
squishyrww, not just Ubuntu, it's an apt issue seen across most Debian-based distro's I've tried...00:00
rwwsquishy: It's a default in Ubuntu and Debian.00:00
rwwsquishy: specifically, in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/. I know because I remove it when I reinstall.00:00
selim@schnuffle: Nop, id din't wroked, it says that kdelibs isn't installed on my computer.00:01
selim@rww I speak french00:01
rwwselim: You could try #ubuntu-fr, then :)00:01
schnuffleselim: of course you need to check the right name00:01
schnuffleselim: wait i check00:01
schnuffleselim: kdelibs4c2a00:02
edoceoI'm on a karmic system, just did an update and now when it boots the system doesn't auto-start - shows my kernel but I have to manually select and press enter00:03
edoceoNot so good for remote machines - seems like grub is not counting down - how to fix?00:03
selimschnuffle: Nop00:04
coz_edoceo,   first thing I would do is  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:05
coz_edoceo,   then reboot00:05
edoceocoz_: thats what caused this issue in the first place -00:05
schnuffleselim: so you don't have kde installed?00:05
coz_edoceo,   to be honest... I am running 11.04  and that happens on occasion... not sure why00:06
coz_edoceo,   you could check with the people in #grub00:06
edoceoUbuntu updates frequently break - it's not a grub issue - reasearch points to Ubuntu updating issues - many forum posts00:06
edoceoFound fix, thx00:08
selimschnuffle : I still have kde application, and i can still choose kde when i start my PC00:09
schnufflewhat shows a dpkg -l | grep kde?00:10
schnuffleselim:  put a sudo in front00:10
MorsAny idea if java is avial for ppc?00:12
MorsNo suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.00:12
MorsThe version of the JVM must be at least 1.5.00:12
coz_Mors,   did you enable the partner repositories in synaptic?00:13
coz_Mors,   you should be able to install sun java00:13
Morsi am opretty sure i did enable it, this error actually cought me off guard :/00:14
itaylor57Mors: type java -version in a terminal00:14
MorsIs there an apt-get for this? The Download center dosnt give me an option00:14
Morsit says not installed, lol00:15
Morsthen gives me an apt-get :)00:15
opengeard #fedora00:15
opengeardDamnit xchat...00:15
itaylor57!PPC | Mors00:15
ubottuMors: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:15
Morsyep, im aware00:16
MorsI had this pos ibook sitting around and decided id make it my stocks and bonds pc :)00:16
aeon-ltdMors: cool, though isn't the screen size a problem?00:17
MorsNot yet, Hasnt caused me any problems, I mean im 25 so i got great eyesight :)00:17
MorsMulti-Desktops are a life saver as well :D00:18
schnuffleMors: that will change :)00:18
MorsThis actually belive it or not, Runs real smooth, I think the only draw back right now is i dont have a right mouse click :/00:18
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itaylor57Mors: sudo apt-get install icedtea-gcjwebplugin00:18
=== your_favorite_ja is now known as jasono
Morsitaylor57, thanks, the kaffe one failed on me :(00:19
BluesKajyaay , KM0201 , plugged the Belkin into the den pc , and as you described it connected with all my previous settings in network manager, only thing i had to change was the IP since the IP range was changed on the router a few months back00:19
MorsAny way for me to imitate a right mouse click? with Keys00:20
Morswait i found it, the eject button on the laptop is the right mouse click haha00:20
DarothaneMors, there's a key next to right-control key that might work, it usually does things like that00:20
MorsEnter? Haha, fuckin half backwards apple products :)00:21
BluesKajKM0201:  this thing hasn't worked for over a yr if not more :)00:21
BluesKajMors: language pls00:21
schnuffleMors: http://www.void.gr/kargig/blog/2009/06/11/handling-right-clicks-on-a-macbook-running-linux/00:22
Curly_QWhat is this floodbot thing about?00:22
MorsHaha, sorry BluesKaj :00:22
Morsschnuffle, Thanks!00:22
rwwCurly_Q: Due to spam problems, #ubuntu is temporarily limited to registered users and people who answer those questions.00:23
Curly_QHas Xubuntu changed its Apache2 to anything else?00:24
Curly_QThanks Rww.00:24
rwwCurly_Q: Xubuntu uses the same apache2 packaging as Ubuntu.00:24
Curly_QIt doesn't seem to have the same path though.00:24
rwwAs Ubuntu? It should do. They're literally the same packages.00:25
Morsitaylor57, Thanks for that apt-get , that fixed my problem :)00:25
itaylor57Mors: np00:25
Curly_QI am in an SSH    and looking for      /usr/share/apache2/00:27
HypoglybeticCan someone help me with Samba Shares? I am having trouble connecting via Win7.  However I can connect to win7 shares via ubuntu. I tried adding a user and it failed.00:28
rwwCurly_Q: That directory's provided by the apache2.2-common package in X/K/Ubuntu's maverick repository. Probably similar name in other versions.00:29
Curly_QThere should be a default   /www     path.00:29
etzerdhello all00:29
rwwCurly_Q: Debian and Ubuntu use /var/www, not /www00:29
Curly_QLet me check that one.00:29
etzerdwhat is the latest version of ubuntu out there?00:29
Mors10.10 ?00:29
VCoolioetzerd: it00:30
rwwetzerd: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) is the latest stable release. Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) is the current Long Term Support stable release. Ubuntu Natty is the current unstable development version.00:30
VCoolio etzerd it's YY.MM where month is april (04) or october (10)00:30
etzerdwhat about the 11.04? becasue I just update my system and when I click on about it says that I'm using ubuntu 11.04 release in April 2011. how can that be?00:30
rwwetzerd: That's a known documentation bug. Run "lsb_release -a" in the terminal to see what version you're actually using.00:31
MorsNow if you install 9.10 and update to 10.10 will that reflect so? Cause i dont think mine did lol00:32
rwwMors: If you install 9.10 and upgrade to 10.04 and then 10.10, lsb_release -a will say 10.1000:32
MorsCould be cause im using an ibook g4 :)00:33
rwwIt shouldn't matter, unless the PPC repository diverges from our normal ones.00:33
rww(well, more than it needs to, that is. the versioning information stuff is architecture independent, I think)00:34
MorsMeh, no big deal, Thing still operates like a champ00:34
=== zubin71_ is now known as zubin71
etzerdthe system display lsb command not found00:35
Morslsb_release -a00:35
Morsis what you need to type00:35
Morsbrandon@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ lsb_release -a00:35
MorsNo LSB modules are available.00:35
MorsDistributor ID:Ubuntu00:35
MorsDescription:Ubuntu 9.1000:35
FloodBot3Mors: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:35
etzerdsorry Mors: I got it. the system display version 10.10 code name: Maverick00:36
SertseHey I'm trying to make a script that'll make a new folder each time and download some stuff. How do I get it  make a folder each time? mkdir.... something00:36
Alanis'm trying to get by Sound tray and IM icons to show on my top bar on my desktop. For some reason is now gone.00:36
MorsNo need to apologize to me, i just found out how to do that myself thanks to rww:00:36
rwwSertse: Give an example of what you want the folder to be named?00:36
AlanisHow can I get my Sound and IM tray icons to show again?00:36
joshuacarmackcan anyone help me with a tar.bz2 file?00:37
coz_Alanis,   right click the dock   and add the  Notification area  <,  I believe that is what you mean00:37
SpinachHeadcan't find ia-32 libs or emacs in repos, which do I need for 10.10?00:37
schnuffleSertse: mkdir <foldername>00:37
rwwSpinachHead: it's ia32-libs00:37
bastidrazor!panels | Alanis00:37
ubottuAlanis: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:37
coz_Alanis,   rather right click the gnome panel   Add to panel00:37
Alaniscoz_, no I have that on, but there is no sound or IM icons00:37
=== BrendenB is now known as Guest14944
rwwSpinachHead: though if 'emacs' isn't showing up, you might need to refresh your package list cache. Run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal, or click Reload (I think?) in Synaptic.00:38
coz_Alanis,   mm see if  Notification Applet is there  not   Notification area00:38
rwwNixGeek: Stop annoying FloodBot3, please :(00:38
SpinachHeadah, thanks rww forgot about update, now it's got it00:39
joshuacarmackcan anyone help me with tar.bz2 files?00:39
Ademanugh, the custom android ROM scene is annoying :-/00:39
xangua!compile | joshuacarmack00:39
ubottujoshuacarmack: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:39
rwwjoshuacarmack: Would help if you said what you want to do with one :\00:39
Ademango ask your uncle john00:39
Alaniscoz_, I was given this command "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel" by someone name ubottu and that solved the issue, thanks00:40
frxstremWill the startup disk creation tool in Ubuntu work for other Ubuntu-derived distros too, or only Ubuntu ISOs?00:40
joshuacarmackit says it doesnt need to be installed, just to run it00:40
coz_Alanis,  cool  and ubotu is actually a bot  :)00:40
bastidrazorAlanis: coz was right though.. you needed to add the applet back to your panel00:40
rwwfrxstrem: Depends on what changes the derivative's made. Non-derivatives don't tend to work.00:40
xanguarun what joshuacarmack ¿ do we have to guess¿00:40
bastidrazorAlanis: indicator applet is the actual applet that was missing. it is a bit easier to just reset them for some cases00:41
joshuacarmacksorry, im installing Pheonix Viewer for Secondlife00:41
rwwjoshuacarmack: Right-click it and choose the option to extract it, open the folder that creates, and double-click the application inside.00:41
Alaniscoz_, oh ok,LOL... I'm new to IRC as I'm only 9years old00:41
coz_Alanis,   no problem..eventually you get used to things around here :)00:41
AlanisI love Ubuntu00:41
frxstremrww: okay, do you happen to know if Jolicloud (which I think is a derivative of Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook) will work?00:41
Alanisby now heh heh thanks....00:41
schnufflejoshuacarmack: tar xjfv archive.tar.bz2 to unpack00:42
rwwfrxstrem: no idea, sorry. We don't do derivatives support here, so I don't know much about it.00:42
xanguafrxstrem: Unetbootin never failed to me to create any linux usb startup disk00:42
schnufflefrxstrem: ceck out multiboot, gets you a bunch of live distris on one stick00:43
Morsive used hirens boot disk00:44
Morswhich is a life saver!00:44
schnufflefrxstrem: tested jolicloud but you need an account, so droppe it00:44
petersm0how might I stop Ubuntu from trying to read/mount a Zune?00:44
ndrwgnhelp with meerkat-ion digital flat panel resolutions00:44
=== guillermo is now known as Guest84722
petersm0i know it won't but i just want to charge the Zune off the same USB hub that's attached to my PC00:44
GulfstreamHow do I burn an image to my DVD+RW? I had something on there and then I blanked it (I did not use fast blanking) and then it became unreadable by the system.00:45
maxxistgood even folks.  question regarding don't laugh...  Trident video in an older toshiba laptop using Lucid.  It isnt picking up my video properly and I cant use my full screen.  The chipset is capable of 1024x768.  I have found a good tutorial on getting it going.  however I cannot find the xorg.conf file.  it is supposed to be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf   I cannot see it there.  any ideas??00:46
psusiGulfstream, right click on the image file and choose write to disc00:46
digitalfizmaxxist, i beleive unless you make one by hand ubuntu doesnt have an xorg.conf it generates the config at runtime00:47
Gulfstreampsusi: It now says "Please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD."00:47
wasutton3-Kirai am having trouble with my  Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 card, is there something special i have to do in order to get it working under maverick?00:47
digitalfizGulfstream, sometimes discs are just bad maybe it was faulty and the blanking messed it up :/00:48
maxxistdigitalfiz, ouch.  that sounds a little more complicated00:48
Gulfstreamdigitalfiz: So there is no way to fix it?00:48
KM0201maxxist: what graphics device does it have?00:48
maxxistKM0201, its a Cyber Alladin-T00:48
KM0201maxxist: thats the model laptop i do beleive, what is the graphics card chipset00:49
digitalfizGulfstream, it sounds like just a bad disc if you have the ability maybe try it on another system but sometimes that just happens specially if you bought cheap discs(not saying you did of course)00:49
maxxistKM0201, no its a toshiba satelite00:49
maxxistKM0201, the video chipset is a Trident CyberAlladin-T00:50
schnufflemaxxist: sudo Xorg -configure00:50
KM0201maxxist: so the chipset is a cyber alladin-t?    maxxist pastebin your lspci00:50
schnufflemaxxist: will generate xorg.conf00:50
maxxistschnuffle, I think i need to shut down Xorg first00:50
schnufflemaxxist: yes00:51
maxxistschnuffle, which i dont know how to do.  but I am ssh'd into the machine right now.00:51
schnufflemaxxist: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:51
rusivipetersm0: Just plug it in, then when it's reading/writing just secondary click and the primary click Safely Remove00:52
maxxistschnuffle, that worked.  ty.   is it a problem for me to move the created xorg.conf file from my home folder to /etc/X11/  ??  for some reason it made the file there.00:53
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schnufflemaxxist: no move it over00:54
nore_hi everybody!00:54
jolarenHow do I view EXIF data in F-SPOT?00:57
nore_i installed ubuntu 10.10. it was fine, but suddenly my typing got slow. There's delay between key pressing, it is very short, but enough to cause typing problem. When i type, sometimes letters are missing. please help me. by the way, slow keys are not active.00:57
=== Caelum_ is now known as Caelum
maxxistschnuffle, Thank you.  that worked perfectly.  it even detected the video chipset this time.  I didnt need to manually edit it.  wonder why the installer isnt capable of doing this??00:58
moegreencan someone step me through how to install a version of vmware i downloaded?  In the readme file it just says install it :)00:58
WaltherFImoegreen: is it a folder full of stuff?00:59
schnufflemaxxist: wrinting such a generalized peace of software is an art00:59
moegreeni unzipped the original and now its a 300+mb folder that ends in .bundle00:59
WaltherFImoegreen: open a terminal (applications - accessories - terminal)00:59
moegreenim in01:00
WaltherFIcd /folder/where/the/files/are01:00
moegreenya there...01:00
WaltherFIsudo make01:00
moegreenNo targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.01:00
WaltherFIsudo ./install01:00
moegreen./install: command not found01:01
schnufflemoegreen: i think the name of te binary is something like vmware-installer.sh01:01
schnufflemoegreen: do a ls -l and paste01:01
WaltherFImoegreen: sudo sh installer.sh if you find that file01:01
moegreenno this is a version i got off usenet01:02
silverrockerhi, Don't know where to ask but this is my best shot I guess, I have build an untangle box and I have 2 NICS, one for internet in and one for the clients, how can I connect about 40 ethernet cables to the untangle?01:02
moegreenno sh files01:02
WaltherFImoegreen: .deb files?01:02
WaltherFIhow many types of installable files there are... and why...01:03
WaltherFImoegreen: sudo dpkg -i stuff.deb for deb files, if there are...01:04
moegreenno .deb either01:04
schnufflesilverrocker: enable ip_forwarding01:04
WaltherFImoegreen: also, where did you download it?01:04
silverrockerschnuffle, ip forewarding is something completly different...01:04
moegreenall i have is the instruction via .nfo file and the bundle01:04
* jasono is away: I'm busy01:05
WaltherFI...and in instructions it says?01:05
schnufflesilverrocker: oops just finished to read the whole snetence sorry01:05
DiamondciteI have no idea what an untangle box is supposed to do.01:06
DiamondciteMake it so that every system that wants to access any other system needs to pass through that box first?01:06
schnufflesilverrocker: buy a switch and thats it01:10
silverrockerschnuffle, problem is that I have one cable going out and that I have to get alot of data through, Im talking gigabit speeds on as much cables as possible01:11
schnuffleif you need more throughoutput you can use bonding to use more than one interface, the witch needs to support it01:12
schnuffleor buy 10GB equipment :)01:13
ndrwgnhelp with meerkat-ion invidia graphics01:15
PlsHalpDoes anyone know how to set permissions so that users can read/write but cannot delete?01:17
checkalt666is any alternative msn for ubuntu working?01:17
PlsHalpi don't want files to get over written without them being saved01:17
PlsHalpfor msn chat, i'd say pidgin01:17
checkalt666pidgin is not working01:17
checkalt666can't connect :/01:18
DrGrovE17 for Ubuntu 10.04? Easy ways to install?01:18
IrreducibilisPlsHalp, Chmod so you don't allow ... wait, that is a good question.01:18
psycho_oreosnot really PlsHalp, write gives one permission to edit it as well as any inhereited file manipulation01:18
aeon-ltdcheckalt666: unless you've changed something its more likely a server is just down01:19
checkalt666aeon-ltd, i spent my whole afternoon looking for a way to fix, and seems like most of the people can't fix it01:20
rusty149PlsHalp: Use the sticky bit, sudo chmod +t /path/to/file01:20
checkalt666empathy, pidgin, amsn, emesene... none of them are working01:21
markturnipI'm trying to make LaunchAPD start when I turn on my computer. I've created a script & placed it in init.d directory. It works fine if I 'start' it. So have used "sysv-rc-conf" to make it run at launch, but it doesn't seem to work?01:21
markturnipsorry, hostapd - not LaunchAPD.01:21
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izinucsDoes CTRL+F5 ignore what's in cache and refresh a web page in Chrome or FF?01:23
kirkmorenoQuestion: need help with Terminator X.. not sure what audio devce settings to use... Error starting engine: failed to access audiodevice.01:23
kirkmorenoPlease check the audio device settings in the "Preferences" dialog.01:23
schnufflemarkturnip: is it executable, does it accept the paramters start/stop, shall it be executed by root/other user01:23
markturnipshare_ :It is an executable. Yes I have to pass start & be root for it to run.01:24
=== share_ is now known as share__
checkalt666izinucs, yep, at least in FF, yes.01:24
markturnipSorry, I meant schnuffle:01:24
italicwith a 3g usb modem, would you use ifconfig or iwconfig?01:25
schnuffleis it owned by root?01:25
izinucscheckalt666: thanks.. thought I was going nuts.01:26
psycho_oreositalic: ifconfig for sure01:26
schnuffleAh, have you set the correct environemt. keep in mind that you can't count on having te same when te script gets executed01:26
schnufflemarkturnip: that was for ou :)01:26
psycho_oreositalic: the issue is that it relies on iirc option module which will appear as ppp001:26
checkalt666izinucs, no problem. by the way, is any msn-alternative working there?01:27
markturnipschnuffle: How do I know if I've set the correct environment?01:27
schnufflemarkturnip: use absolute paths to the binaries should do the trick01:28
izinucscheckalt666: don't use it sorry01:28
nubuntuim installing lubuntu and i chose to manually partition space01:28
nubuntukinda having trouble, i think01:28
italicpsycho_oreos: will i have to load that module, or will it auto load on startup if the device is in? i can see it when i lsusb01:28
nubuntucan any1 help?01:28
schnuffle!ask | nubuntu01:29
ubottunubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:29
PzwacmnHow about the enviroment? Canonical clearly does not care much for enviromental protection. The amount of Ubuntu CDs they have dumped in the past is unacceptable. They have reached AOL quantities.01:29
psycho_oreositalic: it should be loaded as soon as you plug that 3G USB modem in, unless you have blacklisted of course01:29
PzwacmnHow about the enviroment? Canonical clearly does not care much for enviromental protection. The amount of Ubuntu CDs they have dumped in the past is unacceptable. They have reached AOL quantities.01:29
kirkmorenoQuestion: I want to get input data from my turntables to my computer.. terminatorX is not working out... an error is keeping it from working .. does anyone have some alternatives?01:29
rww!ot | Pzwacmn01:29
ubottuPzwacmn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:29
psycho_oreos!lubuntu| nubuntu01:29
ubottunubuntu: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:29
markturnipschnuffle: This is my script: http://pastebin.com/JWw8gzzG01:29
sharePzwacmn: they could have distributed them for free :)01:29
nubuntui did, in the part above where i said can any1 help01:29
q1wis there a way to see a Linux partition in Windows?01:30
Pzwacmnfaggot! get the fuck out of here. we don't take kindly to you people around here. you're worse than the niggers. at least the niggers are predictable - they just want to make illegitimate children, eat fried chicken, and steal cars - you faggots, who the fuck knows what you're going to do next?01:30
psycho_oreosq1w: no01:31
sweet_heartedfaggot! get the fuck out of here. we don't take kindly to you people around here. you're worse than the niggers. at least the niggers are predictable - they just want to make illegitimate children, eat fried chicken, and steal cars - you faggots, who the fuck knows what you're going to do next?01:31
kirkmoreno     +01:31
Guest_99faggot! get the fuck out of here. we don't take kindly to you people around here. you're worse than the niggers. at least the niggers are predictable - they just want to make illegitimate children, eat fried chicken, and steal cars - you faggots, who the fuck knows what you're going to do next?01:31
sweet_heartedfaggot! get the fuck out of here. we don't take kindly to you people around here. you're worse than the niggers. at least the niggers are predictable - they just want to make illegitimate children, eat fried chicken, and steal cars - you faggots, who the fuck knows what you're going to do next?01:31
kirkmorenostop spamming01:31
kirkmorenosome get him out of here01:31
checkalt666wtf is this.01:31
rwwkirkmoreno: They're gone.01:31
q1wpsycho_oreos is that sure?01:31
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.01:31
sharedont feed the trolls01:31
q1wis there a way to see a Linux partition in Windows?01:32
kirkmorenoTROLLS Y U NO FUNNY01:32
psycho_oreosq1w: windows can only really see a handful of its own type of partitions, for everything else its seen under windows as unknown filesystem. You can see it being allocated to linux but windows doesn't know that01:32
checkalt666anyway, can anybody help me logging in MSN?01:32
Nobodyq1w: No01:32
Cuberootq1w: you can "see" that it exists using diskpart but reading the files would depend on the filesystem in use.01:32
rwwq1w: Not really, no. There's http://www.fs-driver.org/ , but it's ext3 only, not ext4. and I don't think it works with ext3 defaults in Ubuntu anyway.01:32
kirkmorenoAnyone in here know of any irc chanels about ubuntu and music?01:32
sharecheckalt666: this is Ubuntu channel support. what MSN client r u using?01:32
schnufflemarkturnip: have a look now the import loine is the one with stapd01:33
akhyarizq1w: i've been used Ext2Fsd01:33
sharecheckalt666: try out a program called Emesene01:33
psycho_oreoskirkmoreno: if you're talking about editing music and what not there's ubuntustudio01:33
checkalt666share, i tried pidgin, empathy, emesene and amsn. none of them are working01:33
Blue1kirkmoreno: not really but if your looking for a music player, I'd reccomend guayadeque01:33
sharecheckalt666: because it's not their problem01:33
AegNuddelxfce definitely runs o nthis system better than gnome01:33
kirkmorenoBlue1: psycho_oreos": thanks01:33
psycho_oreos!ot| AegNuddel01:33
ubottuAegNuddel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:33
sharekirkmoreno: check the email and password..01:34
AurigaQlw, maybe this may help...http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux-partitions-from-windows01:34
shareI've just logged in into MSN.01:34
IrreducibilisWhy are the people in #Debian so rude? I asked them about the differences between their OS and Ubuntu, and they just ignored me, and then they were rude when I left.01:34
checkalt666share,  for example pidgin. its giving me this error: Unable to authenticate: Authentication Failure01:34
IrreducibilisLooks like I'm staying with you guys (for actually being helpful)01:34
rwwIrreducibilis: No idea, but #debian is offtopic for #ubuntu ;)01:34
Blue1Irreducibilis: can't say - not ther.01:34
sharecheckalt666: because you're using incorrect email or password. that's not programs fault.01:35
AegNuddelsorry was just mentioning it because of defaults01:35
qq99where can I re-enable the alt+right-click = resize window functionality? why'd they remove that by default??01:35
ndrwgnHelp with nvidia Ion adding resolutions for dvi01:35
shareqq99: where you do that?01:35
qq99share, yes01:35
checkalt666share, ok, so i mistyped 100 times my password01:35
schnufflemarkturnip: new version :)01:36
schnuffleI'm off,01:36
qq99share, like alt+left => move, alt+right => should be resize01:36
AegNuddelIs there anything that will let you select individual sounds for certain events in Ubuntu?01:36
aeon-ltdcheckalt666: to add onto share's coment, its unlikely but a certificate could have been changed so the 'handshake' doesn't authenticate, try updating it01:36
checkalt666there is something wrong with the connection to msn.01:36
qq99checkalt666, if you're using empathy you might need to wait a bit, idk why, when I tried it took it like 20mins01:36
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: exactly which program are you using to connect to MSN?01:36
sharetalk here checkalt66601:37
checkalt666psycho_oreos, right now i'm trying pidgin, but i already tested empathy, amsn and emesene01:37
markturnipschnuffle: Sorry, I don't follow. You suggested putting an import line on my script?01:37
qq99share, nvm, I found it in gconf-editor!01:37
Blue1checkalt666: I am lazy and I use pidgin --01:37
qq99still curious why it was disabled by default01:37
checkalt666aeon-ltd, how could i change the certificate?01:37
kirkmorenoshare: i do not have a live account .. so what every you are trying to do.. i did not get it.01:37
aeon-ltdcheckalt666: no idea, but nothing should change it but pidgin itself01:38
kirkmorenoshare: :) thanks though01:38
Blue1checkalt666: the trick is if you use as an irc client on different networks, you have to have a differnet nick for each network01:38
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: you might be affected by the certificate error, if that's the case you might want to check out the link in #pidgin /topic as that will point out on how to import a certificate which will enable pidgin to work01:38
nubuntucan someone help me with partitioning space on my hard drive/01:39
qq99how's plugin support looking for empathy? any eta?01:39
psycho_oreosnubuntu: maybe use gparted?01:39
rusty149nubuntu: Yeah, just ask and give details01:39
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checkalt666psycho_oreos, thank you. i'll try that01:40
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psycho_oreoscheckalt666: nw01:40
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nubuntuok so ive been running lubuntu from my USB for a while now and its getting annoying so i restarted and selected to install to the Hard Drive. so, i went through the process and selected to partition space manually for lubuntu. i tried hitting continue but it said that it says "no root file system is defined" "please correct this from the partitioning menu" what do i do01:41
wookienzI have a movie folder with say 50 movies in it. I want to make a dir per movie using its title. Anyone conjour me up a script?01:41
psycho_oreosnubuntu: again, join #lubuntu and ask your question there01:42
ndrwgnnubuntu: do you want to blank the computer?01:42
nubuntupsycho_oreos: the reason i came back is because that section is dead and no one is there...01:42
uRock!lubuntu > nubuntu01:42
ubottunubuntu, please see my private message01:42
qq99can anyone direct me to the empathy channel/forum?  I'd like to talk to devs if possible01:42
qq99is empathy an ubuntu initiative?01:43
Blue1howdy tex01:43
itaylor57KM0201: o/01:43
Onionheadi have a quick question about xchat, can someone help me out?01:43
bencahillqq99: "IRC room is #empathy on Gimpnet (irc.gimp.org)"01:43
KM0201itaylor57: o/01:43
rwwqq99: nope, it's part of the GNOME project.01:43
qq99thanks you 2 :)01:44
uRockOnionhead, just ask01:44
Onionheadok, thanks01:44
bencahillqq99: np01:44
nubuntundrwgn: what does that mean? are you referring to the option that said "erase and use entire disk"?01:44
psycho_oreosqq99: there seems to be #empathy channel on freenode as well, don't know if its official/active channel01:44
Onionheadhow do i change the color of my text? uRock01:44
bencahillqq99: from this link (http://live.gnome.org/Empathy) from a google search for "empathy irc" :)01:44
Onionheadit appears grey, and i want to change it, since it is hard to read01:44
Onionheadi am using xchat01:44
Onionheadon gnome01:45
dennyOnionhead: settings -> preferences -> colours01:45
bencahillOnionhead: Settings > Preferences > Interface > Colors01:45
dennyOnionhead: settings -> advanced -> text events (and mess with the %C colour codes)01:45
dennyI do the latter01:45
uRockOnionhead, I use xchat-gnome which is a bit different, but colors are changed via Edit> Preferences>Colors01:45
qq99bencahill, sorry ^^;01:45
shareI have a question for geeks: how can I keep a normal connection and then connect to VPN without losing it?01:45
bencahilldenny: cool :)01:45
Onionheadyeah, i have seen that. But a lot of boxes with diferente colors appear01:45
bencahillqq99: np, just a hint for the future :P01:45
Onionheadi want to change my text01:45
shareI have a question for geeks: how can I keep a normal connection and then connect to VPN without losing it? Is it possible with gnome network manager?01:46
dennyOnionhead: take a look at the text events thing01:46
Onionheadok, let me see01:46
qq99bencahill, yeah, I know I should be googling but sometimes my better sense leaves me and I just ask a question :'(01:46
bencahillqq99: I do the same sometimes :)01:46
psycho_oreosshare: doubt it, chances are you have multiple gateways which can be a bit of a mess.. and for the record, please don't repeat your question again, you were heard already the first time01:46
nubuntuAllocating Partition Space, first option says erase and use entire disk. should i choose this or "specify partitions manually"?01:47
sharepsycho_oreos: I reformulated the question I didnt mean to repeat myself01:47
bencahillnubuntu: do you want to use the entire disk?01:47
sharepsycho_oreos: and your answered didnt help tks for trying01:47
dennysettings -> advanced -> text events, then scroll down to 'channel message', and try changing the %C code near the end of the line.  Then press ENTER in the box underneath the list, to see a demo in the black area.01:47
dennyOnionhead: ^ that was for you01:48
nubuntubencahill: well i don't know, would it be advantageous to using the whole thing?01:48
HypoglybeticWhere is the help line and how do I get in it? I need help with accessing my Samba Shares from W7.01:48
dennyOnionhead: the colours in the %C codes correspond to the colours in the prefs -> colours area01:48
nubuntubencahill:basically, whats the point of using the whole thing?01:48
bencahillnubuntu: do you have stuff on there already? :-/01:48
psycho_oreosshare: you can but not using gnome network manager, you could manually ifconfig the interfaces and the connection up but having dual or multiple gateways will lose your connectivity with your current one01:48
denny(afaik)  :)01:48
nubuntubencahill: no, its a new hard drive01:48
checkalt666shit man. pidgin is in my synaptic pm. how to update it to the new version (
markturnipI'm trying to make hostapd start when I turn on my computer. I've created a script & placed it in init.d directory. It works fine if I 'start' it. So have used "sysv-rc-conf" to make it run at launch, but it doesn't seem to work?01:48
nubuntubencahill: but lubuntu is only a temporary OS, im getting another one later01:49
psycho_oreos!language checkalt66601:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:49
Onionheadok denny, but when i write which color am i displaying? (sorry about my english)01:49
bencahillnubuntu: it all depends on what you want to do, here's another question, "what's the point of not using the whole thing?" Both are useless as they do not take into account anything regarding situation, context, or usage.01:49
dennyif you press ENTER in the line under the list, then you'll see a demo appear in the black box under that01:49
bencahillpsycho_oreos: you need to put a |, like so:01:49
bencahill!ubottu | psycho_oreos01:49
ubottupsycho_oreos: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:49
uRockPidgin in 10.10 and 10.04 work perfectly for me01:49
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: you can't if you are running on an older version of ubuntu, the certificate fix should do it however01:49
checkalt666psycho_oreos, oh dude, so sorry. thought i could express myself clearly in this channel.01:50
psycho_oreosbencahill: thanks :)01:50
bencahillpsycho_oreos: np :)01:50
checkalt666psycho_oreos, i'm using 10.1001:50
dennyso there's the list, then a texxt entry box, then a black area, then another list, then the buttons?  you need to press ENTER in the text entry box to test your changes (and save them)01:50
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: no need to swear however01:50
nubuntubencahill: well, since it's only temporary, it'd probably be better to just partition it off right?01:50
Onionheadwell if i did it right, then my  message should look black}01:50
bencahillnubuntu: I don't know anything about the usage, so I can't really answer that :D01:51
dennyoh, your demo area might not be black.  Mine is because I switched the foreground and background colours01:51
Cuberootnubuntu: do you plan to keep ubuntu around even when you have your new operating system or do you plan toerase it?01:51
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: imo if you are trying to fix that certificate issue, it might be a good idea to try the it first rather than trying to update to the latest one.. I have managed to fix that with my xubuntu 9.04 and had no issues since01:51
dennyI always forget that01:51
nubuntucuberoot:probably erase it01:51
nubuntubencahill:in what context do you mean "usage"?01:52
Cuberootnubuntu: well, it doesn't really matter then.  :)01:52
checkalt666psycho_oreos, i read the #pidgin topic and it says that i should update pidgin in order to fix it.01:52
bencahillnubuntu: what things do you do, how big is the drive, what are your purposes for installing the os, etc.01:52
rwwOnionhead: #ubuntu has channel mode +c set, which blocks custom color settings in messages. Your text appears in the default color for users' IRC clients.01:52
itaylor57rww: and I appreciate that01:53
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: try this link http://bit.ly/9Biw5901:53
matrixwho is have 15.6" 1920 x 1080 a laptop01:53
Onionheaddoes it looks black? (i think i screw something up :S)01:53
nubuntubencahill: mostly entertainment, checking my things. nothing big like programming or anything. drive is 160gb. purpose for installing lubuntu is just to have something untill my classmate lets me borrow his OS disc01:54
CuberootI instructed the installer to download and install updates in the background while installing, yet when I boot into ubuntu there are quite a few updates ready.  Does the installer only do security updates or similar?01:54
nubuntucuberoot:really? if i plan to delete anyway then it doesn't matter?01:54
bencahillnubuntu: if you plan to re-partition later, then yes, it doesn't matter01:55
nubuntucuberoot: also, my friend who is familiar with linux says that when my other OS comes in, it can jus install right over lubuntu. how true is this/01:55
Cuberootnubuntu: correct.  nothing permanent is done to the drive.01:55
Cuberootnubuntu: you can always overwrite.01:55
TheMusicGuyWhen I right click and hit "Properties" for a certain file, the window just crashes. I'm trying to change the file association for files of type "xm"01:56
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bencahillnubuntu: that is correct, as long as you don't have other data on the drive (in a 'data' partition) that you want to keep01:56
nubuntucuberoot: thanks. bencahill is saying that if i plan to re-partition, then it doesnt matter. does re-partitioning mean getting rid of lubuntu and installing XP?01:57
fcuk112hi, got tomboy notes synched using dropbox - what's the best way to access them on iphone?01:57
Cuberootnubuntu: xp can either wipe the drive and take over the whole thing or it can coexist with ubuntu.  again, ubuntu will do nothing you can't undo later, so just pick the default and go with it.01:57
nubuntucuberoot: thanks for the help man01:58
Cuberootnubuntu: no worries.  good luck.01:58
checkalt666psycho_oreos,  still cant. i updated the certificates and still cant log in my msn01:59
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: after trying intermediate certificates?01:59
checkalt666psycho_oreos,  i could log in my other msn tough. i think this problem is happening because my msn ends with @gmail.com instead of @hotmail.com or @live.com01:59
checkalt666psycho_oreos, yeah.01:59
psycho_oreoscheckalt666: weird, that might be the case then. What if you tried accounts with @msn or @hotmail?02:00
Onionheadcheckalt666, have you tried emesene or amsn?02:01
checkalt666psycho_oreos,  i can log normally with @hotmail/live, but i cant with @gmail02:01
checkalt666Onionhead, i tried both of them. none can log in. could log in a @hotmail.com msn tough.02:01
mellinI'm seeing a lot of disk activity when I'm booted into Vista. I used the maverick installer to install to a second hard drive partition. I guess what it did was to add a boot entry to choose either Vista or Maverick. Anyway my question is for the time being what tools I can use to checkout my other partition for rootkits, malware, and any other crap that might be behind the significant disk activity?02:02
sam-_-_mellin, did you check in vista which process causes the disk activity?02:04
Gouitsuanyone know anything about compiz?02:04
Onionheadmmm, have you tried logging with a diferent client02:04
Onionheadlike meebo02:04
Onionheador ebuddy02:04
sam-_-_!anyone | Gouitsu02:04
ubottuGouitsu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:04
Onionheadat least it would make you know if it is your account or not02:05
sam-_-_!who | Onionhead02:05
ubottuOnionhead: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:05
psycho_oreos!compiz| Gouitsu02:05
ubottuGouitsu: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz02:05
Gouitsui see02:05
|Bboy|Question: is there an app that can read mouse movements through ubuntu?02:05
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:06
Onionheadok, was talking to psycho_oreos02:06
thauriswulfahi anybody here02:06
checkalt666thauriswulfa, no, this channel is empty02:06
thauriswulfam going02:06
thauriswulfam fool02:07
mellinsam-_-_: Almost impossible. Windows in general has so many services starting, and it could be that one of those services is the cause of the problem in the sense that it may *look* ok when in reality it isn't. As I'm sure you know attempting to kill most of those services will impair the operation of the OS. Therefore the request for tools in linux that can scan the drive for known exploits and issues. I already use unhackme which is fa02:07
mellinirly good on detecting and keeping rootkits and viruses off.02:07
SnakkahHi. Is there a way to remove the gnome panel entirely (not uninstall it)? I mean get it to stop running. I can't delete the last panel.02:08
Cuberootmellin: microsoft's procmon utility will almost certainly pinpoint your disk activity.02:09
sam-_-_mellin, have you looked into resource manager?02:09
Onionheadwell thank you very much denny02:09
mellinCuberoot: Thanks!02:09
mellinsam-_-_: Yes I have02:09
Cuberootbut start with process explorer: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb89665302:09
|Bboy|Question: How can i access mouse movement data in ubuntu?02:10
Cuberootsince procmon can be a bit overwhelming if you don't know what's "normal" or how to easily narrow it down.02:10
Onionheadi think i fix it denny02:10
Cuberootthe combination of the two should be fine.02:10
Onionheadbye everyone02:10
sam-_-_mellin, is the disc activity all the time or just a few minutes after startup02:10
xanguaSnakkah: open 'gconf-editor' and go to desktop/gnome/session/required_component and clear the 'panel' value ; then restart your session02:10
mellinCuberoot: Will do! Many thanks02:10
mellinsam-_-_: No it happens after it has been booted up quite a while. And it get so bad as to cause the system to stall for several seconds up to a minute02:11
SnakkahThanks xangua. I'll try that.02:11
|Bboy|Question:  Can you access the mouse in ubuntu?02:12
sam-_-_mellin, because i recently had to disable superfetch. it was causing a lot of disc activity but only for a few minutes after booting up02:12
mellinThanks you all are the bomb!02:12
mellinsam-_-_: Ok thanks for the help!02:13
sam-_-_|Bboy|, what do you mean exactly? get the position of the mouse?02:13
|Bboy|sam: yes02:13
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sam-_-_|Bboy|, and where? in the shell? or which language?02:14
RO11AZcan someone please help me with my wireless connection?02:14
sam-_-_!anyone | RO11AZ02:15
ubottuRO11AZ: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:15
RO11AZok, i can connect to my wireless connection but cant then access the internet - i am running ubuntu 10.1002:16
|Bboy|sam-_-_: I have my mouse set in a position where it does not move the pad underneath moves.. so i just want to get the back and forth data.. x y and see that data02:16
RO11AZhow do i fix this?02:16
KM0201RO11AZ: so you can get actually get on your network?02:16
sam-_-_RO11AZ, could you run a ifconfig and paste it on pastebin02:17
RO11AZeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:d3:f9:05:3902:17
RO11AZ          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
RO11AZ          inet6 addr: fe80::216:d3ff:fef9:539/64 Scope:Link02:17
RO11AZ          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:102:17
RO11AZ          RX packets:24302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:002:17
FloodBot3RO11AZ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
RO11AZ          TX packets:18707 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:002:17
* KM0201 sighs02:17
sharenow I identify you with MAC address02:18
sam-_-_!paste | RO11AZ02:18
ubottuRO11AZ: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:18
KM0201i remember hte last time i went to a channel w/ 1300 people w/ a 20 line error and i thougth "yeah, i'll paste the whole freaking thing there"... idiots02:19
sam-_-_|Bboy|, maybe with xinput02:20
KM0201RO11AZ: can you ping other machines on your network?02:20
|Bboy|sam-_-_: humm ok. will google02:22
RO11AZi can see the other computers on the network02:22
sam-_-_RO11AZ, try ping
sam-_-_RO11AZ, so might be a problem with dns02:22
sam-_-_RO11AZ, try host test.com02:22
old-laptopshouldnt '/join xubuntu' move me there....?02:22
KM0201sam-_-_: thats my thinking... last tim ei dealt w/ this, it was a mac filtering issue, and of course the couldn't remember how to log into his router.. once we reset his router, it wsa all good02:23
KM0201old-laptop: "/join #xubuntu"02:23
old-laptopooooo k i forgot the #02:23
KM0201old-laptop: :)02:23
RO11AZsam-_-_,  whats the website?02:23
sam-_-_KM0201, y. but it seems like the dhcp give it an address and same data was transmitted02:24
RO11AZsam-_-_, im waiting for ping to finish02:24
HypoglybeticHello? Is this thing on?02:24
sam-_-_RO11AZ, it will go on endlessly. does it work?02:24
KM0201sam-_-_: i'm not saying thats his problem, i'm saying that was the problem before, he was on the network, but got no where,02:24
sam-_-_KM0201, ok. gotcha.02:24
aeon-ltdHypoglybetic: yes02:25
RO11AZsam-_-_, 64 bytes from icmp_req=121 ttl=53 time=153 ms02:25
KM0201sam-_-_: how do you set ping to terminate after so many tries?02:25
Hypoglybeticaeon-ltd,  Thanks. .. I feel ignored. lol02:25
sam-_-_RO11AZ, seems fine02:25
RO11AZwait a second02:25
sam-_-_RO11AZ, what about: host test.com02:25
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=== Nobody is now known as nobodybk
HypoglybeticI need help with accessing my Samba Shares from W7.  I am unable to add a user.  My network seems messed up.02:26
jk_KM0201, ping -c 3 google.com will stop after 3 tries02:26
KM0201jk_: exactly what i was looking for, was just looking at the man pages.. :)02:26
sam-_-_!samba | Hypoglybetic02:26
ubottuHypoglybetic: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:26
RO11AZsam-_-_, i cant find that website02:27
shifnixso i have a 9800 Pro and Ubuntu 10.10 - has support been completely dropped for this GPU?02:27
sam-_-_RO11AZ, so host says that it can't resolve?02:27
Hypoglybeticsam-_-_, Thanks. I hope these work.  These Linux issues keep making me read! Thats so unamerican. >_>02:27
IdleOneRO11AZ: lose something? http://paste.ubuntu.com/554566/02:28
sam-_-_Hypoglybetic, oh what's american rly.? that's the great thing about this country. it's so diverse, so ambivalent :-)02:28
HypoglybeticI guess you're not a fan of the colbert report?02:29
sam-_-_Hypoglybetic, me?02:29
Hypoglybeticsam-_-_,  Yes. I keep forgetting the name thing.02:29
RO11AZIdleOne, thanks02:29
KM0201RO11AZ: can you ping other machines on the network?02:30
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sam-_-_Hypoglybetic, i'm german so i don't watch it that often.02:30
KM0201oh wait thats right... you said you could see other machines on the network02:30
RO11AZKM0201, how to i check?02:30
sam-_-_KM0201, hi can even ping the google dns02:30
Hypoglybeticsam-_-_, You're missing out!02:30
KM0201sam-_-_: did he successfully ping it?02:30
sam-_-_Hypoglybetic, don't we all :-)02:31
sam-_-_KM0201, yes. at least that's what the ping said.02:31
KM0201that doesn't make any sense02:31
artemanybody know how to make "transparent nautilus background", not all window, just background????02:32
sam-_-_KM0201,  64 bytes from icmp_req=121 ttl=53 time=153 ms. here you go ;)02:32
Sonjacan i make ubuntu stop trying to connect via wifi once ethernet is established?02:33
sam-_-_Sonja, you can set the wifi connection to manual altogether02:33
KM0201RO11AZ: what happens when you wire to your router?(or can you)... can you get online then?02:34
sta7icSonja: there should be a setting not to automatically connect02:36
RO11AZKM0201, i am currently wired on to chat02:40
ether-boyis the SWAP partition necessary on an intel core2duo 2.1 Ghz, 3GB DDR2 RAM and a 5400rpm HDD???02:41
edbianether-boy: A swap partition is never NECESSARY.  But with a system like that it will be rarely used02:42
edbianether-boy: It will be used if you try to hibernate to disk02:42
ether-boyedbian: so does that mean system can't hibernate if there's no swap partition because I haven't made one and there is no Hibernate option as such in the shutdown menu???02:45
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yanqiandoes anyone login IRC via cell phone?02:45
psycho_oreosyanqian: I do why?02:46
rwwether-boy: correct02:46
yanqianand which software do you use?02:46
rwwether-boy: Suspend to disk, aka hibernation, requires a swap partition equal to or larger than the amount of memory in-use. If you want to hibernate, we generally recommend a partition equal to or greater than the size of your physical memory.02:47
psycho_oreosyanqian: xchat (irssi is available in the repos but its not well suited to my phone)02:47
sd09hjas##politics is a family friendly  channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! sd09hjas Termana jumbers biella SolidLiq Vampire0 oldposdells yanqian azbr00 krups Nisstyre zulax ether-boy chd QuB1t seb_ Zy02:48
dufyhn##politics is a family friendly  channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! dufyhn Termana jumbers biella SolidLiq Vampire0 oldposdells yanqian azbr00 krups Nisstyre zulax ether-boy chd QuB1t seb_ Zyko02:48
dufyhn##politics is a family friendly  channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! keheliya ldz420 brishu red2kic Bokkie askhl_ Ganymede KM0201 Amaranth Caelum Apollo_ ^Phantom^ mawst almoxarife incandenza Sc02:48
dufyhn##politics is a family friendly  channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! JimmyJ AlbertoP big_t i_is_broke hakimsheriff borogove maxxist akhyariz Guest14944 rage7 xangua SpinachHead am4zin psusi whm_02:48
dufyhn##politics is a family friendly  channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! Masduqe|Off Diytto nosaj drew212 SikEnCide CardinalFang Swish Drule dust-- Zorge cozziemoto aloril_ Hypoglybetic earwigs mtor02:48
ieataz##politics is a family friendly  channel. We are currently discussing the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier. Everyone knows liberals are degenerate losers who will take a moment of tragedy to twist it to their own gains. Please join ##politics NOW and voice your support for the NEW REPUBLICAN MAJORITY! ieataz Termana jumbers biella SolidLiq Vampire0 oldposdells yanqian azbr00 krups Nisstyre zulax ether-boy chd QuB1t seb_ Zykoti02:48
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.02:48
yanqianthanks, i found one named virca, i am using this now.02:49
DruleBut I want to discuss the Arizona shooter who the liberal media is saying was a tea partier........02:49
GneaDrule: so join it and discuss02:49
DruleThat was a joke.02:50
psycho_oreosyanqian: it varies vastly depending on what OS your phone uses :) mine is more like internet tablet with phone functionality added on02:50
ether-boyrww:  so that makes it clear why system wasn't able to be suspended. I guess I will have to go without it. anyways my installation boots up fast02:50
shareDrule: this is no place for jokes02:50
DruleGot it.02:50
=== derp is now known as Snooki
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
DruleIs there a social channel for ubuntu btw02:51
rwwDrule: #ubuntu-offtopic02:51
Blueleafcan some one pm me so i can make sure this works02:51
ether-boyWhy is facebook.com so buggy on ubuntu since ubuntu 9.10. I thought it was a DNS or ISP problem but I was wrong. No help with this so far.02:52
sharefacebook.com works fine here02:52
xanguaether-boy: aah, is not¿¿02:52
onatshey guys, what can i install on ubuntu that allows me to monitor system resources on the desktop02:53
shareonats: conky02:53
onatsi've seen a couple of screenshots like it before but i dont know what its called02:53
psycho_oreosonats: conky, gkrellm02:53
psycho_oreossuperkaramba, etc02:53
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
onatsok thanks02:53
shareonats: there's gui app hardinfo02:53
ether-boyshare: just after i navigate through a couple of links the website stops responding. I have tried all the popular browsers and different ISPs02:53
ether-boyThe only thing common with all the tests for facebook.com was the DSL modem over a wifi router. Could that be a reason?02:54
xanguaonats:  you can try conky colors to configure concky easier http://tinyurl.com/4ltzcby http://tinyurl.com/ch9hro02:54
sharewifi sucks02:54
onatsxangua thanks02:55
sharehow can I make a program to startup at boot like "sudo app command" ?02:55
sharebut without typing the password02:56
sharelike a service02:56
psycho_oreosshare: you make a script to be placed inside /etc/init.d02:56
emis there a way to have an arbitrary type of file, like .foo be opened up by default by a given app, like foo-reader02:56
sharepsycho_oreos: yeah the problem is the script02:56
ether-boyexcept for the case of facebook.com wi-fi on ubuntu 10.10 rocks. I have got a messy BCM4312 card on my laptop but now works like a charm. I still can't figureout though why only facebook.com dosen't work the way it should02:56
shareether-boy: have u installed flash :p02:57
psycho_oreosshare: maybe it doesn't have execute permissions?02:57
ether-boyYes I have installed flash, youtube works awesome, but when it come's to facebook.com i can't post anything on wall. not able to poke anyone. forget about the flash games.02:57
shareether-boy: have you tried different user-agents?02:58
ether-boywhat are those?02:58
shareether-boy: you can install an addon called user agent switcher02:58
xanguashare: why would he need that¿¿02:58
shareto test facebook02:58
xanguafacebook works perfectly on firefox and opera02:59
MokuraAlright, so.  Xubuntu 10.10, and I'm trying to make PATH variables for python, mplayer, and mencoder, as is required by http://pastebin.com/gU0GgLqH .  I added them, one per line, to the environment file in ./etc, like "PATH=python:(path to python)" but after rebooting, Xubuntu does a weird login loop until I use the livecd to change the environment file back to normal.  Any idea why it does this?02:59
