
cap_00is there any way to get hardware lights to show HD failure for ubuntu software raid?00:26
cap_00sudo hdparm -tT /dev/00:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #703432 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96.5 dfsg-1ubuntu1~hardy1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70343200:57
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HypoglybeticCan someone tell me how to write this: /<LOCALMOUNTPOINT>/<LOCALPATH>, where I want to share /webserver/ folder? I only have 1 HD.03:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #703462 in tftp-hpa (main) "package tftpd-hpa 5.0-11ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: el paquete tftpd-hpa no está listo para configurarse  no se puede configurar (estado actual `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70346203:41
sensaeI'm trying to get public key authentication to work on my ubuntu server install. sshd -ddd is complaining 'missing whitespace'03:49
sensaeI've copied my public key with ssh-copy-id, my permissions are set correctly, my private key works properly on other systems.03:51
jmarsdensensae: Check the format of the id_rsa file is correct?  That "missing whitespace" thing is (at least sometimes) a problem trying to parse a corrupted id_rsa file.04:04
sensaejmarsden: I figured it out :) My id_rsa.pub was malformed on the host I copied from04:04
jmarsdenOK, glad you found and fixed it.04:05
mrrothI created a directory under root using sudo mkdir raid04:06
mrrothhow do I give my current user ownership of it04:06
mrrothor should I just do chmod 777 raid04:06
qman__mrroth, chown04:46
veebullanybody know where I can find some sort of description for the options on the very first screen in the Server install?04:55
veebullNot finding it in the Server Guide, Install Guide for Alternate installer, or Community Docs04:55
* Datz remembers bookmarking some sort of guide at one time or another04:56
Datzmaybe this will help: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.10-maverick-meerkat-ispconfig-3-p204:56
Datzoh, that's page two04:57
Datzstart on page one :)04:57
veebullSpecifically looking for something that covers the differences between the F4 options: Normal install, cloud install, minimal, JEOS, etc.04:57
Datzis disk space a problem?04:58
Datzif not, just do normal04:58
veebullNo its not04:58
Datzotherwise do minimal04:58
veebulli don't always want to install a lot of extra stuff on a server04:59
Datzthen do minimal, and install what you need later04:59
veebullAm I being unreasonable in wanting some documentation to explain the available options, and what the differences are?04:59
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:59
ubottuThe Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC05:00
DatzI'd go with normal05:00
veebullthanks, thats not what I'm looking for.05:01
veebullthough the UEC info is good stuff, thanks.05:02
Datznp, interesting yes.. but not for the average needs :)05:03
veebullroger that.  seems like thats where the majority of emphasis seems to be these days05:05
Datzyea, it's new to ubuntu afaik05:06
Datzwith 10.0405:06
mrrothso I have Disk /dev/sdc: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes05:13
mrrothand Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes05:13
mrroth and I want to do software raid one, how would I do that05:13
mrrothin the cli05:13
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mrrothahh mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb105:22
airtonixugh i can't change the timestamp format of apache2 errorlogs06:36
Adoghey guys i need a way to access a drive i have slaved in my ubuntu machine from my windows machine in a home network, i heard i have to use samba, so i have it installed, but i have no idea how to configure it06:46
mrrothuse webmin or swat06:48
mrrothsudo apt-cache search swat06:48
Adogokay i did that06:48
Adogwhat do i do now06:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #703481 in libvirt (main) "package libvirt-bin 0.6.1-0ubuntu5.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70348106:52
qman__Adog, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html07:01
qman__also, don't use webmin07:01
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.07:02
airtonixAdog, just use shares-admin07:03
airtonixAdog, it should be installed by default on your ubuntu desktop07:03
airtonixAdog, when you install samba07:03
airtonixAdog, or you could even install nautilus-share which lets you create user shares from nautilus (which will only be available when the user that created them is logged in)07:05
mrrothhi in webmin what does thsi mean when i am doing software raid 1 "Force initialisation of RAID?"\07:16
vetali100hi everyone, could you please assist07:43
vetali100i have a problem with wget07:43
Datz!ask | vetali10007:44
ubottuvetali100: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:44
vetali100ok, thank you07:44
