iulian | bdrung: That makes sense. Cheers. | 00:40 |
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geser | micahg: do you know if some of the till recently "supported" firefox extensions will come back or should I install them in my profile? (like firebug, adblock-plus and notify) | 09:42 |
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micahg | geser: I don't think they're coming back, the only extensions we're going to have going forward are the arch specific ones | 15:12 |
micahg | geser: unless Mozilla commits to stable branches ;) | 15:12 |
geser | ok | 15:15 |
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
hyperair | ari-tczew: ping | 17:33 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: pong | 17:33 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: i noticed you synced geany-plugins from squeeze | 17:33 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: dunno, perhaps. let me find it | 17:34 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: launchpad says you synced it from unstable 13 weeks ago. | 17:34 |
hyperair | 0.19-1 | 17:34 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: yes, I see: geany-plugins0.19-10.19-0ubuntu1 | 17:35 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: geany-plugins in unstable had all the new plugins (introduced between 0.18 and 0.19) disabled, whereas they were enabled in 0.19-0ubuntu1. | 17:35 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: meaning that when you synced it, you pretty much disabled all the new plugin packages | 17:35 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: I don't remember the case. Unfortunately. What's next? | 17:36 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: please be more careful in auditing the ubuntu-specific changes in the future. | 17:36 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: 0.20 is out, and i'm uploading -0ubuntu1 to natty now. | 17:36 |
hakermania | I love this channel. | 17:36 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: please poke me before touching that package in the future. | 17:36 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: and please pay a little more attention to the debian-ubuntu delta, and make sure it can actually be dropped before syncing the package. | 17:37 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: I'm dealing with a lot of packages and I guess that in ~99% cases I'm right. Everyone could do mistake. | 17:37 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: i understand that it's a rare mistake. still, please be more careful in the future =) | 17:38 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: also, it's common practice to ping the last uploader of the package before touching it | 17:38 |
hyperair | in geany-plugins' case, i'm the last uploader. | 17:38 |
hyperair | nobody likes the carpet being pulled from under their feet. | 17:39 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: I'm careful as good as possible. You can track my done work. I can't remember any complaint since MOTUship. | 17:39 |
ari-tczew | (technicall complaint) | 17:40 |
ari-tczew | hakermania: why do you love this channel? | 17:40 |
hakermania | ari-tczew: There's always an open discussion about interesting things I haven't heard before :D | 17:41 |
ari-tczew | aha | 17:41 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: i understand that you're being as careful as you can. i'm just advising you on how you may prevent a similar slip to this one in the future. | 17:41 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: please don't get defensive. | 17:41 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: I'm easy. I just understand that there isn't a human which is 100% perfect in the world. | 17:42 |
ari-tczew | and I understand your bitterness. | 17:43 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: i'm not bitter about this. | 17:43 |
hyperair | i was just mildly surprised, and glad that i caught the mistake before Feature Freeze. | 17:43 |
hyperair | ari-tczew: i'm not looking for an apology or anything of that sort. i just giving you some friendly advice as a fellow ubuntu developer, that's all. | 17:45 |
hyperair | you mentioned that there isn't a human who's 100% perfect in the world. so there's always room for improvement, isn't there? =) | 17:45 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: OK, thanks for noticing and I didn't want to break anything. | 17:46 |
hyperair | =) | 17:46 |
ari-tczew | hyperair: Yes, always room are open for improvements. | 17:47 |
ari-tczew | room always * | 17:47 |
hyperair | =) | 17:47 |
ari-tczew | ScottK: clementine is ready. in lucid NEW. bug 703292 | 18:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 703292 in lucid-backports "Backport clementine 0.6-0ubuntu5 to lucid from natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703292 | 18:18 |
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hakermania | Who gave the idea for "purchased software" section in USC ? | 20:40 |
hakermania | A really bad idea. | 20:40 |
