas I am bored19:39
DJonesIts in his ident19:39
DJones extra  | Phineas19:39
DJonesfrom /whois19:39
popeythanks chaps19:41
popeyhere we go19:41
popeysomeone new to irc would know to come to #ubuntu-irc when kicked from #ubuntu-uk eh Garzooka ?19:41
popeydont even bother to waste anyones time again.19:41
Garzookaguys I may use the same pc but I am not the same person, its called multiple users19:42
popeyforget it19:42
DJonesGarzooka: Have you developed a sister now?19:42
Garzookawell my friend told me that when in dout come here19:42
rwwAny objections to a +q?19:43
DJonesFeel free19:43
rwwI think we have better things to do that go over that again :(19:43
* m4v watches the rain outside19:43
* popey watches Doctor Who19:44
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`

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