
effie-jayxhello all00:57
JanChello effie-jayx, long time ago since I saw you on-line  ☺01:08
leoquantYoBoY, comment t'allez vous?09:31
YoBoYi'm fine, and you ?09:31
leoquantva bien?09:31
leoquantcomme ci comme ca...09:32
YoBoYplaying with lanchpad this morning and our locoteam subteams09:32
YoBoYtoo many subteams ^^"09:33
=== popey_ is now known as popey
AbhiJithello all10:59
AbhiJitthis is our language trranslation team11:00
AbhiJitand it is not active11:00
AbhiJitthere is only one author. and now mjembers are growing.; and he is busy doing his work. so can i become operator?11:01
AbhiJitso that i can approve all those members and get team to work?11:01
czajkowskiAbhiJit: have you talked to him?11:01
AbhiJiti cannot contact to team because email to mailig list is moderated11:01
AbhiJitczajkowski, ^^^^11:01
AbhiJitthats why iu cant talk to him11:01
AbhiJiti send 3 eamils11:01
AbhiJitall are waiting11:01
AbhiJitbecause he not there to approve11:01
AbhiJitthere are 35 members in waiting to approve11:02
czajkowskiAbhiJit: https://launchpad.net/~onkarshinde  mail him  his details are there 11:02
AbhiJitczajkowski, ok11:02
AbhiJitczajkowski, ok what is my option if he not reply? how many days should i wait?11:04
czajkowskiAbhiJit: well give him a chance, a few days, maybe a week to reply 11:05
czajkowskipeople do work and may not check their mail or could be on holiday etc 11:05
AbhiJithe is inactive since 4 monyhd11:06
czajkowskiAbhiJit: mail him and talk to him :) 11:06
AbhiJitczajkowski, yah doing that only11:07
AbhiJitthank you11:07
czajkowskinp 11:08
AbhiJitczajkowski, if i want to create our local ubuntu channel then should i get permission from someone or just i can create directly?11:10
czajkowskiAbhiJit: you need to talk to someone in the irc ops I dont know sorry. 11:14
trinikronohey guys we at the trinidad and tobago loco team have done our first ubuntu hour yay!11:46
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
YoBoYgreat trinikrono :)12:08
YoBoYhow many people ?12:08
trinikronolike 8 YoBoY 12:18
trinikronothey really gave me a good bashing though 12:19
trinikronoabout how ubuntu does work too good on umpc's12:19
trinikrono*does not12:19
TrickyJHI all :)15:42
TrickyJRonnie: Hey buddy howzz u doing 16:08
Ronniein the middle of a IRL team meeting16:08
=== daker_ is now known as daker
Ronniemhall119: i created some specifications for the maps library for django-foundations. can you review them https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-django-foundations/+spec/maps-jquery-plugin23:56
Ronnieif someone else also want to review it, be my guest :)23:56

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