
rwwThus concludes the most busy (UTC) day in #ubuntu-offtopic this year :|00:04
rwwubottu: tell jasono about away01:06
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Pzwacmn appears to be abusive - 5)01:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (sweet_hearted appears to be abusive - 5)01:31
rwwsorted ^01:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Guest_99 appears to be abusive - 5)01:31
rwwor not.01:31
rwwsilvercrab: Hello! How can we help you?01:57
silvercrabI am lost about things01:58
* rww ponders /whois silvercrab 01:58
silvercrabi come from places with people01:59
rwwsilvercrab: You're currently evading a ban set on you in #ubuntu-ops. Please part the channel.01:59
silvercrabyou have no evidence only facts you are making out to be suspicious.01:59
silvercrabi encourage you to make your own decision02:00
rwwsilvercrab: I strongly recommend you part the channel now and follow the appeals process that you've been told about.02:00
silvercrabi strongly recommend you drop your act and prove you know who  i am02:00
silvercrabdid you ban my ip address02:00
silvercrabi am still here02:01
silvercrabwho is it do you think is silvercrab02:01
rww!ops | silvercrab is brown_boar banevading02:01
ubottusilvercrab is brown_boar banevading: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!02:01
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (silvercrab is brown_boar banevading)02:01
silvercrabthe lazy whore OP who cried wolf02:01
rwwI have been called many things. 'Whore' may be a new one.02:04
rwwSimultaneously, KungFu4/Grexo was giving me the usual death threats in PM, btw. So fed up of that guy :(02:05
knomethat must be hard. i mean, it's only trolls, but still, death threats...02:06
elkyrww is he in channels somewhere?02:07
rwwelky: I just kicked him out of #ubuntu-offtopic, hence the PMs. He's currently voiced in ##defocus.02:07
rwwsilvercrab is now nicked to BlueGrass, same IP.02:16
rwwnow GreenRollup02:28
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (sd09hjas appears to be abusive - 4.5)02:48
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (dufyhn appears to be abusive - 4.5)02:48
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ieataz appears to be abusive - 4.5)02:48
elkyreading -ot is hurting my brain todya03:18
tonyyarussoIt's been getting worse than usual again the last few weeks :(03:20
rwwI fail to understand how parents haven't rallied together and made school a full-year activity yet.03:22
PiciAnd 24 hours a day?03:22
rwwChildren are annoying, and they can't vote. This seems like a guaranteed win.03:23
IdleOnekids should only get time off from school to go work every other weekend in a factory making lead toys03:23
rwwnah, you have to provide an opportunity for parents to attempt to parent03:23
Flannelrww: If summer vacation didn't happen, parents would forget how good they have it nine months out of the year.03:26
rwwIt also would make teaching even less desirable as a job, I guess.03:27
PiciI would think it would make it more desirable, as now you're getting paid for 12 months.03:27
IdleOneteachers get paid for twelve months, just not paid well.03:28
FlannelPici: They likely wouldn't get 33% more pay, just 75% the amount spread over twelve months (this is currently what happens)03:28
rwwPici: In our district at least, employees that don't work over holidays have the option of getting a check for $totalyearpay/12 once a month.03:28
rwwah, seems this is a general thing03:28
FlannelThey can choose to get 12 (well, 24, not important) paychecks, or 9 paychecks with 33% more03:29
IdleOnestill boils down to the pay rate sucking03:30
IdleOnethe schedule is irrelevant03:30
rwwTrue. My point was that not having work for a few months at a time is an upside to the job, especially in the USA where vacation time doesn't tend to be volumous.03:43
rwwalthough I guess you could see it as two months of unemployment a year.03:44
Flannelrww: yes, teacher's unions (and thus, every union) will oppose it it.03:44
Flannelrww: Nah, they have opportunities to work over summer, and get their pay bumped up the other months.  And technically, two months to be a contractor over summer or whatever else, should they choose.03:45
rwwtrue. I know one that works in finance or accounting or something over summer. apparently does well from it.03:45
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