sharexangua: not for ether-boy02:59
shareas he says02:59
ether-boyok let me check user agent switcher ( btw...i am on firefox and chromium)02:59
MokuraI followed the examples on the Ubuntu Wiki for adding Environment Variables.02:59
MokuraIt makes dpg4x work just fine, but once I reboot, I can't get past the login screen (login loops back to the user select screen).03:00
shareI just want Ubuntu to run a simple program like "sudo app parameter"03:00
shareat boot03:00
red2kicshare: /etc/rc.local03:01
sharered2kic: I add before exit 0?03:01
red2kicshare: If that app of you requires X11, then I suppose you could add it to Startup Apps.03:01
sharered2kic: i dont want to type the password03:02
red2kicshare: Is this X11 app? What's the name of app?03:02
shareno it's terminal03:02
sharelike a service03:02
red2kicshare: Okay. Add it to /etc/rc.local then. Yah, before exit 0.03:02
sharered2kic: with sudo?03:03
red2kicshare: No need to. Root will run everything in /etc/rc.local03:03
sharered2kic: the app i want to run is in /usr/bin/03:04
shareis it ok03:04
shareapp <par>03:04
red2kicshare: What is the command? That's fine. /usr/bin is fine.03:04
shareor do i need to add the path03:04
Cuberootshare: what he means is that if you add the command to the file /etc/rc.local it will run as root03:04
red2kicshare: It is always recommended that you put in the full path.03:05
IrreducibilisDo those three-letter paths in the linux filesystem actually stand for something?03:05
Irreducibilislike etc03:05
red2kicIrreducibilis: It's a path. It is no different than /home/03:05
IrreducibilisYeah but like...03:05
red2kicIrreducibilis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard03:06
red2kicIrreducibilis: /etc/ is for system-wide configuration files. /home/irred/. whatever is for personal config files.03:06
shareit's working tks03:06
Irreducibilisred2kic, yeah that's what I meant. Thanks03:06
red2kicIrreducibilis: :)03:06
sharei cant remember which file i edited03:08
dotblankshare, if you were using bash you could try using the history command03:08
sharei've it disabled03:08
dotblankOMG.. I just checked my history03:09
dotblankI have 2188 entries03:09
Mokuraokay, I updated my paste with the stuff I added to the environment file at the bottom (the PATH= lines).03:09
sharewhat is the file again? tks03:09
ryan777i am new03:09
shareim kinda tired03:09
MokuraThis, for some reason, makes me unable to log in properly.03:10
ryan777how do i find my c drive in ubuntu?03:10
red2kicryan777: There are no C:\Drive in Ubuntu.03:10
ryan777how do i insoect my drive?03:10
IdleOnered2kic: there is if you installed using wubi03:10
ryan777not wubi03:10
red2kicIdleOne: Ah.03:10
dotblankryan777, usually the device (if mounted) is located in /media03:10
ryan777how do i find /media?03:10
sharefound it /etc/rc.local03:11
Mokura"filesystem" in places03:11
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:11
IdleOneryan777: hit alt-F2 and type nautilus /media03:11
Mokurashould have a folder in there called /media03:11
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:11
red2kicryan777: Perhaps you want to tell us what you're trying to do and we'll correct/guide you.03:11
ether-boyOK, so facebook is working great with "user agent switcher" addon  on firefox but it's definitly not a solution to the problem. Facebook.com should work without the addon. I am a developer and such unique problem drives me mad leaving me with no clues!!!... :( Anybody here with some idea on this?03:11
dotblankTIL: you can just type the file name without nautilus and it will open it in nautilus03:12
IdleOne!flash | ether-boy03:12
dotblankerr path*03:12
ubottuether-boy: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:12
shareether-boy: have you changed settings in about:config03:12
shareor maybe reinstall flash03:12
ryan777i want to see how much space is availabkle on my hd03:12
jorge_lmxalguien habla castellano?03:12
dotblankether-boy, facebook works just fine for me03:12
red2kicI don't see anything about flash? :o03:12
IdleOne!es | jorge_lmx03:12
ubottujorge_lmx: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:12
thenekohello - can someone help me please with VLC?03:12
share!es != castellano :p03:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:12
dotblankryan777, use the df -h command from the terminal03:13
=== PC-Ente is now known as PC-Ente|away
red2kic!away > PC-Ente|away03:13
ubottuPC-Ente|away, please see my private message03:13
IdleOne!away > PC-Ente|away03:13
dotblankryan777, you can also use the system monitor in System->Administration03:13
BlackWebDoes anyone know of a good C++ Compiler for ubuntu that they've used03:13
shareryan777: go to System > Administration > system monitor03:13
shareand click on fyle systems03:14
ircubuntuI'm new to ubuntu and to IRC - I just built a computer with an ASUS PCI-G31 card in it and Ubuntu doesn't appear to recognize it. Any ideas?03:14
=== PC-Ente|away is now known as PC-Ente
BlackWebG++ is a goodone03:14
sharegoodbye all03:14
HypoglybeticCan someone tell me how to write this: /<LOCALMOUNTPOINT>/<LOCALPATH>, where I want to share /webserver/ folder? I only have 1 HD.03:14
ether-boyshare: i haven't touched about config, facebook.com doesn't work with any of the browsers. Flash is installed and works fine with every other site. The problem is with the AJAX requests. they stop working after a few successfull ones03:14
nomad99ryan777: also can type in xterm, df -h03:14
dotblankircubuntu, what is the pci-g31 card? a video card?03:15
ircubuntuwireless networking dard03:15
ryan777i just installed ubuntu 10.10   how much space should it take up on mu hard drive?03:15
dotblankircubuntu, you can see if the kernel actually sees the device on the bus with lspci03:15
ircubuntuand it doesn't03:15
sam-_-_dotblank, ircubuntu apparently atheros based03:16
dotblankircubuntu, hmm.. it probably won't say asus w/e but instead will look for the chipset03:16
nickhsircubuntu: Hi, can you pastebin the output of lscpi please03:16
dotblankircubuntu, and iwconfig03:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:16
sam-_-_ircubuntu, if it doesn't show up in lspci then you will have to check your bios settings03:17
ryan777how much disk space should ubuntu 10.10 use?03:17
ircubuntusam - how do I check the bios settings?03:17
sam-_-_ryan777, default install?03:17
xangua3-4gb clean install ¿ ryan77703:17
sam-_-_ircubuntu, you checked lspci already?03:17
dotblankryan777, depends on what packages are installed.. well the squashfs image is about 700mb so I would say around 1GB without updates03:17
dotblank*extreme rough estimate03:18
ircubuntuyes - couldn't paste it because I'm using my other computer to chat, since I can't talk to my network from the ubuntu machine03:18
ryan777i have 133.5 GB free on my HD of 160 after updates03:18
ryan777and no files03:18
sam-_-_ircubuntu, and it's not listed?03:18
PKKidIs there a basic package I need to install in order to use "sudo service ..."03:18
ryan777how do i locate partitions on my hd if they are there?03:18
dotblankryan777, you can use the disk usage analyzer to see what files are using up the space03:18
nickhsPKKid: what version of ubuntu are you using?03:18
ether-boyFacebook.com is working now with no problems as such. All I did was start using google DNS servers. Hence i conclude the problem is with the local ISPs. Thanks everyone for your help. I appreciate :)03:19
ircubuntusam - correct.03:19
Mokura...okay, moving the paths to ./etc/profile doesn't help either. _-_03:19
ircubuntusam - and ifconfig shows eth0 and lo but that's all03:19
nickhsryan777: to find all the partitions you can use gparted, disk utility or fdisk03:19
ryan777how do i find disk usage analyzer.  it says i have it installed but i cannot open it.  i dont know where to find it03:19
nickhsryan777: its under accessories03:19
sam-_-_ircubuntu, when you boot up press f1 or f10 or del depending on your motherboard.03:19
dotblankI actually love the new disk utility based on device kit03:19
sam-_-_ircubuntu, this should get you into bios03:19
nickhsryan777: or press alt+F2 and type in "baobab"03:20
Hypoglybeticsam-_-_,  Can you tell me how to write this: /<LOCALMOUNTPOINT>/<LOCALPATH>, where I want to share /webserver/ folder? I only have 1 HD.03:20
sam-_-_ircubuntu, can also be that it's not correctly plugged in and/or broken.03:20
dotblankHypoglybetic, can you give more detail about your problem? your question has no context03:20
ircubuntusam - thanks for the bios info!03:20
Hypoglybeticdotblank, I need to fill inthe blanks, I don't know what localmountpoint is.  I think localpath is the folder I want to share.  I am trying to specify a folder I am sharing.03:21
sam-_-_Hypoglybetic, i don't understand. what do you want to do?03:21
dotblankHypoglybetic, where is this? is this a samba config or what? I don't know either03:21
nawkThe "Allocate drive spcae" portion of the Installer has changed to a way that doesn't allow me to install ubuntu onto a custom (i.e.,  aligned partion) NEWLY created ext4 filesystem03:21
nickhsHypoglybetic: could you link us to the tutorial you are following?03:21
PKKidnickhs, Ubuntu 10.10.  It actually looks like sudo service exists, but tab-completion is not working (which im used to)03:21
Hypoglybeticnickhs, sam-_-_ , dotblank https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently03:22
ryan777still cannot find it03:22
nawknot only that, the new installer NO LONGER gives the user the option to make the installation without installing the bootloader03:22
ryan777alt+f2 does nothing03:22
nawkCan someone help me out with this, or at least tell me if you know what I'm referring to?03:22
nickhsPKKid: yep, the service command should be there. Is the service you want to change in /etc/init.d?03:22
nickhsnawk: I believe you can tell it where to install grub at the very end of the installer - under advanced.03:23
ryan777how else can i find disk usage03:23
dotblankHypoglybetic, are you modifying fstab? what specific part of the tutorial are you referring to?03:23
nickhsryan777: open a terminal and type in "baobab"03:23
wasutton3-Laptopdoes anyone know how to configure a sound blaster emu10k1 card from the command line?03:23
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, have you tried alasmixer03:24
PKKidnickhs, yea.. If I run the command "sudo service postfix restart" it works.  I'll just live without tab-completion. ;)03:24
Hypoglybeticdotblank, "//<SERVERNAME>/<REMOTEPATH> /<LOCALMOUNTPOINT>/<LOCALPATH>" the 5th code set03:24
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, also not that is modifying alsa.. you may want to modify pulse audio instead03:24
nawkhi nickhs: the thing is I'm installing ubuntu onto a aligned ssd raid array, where I've spent quite a bit of time on to create the RIGHT/CUSTOM ext4 filesystem for03:24
crazyvash1anyone know how to set specific wallpapers for individual monitors?03:24
dotblankyou can do that with pacmd03:24
Hypoglybeticdotblank, I have a folder on the "file system" called "webserver" I want to share it.03:24
nawkbut the installer FORCES me to "reformat" it03:24
=== damian- is now known as damian
nawkthat sucks03:24
nickhsPKKid: hmph that really is odd. this might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/10808/auto-complete-for-startable-stopable-services03:25
=== damian is now known as damian_
=== damian_ is now known as damian
ryan777baobab worked thank you all03:25
ryan777you folx are awesome03:25
=== damian is now known as damian-
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: pacmd does not say there are any cards available, but i enabled the modules03:25
nickhsnawk: right, right. What I'd recommend is you use the alternate installer which allows you to skip the formatting step should you choose and also allows you much more freedom in designating what goes where03:25
=== tripelbb is now known as tripelb
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, do you know if alsamixer works? try using aplay -l03:26
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: that returns no sound cards found03:26
dotblankHypoglybetic, you want to share a folder with OTHER computers?03:26
xanguanawk: you can use the manual install option in the live cd also03:26
dotblankHypoglybetic, that is for accessing a share on this computer03:27
Hypoglybeticdotblank, Yes. My w7 computers.03:27
dotblankHypoglybetic, You would modify the samba configuration file03:27
crazyvash1do u guys have any ideas how to have effect enabled with 3 monitors?03:27
fireboyCan i make a new partition from within ubuntu installer?03:27
Hypoglybeticdotblank, you have no idea how frustrated i am03:28
xanguafireboy: yes, with gparted03:28
dotblankHypoglybetic, you have no idea how frustrated I am.. the steelers just won03:28
Hypoglybeticdotblank,  can't I just use the gui and right click on stuff and make it work?03:28
fireboyOh wait03:28
dotblankHypoglybetic, that is one way.. yes03:28
fireboyThanks xangua03:28
Hypoglybeticdotblank, When I try to log in via w7 I type in ID/PW/WORKGROUP and it fails every time.03:29
nawkxangua, how do I access the "manual install option"?  by pressing shift?  Can you give me just a bit more info, cause after I reboot I won't have internet access03:29
dotblankHypoglybetic, have you tried use the net use commands on your windows boxes03:29
Hypoglybeticdotblank, I tried adding a shared user, and I can't. Or I added unixmanuser and even that account doesn't work and I have no idea how to view the current users and configure them. :/03:29
xanguanawk: with the installer03:29
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:30
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
SengokuHypoglybetic: are you trying ot access shares on w7 box?03:30
Hypoglybeticdotblank,  Yeah, I was reading/trying to do the first link.03:30
dotblankHypoglybetic, thats tutorial is for the otherway around03:31
HypoglybeticSengoku, I can do that! they work! Well, I only have read only permissions but i can at least log in.03:31
nawknickhs, how do I access the alternate installer?03:31
ntemishi i need some help please03:31
nickhsnawk: you need to download the alternate .iso03:31
SengokuHypoglybetic: how did you get it going? For me it infinitely queries me for username/password03:31
dotblankHypoglybetic, the most ideal way for file sharing on linux network is by ussing ssh and scp03:31
nickhs!alternate > nawk03:31
ubottunawk, please see my private message03:31
Hypoglybeticsengoku removed windows Live BS. windows is retarded03:32
dotblankI don't know if there is a windows tool like sshfs on windows03:32
HypoglybeticSengoku, Windows Live Login Assist or what ever it is called.03:32
SengokuHypoglybetic: oh? Let me try that03:32
coldfronthow would i go by having a onscreen keyboard pop up everytime i click on a textbox?03:32
ntemisi have chmod  777 a folder with sub-folders but every time something is written in that/those cannot delete or modify untill i 777 again03:32
Hypoglybeticdotblank, I have no idea what SSH except that I know it means secure-something and uses more command prompts03:32
dotblankcoldfront, hmm... maybe it would be in the accessability options.. I know maemo OS has a VKB03:33
DaGeek247what hppened to networking?03:33
crazyvash1does ubuntu have anything like display fusion for windows?03:33
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: fwiw, alsamixer returns cannot open mixer: No such file or directory03:33
Hypoglybeticdotblank, I am trying to learn linux .. and i keep getting hit with the hard to fix errors. :/03:33
coldfrontdotblank: yeah i know there is onboard for vkb and such but you have to open it manual03:33
Mokura...okay, as it turns out, my program is working fine without having to edit paths at all.03:33
* Mokura feels dumb now.03:33
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, likes... us lsmod and see if snd modules are even loaded03:33
coldfronti wanted to know if there was a way to write a script to auto detect when a textbox is clicked and have the vkb open03:34
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: oh yes, serveral are03:34
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:34
treehermithi, can anyone help me get syncml-obex-client and evo2-sync packages? i want to connect sync nokia E63 (symbian s60 3rd edition, OS 9.2) with a dell laptopn running ubuntu 10.10 evolution03:34
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: http://pastebin.com/cRzNzUTX here is the paste03:34
xangua!info evo2-sync03:35
ubottuPackage evo2-sync does not exist in maverick03:35
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, whats does aplay -l return?03:35
Sawblade5!info furry03:35
ubottuPackage furry does not exist in maverick03:35
nawknickhs mmm... its not like I'm refusing to download the alternate installer, the thing is I don't have an optical drive (yea, I know what I bummer) and right  now the only thing I've got is the LiveUSB stick I created before I just wiped out on my SSD which I'm about to install Ubuntu on03:35
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: aplay: device_list:235: no soundcards found...03:35
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, yikes...03:36
DaGeek247nawk: try VirtualBox. #vbox03:36
fireboyInstaller crashs when i hit "try ubuntu-netbook"03:36
treehermithi ubottu, can u pls suggest a way to sync my nokia phone with evolution?03:36
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: yes its all kinds of messed up03:36
nawknickhs: earlier, xangua mentioned that I have the option of "use the manual install option in the live cd also"03:36
sam-_-_coldfront, i would be surprised if there was an easy way to do this.03:36
nawkhi DaGeek24703:36
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, you sir have a real problem.. Is your system updated? what versionof ubuntu/kernel version are you using?03:36
fireboylol ubottu is a bot03:36
DaGeek247you can move oses installed in vbox to the hardrive s an installed os.03:36
Sawblade5!info furry03:36
Sawblade5!info furry03:37
Sawblade5!info furry03:37
ubottuPackage furry does not exist in maverick03:37
FloodBot4Sawblade5: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:37
DaGeek247hey nawk.03:37
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, did you check dmesg for any errors relating to snd?03:37
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: the system is completely update, its maverick and whatever the latest kernel is, it has no gui however03:37
sensaeHello. I'm trying to set up public key authentication on a brand new Ubuntu 10.04 installation. I have placed my public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, and running sshd in debug mode gives me the error 'unexpected whitespace'03:37
nawkDaGeek247 could you please tell me how I could access, or where to select the "manual install option" in th live cd?03:37
JNZCould someone perhaps help me out with pulseaudio not quite enjoying Skype (or perhaps the other way around)?03:37
JNZSeems for some people it works, others not so much.03:37
JNZLooks to be an issue only on the latest Ubuntu (LTS that is) and on the previous version it's fine.03:38
DaGeek247from when its already booted?03:38
JNZSound works in the system, just not with this application.03:38
dotblanksensae, make sure the file you pasted your key in has no spaces in or line returns in the middle of your key except where its supposed to be03:38
nawkDaGeek247, my problem right now is that the current version of the Ubuntu LiveCD Installer NO LONGER allows the user to install Ubuntu on an existing ext4 fileystem w/o formating it03:38
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: no lines returned for dmesg | grep snd03:39
poi77Hi: I need a tool that generates igmp reports at my request and sends them along the network. Is there such a tool for linux?03:39
dotblanksensae, ubuntu has a really usefull ssh key deployment feature in the Passwords and encyption keys utility03:39
sam-_-_nawk, are you sure? at least the alternate installer will allow this.03:39
dotblanksensae, it allows you to deploy your public ssh keys with an automated gui03:39
DaGeek247put gparted live on a cd and do the partitioning there.03:39
sensaedotblank: Excuse me, the error is 'missing whitespace', not 'unexpected'. This is a VPS installation over SSH :)03:39
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, ok you may have to go the route of building alsa from source03:39
DaGeek247full control.03:40
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: ouch why?03:40
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, perhaps the latest source has a fix to a bug causing you grief03:40
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, also it may be more verbose with errors if you build alsa with debug enabled03:41
rwwsensae: I generally use ssh-copy-id instead, since doing it manually is rather error-prone :(03:41
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: hmmm possibly, i dont think the packages are even installed03:41
jon8Anyone ever install bijk on ubuntu 10.10 ??03:41
nawksam-_-_, DaGeek247  the thing is I've spent quite a bit of time aligning the partitions and fs on the correct erase block boundaries on my ssd raid array03:41
DaGeek247you can split the ext4 there, and install ubuntu on it.03:41
nawksam-_-_, DaGeek247 that is to say, I've already created the ext4 fs I want to use, but the installer on the livecd is preventing me to use it03:41
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, maybe you should ask an alsa expert in #alsa03:41
dotblankthey are very seasoned all thing ALSA03:42
sam-_-_nawk, have you tried with the alternate installer?03:42
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: ok but i thought maverick used pulsaudio03:42
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, pulseaudio runs on top of alsa03:42
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: gotcha03:42
DaGeek247i cant help you beyond semi-basic partitioning. sorry.03:42
rwwsensae: however, to actually try to answer your problem as it is... perhaps your text editor line-wrapped the key in authorized-keys? it needs to all be on one line.03:42
nawksam-_-_, I don't have an optical drive (yea, what a bummer I am ) and the only thing i've got atm is the LiveUSB which I'm using to speak to you nice ppl here03:42
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, accoriding to the results of aplay -l its alsa not pulse thats broken03:42
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: alright i will be sure to mention that03:43
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, also I want to double check to make sure you didn't resume from hibernate or sleep03:43
sam-_-_nawk, you can boot the alternate installer via usb as well03:43
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: oh no, its definitely either on or off, its a media serverf03:43
nawkmmm... this is beyond reason03:43
nawksam-_-_, are you sure there isn't a way for me to proceed to using a desired ext4 fs of my choice using the livecd?03:44
nawkmaybe a workaround03:44
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, one last thing make sure you don't have a currupt alsa configuration file03:44
sensaerrw: I don't believe that's the case, I'm using vim and it doesn't appear to be line wrapped. For thoroughness, I am attempting to re-copy the key with ssh-copy-id03:44
sam-_-_nawk, just sayin... what can i do if the main installer is not good anymore?03:44
wasutton3-Laptopdotblank: how would i check that?03:44
nawkif I lose this liveUSB, I have nothing to work with03:44
dotblanktrying to remember the name and locaation its something like ~/.alsarc or something03:44
nawkI know i know03:44
sam-_-_nawk, i don't know. rly.03:44
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, http://alsa.opensrc.org/.asoundrc03:45
sam-_-_nawk, let me check. maybe i'll find sth.03:45
dotblankwasutton3-Laptop, its .asoundrc03:45
wufenkehu2ni mei hao03:46
sensaerww: ssh-copy-id did not help.03:46
rwwsensae: Did you remove the first attempt from authorized_keys first?03:46
bazhangwufenkehu2, english here please03:46
sensaerww: Yes03:47
needhelp1there was supposed to be a meeting some time in January to determine if libreoffice would be replacing open office, any idea?03:47
rwwsensae: odd. If nobody else here has any ideas, you might want to try asking in #ubuntu-server03:48
sensaerww: I see it reads authorized_keys, prints 'user_key_allowed: <MY FULL PUBLIC KEY>', and then complains about 15 times about missing whitespace and then fails the publickey auth attempt03:48
w3bcrawlerlol wow, i installed ubuntu netbook remix and im confused as f#^&03:48
dotblankneedhelp1, I would imagine it would eventually03:48
sensaerww: Thanks for the help you could give03:48
rwwneedhelp1: It is, yes. The packaging for it is being worked on; I believe it'll ship in 11.04.03:48
needhelp1rww, great, good news03:48
w3bcrawlerdoes anyone know how to make shortcuts or anything? i cant even right click in ubuntu netbook remix03:48
w3bcrawlerwell i can just not on my desktop or anything03:49
onelinerweb dev: how do i know if/which pear i have?03:49
rwwneedhelp1: (that's not a guarantee, since maybe the packaging will turn out to be too hard. but they're at least trying for it.)03:49
HypoglybeticWhen ever I browse my network from Ubuntu or W7 and try to go into my shared folders I am spammed with the login screen continuously.  Can anyone direct me as to where I give permissions/accounts for Samba? It still isn't working >_<03:50
jon8can someone please tell me the fundamental differences between ubuntu 10.10 desktop and ubuntu 10.10 server -- aside from having a GUI interface to boot to..03:50
rwwjon8: Not much. Same underlying system, server doesn't boot to a GUI, and the server installation CD includes server-related package (apache, sshd, etc.) instead of Desktop ones (GNOME, etc.)03:51
w3bcrawleranyone here have experience with ubuntu netbook remix?03:51
psycho_oreosjon8: ubuntu server lacks xorg once fully installed03:51
dotblankjon8, the kernel on ubuntu server is optimized for server hardware also the server does not have programs useless to a  server (ex: gimp)03:51
jon8well basically..03:51
jon8i've got a laptop that i'm looking to run a few eggdrop's on and run a mysql database03:52
jon8nothing hardcore03:52
jon8i've got desktop installed..03:52
rwwjon8: I'd stick with desktop.03:52
jon8and am not having any problems or anything03:52
dotblankwell ubuntu-desktop should just be fine.. if its a REALLY old laptop try ubuntu minimal03:52
fireboyMy partition wont shrink03:52
jon8nah.. its a rather new laptop03:52
jon8rww thats kind of what i'm thinking03:52
bazhangfireboy, booted from the livecd?03:52
jon8thanks guys ;)03:52
dotblankfireboy, Any more details? what type of filesystem? is this on a livecd?03:52
fireboyOh hold on03:53
bazhangfireboy, its mounted?03:53
fireboyNtfs journal was unclean, i dont think i shut down win properly lol03:54
dotblankfireboy, that would do it03:54
precubcrerroe exit status 103:54
precubcrcant install anything03:54
precubcrwhy ?¿03:54
w3bcrawlerso no one here has any idea how to make a shortcut in ubuntu netbook remix?03:54
dotblankprecubcr, we really need more info about that error03:54
precubcrtrying to install bluetooth03:54
precubcrdoesnt let me ...03:54
BlackWebI do w3bcrawler03:54
dotblankw3bcrawler, try google? or an ubuntu-remix channel?03:55
BlackWebuse ln -s03:55
precubcri restarted my computer03:55
rwww3bcrawler: in the menu thing at left? open it and right-click and click Add to Launcher, if I remember correctly.03:55
precubcrbut it doesnt start again03:55
precubcri had to use tty203:55
precubcrto login03:55
w3bcrawleri tried google.. keeps coming up with irrelevant tutorials03:55
precubcrinstead of tty103:55
BlackWebw3bcrawler go to terminal and use command ln03:55
bazhangprecubcr, no need for the enter key so often03:55
precubcru know anything ?03:55
dotblankprecubcr, can you please tell us what your objective is and what you are trying to do in ONE line?03:55
precubcri am trying to make my kubuntu 10.10 work beacause when i try to log in, a windowd that says System comfiguration, and cant pass it03:56
w3bcrawleri can remove stuff from the panel on the left - but when i bring up any menu and locate some applications, i cant right click on them or drag them over to the panel on the left03:56
w3bcrawlerso basically i can remove stuff but i cant add anything lol03:57
BlackWebw3bcrawler did you try checking the permissions03:57
BlackWebwith ls -al03:57
BlackWebthen change them with chmod03:57
precubcri have made photos of my problem .... but cant pass them to my pc03:57
needhelp1rww,  i found the article, it references the jan 10-14th linaro and ubuntu platform sprint03:57
dotblankprecubcr, Can you give more concise details? how does bluetooth relate to this?03:57
precubcrkpackage trying to install  but subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 103:58
sensaerww: I seem to have figured it out. With the public key, does ssh-rsa go on a separate line from the key?03:58
dotblankprecubcr, have you tried installing fromt he command line and getting debug information?03:58
fireboyRawr chkdsk.03:58
rwwsensae: it's all one line in mine03:58
sensaerww: For some reason ssh-copy-id copied it as two lines03:59
w3bcrawlerpermissions on what? the apps?03:59
precubcrdotblank i am new ... i do not know very much can u help me pls ¿03:59
rwwsensae: odd. oh well, glad you figured it out.03:59
dotblanksensae, thats odd? is your local copy of the key malformed?03:59
sensaedotblank: You know what? It is, that's embarassing. I'm not sure how that happened, but I guess I never noticed because I don't use public key on this system, I don't really ssh -to- this system.04:00
dotblankprecubcr, I am trying but I don't really understand what the issue really is? you attempt to install the package but errors?04:00
precubcrthe thing is that it is not only the kpackage .. it is all kubuntu. When i restarted, i could not get in using tty1 i had to use tty2 :( tty1 has problems i have the pictures here but cant pass them to my pc04:00
w3bcrawlergot it - thanks guys.. had to open the app and then right click and tell it to 'keep in launcher'04:00
dotblanksensae, :) glad you found out cause that would cause trouble for a while04:01
sensaerww: dotblank: Thanks to both of you04:01
sensaeI only noticed by looking very carefully at the sshd debug output, it listed 'authorized public key: "id_rsa" ' 'authorized public key: "<ACTUAL PUBKEY"' on two different lines04:02
HypoglybeticCan anyone help me 1 on 1 with Samba? I can't get anything setup correctly.  I even failed at setting up swat.04:04
sam-_-Hypoglybetic, you just want to access win7 shares, right?04:04
dotblankok Hypoglybetic04:04
Hypoglybeticsam-_-, dotblank When I browse my network on either ub, or w7 I can't log into the share folders.04:05
sam-_-Hypoglybetic, then you don't need samba only libsmbclient04:05
Hypoglybeticsam-_-, dotblank  I just installed and tried to setup swat, I can't even log into that.04:05
BlueBomber7Hey, quick RAID/md question:  What can anyone tell me about creating a softRAID on partitioned devices versus non-partitioned devices if I'm going to use the entire disk?04:05
Hypoglybeticsam-_-, I can see the folders in Ubuntu.  But I can't open them (invalid login) and I can't even open up the machine on w7, invalid login.04:05
dotblankHypoglybetic, can you PM me?04:06
Hypoglybeticdotblank,  sure04:06
dxyi download ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso  is this the one for netbook?04:06
BlueBomber7dxy:  AFAIK you can install any of the images and then get the netbook interface using APT.  So while I'm not sure it is or isn't, you can still use it.04:06
BlueBomber7dxy: Did you follow the Netbook Remix downloading instructions on ubuntu.com?04:07
akhyarizdxy: that's for amd64 processor04:07
dotblankdxy, but no.. thats not  for a netbook.. also I don't know of many 64bit netbooks either04:07
BlueBomber7dxy: Heh, that's true.  Most are Atoms, right?04:07
dxyim using msi wind u210 amd04:08
mrrothI created a directory under root using sudo mkdir raid how do I give my current user ownership of it  or should I just do chmod 777 raid04:08
BlueBomber7mrroth: man chown04:08
rwwmrroth: sudo chown yourusername:yourusername directory/04:08
dobblegois there a DVD download for 10.10?04:09
BlueBomber7Anyone here have any RAID/md knowledge and care if I ask a quick question over PM?04:09
rwwdxy: That'll work with i686 or amd64, but you want an ISO with -netbook- in the name, not alternate04:09
mrrothrww thanks04:10
fireboyWhat does it mean if starting up froze at the syslinux screen04:10
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rwwdobblego: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.10/release/04:10
bazhangrww, he quit04:11
fireboyYay, a reboot fixed it04:11
dxyi can only see ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso04:11
rwwdxy: Now that I think of it, there isn't a netbook ISO for amd64.04:12
rwwsorry, my brain slipped, forgot about that.04:12
akhyarizdxy: ubuntu i386 works well in amd64 processor, im using ubuntu i386 on amd64 processor04:15
dxyakhyariz: cool im gonna try it now. which netbook are you using?04:18
akhyarizdxy: im using notebook, compaq cq41110au04:19
akhyarizdxy: i mean cq41-110au04:19
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Nicolas_Leonidashey is it possible to allocate more space from an unallocated area to an already existing partition /dev/sda104:23
akhyariztry gparted04:24
red2kic^ on Ubuntu LiveCD.04:24
Nicolas_Leonidasi'm in gparted now, what do I do?04:24
Nicolas_Leonidasoh I have to be on live cd?04:24
Nicolas_LeonidasI'm inside ubuntu now04:24
fireboyRightclick on the partition04:24
red2kicNicolas_Leonidas: Correct. The partition can't be active while you're partitioning things.04:24
red2kicUnless you're on LVM2, that is. :)04:25
mrrothhow come I do sudo chown users:mrotth raid/04:26
mrrothchown: invalid user: `users:mrotth'04:26
mrrothI get tat error04:26
akhyarizmrroth, it should be chown mrrotth:users raid/04:27
brishumrroth, the format for chown is $chown owner:group file, so it should be userName:gorupName.04:28
mrrothahh it worked04:29
akhyarizmrroth, for more info: man chown04:29
erdosjianghi everyone!04:30
Viking667hello. I've got a problem with a monitor, and I seriously don't know what to do about it.04:31
Viking667Since I upgraded to Maverick, my kernel bleats about a invalid EDID on one of the monitors plugged into my two-head radeon card.04:32
Viking667it's a HD3450, and I would love someone who can tell me how to rehink the monitor's EDID checksum.04:33
Viking667Weird thing is, if I plug the Philips monitor into the same port, it's fine.04:34
Blue1Viking667: sorry man I have never used a dual card in my life04:35
Viking667hm. I've swapped the monitors around... now I get blinks every ... ten seconds or so.04:37
Viking667but nothing in dmesg.04:37
struhevolwhen i start my computer it takes 5 mins to boot up04:40
struhevolis something worng with the computer04:40
struhevolall i have is ubuntu 10.4 thats it04:40
struhevolhow do i make my ubuntu load faster04:42
akhyarizstruhevol, it can be too many startup services, install BootUp-Manager, review your startup services04:42
struhevolhow do i install bootup manager04:43
akhyarizstruhevol, sudo apt-get install bum04:43
Infinity8I need some help04:43
Infinity8whenever I try installing Ubuntu it freezes04:43
Infinity8at the loading screen with the white dots and the ubuntu sign04:44
Infinity8will anyone help me?04:44
bluezoneInfinity8: so the dots stop moving? do you still hear your cd working?04:44
Infinity8no i dont04:44
Infinity8they stop at 4 or 5 dots04:44
Infinity8and then the cd stops04:44
akhyarizInfinity8, disable acpi support, maybe help04:45
Infinity8i've installed ubuntu before about 6 months ago04:45
struhevolwhat do i do with the bum how do use it04:45
bluezoneInfinity8: then try burning another copy on another cd, at a slow speed, (<= 16x)04:45
Infinity8i've tried it on usb and cd04:45
bluezoneInfinity8: hmm04:46
Infinity8im using 512 MB RAM04:46
Infinity8im assuming they didnt increase the requirements since 6 months ago04:46
bluezoneInfinity8: and your trying to install the desktop edition?04:46
akhyarizstruhevol, disable unused services04:46
bluezoneInfinity8: yes if i am not mistaken they have increased the system requirements, 1 second04:46
Rabbitbu1nyInfinity8: I highly suggest Lubuntu or Xubuntu. LXDE /XFCE > Gnome @ low reqs.04:47
Infinity8because of my RAM?04:47
Rabbitbu1nyI've got Lubuntu running on a box with 385MB, it works great.04:48
Infinity8would you suggest xubuntu or lubuntu to a beginner?04:48
Infinity8as in a first time user04:48
Rabbitbu1nyInfinity8: Mhmm.04:48
* Rabbitbu1ny is a noob04:48
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snarksterwhat do you do if the magic sys rq keys dont work?04:50
snarksterwhen clearly they are always supposed to work04:50
rasaI can't seem to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my new ThinkPad w701ds. What's the best place to ask for help? Here?04:50
snarksterdoes you thinkpad have ubuntu on it already?04:51
rasayes, after I installed it (it came with Windows 7 originally)04:51
snarksterso you put 10.04 on it?04:52
snarkstertried to update to 10.1004:52
rasatried 10.04 and 10.1004:52
snarksterwhat does it do when you try?04:52
rasadownloaded 9.04 to try as well04:52
rasaok, windows 7 and fedora install and run fine04:52
snarksterwhat does it do when you try ubuntu04:53
rasaUbuntu installs, but when i boot, grub displays, and i select Ubuntu, and then I just get a blank screen04:53
rasahard disk light flashes for a bit, then stops04:53
snarksterits a video problem. try recovery mode04:53
rasavideo is fine in win 7 and fedora04:54
snarksterthats great, but we are talking about ubuntu now.04:54
rasathis is a ubuntu-specific issue04:54
rasarecovery mode exhibits the same symptom04:54
rasano video after initial grub menu04:55
akhyariztry ubuntu recovery mode04:55
rasanote: w701ds has two LCDs built in04:55
snarksterthats not recovery mode. hold down the left shift key. choose recovery mode04:55
rasaok, i'll try that... THANKS!04:56
rasaok, i saw the dmesgs for about 5 seconds, then the screen goes black, now nothing04:58
snarksterrasa what happenes if you put a live cd in and boot the system?05:00
rasaa dialog box is the last thing that displays for 0.1 seconds and then the screen blacks out05:00
rasasnarkster: works fine05:01
snarksterso you get graphics05:01
boxbeatsyhi, does anybody know how i can reserve a job from a random queue using beanstalkc?05:01
rasait's blacking out during the initial text display, not when it's loading X05:02
Ademanugh, does ifupdown not tell you whether you've associated with a wireless AP successfully?05:02
Ademaneven with --verbose it seems to say "OK" a lot when things are clearly not working...05:02
snarksterok so you get X on the live cd.. open a terminal and give us the lspci05:03
rasaok, doing that now, thanks05:03
snarksterto pastebin.com05:03
rasai know :):)05:04
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boxbeatsyanyone? :\05:04
snarkstersorry never used beanstalk05:05
residentgreywhat is it?05:05
snarksterassuming its some kinda sound app..05:07
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residentgreyok i'll look into it later, it's in the queue hehe, i had to deal with reformatting windows I need a nap05:07
DanielI am trying to get "hotkey-setup" and the last message I get is "Package hotkey-setup has no installation candidate"  Can anyone assist?05:07
snarksterbeanstalkd - simple, in-memory, workqueue service05:07
residentgreyok nnn05:08
boxbeatsysnarkster: o yea, didnt see your question05:08
boxbeatsydo you know where i should go to ask questions?05:08
boxbeatsyi've tried their google group to noa vail05:08
snarksterwell your in the right place but not at the right time I guess.05:08
snarksterits getting kinda late here in the us, and europe isnt up yet. LOL05:09
DanielMidnight here in EST.05:09
snarksterDaniel do you know anything about beanstalk05:10
Alan502Hi, is there an app for ubuntu that would let me synchronize an agenda (or just plain notes) over the internet05:10
DanielNo, sorry.05:10
boxbeatsysnarkster: gotcha05:11
snarksterAlan502 yah google calender05:11
needlezanyone got any ideas why totem won't autoclose after a movie?? or does anyone know of a way to get any movie player to shut itself off, exit out after movie? so that the computer can enter sleep mode05:12
Alan502snarkster, It's web based though, right05:12
DanielCan anyone assist me in solving three errors?  "Depends: hotkey-setup but it is not installable Depends: kio-locate but it is not installable Depends: usplash but it is not going to be installed"05:12
snarksteryes, untill you configure evolution to access your google calander05:13
Alan502snarkster, something that could save the synced notes even after internet connection is lost would be the best ;D05:13
needlezanyone got any ideas why totem won't autoclose after a movie?? or does anyone know of a way to get any movie player to shut itself off, exit out after movie? so that the computer can enter sleep mode05:13
snarksterDaniel upgrade you repos apt-get update05:13
needlezDaniel: what are you trying to install??05:13
snarksterAlan i dont know anything about that.05:13
DanielI am trying to install ichthux-desktop05:13
snarksterDaniel I dont now anyhting about that05:14
mrrothso I have Disk /dev/sdc: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes and Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes and I want to do software raid one, how would I do that in the cli05:14
Adogso i installed samba smbfs on my 10.10 machine, and I corrupted it by deleting the samba folder, so now even if I remove and install again it wont install properly and recreate that folder, how do I kinda run a cleanup on the machine so anything associated with samba gets removed05:14
needlezDaniel: give me a few min to look it up05:14
snarkstermrroth read dmraid, or use the ubuntu disk utility05:15
DanielHow do I send a private msg in X?05:15
mrrothcan I use the ubuntu disk utility from the cli after ubuntu was already isntalled05:15
snarksterprivate msg on what?05:15
mrrothI isntalled ubuntu on 60 gig ide disk, and now I have two 500 gig sata disk tha tI want raid 105:16
snarkstermrroth is this server or desktop version?05:16
x_why do I have no alsa-utils restart commands etc but the package is installed?05:16
mrrothopps wrong channel05:16
mrroththis is server05:16
snarkstermrroth read dmraid05:17
snarksterit will explain everything for you05:17
hujulaI installed sopcast 0.4.1 and cannot play in fullscreen, any fix?05:17
yuvai am trying to install lamp server but getting some problem always so plz hlp me to remove all severs in pc and to install fresh lamp05:17
detrix42anyone here have oracle database running under ubuntu?  if so I could use some help.05:17
hujulahelp fix this issuE05:18
mrrothk so fakre raid is better05:19
mrroththen linux software raid05:19
hujulalinux is crazy05:19
* bluezone nods05:19
mrrothso use windows05:19
snarksterim not swaying that. you wanted to know how to do software raid..05:20
Adogso i installed samba smbfs on my 10.10 machine, and I corrupted it by deleting the samba folder, so now even if I remove and install again it wont install properly and recreate that folder, how do I kinda run a cleanup on the machine so anything associated with samba gets removed05:20
x_why do I have no alsa-utils restart commands etc but the package is installed?05:20
aurillianceQ: Is there a way to change the focus model in ubuntu so the topmost window always has the mouse focus?05:20
bluezonemrroth: oh i though he was referring to the good crazy05:20
yuvahelp me to remove all severs in ubuntu  and to install fresh lamp05:20
snarksteradog sudo apt-get purge samba smbfs05:20
hujulablezone: yes05:20
Adogthank you05:20
freezwayanyway i can make ubuntu use less mem? im already running w/o X05:21
hujulablezone: u experienced this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~austinloveit05:21
freezwayim trying to run a minecraft server on 512MB05:21
mrrothahh I Found out mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb105:22
hujulaIs there no one here experiencing this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~austinloveit05:22
BlueBomber7needlez: Did you get any help?05:23
hujulai googled around  still no fix available, what a hell.05:23
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needlezBlueBomber7: not yet05:24
bluezonehujula: if only i could install more than one thing at once xD05:24
needlezsorry was helping someone05:24
yuvainstallation of lamp plz by removing all other servers05:24
bluezoneyuva: sorry i don't understand your question, you want to install a lamp server correct?05:24
yuvabluezone:yup but already i tried to instll got some error by uninstalling  previoud one i want toinstall new lamp05:25
hujulawhere should I start to master linux stuff?05:25
snarksteryuva: im not sure of all the services your talking about. but you installed lmap so now just sudo apt-get purge <all the lamp files>05:26
BlackWebhujula download linux turtorials from internet05:26
x_why do I have no alsa-utils restart commands etc but the package is installed?05:27
BlackWebgo to piratebay and download05:27
yuvabluezone: thank u05:27
bluezoneyuva: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:27
BlackWebhujula look to download CBT05:27
juniourhey i am not able to connect net via bluetooth through mobile any help please05:27
BlackWebya go to the piratebay, and search CBT LINUX05:28
kzuushut up blackweb05:28
BlackWeblol why05:28
kzuujk ily05:28
jds-I have a linux computer without any internet connection.  i wish to install freeciv and i have already downloaded the source.  i want assistance to make sure i am able to install and play freeciv by burning the necessary files to my file transfer cd05:28
brad1150I can't login to my home directories on samba. I've added the users, set the smbpasswds, edited the config the way every guide I read said to, but nothing works. Invalid login05:28
juniourhey i am not able to connect net via bluetooth through mobile  any help please05:28
mrrotho is thsi right for software raid 1 mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 fdisk says Disk /dev/sdc: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes and Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes05:28
detrix42anyone here have oracle database running under ubuntu?  if so I could use some help.05:28
hujulablackweb: I`m using China Telecom ISP and get blocked from piratebay05:29
akhyarizjds-:, why don't you try this apt-web, http://repo.ugm.ac.id/apt-web05:29
hujulablackweb: how to enable proxychains?05:29
BlackWebyou can get a seedbox or vpn to do it, or look into videos05:29
bluezonehujula: damn05:29
Adogokay so i tryed sudo apt-get purge samba smbfs and i tryed to reinstall and still it doesnt install properly05:29
bluezonehujula: try another one like isohunt05:30
x_this channel has made me better at linux over the years cause no one ever seems to have the answers.05:30
desksonganyone use  scrot to capture a picture?  scrot -s  is not always useful, much times i use 'scrot -s',but the retangle line does not display,05:30
bluezonex_: at least it is better than the support for many other distros05:30
brad1150can anyone help with my samba problem?05:31
hujulabluezone: I even cannot watch YOUTUBE now05:31
juniourhey i am not able to connect net via bluetooth through mobile  any help please05:31
bluezonehujula: why,05:31
aurillianceQ: Is there a way to change the focus model in ubuntu so the topmost window always has the mouse focus?05:31
red2kichujula: Did you install Flash? Na.05:31
Danny78_I installed new ram in ubuntu server and now I have no video05:31
jds-akhyariz: what do i do after i press the submit button? (im on a windows box)05:31
hujulabluezone: GFW has blocked05:31
bluezonehujula: yeah i don't like china too much :(05:32
red2kicaurilliance: Right-click on the window title and "Always On Top"?05:32
akhyarizhujula, try ninja proxy http://ninjacloak.com05:32
Danny78_Is it possible to update mobo bios through wine?05:32
hujulared2kic: sure I did installed adobe flash plugin05:32
red2kicaurilliance: Ah, focus. Meh.05:32
desksonghujula: 兲朝屁民?05:32
red2kichujula: What are you on? i686 or x86_86?05:32
red2kichujula: Run "uname -r" and it'll tell you.05:32
psycho_oreosDanny78_: I don't think that would be safe imo05:33
juniourhey hel me please05:33
akhyarizjds-:, download the .deb packages05:33
hujulared2kid: i68605:33
x_so after isolating which audio device my hdmi card is and finally getting that to work by manually editing /etc/pulse/default.pa I eventually realized when my sound stopped working that /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart/stop/start does nothing tried reinstalling alsa-utils. any ideas how my hdmi sound works now but I can't restart alsa without restarting my pc?05:33
red2kichujula: And how did you install Flash?05:33
brad1150Guess I'll just go to the forums for help.05:33
hujulauname -r05:33
bluezoneoh god05:34
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  is there a way to natively update mobo bios?05:34
hujulared2kic: I installed by go to get adobe flash player website.05:34
Danny78_Or does anyone know any way to get the ram working?05:34
hujuladesksong: yes, and u?05:34
juniourhi hlpm me please05:35
psycho_oreosDanny78_: not really, not unless if the mobo manufacturer does have flashing using linux method. I had to flash using liveUSB + FreeDOS + DOS flasher tool05:35
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  can you help me or point me to how to do this?05:35
red2kichujula: Fire up a terminal. Run "apt-cache search flash" -- It'll list flash-related packages. Any of them marked with 'i' in first column?05:36
juniouris any one here to help me05:36
red2kichujula: Err, that's aptitude, I aplogizie. -- do just tell the list.05:36
psycho_oreosDanny78_: is the bios flasher tool you got relies on DOS or does it actually require GUI interface?05:36
BlackWebjunior whats up05:36
red2kic!flash | hujula05:37
ubottuhujula: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:37
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/05:37
hujulared2kic: the flash plug in installed Ok. I can play yahoo video and google video. what I need is proxy.05:37
BlackWebjuniour what do you need help with05:37
r000t_laptopXorg and Nautilus have decided that it's time to hog my processor. They do this about 4 times a day. any idea why?05:37
juniourhey i am not able to connect net via bluetooth through mobile  any help please05:37
r000t_laptopCan I replace them with something less intrusive?05:37
r000t_laptopwhen they do this the computer is unusable05:38
hujulaMy ISP blocked those sites.05:38
BlackWebhujula look into getting a vpn05:38
BlackWebi hear bannana vpn is good05:38
juniourBlacKWeb hey i am not able to connect net via bluetooth through mobile  any help please05:38
bombshellI'm a big fan of Ubuntu untill lately, it looks like it's becoming unstable, 10.10 release.... Desktop just completely unresponsive, I can move the mouse, and make text slection but couldn't select any app05:38
bluezoner000t_laptop: i believe the command is metacity --replace05:39
bombshellNow this window is resizing as I type05:39
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  checking...  (running on 256 MB RAM)  slooooq05:39
bluezoner000t_laptop: try that05:39
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hujulablackweb: I checked out proxychains and installed but don't know how to make it work.05:39
r000t_laptopdoes that permanently replace it?05:39
psycho_oreosDanny78_: huh?05:39
bluezoner000t_laptop: no no, u can change it after05:39
hujulablackweb: what kinda vpn do u advice?05:39
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  checking to see if it needs GUI to flash05:40
r000t_laptopI guess I wanted to know why those two processes randomly decide to fuck my machine over05:40
nsahoohi guys. I just added a third hard drive to the system and surprisingly the display of the ubuntu system seems to be a little messed up after that.05:40
BlackWebhujula just anyone thats not within your country like the US, France, or England05:40
Cpt_Zyphok im stuck.. i have been trying to learn how to read error logs but i still cant figure out were or what im looking for.. my dell mini9 (vostroA90) is locking up at random and i cant figure it out.. everything from watching a video clip or only in firefox.. im not sure were to learn more about my problem 8/05:40
bluezoner000t_laptop: i had a similar problem and i did that and it worked05:40
psycho_oreosDanny78_: usually the motherboard website would detail that05:40
=== Guest17653 is now known as mick
BlackWebthat way you can go to websites that are blocked by your country05:40