vetali100I have a problem with wget, and also apt-get, they are unable to download anything. Response from wget: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found. Full error here: http://pastebin.com/dan4UQvc07:45
vetali100however when I try to download from web browser, it works fine07:46
Datzwhat version of ubuntu?07:46
vetali100ubuntu server 10.0407:47
vetali100when i use wget on another PC in the same network, it works there07:47
vetali100so problem is definetely with my ubuntu07:47
DatzI'm not sure of the problem myself, works with my copy of 10.04. maybe someone else knows..07:48
vetali100ok, it was a problem on router. thanks.07:58
chrislabeardWhat could be blocking my server from being able to ping my macs using mymac.local08:38
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gobbechrislabeard: name resolve?09:24
gobbechrislabeard: are the names resolving to ips09:24
chrislabeardHow do i check that?09:25
chrislabeardMy macs can see each other but my ubuntu machine can't see my macs09:25
chrislabeardand mac can't see ubuntu machine09:25
gobbehave you installed packages to your ubuntu for this purpose?09:25
chrislabeardI have avahi-daemon installed09:26
gobbeit needs also mdns09:26
gobbehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToZeroconf if you didn't follow this guide09:26
gobbeanyway, if your ping command doesn't say ip it wont resolve09:26
chrislabeardfollowed that guide09:27
chrislabeardI can connect to the ubuntu computer from my mac using the ip09:27
chrislabeardbut the .local isn't reslolving09:28
gobbesounds like mdns is not working09:28
gobbehave you done firewall changes?09:29
gobbemdns needs ports to be opened09:29
chrislabeardI've enabled 535309:30
chrislabeardis it possible that bind is conflicting09:30
gobbeudp or tcp?09:30
gobbecan you see inbound traffic to your ubuntu?09:31
chrislabeardI have apache running on it too09:32
gobbei mean that can you see mdsns traffic09:33
chrislabeardHow can I check09:33
gobbefirewall logs09:33
chrislabeardI see a lot of UFW BLOCK09:35
gobbefor 5353?09:36
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chrislabeardoh no09:37
chrislabeardHow do i filter it09:38
chrislabeardisn't there something like | grep port 535309:39
BrixSatmorning :)10:09
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BrixSatthey say there is always a first time, well mine as come my server is consuming a lot of memory (almost double as usual) and i dont know why is there any comand more explenatory than top?10:10
gobbeso you want to see what are biggest memory eaters?10:15
chrislabeardCould it be something with the router that my server is on10:16
chrislabeardDoing with why its not seeing any of the other macs10:16
gobbechrislabeard: are macs conencted to router?10:17
BrixSatyes i want to see who is te boogie man :D10:17
chrislabeardgobbe: yes10:17
gobbechilicuil: well, it could be. what is the answer if you try to ping some mac from ubuntu?10:17
chrislabeardgobbe: When i do avahi-browse -art this is all i get http://pastebin.com/XVGrkScN10:18
gobbeBrixSat: top can show that if you sort processes by memory usage10:18
BrixSatany other "better" than top?10:18
BrixSatmore explenatory10:18
chrislabeardgobbe: All my other computers are connected via WIFI and my server is using WIred10:19
gobbehmmh, what's wrong with top? how it is not explenatory?10:19
gobbechrislabeard: it could be the router of course, but you could see if your ubuntu gets any traffic to ports 535310:19
BrixSatgobbe:  i would like to see memory in mbs and cpu10:19
BrixSattop is kind of confussing10:20
BrixSatfor example i would have to sum all the apache threads to get the real apache memory10:20
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gobbeBrixSat: pmap could do that10:21
gobbeif they are triggered by one mother process10:22
BrixSathumm pmap is nice when you know wich process is the problem and you want to "debug" it10:23
BrixSatin my case my server has 1.5 gb mem and is now with 1.6 used (already in burst memory wich is 4 gb)10:24
BrixSatand normaly it would consume about 0.8 gb mem10:24
gobbewell, you start with top to see top memory eaters and then you could dig in with pmap10:24
BrixSati was looking for something "easier" :p10:25
gobbethere are few gui tools but they are not server-related so...10:25
BrixSatok ill have to do it the hard way :)10:26
chrislabeardgobbe: It only shows something when I ping the ubuntu machine on the ubuntu machine10:29
gobbei'm sure that there are tools, but i'm sorry that i don't know better way :)10:29
gobbechrislabeard: what is that something10:29
BrixSatgobbe:  no prob about that:10:29
chrislabeardk well when I ping it ... I get this 64 bytes from www.domainname.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.095 ms10:29
chrislabeardgobbe: the traffic i get ---- 0.000000 ->  MDNS Standard query A labeard.local, "QM" question10:29
chrislabeardgobbe: 0.000343 ->  MDNS Standard query response A, cache flush
BrixSatgobbe:  htop :D nice one10:30
