
AlanisHello, can anyone help me troubleshoot why my sound and IM icons are not available from my top menu bar?00:07
AlanisHey I'm trying to enter the Ubuntu chat room but it wont let me me00:26
Alanisalthough I have registered with nickserv00:26
AlanisI'm trying to get by Sound tray and IM icons to show on my top bar on my desktop. For some reason is now gone.00:28
=== excid3|mbp is now known as excid3|mbprooooo
=== excid3|mbprooooo is now known as excid3|wooooooot
=== excid3|wooooooot is now known as excid3|mbp
=== excid|mbp is now known as excid3|mbp
=== excid3|mbp is now known as God___
=== God___ is now known as excid3|mbp

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