nsahooeverytime I start a new window the bottom inch of the window is not rendered05:40
BlackWebjuniour what version of ubuntu are you using05:41
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BlackWebhujula I'd look into getting one in england or germany05:41
BlackWebthen from there you can get a seedbox05:41
BlackWebI currently have one in france05:41
=== hacker is now known as Guest49081
Guest49081hey guys can someone help me out?05:42
hujulablackweb: censorship that's what happening in this country.05:42
red2kicGuest49081: Ask away already.05:42
nsahoowhen I move from one workspace to another of move the window, it refreshes and goes back to normal05:42
BlackWebya so if you get a vpn then it should eliminate that for you,05:42
bluezoneGuest49081: no nobody can help you if we don't get more than "can someone help me"05:43
nsahooit was not happening before I added the hard drive. So, I am wondering why. the drive is not even mounted yet.05:43
Cpt_Zyphcan anyone tell me were i can find a log that shows me why my netbook is freezing at random??05:43
Guest49081@red2kic Ok. first off i got a microsd and trying to copy music on it but it says like its read only permission05:43
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: you might find it via dmesg05:43
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
Nicolas_Leonidashey Gparted Partition Editor crashes when I boot from live cd05:44
BlackWebguest49081 go into as root by alt+F205:44
BlackWebthen enter root password05:44
red2kicGuest49081: "cd /media ; ls -l" -- Paste the result.05:44
hujulablackweb: I prefer Germany.05:44
BlackWebguest49081 then you can change the permission if you05:44
Cpt_Zyphpsycho_oreos ya i still dont understand how to translate that dmesg... is there a fpaste sorta command or something05:44
BlackWebhujula, ya that would be a good one05:44
Cpt_Zyphso i can post it online for someone who knows what they are doing or something?05:44
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: there's pastebinit which you can aptitude install05:45
Guest49081i shall try05:45
jds-akhyariz: what packages?  it doesn't list any05:45
BlackWebguest49081 after you press alt+F2  then type gksudo nautilus05:45
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  for liveusb, is freedos the type of liveusb I need to create?05:45
BlackWebthen root to access it as root05:45
Cpt_Zyphso just type dmesg pastebinit ?05:46
hujulablackweb: the battery meter percentage calculation not working on Marv. any idea?05:46
psycho_oreosDanny78_: yes but I don't know of any guides off hand to make it work, I had use grub4dos and then loaded freeDOS iso image onto flash drive so that it would boot. You might find it a little easier if you could burn freeDOS iso onto maybe a CD or something05:47
akhyarizjds-:, freeciv-server for the server, and freeciv-client-gtk for the client05:47
BlackWebhujula, huh cant think of any right now05:47
Drahx_Hi guys, Mind if I ask a couple noob questions?05:47
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: no you need to download and install pastebinit first.. the command is something like `dmesg| pastebinit -'05:47
Cpt_Zyphaaa yes gatta pipe in the 2nd command .. ok im a try that out05:47
BlackWebDrahx go ahead05:48
ShawnI'm having an issue with Ubuntu freezing05:48
Cpt_Zyphcan anyone tell me why my machine is locking up at random from that dmesg log??05:48
Drahx_I made the switch from windows to Ubuntu a week ago and love it, I want to switch my home server to Linux but want to keep a GUI, what is my best bet?05:48
Shawncan anyone suggest an appropriate chanel do bring this up on05:48
bluezoneShawn: this is the channel05:49
Guest49081ok after done with the gksudo is there anything i need to do to get out of root05:49
nsahooany help on the slow X problem after adding harddrive?05:49
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: doesn't seem to be any issues with that current kernel log output, are you by any chance using wireless?05:50
Cpt_Zyphwould wireless cause a lock up of the system????05:50
psycho_oreosDrahx_: what do you mean keep a GUI? you can install maybe ubuntu-desktop to retain GUI interface after installation05:51
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: using that driver would yes05:51
hujulared2kic: Is there a proxy app on ubuntu like the HotSpotshield?05:51
Cpt_Zyphwhich driver?05:51
Cpt_Zyphit was the only way to get wifi working.. it was a fix / how to link from the ubuntu site... hummm05:51
red2kichujula: I don't need a proxy so I never had a chance to monkey with that. Sorry. I know you only have to connect to your proxy -- and set Firefox (or another things) to redirect that.05:52
edevHi, all. Does sudo -u someuser save the password until the computer restarts? If so, where and how do I change this?05:52
Cpt_Zyphpsych_oreos how can you tell what driver im using and that it could cause a conflict with the system??05:52
Shawnalright....I run 24/7 number crunchers for Einstein@home and recently upgraded my processor to a 2.66Ghz quad that my mobos chipset supports.  After having issues for awhile, I saved all of my data and reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04LTS.  The freeze usually happens 2-3 hours after I stop being active on the computer.  Two issues that might play into it is that I'm running the processor in powersave mode to manage heat @2Ghz and the (and this would be a BOINC issue if05:52
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: you're using wl driver for broadcom bcm4315. wl is the proprietary driver of broadcom which isn't very useful when it comes to debugging its own issues as its mostly closed source. There is an alternative which is to use b43 with the right firmware but its not a guaranteed way to prevent future lockups as the last I read with b43 and bcm4315 as WIP05:52
bluezoneCpt_Zyph:  psycho_oreos is obviously a god05:53
red2kicedev: It'll be efficent for only 15 minutes at most.05:53
Cpt_Zyphi dont disagre with his point im just wondering how he knows as im trying to learn *)05:53
hujulared2kic:yes to redireck to a webpage. That's what need to be done.05:54
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: I can see it from that dmesg :) check line 73505:54
edevred2kic: All right, thank you. Still, any idea where it's stored, how to disable it, etc.?05:54
Cpt_Zyphok so ... i need to find a way to get the wifi working on this machine ... or should i just try an older version of ubuntu05:54
red2kicedev: However, if you're concerned -- You can just invoke "sudo -k" after you ran that command. That should invoke the time.05:54
kristiinahi guys. my sd card reader doesn't recognize the sd card (ubuntu 10.10)05:54
detrix42whats the full path to the java jdk in ubuntu. I thought it was /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun but thats not working.05:54
Drahx_What I mean is, I want to be able to share my drives and printers and set up a PS3 media server, but doing it all through text input is very intimidating to me........ I'm used to winding my way through a user interface for that stuff.....05:54
red2kicedev: invalid* :)05:54
edevred2kic: Thank you! :)05:54
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: I'd exhaust all possible avenues first before reverting back to older version of ubuntu as I'm sure reverting to older version will still require you to use wl driver05:55
Cpt_Zyphhow did you look through that log so fast???05:55
sam-_-Shawn, ever ran a memtest?05:55
red2kicedev: No problem. You learn something new. Use "man sudo" for more details. :D05:55
kristiina my sd card reader doesn't recognize the sd card even if it's plugged in through usd in the camera (ubuntu 10.10). please help05:55
moegreenhow do i install a shell script file?05:55
ShawnNo, do I just do that from the terminal?05:55
moegreenthere is no .sh or ./install file05:55
Cpt_Zyphpsycho_oreos i would rather learn how to properly setup and run current version as well.. humm.. i dunno what to do.. any other log files i shoudl eb checking?05:55
edevred2kic: Thank you. I thought I knew a decent amount about Linux, but my friend's been grilling me for a couple hours now and he had me stumped05:55
sam-_-Shawn, also temperatures may get to high even with the powersave setting05:55
hujulared2kic: In order to browsing anomalously.05:55
ShawnThere is a significant discrepancy between the frequency of the memory and that of the processor05:56
psycho_oreosDrahx_: hmm there might be PS3 builds of ubuntu floating around, but there's many other issues that you will need to consider, such as the PS3's firmware and what not05:56
Shawn800Mhz and 1333Mhz, but I thought the processor was adaptive enough to work with 80005:56
sam-_-Shawn, no you have to reboot. should be an option in grub menu. if not install memtest first05:56
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: there isn't much other logs to be honest :) the other alternative is to try and load modules where possible to give out verbose information. Either that or to use wired only and to see if the problem persist05:56
Shawnand the issue isn't heat, I have sensors applet on constantly and the core temps never rise above 63 degrees C (the max being 71), let alone the heat sensor for the CPU as a whole.05:57
ShawnI'll try that05:57
Drahx_I don't mean to install linux on it, I just want to setup my server to be able to share files with my PS305:57
Shawnand I'm just looking for a pass/fail?05:57
sam-_-Shawn, y. that's normal processor freq. and mem freq. are unrelated05:57
Shawnoh yeah05:58
psycho_oreosDrahx_: ahh well you can still install normal ubuntu anyway and you'll still retain GUI, and for any sharing stuff you'll just need stuff like ushare with DLNA05:58
Cpt_Zyphpsycho_oreos ill do the wired only test as thats the easiest and best to rule out the problem before i start spining in circles.. thanks for your advice.. and help.. i need to learn how to read that dmesg log file better.. its pretty confusing to me.. i have a hard time reading through all the jargan...05:58
ShawnI'm thinking mobo and memory05:58
sam-_-Shawn, ok 71 should be fine. high but still fine.05:58
Cpt_Zyphanyone got a good dmesg guide so i can figure out hwo to scan down to the key entries on my log file05:58
ShawnI'll test and be back soon05:58
Shawnthanks, sam05:58
sam-_-!memtest | Shawn05:58
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: The best way is to try eliminiating one potential source of problem at a time. Rather than assuming its best to try it out. As for reading kernel log, that will come with years of experience :)05:59
Cpt_Zyphpsycho_oreos understood.. well i have uninstalled my last windows machine to force me to work through my linux problems.. and as much as i love the help from this channel.. i wish i didnt feel so helpless to these kinda problems .. thank you again ill try to find some pdfs guides on hwo to read dmesg logs06:00
Cpt_Zyphthx again06:00
bluezonethis is going to be a nice dejavu, i am going to fix my slow wireless speed by updating kernel and then install nvidia drivers and everything will screw up again :)06:00
Drahx_ok, can I use LAMP in normal Ubuntu if I need to in the future? (a website is on my to do list)06:00
eee500test.. testing.06:01
psycho_oreosCpt_Zyph: lspci -nnk would show what chipsets are on your mobo along with any pci/pcmcia/express/pci cards connected. It would also show any affiliated drivers/modules and any available drivers/modules. Then with wl is matter of checking the info up via modinfo wl :)06:01
Drahx_Test.. Passed06:01
juniourcan any onel tell me abt goog video converter from mp4,mkv to 3gp etc06:01
psycho_oreosDrahx_: yes06:01
ShawnI sam still there?06:04
psycho_oreosDrahx_: the only difference is with installing ubuntu server is that you won't get GUI interface (which of course you can install it later on after the normal installation finishes) and some packages along with kernel which can all be customised even with ubuntu desktop edition06:05
ShawnI'd forgotten that since I'm no longer dual-booting on this drive, the grub menu doesn't show when I boot.  Is there a key combo that I can use to get grub to show so that I can run memtest?06:05
psycho_oreos!grub2| Shawn06:05
ubottuShawn: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:05
linux_is_my_herorhythmbox is saying my new ipod is read-only when i copy music to it.  how do i fix this?06:05
red2kicShawn: If you're on grub2 -- Hold SHIFT.06:06
red2kicShawn: During the boot.06:06
mrrothdo I need to create the partion first then the raid 1 mirror (software raid) or just run this mdadm --create  /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 < then do mkfs.ext3 /dev/md006:06
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: hmm I'd try to check and to make sure that your ipod isn't using hfs/hfs+, that its supported by rhythmbox and that you might need gksu to write stuff to it06:07
Drahx_psycho_oreos: Thanks for all of your help, I feel like such a noob no that's I've stepped away from windows.... lol06:07
psycho_oreosDrahx_: we all had to start from somewhere :)06:07
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: how do i check the file system?06:07
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: via `mount' command under gnome-terminal06:08
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: it can play this one song that's on there as a demo, just not write anything to it.06:08
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: 'mount' what?06:08
juniourany good video convertor06:08
=== jmad980 is now known as OOzemeister
SamuelHello, Everytime I reboot my computer networking seems to be offline I have to enable it by doing /sbin/ifup -a     it just started recently and I dont know why06:09
bluezonedoes anyone recall how to configure grub in order to make my secondary windows os appear in the menu, i picked ubuntu to be automatically booted accidentally06:09
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: yes because ubuntu may have mounted it as read only or that because it requires root for safety to permit writing to raw device06:09
psycho_oreosSamuel: seems like ifupdown scripts are being more honoured than networkmanager06:10
SamuelHow would I go about fixing this?06:10
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: what's the syntax for 'mount" with ipods?06:10
rasahow do I run failsafeX from the command line?06:10
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: its `mount' only to show the list of mounted block devices to their respective directories under the rootfs06:10
kristiinacan anyone help, please? sdhc card reader not working06:10
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: you don't need to manually mount the ipod, I believe the ipod is already mounted, you just need to type `mount' command to see where its connected to but moreso is to check the filesystem its mounted as06:11
juniourhey i have installed a software from ubuntu software center but i cand find that can any one here tell  me where this is installed06:11
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:11
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: how do i format my ipod so its like brand-new?06:11
ShawnI don't know if this relates to my problem or not, but it's certainly an anomaly - I held down the shift key during boot and grub didn't show.  My install is ubuntu 10.04LTS.06:11
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: i don't have a mac, but i have a windows box and a ubuntu box.06:11
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: that information should be available inside the owners manual of the device :)06:11
juniour hey i have installed a software from ubuntu software center  but i cand find that can any one here tell  me where this is  installed06:11
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: you don't need windows or mac, I have done copying to and stuff from my old ipod video using xubuntu06:12
Shawnjunior, have you checked your menus?06:12
linux_is_my_herookay i dont know what to look for when i type in 'mount' so can you check a pastebin to help me out?06:13
bullgard4juniour: In a terminal: 'sudo updatedb', 'locate <name of your software>'.06:13
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: you'll need to pastebin the contents of mount out and paste me the link so that I can look06:13
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/KNPVzS2s06:14
Samuelpsycho_oreos: I am unsure how to fix the problem with the networking, I have been googling for days would you be able to point me to some documentation on this? Or is it possible to have the "/sbin/ifup -a" forced upon startup?06:14
Lanlost... Why does it seem impossible to get sound to record in Ubuntu or linux in general?06:15
AbhiJit_how to know ip address of website?06:15
LanlostI don't want to record from a mic.. I want to record my output06:15
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest96454
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
Lanlostthe sound output.. as in... recording anything my computer outputs through the speakers. I've been using linux for like 5 years now and have NEVER seen it work.. for anyone.. and I'm using Ubuntu Studio06:15
AbhiJithow to find ip address of website?06:15
sacarlsonAbhiJit: ping website06:15
LanlostI'm starting to believe it's not possible..06:15
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: it seems like its mounted as hfsplus, check the last line of that mount output. The last I heard was hfsplus support under linux is somewhat flaky so I suggest you to refer to your owners manual on how to format your ipod to windows format which should then appear as fat3206:15
LanlostAbhiJit, terminal/console -> ping www.google.com06:15
AbhiJitLanlost, sacarlson thank you06:16
LanlostPING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.06:16
rasahow do I start X in failsafe mode from the command line (google is no help)06:16
psycho_oreosSamuel: you could do an ugly hack of adding that line into /etc/rc.conf which should be executed upon every boot/reboot.06:16
red2kicrasa: "startx" -- I guess06:16
psycho_oreosAbhiJit: host <website>06:16
red2kicrasa: Meh. Ubuntu is... "sudo service gdm start" <--06:17
AbhiJitpsycho_oreos, yahh thanks06:17
juniour bullgard4 i dident get u06:17
psycho_oreosping actually pings the host unless you specify not to, host just resolves the names to IP via dns registars06:17
linux_is_my_heroanyone know how to format an ipod?06:17
AbhiJit!ipod | linux_is_my_hero06:17
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:17
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: you don't have owners manual for that ipod?06:17
bullgard4juniour: What did you not get?06:17
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: i didin't get a manual. its a 7th gen 160gb which looks like they had it for about 10 minutes then lost their minds and sold it to me.06:17
Lanlostlinux_is_my_hero, in what sense?06:18
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: its a refurb because the original hdd failed.06:18
LanlostIf it's a supported version, do what I did.. best thing I ever did with any mp3 player06:18
Lanlostinstall rockbox..06:18
linux_is_my_heroLanlost: its in HFS+ format and i need it in FAT3206:18
qq99any reason copy in terminal is ctrl+shift+c?  can I change that to ctrl+c?06:18
Lanlostyou can just format it like a regular drive.. install rockbox with the installer06:18
juniourbullgard4 i have installed as oftware fron ubuntu software centert but i cant that06:18
qq99oh nvm lol, stupid question06:18
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: hmm well a copy of the manual can also be obtained from apple's website06:18
Lanlostlinux_is_my_hero, you can just format it like a normal drive, just specify fat3206:18
juniour that06:19
LanlostI used gparted06:19
bluezonedoes anyone recall how to configure grub in order to make my secondary windows os appear in the menu, i picked ubuntu to be automatically booted accidentally06:19
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: good idea :-)06:19
OtterNZHow do I go about removing the title bar on selected applications? I can only find how to do this for every window, not just certain ones (the bar that says the name of the programme, and has the minimise/maximise/close buttons)06:19
linux_is_my_herolanlost: i thought rockbox only works up to ipod 5.5?06:19
bullgard4juniour: What is the name of the software which you have installed via Ubuntu Software Center?06:19
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: iirc I'm very sure ipod allows you to format itself without needing to connect up to a computer to format the hard drive into windows format06:19
Samuelthank you psycho_oreos  I will try that and hopefully it will work06:19
psycho_oreosit should be buried inside the menus06:19
rasais there a key combination that causes the current X session to exit back to the command line?06:20
psycho_oreosSamuel: ideally you should look into long term solution to get networkmanager to work, there should be reasons why as to networkmanager to be manually operating if ifupdown is being honoured in favour.. should be some conf files iirc06:20
psycho_oreosrasa: init 106:20
qq99what's the best way to test my mouse for which click = which ButtonX?06:21
guestrasa, try ctrl + alt + backspace06:21
qq99I've got a logitech g50006:21
psycho_oreosqq99: maybe xev06:21
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  ASUS actually offers it's software for linux06:21
qq99psycho_oreos, I'll check that06:21
qq99where's the place where I'd change lock to meta+L vs. ctrl+alt+L?06:21
psycho_oreosDanny78_: I meant in terms of BIOS flashing, I know Gigabyte didn't they only had DOS flasher tools06:21
juniourbullgard i think that was video convertor06:21
psycho_oreosqq99: I think its the same place06:22
ubuntuzI've an HDD with raid 0 and Ubuntu 10.10 fresh install, I'm trying to install burg on MBR: /usr/sbin/burg-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/mapper/isw_cahajbcdji_ARRAY05.  Check your device.map. In /etc/fstab only I've /dev/mapper/isw_cahajbcdji_ARRAY05/ so when I try burg-install /dev/sde fails. What should I do?06:22
psycho_oreosqq99: err wait my bad no, key bindings inside gnome somewhere06:22
Drahx_Hmm, I keep getting a black screen after the initial loading screen when booting from Thumb drive to install Ubuntu Desktop version06:22
rasaguest: nada06:22
rasagetting ubuntu to work on a w701ds totally sucks06:23
guestrasa, didn't it work ?06:23
rasafedora and windows run fine, ubuntu sucks ass06:23
psycho_oreosDrahx_: that could be ACPI issue, you might want to try appending noacpi into boot line06:23
Drahx_how can I do that?06:23
fermulatorubuntuz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8643812&postcount=4006:24
rasai've spent *all day* on this, what a total waste of time06:24
fermulatorubuntuz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MasterBootLoader06:24
isongood day06:24
Samuelpsycho_oreos: Well I just attempted it and it did not fix the issue I still have to login and issue the command manually I added it to /etc/init/rc.conf   so I guess I do have to search for another solution :)06:24
fermulatorubuntuz: basically, you need to tell grub about the "fake raid" device06:24
psycho_oreosDrahx_: when you boot into USB, normally you get that splash screen with all the boot options right? you just hit install but before hitting enter you hit tab or something to edit the line and you hit End key.. then you type in noacpi and then hit enter06:24
bluezonewhere can i get my hands on the latest kernel06:24
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  I'm confused.  Do I still boot the ubuntu computer from a flash drive with freedos to upgrade the bios?06:24
fermulatorubuntuz: specifically, this line is of interest to you: "grub> device (hd0) /dev/mapper/isw_beeaakeeaa_five"06:25
Drahx_I I'm not even getting to the splash screen06:25
psycho_oreosSamuel: the /etc/rc.conf file is not honoured, maybe execute permissions or its not set06:25
juniourbullgard4 can u suggest me any good video convertor06:25
Lanlosthas no one here ever recorded their output before?06:25
bullgard4juniour: "video converter" is no Ubuntu name of a software downloadable. "video converter" is a generic name. What is the special name of the software (package) which you have downloaded using the Ubuntu Software Center?06:25
ubuntuzthx, let me see06:25
Drahx_I have no issue on the server version though06:25
LanlostI'm talking as simple as.. playing a video on youtube and recording the audio.. you know.. analog hole06:25
Danny78_psycho_oreos:  the flash utility is an .exe, so I'm assuming the answer is yes06:26
norootdoes ne1 know anything about putting ubuntu on an ipod touch?06:26
Drahx_What are the chances that the "Startup disk creator" messed up?06:26
bullgard4juniour: What do you want to convert in your video?06:26
juniourbullgurrd4 i cant rember name06:26
qq99gwah, in xev each of my buttons are different things... rarely are they actually button events06:26
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: if you don't mind me asking, where'd you get ur handle from?06:26
iDopeI installed sensors-applet via apt but am still not seeing in the add to panel list (Hardware Sensors is not listed). How do I get the sensors applet working?06:26
rasain recovery mode, the failsafe option fails to run X, but simple returns to the menu, not very failsafe is it!!!!!06:26
juniourit sound like men coder or decoder06:26
juniouri think so06:26
psycho_oreosDanny78_: no, you need to find out how does the flasher works, if the flasher is windows only tool (which means that it has GUI) you cannot use freeDOS. If the flasher tool is DOS based you can use FreeDOS to flash the BIOS which can be done either by burning a copy of freeDOS onto CD or using USB in addition with grub4dos. Otherwise if they have linux flasher tool, then I use that by all means06:27
juniourbut i am in confusion06:27
bluezonewhere can i get my hands on the latest kernel?06:27
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: secret :)06:27
ubuntuzum, # sudo fdisk -l --> can not look in /dev/sde06:27
bullgard4juniour: Ok, you cannot remember the name of the converter.  But in this case it is difficult to help you.06:27
juniourbullgurd suggest me any good convertor06:27
sam-_-psycho_oreos, have you ever seen a linux flasher tool? which manufacturer?06:27
norootis there an ipod room on irc06:28
psycho_oreosbluezone: usually from ubuntu repositories. Otherwise you can get them from kernel.org but I would advise against that unless you know what you are doing and you are prepared to clean up any mess06:28
OtterNZHow do I go about removing the title bar on selected applications? I can only find how to do this for every window, not just certain ones (the bar that says the name of the programme, and has the minimise/maximise/close buttons)06:28
iDopeI installed sensors-applet via apt but am still not seeing in the add to panel list (Hardware Sensors is not listed). How do I get the sensors applet working?06:28
psycho_oreossam-_-: haven't seen any but according to Danny78_ he said ASUS provides linux tools. I do not know offhand if he refers to a flasher tool or some other thing like drivers for linux06:28
fermulatorubuntuz: uhh ... that's weird. it actually says "can not look in" ?06:28
bullgard4juniour: I am no expert. From the name, use "ubuntustudio-video".06:29
bluezonepsycho_oreos, i recall an ftp hosted by ubuntu06:29
psycho_oreosnoroot: there's apple room.. iirc its ##apple06:29
norootok ty06:29
ravibnmy webcam (frontech e-cam JIL2214) is not working after installing 10.106:29
iDopeanyone??? help with sensors-applet?06:30
linux_is_my_heromy ipod is read-only, please help.06:30
sam-_-psycho_oreos, don't forget: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/06:30
linux_is_my_heroipod manual doesn't tell me how to format this thing at all...06:30
psycho_oreossam-_-: you should be directing that to bluezone :)06:30
bullgard4iDope: You better put a more specific question here in this channel.06:30
sam-_-psycho_oreos, he knows :-)06:30
bluezoneyeah but i forgot :(06:30
psycho_oreossam-_-: well there you go, from the horse's mouth06:31
iDope(3rd time im pasting this)I installed sensors-applet via apt but am still not seeing in the add to panel list (Hardware Sensors is not listed). How do I get the sensors applet working?06:31
ravibnmy webcam (frontech e-cam JIL2214) is not working after installing 10.10 anyone pl help06:31
sam-_-iDope, did you log out then back in again? (not sure if it will help)06:31
bluezoneill bookmark it this time06:32
psycho_oreoslinux_is_my_hero: you sure apple's ipod manual from apple's website does not detail how to format ipod? I'd try googling for answers06:32
iDopesam-_-: I shouldn't really need to do that but I guess you are right maybe gnome will update the list when i log in again06:32
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ubuntuzweird warn: http://pastebin.com/ffdM9BZn what's flexnet related on ubuntu 10.10?06:36
sam-_-vivaldi, i don't speak vietnamese and i don't think there is a vietnamese channel06:36
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ06:37
insmodis there a fix to bug #606377 in lm-sensors my install of 10.10 runs the laptop really hot!06:37
jon8the code name, 'hardy' is what version of ubuntu??06:37
roscoeHow do i check my computers specs using ubuntu 10.04? is there a way to do it other then terminal?06:37
bazhangjon8, 8.0406:37
sam-_-bazhang, oh cool. well there seems to be a channel for everyone :-)06:37
jon8bazhang thank you.06:37
bazhangroscoe, sudo lshw06:37
ravibnmy webcam (frontech e-cam JIL2214) is not working after installing 10.10 anyone pl help06:38
bullgard4How can I persuade Firefox 3.6.13 to show 20 names of the recently visited web pages instead of 10?06:38
jon8bazhang i want to install 'bijk', but the instructions on their website only have, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic and lucid .. out of these six what is the most current?06:38
roscoebazhang i said other then terminal but il give it a shot, at the momment im not used to terminal and am not sure what to look for in all the writting, but il try06:38
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bazhangjon8, maverick06:38
bazhangjon8, it may well work though06:39
edevjon8: I believe lucid - they're alphabetical, I believe.06:39
bazhangroscoe, there is a gui one, let me check06:39
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rturnerjon8, the names are in alphabetical order from lest to most recent06:39
jon8bazhang i know that maverick is the latest, i'm wondering out of those 6 i listed, what is the latest.06:39
jon8rturner and edev ok, thank you06:39
mrrothdo I need to create the partion first then the raid 1 mirror (software raid) or just run this mdadm --create  /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 < then do mkfs.ext3 /dev/md006:40
mrrothI did  fdisk /dev/sdb06:40
Lanlostso I have it in the Sound Preferences thing.. watching the "Input" meter right? playing sound.. changing settings in alsamixer and in there, etc until I see something happen06:40
jon8so lucid is 10.04?06:40
LanlostI finally got it.. sort of06:40
jon8is this correct?06:40
AbhiJitamong .qtl .ram .pls  and .asx which is most compatible with linux?06:40
sam-_-jon8, correct06:40
LanlostAnalog Mono Duplex as the hardware profile.. then it finally shows a volume level for input06:40
bazhangAbhiJit, most all can be played06:40
LanlostThe problem is... it's... analog input and output06:40
jon8sam-_- thank you :)06:40
AbhiJitbazhang, okay06:40
Lanlostand not only that but alsamixer.. to make the input volume go up and down is changing PCM.. which is fine.. but it's not what I figured it would be06:40
LanlostI need to record in stereo though.. sigh06:41
LanlostI always tell people that sound in linux is broken and they just look at me like I'm crazy06:41
Lanlostsure.. if you just wanna play normal sound the way it's set up then it's fine.. I guess06:41
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Lanlostbut I wrote a like 5 page document thats a wall of text of all the bugs I found06:41
Lanlostcrazy stuff too..06:41
bazhangLanlost, whom are you addressing?06:41
macman_hi all question .. my dvd drive was working before and it just stopped06:41
Lanlostbazhang, the internet06:42
macman_i try to mount it / play it and i get errors06:42
ravibnmy webcam (frontech e-cam JIL2214) is not working after installing 10.10 anyone pl help It worked fine in 10.0406:42
LanlostI'm just hoping someone has recorded audio in linux before..06:42
macman_mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist06:42
bazhangLanlost, please dont break it up as it is very hard to read that way06:42
macman_any ideas  ?06:42
Lanlostbazhang, sorry. That's a bad habit of mine06:42
PalinTI need to install the graphical environment of Ubuntu 10.1006:42
OtterNZHow do I go about removing the title bar on selected applications? I can only find how to do this for every window, not just certain ones (the bar that says the name of the programme, and has the minimise/maximise/close buttons)06:42
LanlostIt's fine in a channel where there are like 5 people and only 2 are talking but horrible when it's full of people like this06:42
one_i not work mmio help me pls06:42
jon8Anyone in here use BIJK (www.bijk.com) server monitoring on Ubuntu 10.10? They only have instructions that support up to 10.04.06:42
bazhangPalinT, ubuntu-desktop package06:42
edevOtterNZ: I'm not sure that's actually possible06:42
bazhangone_, what is mmio06:43
PalinTtreatment and does not work I install it in terminal mode06:43
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: So you want conditional window decoration?06:43
bazhangPalinT, what treatment06:43
Bluefeverhey, weird question, but could I put an extra Hard Drive into the default case for my computer. I have an extra media slot, but I don't know exactly how it works. My computer is an HP m7060n.06:43
OtterNZedev: damn - was wanting it gone from my web browser, but leaving it on other windows. BlueBomber7: If I we have the same definition of that, it sounds about right06:44
waglehi..  how do you change the dhcp hostname an ubuntu client asks for from the command line?06:44
Adoghey guys i need a way to access a drive i have slaved in my ubuntu machine from my windows machine in a home network, i heard i have to use samba, so i have it installed, but i have no idea how to configure it06:44
one_mmio ??? logon screen have message mmio06:44
bazhangBluefever, probably, but better ask in ##hardware06:44
bazhangone_, what is mmio06:44
edevOtterNZ: What about fullscreen? Not a perfect fix, but maybe for your needs? And I am NOT an expert on the subject....06:44
mrrothI need help how to do software radi 1 in ubuntu server06:44
wagle/etc/hostname isnt it06:44
mrrothon partions06:44
mrrothhwo do I create them06:44
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Have you looked in CompizConfig?  I see conditional decoration based on window title, class, ID, name, roll, and type06:44
Danny78_Which option should I set in BIOS to boot fro USB--  usb-fdd, usb-hdd, usb-zip?06:45
AbhiJitbazhang, actually there are four options on radio web site. so i wanted to select that player which is most linux friendly.06:45
linux_is_my_heropsycho_oreos: not even windows can format this thing. what is going on?06:45
bazhangAbhiJit, pls then06:45
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Do you know what window decorator you use now?06:45
AbhiJitbazhang, ok. thank you06:45
mister_mcan I view what process is running on a certain port and kill it?06:45
Bluefever@bazhang it says I need to be invited to the channel to join.06:45
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, do it through iTunes (only way outside of rockbox)06:45
sam-_-Danny78_, usb-hdd06:45
bazhangBluefever, you need to register then, check #freenode for help with that06:46
PalinTubuntu was apparently not compatible with my graphics card a GT 240 1 gb for that fridge when you start the installation I had to install a non-graphic but I need to know how to install and echo in many ways and all that installs the surroundings, and installed inside Windows 706:46
sam-_-mister_m, mister_m you mean network port?06:46
Danny78_sam:  Do I need to press a button?  it boots from the internal hard drive06:46
one_i have problem with rtl8187 g/b06:46
bazhangPalinT, fridge?06:46
bazhangone_, thats ethernet or wireless06:46
akerlok, so I'm running ubuntu 10.10 server, trying to setup ssh-agent for my ssh keys. what do i need to do? havent been able to find a guide that works06:47
PalinTmy English is not good06:47
jwfoxjrdoes anyone have a good link for installing gnome3 in maverick?06:47
sam-_-Danny78_, hmm dunno06:47
bazhangone_, lspci in terminal ----> paste.ubuntu.com06:47
PalinTprivate chat pls06:47
mister_msam-_-, yes06:47
bazhangPalinT, keep it here06:47
OtterNZedev: That's useful, but I still want the other things it hides. BlueBomber7: I'll look into compizconfig now, it's not in my menus (maybe because this is a KDE system with gnome installed afterwards). Also using metacity I think06:47
roscoeUsing ubuntu 10.04, is 512 mb of ram enough to play average offline 3d games with over 10 fps? i know its not alot of ram, but im asking cause i need to figure out if its the ram or the video card on this old computer thats making the games run at around 4 fps06:48
sam-_-mister_m, sudo netstat -tulpen06:48
one_lspci in terminal ----> paste.ubuntu.com ?06:48
bazhangone_, open  a terminal; type lspci  , open a browser to paste.ubuntu.com then paste the output there and give us the url06:48
PalinTthe GUI is not installed and tried with many command, will not I have to install a repository?06:48
bazhangPalinT, paste.ubuntu.com the errors from sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:49
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: If you didn't change the default decorator for GNOME, then, yeah, I'd say probably metacity.  I don't know how to configure that directly.  I usually use Compiz(Fusion) as my window manager, and use Emerald as my decorator.06:49
sam-_-roscoe, i would guess videocard. is there a lot of harddisk activity when playing?06:49
one_i not browser internet error with modem06:49
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bazhangone_, you are on the internet now06:49
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: And those you can configure using compizconfig06:49
roscoewhat do you mean exactly by harddisk activity?06:49
roscoesam-_- what do you mean exactly by harddisk activity?06:50
Danny78_grub4dos looks a little too complicated for me06:50
sam-_-roscoe, if it's constantly accessing the harddisk. (using the swap)06:50
bazhangDanny78_, why would you use it, use grub206:50
OtterNZBlueBomber7: installing compizconf now, wasn't included in the gnome desktop environment when installed06:50
Danny78_bazhang:  I need to flash my mobo bios06:51
PalinTI can not get the report because he blocked me06:51
one_browser internet disconnect with modem06:51
linux_is_my_herodoes anyone know how to un-write protect an ipod?06:51
bazhangPalinT, who blocked you06:51
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, via iTunes alone06:51
roscoesam-_- i dont know how to check that and i feel stupid for not understanding it :P but i just tested some other games and they all run perfectly, just the 3d one isnt running right, so should i be safe to assume its video card and not ram <though more ram would be nice>?06:52
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Are you running Compiz?06:52
bazhangroscoe, how much ram06:52
one_not work06:52
OtterNZBlueBomber7: Yes. Looking to try and find the settings needed in compizconfig now06:52
bazhang!work | one_06:52
ubottuone_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:52
roscoebazhang 512 mb06:52
bazhangroscoe, yeah that would slow it down06:52
linux_is_my_herobazhang: doesn't work06:52
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: You should find the window decorator option.06:52
linux_is_my_herosays it can't complete the format06:53
sam-_-roscoe, either by hearing or there should be a led that blinks when there is activity.06:53
opengeardblacklist/depmod -r pcspkr doesn't appear to silence beeps in lucid.06:53
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: AFAIK compiz uses "its own" window decorator by default, which is actually just a small wrapper around metacity.  Whatever decorator you decide to use you can manage from the window decoration submenu.06:53
opengeardis there something else that does the trick?06:53
sam-_-roscoe, we all were noobs once. no need to feel stupid ;)06:54
OtterNZBlueBomber7: It seems to only have 1 option for this, wouldn't this make changes system wide?06:54
PalinTwhen installing Ubuntu 10.10 within 7 install windows in 4 minutes and choose ubuntu restart to continue the installation is fridge and the PC screen06:54
one_thank guy06:54
roscoesam-_- haha yah :P i love ubuntu way more then windows, and im willing to learn all this stuff, but it can be confusing at first :P06:54
bazhangPalinT, wubi install?06:54
Drahx_I tried reloading the image onto my Thumb drive but it still goes to a blank screen just before the installation options page :-(06:54
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Enable decoration, then click into the menu.  I see seven or eight settings there.06:55
linux_is_my_herodoes virtualbox support usb devices like mp3 player's?06:55
bazhangPalinT, fridge is frozen?06:55
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Nine settings.  The eighth and ninth are conditional decoration and shadowing settings.06:55
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, the one from their website does, not the -ose in the repos06:55
SwedeMikelinux_is_my_hero: it's a little bit tricky to get working, but yes.06:55
PalinTfreezes when I start to follow the installation06:55
sam-_-roscoe, i couldn't live without windows. i love games :-)06:55
bazhangPalinT, no idea about wubi installs sorry06:55
roscoesam-_- about hearing the noise, it is not making anymore noise once i run the game, but the fan is always making a constant hum :P06:55
PalinTShow him06:56
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Unless you want to create your own metacity or emerald theme, you will lose more than the title bar when you disable decoration (no borders, shadows, anything, just window contents)06:56
magn3tsvirtualbox is no longer distributed as separe OSE and non OSE version.06:56
magn3tslinux_is_my_hero, install virtualbox 4.06:56
OtterNZBlueBomber7: It's enabled, I meant only 1 setting for which windows are decorated. When using the "add" button it only seems to have "and/or" functions, not some sort of "exclude" one06:56
magn3tslinux_is_my_hero, then install the usb extension.06:56
Drahx_First thing I did was setup VMware with Windows 7 for my games06:56
bazhang!info virtualbox-ose06:56
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.8-dfsg-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 8847 kB, installed size 31396 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)06:56
bazhangmagn3ts, ^06:56
sam-_-roscoe, check the led. but i doubt it's ram related06:56
magn3tsThat's no longer accurate in regards to virtualbox 4.06:56
roscoesam-_- haha yah :P personaly i say use ubuntu, and virtualbox windows xp on it so u have ur games on virtualbox, and use linux as ur main system :P06:56
sam-_-roscoe, btw. which game?06:56
magn3tsunless virtualbox-ose is the baseline virtualbox 4 image. There is no Non-OSE version of VirtualBox 4 distributed. The non-OSS components are distributed as extpack's.06:57
sam-_-roscoe, i play new games too. they don't work in a vm06:57
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Did you experience invert?  It *may* invert the set of windows to which the condition applies, which sounds like what you want.06:57
roscoesam-_- im just trying with Supertuxkart for now06:57
BlueBomber7OtterNZ: Experiment with*06:57
PalinTis what I get when rebooting to continue installation06:57
roscoesam-_- why wouldnt new games work in a vm? halo ce does and black ops?06:57
Drahx_sam-_-: I have had no issues with new games and I playing them on my VM Windows 706:58
sam-_-Drahx_, which vm?06:58
linux_is_my_herohow do i install the usb plugin for virtualbox?06:58
OtterNZBlueBomber7: Ok, I used the invert option and selected my browser, closing and opening browser to see if it did anything. Will exit this because this is open in my browser06:58
Drahx_VMware player06:58
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
jetpuffcant log into my ftp, incorrect password been trying to figure out why for hours can someone help?06:59
bazhanglinux_is_my_hero, try #vbox06:59
sam-_-Drahx_, so if you compare native fps and vm fps, how is the difference?06:59
magn3tslinux_is_my_hero, download it and then double click it.....06:59
bazhanghe;s gone06:59
magn3tsoh well07:00
Bokehmonwhat is the default panel applet for wireless internet named? i accidentally deleted it and i don't know what the name is in the "add to panel" menu ._.07:00
akerlOvron: that works if I'm calling it from a script i guess, but if i run that script, and then try ssh-add, it gives me "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent."07:00
sam-_-Bokehmon, nm-applet07:00
magn3tsbazhang, he's not even in #vbox >_< what a goof07:00
OtterNZBlueBomber7: I had the "and" option inverted when selecting my browser, didn't seem to do anything. At least I now know as a last resort I can disable all, and add it back in on every other application 1 by 1 lol07:00
roscoesam-_- native to vm fps? for league of legends native fps=75, vm fps=74 when i checked yesterday :P07:00
roscoesam-_- minecraft's fps didnt drop at all in vm07:01
Bokehmonsam-_-: not seeing "nm-applet" there07:01
Drahx_sam-_-: My FPS dropped by 5% which is nothing, I set 8gb of Ram and 2 cores to run each, so I get great performance in both Linux and Windows07:01
sam-_-roscoe, that seems nice. and you have full acceleration? (all the directx 11 features)07:01
bazhangBokehmon, you can always just resetpanels07:01
bazhang!resetpanels | Bokehmon07:01
ubottuBokehmon: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:01
opengeardIn Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, is there a way to permanently stop and disable the beep sound generated by ALSA?07:01
Bokehmon<3 thank you07:01
sam-_-Drahx_, you got an nvidia i'm guessing?07:02
Drahx_sam-_-: Ati Radeon 5770, running both Sound and Video through HDMI07:02
Danny78_if I make a live-cd of free dos and want to use aflash to upgrade my bios, do I add aflash and the bios file to the disc along with the iso?  will that make it unbootable?07:02
roscoesam-_- i think, but keep in mind this is also my new computer i did that too :P 6 gb of ram, quad core 3.0ghz processor :P but still, on my laptop wich is onl dualcore 2.0ghz and 1 gig of ram, vm's fps isnt to much slower, its abit but not unplayably much07:02
Bokehmonthanks you guys!07:03
opengeard$ amixer set 'PC Speaker' 0% mute; amixer set 'PC Beep' 0% mute07:03
sam-_-Drahx_, roscoe, interesting07:03
upslacannot mount cd in synaptic package manager in ubuntu 10.10.07:03
bazhangupsla, using aptoncd?07:04
upslabazhang:i am newbie. what that means?07:04
bazhangupsla, you would not mount it, you'd add it to the /etc/apt/sources.list07:05
upslabazhang:as far i know apt is used to update etc07:05
bazhang!aptoncd | upsla07:05
ubottuupsla: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline07:05
one_i love ubuntu linux07:05
opengeardFound it!07:05
nanjingernice meet you all07:05
roscoeWould running a 32 bit Ubuntu 10.04 on a new 64 bit system have any downfall's/glitchs? would it work? or would that screw it up in someway?07:05
qq99somehow, compiz messed up my alt-tab shortcut to ctrl-alt-tab, how do I change it back? not in system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts unfortunately07:05
qq99I turned compiz off07:05
bazhangqq99, probably in ccsm07:06
opengeardsudo amixer set 'PC Speaker' 0% mute; sudo amixer set 'PC Beep' 0% mute; sudo amixer set Beep off; sudo alsactl store07:06
upslabazhang:i am not using apton cd07:06
BlueBomber7qq99: Check your window switcher shortcuts in compiz07:06
bazhangupsla, then you should be, if you want to use the cd as an install source07:06
BlueBomber7qq99:  Compiz sets (and overwrites) a slew of shortcuts when you enable it.07:06
ubuntusageGuys, I have a problem with my laptop. Its not detecting the batter07:07
ubuntusagedmesg : [ 0.974257] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)07:07
bazhangroscoe, it works fine here07:07
BlueBomber7qq99:  But you should be able to update it and change it to whatever you want.  You don't have to disable the entire window manager.07:07
upslabut synaptic package manager already has option called "add CDROM"07:07
bazhangupsla, what cd07:07
ubuntusageAny Kernel experts here?07:07
qq99BlueBomber7, so odd, is compiz always running? I turned it off in System>Appearance07:08
bazhangupsla, check /etc/apt/sources.list , it should be there already assuming you are on 10.10 now07:08
qq99BlueBomber7, that fixed my shortcut problem though, thanks :)07:08
BlueBomber7ubuntusage: Not I, not yet ;)07:08
one_by all07:08
bazhangupsla, /msg ubottu please07:09
linux_is_my_herogparted doesn't see the ipod.07:09
BlueBomber7qq99: Compiz isn't necessarily always running.  It sets itself as the default when you install it, though IIRC.07:09
roscoeif i were to put a new videocard onto my old computer <Videocard: geforce 6200, OS: Ubuntu 10.04>, would i need to install some drivers beforehand for the videocard or just plug it in and go? is there anything id halfto do before hand?07:10
bazhangroscoe, put in , then install drivers after07:10
Scott`you can install the drivers after you install the card07:10
ubuntusageI guess its the problem with acpi or such07:10
Scott`itll use generic drivers until then07:10
sam-_-roscoe, supertuxkart should run with a 6200 i think07:10
BlueBomber7roscoe: Nope, drivers update after you install it.07:10
Scott`and also i wouldnt call the 6200 new07:10
sam-_-roscoe, have you installed the proprietary drivers?07:11
upslabazhang:hi.but if it is there as u say, it shows error when i try to add a package from ubuntu cd ?07:11
ubuntusageI am using toshiba L650 laptop and it does not detect battery :(07:11
roscoesam-_- yah thats what im thinking, taking 3 broken old computers and switching parts till we get it to work :P and no i havnt07:11
bazhangupsla, I did not say it was there, I told you where to look; have you looked?07:11
roscoebazhang, BlueBomber7 okay, will it prompt me to do it after or will i halfto google it and find the driver myself?07:11
bazhangroscoe, via additional drivers you can check07:12
sam-_-roscoe, if there are no proprietary drivers installed then yes just plug the new one in. it should just work. you may then need to install drivers07:12
roscoesam-_- , bazhang, My dad said lastime he put in the videocard earlier today the computer wouldnt turn on and it just beeped at him, what would be the fix to that?07:13
upslabazhang:if it is not there . what i should in these /etc/apt/sources ???07:13
BlueBomber7roscoe: I don't know.  The maker might provide a non-free driver for Canonical to distribute, but maybe not.07:13
sam-_-roscoe, there is the additional driver manager it will show you if there are drivers available for your card.07:13
olskolirchow can i get gufw to sit in my system tray please?07:13
bazhangupsla, paste.ubuntu.com /etc/apt/sources.list and give us the url07:13
BlueBomber7roscoe: If the maker doesn't free (as in "open up") their drivers to the community, send them an email bugging them to :-)07:13
BlueBomber7roscoe: That said, I've seen EXCELLENT OOB support for all my ATI and nVidia cards.07:14
sam-_-roscoe, can mean a lot of stuff. broken video card. not enough power for the video card. not correctly plugged in...07:14
roscoesam-_- bozhang BlueBomber7 thanks, ima shut down the computer and try, thanks everyone07:14
roscoesam-_- well well just see what it is... if all goes wrong i still have this one that just doesent have 3d support :P07:14
sam-_-BlueBomber7, what is OOB?07:14
bazhangsam-_-, out of the box07:15
sam-_-bazhang, ah. thx07:15
quizmei'm trying to add this to my /etc/apt/sources.list  http://archive.cloudera.com/debian/dists/lucid-cdh3/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.gz07:15
quizmebut i looked at sources.list and it doesn't look like a URL07:15
quizmehow do i translate that URL into a sources.list line ?07:15
quizmethe sources.list line that the docs gave me look like this:  deb http://archive.cloudera.com/debian DISTRO-cdh3 contrib07:16
upslabazhang:it says apt not installed ??07:16
quizmebut i'm getting package not found 40407:16
upslabazhang:it says to download openjdk.07:16
quizmeafter doing an apt-get update07:16
bazhangupsla, what does openjdk have to do with this, just paste.ubuntu.com your sources.list07:17