elkyrww, guess what.06:30
elkySomeone want to see to -devel please?06:31
Hobbseegrabbed, sorry for the delay06:38
elkyhaven't figured yet if he's maco's ex or one of the friends that gets used as a puppet.06:41
Hobbseesome people really need to find better things to do with their time06:42
rwwi guess... a pony!06:56
IdleOnehow did he get unbanned?07:24
IdleOnewho removed it?07:24
elkyIdleOne, who where?07:25
IdleOnesee your pm elky07:25
elkycame in un-identified i assume07:26
bazhangoh nice catch07:27
IdleOneI saw him join idented07:27
bazhangwith the cloak yes07:28
IdleOneyeah, so how did he get in?07:28
rwwjoined unidentified then fakejoinparted when he identified.07:28
rwwfreenode cloak application "Changing host" thing07:28
IdleOnedidn't see that07:28
elkystill evasion07:28
elkyand yay, PMs07:28
bazhangnew feature in floodbot3?07:33
bazhang FloodBot3 has kicked vitalii from #ubuntu (vitalii)07:33
bazhanghe ban evading in -ot07:34
bazhangerr he's07:34
rwwsure? I don't remember a ban being set on him in there07:35
bazhangwhoops he's not my bad07:35
bazhangathiest_monk appears to be jungli07:36
elkybazhang, where?07:37
elkyah #f07:37
bazhangelky, was asking for a cloak in #freenode , although he has one as Spicemaster already07:37
rwwwhat's the connection from athiest_monk to Jungli?07:38
bazhangsame IP range07:39
bazhanghe's done it before to get multiple cloaks07:39
rwwheh. was in here and -ot earlier asking why bshellz is banned in #u07:40
bazhanghis ident was loc0 and Jungli means "madness"07:41
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:46
bazhang<athiest_monk> yes yes ok i am jungli but tell em what is box ?08:25
bazhangrww, ^08:25
bazhang@mark atheist_monk ~loc0@ is Jungli08:28
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:28
=== popey_ is now known as popey
guntbertjust a headsup in #ubuntu: * [Athiest_Monk] (~loc0@ ....10:56
Jungliviva la teipei10:59
elkypopey, yeah :(11:11
Tm_Tas long as it just that...11:13
elkyIf only.11:14
elkyOhmy. Someone said "pedant" instead of the n-word. Sometimes offtopic makes me so proud.12:47
Tm_Tquiet day?14:12
jussino ikonia? o.O14:44
IdleOnemy logs say jan 12 was the last time I saw him14:50
popeyhe's online right now14:50
jussiperhaps he is taking a break. its a good thing :)15:00
jussieveryone needs a break sometimes15:00
Tm_Tbreaks have been happening naturally for me, I feel fortunate on that15:01
jussiyeah, Ive found them hard to take, but if you can take them, you come back feeling much better :) (at least for me - but I seem to have this serial desire to be here)15:02
Tm_Tdunno, somehow all this is quite natural for me, I just am if I am, haven't had much urge to any direction15:04
Tm_Tmight be that I am allowed to pay no attention to the channels like #f (;15:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ddgkyckicrxuvzjh appears to be abusive - 4)15:53
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (zrpxxtvugorolhby appears to be abusive - 4)15:53
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)15:53
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)15:53
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)15:53
IdleOnepeople ask if there any admins (op) around then they msg you with a support related question :/16:04
jussiIdleOne: yeah, they think the admins know everything :D16:05
Tm_TI think someone at sometime argued that I (or someone else) shouldn't be an op because couldn't help him or soeone else with something16:09
Tm_T...was I arbitary enough?16:09
IdleOnewell, if technical knowledge of Ubuntu is a prerequisite to being an op. I am may as well hand in my apron and stop making cinnamon buns16:14
IdleOnegood thing knowing how to type isn't16:15
topylithis is why people request technical support on ubuntu-irc@l.u.c too!16:38
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (SUKMYDICKFAGS appears to be abusive - 4)16:44
topylino wai16:44
tsimpsonJust a quick note regarding r00t4rd3d, most of you will know r00t4rd3d appealed against the ban in #ubuntu17:05
tsimpsonthe IRCC has denied the appeal and the ban stands17:05
Tm_Ttsimpson: thank you for this information17:08
popeygiven his latest mails I can't see the CC doing anything to counter that decision17:16
Tm_Tgood thing he did provide so much material himself, ey?17:19
CarlFKpoor guy.  I feel sorry for people who are so much at odds with the world.17:22