chrislabeardgobbe: When I try to ping one of my macs it gives me this --- 117.817437 ->  MDNS Standard query A chrislabeard.local, "QM" question10:31
chrislabeardgobbe: never get a response10:32
gobbewhat does actual ping say?10:32
chrislabeardping: unknown host chrislabeard.local10:33
gobbechrislabeard: you could try to disable firewall for test10:33
gobbeand see does this happen10:33
chrislabeardgobbe: still getting unknown host10:34
chrislabeardWhat is blocking it from communicating argg10:34
gobbeit might be that mdns is not working perfectly, i'm not expert on mdns10:35
chrislabeardwould it matter if on I'm on a PPC10:36
chrislabeardCan I just manually add my server to show up in the finder?10:38
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NeedsHelpWithFanhello everyone, can anyone help me with my fan control? I'm running ubuntu server on an Asus A8JS laptop and I can't seem to control the fans and it overheats everytime it does anything strenuous. currently i get the temperature reading of http://paste.ubuntu.com/554669/ I've tried installing the asusfans package and lm-sensors but I'm unable to get my fans to cool my machine down before it reaches the critical temps a11:06
NeedsHelpWithFannd turns itself off.11:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #703514 in qemu-kvm (main) "wrong ownership on /dev/kvm (Maverick)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70351411:11
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ruben23hi guys i have time on my ubuntu-server but its on military time, how do i change its format..?11:46
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ruben23nstead of 19:00- i get 7:00pm11:49
oljasdate +%H:%M11:54
ruben23oljas: thats the command  could it be permanent..?11:57
oljaswhy do you need that?11:58
ruben23 oljas: im computing a schedule its really hard if its military time- i just want it to be standard.11:59
gobberuben23: am/pm is not military-time :)12:06
ruben23gobbe: yes i want am and pm format not 19:0012:06
gobbeaah, ok12:06
gobbeso you are having european time12:07
gobbeinstead of am/pm12:07
ruben23yes, help me how to setup it like am/pm12:08
BrixSatgrrr i cant figure why apache is eating 1gb of ram12:10
ruben23gobbe: sorry i dont undestand the idea on the link, huhuhu, help12:15
a7ndrewruben do you mean something like this:12:19
a7ndrew date +%r12:19
a7ndrewi would have though computing anything from 12 hour time would be harder12:20
ruben23a7ndrew:  i9ll  just5 type in like that..?12:25
a7ndrewyeah try just typing that at the command line and tell me if its what you were after12:28
ruben23yes this is12:29
ruben23so whast next move..?12:30
a7ndrewwhere are you seeing a 24 hour time that you'd prefer to see a 12 hour one?12:30
ruben23when i run date12:30
a7ndrewmaybe you could just set up an alias12:31
ruben23what you mean, how to do it.>?12:32
a7ndrewalias 12date='date +%r'12:34
a7ndrewadd that line to your .bashrc file , although gobbe's suggestion is probably a much better way to do it12:35
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DigitalFluxHi Guys13:50
DigitalFluxI am trying to install some packages under Ubunu server13:50
DigitalFluxBut i'm having troubles13:51
DigitalFluxThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:51
DigitalFlux nova-compute : Depends: python-libvirt but it is not going to be installed13:51
DigitalFlux                Depends: libvirt-bin (>= 0.8.1) but it is not going to be installed13:51
DigitalFluxAptitude lets me answer some questions .. till i get the packages installed13:52
DigitalFluxBut just want to install them in a non-interactive fashion ..13:52
gobbewhich version?13:52
DigitalFluxversion of which package ?13:52
gobbeand you are trying to install nova-compute?13:52
DigitalFluxAny hints ?13:53
gobbepaste output of "sudo apt-get install nova-compute" to pastebin.ubuntu.com13:54
DigitalFluxnote that i'm using nova's PPA13:57
gobbehmmh, ok13:57
gobbeif you try to install libvirt-bin?13:59
DigitalFluxlet me see13:59
gobbeit seems that you have messed up quite heavily, i think that ppa doen't provide all packages that it should be14:02
gobbebecause for example libparted1.8-1014:02
gobbethat's not standard packet in ubuntu 10.1014:02
DigitalFluxHmm.. i see14:02
DigitalFluxthe point is .. i just want to install them non-interactively, Can i workaround that ?14:02
gobbewell. you cannot install them until you fix the problem of missing packages14:03
gobbewhy the nova-compute from repos isn't enough?14:03
DigitalFluxgobbe: they are pretty old14:04
DigitalFluxdon't even work with the current docs14:04
gobbeyou should report this issue to maintainer of the ppa14:04
DigitalFluxI tried mentioning that at the OpenStack channel, but looks like there is not one active at the moment14:04
DigitalFluxwhen i used aptitude14:05
DigitalFluxI kept answering the questions with n14:05
DigitalFluxtill it got them installed just fine14:05
gobbeanswering n to what questions?14:05
DigitalFluxwill paste it .14:05
DigitalFluxcheck it out http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/554717/14:09