sam-_-quizme, try deb http://archive.cloudera.com/debian lucid-cdh3 contrib07:18
IdleOnequizme: https://docs.cloudera.com/display/DOC/CDH3+Installation  scroll down to the Debian instructions.07:18
qq99for all of the window previews, be it in switcher or elsewhere, is there a way to make that work when minimized?07:18
qq99otherwise alt-tab is just a huge blurry icon07:18
brainfreezehow do i register my name07:19
bazhangqq99, there is a compiz plugin for that iirc , best to ask #compiz07:19
bazhang!register | brainfreeze07:19
ubottubrainfreeze: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:19
qq99bazhang, thanks07:19
bazhangbrainfreeze, /join #freenode07:19
brainfreezehow o i join07:19
bazhangbrainfreeze, type ----->   /join #freenode07:20
IdleOnequizme: what version of Ubuntu are you running?07:20
sam-_-IdleOne, there is no maverick version. so it doesn't matter07:20
IdleOnesam-_-: ahh, ok07:20
sam-_-IdleOne, as long as he uses 10.04 or higher which i just assumed07:21
quizmeidleone: i had to replace DISTRO with "lucid"07:21
IdleOnequizme: thank sam-_- :)07:22
quizmesam-_- thanks sam07:22
rasawhat's the proper way to install the nvidia drivers on 10.10 ?07:22
bazhangrasa, via additional drivers07:23
rasahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia refers to a repo that doesn't have drivers for 10.1007:23
Danny78_Is it possible to add files (aflash, bios file) to a free dos iso?07:23
=== fresh is now known as Guest40132
rasabazhang: "additional drivers"? what is that?07:23
Danny78_I'm afraid it won't boot, or if I need to insert another cd, it won't let me07:23
bazhangsystem admin additional drivers rasa07:23
rasabazhang: sorry, i don't follow, is there a howto somewhere that's up to date?07:24
upslabazhang:here is sources.list contents. http://paste.ubuntu.com/554626/07:25
bazhangrasa, go to the menu marked system, then choose administration, and there see additional drivers07:25
vitaliihi all, could you please assist07:25
bazhangvitalii, with what07:25
rasabazhang: sorry, i don't have a working X system, hence my query07:25
vitaliisuddenly I started to have problem07:25
vitaliiwith downloading files using wget07:25
bazhangrasa, start up in safe mode then07:25
vitaliiand also apt-get is not working07:25
rasadoesn't work07:25
vitaliiUbuntu Server 10.407:25
rasai've spent *all day* on this07:25
al_nz1anyone here know how to get VLC player working with DVB-T?07:25
vitaliifirst: wget - when i try to download a file07:26
rasait's a dual head w701ds, and ubuntu fails miserably on it, tho fedora and winbloz work fine07:26
bazhangrasa, recovery mode does not work? what exactly does not work. exact errors please07:26
sacarlsonvitalii: it could be a site problem did you try the site with your browser?07:26
vitaliiwget http://md.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/gdb_7                                                                                                                               .1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb07:26
vitaliiI am able to download using web browser07:26
rasabazhang: "fatal server error: no screens found"07:26
upslabazhang:i posted the link07:26
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
carsonwhats a better video card, gforce 4 or gforce 6200?07:27
sacarlsonvitalii: I get site not found error07:27
Scott`carson, neither07:27
rasathat's after installing the nvidia drivers, and running nvidia-xconfig per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:27
sacarlsonvitalii: from my browser07:27
Scott`they both suck so bad that you wouldnt really notice07:27
Scott`but the 6200 is better07:27
SwedeMikecarson: 6200 is newer so probably better, but they're both really old and basic.07:27
rasathat those drivers are not for 10.10, but an earlier version07:27
rasaalso see: FATAL: Module nvidia not found.07:28
vitaliithis file07:28
vitaliii am able to download from browser07:28
Scott`i dont actually think its a good idea to use the latest drivers with a card as old as the 620007:28
vitaliiand wget is not able07:28
carsonokay, what about gforce 2 vs gforce 4? im gonna guess 4 :P07:28
vitaliierror is:07:28
Scott`yes, 407:28
upslabazhang : ru there07:28
anthonyanybody know how to get rid of choppy fullscreen video?07:28
vitaliihttp://md.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/gdb_7.1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80] E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? root@telephone:~# wget http://md.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/gdb_7.1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb --2011-01-16 09:28:53--  http://md.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/gdb_7.1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb Resolving md.archive.ubuntu.co07:29
bazhanganthony, flash with compiz enabled?07:29
sacarlsonvitalii: it look like you might of made a typo?  the secound site works07:29
Scott`2 > 3 > 4 > fx > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 200 > 400 > 50007:29
lynxomaniaHELP!!! how to recover root password07:29
bazhanglynxomania, there is no root password07:29
upslacannot mount cd rom in synaptic package manager.here is the source.list contents link.http://paste.ubuntu.com/554626/.07:29
vitaliino typo07:29
vitaliii am doing this 2 days07:29
anthonyjust installed, ubuntu, installing all drivers now...07:29
vitaliityped many different files07:30
carsonScott' yah im taking 3 old broken computers and trying make one decents computer out of them :P07:30
vitaliialso apt-getcannot update07:30
Scott`that's impossible07:30
vitaliigetting this07:30
vitaliiW: Failed to fetch http://md.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]  W: Failed to fetch http://md.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]07:30
Scott`because you'd need a new motherboard to make it decent07:30
vitaliiit is able to determine IP07:30
lynxomaniabazhang: one of my client doesnt know his user password which is required to install applications... i need to recover/reset his password without causing any permission issues...07:30
upslacannot mount cd rom in synaptic package manager.here is the source.list contents link. http://paste.ubuntu.com/554626/.07:30
vitaliibut when I am tryoing to download using wget on anothe rserver07:30
carsonScott' so far its working good, just the gforce 4 and gforce 2 are having troubles with 3d games, and our 6200 worked fine before, now lines go on the screen and its not really working so yah... :P07:30
vitaliiit is working finre07:30
vitaliiso no type for sure07:31
bazhangupsla, the cd is already in your sources.list07:31
sacarlsonvitalii: try change mirror site to japan07:31
vitaliito CA07:31
vitaliito US07:31
vitaliito CY07:31
FloodBot3vitalii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:31
Scott`carson, all your options will struggle with 3d07:31
SwedeMikecarson: perhaps time to spend 40 eur on some kind of gforce 8400 or alike? then you get accelerated video decoding as well.07:31
vitaliijapan will be the same07:31
Scott`the geforce 4 was released in 200207:31
bazhangvitalii, dont use enter so much07:31
lynxomaniacan someone help me recover a user password???07:32
[thor]lynxomania: what OS?07:32
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword lynxomania07:32
carsonSwedeMike is gforce 8400 the newest or just newer?07:32
SwedeMikecarson: it's a few years old, but still quite a lot better.07:33
lynxomaniabazhang: lemme try07:33
SwedeMikecarson: plus has good software support.07:33
carsonSwedeMike alright thanks, il go to the used computer hardware store monday :P07:33
SwedeMikecarson: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purevideo is a good place to start, all of the ones with purevideo VP2 and VP3 has good software support I would say.07:33
carsonSwedeMike alright thanks alot07:34
watermasterOK I have a new install of 10.04 and I have a geforce gtx460 se card, which on my new install only displays 800x600.  when I go to enable hardware, it doesn't see any binary drivers available.  before changing driver, should I try to use one of the xrandr tools to change resolution?07:37
dotblankwatermaster, sure go for it07:38
dotblankwatermaster, won't really help with the driver issue tho07:38
Scott`go to nvidia.com and just download it from there07:38
sacarlsonwatermaster: still haven't got that fixed?  lspci -v  what driver you have it on now?  that should show us07:38
dotblankdon't listen to Scott` download the driver from the repo07:38
glacemangood morning every 107:38
SwedeMikeScott`: I don't think you can do that with 10.04 and later, that way was deprecated. But nvidia might have changed something since?07:39
dotblankIt will break after every kernel update if you download from nvidia07:39
Scott`i did it on 10.1007:39
watermaster08:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0e23 (rev a1)07:39
dotblankScott`, yes it'll work but...07:39
Danny78I booted ubuntu into FreeDOS and when I typed in the name of the new bios file it said it couldn't find it...  any help?07:39
dotblankit doesn't use dkms by default07:39
sacarlsonwatermaster: one of my installs on nvidea I had a simmilar problem but the problem was that it didn't reconcnize my monitor07:39
watermasterlast night I tried to hack around with stuff from the xorg-edgers, I think.  That completely destroyed X, so I reinstalled.07:40
Danny78should I just try ezflash?07:40
sacarlsonwatermaster: bellow that the driver with lspci -v  it should read nvidia07:40
watermasterSwedeMike: checking that link07:40
sacarlsonwatermaster: mine shows Kernel driver in use: nvidia07:41
watermasteroh here it is07:41
watermaster08:00.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation Device 0beb (rev a1)07:41
watermasterSubsystem: eVga.com. Corp. Device 136607:41
watermasterFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1007:41
watermasterMemory at fe9fc000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]07:41
watermasterCapabilities: <access denied>07:41
FloodBot3watermaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:41
SwedeMikewatermaster: but it's still not the best way, see if you can't find a repository with the nvidia drivers you need, then you'll get smooth kernel upgrades in the future, if you do that method you'll have to re-install the nvidia drivers every time you change kernels.07:41
dotblankwatermaster, oh plese don't follow those intructions07:41
dotblankwatermaster, they are incorrect07:41
dotblankwatermaster, they will break after every update07:42
watermastersacarlson: what did you run that says which kernel driver is in use?07:42
sacarlsonwatermaster: lspci -v07:42
sacarlsonwatermaster: but just one of the last line in the part about your video card07:43
watermasteroh I see it blocked me from flooding: Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau07:43
watermasteroh here's something from hardwarecanucks: "GTX 460 SE is what’s called a “virtual product” in certain distributor circles. This means there is no reference version per se and NVIDIA’s AIBs can design the card around a loosely defined set of specifications"07:45
sacarlsonwatermaster: yes those are the available what is in use?  as you can see mine http://pastebin.com/shm861Jw07:49
watermasterthats all mine tells, me, I don't think it tells me chich is in use07:50
sacarlsonwatermaster: so I guess those aren't being used07:50
lynxomaniaissues when resetting user password!!! permission issues!!! desktop is not loading... what to do...07:51
lynxomaniapls help07:51
sacarlsonwatermaster: don't you still have the nvidia ppa installed?07:51
bazhanglynxomania, what permissions issues, specify please07:51
Guest60237how to install  dot net in ubuntu07:51
dotblanklynxomania, start in single user mode07:51
watermastersacarlson, I broke stuff, so I reinstalled clean07:51
Scott`Guest19189: install mono07:51
Scott`er Guest60237 even07:52
sacarlsonwatermaster: that's cool sometimes that's the best thing to do07:52
watermasterI'm trying to work out whether I'll get new nouveau from a ppa first, or get nvidia binaries from a ppa first07:52
lynxomaniai got into recovery mode, changed the password for the user... and when user logs into the system with new password, desktop is not loading.., and also getting errors like need to reconfigure home folder and so on...07:52
Guest60237Scott`, what do u mean07:52
bazhang!cn | administrator__07:53
ubottuadministrator__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:53
greppylynxomania: did they have an encrypted home directory?07:53
watermasteror maybe I should upgrade to the latest stable kernel first07:53
lynxomaniai tried to ass rw init=/bin/bash but got output as /bin/bash doesnt exist...07:53
lynxomaniayea... the user has an encrypted home directory!!!07:53
sacarlsonwatermaster: in theory you should be able to have them all installed and move between the drivers but as we seem to have found they seem to comflict some how07:53
glacemanhey guys, any software to record audio from my  mic jack ?07:53
dotblanklynxomania, oh jeez07:54
edoceo^^ glaceman07:54
glacemanedoceo: thanks07:54
watermastersacarlson, does it seem accurate that its probably safer to try out nouveau from ppa first, since they maybe are less of a hassle to remove?07:54
greppylynxomania: unless they saved the decrypt string, you are going to have to get the old password back, otherwise, it's gone.07:54
lynxomaniadotblank: NO NO... dont say that!!! :D07:54
BluefeverI'm planning on installing windows 7 just so I can play some games on the side, and wanted to know how I can partition my drive properly.07:54
BluefeverI'm running ubuntu 10.10 at the moment07:54
sacarlsonwatermaster: I'm not sure,  I don't recall any being that hard to remove07:55
lynxomaniagreppy: i have the encryption password for home folder...07:55
edoceoBluefever: Make a partition for Windows, instatall to that - re-install the bootloader to undo with Win7 did, boot Win and play games07:55
sacarlsonwatermaster: worst case you delete the driver from the kernel or just rename it so it can't be found07:55
watermasterany word whether I should update to a real new kernel first?07:55
greppylynxomania: then sudo su - $user, and try "ecryptfs-mount-private"07:56
lynxomaniawhat about the init=/bin/bash issue i mentioned... how come i got the message /bin/bash doesnt exist...07:56
glacemanedoceo: let's say im currently running ubuntu, and planning to install windows on another partition, how can i fix the boot , cause grub will be gone07:56
BluefeverO.k. so I got the first part, and I think I've read about the second part you mentioned, but how would I go about reinstalling the bootloader @edoceo07:56
sacarlsonwatermaster: I think the old kernel would be better since that is what they used to compile the last update of real nvidea07:56
watermastermaybe I should just get an older nvidia card to use with linux, as the drivers are better for the loder cards07:56
lynxomaniagreppy: does sudo su - $user give the user the permission to install/remove applications???07:57
ox3aWhich package do i need to install to execute java application(jar)?07:57
greppylynxomania: sudo su - $user lets you become the user, to then run the ecryptfs-mount-private command to mount the home directory07:57
edoceoglaceman, Bluefever - you have to re-do Grub - this will get you started: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:57
greppyI *think* once they do that they can change the password using passwd and it will update the encrypted volume, not sure though.07:58
glacemanedoceo: thanks i'll have a look at that07:58
=== jmad is now known as jmad980
edoceoIf you're not comfortable with Grub workings, the wipe the disk, install windows to a small first partition, the Ubuntu (or any other linux) to the rest07:58
Averyhow do i downgrade a package that i installed manually with dpkg?07:58
Averyi installed a beta version that crashes07:58
lynxomaniagreppy: so if the user had not encrypted the home directory, resetting the user password from recovery mode would bring no issues???07:58
greppylynxomania: correct07:58
sacarlsonwatermaster: or is it?  what is the date of the last nvidea release?  whatever that is or what it has been know to run with should be your choice07:58
lynxomaniagreppy: any way to remove this home directory encryption!!!07:59
ox3aWhich package do i need to install to execute java application(jar file)?08:00
superlinkxAnyone know what could be causing freezes and Xorg crashes when using a 2.6.35 kernel as opposed to a 2.6.32 kernel?08:00
greppylynxomania: probably, I'd have to google it or hit up the ubuntu website/forums though.08:00
watermasterRelease Date:2010.12.1308:01
lynxomaniagreppy: i'm also doing the same... googling!!! hope we find something!!!08:01
Bluefever@edoceo I was reading it and wanted to make sure I have it straight. So reinstalling GRUB 2 will allow ubuntu to be the primary OS at startup?08:01
greppylynxomania: good luck/08:01
watermasterthats nvidia 260.19.2908:01
puppyhow to solve problem with "package dependencies cannot be resolved" when installing packages?08:02
sacarlsonwatermaster: I guess that's newer than mine,  you should try it on what you got,  if it fails update the kernel08:02
lynxomaniagreppy: thanks for the help...08:02
superlinkx@ox3a you could download the official Java if you want or you could use the open source OpenJava that usually comes with ubuntu. I use the official java, which you can get using : sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jdk08:02
PoshepocketWhat's that line I type into Terminal for the Gnome Display thing?08:03
PoshepocketWhat's that line I type into Terminal for the Gnome Display *properties* thingthing?08:03
bazhangPoshepocket, xrandr?08:03
puppyhow to solve problem with "package dependencies cannot be resolved" when installing packages?08:03
Poshepocket... wow08:03
Poshepocketthat worked as well...08:04
bazhangpuppy, what package08:04
ox3asuperlinkx, I have many java (Jar)application to run.08:04
Poshepocketbazhang, thanks!08:04
puppyfor example VLC08:04
puppysome packages r installing but some fail08:04
puppyand showing this error08:05
jon81005     12137  0.0  3.4   7360  4472 ?        Ss    2010  12:43 ./znc08:05
jon8that user does not exist08:05
jon8the user '1005' does not exist..08:05
jon8how do i find out what user ran that? and from where08:05
watermasterwhen it says X.Org X Server 1.7.6 , that means what people generally refer to as Xorg version 7?08:05
bazhangpuppy, pastebin the exact error message08:06
ox3asuperlinkx, No found these package08:06
watermasterwhats the difference between the x-swat ppa and the x crack pushers(or whatever they call it)08:06
nit-witwatermaster, stability08:07
puppypackage dependencies could not resolved. This error could be caused by required additional software packages which r missing or not installable.Furthermore there could be conflict between software packages which r not allowed to be installed at the same time.08:08
puppyit cannot copy and paste so I typed.08:09
watermasternit-wit, which is more likely to work for me (its  apparently a really new graphics card, support was just added in the latest version)08:09
NeoCicakdoes anyone play dwarf fortress here?08:10
puppypackage dependencies could not resolved. This error could be caused by required additional software packages which r missing or not installable.Furthermore there could be conflict between software packages which r not allowed to be installed at the same time.08:10
bazhangNeoCicak, not really on topic for this channel08:10
bazhangpuppy, what source was the from08:10
greppy!ot | NeoCicak08:10
ubottuNeoCicak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:10
puppythis error arises when some packages r installing from SC and package manager.08:11
stealI hope that I have a big security problem on my ubuntu08:11
bazhangpuppy, please pastebin your sources.list08:12
peetoonDoes anyone know anything about rhythmbox internals?08:12
bazhangsteal, why would you08:12
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puppyactually I dont know what pastebin means!08:12
puppyjust copy here?08:12
bazhangpuppy, paste.ubuntu.com in your browser then give us the url08:12
greppy!pastebin | puppy08:13
ubottupuppy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:13
stealwith firestarter I can see that i'm connected to a chinese ip on port 6250 and a deutch ip is connected to me on port 60107 I can't see this connection with netstat .nap08:13
watermasterwill these steps maybe help me? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Nouveau08:13
atifhi \08:14
housekamphow do i get my trashbin icon on the desktop?08:14
Guest60237is .net only for windows08:15
alainghow do i completely remove samba from ubuntu 10.04. for some reason my /etc/samba/smb.conf is there but when i edit it its empty and vi recons its a new file08:15
housekampdone it before, but can remember how :s08:15
atifi have web in .net08:16
Guest60237atif, how to install .net in ubuntu08:16
vonvoni need driver Realtek RTL8187B Wireless 802.11b-g 54Mbps USB 2.0 Network Adapter08:16
Scott`Guest60237 like i said08:16
Scott`install mono08:16
Scott`its a linux implementation of .net08:16
Guest60237Scott`, ohh i got it now08:17
Guest60237Scott`, thank u08:17
Scott`there is also dotgnu08:17
vonvonwhat have driver Realtek RTL8187B Wireless 802.11b-g08:18
BlueBomber7vonvon: Are you looking for that driver?08:18
puppybazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554636/08:18
BlueBomber7vonvon: If Realtek doesn't have it posted on their website, email them.08:19
atifwhat i know it will install dairct08:19
vonvonmail me vonvonone@yahoo.co.uk08:19
rwwsteal: If by "deutch", you mean German, that would probably be the freenode server you're connected to. Sounds like Firestarter is picking up the high-port connections your computer's using to receive data back from servers.08:19
bazhangpuppy, paste /etc/apt/sources.list and give us the url please08:19
BlueBomber7vonvon: Go to Realtek's website, and see if they have a Linux driver posted for that card.  If not, email them about it.08:20
vonvonnot have driver08:20
alainghow do i completely remove samba from ubuntu 10.04. for some reason my /etc/samba/smb.conf is there but when i edit it its empty and vi recons its a new file08:20
watermastergood night everyone08:20
vonvonhave driver Realtek RTL8187L08:21
atifsee you ^_^08:21
vonvonnot have Realtek RTL8187B08:21
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bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1628505 vonvon its a kernel problem08:21
atifmy broplem is ...?08:22
bazhangatif, what is ?08:22
vonvonthank you08:22
aalexI am a Debian maintainer. How can I file a bug to ask for a package's version to be more recent for the next Natty release? (the version at the freeze date contains bugs)08:22
puppyI type that in terminal but says permission denied!08:22
atiffrom 10.4 to 10.1008:23
Bipul`puppy, ? what you have type in terminal08:23
puppyanything more to add?08:23
Bipul`use gedit /etc.apt/source.list08:24
bazhangaalex, perhaps #ubuntu-devel could answer that08:24
Bipul`Sory gedit  etc/apt/sources.list08:24
bazhangaalex, or #ubuntu+1 though like the former08:24
Bipul`Try this08:24
stealfor the german connection should be true the german ip is an ISP but why I can't see this connection with netstat? and for the chinese connection? there is no program associated only tell me unknown and I can't see those with netstat08:24
atif:( no one with me :(08:25
Bipul`steal,  use this netstat -i08:25
bazhangatif, paste.ubuntu.com the exact error08:25
atifok ^_^08:25
atifi will do it thank you ^_^08:26
Bipul`puppy, ? i hop its working now08:26
puppyI did not get anything08:26
bazhangpuppy, cat /etc/apt/sources.list   -----> paste.ubuntu.com08:27
aalexbazhang, ok thanks. I'll ask there.08:27
Bipul`puppy, use this gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:27
vonvoni have problem with open computer boot sreen have message cannot reserve mmio region help me pls08:27
puppyits come08:27
boxbeatsyhi, does anybody know how i can reserve a job from a random queue using beanstalkc?08:28
alainghow do i completely remove samba from ubuntu 10.04. for some reason my /etc/samba/smb.conf is there but when i edit it its empty and vi recons its a new file08:28
Bipul`vonvon,  can you tell me in details08:28
atifbye see you soon ^_^08:28
Dr_Willis!find smb.conf08:28
ubottuFile smb.conf found in ebox-samba, fusesmb, manpages-zh, mythbuntu-common, nautilus-share, sadms, samba-common, samba-common-bin, samba-doc, samba4 (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=smb.conf&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any08:29
Dr_WillisHmm.. I do recall the smb.conf being there even without samba inztalled..08:29
vonvonhi bipul08:29
puppybazhang: this is the URL http://paste.ubuntu.com/554643/08:29
vonvonyou can help me08:29
Dr_Willisi dont even recall the command to find what package smb.conf came from08:30
Bipul`vonvon,  yes08:30
Bipul`i am looking at you problem08:30
vonvonwhat the i have problem with open computer boot sreen have message cannot reserve mmio region help me pls08:30
puppybazhang: this is the URL http://paste.ubuntu.com/554643/08:30
bazhangpuppy, line 54 is a maverick source with your lucid install08:30
Bipul`vonvon,  can you show me the error message08:31
bazhangpuppy, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove it, then save, quit gedit and sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade08:31
puppyu see I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 but after installation I check the version08:31
vonvoni have problem with cannot reserve mmio region08:31
bazhangpuppy, the upgrade failed08:32
puppythen says its 11.0408:32
Bipul`vonvon,  when you getting this message?08:32
bazhangpuppy, that makes no sense08:32
bazhangpuppy, what does lsb_release -a say08:32
puppyok, I am doing as u z08:32
Bipul`vonvon, are you using ubuntu10.10 ?08:32
alainghow do i completely remove samba from ubuntu 10.04. for some reason my /etc/samba/smb.conf is there but when i edit it its empty and vi recons its a new file08:33
bazhangvonvon, what is mmio08:33
alaingDr_Willis: how can i remove it?08:33
Bipul`vonvon,  i think it's a bug08:33
Bipul`which has been repoted here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57784208:34
vonvonyou can search google08:34
puppyi am checking it once again08:34
Dr_Willisalaing:   seems thats part of the samba-common package. purge the package, remove the empty file it it still exists, reinstall samba-common08:34
bazhangvonvon, or you can tell me here08:34
Dr_Willisdlocate -S smb.conf --->  samba-common: /usr/share/samba/smb.conf08:34
pityonlineHello! Is there a way to play 3D movies on Ubuntu?08:35
bazhangpityonline, with the glasses?08:35
pityonlinebazhang: yes08:35
alaingDr_Willis: is that the command i need to run?08:35
bazhangpityonline, dont think any computer can do that08:35
Dr_Willisalaing:  use the pacakge manager tools to 'purge' the samba-common package.  i dont know the exact command.08:35
bazhangvonvon, what is mmio region08:35
puppyit says 10.1008:35
bazhangpuppy, well your sources say 10.0408:36
alaingDr_Willis: let me try purge it first08:36
pityonlinebazhang: Windows 7 can do it with the StereoPlayer.08:36
vonvonyou can search google08:36
puppyso really where I am really?08:36
puppyso really where I am?08:36
bazhangpityonline, no idea, maybe mplayer, never heard of it08:36
Dr_Willisalaing:  just removeing a pacakge - does not remove its config files. Purgeing removes config files.08:37
bazhangpuppy, did you fix your sources.list ?08:37
puppyI am doing now08:37
pityonlinebazhang: I found a patch for mplayer, I tried to make install but always fail.08:37
bazhangpuppy, fix that first, then we can get you upgrading08:37
Dr_Willispityonline:  check for updated/ppa versions of Mplayer perhaps one will include the patch08:38
lynxomaniaHELP... why cant i connect to a remote ubuntu machine??? not getting connection...08:38
pityonlineDr_Willis: OK,thx!08:38
Dr_Willislynxomania:  firewall, router settings, isp has stuff blocked.. it could be down...08:39
Dr_Willislynxomania:  give the channel more details.08:39
alaingDr_Willis: I asked the package manager to completely remove the package include config files08:39
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lynxomaniano firewall... fresh install...08:39
bazhanglynxomania, the same one with the encrypted directory and lost pass?08:39
Dr_Willislynxomania:  you do realize that ssh is not isntalled by default right?08:39
puppyremove all or the 54th entry?08:39
bazhangpuppy, yep08:39
Dr_Willisalaing:  if the file is still there. rename/delete it.08:39
lynxomaniabazhang... yes... those issues are over...08:39
vonvonauto DHCP08:40
lynxomaniadr_willis... 4got... :D so once i still SSH, i just need to use the clients ip address to connect right???08:40
bazhangvonvon, wired?08:40
Dr_Willislynxomania:  depenesd on how its connected to the internet. but thats the core of it.08:41
JackyAlcinehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10363517 <= I need help with that!08:41
bazhangvonvon, auto dhcp08:41
lynxomaniabazhang: encyption issue was in my system... my client doesnt have that... i was testing the password recvery on my system... it will be a shame if i tell my client to do it and it doesnt work... :D08:41
Dr_WillisJackyAlcine:  give a summary of the problem?08:41
JackyAlcineDr_Willis: Hard drive problems, issues with e2fsck08:42
alaingDr_Willis: hmm /etc/samba still exists and so does the three files under it which includes smb.conf08:42
puppybazhang: its working well now...thank u so much08:42
Dr_Willisalaing:  so rename the dir then perhaps.08:42
alaingcan i just delete /etc/samba08:42
vonvonyou have ubuntu server08:42
puppyI am now installing vlc and its on the way08:42
Dr_Willisalaing:  its your system - you can do whatever you want. :)08:42
bazhangpuppy, follow the upgrade links if you wish08:42
bazhang!upgrade | puppy08:42
ubottupuppy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:42
lynxomaniaboth me and client is connected to the net same way... using same network provider... client has connected to his modem using lan cable... his modem has wifi capability.. i need to access his ssytem to configure wifi in modem settings!!!08:42
bazhangvonvon, sudo dhclient eth008:43
Dr_Willisalaing:  you could grab the samba-common deb package and extract the confif files from, there if you really want just the config  files08:43
vonvonoh! thank08:43
alaingDr_Willis: I prefer to completely reinstall08:44
lynxomaniaDr_Willis: installing ssh will solve my issues???08:44
JackyAlcineWhere do I go for hardware problems?08:44
RabbitbunnyJackyAlcine: #hardware, why?08:45
bazhang##hardware JackyAlcine08:45
lynxomaniabazhang: help :D08:45
bazhanglynxomania, with?08:45
lynxomaniaconnecting to other ubunt08:45
JackyAlcinebazhang & Rabbitbunny : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1036351708:46
lynxomaniaconnecting to other ubuntu via internet08:46
Dr_Willislynxomania:  if you want to 'ssh' into a remote box.. you need the ssh service installed... Im not sure what your actual issue is...08:46
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH lynxomania08:46
Mary-JaneHi, I have skype that can't locate my soundcard. I looked on troubleshooting and it says that this usually means some application is using it so I disabled the only thing, pulseaudio... It still doesn't work so I'm thinking I don't have a soundcard. What  apt-get install command can I use to get a working soundcard for an integrated setup.08:46
red2kicJackyAlcine: I hate portable hard drives -- They mess up so fast. I lost my 1TB Portable HDD. Internal HDD drives are the way to go, I suppose. Just saying.08:46
bazhangMary-Jane, try installing padevchooser and pavucontrol08:47
Dr_Willishard drives are the 'weakest link' in any pc system these days it seems...08:47
alaingDr_Willis: ok i renamed the folder and the config files. I'm just running sudo apt-get install samba08:47
lynxomaniaDr_Willis: i need to connect to my client who is running ubuntu... he is also online... i need to share his system...08:47
JackyAlcinered2kic: I'm definitely making the choice for a SSD next time.. =/08:47
sysop3I am using internal harddrives but with a one of those hard drive readers.08:47
Scott`nah, graphics cards are08:47
bazhangMary-Jane, thats for use with pulse08:47
sysop3makes hard drives into really big  floppy disks08:47
sascha_Hi i just wonderd... How can I be in to channels at the same time in irssi?08:47
Dr_WillisI wonder how  much of a lifespan these ssd's will have in real-life ussage.08:48
bazhangsascha_, you can be in 120 on freenode08:48
sysop3I have killed a flash card running ext3 on it.08:48
sysop3and a usb drive.08:48
Dr_Willissascha_:  you may want to check some irssi tutorials, you just /join #chan1 #chan2 then alt-2 alt-3 btweek them i recall.08:48
Dr_Willissascha_:  or some key combo like that. I prefer Weechat these days08:48
Dr_Willissascha_:  in weechat its alt-<#>08:49
bazhangsascha_, there is also #irssi for more info and they have good documentation08:49
Dr_WillisWeechat and IRSSi both have some decnet docs. :) No one ever bothers to read them..08:49
Mary-JaneOne more question: How do I re-install pulseaudio?08:49
sascha_ok thank you so much, I like irssi thats the client I can the most... I just didnt know how to be in two channels at the same time hehe08:49
bazhangMary-Jane, via the package manager08:50
Dr_Willissascha_:  weechat has a larger featureset08:50
puppybazhang: I upgraded 10.04 to 10.10 following the instruction from that site.It took a long time almost 2 hrs.08:51
puppyI have a ubuntu 10.10 original cd08:51
sysop3whats wrong with xchat?08:52
puppyand I tried to mount it and upgrade but failed08:52
bazhangsysop3, nothing?08:52
puppyany other way to upgrade than online08:52
bazhangpuppy you need the alternate for that08:52
sysop3ok, just asking.08:52
puppyya I have one.08:52
Dr_Willissysop3:  i recall ages ago xchat having lots of features, and nice defautls.. then  they slowly started trimming things out.. got annoying after a while. :)08:52
sysop3I used to be a devoted bitchx user. but xchat is so much easier08:53
bazhangpuppy, not the live cd but the alternate cd can be an upgrade option08:53
sysop3I like it now. it is a little sparse.08:53
bazhang!offline | puppy also this08:53
ubottupuppy also this: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD08:53
Scott`i'm still waiting for someone to mention mIRC08:53
Dr_Willissysop3:  comapring BitchX to Xchat is like comparing a off-road vehicle to a Comuter Car. :)08:53
alaingDr_Willis: gettings a few errors when i do sudo apt-get install samba. how do i pastebin the errors08:53
sysop3I tried kvirc and ksirc. but xhcat beats them both. AFAIMC08:53
puppyok i will try.08:54
Dr_Willissysop3:  a few years back when xchat changed their default color scheme and some other things. they removed a large # of default menu items/settings/defaults/scripts that really annoyed people.08:54
Dr_Willis!pastebin | alaing08:54
ubottualaing: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:54
Dr_Willissysop3:  if You perfer a text based irc client. theres irssi, and my fave. weechat.08:54
JackyAlcineNo help?08:54
sysop3I vaugley rememebr that.08:54
bazhangJackyAlcine, need more details here08:55
sysop3I think I was using kvirc then.08:55
Scott`Dr_Willis: all IRC clients are text based08:55
JackyAlcinebazhang: What exactly?08:55
JackyAlcineI'll post it up on the forums as well. I hope I can help someone else as well.08:55
bazhangJackyAlcine, a synopsis of what that ubuntuforums link is about, for one08:55
sysop3is bitchx now called pork?08:56
Rabbitbunnybazhang: His ext HDD is dead, how get data?08:56
Dr_Willissysop3:  not that i know of... bitchx is dead i thought.08:56
JackyAlcinebazhang: It describes as much as possibly fit my hard drive specs, my issue and the steps I've taken so far to repair it.08:56
UserI installed Ubuntu by Wubi on my Windows 7 machine, it went to the select Windows 7 or Ubuntu thing and then started acting up when I selected Ubuntu (it had a black background with lots of data). Why is this? What can I do?08:56
sysop3apt-cache search bitchx08:57
sysop3pork - Console-based AOL Instant Messenger & IRC client08:57
bazhangJackyAlcine, gddrescue perhaps08:57
lynxomaniasomeone pls help me in remote sharing!!!08:57
JackyAlcineI'll look it up, bazhang.08:57
sysop3looks like bitchx08:57
Dr_Willissysop3:  how many ways would you expect a totally text based irc client to look?08:57
JackyAlcineMind you, bazhang, I gave up on recovery; I just want to the disk to be restored to a usable state.08:57
alaingDr_Willis: these are the errors I'm getting http://pastebin.com/a31tbWSa08:58
red2kicJackyAlcine: Did you move your HDD around much?08:58
sysop3well maybe if I can get phoenex to run it that would settle.08:58
UserI installed Ubuntu by Wubi on my Windows 7 machine, it went to the select Windows 7 or Ubuntu thing and then started acting up when I selected Ubuntu (it had a black background with lots of data). Why is this? What can I do?08:58
Dr_WillisJackyAlcine:  whats the brand of the HD? some companies have a web site - you enter the serial/model # and they tell you how much longer the warrenty is good for. I got some broken Segates gave to me.. and was able to return them that way :) got 320GB hd's for free that way08:58
Dr_Willissysop3:  no idea what phoenex is.08:59
sysop3ddrescue works great08:59
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JackyAlcinered2kic: I unplugged it because I was running a bit too many Java applications.08:59
ksmithhey guys. I wondered if there was a way to modify the alignment of desktop icons to be the same as any other window.08:59
sysop3google how to recover hard drive using ddresuce08:59
Dr_Willislynxomania:  clarify whatyou are doing and want/need to do exactly.08:59
JackyAlcineDr_Willis: Seagate Expansion Portable 2GH473GA08:59
ksmithwhat I don't like is the horizontal alignment of the icons on the desktop ... or more like the lack of alignment.08:59
Dr_WillisJackyAlcine:  so go tothe segate web site, they got some place to enter the serial/id#08:59
lynxomaniaDr_Willis... i need to access my clients ubuntu desktop via internet...09:00
vonvonbazhang: how to backup Hard drive image09:00
bazhangvonvon, via clonezilla , remastersys , sbackup or the like09:00
Dr_WillisJackyAlcine:  they also have some repair utilities..  but the question is - do you want to try to save the data? and even if you 'fix' the drive via their software - do you trust it..09:00
lynxomaniadr_willis: the client is online too...09:00
sysop3Dr_Willis, phoenix was a old old irc script09:00
bazhang!sbackup | vonvon09:00
ubottuvonvon: sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe09:00
Doinklelynxomania, quick and dirty: teamviewer.com09:00
Dr_Willislynxomania:  so they need to install some service/tools to allow you access. such as ssh, or other remote-desktop tools.09:00
leva2005you mei you zhong guo ren ?09:00
Dr_Willislynxomania:  teamviewer is handy :)09:01
bazhangleva2005, in #ubuntu-cn09:01
lynxomaniawill teamweaver work in ubuntu???09:01
Doinklelynxomania, thats why i answered...09:01
Dr_Willislynxomania:  teamviewwer web site has linux pacakges.. yes.09:01
SeanInSeattleHey all.  How can I access a network fileshare from ubuntu without having to mount it?09:01
bazhangleva2005, /join #ubuntu-cn09:01
Dr_Willislynxomania:  or you just ssh in...09:01
UserI installed Ubuntu by Wubi on my Windows 7 machine, it went to the select Windows 7 or Ubuntu thing and then started acting up when I selected Ubuntu (it had a black background with lots of data). Why is this? What can I do?09:01
lynxomaniadoinkle: lemme try that... and also SSH too...09:01
Dr_WillisSeanInSeattle:  a samba share? theres samba commands to do specific things/get files/put files. but its an annoyance.09:02
Dr_WillisSeanInSeattle:  why dont you want to mount it?09:02
Doinklelynxomania, TV is easy enough to walk someone(end user) over the phone to get a connection09:02
leva2005no one09:02
bazhangleva2005, sure ther e is09:02
bazhangleva2005, you never even joined there09:03
lynxomaniaDoinkle: i'm installing teamviewer... gonna tell my client to do the same...09:03
* Blinkytoon sees 68 folks over there ..09:03
Doinklelynxomania, you dont have to install it FYI.  I recall it can run as a live app09:03
Doinklelynxomania, but it dont hurt :)09:03
User**Can anyone help me please. I installed Ubuntu by Wubi on my Windows 7 machine, it went to the select Windows 7 or Ubuntu thing and then started acting up when I selected Ubuntu (it had a black background with lots of data). Why is this? What can I do? :)09:04
ksmithis there a way to make the icons on my desktop align to a horizontal grid?09:04
peetoonUser: Did you try to wait it out a bit?09:04
qdiihow can I deactivate Ubuntu 10.10 wm on boot and activate metacity back ?09:04
bazhang!cn | leva200509:04
ubottuleva2005: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk09:04
Dr_WillisDoinkle:  i domnt think it does that on linux. got to tinstall it.09:04
bazhangleva2005, I just told you09:04
UserI didn't try that, I will though. Thanks :)09:04
DoinkleDr_Willis, ok09:04
lynxomaniaDoinkle: never tried remote sharing before...09:04
Dr_Willisqdii:  try just 'metacity --replace'09:05
quizmewhat's a 3 part principle  (context: kerberos)09:05
sysop3I had a hard drive controlelr failure on a emac running kubuntu and  it trashed the partition table of one of my drives I was able to reocver it using ddrescure every file.09:05
leva2005thank you ,bazhang09:05
welcebes laprimera ves que entro a este chat09:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:06
bazhangwelceb, in #ubuntu-es  here is english09:06
welcebtk dr willis09:07
AbhiJiti forget the keyring password. so i want to know in which folder its being stored. i will delete that folder and then ubuntu will ask me for to create new password09:08
Dr_Willisfind  . | grep  keyring09:09
Dr_Willis .gnome2/keyrings  is my guess :)09:09
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bazhang!es | Guest7974409:11
ubottuGuest79744: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:11
AbhiJitDr_Willis, sorry edit: its kwallet keyring password09:14
AbhiJitin ubunt09:14
AbhiJitDr_Willis, help09:14
Dr_WillisNo idea on kde ask in #kubuntu09:14
Dr_Willisfind  . | grep  kwallet perhaps09:14
vonvonbazhang: thank you by09:14
Deeplysymbolic link is not working in my apache configuration.... what can be problem?09:15
AbhiJitDr_Willis, thank you09:15
Dr_WillisDeeply:  i recall apache configs haveing security settings wehere it dosent follow links. (for security reasons)09:15
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jayserni tried stopping mysql with sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop but it tells me to use service mysql stop, which then errors out by telling me stop: Unknown instance:09:16
jaysernwhat is the proper that to stop mysql ?09:16
Dr_Willisjaysern:  sudo service SERVICENAME stop       is the reccomended ways these days.09:17
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teluge_i have remaining area on my hard drive... i was wondering if there is an easy way of going about taking it from ubuntu and partitioning it off for a completley different os install?09:17
bazhangteluge_, with a gparted live cd sure09:18
Dr_Willisteluge_:  unallocated space? you can make a new partition from it. and do whatever you wanted..09:18
Dr_Willisdepending on how the HD is laied out.09:18
AbhiJitDr_Willis, solved. thanks09:18
teluge_oh its located space.... i jus dont need that much space is all09:18
teluge_gparted? ill look into it thanx09:18
Dr_Willisteluge_:  use gparted to resize.09:18
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Dr_Willisa gparted 'livecd' is a must hav e for any pc users toolbox. :)09:19
x_hai there..09:19
Doinklegparted is on current ubuntu cd releases anyway right?09:19
teluge_haha ^^ obviously you havent met my inept parents then willis09:20
teluge_im using mint but i also use ubuntu repositories09:20
teluge_so im getn it right now09:20
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:20
Doinklesalut, cest anglais seulement Fujin09:20
DasEix_: hi there, wahts up ?09:20
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ09:21
rahadianhi all09:23
_dthank you dr_willis09:23
rahadianwhere can i download a conky configuration??09:23
bazhangrahadian, hang on09:23
rasais https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia truly up to date for 10.10?09:24
Dr_Willisrahadian:  conky homepage has hundereds of them09:24
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 rahadian09:24
Dr_Willisrahadian:  and theres various conky config-scripts out to make them09:24
BluefeverHey, I wanted to play some games that fair better on windows, and at first I was thinking of partitioning my drive just for this purpose, but I'm having second thoughts.  So I figured I would just use a virtual machine instead, but I wanted to know if there were any negatives to doing so. I mean would it run slower, require more processing power etc.09:24
rahadianDr_willis & bazhang : thanks for your help09:25
Dr_Willisrahadian:  the omgubuntu blog site - has a few mentioned almost every week. they give a cleaner look.09:25
nawkUnlike previous versions of Ubuntu, Maverick Meercat by default doesn't setup any additional tty (virtual terminals)09:25
DoinkleBluefever, it depends on the demands of the game09:25
bazhangBluefever, check the appdb for wine info09:25
DoinkleBluefever, FPS are generally out for VMs but RPGs and 2D games are alright.09:25
bazhang!appdb | Bluefever09:25
ubottuBluefever: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:25
DasEiBluefever: will be much slower, bad graphics, rather try by wine09:25
DoinkleDasEi, VBox now offers 2d/3d accelleration. FYI :)09:26
nawkcan someone PLEASE teach me how to setup additional tty's09:26
rahadianDr_willis : what is the main site of conky???09:26
Dr_Willisrahadian:  i would have to google for it..09:26
BluefeverI'm aware of wine, and I would have used it, but there are too many bugs associated with the games I would like to play.09:26
Bluefeverrunning under wine.09:27
BluefeverWhich is why I was going to partition my drive.09:27
DoinkleBluefever, how current of games?09:27
DasEiBluefever: specs of the box ? (ram, cpu, graphics )  ?09:27
BluefeverUhh.. The main one is Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of The Earth09:27
BluefeverI think I allocated 512mb of ram to VirtualMachine.09:28
Bluefevernot sure about the cpu or graphics09:28
DasEiBluefever: cat /proc/cpuinfo09:29
DoinkleBluefever, this sorta thing falls over to virtualbox support.09:29
DoinkleBluefever, as in, they would know best what specs/settings for vbox09:29
Bluefeverahh alright.09:29
rahadianDr_willis : have you found it???09:30
Dr_Williswhen in doubt. add moar :)09:30
Dr_Willisrahadian:  You want me to go to google.com and enter conky for you?09:31
Dr_Willisrahadian:  then paste the url here? .....09:31
rahadianDr_willis: yes,because i cant find it09:31
rahadianDr_willis: sorry09:31
Bluefevernot getting any action on #vbox09:32
AbhiJit!patience | Bluefever09:32
ubottuBluefever: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:32
Dr_Willisthe ubuntu forums also have a large # of conky related information09:32
BluefeverI mean I think that no ones in there.09:32
bazhanghttp://conky.sourceforge.net/ rahadian09:33
Bluefevereven though it says 200+ users09:33
DoinkleBluefever, search their forums.09:33
DasEiBluefever: in general it will be easier to have a gaming party amongst another exotics; else have to tell better specs and also mind doinkle's hint as in vmware offereing graphics support09:34
DiverdudeWhat does the '<' operator do?09:35
DesenGreetings ! I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 one month ago and today i was reading about the advantages of compiling the linux kernel on your PC. Is there any possibility of compiling the kernel on a system that has already linux (ubuntu) installed ?09:35
Dr_WillisDesen:  i doubt if you waill gain anything noticeable09:35
bazhangDesen, not really09:35
DoinkleDesen, yep09:35
ubuntusageDesen:not really needed, you could do it for just learning purposes09:35
Dr_WillisDesen:  you would be better off spending time learning bash or python, or other linux related topics then playing with the kernel. :)09:36
ubuntusageDesen:or you are in need for any additional modules09:36
DiverdudeDesen, so what are the advantages?09:36
DoinkleDesen, if you really want to dabble in this, do it in a vm..not your host machine. :)09:36
ubuntusageI just tried Debain Squeeze and it does have the same problem09:37
ubuntusageIts not detecting laptop battery :( any help?09:37
ubuntusageTried all Ubuntu versions too09:37
ubuntusageNow I am on Ubuntu 10.1009:37
BluefeverJust read your comment DasEi so I'm gonna go snag Vmware09:38
Dr_Willisubuntusage:  try 11.04 live cd yet?09:38
ubuntusageyes, I tried the 11.04 kernel too09:38
DesenWell, dudes. Thanx for all of your answer09:38
ubuntusagebut failed09:38
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.09:38
Dr_Willissounds like its a issue the the core kernel code.. you could check the kernel.org forums perhaps.09:39
jemarkubuntusage, nice laptop09:39
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ubuntusagehere is the dmesg [ 0.974257] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)09:39
ubuntusagejemark:its a brand new one ;) Toshiba L65009:39
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.09:39
ubuntusageYou could check the details  from here, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/70330209:40
ubuntusageI found many are having the same issue with Toshiba laptops09:40
Desen_I was thinking that compiling the lastest stable Ubuntu version would boost up my speed performace. I can't use Ubuntu due to the flash plugin wich wats hell ALOT of CPU09:40
Diverdudeso whats the difference between: $ wc < RightNow.txt  and   $ cat RightNow.txt | wc    ?09:40
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jemarkubuntusage, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/70330209:41
ubuntusagejemark: that was reported by me itself ;)09:42
DoinkleDiverdude, result-wise i dont think there is one09:42
DiverdudeDoinkle, so whats the '<' operator goo for if it can always be substituted with cat and '|' ?09:43
DoinkleDiverdude, i cant give you a concise answer but AFAIK the < operand is embedded in the kernel whereas wx is an app called by |(which is a redirector)09:44
Doinklewx = wc09:44
Desen_Does anyone have any idea how i can fight the flashplugin high CPU usage ? it makes my Ubuntu desktop unusable.09:45
knight1996change runlevel from 2 to 1, issue "sudo init 1" or "sudo telinit 1", dont work, any ideas? thanks.09:45
jemarkubuntusage, i see. did you update the BIOS?09:46
ubuntusagejemark:yes to the latest one09:46
ubuntusage dmi.bios.version: 1.7009:46
rohitshindemy ubuntu 10.04's corner where shutdowwn button places, is got replaced by my username and there is no any link.09:46
pooltableVirtualBox usb set up how to d it ?09:47
DoinkleDesen_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127125609:47
Desen_Doinkle, thanx. reading in progress09:47
DoinkleDesen_, you using firefox or chrome?09:47
DasEipooltable: vb 4; wrong chan here, install extension pack, ask in #vbox09:47
Desen_Doinkle, Firefox09:47
nanjingerin emacs how can i replace all carriage-return with space?09:48
Doinklerohitshinde, you can logout from the terminal09:48
coz_nanjinger,  you might want to join the  #emacs  channel09:48
nanjingercoz thx09:48
rohitshindeDoinkle, i know but how to restore that button?09:48
nawkI can't seem to find the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf in Maverick Meercat09:49
nawkis that normal?09:49
pooltableVirtualBox usb set up how to do it ?09:49
DasEipooltable: wron channel here, read the FAQ on their homepage09:50
Dr_Willisvirtualbox guide/doc ubuntu wiki page all detail how todo it.09:50
pooltableok is there a channel ?09:50
jemarkubuntusage, saw this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153419509:50
Doinklerohitshinde, not certain, you can reset gnome. that should fix it09:50
Dr_Willisnawk:  x auto configures for themost part these days09:50
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:50
rohitshindeDoinkle, then how to reset??? do you know? please tel me.09:51
DasEirohitshinde: rightclick taskbar, add..09:51
nawkhi Dr_Willis09:52
Doinklerohitshinde, sec...09:52
rohitshindeDasei, it looks ugly09:52
ubuntusagejemark:thank u for checking this for me, I was not having any issues with sound, mic , wireless and webcam09:52
Doinklerohitshinde, http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/09:53
ubuntusagejemark:I was having issue with MIC, but fixed by changing asla configuration files09:53
ubuntusagejumark:its just battery now :(09:53
rohitshindeDoinkle thanks you very much :)09:53
AbhiJithi rohitshinde09:53