* CarlFK waves at the log readers17:22
IdleOnewe in a netsplit or something?17:50
IdleOnetrying to set a mode and it is not appearing on my client17:51
Tm_TIdleOne: if you use irssi, /netsplit17:52
IdleOneahh, nm. the +b is already set17:52
IdleOneTm_T: what does /netsplit show you? not familiar with that command17:53
Tm_T1952.12 -!- Irssi: There are no net splits17:53
IdleOneneed to add that to xchat17:53
IdleOneshame those emails are not public17:55
IdleOneactually, forget that. The shame is that he was not able to conform to our community guidelines.17:56
IdleOneCarlFK: The thing that upset me most is that a lot of these problem users could actually be productive members of the community if they were not so mad at the world.17:59
CarlFKI have a close family member like that.  "I speak my mind!"  "why can't I keep a job?"18:01
CarlFKEvery so often I try to explain the relation between those two.  maybe someday it will click.18:01
IdleOnehopefully with time18:01
IdleOnelost a few jobs myself because of speaking my mind18:02
IdleOneI learned to shut up (sometimes)18:02
CarlFKI struggle with that too18:03
CarlFKat least we are aware of it18:03
jussiyou got to learn which battles are worth it...18:18
IdleOnethe problem is not even "speaking your mind" but the words used,tone,attitude...18:19
rwwtsimpson: thanks19:31
* elky points to atomicspark in -ot23:28
elkyguys... maco's stalker is in -offtopic23:43
elkyyes, as best we can tell, it's her ex23:44
elkyor someone puppetted by him.23:44
tonyyarussoInteresting.  Are there any outstanding bans that are being evaded currently or anything like that?23:46
tonyyarussomight as well clarify who you mean while we're at it, just so everyone's on the same page.23:47
elkyI get the feeling nyrednek is being coached somehow23:48
elkyand even if the conversation were not between a stalker and a puppet, the topic is beyond odious.23:49
IdleOneSo the creepiness and stalker like behaviour is going to be tolerated?23:49
tonyyarussoIdleOne: No, it just needs to be made concrete and warned, and whatnot.23:50
elkyIdleOne, apparently. I'm at work right now, I can't really deal with an onslaught.23:50
tonyyarussothat works too23:50
* tonyyarusso gives rww the assist23:51
IdleOnetonyyarusso: ok, as long as we are not planning on letting these known problem users take over the channel.23:51
tonyyarussoIdleOne: Not at all.23:51
TuskRattlethere is an incident I must report23:51
elkyAnd what may that be?23:53
TuskRattlegood. elky, your friend rww has banned me from an offtopic room23:53
elkyI'm pretty certain I banned you the other day.23:54
TuskRattlei am a new guy23:54
TuskRattleyou have to believe me23:54
elkyNo, I don't have to believe anything.23:55
rwwI don't.23:55
IdleOneTuskRattle: report your incident.23:55
TuskRattleyou better start explaining to me23:55
TuskRattlewhy did rww ban me23:55
rwwTuskRattle: Because you were evading the ban I set on you the other day.23:55
TuskRattleis this the turf of drug lords or something23:56
tonyyarussorww: ah, so the answer to my earlier question was "yes" then?  Handy.23:56
TuskRattlei am not sure i can even say rww was overzealous. it appears to be a freak incident23:56
rwwThe only drug-related activity I'm aware of in here is that I'm currently high on caffeine.23:56
TuskRattlebut as time progresses, you seem to be suspect23:57
TuskRattledid you ban me for your own good ? probably not. did you ban me to save yourself? i don't think so, but i know you wish it was that easy.23:57
IdleOneTuskRattle: You reported your so called incident, rww has told you why you were banned. nothing left to discuss.23:58
TuskRattlei think you banned me to keep me out of your offtopic club?23:58
TuskRattleno he did not23:58
IdleOnehe did23:58
TuskRattlerww has not said a thing here23:58
IdleOne<rww> TuskRattle: Because you were evading the ban I set on you the other day.23:58
TuskRattleno he gave a warning and still it was uncalled for23:58
TuskRattlethat isn't me23:58
TuskRattleyou have no proof.23:58
elkyOh yes, we do.23:59
IdleOneok, well I feel your recent stalker like behaviour in the channel is reason enough to leave the ban.23:59
TuskRattleyou don't have any bans logged that list my IP23:59
TuskRattleif you do please share it23:59
IdleOneit will not be lifted.23:59
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.23:59

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