plmHi al16:28
plmHi alL16:28
plmpeople, a locale -a show for me: C16:28
plmI would like add more one locale, how I do that?16:29
plmgobbe: thanks, works :-)16:58
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stlsainthey folks i installed 10.04 but whenever the server boots it just sits a grub screen without booting until i hit the enter key on keyboard19:15
stlsaintthe timeout doesnt start even though i believe i have it correct in grub.cfg...is this a 10.04 issue?19:15
gobbei have several working 10.04 machines, so wouldn't say its general issue19:16
gobbehave you made changes to grub.cfg?19:17
stlsaintno, the timeout was set to 10 seconds19:17
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gobbeyou can change that :)19:22
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BlaDe^Can you set specific users/groups to have permissions to execute a file?20:27
gobbeBlaDe^: yes20:27
gobbeBlaDe^: acl's20:28
BlaDe^can you link me?20:28
gobbehttp://beginlinux.com/server_training/server-managment-topics/1038-ubuntu-804-access-control-lists first hit that found :)20:28
gobbeit seems to include ablut everything20:28
BlaDe^cheers - i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions#ACLs but it's not tood etailed20:29
gobbebasicly you specify mount option20:29
gobbeand then set them; setfacl-command20:29
BlaDe^I'm trying to help someone allow only specific users to run php scripts20:30
BlaDe^so I guess setting up an acl on /usr/bin/php should do it20:31
gobbeor add those guys to grop20:37
gobbeand change php to that group20:37
gobbeand remove others20:38
stlsainthey when making a bridge with brctl where does the config info go into? is it /etc/init.d/networking/interfaces ??20:46
chrislabeard_When configuring your server for a static ip what is the network field refer to?21:13
stlsaintchrislabeard_: you mean netmask?21:15
chrislabeard_stlsaint: No i mean network21:15
chrislabeard_You have address, netmask, network, broadcast and gateway21:16
stlsaintchrislabeard_: what is your router ip?21:16
chrislabeard_So network would be
stlsaintthan your network is everything that your router covers, so:21:17
chrislabeard_the base line?21:17
stlsaintyep yep21:17
LinuxAdminhi guys21:19
LinuxAdminI'm getting problems with ftp client connecting to my ftp server21:20
LinuxAdminwhen I connect to my server over vpn, everything is ok, but if I turn off vpn I get an error telling that folder listing fails21:20
LinuxAdminI can connect but cannot list folders21:20
LinuxAdminI cannot see what's happening21:20
LinuxAdmincan someone help?21:20
LinuxAdminmy server is vsftpd21:21
stlsaintLinuxAdmin: sorry i use ssh for everything21:21
chrislabeard_It keeps saying doesn't have all the variables for eth0/inet21:23
LinuxAdminI like ssh but I have to create a user account and with vsftpd server I can create virtual users without any acoun on the system21:23
stlsaintaye, gotcha21:23
nimrod10`chrislabeard_, what variables did you set up already ?21:26
nimrod10`a pastebin would help21:26
chrislabeard_nimrod10`: What ones are absolutely required?21:26
chrislabeard_nimrod10`: Can I get away with just doing address, netmask and gateway?21:26
nimrod10`chrislabeard_, yes you can21:27
chrislabeard_k cool that worked21:27
stlsaintchrislabeard_: i never use network parameter21:28
yann2hello! Is it possible that the latest security upgrade in libvirt .. broke it?21:42
Cyphuris there any way to get ubuntu server into a gui? i tried startx but its just the console again23:15
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mrrothCyphur yes23:37
mrrothuse webmin23:37
mrrothCyphur use webmin for all yoru server needs23:37
shaunowebmin's rarely a good idea.  'depreciated' would be the most polite way to explain it23:46
mrrothoh it is23:47
mrrothI jus tinstalled last night to do raid 123:47
mrrothand setup samba23:47
mrrothdid I break shit23:48
mrrothis thier something like webmin but ubuntu friendly23:48
mrrothalso I have a question, I know crash plan backup is free for home use, but I can't seem to find in google were I can download the server23:48
mrroththat free for none cormecial use23:48
shaunoI think ebox is the closest atm23:49
ubottuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.23:49
mrrothshauno so I can do apt-get isntall ebox23:52
mrrothreason is I didn't know how to create raid 1 in linux or I forgot23:52
mrrothor got nervous23:52
mrrothso I just installed webmin it was 2 am in the morning, i was like I need to get this raid working23:53
mrrothand installed webmin, got the raid up and running, and then said well since this does samba let me do shares also23:53
shaunomrroth: I'd probably take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox  .. I've never used it, so the wiki's gonna beat my guesswork23:53
mrrothhave you heard of crash plan23:54
mrroththe backup stuff I can't seem to find on their website the free home server backup version23:54

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