gabriel_Hey all. I'm trying to rename some of my Mp3's but with no luck I want to remove the "_" and replace them with a space. well this is what Iv'e used and no good: rename "s/_*/" "/g" *.mp3 any ideas?09:53
jemarkubuntusage, 1.80 is the latest BIOS09:53
nawkDr_Willis, after a fresh install, on the first few boots I was able to load into ubuntu fine.  Until recently X failed to load.  Basically black screen right after loading all the other startups09:54
jemarkubuntusage, update the bios, latest update is of 15/09/10 and should solve your issues09:54
nawkDr_Willis, how can I recover it?  I'm on my LiveUSB again, so I do have access to the new installation09:54
jemarkubuntusage, http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/download_bios.jsp?service=UK09:54
ubuntusagejemark:1.70 is the latest one accourding to the toshiba ulitity09:54
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  googling for 'replace underscore spaces' give example scripts. youmay need to modify them, . because MOST people want to remove spaces.09:55
jemarkubuntusage, check09:55
Dr_Willisgabriel_: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=273598   is one hit i just checked out09:55
ubuntusagejemark:thanks, I am checking it :)09:55
gabriel_Dr_Willis, thanks m809:55
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  spaces in file names - break so many things badly. i never want spaces in filenames09:56
ubuntusagejemark:umm that does not have my model, mine is L650 X5310 Indian one, let me try to find the one for it09:56
andy_@gabriel - rename 's/_/ /g' *09:56
andy_you can't use double quotes inside double quotes09:56
jemarkubuntusage, i see09:56
gabriel_Dr_Willis, The car Radio system likes them. so does the wife. so I can't really win this one m809:56
Diverdudefdea f9c4 1cf7 f3de 10f3 f2fb 0218 04f4 is a set of numbers (in hex-format) which can be converted into complex signed decimal numbers: (-3-22i) (-7-60i) (28-9i) (-13-34i) (16-13i) (-14-5i) (2+24i) (4-12i)    How is this conversion done?09:57
yuvahi any one tell me to remove drupal09:57
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ubuntusagejemark:it says 1.70 is the latest09:59
jemarkubuntusage, strange isn't it while the uk page has 1.8009:59
yuvatell me to the steps remove drupal10:00
sitalkashow could i set my computer to accept ssh connections? should i open the 22 port from the router?10:00
psycho_oreosssh| sitalkas10:00
psycho_oreos!ssh| sitalkas10:00
ubottusitalkas: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)10:00
psycho_oreosand yes you should open port 22 from your router if you want external access of ssh onto your computer10:00
ubuntusagejemark:yeah, I guess its not good idea to put 1.8 now10:01
robbit10!midi > robbit1010:01
ubotturobbit10, please see my private message10:01
yuvahey answer me dudes tell me the steps to remove drupal10:01
jemarkubuntusage, what is different with those models? i guess, the kernel is ok otherwise more laptops have the issue. toshiba need to put a link for the 1.80 update on the indian site :)10:02
sitalkasi connected to myself from console, but i wanted to connect also from outside. so i will open the 22. how can i find my computer remotely ith dynamic ip? can i use my dyndns domain?10:02
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ubuntusagejemark:yeah :(10:02
psycho_oreossitalkas: yes but its probably more ideal to have the router running the ddns service10:03
psycho_oreosyuva: the opposite way of how you installed it10:03
quizmewhat does an "escapable argument" mean?10:03
quizmeis that like *.txt ?10:03
jemarkubuntusage, acpi is part of the bios10:03
yuvapsycho_oreos: taht only dude10:03
yuvatell the steps10:04
ubuntusagejemark:I see, thats a good piece of info. umm I will try in that line10:04
Dr_Willissitalkas:  theres dydns services for ubuntu you can use. many routers support it also these days10:04
AbhiJityuva, http://drupal.org/node/24162410:04
robbit10I'm trying to set up Timidity to start up on boot, but when started via the /etc/init.d script, it will not function as a server. When I use the commands to run it as a server as listed on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/SoftwareSynthesisHowTo, it works. But I want it to run on boot. How?10:04
jemarkubuntusage, ask Toshiba what is the reason why the uk has a 1.80 firmware update on their site :)10:05
sitalkaspsycho_oreos: i have set my router to DNS and works fine. so when i want to access my desktop i just give ssh mydomain.dyndns.org and then it will ask me for the domain pass or sth?10:05
andy_dilaudid testing10:05
ubuntusagejemark: yeah ;)10:05
andy_@dilaudid testing10:05
andy_what what dilaudid10:05
psycho_oreossitalkas: it should ask you for the pass to your computer that is running sshd, though you will need to accept the keys as well prior to entering your own password10:05
livingdaylightcan someone help me with ssh?10:06
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)10:06
nawkdoes anyone realize that Maverick Meercat doesn't have any virtual consoles (tty's) setup by default?10:06
livingdaylightI"m getting port22: Connection refused10:07
Darkc0derHello, I was wondering if there was someone here to help me with an issue on Ubuntu.10:07
psycho_oreoslivingdaylight: its either blocked by firewall or by some other service, might even be /etc/hosts.deny10:07
greppy!ask | Darkc0der10:07
ubottuDarkc0der: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:07
ubuntusageDarkc0der: I repeat what ubottu just said ;)10:08
sitalkasi have set no keyes to the computer for ssh. i must do that before i connect?10:08
Darkc0derOkay i am wanting to run a Program called "Paltalk" they have a actually program that runs on windows and a web based version of it, Wine has problems running it so i tried using the web based version but it keeps crashing, I have Flash installed so i am not sure whats going on.10:08
Dr_Willissitalkas:  it should generate them if needed10:09
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psycho_oreossitalkas: you don't really need keys for it, there is host keys which will be available on connect then there is auth keys which can be generated for password-less login (which I don't have any experience in)10:09
Dr_WillisDarkc0der:  sounds similer to 'meebo' web site10:09
ubuntusageDarkc0der: I guess Paltak is just an IM, so y cant you go for Pidgin/Empathy which is supported by Ubuntu?10:10
sitalkas;) for now when i will have more questions, that i bet i will, u'll be hearing from me again. thank you all10:10
Darkc0derI use paltalk a lot and their website confirms that it works on on Mac/Linux, the web based anyways10:10
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ubuntusageDarkc0der: which version of ubuntu you are on at?.10:11
bt5what about netgear wg311v3 in backtrack?10:11
Darkc0derLatest,  Ubuntu 11.0410:11
SwedeMikeDarkc0der: #ubuntu+1 for non-relased versions.10:12
psycho_oreos!ubuntu+1| Darkc0der10:12
ubottuDarkc0der: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+110:12
psycho_oreosbt5: that has nothing to do with ubuntu10:12
ubuntusageDarkc0der:Ubuntu 11.04 is still on testing phase, it snot stable, Recommends you to use 10.10/10.0410:12
Darkc0derThat's what it says in my about ubuntu10:12
Darkc0derI'm a newb to linux, i know lol.10:13
SwedeMikeotoh there is a bug that makes ubuntu 10.10 say it's 11.04 though10:13
Darkc0derI downloaded the 10.04 or i forgot but i know it was 10 and not 1110:14
psycho_oreosSwedeMike: would lsb_release be also affected by the same bug?10:14
AbhiJit!manual | Darkc0der10:14
ubottuDarkc0der: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:14
Dr_WillisDarkc0der:  those IM clients/special things fr windows can be very hard to gt going in Linux with wine.  theres otehr ways to IM/chat with people.10:14
sitalkasDarkc0der: if u r new to linux, as i am, try the most tested versions10:14
alainghow do i check if ubuntu firewall is blocking packets10:14
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alainga particular port10:14
psycho_oreosalaing: sudo iptables -L10:15
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Darkc0derAny way for me to downgrade or is this just a bug10:15
AbhiJitalaing, sudo ufw policy10:15
Dr_WillisDarkc0der:  not eveything works in wine.. thats just life. the wine app database Might give some tips on gettting the program working10:15
Dr_Willis!appdb | Darkc0der10:15
ubottuDarkc0der: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:15
fandysthy guys10:15
battlegroundhi all!10:15
ubuntusagealaing:ufw is ubuntu firewall, check ufw policy as Abhijit said10:15
Darkc0derI know, but i was talking about their web based version of it, express.paltalk.com10:16
Dr_WillisDarkc0der:  and i do not suggest trying 11.04 at this time.10:16
alaingi did sudo ufw policy but it could not find it and gave me a load of commands10:16
ubuntusagealaing: iptables -L -n | more will also help yuo10:16
ubuntusagealaing: thats ufw help10:16
Dr_WillisDarkc0der:  meebo.com (i think) is also a web-based multi-im client you may want to try10:16
AbhiJitalaing, sudo ufw status10:17
battlegroundhere's my question: I see some wireless networks in net.manag. and I was thinking if one could find out about those routers external ip?10:17
ubuntusageDarkc0der:  meebo works fine with Ubuntu, I have dome many video chats with it10:17
sanzianahi everyone, I'm looking for touchfreeze but I can't find it.........10:17
rootgshkwmctcp %2 VERSION10:17
alaingstatus inactive10:17
alaingdoes that mean all ports are beign allowed in?10:18
alaingand nother is being blocked10:18
AbhiJitsorry for caps10:18
alaingso no firewall means nothing being blocked10:18
ubuntusagealaing:must be, as long as you can see no results in 'sudo  iptables -L -n | more' you can make sure there is no rule that is blocking the packets10:18
Dr_Willisby default theres no firewall rules = nothing blocked10:18
AbhiJitalaing, man ufw10:19
Dr_Willisbattleground:  i dont think thats possible.10:20
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battlegroundso i Was thinking, but I was trying to figure out... what about wireshark, would it show packets "flying" to that ip? never tryed that before...10:21
fsvanyone can tell me the shipped blender version?10:21
red2kicSure -- If you're scanning in the lan?10:21
Gneabattleground: so try it and see what happens10:21
AbhiJitfsv, shipped in what?10:21
Gnea!info blender | fsv10:21
ubottufsv: blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.49.2~dfsg-2ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 10520 kB, installed size 27612 kB10:21
ubuntusagefsc: with ubuntu studio?10:22
fsvah thanks10:22
battlegroundI can't right now, that's why I'm asking here....10:22
Gneabattleground: there's not much use in asking, you'll need to try it and see for yourself10:22
alaingcan you ping a specifc port?10:22
Gneabattleground: why can't you install it right now?10:23
battlegroundok, leave wireshark... So, there's no other option you guys could think of?10:23
ubuntusagealaing: you could telnet to that port to see if its open or not10:23
staff_nowahi reconfigured apache and nginx with this example http://server-tuning.info/nginx/apache-frontend.html and now trying connect to our php script and then i connect nginx don't get images and send all to apache. why ?10:23
Gneabattleground: what is it you want to do, exactly?10:23
ubuntusagealaing: like telnet localhost 2210:23
Gneastaff_nowa: you probably want to ask in #apache or #httpd10:24
KranixHow do you write a script to execute two terminal commands?10:24
battlegroundI don't want to do anything, just asking out of couriosity.10:24
Q|Hey guys. Since reboot last night X configuration is messed up. I use a 2nd X display to play games on, in a lower resolution then the main X server (1920x1200 main, 1024x768 2nd). Problem is, the visible area is shifted to the LEFT side. Any ideas how to fix and where this error comes from?10:24
Gneabattleground: if there's no purpose to it then there's no point in asking.10:25
alaingubuntusage: can i do that from win 7?10:25
red2kicKranix: "scriptone && scripttwo" --or-- "scriptone ; scripttwo" -- depends on how you want it.10:25
Q|The shift is not visible with 1920x1200, just with the lower resolution btw10:25
ubuntusage:alaing: yes10:25
GneaQ|: so you're running 2 different X servers?10:25
alaingi tried itin cmd and it recon it could not find telnet10:26
Gneared2kic, Kranix: using &&, scripttwo would only run once scriptone finished running successfully10:26
Q|Gnea, yes, I login into an GNOME session and then run this: ck-launch-session xinit $HOME/startwow.sh -- :1 -screen WoW, while startwow.sh has this in it: exec twm10:26
battlegroundGnea, can some things be left in theory? I just couldn't find the answer in google, so that's why I came here, that's it.10:27
ubuntusagealaing: which windows you are using, I just tried on windows 2003 server, xp and win 710:27
GneaQ|: nice. have you looked at the logfile in /var/log/ yet? should be something like /var/log/Xorg.1.log10:27
battleground(can't try wireshark now, I don't have admin acount).10:27
Q|Gnea, nope, not yet, but I'll take a look at it now, thanks. brb10:27
alaingwin 7 64 bit home prem10:27
staff_nowa<Gnea> in #apache don't answer because there no people. Only bot's10:28
KranixHaven't actually tried writing a script before, I want it to execute cd /home/magnus/.megaglest followed by glestsvn.bin, how would I write that?10:28
Gneabattleground: perhaps, but I'm not one to dabble in theory, perhaps someone else can10:28
ubuntusagealiang: http://www.fettesps.com/windows-7-enable-telnet/10:28
battlegroundI've got your point, that's why I leave the question open.10:29
Dr_WillisKranix:  check some bash scriptng tutorials.. that would be like 3 lines total in a scipt..10:29
KranixOkay, I will.10:29
Dr_WillisKranix:  #!/bin/bash,  cd /whatever/    , ./thecommandtorun10:29
Gneastaff_nowa: so, obviously, #httpd :)10:29
staff_nowa<Gnea>  sended thank you :)10:29
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nfrsI've got a mystery here. "ssh user@localip" works fine. however, "scp user@localip:/path ." apparently interprets localip as a domain name!10:34
Q|Gnea, no errors in there, but I spotted that it seems to use some old CRT-0 device, which was my old config, but now it's an LCD which has it's own entry generated automagically. To tackle the problem from another side since I have some custom entries in xorg.conf which might be outdated: How can I re-create it automagically?10:34
aioobeI would really like gkrellm to stick to the right, and to be "excluded" from the rest of the window management. That is, I would like to "shrink" the desktop used for the remaining windows... Is it possible to configure awesome this way?10:34
Q|Gnea, I already tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, but that seems to do nothin (no output, xorg.conf not changed)10:34
KranixWhat application do you set .sh files to open with for running them?10:34
ubuntusagenfrs: you didnt mention the file to be copied10:35
aioobeactually, like this screen-shot: http://files.roguelazer.com/screenshots/caveofbirds-2009-03-29.png10:35
ubuntusagenfrs: it shoud be like scp file_name ser@localip:/path10:35
guntbertbattleground: as this is  a support channel "theoretical" questions are somewhat off topic here - there is always #ubuntu-offtopic though10:35
ubuntusagenfrs: it shoud be like scp file_name user@localip:/path10:35
nfrsubuntulog: no, the command I gave was fine as I wrote it (assuming /path leads to a file, which it does)10:35
battlegroundok, never mind. bye.10:36
nfrsubuntusage: ^10:36
ubuntusagenfrs:  ;)10:36
bc81hi.  should i download the adobe-flashplugin, or the flashplugin-installer?  i'm confused :/10:36
ubuntusagebc81:adobe-flashplugin ofcourse I guess10:38
bc81ubuntusage, hehe i guess so too ;-)10:39
nfrsubuntusage: debug1: Connecting to LOCAL_IP [] port 22.10:40
DasEibc81: on a fresh install, use ubuntu-restricted-extras, so  you get the bunch of other codecs& fonts with you in on run10:40
bc81DasEi, ok, i'll try that thanks10:40
Dr_Willisthe installer - does the downloading for you10:40
nfrsubuntusage: is an OpenDNS ip, which is what I use for dns10:40
nfrsubuntusage: which makes me think that scp tried to resolve LOCAL_IP at opendns, and opendns returned its generic error ip address in response10:41
Dr_WillisKranix:  a .sh couldbe a shell script or a gui app. so it wouldebnt make a lot of sence. if they are executable they should 'run' with no default app - i think.10:42
Dr_Willisaioobe:  its possible compiz can do that. but i really never have liked gkrellm10:42
ubuntusagenfrs:I see, you checked for host entries too?10:43
Dr_Willisaioobe:  i thought gkrellm had a panel mode that kept windows from covevering it.10:43
KranixI used "open with other application" and selected gedit so I could edit it, but now it just opens in notepad if I double click it even though it's marked as executable...10:43
Dr_WillisKranix:  right click, see if thers a run item.10:44
nfrsubuntulog: /etc/hosts has nothing with that10:44
nfrs(with LOCAL_IP)10:44
KranixLooks like I accidentally unchecked the "allow executing file as program" button.10:44
nfrsubuntusage: ^10:44
nfrsubuntusage: also, ping LOCAL_IP works fine, too10:44
ubuntusagenfrs: local IP is your machine IP itself or some other IP in your LAN?10:46
nfrsubuntulog: the latter10:46
nfrsubuntulog: 10.0.0.XYZ10:46
Dr_Willisaioobe:  gkrellm does have a panel mode, that keeps windows from going over it..  you have to enable the mode, then restart gkrellm10:47
nfrsubuntusage: ^10:47
nfrsubuntusage: you really should change your nick name :)10:48
ubuntusagenfrs: haha maybe ;)10:48
ubuntusagenfrs: wats with log and sage? couldnt  find any similarity ;)10:49
guntbert!tab | ubuntusage we are lazy :-)10:49
ubottuubuntusage we are lazy :-): You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:49
Ickyhaving issues with power manager, when plugged in it doesn't recognize that i am plugged in. when i unplug it doesn't recognize i am unplugged unless go to system > preferences > power management10:50
KranixIf I run the script normally nothing happens, if I run it in the terminal it closes down instantly...10:50
ubuntusageubottu: ahh, first time here ;) I should look into help pages ;)10:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:50
ubuntusageguntbert: is not a bot I guess ;)10:51
guntbert!bot | ubuntusage :-)10:51
ubottuubuntusage :-): Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:51
tintumonhai everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy10:53
NeedsHelpWithFanhello everyone, can anyone help me with getting my fans to appear on sensors?10:53
ubuntusagetintumon: malayali?10:53
tintumonubuntusage :athe10:54
ubuntusagetintumon: kollam ;)10:54
tintumonubuntusage :nthu kollam enna?10:54
Athiest_Monkubuntusage: lol10:55
guntbert!ot | tintumon ubuntusage10:55
ubottutintumon ubuntusage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:55
NeedsHelpWithFani'm using an asus a8js laptop and i've installed the asusfans package, lm-sensors still doesn't show my fans and I'm unable to control the fans so it is overheating whenever i'm doing anything strenuous on the laptop. Can anyone help me please?10:55
tintumonubuntusage : know how to connect android 2.1 fon as a modem?10:55
NeedsHelpWithFani forgot to say i'm using ubuntu server10:56
Q|Gnea, hey, thx for the tip with the log file. Didn't fix it quite yet, but I have a pointer where to start. Gotta go and will try my luck laater on. Thx so far and have a nice day :)10:56
ubuntusagetintumon: I have no idea about it :(10:56
AbhiJitwhere can i contact for dead ubuntu translation team?10:57
asyraffwhy my linux does not detect my usb10:57
ubuntusageasyraff:  checked with sudo fdisk -l10:57
tintumonanybdy know hw to connect asdroid 2.1 fonas a modem?10:57
psycho_oreosasyraff: exactly what sort of USB are we talking about?10:57
sta7icasyraff: try, lsusb10:57
NeedsHelpWithFanmy laptop temperature is at 70 degrees celsius already.......... help please T.T10:57
Scott`turn it off :/10:58
Dr_Willistintumon:  as a dial up modem? I just teather the pc to mine and use it as a gateway10:58
tintumonNeed:using compaq?10:58
sta7icNeedsHelpWithFan: laptop cooler?10:58
NeedsHelpWithFanI'm using Asus A8JS10:58
asyraffubuntusage, my pendrive is not listed in the fdisk...10:58
Dr_WillisIts possible the 'server' kernel dosent have the proper modules/settings NeedsHelpWithFan10:58
tintumonDr_Willis, ya i tried it but no support for im10:58
NeedsHelpWithFanthere is a cooler there now yes it'll auto turn itself off when it reaches 100+ abit10:58
Dr_Willistintumon:  no support for what?10:58
oCeanAbhiJit: maybe start in #ubuntu-locoteams ?10:59
tintumonNeedsHelpWithFan, using compaq?10:59
red2kicNeedsHelpWithFan: I'm lazy. I have a little HTPC machine that have no fans. I need to buy 40x40mm. Meanwhile, I use a regular fan to blow on it. Works great.10:59
tintumonDr_Willis, instant messaging softwares and im sites10:59
asyraffpsycho_oreos, pendrive10:59
Dr_Willistintumon:  err.. if i teather my pc  to my phone.. its the same as if i was on any other network...10:59
NeedsHelpWithFan<tintumon> i'm using asus10:59
AbhiJitoCean, ok10:59
Kranix<Kranix> If I run the script normally nothing happens, if I run it in the terminal it closes down instantly...10:59
psycho_oreosasyraff: as sta7ic said, it will be seen there along with `sudo fdisk -l'10:59
ubuntusageasyraff: pendrive is functioning are you sure? and which is ur OS?10:59
NeedsHelpWithFan<Dr_Willis> can i load the proper modules?10:59
NeedsHelpWithFan<sta7ic> yes it is sitting on a laptopcooler now11:00
tintumonDr_Willis, wt u mean?11:00
Dr_WillisNeedsHelpWithFan:  no idea. i dont use the server edition. Youmay want to try the live cd/desktop edition . or even the 11.04 testing  to see if the fans work there.11:00
asyraffsta7ic, erm...it detects my kingston...but there are no device in the computer11:00
psycho_oreostintumon: by tethering he meant connecting your phone to your computer via USB11:00
Dr_Willistintumon: ive no idea what you are meaning. If i 'tether' my PC -> android phone.. my PC is able to run any internet apps same as if i was connected  normally (via cable modem for example)11:01
asyraffubuntusage, im using ubuntu 10.1011:01
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  actually its using wireless :)11:01
psycho_oreosasyraff: use something like gparted to see the disk, it might not even be formatted11:01
NeedsHelpWithFanDr_Willis the fans turn on now and then, but i think because sensors are reporting the high and critical temperature to be both at 100degrees celsius, the laptop gets to that temperature then starts the fan and dies because it can't cool off fast enough11:01
tintumonDr_Willis, i trieds usb tethering but its only possible with easytether11:01
psycho_oreosDr_Willis: bluetooth? or as hotspot AP?11:01
tintumonpsycho_oreos, ya11:01
psycho_oreostintumon: so whats wrong with easytether?11:01
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  it can do bt. but ive never tried thast yet.  working as wireless ap. but Ubutu seems to have some issues with ad-hoc networking :(11:02
NeedsHelpWithFanDr_Willis Core 0:      +65.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)11:02
tintumonpsycho_oreos, no support for im11:02
tintumonpsycho_oreos, any soln?11:02
psycho_oreosDr_Willis: ahh yeah that's the typical norm with ad-hoc networking which is what phones are mostly restricted to11:02
asyraffpsycho_oreos, i have been formatted...if i plug in my usb and restart my laptop...then it will detect my usb...11:02
NeedsHelpWithFancan anyone help me change my sensors temperature setting ? its currently showing Core 0:      +65.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)   and I'm suspecting its overheating because it only starts the fan at the high temperature of 10011:02
oCeanNeedsHelpWithFan: maybe someone in #ubuntu-server has experience with the asusfans package on -server ?11:03
chris_ubuI need some help with repairing/re-installing 10.10 ----the computer was updating when it froze and (to make a long story short) the computer cannot boot and gets stuck with a message saying "kernel panic"11:03
tintumonDr_Willis, are using android 2.1 or 2.2?11:03
psycho_oreostintumon: I don't understand how does IM has anything to do with tethering, you mean you can't use stuff like pidgin on the computer?11:03
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  but the thing thats odd about tintumon  is he SEEMS to be saying 'it works - but not for instant messanging programs'  wich is weird.11:03
Dr_Willistintumon:  2.1 at this time.11:03
NeedsHelpWithFan<oCean> thanks, i'll try that chnanel11:03
tintumonDr_Willis, did u connect ur fon to ubuntu?11:03
psycho_oreosasyraff: but not now as it is? hmm what sort of filesystem is it?11:03
tintumonDr_Willis, i mean tethering11:03
tintumonpsycho_oreos, ya wt u said is right11:04
asyraffpsycho_oreos, ifat3211:04
psycho_oreosDr_Willis: makes no sense to me imo, then again I don't have android and I've tethered without any dramas as well11:04
psycho_oreosasyraff: ifat32?11:04
asyraffpsycho_oreos, fat32*11:04
tintumonDr_Willis, how its possible?11:04
psycho_oreosasyraff: hmm and when you plugged the flash drive in after the computer has booted, like as in now it doesn't get detected?11:04
TopGearWhenever I plugin my headset, my speakers still continue playing the music. Is there a way to mute them when my headset is plugged it?11:05
tintumonDr_Willis, i connected fon pc is detected by fon mass storage feature works but no modem support11:05
angrymatterevil chrashes with ubuntu. harddisk light stays on. everything frozen. is this a normal chrash ? could It be related to Chromium ?11:05
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
asyraffpsycho_oreos, it will detect if i boot my pc11:05
psycho_oreosasyraff: but not now, even if you unplug it and plug it back in?11:06
Dr_Willistintumon:  you normally tell the phone to use USB mass storage OR to not use it... it cant do data-connection and usb storage at the same time11:06
asyraffpsycho_oreos, yup...for now....i have plug in several times and still the same...i have tried my other usb too...11:06
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Dr_Willistintumon:  i dont need a usb cable to get my pc to th internet via my phone. :)11:07
psycho_oreosasyraff: hmm I'll need the last few lines of your dmesg output.. pastebin (not paste) your `dmesg| tail -20'11:07
tintumonDr_Willis, i tried using cable enabled usb debugging11:08
NeedsHelpWithFanI'm running ubuntu server on an Asus A8JS laptop and I can't seem to control the fans and it overheats everytime it does anything strenuous. currently i get the temperature reading of http://paste.ubuntu.com/554669/ I've tried installing the asusfans package and lm-sensors but I'm unable to get my fans to cool my machine down before it reaches the critical temps and turn itself off11:08
asyraffpsycho_oreos, how can i show you?11:09
ubutomNeedsHelpWithFan, be sure to check your BIOS for Fan options too11:09
NeedsHelpWithFan<ubutom> I have tried that. The bios doesn't seem to have any fan options T.T11:09
NeedsHelpWithFan<ubutom> does my sensors output look correct? I don't see any fans on it at all11:10
psycho_oreosasyraff: you will need to open up terminal and then type in: `dmesg| tail -20' (without quotes) and copy and paste the output from the terminal into websites like pastebin.com11:10
psycho_oreosyou then paste me the link of the paste you just pasted11:10
ubutomNeedsHelpWithFan, hmm, usually there is some option had one that was like performance and lower settings on a fujitsu siemens thing, sorry don't know much about sensors11:10
asyraffpsycho_oreos, done...then?11:11
psycho_oreosasyraff: I need the link of the pasted output, from your address bar11:11
=== HelloGod is now known as iami
NeedsHelpWithFan<ubutom>yes, i have set my processors to be scaled down to power saving instead of 'on demand' is that what you're refering to?11:11
ubutomNeedsHelpWithFan, yeah, there was some similar thing only for the fans in BIOS, but I guess that depends on the model11:12
psycho_oreosasyraff: ubuntu detects it, but its failing to see the USB device as a storage device, how old is the device?11:12
tintumonDr_Willis, any help?11:13
NeedsHelpWithFanubutom sigh i've been trying to resolve this temperature issue for weeks now11:13
asyraffpsycho_oreos, yup...i get this device last year...still new11:13
NeedsHelpWithFanis there any way I can change the high and critical temperature setting on 'sensors' ?11:13
DelphiusBIOS settings11:14
ubutomNeedsHelpWithFan, sorry to hear that, maybe the fans are blocked with dust?11:14
Dr_Willistintumon:  i dont use a cable to teather mine. I use wireless. so  you may want to ask in #android11:14
psycho_oreosasyraff: hmm have you subject it to any sort of torture? like through water or slightly bent the USB head?11:14
iamiwhois ubutom11:14
ubutomwhois iami11:15
asyraffpsycho_oreos, nope...i have tried it with my other pendrives too11:15
NeedsHelpWithFanubutom thats actually one avenue i haven't checked.  i'll open her up and check tomorrow after i buy a can of compressed air.  I just find it weird why it overheats in ubuntu whilst in win2k server it doesn't. And they're running almost identical amount of software.11:15
psycho_oreosasyraff: what about other USB ports on the machine?11:15
asyraffpsycho_oreos, still same...O_o11:16
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff have u tried powering off and on the device?11:16
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff also, have u tried it on a windows machine?11:16
tintumonDr_Willis, is it hotspot?11:16
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, if i turn off, it will detect my usb but if possible i dont want to restart my pc11:17
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, yup...in windows machine...it detects my pendrive11:17
ubutomNeedsHelpWithFan, yep, that sounds like windows is doing something different. Laptops are a bit tricky because every manufacturer has some other acpi thing going on, that's also the reason why people need to turn off certain things for livecds to work very often11:18
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff have you checked if it is mounted on /media/?11:18
Dr_Willistintumon:  yes. thats how i use my phone. as a wireless adhoc network hotspot.11:18
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, hurm...its empty...11:18
NeedsHelpWithFanubuntom yeah, i've been reading the acpi stuff and tryhing a whole bunch of diff things.11:19
NeedsHelpWithFanubuntom i might try installing envyNG to see if it'll detect my graphic card's fan11:19
tintumonDr_Willis, bt no adhoc option is available 4 me11:19
TopGearWhenever I plugin my headset, my speakers still continue playing the music. Is there a way to mute them when my headset is plugged it?11:20
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff check System->Administration->Disk Utility11:20
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff if your pendrive is there it should show up on the left pane11:20
qdiihow can I active metacity ON BOOT on ubuntu 10.1011:21
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff click on the disk to see if it is mounted, it may be detected but if it is not mounted you can't really access it or see it.11:21
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, only hard disk and cd drive...11:21
qdiirather than the current wm ?11:21
almoxarifedoes it serve any purpose to have the virtual headers with a generic kernel?11:21
suelenola pessoal nao to conseguindo personalizar o grub, instalei o burg manager mas naum funciona11:21
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff so when you plug it in, there is no response from ur machine at all?11:21
psycho_oreos!br| suelen11:21
ubottusuelen: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:21
Abhinav1how to check which graphic driver I am using ?11:21
psycho_oreosAbhinav1: lspci -nnk11:21
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, yup...11:22
rusty149asyraff: pastebin, lsusb11:22
psycho_oreosalmoxarife: doubt it11:22
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff you should check if the pen drive is encrypted in any way11:22
oCeanasyraff: is usb_storage loaded (in output of lsmod | grep usb)11:22
psycho_oreos!hi| chris_ubu11:22
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff what filesystem is the pendrive on?11:22
chris_ubuis there a way of refreshing/rewing an installation from a CD?11:23
psycho_oreosNeedsHelpWithFan: he said it was fat3211:23
NeedsHelpWithFano ok then fat32 should be fine11:23
amundHi! Ive encrypted two of mye drives, and need to input two passwords at startup. It is the same password - is it possible to merge these somehow?11:23
asyraffrusty149, http://pastebin.com/s6jJEA6J11:23
pankajif i add the log out window option to the task bar it does not work11:23
pankajmy task bar is definitely messed up11:24
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, i have 3 pendrive...fat32, ext4 and ntfs11:24
psycho_oreoschris_ubu: I don't understand what do you mean by renewing? reinstalling?11:24
Dr_Willischris_ubu:  what are you trying to do exactly?11:24
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, soory...not ntfs...only fat11:24
rusty149asyraff: is it the Kingston DataTraveler11:24
prawywho trying crack wep ?11:24
asyraffrusty149, yup11:24
oCeanasyraff: is usb_storage driver loaded?11:24
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asyraffoCean, ??? what is that?11:25
oCeanasyraff: "lsmod | grep usb"11:25
psycho_oreosasyraff: its a driver to allow the kernel to see the device and use it as a storage if its supported11:25
asyraffoCean, nothing happen...11:26
NeedsHelpWithFanasyraff sorry mate i'm out of my depth. I gotta go anyway hope you fix your problem soon.11:26
psycho_oreosasyraff: this is on a laptop right?11:26
asyraffNeedsHelpWithFan, thx for your help11:26
asyraffpsycho_oreos, yup...im using acer 431511:26
zxdhow do I configure alt+shift to switch language in gnome11:26
psycho_oreosasyraff: hmm someone said this might be an acpi issue, I don't know if it is for sure however I've never ran into this issue whilst using xubuntu on my desktop.. there might be an ugly alternative if the acpi is the case, that would be to boot kernel without acpi which would severely degrade battery performance11:27
oCeanasyraff: is usb_storage driver loaded?11:28
psycho_oreosoCean: its not, he said that output yielded nothing11:28
asyraffoCean, nope11:28
oCeanasyraff: then, that's it11:28
asyraffpsycho_oreos, acpi??11:28
psycho_oreosasyraff: you could try sudo modprobe usb_storage11:28
oCeanasyraff: sudo modprobe usb_storage11:28
oCeanand then re-plug the usb device11:29
psycho_oreosasyraff: its an acronym to do with powersaving functions on a said device.11:29
ubu_plyHow xome my boot screen never shows up during boot? Ot11:29
ubu_plys just a flashing cursor at the top left11:29
Scott`dead bootloader11:30
nhck1When I do "mpc add example.mp3" I get "error: directory or file not found" - the file is there.. I really don't know what that means?11:30
=== nhck1 is now known as nhck
asyraffpsycho_oreos, owh...i dont understand...huhu11:30
rusty149asyraff: ? Did you run that command?11:32
asyraffrusty149, yup...it works...but i dont understand how it works...11:32
Dr_Willisubu_ply:  because plymouth is what does that fancy splash screen.. and it has 'issues' with some video card/drivers.11:33
ubu_plyHow would I check its status?11:33
ubu_plyPr check to see if there are any problems?11:34
Dr_WillisI disable plymouth and get back to a normal text login sequence. :)11:34
Dr_Willisive heard Plymouth works better in 11.0411:34
ubu_plyNo, but there's no text either, it's just an "_" blinking in the top left11:35
Dr_Willisubu_ply:  so you are saying the system dosent boot at all?11:35
Bushmandid anyone had similar problem to mine? i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes11:36
ubu_plyNo, it boots, but it doesn't show any text ir graphics11:36
Bushmanhere's the dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/Uq3CiY3c11:36
ubu_ply*or graphics11:36
almoxarifedoes removinbg plymouth cause any issues?11:36
bazhangalmoxarife, yes. do NOT do it.11:37
Dr_Willisalmoxarife:  i just 'disable it' i dont remove it..11:37
Dr_Willisreplaace 'quiet splas' with '' in the /etc/default/grub file. seems to do the trick for me.11:37
Dr_Willisreplaace 'quiet splash' with '' in the /etc/default/grub file. seems to do the trick for me.11:37
Bushman[BLUETOOTH] did anyone had similar problem to mine? i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes11:38
Bushmanhere's the dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/Uq3CiY3c11:38
dgxHey all, I am trying to end the process of Transmission, but whatever I do, it won't end. Any suggestions?11:38
almoxarifedgx: tried killing it?11:39
dgxYes, I am. Still there.11:39
dgxI am using the system Monitor feature. I don't know how to use the terminal yet.11:39
WaltherFIdgx: sudo killall process name11:40
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almoxarifedgx: right click on it and use 'kill process'11:40
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WaltherFIdgx: sudo killall gnome-panel kills the panels :)11:40
nhckHow do I play music with mpd?  :-)11:40
mizahi_64Is there any idea to install many other driver packages on Ubuntu ? I use Ubuntu always on USB and i need many drivers because i use this USB on many different hardwares ...11:40
ubu_plyThere's no quiet splash in /etc/default/grub11:40
Person123Okay, so I download Ubuntu to my Windows 7 laptop via Wubi. It downloaded perfectly fine, I selected the recommended options and then restarted my laptop. I then selected Ubuntu from the list of operating systems to use. It went to a black screen with white letters for a few seconds, then it went to a another black screen with white lettering and just stayed there. It appeared to be saying something about kernel, external device, c11:40
dgxYes, I've tried right clicking -> kill,end, stop process. Not working.11:40
Person123What should I do?11:41
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe11:41
Dr_Willismizahi_64:  that can be a problem depending on the drivefs/hardware.  For wireless - it may not be an issue.. but for some video setups. it can be a real pain11:41
dgxHow can I see all processes in the terminal?11:42
mizahi_64Dr_Willis:  :( i am thinking to install many packages except graphic cards drivers... ?11:42
almoxarifePerson123: you lost grub?11:42
WaltherFIdgx: for example command:     top11:42
WaltherFIalmoxarife: wubi11:42
dgxAnd also did sudo killall transmission. Still there :)11:43
Person123almoxarife, not sure what u mean...11:43
almoxarifeWaltherFI: a wubi install takes you to grub11:43
Person123ok bye11:44
mizahi_64Dr_Willis: i really need many driver packages ...11:44
WaltherFIalmoxarife: also, he/she said that it shows the selection, but goes black11:44
Dr_Willismizahi_64:  i tend to set up a flash drive for each pc that needs special drivers.. but thats just for nvidia drivers mainly here.11:44
Dr_Willismizahi_64:  so its not a big issue.11:44
mizahi_64Dr_Willis: i don't have so many usb s to install ubuntu for each one :)11:45
mizahi_64Dr_Willis: but i am think to install many new drivers except nvdia and ati (i mean graphic cards)...11:46
mizahi_64Dr_Willis: but i don't know how to install them from synaptic...11:46
jophishHowdy all!11:46
jophishI can suspend my laptop with no problem with ubuntu, suspending to disk and to ram works fine. However I'm using Kubuntu at the moment, and I've found that I can't suspend with kubuntu11:47
sacarlsonmizahi_64: most drivers are a part of the kernel or are compiled as modules into it.11:47
mizahi_64sacarlson:  so ?11:48
nhckHow do I play music with mpd/mpc ?11:48
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mizahi_64sacarlson: hen i use usb on many hardwares i faced problem about drivers.. so i need them...11:48
sacarlsonmizahi_64: so most drivers you already have if you have the latiest kernel11:48
mizahi_64sacarlson: i know. but everytime when i start on a new hardware, ubuntu asks me to isntall drivers...11:49
sacarlsonmizahi_64: I think you should create a kernel that includes every propriatary driver now avalable11:49
mizahi_64sacarlson:  so i can install all of them now..11:50
mizahi_64sacarlson: yeap... but how ?11:50
sacarlsonmizahi_64: well to start you need a list of devices you plan to support then collect all the source from eather the chip developer or others groups that support them11:51
DasEimizahi_64: on your first install, you choose if you want a generic or custom installation, then exept 3rd party drivers it should work (seen by drivers), but maybe not config11:51
sacarlsonmizahi_64: I forgot not all will be source some will be binary so they will only be usable with a subset of kernel so you might find some propriatary won't play together11:53
DasEimizahi_64: just do a full apt-get update/grade, install the headers, too11:53
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages11:53
angieannihi all: j'm Gian from Italy. J've Istalled Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid on my pc with AMD 64. 1  J can't see video in flash  2  j can't play radio or tv from tv card. and  then there's no way to connect with gnunet. Tnank's11:54
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WaltherFI!it | angieanni11:55
ubottuangieanni: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:55
DasEiangieanni: open a terminal ..11:55
mizahi_64DasEi  sacarlson:  thank you , i will research about it again a little bit more...11:56
DasEiangieanni: open ?11:56
DasEiangieanni: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:57
DasEiangieanni: scroll to the block saying partner repos11:57
DasEiangieanni: make sure the two last lines of that block aren't commented (#)11:58
DasEiangieanni: save the file. close gedit11:59
DasEiangieanni: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:59
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DasEiangieanni: saaywhen b ack at prompt11:59
RippleEffectIs there a package that I can install that includes mysql+php+phpmyadmin+apache?12:00
RippleEffectOr do I have to install these all separately?12:00
bazhangRippleEffect, lamp?12:01
bazhang!lamp > RippleEffect12:01
ubottuRippleEffect, please see my private message12:01
amews_aj-studyHow to change color depth in ubuntu 10.10 ? no xorg.conf ?12:01
DasEi!pm | angieanni12:02
ubottuangieanni: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:02
DasEiangieanni: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras tvtime vlc12:03
angieanniit was for better control..12:03
DasEiangieanni: tab leads you to the ok/accept of the popup windows12:04
DasEiangieanni: when this installed, most media including flash should work, and tvtime finds many tunerchips12:05
DasEiangieanni: gnunet-gtk installed ?12:07
asyraffis there any other method besides using sudo modprobe usb_storage???12:07
DasEiasyraff: automatic? yes :12:07
asyraffDasEi, yup...automatic12:07
DasEiasyraff:gksudo gedit /etc/modules12:08
DasEiasyraff:add a line : usb_storage , save, close12:08
DasEiasyraff:there you are12:08
asyraffwhat is lp?12:08
DasEiasyraff: in the modules file  ?12:09
DasEiasyraff: parallel port (printer)12:09
babilenasyraff: "modinfo lp"12:09
DasEior lsmod12:10
babilenDasEi: lsmod won't contain any information on the respective module12:10
Taoswhat is the simplest way to move windows to the top of grub12:11
ajingskyyywhat is this?12:11
mainit's a question mark12:12
DasEiangieanni: finished installing ?12:12
asyraffok...thx for your help12:12
DasEi!support > ajingskyyy12:12
ubottuajingskyyy, please see my private message12:12
sacarlsonTaos: there is a gui to setup default grub boot startup-manager12:12
go^sacarlson, try grub customizer o startup-manager :)12:13
angieannij think so..12:13
angieanninow gnunet12:13
sacarlsongo^:  Taos: did you get go's add to that grub customizer12:14
angieanniyes gtk installed12:14
DasEiangieanni: try to call a youtube (flash), start tvtime (card found?) and use the gui for configuring gnunet12:17
asyraffwhy i cant use my optical mouse although there is red light....???12:17
asifanyone- sharing internet through wifi12:18
asifhow to12:18
TMKCodes_asif, on ubuntu the network manager applet -> Create New Wireless network12:19
sparseHello, I have a user problem with gnucash, but it seems that irc://irc.gnome.org is not available. Could anyone verify if it is down for me?12:19
sparseasif, yes, what is the problem?12:19
asifcan set wlan0 as an adhoc12:20
asifi have ppp0 connected want to share internet through wifi12:20
thauriswulfaquestion:can't install gimp on maverick ,libpoppler-glib4 not installable , whereas libpoppler-glib5 is already installaed?plz help12:20
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sparseasif, how do you try it - from GUI or from command line?12:20
DasEiangieanni: was that lucid or meerkat ?12:20
sparseasif, the ppp is needed because of provider?12:20
thauriswulfaQUESTION:can't install gimp on maverick meerkat ,libpoppler-glib4 not installable , whereas libpoppler-glib5 is already installaed?plz help12:20
angieanniyoutube no plays video12:21
thauriswulfaQUESTION:can't install gimp on maverick meerkat ,libpoppler-glib4 not installable , whereas libpoppler-glib5 is already installaed?plz help12:21
sparseasif, oh, and I gues you use NetworkManager12:21
sacarlsonthauriswulfa: did you try change mirror site?12:21
jribthauriswulfa: pastebin exactly what you ran and the full output.  Also include the command and output of: apt-cache policy gimp libpoppler-glib4 libpoppler-glib512:21
asifcan we make the wifi as an access point, yes i use that12:21
thauriswulfano i didn't12:22
DasEiangieanni: please put nick when answering to people; just no window opening ?12:22
sparseasif, I guess its like provider -> your own router -> your computer, is it so?12:22
angieanniDasEI window open but no video plays12:22
DasEiangieanni: which browser ?12:23
sparseasif, Do you want to make your computer an AP or a router?12:23
asifsparse, yes i connect through usb modem,12:23
thauriswulfahey jrib here's the output12:23
thauriswulfa  Installed: (none)12:23
thauriswulfa  Candidate: 2.6.11-1~getdeb112:23
FloodBot4thauriswulfa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
thauriswulfa  Version table:12:23
thauriswulfa     2.6.11-1~getdeb1 012:23
sacarlsonangieanni: did you try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:23
asifsparse, whatever would help me share the internet12:23
sparseasif, so the modem is not a separate box12:23
asifsparse, no not a separte box12:24
angieanniDasEIboth firefox and midori12:24
DasEiangieanni: restarted browser after extras install ?12:24
sacarlsonthauriswulfa: what version of ubuntu are you running in this instance12:24
thauriswulfamaverick meerkat12:25
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  you have the getdeb repos enabled and thats confuseing things it seems12:25
sparseasif, and your ppp connection is based on wifi (not eg ADSL)?12:25
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  i would suggest disableng the extra repos.12:25
thauriswulfahow to12:25
thauriswulfaok got it12:25
Dr_Willis!ppa | thauriswulfa12:25
ubottuthauriswulfa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:25
asifsparse, no the ppp connection is based on ttyUSB012:26
asifsparse, wlan0 is free12:26
sparseasif, yes, but technically, how do you connect? Is it ADSL-based connection (eg. by mibile network) or another wlan USB key?12:27
sacarlsonthauriswulfa: in the future put all you info on one line I missed your version because it had already scrolled off my screen and also harder for me to support you and others at the same time12:27
angieanniDasEi..had j to restart ubuntu yet ?12:27
thauriswulfahey dr willi12:27
sparseasif, if this is the case, the only thing you need is to have the Wifi device (you have) capable to work in infrastructure mode12:27
thauriswulfai disabled the getdeb12:27
asifsparse, adsl based module network.. i use kppp to connect..12:28
thauriswulfanow what12:28
DasEiangieanni: no, just the browser after plugininstall12:28
DasEiangieanni: was that lucid or meerkat ?12:28
asifsparse, *mobile12:28
SamuraiAlbagood bacon to all!12:28
sparseasif, is it possible to choose "Infrastructure" in your wifi connection setup?12:28
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  update, upgrade, try again.12:28
angieannidasei lucid12:28
DasEiangieanni: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx12:29
DasEiangieanni: close firefox, terminal :12:29
DasEiangieanni: killall firefox-bin12:29
DasEiangieanni: firefox12:29
DasEiangieanni: re- try and look for terminal output12:30
sacarlsonsparse:  you can use adhoc in wifi12:30
sparseasif, sorry, not the Infrastructure, byt AP. I think I got your problem. It is possible that you have a wlan (wifi) card that does not support AP mode (so you can not be an AP).12:30
thauriswulfathanx dr. willi it wrkd  ubuntu jindabad12:30
sparsesacarlson, yes, but he would like to make it more public I guess, isn't adhoc one-to-one only?12:31
angieannidasei .. retray to open youtube ?12:31
DasEiangieanni: yes12:31
asifsparse, how do i check whether my wifi supports AP or not12:31
nyRednekhow would one go about adding a keyboard layout to X?12:32
sacarlsonsparse: I'm not sure what the difference in adhoc and AP are,  yes some wifi device don't support AP12:32
DasEinyRednek: adding or enabling ?12:32
jymerehello. I have a question : why DNS uses UDP instead of TCP ? UDP is not reliable because if errors occur, they won't be automatically recovery. How this problem is solved ?12:32
angieannidasei  video black12:32
asifsparse, there is some command like putting wlan0 in master mode?12:33
nibbler_asif: iwconfig mode master wlan0 or smth.12:33
DasEiangieanni: any hints from terminal ?12:34
nibbler_asif, if you have/know a device that works reliably with that, let me know.12:34
sacarlsonsparse: asif: if this works iwconfig ath0 mode Master   then you can setup as an access point12:34
thauriswulfaQUESTION:which is the best site to learn linux completely?12:34
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  ther is no one site.12:34
jribthauriswulfa: there isn't one...  But help.ubuntu.com is a good place to start...12:34
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  learn about the parts you want to focus on, and branch out.12:34
sparseasif, try what sacarlson proposes12:34
angieannidasei..loading stream: .... +  unhandled event 1912:35
nyRednekDasEi: ok, i have a standard 105 key kb, i want to use an alternate language map on it12:35
sacarlsonsparse: asif: but ath0 must be changed to what your device is called,12:35
sparsesacarlson, yes12:36
DasEinyRednek: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup12:36
asifsparse, SET failed on device ath0 ; Operation not permitted.12:36
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  go learn bash.. that will take you a week..12:36
nyRednekDasEi: will that allow me to use a key sequence to swap between language formats?12:36
DasEinyRednek: there are more maps, if desired can't be found there12:36
Dr_Willisthauriswulfa:  then learn python :) and regular explressions..12:37
thespawnmani cant get my sound to work properly most of the time it plays though one speaker i got it once to play thought all of them and right now it wont play sound out of any of them and i cant for the life of me figure out what keeps changing everythings maxed in alsamixer12:37
sacarlsonasif: as I tried to comunicate ath0 is just a device you might need to change http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64056412:37
asifsacarlson: SET failed on device ath0 ; Operation not permitted.12:37
error21where I can find flash player 9?12:37
nyRednekcause i still have to type in english, and i know you guys wouldn't like all caps12:37
DasEinyRednek: no,.. there was a switcher for those purposes, and yes, can be done too, but I haven't got this at hand12:37
asifichanged it to wlan012:38
thauriswulfaDr_Willis:thanx again , now i'll not be wasting my time12:38
* Dr_Willis still needs to learn python.12:38
nyRednekDasEi: i know in less recent versions of X, at least in another distro, one could just add stuff to the xorg.conf12:39
error21why flash freeze when play farmville or other?12:39
nyRednekDasEi: but, as far as i can tell, lucid doesn't *have* one12:39
jribnyRednek: go to keyboard properties in your menu12:40
DasEinyRednek: still works, though default it's empty  not there no more now12:40
nyRednekjrib: that isn't in my menu12:40
jribnyRednek: what ubuntu are you using?12:40
DasEinyRednek: can create one, will be read then12:40
Dr_Williserror21:  because the flash programers dont care much for linux.. i dont really have such issues however.. 64bit system, 32bit flash here.12:40
Scott`flash works fine on my 64 bit machine with 10.1012:40
Scott`it didnt work well with 9.0412:41
nyRednekjrib: xubuntu lucid, +fvwm wm12:41
precubcrhy need help pls i have installed my kubuntu maverik , but elimnated the desktop folder, how do i restore it ?12:41