Bachstel1e | hakermania: here is not the place to rant about USC | 20:43 |
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hakermania | Bachstelze: Oh, fine.. | 20:43 |
hakermania | May I ask? When I install my DEB, in the installed software of USC it says "Change Desktop Wallpapers automatically" as title and "Wallch" as description. How do I do the opposite? My control file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554859/ thx | 21:02 |
bdrung | hakermania: you can't. | 22:07 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: around? | 22:08 |
hakermania | bdrung: Is this automatically fixed when your package is advocated? | 22:08 |
bdrung | hakermania: "Change Desktop Wallpapers automatically!" is not the best short description. | 22:08 |
hakermania | bdrung: This is has to do with my own opinion I think. | 22:08 |
bdrung | hakermania: i don't think that an exclamation mark belong there. | 22:09 |
hakermania | bdrung: I've seen a lot of apps with (!) | 22:09 |
paultag | Hey MOTU. I need to file a package for removal from the archives. No rdepends or r-recomends. It's a bad package, and I got it removed from Debian already | 22:15 |
paultag | How can I file for it's removal? I'm guessing -dev-tools, but I'm not sure on procedure | 22:15 |
bdrung | paultag: -dev-tools? | 22:16 |
bdrung | we have no tool for requesting removal. | 22:17 |
bdrung | file it manually and either subscribe ubuntu-archive or ubuntu-sponsors | 22:17 |
bdrung | (depending of your upload rights) | 22:17 |
paultag | bdrung: as a bug? Is there a template I can follow? | 22:17 |
paultag | bdrung: no upload rights here | 22:17 |
bdrung | paultag: then ubuntu-sponsors. AFAIK there is no template. | 22:18 |
paultag | bdrung: great. thanks so much | 22:18 |
bdrung | hakermania: i failed to find the recommendations for writing the description. | 22:19 |
bdrung | hakermania: i would prefer a short description without exclamation mark (e.g. "automatic desktop wallpaper changer") | 22:20 |
bdrung | hakermania: can you show me a screenshot of USC with your bug? | 22:22 |
bdrung | hakermania: i tested it on maverick and Wallch is shown in the title | 22:22 |
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hakermania | bdrung: wait, currently packaging | 22:22 |
hakermania | bdrung: http://i55.tinypic.com/2zy96h2.png | 22:26 |
paultag | bdrung: filed as bug #703718. Thanks! | 22:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 703718 in Ubuntu "Requesting removal of source package `fluxconf' from Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703718 | 22:26 |
bdrung | hakermania: it look consistent (short description on top, package name below) | 22:28 |
hakermania | bdrung: Is it right? | 22:29 |
bdrung | hakermania: hm, it looks inconsistent on my system. packages with a .desktop file use the desktop file name as title, but all other use the short description as title. | 22:31 |
Rcart | Hello. It seems like menumaker application is not available in debian. I've searched with $rmadison -u debian menumaker, with no result. This applicacion is a X Windows Managers menu generator and is not (apparentley) in Debian/Ubuntu | 22:32 |
Rcart | So, if it's possible, i'd like to package it (i'm learning) if i can | 22:33 |
bdrung | hakermania: i recommend to test natty and if it has the same behaviour, file a bug! | 22:36 |
hakermania | bdrung: To test natty? What? | 22:37 |
bdrung | Rcart: it's possible. just do it. | 22:37 |
bdrung | hakermania: test USC in natty. | 22:37 |
hakermania | bdrung: But natty will be available at 4/11 | 22:38 |
hakermania | ? | 22:38 |
bdrung | paultag: you should state that there are no rdepends and no b-d on it. | 22:38 |
bdrung | hakermania: nope. Ubuntu 11.04 will be available at 4/11. Until then it's called natty. ;) | 22:38 |
hakermania | bdrung: Where can I find it? | 22:39 |
Rcart | bdrung: thanks, i'm already working on it. | 22:39 |
paultag | bdrung: sure. | 22:39 |
bdrung | hakermania: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing | 22:39 |
hakermania | bdrung: thx | 22:40 |
bdrung | hakermania: here are the latest cd spins: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 22:40 |
bdrung | hakermania: i recommend to install it in a virtual machine, run it from a live usb stick or install it on a separate harddrive | 22:41 |
paultag | bdrung: all set. thanks! | 22:41 |
hakermania | bdrung: This is what I'd do | 22:41 |
bdrung | Rcart: great. i recommend to get it into debian and then sync it to ubuntu. | 22:42 |
bdrung | paultag: ACK'd | 22:45 |
paultag | bdrung: cheers, thanks for your time :) | 22:45 |
Rcart | bdrung: do i need to contact the application author(s)? | 22:46 |
bdrung | Rcart: no, but establishing an upstream relationship is a benefit if you maintain the package | 22:46 |
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paultag | Hey! It's dholbach's birthday today! | 22:55 |
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sagaci | you can't sing happy birthday | 23:48 |
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