error21I have firefox 3.6.13 and the last flash player and freeze12:41
jribnyRednek: ah, yes I assumed you used gnome which has gnome-keyboard-properties.  I don't know if xfce has an equivalent tool12:41
nyRednekjrib: again, +fvwm wm, iow...no xfce running12:42
Dr_Williserror21:  im using whtever one the repos/flash-installer program uses.. i do farmville and cityville here ok.12:42
Dr_Williserror21:  try it in google chrome perhaps.12:42
error21i have installed and the same problem12:42
error21i edit dom.ipc.plugins12:43
error21same problem12:43
nyRednekDasEi: ok, i'll see if i can throw together an xorg.conf that doesn't screw x up12:43
error21I try to install firefox 3.5 but can`t find12:43
nyRednekDasEi: last time i tried this, there was some hal voodoo12:43
pedronvelosoI've installed a beta ppa repo for KDE, but I now want to go back to the stable one. I've delete the extra ppa repo, but now how do I use apt-get to fetch the old packages and replace the ones I installed?12:44
Dr_Willispedronveloso:  there is a ppa-purge tool that does that. I recall ubuntu-tweak has a front end to ppapurge also.12:44
DasEinyRednek: hal is deprechiated, but I'd rather try by a launcher or a little script invoked by a key-combination, seems less assle12:45
Dr_Williserror21:  using FF 3.6.13 here it seems12:45
jribnyRednek: you could still use the tool if it exists.  In any case xorg.conf probably won't work (but you can try) since input devices seem to be configured elsewhere now.  Did you try DasEi's suggestion?  If the curses interface doesn't allow you to set your XkbOptions, you can certainly edit /etc/default/console-setup and add them that way12:45
nyRednekDasEi: is hal still used by X in lucid?12:45
pedronvelosoDr_Willis: ubuntu tweak doesn't work very well on Kubuntu, but I'll investigate that ppapurge one12:45
DasEiangieanni: looks like your profiles directory is messed then, purge und reinstall firefox12:46
Dr_Willispedronveloso:  ive had no issues with ubuntu-tweak on kubuntu  - of course half its settings are gnome specific.. but the ppa purge and other features still work12:46
DasEinyRednek: as an dead-end , so rather no12:46
jimcooncatis there a way to get the bios version number from the command line? old dell laptop.12:47
benchow can I include a conf file when creating a deb package with debhelper?12:47
nyRednekjrib: the problem with his suggestion, and i did try it, it must be run each time you start typing in another keymap, and i change keymaps in the middle of editing documents12:47
pedronvelosoDr_Willis: humm ok, I'll give it a try12:47
DasEinyRednek: first try if you find your setting in console-setup at all12:47
nyRednekDasEi: i found the setting, the problem came when i tried to switch layouts...had to run it again12:47
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jribnyRednek: no, I'm saying you need to set XkbOptions to whatever it is you want... like "grp:shift_toggle" or whatever12:48
dgxHow do you switch between Workspaces, with the keyboard?12:48
DasEinyRednek: you will also have to reload that demon, if you do in the middle of a document12:48
jribnyRednek: you're basically doing what you would do in xorg.conf but using console-setup...12:48
nyRednekDasEi: yeah, kinda tedious12:49
jimcooncatsorry, found it12:49
dgxAh, found it.12:49
DasEinyRednek: give me a minute, I'll look for that applet12:49
shqlPlymouth's bootsplash somehow showed up again even though my grub-defaults are still the same. I just commented out /etc/init/plymouth show-splash - Will this haunt me later somehow? :p12:49
nyRednekDasEi: ok...i'll then install it(if it isn't already) and load it into salonetray(where it seems applets like to sit on fvwm)12:50
precubcrhelp me pls .... how can i recoer my desktop folder on kubuntu 10.10 ¿12:50
nyRednekDasEi: or swallow it into buttons12:50
sacarlsondgx: for me in compiz I use <windowkey> tab12:50
dgxI am still new, so I found ctrl+alt+<left/right arrows>12:50
jribnyRednek: the proper way to do this is to just use the xorg options imho12:51
dgxAnd its' good, still downloading apps for fun :)12:51
nawkpreviously when I need to install the 64-bit flash player preview version from adobe12:51
sacarlsondgx: for me that switch screens12:51
nawkall i had to do was to download the gz tarball and extract the the library to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins12:51
nyRednekjrib: i think you're right...so where would i put that? in an autostart for the wm?12:51
dgxWhen I install compiz, I will be able to use the features, like cube desktop and such, right ?12:52
nawkbut this doesn't seem to do the trick in Maverick12:52
nawkdoes anyone know what i'm saying?12:52
sacarlsondgx: oh ya workspaces screens sorry thought you wanted active windows12:52
jribnyRednek: you just edit /etc/default/console-setup .  I don't recall if you have to run something afterwards for the settings to be refreshed or if it happens automatically at boot time (you'll have to read its documentation or just try)(12:52
stewart__why cant I perform operations on a jQuery object after it has been assigned to a local variable?12:53
Dr_Willisnawk:  i just use the 32bit version from the repos.. so cant say ive tried your way.12:54
jribnyRednek: do you understand?  It sounded like you knew what to do in xorg.conf, you're just doing the same thing in a different file12:56
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sacarlsonnawk: doesn't the restriced package install it the same as in 32bit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:56
angieanniDasEi: disinstall from terminal ?...what are the command ?12:57
DasEinyRednek: heh fvwm, I found it, its an kde app, but:12:57
DasEinyRednek:gnome-control-center lets you set it !12:58
saad_anyone can help me with apache/php problem?12:58
DasEiangieanni: sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox12:58
sacarlsonnawk: or is this another reason not to install 64bit ?12:58
DasEi(one line)12:58
sacarlsonsaad_: not without knowing what it it12:59
nyRednekDasEi: ok, i got the room to install gnome-control-center...loading up synaptic now12:59
thespawnmani cant get my sound to work properly most of the time it plays though one speaker i got it once to play thought all of them and right now it wont play sound out of any of them and i cant for the life of me figure out what keeps changing everythings maxed in alsamixer13:00
saad_sacarlson: everytime i try load a .php file on my browser it tries to download it, i looked through google for days, without any solutions13:00
nyRednekand fvwm isn't a kde app, tbh, it predates both gnome and kde dm's13:00
sacarlsonsaad_: what method did you use to install apache2 and php?13:01
DasEinyRednek: wmanager, nor ? but kde would bring most libs, seen from core ubuntu13:01
jribnyRednek: unless you plan on running gnome-settings-daemon with fvwm, this won't work13:02
nyRednekit's a window manager13:02
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nyRednekjrib: i can start gnome-settings-daemon...no biggie13:02
nyRednekjrib: iirc, fvwm is friendly with gnome in that respect13:02
saad_sudo apt-get install apache2, php513:03
sacarlsonsaad_: try install phpmyadmin http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php13:03
delkinhi everyone! I'm not being able to put my laptop microphone to work. I tried with google talk, and skype and doesnt work... Can anyone help me, please?13:03
guckohi guys13:04
sanzianahi, I have a deluge problem, can anyone help me?13:04
saad_sacarlson: should i remove the ones i have already?13:04
guckohow to get info about a package from apt-get?13:04
DasEigucko: apt-cache search/show NAME13:04
sacarlsonsaad_: no if you install that it should install whatever you must be missing13:04
saad_sacarlson: thanks ill give it a shot right niow13:05
sagaci!info chntpw13:05
ubottuchntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.6-2 (maverick), package size 49 kB, installed size 144 kB13:05
DasEigucko: apt-cache search firefox*13:05
jribgucko: « apt-cache policy PACKAGE »   gives you info about a particular package13:05
nyRednekwhy would gnome-control-center need evolution-data-server?13:07
DasEinyRednek: good question, idk , apt-cache depends might tell13:08
v0nHi all13:08
nyRednekDasEi: it installed evolution-data-server as a dependency of gnome-control-center13:09
v0nI've downloaded the source code of an old Ubuntu package, and a patch for it. I'm not really sure on how to apply this patch anyone could help me?13:09
sacarlsonv0n: why not tell us the name of the package?13:10
nyRednekv0n: and by patch, is that a .gz file?13:11
jribv0n: « man patch » is actually not a bad read (seriously).  You need to read about the -p switch in particular.  Basic usage is « patch -pN < file.patch ».  But as sacarlson says, what exactly do you want to do?13:11
nyRednekif it is, you need to zcat into a patch command on the source13:11
BluesKajhi all13:14
DasEinyRednek: did you find the setting ?13:14
nyRednekDasEi: synaptic is still running13:15
nyRednekDasEi: i'll get back with you as soon as this thing finishes(keep in mind, i'm on a PII)13:15
angieanniDasEI: removed and reinstalled  but in the terminal "unhandled event 19"13:16
angieanniDasEI: video no plays13:16
Mahjongghello, I know using iptables I can ban the address, however on reboot ban will be removed. Which file does ubuntu use for putting the ip addresses to ban on each reboot?13:17
nyRednekMahjongg: you can put an iptables.conf file in and reference it in rc.local13:17
hihihi100if i want to use nmap on ubuntu, it is not enough to download umit, right? I need to manually download nmap too, am i wrong?13:18
jrib!iptables | Mahjongg13:18
ubottuMahjongg: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:18
v0nsacarlson, nyRednek jrib I'd like to updated the 1.7 version of `dog' with the 1.7.8 patch to get the latest version. See http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/dog13:19
saad_sacarlson: its still not working :(13:19
jribv0n: why isn't it in ubuntu repositories anymore?  Seems to be gone from maverick.13:20
sacarlsonsaad_: ok can you now run phpmyadmin?13:20
DasEinyRednek: I'm about to leave, and not common with fvwm, i that all won't work, monitor chages in /etc/default/consolt setup, and then use a little script for each profile, which also restarts the daemon13:20
nyRednekDasEi: ok...13:21
saad_sacarlson: no, everytime i try to access the index file, it does the same13:21
v0njrib, Yep, obviously it isn't maintain anymore so they decided to remove it from Ubuntu repositories...13:21
nyRednekDasEi: i think i'm gonna need to start gnome-settings-daemon in the init of fvwm13:21
sacarlsonsaad_: what address did you use to try to access phpmyadmin?13:21
nhckHow do I play music with mpd using mpc?13:22
DasEinyRednek: lil' hard to imagine how this will integrate for gnome would just get another layout, chooseale from the settings menu this way13:22
saad_sacarlson: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php13:22
jribv0n: I see.  Personally, why not just use cat?  And lynx like suggested in the debian bug report for its removal?  If you still want to use dog and apply the patch just follow what I first said to you13:23
sacarlsonsaad_: that's is correct and that fails?  so let me see the config files  in apache13:23
saad_sacarlson: if the address was wrong, the browser would show 404 not found page, not try to downlaod it13:23
DasEiangieanni: so still no change, though profiles re-written, humm, read before you issue :13:24
sacarlsonsaad_: you must have done some customize in apache configs from what I see13:24
asyraffwhy my usb mouse cannot be used??13:24
DasEiangieanni: sudo init 1 , that brings you to a window :dpkg,repair broken packages, when done, cosse netroot, enter reboot, I'm getting out of ideas13:25
DasEi^ will log you out13:25
v4nelleguys how can i purge some already removed apps with apt-get?13:25
nyRednekDasEi: found gnome-control-center13:25
jribv4nelle: aptitude purge package13:26
daedrahow do you remove Downloads from GNOME Places?13:26
jribv4nelle: apt-get probably works too13:26
akhyarizhelp me, my headpones won't mute internal speakers. Im using ubuntu 10.04 on compaq cq41-110au13:26
daedraDownloads is not listed in the Places sidebar in $HOME when accessed with Nautilus13:26
daedraso I can't right-click it to remove it13:26
v4nelleand if there is many apps?on debian i did apt-get purge '~c'13:26
v0njrib, dog allows to fetch links or images from an url with `dog --links <url>' really useful13:26
v4nellebut now,i dont know13:26
jribv4nelle: are you sure you did that?13:26
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jribv4nelle: sure you weren't using aptitude?13:27
ssnhi guys13:27
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v4nellejrib, i think yes.... :)13:27
jribv4nelle: so use aptitude :)13:27
ssnare there any optimized kernel builds for core2 (quads)?13:27
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akhyarizhelp me, my headpones won't mute internal speakers. Im using ubuntu 10.04 on compaq cq41-110au13:28
Koheleth10.10 is great, thank you :)13:28
DasEiangieanni, nyRednek, I'm out for today13:28
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at0mzHello World !13:29
jribv0n: like «  lynx -dump -listonly www.google.com » ?13:29
v0njrib, with something like `patch -p1 < ../dog_1.7-8.diff' I get a debian/ directory in the source. After that I thing I should use the dpatch tool. Right?13:29
jribv0n: no :/  either you incorporate the patch into the debian package (using for example dpatch) and then the patch gets automatically applied when you build the package or you just patch the source code directly yourself using patch and build the package13:30
neramareachi mi aiuta a tornare alla 0.8.4 di compiz?13:31
jribv0n: patches that go into the debian directory are meant to be patches that debian applies but upstream hasn't gotten around to or refuses to in general13:31
daedrahow do you remove Downloads from GNOME Places? I would rather link to my own location for downloads to go to. Downloads is not listed in the Places sidebar in $HOME when accessed with Nautilus, so I can't right-click it to remove it. Thanks in advance for your help.13:32
v0njrib, ok!13:32
ssnare there any optimized kernel builds for core2 (quads)?13:32
pedronveloso /quit13:33
Jacruth{join #ubuntu-es13:33
v0njrib, can `lynx -dump -listonly www.google.com'  be a little bit less verbose? I mean only get links13:34
Jacruthmy system date is outdated, how could I set up it?13:34
jribv0n: I don't know offhand13:34
asyraffhurm...why my mouse didnt work in ubuntu?13:35
v0njrib, So if the source folder contains a debian/ folder, I just need to use debuild to get a patched version?13:37
jribv0n: lynx -dump -listonly -nonumbers www.google.com13:37
daedrassam: you could always make one13:37
akhyarizhelp me, my headpones won't mute internal speakers. Im using ubuntu 10.04 on compaq cq41-110au13:37
angieanninyRednek: DasEi said me to run init 1 in terminal..now the screenis black13:37
daedrassam: sorry wrong person :)13:37
jribv0n: if you've already patched the source code, yes.  You should do a "dch -i" though to update the package's version and add a comment about your change13:37
daedrassn is gone -_-13:37
nyRednekangieanni: hit alt+f113:38
nyRednekthat should still have a working tty13:38
bc81hi.  is there a way to hide only certain (mounted) volumes from showing up on the desktop, or is it all or nothing?13:38
asyraffhurm...why my mouse didnt work in ubuntu?13:38
ssamdaedra, :-)13:38
nyRednekbtw, it worked13:38
v0njrib, even if the patch I applied has just added a debian/ folder (without touching the source code)?13:38
nyRednekok, it works13:39
jribv0n: hmm.  Didn't you already have a debian directory?13:39
v0njrib, no13:39
nyRednekthe problem, irssi still renders rtl text backwards13:39
jribv0n: but didn't you say you grabbed the source package from hardy?13:39
Tyrnisplop all13:40
soreaubc81: check gconf-editor>apps>nautilus13:40
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angieanninyRednek: nothing happen13:40
ggeorgydo you know any j2me emulator for ubuntu like midpx???13:41
joe1356hi i'm looking for a wpa2 authentication app to set up a wireless router. I've looked into hostapd but it seems to be designed for a wireless access point and wants me to bridge interfaces13:41
ubu_plyCan anyone tell me why Docky's transparency isn't working?13:41
nyRednekangieanni: give it a three finger salute, then13:41
v0njrib, yep, but the dog_1.7.orig.tar.gz from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/dog does not contains a debian/ folder. Then the dog_1.7-8.diff.gz diff creates this debian/ folder.13:42
akhyarizhelp me, my headpones won't mute internal speakers. any experienced?13:42
jribv0n: that's not the complete source package :/13:42
bc81soreau: i see, so there's no way to select which volumes you want visible on the desktop, it's either on or off?13:42
daedraI'm guessing this is not possible: how do you remove Downloads from GNOME Places? I would rather link to my own location for downloads to go to. Downloads is not listed in the Places sidebar in $HOME when accessed with Nautilus, so I can't right-click it to remove it. Thanks in advance for your help.13:42
soreaubc81: idk, look at the gconf settings13:42
cdbsggeorgy: Please be patient13:43
cdbsggeorgy: if people aren't answering, probably they don't know the answer13:43
nyRednekdaedra: delete the directory, maybe?13:43
v0njrib, ?13:43
daedranyRednek: I did.13:43
daedranyRednek: now I have a broken link in Places.13:44
nyRednekand set the download location in your web browser settings13:44
jribv0n: you need the orig.tar.gz, the diff.gz, and the .dsc.  You can use dpkg-source -x *.dsc to then create the source package.13:44
daedranyRednek: also did that.13:44
soreaudaedra: it should be shown in nautilus13:44
joe1356akhyariz: did you check drivers? can you mute the speakers manually?13:44
daedrasoreau: it's not.13:44
nyRednekdaedra: not sure about gnome places...just professed to use fvwm for the past 10+ years13:44
angieanninyRednek: sorry what does it means13:44
ubu_plyCan anyone tell me why Docky's transparency isn't working?13:44
nyRednekangieanni: a three finger salute is ctrl+alt+del13:45
joe1356akhyariz: are you talking about real internal speakers or just the ones you connected in the back?13:45
nyRednekin other words, reboot it13:45
joe1356akhyariz: i would disconnect the internal ones :)13:45
v0njrib, haaaa I was wondering what was this .dsc file :)13:45
akhyarizjoe1356: all worked, im using laptop13:45
daedrathere's also a 9 finger salute13:45
nyRednekdaedra: what's that?13:46
daedraShift + Alt + SysReq + R, E, S, I, U, B13:46
joe1356akhyariz: can you mute them manually?13:46
nyRednekdaedra: oh, vax13:46
akhyarizjoe1356: yes13:46
angieanninyRednek: ok sorry..j'm like zero at the begining..and j'mnot mother language english13:46
jribv0n: you could also just use dget13:47
v0njrib, will this command apply all patches? I'm wondering if it will transform this package for debian-only plateform or if I'll be able to use it on every plateforms13:47
* daedra just discovered Ctrl + Alt + Del actually works on Ubuntu 10.10!13:47
daedracool :)13:47
nyRednekdaedra: what is getting me, atm, the X version of the three finger salute doesn't work on ubuntu(could configure it, i'm sure)13:47
akhyarizjoe1356: everything worked well, the problem is when i using headphones13:47
jribv0n: I don't know what you mean by "all patches".  I'm also a bit confused as to what you are trying to accomplish :)13:47
joe1356akhyariz: i'm no expert but I would guess it has something to do with the drivers. they should recognize your headphones and turn the speakers off.... did you google the issue?13:47
jribv0n: do you just want d0g 1.7.8?13:47
nyRednekjoe1356: on an eeepc, it doesn't always...muting the speakers manually is often required13:48
daedranyRednek: I'm familiar with it being defined in /etc/initrd or somewhere13:48
v0njrib, lol ok, by "all matches" I mean all patches in debian/ folder. I'm trying to push the last version of the dog source code somewhere to make it easily available for everyone wants to use it.13:48
daedralemme look13:48
snarksterdoes anyone know if jockey will install the 64bit version of video drivers or just 32bit??13:48
nyRednekdaedra: yeah...13:49
jribv0n: depends on the patch system13:49
nyRednekdaedra: i just don't want to fix it right now13:49
_AV_May you recommend me a good video maker?13:49
akhyarizjoe1356: yes, i've google this. i've installed linux-alsa-driver but it doesn't work13:49
jon_athonhow do I flush dns?13:49
nyRednekdaedra: i'm used to if something is sucking memory, to ctrl+alt+bksp out of x and log back in(uses tmux to keep irssi, pine, and centerim running even if terminal lost)13:49
jribv0n: where are you getting the last version of the dog source code from?  Where did you get the patch?13:50
joe1356akhyariz: what about the specific drivers for your sound card?13:50
v0njrib, http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/dog13:50
akhyarizjoe1356: akhyariz@m-ice:~$ lspci | grep Audio13:50
akhyariz00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)13:50
akhyariz01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 420013:50
jribv0n: just grab the source package and put it in your ppa then13:50
nyRednekjon_athon: dhcpcd will flush your current dns and re-read from defined nameservers13:50
jon_athonnyRednek, thanks13:51
nyRednekas well as flush your ip and ask for a new one from your dhcp server13:51
daedranyRednek: or just htop to look at what is sucking memory, and SIGTERM it13:51
nyRednekdaedra: i'm talking about when x is stuck in a loop, and not responding13:51
daedra(ask it to die nicely)13:51
angieanninyRednek: 14:25:15) DasEi: angieanni: sudo init 1 , that brings you to a window :dpkg,repair broken packages, when done, cosse netroot, enter reboot, I'm getting out of ideas ..........innit 1 ..and black and then alt+f1 and then restart13:51
jon_athonI should remember to research before asking, I also found this... /etc/init.d/nscd restart13:51
akhyarizjoe1356: when i connected headphones and restart my laptop, it works well. but if i disconnect it, internal speakers still muted13:52
v0njrib, I won't use a ppa because of others plateforms or systems like Arch (not debian-based plateforms)13:52
hihihi100need help with zenmap, i cannot access it as root, i installed via software center13:53
nyRednekiow, he was running out of ideas on how to fix your issue, and i haven't been following, so i don't know exactly what's going on13:53
daedranyRednek: weird. /etc/inittab doesn't EXIST on Ubuntu 10.1013:53
jribv0n: but then they can't use a .deb anyway13:53
gobbedeegee: it shouldn't be either13:53
nyRednekdaedra: that *is* weird13:53
gobbedeegee: sorry, wrong guy13:53
jribv0n: so you just want the source code for dog without any packaging info?  That's the orig.tar.gz you had13:53
daedragobbe: I know13:53
daedrabut coming from a pretty standard file system layout on FreeBSD this is weird for me13:54
gobbeok :)13:54
jribv0n: oh I see.  You want the orig.tar.gz with the debian patches applied?13:54
nyRednekdaedra: yeah, i just came here from slack13:54
daedraArch also had stuff in similar places13:54
jrib!upstart | daedra13:54
ubottudaedra: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:54
nyRednekdaedra: whose filesystem is similar to a bsd one(slack uses hybrid bsd and sysv inits)13:54
joe1356akhyariz: damn. it says your card is "erratic" in the ubuntu bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/51306913:55
daedraI just got a new desktop and it's revision week. Don't yet have the time to fiddle with FreeBSD on it - so I'm temporarily using Ubuntu13:55
geegeegeeHow do i edit the default session for a single use rwithout setting the default one for all the users?13:55
daedrahardware detection was a dream come true :)13:56
nyRednekdaedra: i don't have the power to compile stuff over portage, so i needed a distro with a good repo of binary packages13:56
jribgeegeegee: choose it at the gdm login screen.  It should remember your last choice13:56
akhyarizjoe1356: oh, my *lucky*13:56
geegeegeejrib, ok thanks13:56
joe1356akhyariz: I'd say you're screwed till they fix it.13:56
nyRedneknor over pkgsrc(prefers netbsd over freebsd)13:56
daedranyRednek: Arch has a good binary repos13:56
nyRednekdaedra: i had slack and ubuntu cd's sitting around...was on slack, picked up ubuntu and immediately threw out the default interface13:57
nyRednekdaedra: networkmanager died on my altar13:57
akhyarizjoe1356: i see, my *lucky* for negative meaning13:57
joe1356akhyariz: yes I agree13:57
nyRednekdaedra: and yes, i know that arch is roughly slack-based13:58
akhyarizjoe1356: thanks joe, finally i found the answer13:58
v0njrib, Yes, just in order to make available the last version of dog (I guess the 1.7.8 patch adds some fixtures) for anyone. If there's a simplest way to install it for debian users after fetching the source I'll push, like using debuild or whatever, it'd be great. Else, others will use the old school version, that is to say getting the source, make && make install :)13:59
nyRednekdaedra: in other words, i sacrificed it to the gods of my own sensibilities13:59
joe1356akhyariz: sorry for you fate. seems like this bug has been around since 1 year and no fix!13:59
jribv0n: then get the orig.tar.gz and apply the patches that are in the debian directory14:00
jribv0n: erm, the debian directory that's in the complete source package14:00
joe1356does anyone know of a wpa authentication daemon for wireless access points?14:00
geegeegeeWhat is that codec pack for linux that is good for slow hardware?14:00
akhyarizjoe1356: yeah, thank you very much for this information.14:01
induz I am using Dell keyboard on Lucid ..How can i know what model is my keyboard...caz on GoldenDict my Meta key is not working/14:01
v0njrib, does this debian/ directory patches will make the source code usable only for debian users? Or the `make && make install' alternative will work as well?14:01
jribv0n: they're patches for the original source code.  You can read them, they're likely very small14:02
joe1356akhyariz: i can only recommend you post on that forum, that way they know more people are having problems14:02
Ugos bella14:03
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.14:03
akhyarizjoe1356: thats good idea, but i can't speak english well14:04
jon_athonApparently ubuntu doesn't have a DNS cache by default... is this correct?14:04
JZandiwould you give me a list of shortcut key in vim?14:06
SwedeMikejon_athon: that's correct.14:06
snarksterVIM has an almost vertical learning curve. try nano14:06
jon_athonSwedeMike, Interesting, thanks14:06
=== Guest763325 is now known as hello
SwedeMikejon_athon: why is that interesting?14:07
asyraffcan i update bios using linux?14:07
JZandiplz answer me!14:07
FxIIIhi all14:07
jon_athonSwedeMike, I came from a windows environment! :)14:07
FxIIIi'm tring to recover from a power fail when distupgrading14:07
notreveAny c# or c++ programmer here? :)14:07
SwedeMikejon_athon: windows doesn't have a dns cache either as far as I know.14:07
joe1356akhyariz: I couldn't tell :) I'm all for activism. Its how things get changed.14:07
snarksterFxIII grad your cd and reinstall14:07
snarkstergrab even14:08
gobbeJZandi: http://www.viemu.com/vi-vim-cheat-sheet.gif14:08
FxIIIi'm succesfully recovered the partition (10.4 going to 10.04.1) and chrooted14:08
organisehi whenver i do service gdm restart the xserver restarts but when it trys to start gdm again it hangs and the screen shows the messgae "* Checking batter state ...", can anyone tell me how i can fix this?14:08
jon_athonSwedeMike, Yea, it does DNS caching. You can clear it by ipconfig /flushdns and there is a way to view it but I forget at the moment14:08
FxIIIis it usefull to su to the user on the previous partition before to run sudo apt-get install -f ?14:08
SwedeMikejon_athon: yeah, I found that as well, it even caches negative reponses, which is broken.14:09
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jon_athonSwedeMike, Does it store it as a negative response? I just found ipconfig /displaydns14:09
SwedeMikejon_athon: if you want this in ubuntu you install a local caching resolver.14:09
jribFxIII: nope14:09
gobbeFxIII: if you run chroot, then no14:09
SwedeMikejon_athon: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/233/clear_windows_dns_cache/14:10
jon_athonSwedeMike, No, I just registered a domain name, and it hasn't been working.14:10
FxIIIok i saw i'm root now14:10
akhyarizjoe1356: :) ill try write in english14:10
FxIIIbut i got erros14:10
jribFxIII: if you're talking to someone in particular, please address them by prefixing what you say with their nick.  Otherwise, keep what you say on one line so that anyone that pops in knows what you are talking about :)14:11
jon_athonSwedeMike, I'm getting a bit leery of this web host.14:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:11
FxIIIyou are right jrib,  sorry14:11
FxIIIanyway I got errors when running apt-get install -f in the chrooted env14:12
jon_athonSwedeMike, I spent three days talking to an online chat rep receiving scripted responses that it takes up to 72 hours for propogation. After 72 hours passed and they finally took a closer look it turned out they didn't configure correctly.14:12
FxIIIis there some other way to recover a distupgrade from commandline?14:12
jribFxIII: what do you mean by "distupgrade" exactly?14:14
jon_athonbye angieanni14:14
FxIIIjrib: i got a power failure when advancing from 10.04 to 10.04.114:14
FxIIIjrib: then it does not boot14:15
Ryukihy all14:15
Ryukithere is not that a shell Injeck14:15
jon_athonFxIII, did you try just doing another distupgrade?14:15
jribFxIII: how far does it get?14:15
Ryuki ew14:15
induzwhat this means; Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0644:0200 TEAC Corp.??14:15
avantwhat thhis is?14:15
FxIIIjrib:  sorry?14:15
milen8204What is normal temperature to video card ?14:15
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.14:16
induzits a lits from lsusb command14:16
jribFxIII: you said "it does not boot".  How far does it get?  Do you get to grub?  Does X start?14:16
induzlist from lsusb14:16
oCeaneightiesk: please use /msg ubottu14:16
milen8204Anyone knows what is normal working temperature for Video card ? Mine is 66-68 *C14:17
jribmilen8204: read the documentation for your particular video card14:17
FxIIIjrib: ah ok sorry, (ihave some difficult with english). it starts but hangs when trying to mount root image14:17
FxIIIjrib: even in recovery mode14:17
jribFxIII: do you recall the exact error?  Can you write it down and pastebin?14:17
leshastehow can I browse thumbnails of  pictures in a directory?14:18
FxIIII can reboot but, meanwile, i run another ubuntu from usb thumb drive and i was able to chroot the old partition, so is possible to use this to resolve the problem?14:19
Scott`milen8204: which model?14:19
jribFxIII: not sure what the problem is without the error message14:20
dipolemoleanyone here an xawtv guru for ubuntu lts 10.414:20
angieannihi again..how can j instal a file tar.gz ?14:20
gobbeangieanni: tar.gz is archive14:20
jribangieanni: you avoid doing so.  What program do you want to install exactly?14:20
gobbeangieanni: just ungzip & untar it14:20
jribdipolemole: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)14:20
FxIIIjrib: do you prefer to see the boot problem or the output of apt-get -f install from the chrooted environment?14:21
dipolemolejrib, I have a machine that runs ubuntu 10.4 and Im ssh into it. it doesn't have a monitor attached, it runs my mysql server14:21
jribFxIII: both :)14:21
jribdipolemole: ask the channel, not me14:21
dipolemolejrib, but when I try to execute xawtv I get this error14:21
FxIIIjrib: ok i can give you the latter one now:D14:21
angieannijrib: fmtools-1.0.214:22
dipolemolexinerama 0: 1920x1080+0+014:22
dipolemolexinerama 1: 1280x1024+1920+014:22
dipolemoleWARNING: remote display `localhost:10.0' not allowed, using `:10.0' instead14:22
dipolemolecan't open x11 display :10.014:22
dipolemolev4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway14:22
FloodBot2dipolemole: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:22
dipolemolev4l2: open /dev/video0: Permission denied14:22
jribdipolemole: no problem, I just don't want others to ignore your qusetion because you addressed it to me14:22
jribangieanni: do you know about APT?14:22
angieannijrib: not much14:22
FxIIIjrib: take into account that error are not written in english so is possible that i translate them as better as i can14:23
milen8204Scott`, Nvidia G105M14:23
jribangieanni: to install software on ubuntu you should always use the repositories either using apt-get on the command line or a gui frontend like synaptic or Add/Remove Programs.  I'll have ubottu send you more info about this.  For example, to install fmtools, you can do in the terminal: sudo apt-get install fmtools14:23
jrib!softawe > angieanni14:23
Scott`under load or idle?14:23
jrib!software > angieanni14:24
ubottuangieanni, please see my private message14:24
organisehi whenver i do service gdm restart the xserver restarts but when it trys to start gdm again it hangs and the screen shows the messgae "* Checking batter state ...", can anyone tell me how i can fix this?14:24
FxIIIjrib: the subsequent packets has unsatisfied dependecies : initramfs-tools: breaks: mountall (<2.0~) but 1.0 is installed14:24
jribFxIII: ok, and the message at boot?14:25
FxIIIjrib: libatk1.0-dev depends: libatk1.0-0 (=1.28.0-0ubuntu) but 1.30.0-0ubuntu2.1 is installed14:25
FxIIIjrib: there are other14:25
milen8204Scott`, I think 60-80 *C is normal ?14:25
jriborganise: hmm, you try hitting ctrl-alt-f7 or ctrl-alt-f8 to see if X is there?14:25
jribFxIII: ok, let's ignore those for now14:25
Scott`milen8204 it's only normal when the card is under stress, when its idle it should be 40-5014:26
FxIIIjrib:  I have to reboot, please wait a moment14:26
angieanni!software > angieanni14:26
newtoubuntupersohey quick question14:26
ubottuangieanni, please see my private message14:26
Scott`and 70+ is too hot14:26
Scott`you're looking for about 45 idle, 60-65 under load14:26
newtoubuntupersoim trying to install graphics drivers for my netbook ati card14:26
newtoubuntupersoim at an impass14:26
newtoubuntupersomy res is small to the point where i cant click continue14:26
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newtoubuntupersoany ideas14:27
FxIIIjrib: have i to g in recovery mode?14:27
Scott`newtoubuntuperso: use your keyboard14:27
geospyhellow all ubuntu users14:27
FxIIIjrib: *to go14:27
newtoubuntupersoive tried14:27
newtoubuntupersoit wont hilight the buttons14:27
jribFxIII: is the error different in recovery mode?14:27
Scott`try the tab/arrow keys14:27
newtoubuntupersoill try tab14:27
FxIIIjrib: I dont tried it14:28
Slimcea_boyI just upgraded to Maverick. When I change themes, only the window borders/decorations change - the rest is stuck on some hideous fallback thing. I've tried installing some theme-related packages I had installed previously, but that didn't help any.14:28
newtoubuntupersou hav to shift+enter14:28
FxIIIjrib: lets do it in recovery if the error is the same i will see it14:28
newtoubuntupersois that a normal thing with ubuntu14:29
newtoubuntupersoshift enter instead of enter14:29
dgxIn the compiz GUI there are combination involing <super>. What is this?14:29
milen8204Scott`, yes thanks :D when i start to play WoW it is 69*C  now it is 39*C i thing there is no problem right ?14:29
newtoubuntupersoanyways thanks for the tip14:29
newtoubuntupersoi got it wrking14:29
Scott`yeah it should be fine14:29
Scott`use a framerate limiter when you can14:30
Scott`the lower the frames, the cooler it will be14:30
newtoubuntupersoanyone notice their books gettin really hot with linux?14:30
newtoubuntupersomy fan has been going non stop14:30
dragpyre1question: why does my fan constantly run in linux where in windows it only does when it gets hot?14:31
lebearMy CD-drive suddenly stopped working. It cannot recognize any cd.. although this might be a hardware problem, is there any diagnostic to see if this may be solved?14:31
Scott`newtoubuntuperso it will do that when its running a stupid driver such as the generic driver14:31
Scott`and same for dragpyre114:31
Scott`its just a case of downloading the proper drivers14:31
dragpyre1oh right ok14:31
newtoubuntupersook so this new driver shouuuuld fix it14:31
newtoubuntupersoi got the right driver14:31
newtoubuntupersoimma go reboot now14:32
dragpyre1oh just as i say that it stops blowing :L14:32
FxIIIjrib: unbeliveable! it goes!14:32
jribFxIII: and outside of recovery?14:32
Bushmandid anyone had similar problem to mine? i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes14:32
FxIIIjrib: no no in normal mode14:32
Bushmanhere's the dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/Uq3CiY3c14:32
jribFxIII: you mean it works in normal mode?14:32
FxIIIjrib: it starts end let me to log in14:33
jribFxIII: ok, use paste.ubuntu.com to share what happens when you do "sudo dpkg --configure -a"14:33
FxIIIjrib: I have to copy int by hand...14:33
jribFxIII: how come?14:34
newtoubuntumanok the driver i got raped me14:34
newtoubuntumanstuff flashes14:34
newtoubuntumanand tears14:34
jrib!enter | newtoubuntuman14:34
ubottunewtoubuntuman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:34
FxIIIjrib: sorry but the graphical upgrade manager stared by its own and propose me to do a partial update14:35
jribFxIII: ignore it14:35
jribFxIII: actually, close it14:35
FxIIIjrib:  i close it14:35
newtoubuntumanwell anyways, i used the proper update for linux from the ati website, latest version. im getting wierd grahical things, screen flashing, tearing, skewed images14:36
Scott`graphics card dying :d14:36
Dweezahrnow because of a lack of #gnome, the ultimate question: Why is the console application located under accessories in the menu bar and not in System Tools?14:36
newtoubuntumanworks fine underwon714:36
v0njrib, lol, dog seems to be maintain a bit more in debian... there's a 1.7-12 version somewhere: http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dog.html14:36
newtoubuntumanits only after i update to this version that it does that14:37
FxIIIjrib: dpkg: problems with dependencies blocks the mountall configuration: mountall depends upon libc6(<<2.11) but the current version of libc6 is 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.714:37
asyraffhelp me...my mouse is not working although it is detected...why??14:37
FxIIIjrib: there is a complain for initramfs-tools too14:37
newtoubuntumanhow do u rollback on a driver install14:37
asyraffhelp me...my mouse is not working although it is detected...why??14:38
jribFxIII: it's easier if you just pastebin the command and full output14:38
FxIIIjrib: the errors are not in english14:38
jribFxIII: what language are they in?14:38
FxIIIjrib: italian14:38
jribFxIII: prefix your commands with LANGUAGE=C LANG=C14:38
FxIIIexport LANGUAGE[...]?14:39
yeatsFxIII: paste them anyway... I think we can probably figure it out14:39
jribFxIII: for example: sudo LANGUAGE=C LANG=C  dpkg --configure -a14:39
yeatsFxIII: <-- took Italian in college ;-)14:39
nyRednekhmmm...does screen support bidi?14:39
FxIIIgrazie yeats  but the exporting LANGUAGE and LANG works14:40
yeatsFxIII: good14:40
FxIIIjrib: some preference for pastebin?14:41
jribFxIII: don't care, but use paste.ubuntu.com if you want a suggestion14:42
drahx_what is the command for system restart?14:43
qwdIs it possible to do full disk encryption with ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso or do I need the alternate disc?14:43
jribdrahx_: "reboot" works14:43
FxIIIjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554728/14:43
jribFxIII: apt-cache policy libc614:44
jribFxIII: actually,  apt-cache policy libc6 mountall14:44
FxIIIwhat apt-cache policy does?14:44
jribFxIII: just gives information14:44
FxIIIjrib: ok I pastebin you soon  :D14:45
FxIIIjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554729/14:46
jribFxIII: sudo apt-get install mountall   does what?14:46
FxIIIjrib:  complains about liabtk1.0-dev, i pastebin you soon14:47
FxIIIjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554730/14:48
jribFxIII: what were the errors you got from "sudo apt-get install -f" too?  It's weird that you have 1.0 of mountall14:48
linux_is_my_herohow do i sync how do i sync a play list on my computer with a playlist on my ipod?14:48
tranceis there a way to get the windows 7 aero snap ability in ubuntu 10.10 x64 without enabling the resource hog that is compiz, i don't need any of the compiz crap, just window snap14:49
FxIIIjrib: the -f install add the error for initramfs-tools i belive14:49
jribFxIII: can you pastebin « sudo apt-get -f install »?14:49
FxIIIjrib: yes i can, just wait a moment14:50
BluesKajtrance, snap?14:50
jribFxIII: try to include the commands in the pastebin, it's easier for me14:50
FxIIIjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554731/14:50
FxIIIjrib: oh sorry14:50
trancewhen you pull a window to the right or left it makes the window take half of whichever side14:51
tranceand when you pull it to the top it maximizes it14:51
trancetop i can deal without but left and right i've grown rather used to14:51
tranceonly way i know of to do it (and am able to find so far via google) is with compiz, and i dislike compiz with a passion on top of the fact it isn't even working14:51
destroitubuntu español14:52
jribFxIII: do me a favor, we should have ran « sudo apt-get update » first.  Can you do that now, rerun apt-get -f install and make sure the output is the same?14:52
BluesKajtrance, snap helper in desktop effects is the closest I can find14:52
linux_is_my_herohow do i sync computer playlists with ipod playlists?14:52
trancegeek_had to fix ident etc14:53
FxIIIjrib: roger!14:53
FxIIIjrib: out of luck! same errors14:54
trancegeek_darvit someone has to have made a program that does this...14:54
jribFxIII: ok, my plan is to focus on getting the recent version of mountall installed and then try apt-get -f install.  Unless you can think of something else?14:55
FxIIIjrib: sounds good!14:55
jribFxIII: mind joining me on #ubuntu-classroom so we don't have to deal with so much scrolling?14:56
FxIIIi'm there14:56
trancegeek_is this a support channel of sorts for ubuntu or is there another channel for that?14:57
oCeantrancegeek_: see the /topic of this channel..14:57
trancegeek_ok well is there a way to get window snap in ubuntu without compiz?14:58
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
notrevelooking for a c or c++ programmer that got a minute14:59
OerHekstrancegeek_, sudo apt-get install gnome-screenshot15:00
oCeannotreve: maybe try ##programming15:00
trancegeek_wrong person oerheks?15:00
nyRednekquestion, anyone know of an easy way to reverse the order of a text file?15:00
nyRednekyou know, first line moved to last, last line moved to first15:01
yeats!es | destroit15:01
ubottudestroit: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:01
kartemanybody know how to make transperent nautilius background?15:01
thewanderer1hi, I'd like to have IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on one interface (dual-stack). how to?15:01
trancegeek_by window snap i mean the feature that's in windows 7, when you pull a window to the right, it makes that window take half the right side of the screen, left makes it take half the left side, top maximizes it15:02
trancegeek_not sure what gnome-screenshot does15:02
sacarlsonnyRednek: would something like tail be what you need?15:02
guckohi people15:02
trancegeek_other than take screenshots15:02
sacarlsonnyRednek: man tail15:02
kartemgucko: hi man!15:02
trancegeek_does it have this feature or something?15:02
Slimcea_boytrancegeek_: it takes screenshots, what else do you want?15:02
oCeannyRednek: try sort -r /path/to/file15:02
OerHekstrancegeek_, ah window behaviour, i was thinking of a snap-shot15:02
[bean]trancegeek_: compiz has a snap to edge feature but its not like windows 7 snap15:02
trancegeek_well slimcea_boy, oerheks told me to install it lol15:03
thewanderer1trancegeek_: the feature that you have described is supported in KDE4.4 and newer by default15:03
guckoI installed netatalk server on my ubuntu machine. When I try to connect to it from OS X I get that the username or password are wrong. How to solve that? I'm sure they are 100% correct15:03
FizixGreetings. I'm fairly new to Ubuntu (and Linux in genera) and after trolling the forums for some time to no avail, I thought I'd come here.15:03
ustunozgurnyRednek: try tac15:03
trancegeek_yes but i don't want compiz for one, there's a hack that can do it but i dislike compiz as it takes resources and the only feature i use from it is that window snapping15:03
trancegeek_i like gnome also15:03
nyRednektail wouldn't do it15:03
bencahillhey guys, could I make caps lock do something else?15:03
trancegeek_how tough would it be to make a program that does this?15:03
oCeannyRednek: sort15:03
guckoI'm logging to the server also using ssh and the username and password are correct, so there's something wrong with netatalk15:03
nyRednekustunozgur: ok, man'ing15:03
thewanderer1trancegeek_: KDE does this without Compiz - uses only X Composite extension15:03
trancegeek_yes, but i like gnome's style and general layout over kde's15:04
FizixMy question is this: I've added a command ADB to bashrc in both my directory as well as /root. I can access adb now via the terminal, but I can't "sudo adb" as it cannot find it. Any help?15:04
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
Slimcea_boyFizix: put it in $PATH15:04
trancegeek_i'm trying to stick to gnome as much as possible, basically switching my whole window manager isn't really an option, i would prob code something to do it myself before that, however i have a feeling there may already be a way to do it, just a matter of finding ti15:04
mun_in gparted, i can't see any partitions at all. i have a warning message saying "can't have overlapping partitions". does anyone know how to fix it?15:04
Slimcea_boyFizix: or use an absolute path?15:05
OerHekstrancegeek_, maximumize > resize to available screenspace ?15:05
kartemtrancegeek_: do you know how to make transparent nautilus background?15:05
Slimcea_boymun_: repartition the drive - sounds like it was done wrong previously15:05
mun_Slimcea_boy, but does that mean i'll lose everything?15:05
FizixSlimcea_boy: I've added the PATH to bashrc (both in /home/user and /root). When I'm in the terminal, I can type 'adb' and it works, but when I type 'sudo adb' it does not find the command.15:05
trancegeek_kartem, not really why do you ask?15:06
[bean]trancegeek_: this is the closest i could find for you, but it uses compiz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162625515:06
Slimcea_boymun_: very possibly - can you mount the partitions ok?15:06
mun_Slimcea_boy, yes i can.15:06
sacarlsonmun_: I have found that gparted isn't supporting LVM partition format what method of partition is it set to?15:06
thewanderer1how to set 2 IP addresses on 1 interface in /etc/network/interfaces ?15:06
yeatsFizix: I don't think sudo accesses root's bashrc...  (may be wrong though)15:06
guckoany ideas people for Netatalk>15:06
mun_sacarlson, they are ext315:06
Slimcea_boyFizix: try sudo -i and then running adb...15:06
trancegeek_well see bean15:07
trancegeek_i've gone through the steps to install and setup compiz at this link http://www.howtoforge.com/enabling-compiz-fusion-on-an-ubuntu-10.10-desktop-nvidia-geforce-820015:07
yeatsFizix: what Slimcea_boy suggests will probably work15:07
Slimcea_boymun_: I'd start doing a backup. While you can typically repartition with a very low chance of data loss, warnings like that would make me very nervous15:07
mun_after deleting swap, here's my fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/yUW3UtNu15:07
mun_so could this "does not end on cylinder boundary" be the culprit?15:08
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
trancegeek_and then the steps to enable window snap at this link http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/get-aero-snap-in-ubuntu/15:08
trancegeek_and it doesn't work15:08
trancegeek_the top one works, maximizes fine, but left and right do not15:09
drahx_is there a way I can force Ubuntu server to start in terminal mode? I installed the ubuntu desktop on it and now it only boots to black screen, I'm assuming it's the video driver.15:09
notreveI have a 2d array with 3rows and 3collums and I want to "walk around" in every "square" and my start position should be in [2][2] (in the middle), any tip how I should do?15:09
FizixSlimcea_boy & yeats: Thank you. As I've added the PATH to /root/.bashrc, I'd expect it would find it. Was just trying to find a way to do it where I didn't have to be root user but instead use the sudo command15:09
Slimcea_boymun_: I don't think so. It is saying that the partitions are /overlapping/ (ie one ends at block 400, say, but the next partition is trying to start at block 300)15:09
trancegeek_i can deal with compiz i'll just have to go through and turn all the crap i don't use off15:09
trancegeek_such as cube etc15:09
Slimcea_boyFizix: did you re-source .bashrc after you made the change?15:10
mun_Slimcea_boy, but my fdisk -l doesn't seem to show that...15:10
=== AndChat is now known as Guest24329
FizixSlimcea_boy, I did not? Don't even know what that is, ha. Mind if I ask how do I re-source it?15:10
mun_Slimcea_boy, however swap did overlap, that's why i've removed it.15:10
mun_Slimcea_boy, but then it's still complaining now.15:10
FizixI did reboot the machine after updating the PATH to bashrc though15:10
[bean]trancegeek_: did you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162625515:10
Slimcea_boymun_: Are you sure the partition table got updated then? It is possible that fdisk reads the partition table but gparted reads the partitions directly... or something15:11
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Slimcea_boyFizix: `source .bashrc` -- changes in there apply only when you re-source the file, or open a new terminal15:12
mun_Slimcea_boy, umm.. i'm not sure. how do i make sure the partition table is indeed updated?15:12
Slimcea_boymun_: I forget :s15:12
* Slimcea_boy searches15:12
fireboyWhat do i set as a mount point for a partition?15:12
trancegeek_no i did not [bean], thanks i think that's prob why it isn't working15:12
FizixSlimcea_boy, yeats , thank you, much obliged!15:12
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Slimcea_boyfireboy: It depends what's on the partition15:13
mun_Slimcea_boy, thanks15:13
fireboyThis partition will have ubuntu installed on it, its 32gb15:13
Slimcea_boymun_: fdisk will do it15:14
mun_Slimcea_boy, um i deleted the partition in fdisk15:14
mun_and saved it with 'w'15:14
Slimcea_boymun_: right - did you update the partition table afterwards? (one more reason to use gparted - it will do so automatically)15:14
Slimcea_boymun_: OTOH, I might be full of shit and your partition table is fine :)15:15
Slimcea_boyfireboy: then you will mount the partition at /15:15
fireboySlimcea_boy: This partition will have ubuntu installed on it, its 32gb15:15
drahx_is there a way I can force Ubuntu server to start in terminal mode?15:15
fireboyOkay, thanks15:16
Slimcea_boydrahx_: Are you /sure/ you installed server edition?15:16
Slimcea_boydrahx_: server edition /always/ runs "in terminal mode" - it doesn't have a graphical mode O_o15:16
gobbeunless you install it afterwards15:16
drahx_I installed a graphical mode on it15:16
trancegeek_ok [bean] it's still not working15:17
mun_Slimcea_boy, i used fdisk because gparted wouldn't show any partition. i believe i did update the table.15:17
drahx_sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:17
fireboyOne more thing, do i set the location as the beginning or the end?15:17
trancegeek_i have a feeling it's because compiz may not be enabled though15:17
Slimcea_boydrahx_: BAD SYSADMIN, NO COOKIE!15:17
[bean]trancegeek_: i tried. i havent done it myself as i dont need the feature, so i wouldnt know what to tell you15:17
trancegeek_so... next question, how would i go about essentially disabling all the additional features of compiz except for that one15:17
sllideis it possible to manipulate the captured packages by wireshark?15:17
Slimcea_boytrancegeek_: compiz is just a bunch of plugins... uncheck the boxes that enable them15:18
drahx_I've been using linux for 2 days, the terminal stuff is daunting to me, I just want to see a gui :-(15:18
trancegeek_i see15:18
trancegeek_that works then15:18
[bean]trancegeek_: i use cssm for configuring compiz15:18
gobbedrahx_: in servers cli is everyday, you should get used to it. But anyway, if you disable gdm from upstart then you get only terminal15:19
* trancegeek_ is frustrated15:19
Slimcea_boydrahx_: The thing is, there really isn't any point to doing that on a server... none of the server utilities have GUIs. Maybe you should try ubuntu on your desktop or laptop?15:19
yassinehi folks15:19
trancegeek_ok compiz is enabled15:19
yassineanyone here using geany ?15:19
trancegeek_my windows wobble all over the place15:19
trancegeek_no snapping though...15:19
Slimcea_boyyassine: You should ask your real question.15:19
Slimcea_boytrancegeek_: use snapping windows instead of wobble windows15:20
drahx_I have Ubuntu on my desktop, I just want my server for media storage15:20
Slimcea_boy(though you can get wobble windows to snap too)15:20
luxurymodehey guys. i'm trying to install some printer drivers and running into some problems. http://pastie.org/1466826 can anyone help?15:20
trancegeek_you guys don't understand what i mean by "window snap"15:20
gobbedrahx_: so what do you want?15:20
trancegeek_i want the window to take up half of whatever side i drag it to if i bring it to the edge15:21
Slimcea_boytrancegeek_: you were already warned that it didn't function exactly like Win715:21
[bean]trancegeek_: i fully understand what you mean by snap. you want the windows 7 aero snap15:21
Slimcea_boytrancegeek_: I'm not aware of anything that does that - perhaps you'd like to author a compiz plugin :)15:21
[bean]but unless you use kde or config compiz right its not going to happen15:21
drahx_to share a couple hard drives, printer and install a PS3 media server15:21
trancegeek_i have configured compiz right15:22
Slimcea_boyluxurymode: show me `ls -l /var/spool` please15:22
trancegeek_followed the instructions verbatim for what you posted [bean]15:22
drahx_I guess I will have to go without a GUI :-(15:22
trancegeek_see post #4 for the issue i'm having with those instructions though15:22
luxurymodeSlimcea_boy: sec...15:22
trancegeek_on that link15:22
[bean]did you happen to read the rest of the thread15:23
[bean]or just the op post15:23
luxurymodeSlimcea_boy: http://pastie.org/146683615:23
trancegeek_yes [bean]15:23
luxurymodeSlimcea_boy: gotta change the write permissions?15:23
trancegeek_wmctrl and compizconfig-settings-manager were already installed15:23
[bean]they give many alternative ways to do it in that thread. i seriously dont think you have tried them all yet15:23
g11992please someone help me. wherecan i download wine for ubuntu netbook edition 10.04 while i am accessing internet in windows 7?15:24
trancegeek_here are only 5 posts in the thread that i see15:24
gobbeg11992: packages.ubuntu.com15:24
Slimcea_boyluxurymode: try doing `sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd` and then installing. (it appears the deb is doing a bad job of installing itself - it shouldn't blindly assume /var/spool/lpd will be there)15:24
gobbeg11992: but wine is related to several other packages also, so it would be easier to install it from linux15:25
trancegeek_and there is only one alternative, which is not going to work for my needs15:25
[bean]did you replace the line in the left script they gave and try it?15:25
trancegeek_the right script doesn't work either so how would that help?15:25
luxurymodeSlimcea_boy: right. thats what i thought. thanks a lot for your help. gonna give it a shot15:25
[bean]did you try using compiz grid plugin with xte?15:25
g11992i want wine firstly to install my reliance datacard.will it be helped.15:25
luxurymodeSlimcea_boy: no errors this time ;)15:26
Slimcea_boyluxurymode: yay \o/15:26
[bean]trancegeek_: wether or not the right script works, did you try testing that left script with the fix?15:26
trancegeek_doesn't that require hotkeys?15:26
[bean]if it works perhaps find what was changed and set it for right script15:26
compdocwindows 7 'snap' feature really sucks, imo15:26
trancegeek_it doesn't suck compdoc15:26
trancegeek_it just takes a bit of getting used to15:26
compdocI gets in the way - it wants to snap when all I want to do is move a window out of the way15:27
trancegeek_well you can set delays for that though15:27
compdocwhen I pull a windw to one side, I have to pause and hold it there so that windows doesnt grab it an put it where it wants15:28
[bean]you can set the edginess of compiz15:28
[bean]so that its not like that15:28
luxurymodeSlimcea_boy: not sure what to do next though to get this printer working.... ;)15:28
Slimcea_boyluxurymode: me neither!! good luck!15:28
greenIThi, anyone knows how to emulate a parallelport in ubuntu?15:29
trancegeek_compiz is an epic fail imo, 900 "features" that belong in windows and not a single one that belongs in linux15:29
trancegeek_but that's off topic15:29
[bean]personally if i had the snap enabled i would only have it enabled by keyboard keys not by dragging windows15:29
[bean]meta+ left and right15:30
trancegeek_i could deal with keyboard shortcuts even tbh, however i truly dislike keyboard shortcuts, 90% of what i do is done by mouse15:30
[bean]wouldnt it be simple to hit winkey + left15:30
[bean]and it snaps to left15:30
trancegeek_it would be simple, yes15:30
trancegeek_but it's more... can't think of the word for it, but dragging left just works a bit better15:31
trancegeek_you can do that in windows too btw, it helps for those with dual screens15:31
Slimcea_boyI can't change my theme, except for the cursor and window decorations :'(15:31
lucas8880hey guys im running ubuntu within windows  with the new thing in 10.10 and my usb ports dont work can anyone help?15:31
greenIThow can i emulate a parallel port in ubuntu? help plz15:31
g11992gobbe: if u dont mind, will u please provide direct link to the package that can support my netconnect datacard in10.04. i have not yet installed ubuntu. i am going to install it after i got the required package so that i can access internet.15:31
Slimcea_boyI'm stuck on the gross fallback theme15:31
[bean]trancegeek_: in the left and right script try replacing this line:15:32
[bean]wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,$HALF,0,$HALF,-1'15:32
[bean]with this15:32
[bean]xte 'keydown Control_L' 'keydown Alt_L' 'key KP_6' 'keyup Control_L' 'keyup Alt_L15:32
Ivan_the_TerriblHey guys. When I try to upload a picture to some pichist, I can't get a thumbnail for it in the default gnome file manager. Any ideas how to fix it? I use opera if it matters.15:32
[bean]and make sure the compiz grid feature is enabled15:32
lucas8880does anyone know what to do if youre usb ports dont work15:32
luxurymodeanyone know how to restart the print system? tried something like  "/etc/init.d/lpr  restart" but didnt work15:33
greenITluxurymode: try /etc/init.d/cups restart15:33
padhulucas8880: for which USb Device or storage device?15:33
yeatsluxurymode: or sudo service cups restart15:33
lucas8880i plug in the usb mouse and the light is on but it does not work15:34
linux_is_my_heroamarok doesn't see my music, even though its all under my music folder15:34
c0mradeHow to delete data from a file created in vb6?15:34
Ddorda‎hey, is there a place where i can find when was the last update?15:34
Ivan_the_Terriblinstall mp3 codecs15:35
luxurymodegreenIT: yeats having trouble using cups. what is cups neways?15:35
gobbeg11992: what is the model of your wireless?15:35
trancegeek_yeah thanks for the help [bean], but tbh at this point i'm going to say fuck compiz altogether, going through and disabling all the eye candy is a pain considering some of the crap is required, and idk which is and which isn't for functionality, etc15:35
=== Elonex is now known as shaunna
* [bean] shrugs15:35
trancegeek_i'd rather spend the time coding my own program to do it than mess with compiz anymore15:35
lucas8880padhu: its the ports, anything i plug into them doesnt work15:35
[bean]ok suit yourself. i tried helping15:36
shaunnacan anyone help me with something?15:36
trancegeek_yes and i appreciate it15:36
agentgasmaskAny help reading the output of rsync --itemize-changes ?15:36
padhulucas8880: what is the output of $ lspci15:36
trancegeek_now i need to figure out how to get 64 bit flash on ubuntu x64...15:37
compdocnever used that rsync option15:37
trancegeek_you'd have thought after 5 years adobe would get their brain working right on that one too15:37
greenITlucas8880: is your mouse listed in  $xinput -list    ?15:37
itaylor57trancegeek_: there is a ppa for 64bit flash15:38
greenIThow can i emulate a parallel port in ubuntu? is it possible, probably with qemu?15:38
IdleOnetrancegeek_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer15:38
ubuntu_bmi need an small advice ..i set up an virtual hosting on 9.10 ubuntu .. but work just whani type mysite.com not www.mysite.com15:38
fireboyI get a grub error:unknown filesystem rifght after installing, i could see grub jist a moment ago15:39
g11992gobbe:ZTE model15:39
ashesofpainSalutations ubuntu users!15:39
greenITubuntu_bm: i think that www.mysite.com has bought the rights for www.mysite.com and mysite.com, so it won't be possible to get to ur site this way.... check a domainhoster, who can link to your site, then you can take another domain and let it point at your site15:40
gobbeg11992: it might be little challenge to get it working15:41
greenIThm... redundancy in the last piece of my sentence...15:41
g11992gobbe: is there any step wise solution15:42
greenITwho knows how i can emulate a parallel port in ubuntu?15:42
shareei ashesofpain15:43
Kirschhey so i promise i've tried googling this but due to the nature of keywords, not possible :-( "what is a .save file" if memory serves me right its the same file as a .swp for vi but for nano15:43
brilldoctorwhy is there no splash screen whenever i start ubuntu15:43
compdocemulate a parallel port? how would you use an emulated parallel port?15:43
gobbeg11992: well..need to know exact model15:43
trancegeek_idleone that did not work, flash is installed but youtube videos are just a black box with no play/pause controls or progress bar etc15:44
wolfrichappy upgrade day :)15:45
david`why is 64bit ubuntu not recommended?15:45
ChrisDruifUpgrade day wolfric?15:45
sharedavid`: why is not?15:45
Slimcea_boydavid`: who didn't recommend it? O_o15:45
ChrisDruifdavid`: Not recommended, by whom?15:45
trancegeek_david, because every software developer in the world hasn't got a clue and converted their software to 64 bit yet15:46
ChrisDruifshare: Slimcea_boy: o/\o15:46
david`trancegeek_: I see15:46
BluesKajtrancegeek_, ubuntu-restricted-extras , flashplugin-installer ?15:46
ChrisDruifshare: was a high-five ;)15:46
sharetrancegeek_: clean cache and stuff, restart firefox15:46
david`is anyone with a 64bit proc not running 64bit ubuntu?15:46
sharedavid`: me15:47
BluesKajdavid`, me as well15:47
SwedeMikedavid`: plenty.15:47
david`I should just go with 32bit?15:47
g11992gobbe: AC272615:47
lucas8880padhu: so how would i set auto mount15:47
sharedavid`: it works fine. 64bit is good if you have more than 3.2GB of RAM15:47
Slimcea_boydavid`: no, you should use 64bit15:47
david`sweet, thanks for the advice share and Slimcea_boy!15:48
yellabs-r2are there better and newer web editors on the ubuntu market ?15:48
compdoc64bit works well15:48
BluesKajdavid`, depends do you lots of RAM , over 4G and multicore cpu etc etc15:48
padhulucas8880: are you tried mount and umount cammands first15:48
trancegeek_i'm using google chrome15:48
yellabs-r2are there better and newer web editors on the ubuntu market ? , nvu is really to old ..15:48
lucas8880padhu: i dont know what the commands are15:48
david`BluesKaj: I have 6GB, gtx 460, and a Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz15:48
shareLol use 64bit david`15:48
=== oscar-linux is now known as lostlink-roscarv
SwedeMikedavid`: there are a few programs that will cause you problems because they don't exist in native 64 bit form, so saying one is better than the other is simplifying things.15:48
compdocI think youll want 64bits15:49
Bushmandid anyone had similar problem to mine? i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes15:49
Bushmanhere's the dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/Uq3CiY3c15:49
Slimcea_boydavid`: definitely use 64bit then15:49
share!ask | Bushman15:49
ubottuBushman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:49
padhulucas8880: nice,....15:49
david`I see SwedeMike15:49
SwedeMikedavid: 32bit and the PAE kernel works as well.15:49
padhulucas8880: whichone you are going to try?15:49
ChrisDruifBluesKaj: 64 in Linux has some speed advantages compared to 32 even without much ram...15:49
BluesKajtrancegeek_, in the chrome addressbar , about:plugins , check whether flash is enabled15:49
SwedeMikedavid`: so people in here are simplifying, but try out the 64 bit one first and see if you're happy with it, because to change you have to re-install.15:49
thiebaudeChrisDruif, i have noticed that :)15:50
compdocBushman, sheese - thats the entire log. what are wee supposed to be looking for?15:50
lucas8880padhu: what do you mean which one?15:50
=== help is now known as Guest27501
SwedeMikeChrisDruif: not it hasn't, 64bit is slower because it uses more memory, but marginal difference.15:50
BluesKajChrisDruif, perhaps , but they're insignificant in my experience15:50
=== Guest27501 is now known as Cheif
trancegeek_Shockwave Flash 10.1 r10215:50
smiley__how do you make ubuntu redetect hardware?15:50
t0xikCan somebody help me??15:50
Cheifhi, i can't get my wireless adapter to work with ubuntu i have the wnda3100v215:50
padhulucas8880: memory stick or USB data card or some other things like mobile phones ipods etc.15:51
SwedeMikesmiley__: it detects all hw upon boot every time.15:51
share!ask | t0xik15:51
ubottut0xik: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:51
sacarlsoncompdoc: is adobe flash now working in 64bit ubuntu?  I saw someone having a problem with it15:51
david`SwedeMike: thank you!15:51
trancegeek_blueskaj, yes it is installed Shockwave Flash 10.1 r10215:51
trancegeek_although last i checked it's no longer shockwave flash15:51
lucas8880padhu: mainly i just want my mouse to work but i would like everything to work15:51
lostlink-roscarvyou can do that by going to Administration > Additional Driver15:51
sharesacarlson: yes flash works in 64bit but not so good as in 32bit15:51
thiebaudesacarlson, when i was running 64 bit i had no problems with flash15:52
BluesKajtrancegeek_, did you also install flashplugin-installer15:52
trancegeek_that's how i installed it blues15:52
bastidrazortrancegeek_: normally, the package ubuntu-restricted-extras will install a working flash15:52
trancegeek_didn't use anything but that to install it15:52
=== r0bby is now known as Guest38834
ubu_frzCan anyone tell me why sometimes when I try to suspend Maverick, it freezes at a terminal?15:53
dahuI have a strange problem : I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 but the installer cannot see my hard drive. But when I use the livecd I can see my harddrive with gparted or other partition tools. Please help me !!!15:53
BluesKajtrancegeek_, ubuntu-restricted-extras might also help15:53
t0xikhi, i installed ubuntu netbook on my elonex webbook inside windows, its installed fine but when i boot it up the resolution is too big and when i try t change the resolution it glitches, any idea what i could d to fix this?15:53
padhulucas8880: So you require an usb mouse driver, what is the release of your OS?15:53
ddgkyckicrxuvzjhgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOooooOooOoooOoOoOooooooooo #Ooo #ooOo #oooo #oooooooooOoooooOOOoOoOoOOoo #ooo #ooooooOooooooOOooOoOooOOoooooo #OoOOoOoooOooooo #OooooOoOOooooO #ooOooOOOooOoOooooOoOo #ooOooooooOOo #OO #OooooOooOoo #oO #Ooooooooooo #oo #oooooooOoooooOoOOoo #ooooOoooOoooOOOoooOo #oOO #oOOoo #OoOoOooooOoOooOOoOoooOoOOo #oooo #oooo #OOOOoOooOooOO #ooooooOoOO #ooooOoOoOoO #oOoOooO #OoOO #oOooooo15:53
trancegeek_installing now BluesKaj and bastidrazor15:53
izvikadnrbvdftplgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOooooOooOoooOoOoOooooooooo #Ooo #ooOo #oooo #oooooooooOoooooOOOoOoOoOOoo #ooo #ooooooOooooooOOooOoOooOOoooooo #OoOOoOoooOooooo #OooooOoOOooooO #ooOooOOOooOoOooooOoOo #ooOooooooOOo #OO #OooooOooOoo #oO #Ooooooooooo #oo #oooooooOoooooOoOOoo #ooooOoooOoooOOOoooOo #oOO #oOOoo #OoOoOooooOoOooOOoOoooOoOOo #oooo #oooo #OOOOoOooOooOO #ooooooOoOO #ooooOoOoOoO #oOoOooO #OoOO #oOooooo15:53
ddgkyckicrxuvzjhgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOOoOOoOOoOoooooOOOO #OoOoo #OooOoOo #oOoooooooooOOOOooOOooo #OoooOo #OOoo #ooo #oOoooooooOOOOoO #ooOooOoooooO #o #ooo #oOoOooOOoOoOoooooOOoOO #ooOoOoOoooooOo #oo #o #oOoooOooOOoooooo #oOoo #ooOoOooOOoOoooOoOoooOOoooOoooO #oO #ooOOoO #OOo #OoooOOOooooOo #Oo #ooOOOOoooOoooOoooOooOOoO #oOooOOOoooOoooOOoooO #OooooOooooOOooOo #ooOoooOooOoooooooOoOooOO #oOoooooOoOoooOooooo #OOo15:53
izvikadnrbvdftplgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOOoOOoOOoOoooooOOOO #OoOoo #OooOoOo #oOoooooooooOOOOooOOooo #OoooOo #OOoo #ooo #oOoooooooOOOOoO #ooOooOoooooO #o #ooo #oOoOooOOoOoOoooooOOoOO #ooOoOoOoooooOo #oo #o #oOoooOooOOoooooo #oOoo #ooOoOooOOoOoooOoOoooOOoooOoooO #oO #ooOOoO #OOo #OoooOOOooooOo #Oo #ooOOOOoooOoooOoooOooOOoO #oOooOOOoooOoooOOoooO #OooooOooooOOooOo #ooOoooOooOoooooooOoOooOO #oOoooooOoOoooOooooo #OOo15:53
FloodBot1izvikadnrbvdftpl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:53
yrwyrvlluooqcwgcgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOooooOooOoooOoOoOooooooooo #Ooo #ooOo #oooo #oooooooooOoooooOOOoOoOoOOoo #ooo #ooooooOooooooOOooOoOooOOoooooo #OoOOoOoooOooooo #OooooOoOOooooO #ooOooOOOooOoOooooOoOo #ooOooooooOOo #OO #OooooOooOoo #oO #Ooooooooooo #oo #oooooooOoooooOoOOoo #ooooOoooOoooOOOoooOo #oOO #oOOoo #OoOoOooooOoOooOOoOoooOoOOo #oooo #oooo #OOOOoOooOooOO #ooooooOoOO #ooooOoOoOoO #oOoOooO #OoOO #oOooooo15:53
zrpxxtvugorolhbygood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOooooOooOoooOoOoOooooooooo #Ooo #ooOo #oooo #oooooooooOoooooOOOoOoOoOOoo #ooo #ooooooOooooooOOooOoOooOOoooooo #OoOOoOoooOooooo #OooooOoOOooooO #ooOooOOOooOoOooooOoOo #ooOooooooOOo #OO #OooooOooOoo #oO #Ooooooooooo #oo #oooooooOoooooOoOOoo #ooooOoooOoooOOOoooOo #oOO #oOOoo #OoOoOooooOoOooOOoOoooOoOOo #oooo #oooo #OOOOoOooOooOO #ooooooOoOO #ooooOoOoOoO #oOoOooO #OoOO #oOooooo15:53
cxukyszzdfnbshjfgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOooooOooOoooOoOoOooooooooo #Ooo #ooOo #oooo #oooooooooOoooooOOOoOoOoOOoo #ooo #ooooooOooooooOOooOoOooOOoooooo #OoOOoOoooOooooo #OooooOoOOooooO #ooOooOOOooOoOooooOoOo #ooOooooooOOo #OO #OooooOooOoo #oO #Ooooooooooo #oo #oooooooOoooooOoOOoo #ooooOoooOoooOOOoooOo #oOO #oOOoo #OoOoOooooOoOooOOoOoooOoOOo #oooo #oooo #OOOOoOooOooOO #ooooooOoOO #ooooOoOoOoO #oOoOooO #OoOO #oOooooo15:53
jwjsfobwugbvdrvpgood day sir. Now enjoy the spam --> ooOooooOooOoooOoOoOooooooooo #Ooo #ooOo #oooo #oooooooooOoooooOOOoOoOoOOoo #ooo #ooooooOooooooOOooOoOooOOoooooo #OoOOoOoooOooooo #OooooOoOOooooO #ooOooOOOooOoOooooOoOo #ooOooooooOOo #OO #OooooOooOoo #oO #Ooooooooooo #oo #oooooooOoooooOoOOoo #ooooOoooOoooOOOoooOo #oOO #oOOoo #OoOoOooooOoOooOOoOoooOoOOo #oooo #oooo #OOOOoOooOooOO #ooooooOoOO #ooooOoOoOoO #oOoOooO #OoOO #oOooooo15:53
trancegeek_lol nice15:53
compdocsacarlson, Im not sure, but you can often install and run the i386 version of things15:53
sacarlsonshare: thiebaude: ok thanks,  oh and what about nvidea propraitary,  skype,  canon printer last I tried those they didn't work in 64bit ubuntu,  oh and firewatir for ruby15:53
trancegeek_what an epic fail that spam attempt was15:54
compdocsacarlson, youre going to waste about 2 gigs of that nice ram you have15:54
compdoc2.5 gigs15:54
dahunobody can help me ?15:54
BluesKaj!ask | dahu15:55
ubottudahu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:55
ChrisDruifSwedeMike: With me the 32bit runs slower...noticeably. I can't find the article which proofs I am right :P15:55
sharedahu: just ask again15:55
sacarlsoncompdoc: I think 32 bit works up to about 3 gigs and I only now have 2 gig but I was planing to upgrade to 4 in about 30 days15:55
dahuI have a strange problem : I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 but the installer cannot see my hard drive. But when I use the livecd I can see my harddrive with gparted or other partition tools. Please help me !!!15:55
=== Guest38834 is now known as ciccio
g11992gobbe: its ZTE ac2726 model. please tell me if you are searching for it.15:55
sharesacarlson: you can use an "extension" to use 4gb in 32bit you need to check your hardware15:56
shareoops cant recall15:56
compdocsacarlson, actually, it works to close to 4 gigs, but your graphics card ram has to use up some of that address space15:56
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info15:56
ChrisDruifdahu: You say the live cd *does* see your drive. Maybe if you start the installer from within the live area?15:56
sacarlsoncompdoc: my grapic card uses shared mem15:56
dahuChrisDruif: of course I already tried, and no success.15:57
machineQueencomo faço para conectar em um outro servidor de irc que nao esteja na list de server do xchat? ja tentei de tudo e nao consigo.15:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:57
share!pt | machineQueen15:57
ubottumachineQueen: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:57
t0xikdeactivate the floodbots15:57
shareportguese != spanish15:57
machineQueenestou usando linux ubuntu pela primeira e to tentando me adaptar nas atividades diarias :/15:58
sacarlsonSwedeMike: ok that another option I will consider then I don't need to reinstall my system just upgrade my kernel thanks15:58
IdleOneshare: that is correct and that was !pt15:58
shareIdleOne: it's my language15:58
t0xikwho is admin on here?15:58
sharemachineQueen: entra no canal #ubuntu-br15:58
IdleOnet0xik: what can I help you with?15:59
thesti_hello, when I try install slapd15:59
lostlink-roscarvyou are on ubuntu server15:59
completeHey People! Any ideas how one can try Gimp 2.7?15:59
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:59
thesti_I get the error libldap-2.4-2 (= 2.4.21-0buntu5.2) but 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3 is to be installed15:59
share15:57:59 <t0xik> deactivate the floodbots15:59
thesti_E: Broken packages15:59
=== tommi is now known as tommis
sacarlsoncomplete: did you look in ppa?15:59
thesti_I use the command "sudo apt-get install slapd"16:00
completesacarlson: what is ppa?16:00
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.16:00
xanguacomplete: a personal repository for extra packages16:01
smiley__gateway computer with onboard HDMI video ,will ubuntu work with it ?16:01
SwedeMikesmiley__: most likely.16:01
completexangua: that goes over my head. what is a personal repository?16:01
xanguaa repository16:02
xanguaof packages...16:02
sacarlsoncomplete: I also see it's released in the repository of ubuntu 10.1016:02
completesacarlson: how do i find out which ubuntu version i am using?16:02
completexangua: "personal" as in "not for business"?16:03
xangualsb_release -a complete16:03
IdleOnecomplete: type in terminal: lsb_release -a16:03
completexangua: hmm.. 10.0416:03
rasacomplete: cat /etc/issue or cat /etc/debian_version16:03
jetscreamerhey i installed the nvidia-current driver with jockey, but apparently there is no GLX16:03
sharecomplete: lsb_release -a16:04
completexangua: so should i update to 10.10?16:04
xanguacomplete: if you want to16:04
sharecomplete: 10.10 is not LTS release16:04
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)16:04
completewell, i could install it on a different partition16:04
completei need to open a photoshop file with grouped layers16:04
completeit seems gimp 2.68 doesnt support that.16:04
smiley__just update your kernel,it will be just like updateing to the new 10.1016:05
sharecomplete: #gimp16:05
IdleOnecomplete: see if the gimp website has a .deb available or you may have to compile it yourself16:05
sacarlsoncomplete: ppa might still be an alternative16:05
completeIdleOne: theres a .deb? hmmm..16:06
IdleOnecomplete: see if they have a .deb (a package)16:06
IdleOnecomplete: you could also try asking in #gimp and see if they can help you out16:07
completeIdleOne: i asked 10mins ago. no answer yet.16:07
IdleOnepatience :)16:08
jetscreamerso no joy on missing glx with nvidia restricted driver?16:10
sacarlsoncomplete: I see ppa for 2.7.1 at https://launchpad.net/~alex-p/+archive/notesalexp?field.series_filter=lucid16:11
completei need to open a photoshop file with grouped layers. it looks like thats not supported in gimp. so the file looks like a mess. any ideas how to open it? i only need to look at it. not edit it. in gimp all layers are on. i need a viewer that hides the hidden layers.16:11
tgp1994Can anyone tell me the name of the package in maverick that adds the windows start menu equivelent to gnome?16:12
sacarlsoncomplete: if the gimp ppa for 2.7.1 fails then I would upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 that's not too difficult16:12
BluesKajcomplete, photoshop is supposed to work quite well in wine on linux16:12
completesacarlson: but i dont know if gimp 2.7.1 supports photoshop files with grouped layers.16:12
xanguasacarlson complete there is also getdeb.net repositories16:12
sacarlsoncomplete:  then you have two option test it to find out or upgrade to 10.1016:13
BluesKajcomplete, http://wiki.winehq.org/AdobePhotoshop16:13
completeBluesKaj: i dont have photoshop16:13
xanguabut latest stable gimp is 2.6 :S16:13
sacarlsoncomplete: xangua: now you have three or more options16:13
goodfloodfinally made it16:14
completeBluesKaj: and i need to get work done today16:14
xanguano 2.7 in getdeb16:14
BluesKajcomplete, , ...bummer :(16:14
goodfloodcan someone help me?16:14
goodfloodI have vista/ubuntu dual boot problem16:14
sacarlsoncomplete: all those options take at longist depending on internet speed about 10 min16:14
completeBluesKaj: well, as a last resort i can ask the guy who made the psd to make PNGs of his vision.16:15
peetoongoodflood: what's up?16:15
solomon_ #sabayon16:15
goodfloodHi Peetoon16:15
completesacarlson: which option would you choose?16:15
goodfloodI installed ubuntu ; it asked where do I want to install the boot loader (GRUB??) I said in the Windows partition16:15
goodfloodNow, I can't get into Vista...16:16
g11992gobbe: the mdel no. is ZTE ac2726. its an usb modem. please help.16:16
sacarlsoncomplete: that depends on my internet speed16:16
gobbeg11992: hmmh16:16
tgp1994goodflood: Is the vista boot loader still on vista's partition?16:16
goodfloodYes, I am sure I did not more it16:16
goodflood*move it16:16
sacarlsoncomplete: if I had 100kb/sec or better I might pick upgrade to 10.1016:16
completesacarlson: internet speed is fast and i am not iin a hurry.16:16
tgp1994goodflood: Take a look on vista's partition, on the root of the driver, there should be a file named bootmgr16:17
tgp1994goodflood: Make sure that's there.16:17
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goodfloodokay... let me go do that16:17
completesacarlson: ok, upgrading to 10.10. but i will not do that on my main machine. let me turn on another notebook...16:17
gobbeg11992: http://techsk.blogspot.com/2009/09/installing-usb-modem-zte-ac2726-in.html16:17
sacarlsoncomplete: ya you can run it in a virtualbox if you want to test it16:18
completesacarlson: i just do it on my other notebook.16:19
goodfloodtgp: I found bootmgr.exe.mui and lots of those files.. is that it?16:19
tgp1994Can anyone tell me the name of the package in maverick that adds the windows start menu equivelent to gnome?16:19
mcqueenhi all... i m newbie on linux and i installed phpmyadmin. it doesnt let me to create a new db when i logon to phpmyadmin... how can i fix it.? i am loging in by phpmyadmin username16:19
tgp1994goodflood: No, that's not it. It should just be at the root of the drive there.16:19
g11992thank you , but, can it work in 10.04 netbook edition?16:19
goodfloodroot of the drive... hmm...16:20
IdleOnetgp1994: right click on the panel > add to panel > main menu16:20
g11992gobbe:thank you , but, can it work in 10.04 netbook edition?16:20
sacarlsoncomplete: you could even run in parallel try the 2.7.1 from ppa and download the 10.1016:20
xanguatgp1994: try cardapio ;) not in repositories16:20
tgp1994IdleOne: Thank you, that's what I was looking for :)16:20
completesacarlson: how do i know the ppa is trustworthy?16:20
sacarlsoncomplete: gimp is not very big about 10meg so will take about 10 sec16:20
completesacarlson: i thought you would update to 10.10? changed your mind?16:21
sacarlsoncomplete: I gave it to you already https://launchpad.net/~alex-p/+archive/notesalexp?field.series_filter=lucid16:21
tgp1994goodflood: Yup, on my windows Vista hard drive, there's a file at the top named bootmgr. That's the vista boot loader. So you're not seeing it?16:21
goodfloodI was looking in the partition... you said drive...16:21
tgp1994goodflood: Drive/partition, whatever has your system on it.16:22
completehmm... my other notebook is ubuntu 8.0416:22
goodfloodMy HD has partitions 2 VISTA and ubuntu... which I am running now...16:22
tgp1994goodflood: Ok then, just the vista partition then.16:22
goodfloodOKay.. let me look again properly16:22
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smiley__i have windows xp ,ubuntu,linux Mint16:23
Oi3pRNnXHey, does someone know if there is a l2tp plugin for network manager? like network-manager-pptp?16:23
ashesofpainHey... is it possible for Ubuntu to do some automatic cleaning? (like temporary file clean and reg-clean on windows)16:23
j-invariantHow do I make the key that disables internet do something else instead?16:24
j-invariantit's one of the F-keys16:24
ashesofpainI have lots of files left over somewhere from a failed flash copy attempt but I don't know where exactly they are :)16:24
g11992gobbe: thank u very much, i got it. bye16:24
planethi. i want to get 855gm-fix-dkms. but aptitude says "not found"16:25
shareplanet: either package name is wrong or it's not in repositories16:26
planethmm. i'v seen this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes16:26
goodfloodtgp: I found 2 bootmgr since I currently have 2 VISTA installations on the drive16:26
tgp1994goodflood: So you have three partitions then?16:27
planethow can i get it?16:27
goodfloodNo, actually lots : )16:27
goodfloodlet me count16:27
linux_is_my_heroamarok doesn't see any of my tracks on my computer's hard drive.16:28
linux_is_my_herowhat is going on?16:28
peetoongoodflood: did you hold shift while booting up so the grub menu came out?16:29
xanguaplanet: did you add the repository and uptated it¿16:29
goodfloodIf swap is a partition then total 7 partitions16:29
qq99hey all, is there an easy way to change my taskbar to icons only (no text)?16:29
tgp1994goodflood: So system-wise, there are two partitions, each with windows vista installed, and then another partition with ubuntu, correct?16:29
goodfloodNope, din't hold shift but yes, GRUB comes up and Shows both the VISTA in the menu16:29
goodfloodYes, 2 partitions for VIsta each and 1 for ubuntu16:29
smiley__how many windows,and linux oses can you have installed on one hard drive ?16:30
xanguasmiley__: as many as your hd can have16:30
Dweezahrbut you neem lvm for that16:30
goodfloodLOL ... smiley...16:30
planetxangua: yes. but apt-get says "E: パッケージ 855gm-fix-dkms が見つかりません"16:30
planetit means, "not found" in japanese.16:31
xanguaplanet: are you running Lucid¿ that repository has only packages for Lucid16:31
tgp1994goodflood: And what version of ubuntu do you have?16:31
smiley__well i read somewhere that you can olney have 4 primary partitions16:31
planetxangua:hmm.. what should i do to repair my display?16:32
erUSULsmiley__: that's true in msdos partition tables16:32
goodfloodyes, smiley I have stuff on logical partitions.. I don't know it that's bad!16:32
erUSULsmiley__: most disk nowadays16:32
drahx_does linux support 2 sound cards at once?16:32
goodfloodvista(s) on pri, ubuntu on logic16:32
tgp1994goodflood: Take a look at this tutorial: http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/16:33
tgp1994It is for ubuntu 9.10, I know, although the logic should apply to the version of grub that you have.16:33
goodfloodtgp: Tks, I will read16:33
benchow do I add a conf file to a deb package?16:33
mermacan someone help me outputting the computer's sound to a hdmi linked tv? I already have the image through fiddling with the nvidia settings but I can't manage to get the sound16:33
drahx_merma: did you select it in Preferences>Sound?16:34
mermadrahx_: It is not appearing in the output devices available16:35
Dweezahrsmiley__, you are right, 4 primary partitions on a conventional bios16:35
Dweezahrnewer system do no longer have this limitation16:36
Dweezahrbut usually linux systems can use one lvm for multiple distros16:36
clausenDwade09, GPT is becoming popular?16:36
drahx_merma: Mine showed up after installing the drivers from ATI"s website, did you try the drivers from Nvidia, or are you using the ones from "Additional Drivers"?16:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:36
goodfloodtgp: I read; however, it is not that I don't see Vista option, it is that somehow, the link to it is broken16:36
mfaroukg1why the glasses reflect the sun light?16:37
clausenDweezahr, sorry16:37
ikus060Hi All, I'm using Google-Chrome browser for a while and I found the scrolling very anoying. It's seams the browser doesn't use any kind of Hardware acceleration. I'm using Google-Chrome v8.0.552.237 + Ubuntu 10.04. Any suggestion to improve this situation ??16:37
sacarlsonsmiley__: other option I use with 15 systems installed with virtualbox inside of ubuntu 10.04 or your choice of os16:37
clausenDweezahr, GPT is becoming popular?16:37
j-invariantCan anyone tell me how to disable a key, or change what it does? One of my keys disables wireless internet and I press it by accident16:37
drahx_Does anyone know how I can make VMware use my HDMI audio output instead of the default Software sound card it's making me use?16:38
xanguaikus060: use chromium instead of google chrome ;)16:38
planethave anyone solved intel 855gm chipset problems on 10.10?16:38
drahx_ikus060: I had that issue when I was using the open source drivers for my video card, since I've switched to the official drivers I have had no more lag while scrolling16:39
ikus060xangua: Ok .. I haven't thought of it. Why Chronium would be better at hardware acceleration ??16:39
compdocclausen, I use gpt on my storage. you have to for large volumns16:39
ikus060drahx_: I tought of this one. I try with open source and closed source driver (I have a NVidia card) .. there is no difference.16:39
clausencompdoc, good point, thanks16:39
dartdogUsing 10.10 but it can't see all the memory, it is a 32 bit processor so it needs to use PAE which it is but on a 4gig box (shows in BIOS) only 2.9 gig shows in system monitor Ideas?16:40
Dweezahrclausen, not yet really, it is a standard on Apple computers16:40
DweezahrBut most computers or operating systems do not fully support it16:41
Dweezahrwindows had problems with it16:41
sacarlsonplanet: didn't you read the article you posted https://launchpad.net/~glasen/+archive/intel-driver16:41
clausenDweezahr, I did a fair bit of work to make linux support GPT about 10 years ago16:41
robbit10When I use lots of PPA's, and upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu, will the PPA's be updated along with it?16:41
Curly_QJust curious. I installed Ubuntu and Kbuntu and Xubutu on the same drive. When I installed Xubuntu the last time Grub shows up telling me that I have a selection of kernels to decide upon. Does that mean that I need to re-format the drive again and make a clean install?16:41
goodfloodwhen doing an install of ubuntu 10.10, it asks a location to install the boot (loader?). Since, I have vista... where shall I say to install it?16:41
clausenDweezahr, it's just a bit strange 10 years later to see it's still not being used16:41
Dweezahrwe increase cluster size atm16:42
Dweezahrthats why there is 3 tb disks now16:42
emHey how can you disable a key in Ubuntu? Especially the wireless/on/off key.16:42
robbit10When I use lots of PPA's, and upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu, will the PPA's be updated along with it? Also, how do I upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu without losing any settings, customization, PPA's, and apps?16:42
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clausenDweezahr, how big are cluster sizes on windows nowadays?16:43
xanguarobbit10: ppa are disabled when you updrade; you can enable them later and check if they have aviable packages for the newer version16:43
Nexxusi have downloaded a file with C++ source code in it. the file has a makefile in it but i am very new to linux and am not sure how to compile this file using the make command can anyone help out?16:44
planetsacarlson: do i look the other way?16:44
dartdogrobbit10 i did an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 and it just flat worked.. Fwiw16:44
sacarlsonplanet: maybe you should be asking how do you use ppa? https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html16:44
ali1234how can i "reload" a truetype font? i am designing a font and i need to test it in real apps16:44
Dweezahrclausen, dont know, fdisk seems missing on win 716:44
cooZ202how do I load rpc module?    .. does not appear w/ modprobe ... ubuntu v10.1016:45
TimeRideretc/fstab: /dev/sdc1       /local ext3 errors=remount-ro 116:45
TimeRiderwhy doesn't it mount properly?16:45
emHey how can you disable a key in Ubuntu? Especially the wireless/on/off key.16:45
clausenali1234, you might want to look inside font packages16:45
clausenali1234, at the install scripts16:45
clausenali1234, you can do "apt-get source font-page-name"16:45
clausenali1234, and look inside the "debian" directory, I guess16:46
ali1234clausen: no, that doesn't help me. i need to know how to *re* load them, ie they are already installed, and now i have edited it, and want to use the new version16:46
ali1234no matter what i do, X11 continues to use the first version it ever saw16:46
clausenali1234, the install scripts don't somehow flush the cache?16:46
clausenali1234, I mean, what do the uninstall scripts do?16:46
ali1234fc-cache -f doesn't help16:46
clausenali1234, (inside font packages)16:47
bastidrazorTimeRider: /dev/sdc1 /local ext3 defaults 0 2   ..that should work better16:47
ali1234uninstalling the fonts works16:47
ali1234but as soon as i reinstall it, i get the old version back, not the new version16:47
TimeRiderwhat's the defaults and 0 2 mean?16:47
bastidrazorTimeRider: /local must exist as an empty directory also.16:47
clausenali1234, the uninstall scripts only do fc-cache -f ?16:47
ali1234dunno, i can check i suppose16:47
TimeRideryeah, I have that... I did this before, and it worked, but server decided to go bang yesterday :(16:47
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robbit10I'll ask it differently: The problem i've always had with Ubuntu is that I like to customize, and when a new version comes out I have to throw all my customizations away. How do I keep all my customizations?16:48
ikus060xangua: I'm installing Chronium from stable channel. Is it the one you recommend me ??16:48
bastidrazorTimeRider: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#Options  read here for more..16:48
dartdogrobbit10 I had no problem but may be different for you..16:48
TimeRidercheers dude16:48
cooZ202how do I load rpc module?    .. does not appear w/ modprobe ... ubuntu v10.1016:48
ikus060xangua: I see there is 4 differents channel available as ppa : Beta, Dev, daily, Stable...16:49
xanguachromium-browser package, not chromium the game ikus06016:49
bastidrazorTimeRider: you can leave it errors=remount-ro  but unless its your / then its not necessary16:49
xanguaubuntu has chomium stable in default repositories16:49
cooZ202is rpc module on ubuntu v10.10?16:49
ikus060xangua: Yes, I'm installing the package named chronium-browser16:49
wagnixwhere do I change the name of my computer .. the user@THISPART~$16:49
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dartdoganyone with Ideas why my PAE kernel is not seeing all my memory? (10.10)16:50
TimeRiderbastidrazor : thanks man :)16:50
bastidrazor!hostname | wagnix16:50
ubottuwagnix: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.16:50
bastidrazorTimeRider: you're welcome16:50
emhow do you disable the (F12) key that toggles wireless on and off on the laptop within Ubuntu?16:50
barfHow can I install java for FireFox16:51
sacarlsondartdog: maybe shared with graphics?16:51
xangua!java | barf16:51
ubottubarf: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:51
dartdognah it is missing a full gig16:51
barfI need java for the web browser16:51
ChipDSnowGood morning, everyone!  Have a question.16:52
sacarlsondartdog: how much does graphics take?16:52
robbit10Now the final question: How do I back up all my settings and installed apps?16:52
dartdogit is usuallu minimal but in any event it should sow in system monitor16:52
emIt's a shame that within Ubuntu there is no longer a functioning xorg.conf16:52
ChipDSnowI want to fully automate my bittorrent client, and was wondering if there were anything like that available for Ubuntu?  I would like to have a program (or script) that would automatically start the next file in queue after one has finished downloading.16:52
emit is okay for Ubuntu to replace that with something else but it should work just as well and someone should know how.16:53
dartdoggraphics may take 512 to 1 meg or so not a full gig16:53
sacarlsondartdog: mine is shareing more that 256meg Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]16:53
emDoes anyone have any ideas how you can disable the F12 key in Ubuntu?16:53
transom324hi i need help with boot error "you need to load the kernel first"16:53
bastidrazorChipDSnow: tranmission, ktorrent, deluge all have that. look in the preferences tab16:54
xanguaem you can manually create a xorg.conf16:54
robbit10How do I back up all my settings and installed apps?16:54
dartdogsacarlson well still way shy of a gig16:54
wagnixbastidrazor, thanks16:54
sacarlsondartdog: I said that's mine what is yours?  lspci -v16:54
bastidrazorwagnix: you're welcome.16:54
xanguarobbit10: for yoir files and settings you copy your Home16:54
lebearHow do I go about to downgrade the kernel? I'm confusingly enough having a lot of kernels installed currntly, I guess most are just lying around.. how do I specify which one to use?16:54
savidDoes anyone know of any program that can automatically sync a folder to google docs?   Google docs storage is dirt-cheap -- looking to use it as a cloud-backup solution.16:55
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xangualebear: select it in the grub16:55
emxangua: well do you have any idea how to disable the key that toggles wireless on and off on a laptop? It's F12 on my laptop16:55
robbit10xangua, what about installed apps?16:55
dartdogsacarlson how to find not on system monitor16:55
bastidrazorlebear: in synaptic search for "linux-image" and you can uninstall the ones you do not wish to have. they will be automatically remove from grub16:55
sacarlsondartdog: I gave you the method with the command lspci -v16:56
xanguaem take off the key with your own hands¿16:56
royale1223my friend accidently deleted boot partition16:56
royale1223how can i fix it?16:56
ali1234clausen: it seems like it's a problem of gnome :/16:56
lebearxangua, yeah. but I get no grub-prompt upon booting... :S16:56
ali1234debs use defoma, that didn't help16:56
royale1223how to fix deleted boot partition?16:56
xanguaem i don't think just pressing f12 disable it; normally you need yo press some key in conjuntion with Fn16:56
ali1234if i load a new gnome app that i haven't run before, it shows the new version of the font16:56
xangualebear: keep the Shift key pressed when you turn on the pc to see the grub16:57
transom324hi need help with boot loader error16:57
royale1223how to fix deleted boot partition?16:57
emit's the button that toggles wireless that we want to disable.16:57
saliakI'm in the process of cloning a ubuntu system from some year 2000 hardware, to something more modern (purchased in 2010).  I used clonezilla to clone the Hard drive and the new system boots up (i have't resized partitions or anything yet), but it doesn't recognize any of the network cards.  In dmesg i see that udev renames eth3, but i'm not sure why and it doesn't show up in ifconfig.  ifup eth3 says its an unknown device.  Any know what might16:57
needlezhey got a question about a bash script that i wrote yesterday, not sure why but after the script has ran and done what it is supposed to do the computer won't enter sleep mode, what can i add to the script to force sleep mode after script runs?16:57
bastidrazorroyale1223: boot the liveCD and create a new one. install grub to it.16:57
bastidrazorroyale1223: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub  will help16:57
HimHi guys. For whatever reason, I'm unable to install openoffice. It says that the package has unmet dependencies, that it's broken.16:57
ali1234saliak: ubuntu assigns ifnames based on mac address16:58
ali1234so new network card = new mac16:58
drahx_Does anyone know how I can make VMware use my HDMI audio output instead of the default Software sound card it's making me use?16:58
saliakali1234 - where's that stored? i thought it might be something like that16:58
j-invariantShould I use the BIOS to remap keys?16:58
dartdogusing 512kb16:58
lebearxangua, ah, thanks. will try that!16:58
needlezHim: have you tried installing the dependencies it says its missing first?? then try to install openoffice16:58
royale1223how to fix deleted boot partition?16:59
saliakali1234 - there's no mention of mac address in my /etc/network/interfaces16:59
Himneedlez: I did. I installed "ure". It says this when I try to install openoffice: "openoffice.org-common depends: ure but it is not going to be installed".16:59
bastidrazorroyale1223: are you ignoring my suggestions?16:59
royale1223bastidrazor: i didnt cit17:00
AK87hey all17:00
royale1223see it17:00
royale1223bastidrazor: using irssi17:00
royale1223bastidrazor: cant see old messages17:00
needlezHim: have you tried going to filter and looking thru broken packages?? if there are any in synaptic install those or fix them, then try that17:00
bastidrazorroyale1223: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub  will help:: boot to a liveCD and recreate the boot partition17:00
Himneedlez: I'll try that.17:00
royale1223only thing i have is a live usb bastidrazor17:01
needlezkk im gonna check more stuff real quick17:01
ali1234saliak: i can't remember where it is :(17:01
bastidrazorroyale1223: you should use a seperate window for messages containing your nick. http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi  will tell you how17:01
bastidrazorroyale1223: usb or CD .. same difference17:01
AK87can someone help me with bt4 pls.17:01
royale1223bastidrazor: thanks17:01
ali1234saliak: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:01
bastidrazorAK87: #backtrack-linux for backtrack help17:02
bastidrazorroyale1223: you're welcome and good luck17:02
saliakali1234 - sweet17:02
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clausenali1234, how annoying17:02
AK87cant find backtrack channel17:02
ZilibobaПривет свем17:03
clausenali1234, so the best you can do is restart the X server?17:03
clausenali1234, maybe some kind of Xnest would work?17:03
ali1234dunno, i didn't try that yet... i have rather a lot of windows open17:03
ali1234yeah i was just thinking about xnest17:03
Guest15825hello zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz17:03
sacarlsondartdog: what does the command free -m   show you?17:03
ali1234doesn't look like what i want to do is possible anyway17:03
cg999hey guys, i'm trying to set up my friends VIA AC97 sound card to work on ubuntu 9.10, but for some reason, even though all the required modules are loaded, the card doesn't appear in gnome's sound manager17:03
Himneedlez: Okay, I've got no broken packages that need reinstalled. I think this might be what is referred to as "dependency hell".17:03
ali1234something is wrong with gnome font rendering - it won't let me make a fully black character - i always get aliasing :/17:03
dartdogsacarlson have you left or just no ideas?17:03
cg999hey guys, i'm trying to set up my friends VIA AC97 sound card to work on ubuntu 9.10, but for some reason, even though all the required modules are loaded, the card doesn't appear in gnome's sound manager17:04
AK87so can someone explain how to switch 2 bt.. or help me with bt ?!17:04
needlezHim: what version of ubuntu are you running and how come OO isnt there anymore??17:04
sacarlsondartdog: I saw nothing sent to me so I didn't know you were talking to me17:04
ali1234actually it works if i turn off all font smoothing17:05
Guest15825no n ot htereraq17:05
Guest15825 17:05
Guest15825 17:05
Guest15825 17:05
FloodBot3Guest15825: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
Himneedlez: I'm running 10.04. I installed the minimal CD and built my system up from there.17:05
clausenali1234, that is weird!17:05
Guest15825  17:05
Guest15825 17:05
Guest15825 17:05
FloodBot3Guest15825: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
dartdogsacarlson sorry but mem has 512 only way short of the missing Gig :-)17:05
ali1234subpixel smoothing should be affecting the vertical appearence of fonts >:[17:05
sacarlsondartdog: so what happend to the results of the command free -m17:06
Guest15825 17:06
Guest15825 17:06
Guest15825 17:06
FloodBot3Guest15825: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
dartdogsacarlson total 3013 used 2883 free 129 machine has 4gig in Bios17:07
sacarlsondartdog: as see from this http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/  also what does uname -a give you?17:07
needlezHim: ok,17:07
needlezHim: what you might try is putting in the cd and then selecting the packages thru synaptic and installing that way, should force all dependencies if you do it that way17:08
=== tjack_ is now known as tjackgnu
dartdogsacarleson: 2.6.35-24-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:21:31 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux17:09
needlezcan anyone help me with a bash script for totem?? i already have most of it done, just need to tell the computer that after killing totem, to go into sleepmode17:09
NeglacioAnyone has got an idea how to make the ^^-smiley with only 2 presses of the circumflex, instead of 4?17:09
NeglacioWindows only needs 2, but I just left the Windows-world :p17:09
bastidrazorGuest15825: do you have a Ubuntu supoort question?17:10
dartdogsacarleson: that link is exactly on point but I seem to have the kernel and the bios but still can't see the memory17:10
compdocthats the signpost up ahead - you are entering..... linux-land!17:10
NeglacioThanks compdoc, for welcoming me in ^"17:10
NeglacioHad a driver conflict somewhere17:11
sacarlsondartdog: ok now try command free -b17:11
=== _cedric_ is now known as ce3c
NeglacioWindows kept claiming I had the hardware switch of my wifi off, when it was on :p17:11
NeglacioTroubles started after an update17:11
ce3ci'd like to know a solution for the ^^ as well :) it's pretty annoying17:11
dartdogsacarleson        total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached17:12
dartdogMem:    3160195072 3057369088  102825984          0  139419648 210668748817:12
needlezanyone experenced working with bash scripts?? need help finishing one for making totem autoclose and then for the computer to go into sleep mode17:13
rachoi can't run flash in chromium - ubuntu 10.10 - the restricted package is installed and i tried all of the provided solutions google served me but still no flash, any ideas what can i do?17:13
greppyneedlez: just add "sudo halt" to the end of your script.17:13
bastidrazordartdog: free -m may be easier to read asa it shows in megabytes17:13
dartdogfree -m17:13
needlezgreppy: and that will force sleep mode??17:13
sacarlsondartdog: I'm clueless,  and I had plans of using pae when I expand my mem  to 4 gig  from 2 gig now I will have 2nd thoughts17:14
greppyneedlez: that will shut it down, if you specifically want sleep, you are going to have to see if there are acpi commands available to you that will work with your hardware.17:14
dartdogsacarleson              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached17:14
dartdogMem:          3013       2916         97          0        133       200717:14
sacarlsondartdog:  yes we have seen both already but some may have missed it17:14
dartdogsacarleson long and short still just showing 3 gig out of 417:15
needlezgreppy: yes i want sleep not shutdown, and thank you i forgot about the acpi commands...dur...lol17:15
ikus060xangua: Chrome or Chromium didn't make any difference, I've also test with the latest version (9.0.597.45)17:15
ali1234huh... weird... it looks like changing the font smoothing prefs somehow forces gnome to reload the fonts17:16
sacarlsondartdog: I think you may have had your mem off on your video I think it takes about 512meg  since mine takes 256meg I can't think your video is that much worse than mine17:16
dartdogsacarleson The issue only applies to the older centino duo processors that are not really 64 bit capable but only PAE capable the 64 bit version would be the way to go if I could but I can't17:17
sacarlsondartdog: and since I have 2 gig and my free -m shows 1886  that might be a bit closer17:17
dartdogI said my video takes 512.. but that is just half a meg out of a gig17:18
rachowhere should i put libflashplayer.so in order to get proper support in chromium - i tried usr/lib/flashplugin-installer and chromium/plugins but nothing seems to work17:19
NightlightHi, I'm trying to update from lucid to maverick, but I get an error saying it is impossible to update ubuntu-desktop ?17:19
sacarlsondartdog: so what did free -m read before pae install?17:19
cg999guys, my sound card isn't coming up in gnome volume control or alsamixer, why does it fail? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=215d0df1a00d231c90cc6da27e24114f4938985317:20
tuxumhello, NetworkManager  established a wireless connection but i have no response when I try to browse. What should I do?17:20
dartdogsacarleson 2gig17:20
sacarlsondartdog: well that's a big improvment so be happy17:21
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dartdogsacarelson but I'm not posititve about that since I had to change so much at once17:21
botcityquestion is there good software for bios flashing in linux / open source yet ? as my system apparently needs nix security for its cpu??!17:21
dartdogsacarelson you are right it is woking pretty well but I'd like to get the last bit as I plan to beat the box a fair amount17:22
dartdogloading up sage/ Python , Mysql as we speak17:23
smiley__anyone know how to make the network icon blink like in windows ?17:23
sacarlsondartdog: you can go to grub boot and try the old kernel and compare if you forgot or changed other things17:23
barfIn which repo for lucid can I find sun-java6-plugin ?17:23
bastidrazor!partner | barf17:23
ubottubarf: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »17:23
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:23
sitalkashello, after i connect to my desktop through ssh, how can i copy files or open them directly from my netbook?17:24
bastidrazorbarf: once you add the partner repo do an sudo apt-get update and it will be there.17:24
smiley__anyone ?17:24
sacarlsondartdog: well don't stop beating it I want to try pae and when you get it tuned up you can tell me how to do it17:25
Guest89020help pls17:26
greppysmiley__: no, but you can add the system monitor applet and then select network, to get an idea of network activity.17:26
NightlightHmm, I'm trying to update from lucid to maverick, but I get an error saying it is impossible to update ubuntu-desktop ? Is there something I can do to fix this?17:26
dusfcan somebody tell me how to stop ubuntu loading tor on boot? it's interfering with vidalia17:26
Guest89020im running live disk couse 10.10 dont want to go on17:26
sacarlsonNightlight: you have some ppa repositories or something?17:27
NightlightIm doing my best to pinpoint the issue and I might have found something, sacarlson17:27
ubuntusageNightlight:maybe you could paste here the exact error message17:27
Nightlightin software sources, it talks about enabling repos for lucid17:27
bastidrazordusf: does it have an entry in /etc/init.d/ ?? is tor in there?17:28
botcitysitalkas: there is a package called sftp you can use ! you'l have to use it in a separate terminal if your allready using ssh i think?17:28
Nightlightbut in other-sources, all these maverick sources are checked17:28
sacarlsonNightlight: sounds like you had maverick repostiries included before upgrade?17:29
Guest89020bazhang:  you here?17:29
sitalkasbotcity: i use filezila as an sftp client and does this job great. is there a difference between this and ssh?17:29
NightlightBut yes, the exact error says "Can't install ubuntu-desktop. It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug"17:29
ubuntusageNightlight: check /etc/apt/sources.list and see whether it has entries for Marverik17:30
sacarlsonNightlight: if your at the point of upgrade to maveric why are the repositoies unchecked?17:30
NightlightI guess that's what it looks like. I wonder how it happened. Any way to clean this and then update to 10.10? The distro update manager says 10.10 is availible17:30
NightlightI was under the impression I was running lucid because of that17:30
ubuntusageNightlight:what is ur cat /etc/issue17:31
Nightlightthe output is "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS \n \l"17:31
Nightlight@ubuntuusage and sacarlson: here is my sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/554797/17:32
ubuntusageNightlight: so its Lucid, try this command sudo do-release-upgrade17:33
botcitysitalkas: i have never used filezila only sftp .. sftp uses ssh for file transfers so excellent protection but google  filezila for security17:33
tholashi, after installing the nvidia drivers my splash screen stops working and the virtual terminals go all ugly.17:33
tholasnot a huge problem, but is there any way I can fix this?17:33
greppybotcity: filezilla is a graphical sftp client.17:34
needlezok, anyone know if mencoder can get the time of a movie running from script in a script and convert that number to seconds so i don't have to guess at how long to put for sleep for my script to sleep my computer after totem exits?17:34
tholase.g. set vesa/whatever at boot, but switch to using the nvidia drivers for applications?17:34
Nightlightweird! The output was "Checking for a new ubuntu release. No new release found"17:34
botcitygreppy: thanks!!17:34
sitalkasbotcity: so ssh gives no other ability than what filezila does? filezila works fine, and is fast and light17:34
Guest89020i need help pls cant get on my ubuntu10.10 now im running live disk need help pls17:35
sacarlsonNightlight: what does apt-get update do ?17:35
ubuntusageNightlight: backup the sources list, the open sources.list with gedit , search and replace maverick with lucid , then sudo apt-get update17:35
geegeegeeWill this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/129740 work in Ubuntu 10.10?17:35
ubuntusageNightlight: after you update so a dist upgrade17:36
el_copterany ubuntu masters around ? ;)17:36
ubuntusageGuest89020:  please explain17:36
el_copteri could use sum help17:36
greppy!ask | el_copter17:36
ubottuel_copter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:36
Nightlighthmm the update manager seems to have frozen after that error about not being able to isntall ubuntu-desktop. How can I kill it?17:37
ubuntusageel_copter: just ask , someone will reply :)17:37
needlezel_copter: ask your question someone will be able to help17:37
Nightlightkillall update-manager doesnt seem to help :/17:37
el_copter:) ... ok17:37
Nightlight(as a result I couldnt try the latest suggestions you made)17:37
botcitysitalkas: ssh is good for controlling remote computers etc like ssh -X  !!17:37
SandCubehow to add a new user: choosin his home folder?17:37
ubuntusageNightlight:  pkill -9 update-manager17:38
ubuntusageNightlight:  sudo pkill -9 update-manager17:38
Guest8902010.10 is installed was running it all yesterday this am didnt start saw the list the newest last #s were35 down to 22 i think each had recovery under it with that # it wont run17:38
sacarlsonNightlight: you as a scary point at this time between two versions17:38
Guest89020so im on live disk to get help to make it run17:38
Nightlightperfect, ubuntusage, ill try the suggestions now17:38
geegeegeeWill this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/129740 work in Ubuntu 10.10?17:38
Nightlightsacarlson I know :( I read quite a bit on the forums before coming here17:38
sacarlsonNightlight: you are at a scary point17:38
paulus68is it possible to set up a ssh socks 5 proxy using 2 different servers? nomally I connect to my server and set it up to use ssh socks proxy, is there a way to add a 2nd server to avoid that this connection is traced?17:39
pozicWhy does file-roller take GBs of memory to put a directory in a tar.gz file?17:39
pozicSure, it is a big directory, but can't it run in constant space?17:39
el_copteri booted up ubuntu 10.10 from a cd, and selected TRY ubuntu. I want to install and use wipe (from wipe.sourceforge.net) ... could you direct me a bit on how to accomplish this ??17:39
cosgrovebhow do i know wether or not my kernel is configured with uinput support?17:39
botcitysitalkas: depends on what you want to do!  you can control the remote box as if your there17:40
Nightlightok I replaced all the mavericks with lucid in sources.list and successfully ran apt-get update17:40
Nightlightshall I attempt a distro upgrade now?17:40
ubuntusageNightlight:  congrats ;) yes give a try17:41
=== nick is now known as Guest24131
prodigelhi all. I'm having problems connecting to one server, I get No route to host. The strange thing is that pinging the same server I get response...17:41
staszek20hi! i have problem with access rights17:41
prodigelIs it from my computer/provider?17:41
ubuntusage prodigel:  with SSH?17:42
sitalkasbotcity: i'd like to do sth like that. because netbook has small CPU power, i'd like to connect to my desktop and use my programms and all from there17:42
prodigelubuntu, http/wget17:42
sitalkasbotcity: so i'd like to be able to open programs + file transfering17:42
Bushman16:50:02 < compdoc> Bushman, sheese - thats the entire log. what are wee supposed to be looking for?17:42
staszek20I get information that "ErrorException [ 2 ]: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied ~ SYSPATH/classes/kohana/log/file.php [ 55 ] "17:42
ubuntusageprodigel:  gimme the exact command17:42
prodigelubuntu, wget aqiba.net17:43
compdocIm waiting for them to sell a large pad that can remote to my desktop17:43
=== Guest24131 is now known as rothnic
Bushmancompdoc: i'm not a dmesg guru but i would start from the end17:43
sitalkasprodigel: make sure the ports of the host are open17:43
Guest89020brb need coffee17:43
magicianlordWill Ubuntu 11.04 feature significant improvements to power management and speed?17:43
compdocBushman, are you having a problem?17:43
fmax30How do i turn Direct rendering on using the default drivers of ubuntu17:44
Bushmanyes, a major problem17:44
paulus68is it possible to set up a ssh socks 5 proxy using 2 different servers? nomally I connect to my server and set it up to use ssh socks proxy, is there a way to add a 2nd server to avoid that this connection is traced?17:44
Bushmanwich if not my touchpad would disable me from using the computer comforttably17:44
djzni will hate unity17:44
ubuntusageprodigel:  http://aqiba.net/ loads for you?17:44
Nightlighthmm calculating the changes that need to be done17:45
Bushmancompdoc: the problems is the bluetooth is dying every few seconds taking the mouse down on the way17:45
compdocOh, the bluetooth failures17:45
NightlightI have my fingers crossed... if it can get past this step, itll be fine17:45
prodigelubuntu, no17:45
Bushmancompdoc: that's why i've posted the dmesg17:45
djzni mean... why...  why this17:45
ubuntusageprodigel:  as long as the site is unavailable, it will not allow u to listen on port 80 thereby preventing wget17:45
compdocBushman, yeah, I missed the connection - sorry17:46
prodigelubuntu, I'm starting to suspect the firewall ...17:46
magicianlordWhat is the Ubuntu equivalent of the Mac OSX doc?17:46
prodigelubuntusage, I'm suspecting the firewall now ...17:46
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
jimcooncatpaulus68, connect to first server with a port forwarding command -- then ssh to your socks server through the forwarded port17:46
ubuntusageprodigel:  neither loads for me, so its their end I guess17:46
el_copteri booted up ubuntu 10.10 from a cd, and selected TRY ubuntu. I want to install and use wipe (from wipe.sourceforge.net) ... could you direct me a bit on how to accomplish this ??17:47
Bushmancompdoc: happens on this overpopulated help channel :P17:47
prodigelubuntusage, thanks for trying. I'll get in touch with them17:47
botcitysitalkas: yep i like doing that too but there are limitations!  bandwidth etc.17:47
Bushmancompdoc: my oryginal question was "did anyone had similar problem to mine? i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes"17:47
Nightlightoh no ubuntu sage, I got the same error but with more words this time17:48
JNZDoes anyone else have a problem with making a keyboard shortcut for opening a terminal? It seems ctrl  + esc doesn't work on anything above Ubuntu 9.0117:48
sitalkasbotcity: so i can transfer files with filezila. can i run applications with ssh?17:48
ubuntusageNightlight: paste it here :(17:48
paulus68jimcoonat: do you know the specific command for this? or a howto?17:48
needlezel_copter: ok, put the cd and select install to install it, then if you want a tool to wipe files go into synaptic and type wipe should bring up lots of programs that can do same thing17:48
BushmanJNZ: shortcut?? let me see17:48
staszek20I have problem with access right, when i open website 'localhost' , i see "ErrorException [ 2 ]: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied ~ SYSPATH/classes/kohana/log/file.php [ 55 ] "17:48
Nightlight:( I paste binned it http://paste.ubuntu.com/554801/17:48
magicianlordwhat are the defaul keyboard shortcuts for resizing windows in Openbox?17:48
bullgard4'~$ iwconfig; eth1: Access Point: Not-Associated.' I habe comilied in the acerhk module and could access my access point. Today I cannot. How to start troubleshooting?17:49
bullgard4'~$ iwconfig; eth1: Access Point: Not-Associated.' I habe compilied in the acerhk module and could access my access point. Today I cannot. How to start troubleshooting?17:49
techbreakdell ubuntu studio 15.. monitor display is totally blurred... :( :( nothing is proper... any suggestion ?17:49
tholashi, since installing the nvidia drivers i've lost the splash screen and the resolution of virtual terminals has decreased. is there any way to fix this? e.g. loading vesa(?) drivers until i log into the system?17:49
BushmanJNZ: what's wrong with Ctrl + Alt + T ?17:49
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:49
JNZBushman: What's wrong with ctrl + esc?17:50
needlezel_copter: if you want to use that exact package go to this site http://sourceforge.net/projects/wipe/files/17:50
needlezdownload the .tar.bz2 package and compile it17:50
chrome_how do I forward an external ip to an internal ip, with iptables??17:50
BushmanJNZ: well, aparently there is something wrong with it cause it does not work here either :P17:50
JNZIt works on anything <= Ubuntu 9.0117:51
techbreakanybody could help me with my messed up display ? cant even see anything..17:51
el_copterneedlez: compile ? please explain17:51
JNZBut nothing later than that, which is silly.17:51
dusfbassliner: checking now17:51
JNZSo now I'm stuck using Ctrl + `17:51
ubuntusageNightlight: weired, have a look into http://askubuntu.com/questions/13911/upgrading-10-04lts-10-10-using-custom-sources17:51
BushmanJNZ: report a bug17:51
JNZBushman: Too lazy, I'd rather whine about it here.17:51
JNZ(It's already reported in numerous places)17:51
botcitysitalkas:  yep there was a program called xnest that aloud you to have a remote desktop in a window on your desktop but i think it is a different program now17:51
Nightlightubuntusage: I'll give it a shot!17:52
el_copterneedlez, i got the archive, and i extracted it ..17:52
dusfbassliner: yes, tor has an entry in /etc/init.d/, will i just remove it to stop tor loading upon boot?17:52
needlezel_copter: in there it should have an install file that explains what to do17:53
needlezother then that not sure17:53
Nece228how to add locales in ubuntu 10.10?17:53
ubuntusageNightlight:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/49221517:53
BushmanJNZ: aparently there's something with the esc17:53
BushmanJNZ: does not work in any combination17:54
el_copterneedlez,  ./configure; make install_home        <-- all in the same line ?17:54
Guest89020im back17:54
ubuntusageel_copter:   ';' will seperate two comands17:54
needlezel_copter: the ; means two different commands17:55
Nightlightubuntusage: so I should try to reinstall ubuntu-desktop manually?17:55
techbreakanybody could help me with my display ?17:55
Craigwellalright, ubuntu 10.04 is telling me harddrive on this box is about to have imminent failure17:55
needlezel_copter: ./configure17:55
Craigwelli am backing up,17:55
needlezel_copter: make install17:55
needlezthat should be it17:55
Craigwellcopying partitions to another drive with gparted17:55
Nightlightoh wait, it claims it is not even installed17:55
Guest89020ubuntusage would maken a kernal just for what i got fix me not getting on if so how?17:56
Craigwellis this the best way for me to backup??17:56
el_copterthere is an install error ...17:56
needlezel_copter: what is the install error say??17:56
Guest89020hi needlez17:56
dusfcan anyone tell me if remove tor's entry from /etc/init.d/ is the correct way to stop it loading upon boot?17:56
Craigwelli.e. is this the way to do it to avoid reinstalling OS on a new hard drive?17:56
needlezGuest89020: hi17:57
Bushman[BLUETOOTH] i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes. here's the last few lines of dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/uQh5nN1q17:57
Craigwellor will i have to do that regardless?17:57
el_coptercannot move `./wipe' to `home/ubuntu/bin/wipe'17:57
needlezel_copter: try running the commands as root17:57
needlezel_copter: sudo su17:58
ubuntusageNightlight:  maybe you could install it and try again? I am unsure of this17:58
yeatsCraigwell: your best bet is to back up your /home and /etc directories to something external (and external to the new drive) so that you can reinstall and move everything (or important things) back over17:58
needlezel_copter: that should put you into root mode then type those commands and you should be good17:58
Nightlightubuntusage: Yeah, that's what I am trying. Apparently I just installed ubuntu-desktop manually and now I am trying the upgrade17:58
botcityJNZ: you can set up your own shorcuts  anything you like !17:58
Craigwellyeats: i have partitions for / and /home,17:58
JNZbotcity: No, you can't.17:58
needlezel_copter if not give me a few min and ill write you a dpkg file for it but it might take some time17:59
el_coptero0 .. checking folder...17:59
yeatsCraigwell: on the new drive?17:59
Craigwellif i copy them to a new drive via gparted live cd,17:59
JNZbotcity:  Combining escape with anything makes it not work.17:59
Craigwellwill that drive then boot the system>17:59
Bushmanneedlez: i'm not sure if telling a guy who does not know how to do it, to run commands as root is safe XD17:59
jsecHi all. I've got an interesting issue. I experimented with the fglrx driver for my MSI netbook, but decided against it and removed the driver. Now, when my computer boots up it doesn't display a background image, and when I select a background image in Appearance, it shows up for 5 seconds, disappears again, and then I get a bunch of "Starting File Manager" windows flooding my bottom panel. Any ideas how I can get a wallpaper bac17:59
magicianlordHow do you set the defaul window size for lxterminal?17:59
Craigwellyes, on external drive17:59
Craigwellwhich the system can boot from17:59
ubuntusage lxterminal: maybe from profiles?17:59
el_copterorr, umm... needlez .. please where would the installed app go now ?17:59
needlezBushman: true that but i mean whats the worst... oh wait system failure...lol17:59
botcityJNZ:   oh    ok!17:59
Bushmanbotcity: JNZ is right, does not work here too17:59
JabberWalkieanyone know of a good linux program that can view afm data files?18:00
magicianlordi'll need to research profiles then18:00
needlezel_copter: if the program installed you can run it from terminal18:00
Bushmanneedlez: yea, that's not a problem... well, atleast not our problem lol18:00
yeatsCraigwell: probably not... make sure all of your /home and /etc data are saved in your new /home partition, and tell the new ubuntu to use the partition as /home and NOT to format it18:00
needlezel_copter: exit from root with exit18:00
el_copterok...something related to it is on screen :) !18:00
needlezBushman: exactly...lol i think he knows enough of what he's doing18:00
Bushmanneedlez: hopefully18:01
Bushmanbut i don't know what to do18:01
needlezBushman: yes hopefully18:01
el_copterthanks needlez ... 10x 10x18:01
yeatsCraigwell: also, you can take this opportunity to come up with a sane backup strategy for yourself so that future "events" like this are easily recoverable ;-)18:01
Bushmanno, seriously, i know a shit about bluetooth or USB drivers18:01
needlezBushman: do you have any experience with bash scripts??18:01
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needlezel_copter: your welcome np18:01
Bushmanit just dies, all i know18:02
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ivanoquale e' il canale di ubuntu italiano?18:02
botcityJNZ:  yeah how weird!!18:02
Bushmanneedlez: well, i used some of them and modified one or two so "any" is a good word18:02
jsec!it | ivano18:02
ubottuivano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:02
IdleOneBushman: Please keep the language clean.18:02
BushmanIdleOne: yea yea, sorry18:03
chrome_How can I forward all traffic to one external IP to my webserver with an internal ip?18:03
Bushmanwait, are you a bot?18:03
Craigwellyeats: ok, i think i understand: when installing ubuntu onto new drive, at the partition manager, i can select my backed up /home partition, and tell the install to use that as /home for the fresh install.. is that right?18:03
Nightlightubuntusage: Im sorry this is proving so troublesome. Now it says that it cannot mark ubuntu-desktop for upgrade18:03
IdleOneI am, or am I. even if I was the rule still applies :)18:03
yeatsCraigwell: right18:03
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el_copterneedlez :))18:03
Craigwelland a new / is installed from the install disc..18:03
BushmanIdleOne: ok, you'r not. now i can talk to you :P18:03
needlezBushman: wondering if theres a way for me to get mencoder to get the time of a movie playing and convert it to seconds automatically in a script that already tells totem to close after that time and then to suspend. have it all written up except for the mencoder part18:03
BiCoBoZhello guys18:03
yeatsCraigwell: correct18:03
Bushmancause i don't like to chat with mindles machines18:03
=== Guest3261 is now known as B_Z
ubuntusageNightlight:  I was wondering how marverick entries gt into lucid sources.list? u modified hem?18:04
Craigwellyeats: i appreciate your help, can you bear with me for a couple more questions?18:04
BiCoBoZknow this is not the place ... but I wonder what they think about the new AMD Fusion?18:04
pozicBushman: interesting philosophical statement ;)18:04
yeatssure - I may be up and down, but I'll watch for your replies.  (Make sure to keep addressing me with my nick ;-) )18:04
Bushmanneedlez: sorry, can't help you, i'm a noob in this field18:04
IdleOneBushman: if you feel like chatting you are welcome to come to #ubuntu-offtopic. We try to keep this channel Support only and family friendly.18:05
Nightlightubuntusage: I honestly never modified anything, but there was a partial upgrade once for somereason18:05
Bushmanpozic: isn't it? ;] XD18:05
needlezBushman: its ok np18:05
BiCoBoZknow this is not the place ... but I wonder what they think about the new AMD Fusion?18:05
magicianlorddoes libnotify need to be installed alongside xfce4-notifyd?18:05
BushmanIdleOne: i'm a whole family. my family wants to use the PC, the mouse is dying. HELP PLEASE!18:05
BiCoBoZknow this is not the place ... but I wonder what they think about the new AMD Fusion?18:06
magicianlordBiCoBoZ: good18:06
Bushmanwhen i'm done killing the bluetooth dongle i'll go #ubuntu-offtopic18:06
ubuntusageNightlight:  I guess it messed with and some version conflists. So what I would do here is replace lucid back to marverik in sources.list and then run sudo apt-get update18:06
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paulus68jimcoonat: do you know the specific command for this? or a howto?18:06
BiCoBoZmagicianlord, so, do you think it is better to buy a cpu and doque a vga?18:07
ubuntusageNightlight: the partial upgrade was incomplete I guess18:07
magicianlordBiCoBoZ: you mean not buy a gpu card?18:07
BushmanIdleOne: want me to re-state the original question or you'r idle anyway?18:07
AscavasaionI am trying ro run xorg freeBSD 7.2-RELEASE.  I ran Xorg -configure but I cannot locate the Xorg.conf.new file the FreeBSD handbook tells me to use.  I presume that Xorg is the same across all nix platforms.  Any ideas/18:07
IdleOneBushman: sure but I don't have any experience with bluetooth18:07
Roasted_Do netbooks tend to suck with video playback? Im on 10.10 playing an AVI I have saved and every 20 seconds I hear a halfsecond STOP of all audio.18:07
Craigwellyeats: my failing drive has the following partitions: sda1 is an NTFS partition I use for virtualbox (XP), sda2 is my 10.04 / partition. sda3 is my /home partition. sda4 is an extended "container for logical paritions", within which is sda5 which is a FAT32 partition common to both Ubuntu and my virtualbox XP.18:08
BushmanIdleOne: how bout USB?18:08
BushmanIdleOne: anyway...18:08
norm_if you are willing I have a dopey ??? (not computer smart)18:08
magicianlordRoasted_: video playback on netbooks is limited primarily by tghe weak atom cpu18:08
erUSULAscavasaion: ask in a freebsd channel18:08
Craigwellalso in there is sda6, my swap18:08
BushmanIdleOne: i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes. here's the last few lines of dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/uQh5nN1q18:08
BiCoBoZmagicianlord, for games, the fusion is a good option?18:08
Roasted_my proc is barely moving magicianlord18:08
mlmg317-himtsOK.  So I just upgraded to Natty Narwhal.  Now - when I try to run "sudo freshclam" in Terminal - it tells me freshclam.log is locked by another process - and that there is a problem with the internal logger.  How do I fix this?18:08
Nightlightubuntusage: Alright I did that, time to try again :T18:08
aeon-ltd!ubuntu+1 | mlmg317-himts18:09
ubottumlmg317-himts: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+118:09
AscavasaionerUSUL: #freebsd is invite only.18:09
norm_anyone able to tell me where my windows programs went when i installed ubuntu?18:09
magicianlordBiCoBoZ: for older games and some new one. it's better than nvidia's integrated graphcis, but if you want real speed, you still need a separate video card. i dont need morethan basic acceleration for linux though18:09
BiCoBoZmagicianlord, for games, the fusion is a good option?18:09
yeatsCraigwell: it would probably be easier for you to go ahead and install ubuntu on the new drive, then move everything over from there18:09
schnuffleAscavasaion: you can create xorg.con with Xorg -config18:09
aeon-ltdnorm_: did you dualboot or use wubi?18:09
erUSULAscavasaion: maybe you need to be registered ask in #freenode. anyway we can not help with freebsd issues here18:09
yeatsCraigwell: rather than trying to figure out which partition is which18:09
ubuntusagenorm_:  are u sure u installed ubuntu is installed on a separete partition ;)18:09
plasticali mount smb resource with skript // /media/smb -o guest,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,iocharset=utf8,directio,mapchars,sec=none. It mounts ok but after coping file error Permission denied(13) occurs, but!! file is uploaded ok!!! Help pls!! How to solve this strange thing??!18:09
norm_i thats too clever for me, i downloaded to disc then installed from that18:09
JNZbotcity: I thought so too :)18:10
bluezonehummmm, does anyone recall how to modify grub? i need to get it to realize i have another os on this drive...18:10
Craigwellyeats: i have this arrangement to accomodate simply accounting for my business, as well as itunes for my iphone. much of it is business related.18:10
Ascavasaionschnuffle: It does not work, I cnanot find the xorg.conf.new file.18:10
IanWizardhey, long time no see.18:10
norm_nope not certain of anything lol, but i need my email etc18:10
mlmg317-himtsubottu: OK - so I how do I revert back to the Maverick Meerkat?18:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:10
AscavasaionerUSUL: thanks for being so helpful.18:10
IdleOneBushman: like I said not familiar with bluetooth but make sure it is plugged in properly and that it isn't getting loose somehow to start with. besides that I really don't know what else to suggest.18:10
botcityRoasted: depends whats in your netbook hardware wise! i use 10.10 and no problem with 720p18:10
yeatsCraigwell: the data is what matters - the partitioning scheme can be recreated on the new drive18:10
erUSULAscavasaion: X tells you where it saved the xorg.conf file when it ends ( home forlder of the user that run it )18:10
Craigwellyeats: do you think there is a better way to achieve the same results with a new drive, or simply duplicate partition structure on new drivce?18:10
xanguamlmg317-himts: full reinstall18:10
IanWizardI was talking to FloodBot1 apparently...18:11
BushmanIdleOne: well, 20 years in computers exclude me from "maybe something's lose" group18:11
yeatsCraigwell: if you like the way you have it now, just recreate the same scheme18:11
norm_all i need is my email and my documents18:11
Roasted_magicianlord, it may just be VLC18:11
Roasted_magicianlord, movie player is playing thw AVIs with zero issue......18:11
mlmg317-himtsxangua: Oh man - that is not what I wanted to hear ...18:11
Roasted_sucks, cause I love VLC18:11
BiCoBoZmagicianlord, maybe in the next generation of fusion, they may be stronger18:11
BushmanIdleOne: but thanks for the tip :P18:11
aeon-ltdmlmg317-himts: your going to have to uninstall/reinstall, downgrading is HIGHLY not reccommmended for anyone18:11
IdleOneBushman: :)18:11
IanWizardI've been told that there's a differance between initrd, initram, and ramdisk.  Is this true?18:11
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:11
mlmg317-himtsxangua: But oh well ... maybe I can put up with Natty Narwhal, then.  Geez ...18:11
BushmanIdleOne: it's already set up18:11
IdleOneBushman: see the above link from ubottu, might have some usefull info18:12
magicianlordRoasted_: sometimes vlc has issues on linux. i use it primarily though, regardless, because its's awesome.18:12
Bushmanand it does work18:12
norm_ok, guess I;m beyond help but thanks anyway18:12
Bushmanjust the USB dongle dies18:12
bluezonehummmm, does anyone recall how to modify grub? i need to get it to realize i have another os on this drive...18:12
efixcan someone please help me put GRUB back? Vista erased it... all online tutorials are not working...18:12
xanguanorm_:  if you say so18:12
Roasted_magicianlord, I wonder if vlc is just a bit more tempermental to hardware horsepower and processing with lower end computers.18:12
IdleOneBushman: assuming you tried a different port?18:12
Roasted_magicianlord, because VLC works fantastic on my desktop18:12
xangua!grub2 | efix18:12
ubottuefix: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:12
Craigwellyeats: last question, if i use a drive that already has data on it (my backed up FAT32 partition) Ubuntu will leave it alone on install if I tell it to?18:12
Roasted_magicianlord, but this netbook is far from a quad core with some extra ram18:12
BushmanIdleOne: all 4 of them18:12
BlueBomber7efix: Did you try grub-install?18:12
magicianlordRoasted_: im not sure. i notice it's also smoother on a less resource intensive linux distro on a netbook18:13
yeatsCraigwell: if it is on a separate partition, yes18:13
Guest89020needlez:  ya got a sec?18:13
Roasted_magicianlord, wait, you notice VLC is smoother on a netbook?18:13
magicianlordi have no issues with vlc 1.1.5 on arch linux, on netbook with 512mb ram and 1.6 ghz atom (original one)18:13
magicianlordRoasted_: smoothe on a distro other than the default gnome ubuntu18:13
needlezGuest89020: yes18:14
Roasted_magicianlord, I find it hard to believe that the regular ubuntu would be an issue. this thing barely takes up 200mb of ram to run...18:14
Craigwellyeats: ok, i have the right knowledge to proceed! Thank you very much for the help18:14
Roasted_magicianlord, it might not be puppy, but its far from fat.18:14
Guest89020can ya pm me i need help18:14
Guest89020i cant keep up in here18:14
aeon-ltdmagicianlord: archlinux is much more barebones than stock ubuntu so its more likely you'd see these huge differences, i noticed the same about flash when i switched18:14
magicianlordRoasted_: might be kernel or other differences18:14
magicianlordaeon-ltd: es18:15
Roasted_magicianlord, ironically I just installed a new kernel, rebooted, and no difference. :P18:15
Craigwellyeats: as for a better back up strategy for the future, anything you might suggest?? i have just been using gparted live cd occasionally to copy partitions to external usb drives18:15
magicianlordRoasted_: depends on kernel18:15
magicianlord2.6.35 and up seems smoother18:15
magicianlordalso, video drivers matter18:15
Roasted_Im on .3518:15
Nightlighteh what happened18:15
Nightlightupdate manager crashed?18:15
bluezonehummmm, does anyone recall how to modify grub? i need to get it to realize i have another os on this drive...18:16
yeatsCraigwell: you're welcome18:16
Nightlightubuntusage: when I run update manager, it says to do a partial upgrade but still gives the option to upgrade to 10.1018:16
ubuntusageNightlight:  give a try to upgrade to 10.10 ;)18:17
Nightlightubuntusage: Now I have maverick repos too... I guess this must have happened last time18:17
aeon-ltdbluezone: it should usually autodetect if your using grub2 but if not its grub.cfg18:17
* Neglacio loves ubuntu18:17
NeglacioYou can screw it18:17
NeglacioAnd fix it anyways18:17
yeatsCraigwell: I use rsync to copy my /home and /etc to an external drive < rsync -av [original dir] [backup dir] >18:17
erUSULbluezone: os-prober should notice the new os... tried « sudo update-grub » already ?18:17
magicianlordi use ubuntu 10.10 64-bit gnome on my desktop, and arch on my netbook18:17
NeglacioNow getting my touchpad working :)18:17
=== RobBeane_ is now known as eXistZ
magicianlordi am very satisfied iwth 10.10 thus far, nvidia gpu18:18
Goliathhey help18:18
Goliathwhat is folder .mailcup for?18:18
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Bushmanfor 2 mails 1 cup18:18
bluezoneerUSUL, no, but i recall i told the ALT cd to use grub as the master loader or whatever, since it failed to detect my windows parition18:18
Goliathi have a video in my hdd18:18
Goliath2 girls 1 cup18:18
Goliathnever watched it18:19
BushmanGoliath: and don't, not worth it18:19
* Goliath is watching it right now18:19
aeon-ltdGoliath: the scaring lasts for about a week, then meh like everything else18:19
BushmanGoliath: did you google this .mailcup?18:19
erUSULbluezone: sudo apt-get install os-prober18:19
Goliathaeon-ltd: scaring of what?18:19
bluezoneerUSUL, already installed18:20
Craigwellyeats: ok, thanks again. (done for real this time).18:20
aeon-ltdGoliath: scarring/scaring, the video18:20
erUSULbluezone: where is windows installed?18:20
BushmanIdleOne: i have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes. here's the last few lines of dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/uQh5nN1q18:20
FloodBot4Bushman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
bluezoneerUSUL, i belive i am soposed to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst but there is nothing in that file (theres the problem) i don't even get a menu18:20
BushmanIdleOne: sorry18:20
bluezoneerUSUL, on the same harddrive18:20
erUSULbluezone: that was back in grub1 days18:21
Goliathaeon-ltd: well i have actually watched it18:21
Goliathaeon-ltd: to be honest i found the blonde sexy18:21
bluezoneerUSUL, but how do you explain why there is nothing in the menu.lst18:21
ubuntusageDoes anyone have multitouch pad enabled on your laptop running  Ubuntu?18:21
aeon-ltdGoliath: WHATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... we're going offtopic anyways18:21
erUSULbluezone: to get the menu press shift during boot18:21
erUSULbluezone: the new file is /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:21
bluezoneerUSUL, spam or hold?18:21
erUSUL!grub2 | bluezone18:21
ubottubluezone: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:21
Bushmanubuntusage: i do have it but don't use it18:21
Goliathaeon-ltd: i thought the girls were hot18:21
Goliathaeon-ltd: dirty but still sexy18:22
Bushmani can switch to two finger scrolling but it's annoying18:22
ubuntusageBushman: what u did to enable it? just want to see it working, got it on win 7 ;)18:22
aeon-ltdGoliath: what?! faecal matter = new hot?18:22
erUSULbluezone: i do not think it makes a difference...18:22
Goliathaeon-ltd: no18:22
bluezoneerUSUL, okay let me try18:22
Goliathaeon-ltd: i am only talking about the girls18:22
aeon-ltdGoliath: meh, lets stop there18:23
erUSULbluezone: or you can edit /etc/default/grub and comment out the variables that had HIDDEN in the name18:23
spidernethay  evry 1 what is this file format is 9914.rb18:23
erUSULbluezone: then run « sudo update-grub » and that way the menu will allways appear18:23
Bushmanubuntusage: well, go to preferences/mouse> touchpad tab18:23
Nightlightubuntusage: same errors. :( I wonder what more I can do18:24
Bushmanubuntusage: switch to "two-finger scrolling"18:24
aeon-ltdspidernet: ruby18:24
ubuntusageBushman: er  "two-finger scrolling" is unavailable :(18:24
amikropHello, how can I uninstall Veetle?18:24
ubuntusageNightlight:  :( tried partial upgrade too?18:24
Bushmanubuntusage: then the driver is borked or you have a non-multitouch touchpad18:25
aeon-ltdamikrop: if you installed it with synaptics it can be uninstalled with synnaptics18:25
spidernetgreetz aeon-ltd18:25
Bushmanubuntusage: i assume you have a MT touchpad so it must be the driver then18:25
ubuntusageBushman:  i do have multitouch on win 7 on same laptop18:25
Nightlightubuntusage: Yeah... same thing :(18:25
Bushmanubuntusage: try to update it to some beta18:25
amikropaeon-ltd: no, it was not available as a package, so I installed it from an sh script I found in their website18:25
C3D<<<HELP>>> :P18:26
Bushmanubuntusage: i have 10.04 and it works here out of the box18:26
aeon-ltdamikrop: then they should supply a uninstall script18:26
ubuntusageBushman:  umm 10.10, I belive I could wait for some more time , for 11.0418:26
amikropaeon-ltd: they didn't :S18:26
Courzi accidently cdisabled my menu bar in mirc how to enable it?18:27
bluezoneerUSUL, no luck18:27
Courzi accidently cdisabled my menu bar in mirc how to enable it?18:27
ubuntusageNightlight: okay, can I confirm that u have marverick on sources.list now?18:27
bluezoneerUSUL, shift did not work18:27
aeon-ltdCourz: mirc for windows? ask in #windows or #mirc18:27
erUSULbluezone: edit /etc/default/grub then18:27
Nightlightubuntusage: Yes, they are there18:27
Bushmanubuntusage: in that case your tochpad is not supported by this driver yet18:28
g11992please help, i want  to install ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition through usb flash drive, i have windows 7 already installed. i wish to try ubuntu, so i selected advanced options and created 2 partitions -primary (50gb and 140gb)and i tried to install in 50 gb but an error message is coming that NO ROOT SYSTEM IS DEFINED18:28
Bushmanubuntusage: try to google something about your touchpad model18:28
ubuntusageNightlight:  apt-get autoremove then try apt-get update18:28
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aeon-ltdg11992: you define that during the install, read the options carefully18:28
ubuntusageBushman:  toshiba s**ks when it is Linux :(18:29
bluezoneerUSUL, GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true, are both uncommented, do i comment them?18:29
aeon-ltdbluezone: delete the # preceding it18:29
erUSULbluezone: yes; then run « sudo update-grub »18:29
bluezoneaeon-ltd, there is not # preceding it18:29
aeon-ltdbluezone: place a # then18:29
bluezoneaeon-ltd, okay18:29
sacarlsonNightlight: did you update all your installed apps before upgrade as stated in standard practice? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:29
ubuntusageNightlight:  apt-get clean all before apt-get update18:30
aeon-ltdloicbidcactus: hi18:30
loicbidcactusI'm interested in centos, but no one seems to be on #centos atm :/18:30
loicbidcactuseven tho there are hundreds of people in there18:30
g11992aeon-ltd:sorry, i cant get it ..little more help please..18:30
C3DNeed some help! I used ndiswrapper to install my wireless card but i have to redo it everytime i restart. The commands i use to restart are sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, then verify with iwconfig. how to i get it to automatically do this18:30
Nightlightsacarlson: Indeed I did, this is the first time im running into such a problem18:30
gobbeloicbidcactus: well....as you might know this channel is for ubuntu :)18:30
aeon-ltdloicbidcactus: its still not the place to ask here, ask a question in the forums18:30
lonejackHi, I've some doubts regarding correctness of my /etc/hosts. Can anybody help me? This is the pastebin of my file: http://pastebin.com/pkhLwmRQ. In general, is it allowed multiple insertion on the same IP. Thank you...18:30
loicbidcactuskay thx :]18:30
Nightlightubuntusage: autoremove didnt do anything, but I ran the other commands18:30
aeon-ltdg11992: just follow the installer carefully ask anything you don't know here to the channel18:31
spidernethow is a user of metasploit in hier18:31
xanguaC3D: just install ndisgtk (visual interface) and go to system>administration menu ; open ndisgtk and select the .inf file18:31
bluezoneerUSUL, aeon-ltd, brb18:31
erUSULC3D: « echo "ndiswrapper" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules »18:32
Bushmani have a bluetooth mouse and since i've started to use it the bluetooth dongle dies on me every few seconds/minutes taking the mouse down on the way. here's the last few lines of dmesg: http://bushman.pastebin.com/uQh5nN1q18:32
ubuntusageNightlight: maybe I am helpless now :(18:32
aeon-ltdbluezone: if you can't tab complete the name then no18:32
Nightlightubuntusage: thanks for your help anyways :( it seems like quite a doozy18:33
spidernetbluethoot mouses are bad18:33
ed-burgerHello, I'm having usb automounting problems - does someone have time to help out?18:33
spidernetuse usb 118:33
dabukalam!ask | ed-burger18:33
ubottued-burger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:33
bluezoneaeon-ltd, erUSUL, well according to the menu, i no longer have windows installed...18:33
Stavahow can i force unmount a device and stop all file operations on it? My file transfers wont shut down and i cant unmount the device :(18:34
ubuntusagem off for now, bye18:34
tgp1994Does anyone know why update-grub is installing duplicate entries of my kernel (latest one available for maverick, 35-24, isn't it?), and I don't know how to remove the duplicate. Can anyone help?18:34
aeon-ltdbluezone: what do the partition tables say?18:34
bluezoneaeon-ltd, erUSUL is there any way to check if i accidentally formated it? fml i hate complicated formatting partitions18:34
erUSULbluezone: maybe os-prober does not find it for some odd reason. you can add a manual entry for it18:34
bluezoneerUSUL, hmm18:34
xanguahow to controll mouse with the number keys¿18:34
erUSULbluezone: just mount the windows partition and take a look;18:35
g11992aeon-ltd: yes, i did. but there is no specification of which format should be given to the partition for installing the os, please tell me the required format of partition for installing ubuntu and why do i receive error message18:35
ed-burgerok. Usb storage devices are not mounting. The only lead I have is that usb-storage says "waiting for device to settle before scanning" ?18:35
bluezoneerUSUL, how would i mount it18:35
bluezoneerUSUL, it does not appear in places either :(18:35
erUSULbluezone: Places>Computer  ( should be there to double click on it )18:35
bluezoneerUSUL, that is not good18:36
aeon-ltdg11992: format as in file system? ext4 should be fine18:36
erUSULbluezone: take a look with gparted...18:36
bluezoneerUSUL, okay18:36
ShawnI need help.  I run a couple of machines 24/7 using the BOINC application to do distributed computing work for einstein at home (I don't know that that's relevant.  My computer freezes up between 45 minutes and 2 hours after I stop actively using the computer.  This started when I started using a quad-core processor @ 2.66Ghz.  Due to heat issues, I run it in powersave mode @2Ghz.  I disabled sceen lock so that I could see the diagnostics (hardware monitoring a18:36
* bluezone hopes he didn't accidentally format 180gb of data lol18:37
alphaThe envelope (I think it is) that is in the system tray (next to the clock, etc) which allows you to check your email, open a chat client and so on has gone. How do I get it back?18:37
g11992aeon -ltd: i did the same. but still i receive error message that NO ROOT SYSTEM IS DEFINED18:37
bluezoneerUSUL, 0.o18:37
erUSULalpha: right click on the panel choose add to panel. look for the indiocators applet or the me menu or something like that18:38
bluezoneerUSUL, i dont know i can't really make sense of this ill send you a screenshot18:38
tgp1994Shawn: What's the problem?18:38
alphaerUSUL, thanks.18:39
g11992aeon-ltd: i dont want to erase windows 7. i want to run both.18:39
erUSULbluezone: do « sudo parted /dev/sda print » and pastebin it ...18:40
erUSUL!screenshot | bluezone18:40
ubottubluezone: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.18:40
aeon-ltdg11992: mount point should be /18:40
bluezoneerUSUL, http://img52.imageshack.us/i/screenshotnvj.png/18:40
aeon-ltdg11992: and it should be a primary partition not logical18:40
ed-burgerMy usb storage devices are not mounting. what should I do?18:40
hdon-found a bug in UnPlug on Ubuntu. from the UnPlug window, if any videos are listed with an enabled Download button, click the right side of it for a drop-down context menu. then click and hold on the bottom-most menu item, Configure, and try to drag the menu item a bit to the side. you will see you are dragging the video thumbnail. release the thumbnail over the "configure" item and then click "configure." you will be unable to move any wi18:41
hdon-ndows of any application, and alt+tab will change window order and window decoration appearance, but it will not change keyboard focus.18:41
xangua!dualboot | g1199218:41
ubottug11992: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:41
erUSULbluezone: i only see linux/ubuntu there ...18:41
g11992aeon-ltd: thank u, i will try it.18:41
* bluezone hangs himself18:41
erUSULbluezone: the ubuntu install ( root + swap ) spans the whole disk18:41
aeon-ltdg11992: next time if this problem is still there, a screenshot helps the helpers18:42
bluezonethats not possible, since when does the installation decide by itself to use the entire disk, when you tell it to use a 40 gb parition18:42
erUSUL~230 GiB18:42
erUSULdunno ...18:42
* bluezone still does not believe this18:42
bluezoneis there another way to analyse all the stuff on the hdd?18:43
saliaki need to resize my main partition.  i've done a livecd boot with gparted.  is the right process to : delete the swap partition(sda5), expand my main partition (sda2), then create a new swap partition?  do i need to edit anythign else?18:43
erUSULsaliak: you will have to readjust /etc/fstab to reflect the changed uuid's18:43
tgp1994Does anyone know why update-grub is installing duplicate entries of my kernel (latest one available for maverick, 35-24, isn't it?), and I don't know how to remove the duplicate. Can anyone help?18:43
erUSUL!uuid | saliak18:43
ubottusaliak: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:43
erUSULbluezone: "analyse all the stuff on the hdd" ?18:44
aeon-ltdsaliak: when you come to restore the swap, you need the new uuid in fstab so it knows what to mount at boot, then swapon the partition18:44
bluezoneerUSUL, all the data on the hdd, like overdisk or watever18:44
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erUSULbluezone: you want to attemp data recovery?18:44
bluezoneerUSUL, sure if that is possible18:45
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erUSUL!undelete | bluezone18:45
ubottubluezone: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:45
llahnahas anyone had problems after updating ubuntu netbook to 10.10? clicking on office, music, files & folders icons does nothing..18:45
[thor]hdon-: that must not be included in the default release, i cannot find it to replicate the problem.18:45
hdon-[thor], thanks for trying18:45
hdon-[thor], oh, you mean, you cannot find the package18:45
hdon-[thor], the package is a firefox addon18:45
insane_kangaroowhy can't one of the distros be named Krazy Kangaroo? :P18:46
hdon-[thor], but it appears to be a bug in ubuntu desktop drag-and-drop18:46
[thor]hdon-: yeah, maybe ask in #firefox18:46
aeon-ltdinsane_kangaroo: karmic koala, K is already filled18:46
erUSULinsane_kangaroo: letter k was karmic koala18:46
pompahi everyone. Can anyone explain me how to apply a patch from bugzilla?18:46
insane_kangaroov.v damn koalas, hogging all the glory18:46
erUSULinsane_kangaroo: survival of the cutest; like pandas XXDD18:47
fireboyMay sound stupid18:47
tgp1994Does anyone know why update-grub is installing duplicate entries of my kernel (latest one available for maverick, 35-24, isn't it?), and I don't know how to remove the duplicate. Can anyone help?18:47
aeon-ltdpompa: depends what the patch for, though usually its linked in a make file and it builds in during compilation18:47
* insane_kangaroo ragefages at erUSUL, "Are you saying kangaroos aren't cute?"18:47
fireboyHow the fuck to i press ok in the mscore fonts installer?18:47
erUSULtgp1994: the recovery mode is not exactly a duplicate ...18:47
aeon-ltd!language | fireboy18:48
ubottufireboy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:48
erUSULfireboy: press tab until ok is highlighted press enter18:48
tgp1994erUSUL: Not the recovery mode, but an exact duplicate of the regular boot and recovery modes are created.18:48
DavsankHi, I'd like to know if there's a way to customize the grub window (splash window or anything of the sort)18:48
insane_kangaroowait, how is a Warthog cute? >:/18:48
erUSULinsane_kangaroo: not as cute as a sleepy koala ;P18:48
magicianlordtgp1994: is there a way to back up the root partition to dvd and then restore it?18:48
insane_kangarooWarty Warthog18:48
aeon-ltdDavsank: i know burg can18:48
insane_kangaroothat isn't cute at all18:48
mister_mwhat are the differences between gnome and kde? are they interchangable with ubuntu?18:48
erUSULtgp1994: paste « ls -1 /boot/ »18:49
tgp1994magicianlord: How would that help?18:49
insane_kangarooit could've been Waskly Wallaby ;)18:49
xanguamister_m: you can use any desktop you want18:49
soreaufireboy: Try tab and enter18:49
aeon-ltdmister_m: they are Desktop ENvironments they run on top of the 'core' of ubuntu, they are just graphical layers18:49
tgp1994erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/mrL90Kx018:49
insane_kangarooerUSUL: when did the name thing start? >.>18:50
jetscreameri've installed  the restricted nvidia driver, but when i run jockey, it reports that the driver is activated, but not currently in use... how do i tell xorg to use it?18:50
mister_maeon-ltd, is one faster than the other?18:50
aeon-ltdDavsank: did you look up burg18:50
insane_kangaroo5.04 Hoary Hedgehog, 8.04 Hardy Heron18:50
fireboysoreau: Worked, i feel sheepish now :018:50
erUSULinsane_kangaroo: in the beggining18:50
aeon-ltdmister_m: gnome is lighter is terms of software footprint, and some would say faster but its only cutting it by about 10-20 mb worth of ram18:50
erUSULtgp1994: do not see anything wrong there ... :/ weird18:51
insane_kangarooerUSUL: when why can't there be a Kangaroo one? :P18:51
soreaufireboy: As you should. There is no reason to use language, especially for a question like that (youre welcome)18:51
aeon-ltdmister_m: if you wanna go lighter don't use DEs use Window Managers standalone18:51
erUSULtgp1994: paste the output of « sudo update-grub » ?18:51
jetscreameri've installed  the restricted nvidia driver, but when i run jockey, it reports that the driver is activated, but not currently in use... how do i tell xorg to use it?   maverick, sorry forgot the version18:51
tgp1994erUSUL: Would it help if I pasted an ls of /etc/grub.d?18:51
mister_maeon-ltd, DEs?18:51
NeglacioWhat's the equivalent of program files in ubuntu?18:51
aeon-ltdmister_m: dsektop environments18:51
xangua!repeat | jetscreamer18:51
ubottujetscreamer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:51
aeon-ltdNeglacio: /usr/bin18:51
erUSULinsane_kangaroo: well you can hope that the next time the k comes around it will be a koala18:51
xanguaNeglacio: equivalent of what¿18:51
jetscreamer!added information | xangua18:52
erUSUL!fhs | Neglacio18:52
ubottuNeglacio: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier18:52
mister_maeon-ltd, ok I see. I just have whatever comes by default, I'm trying to figure out what sort of options there are18:52
tgp1994erUSUL: Output of sudo update-grub: http://pastebin.com/eWrws7dp18:52
FrozenFireThe other evening, my younger sister's Ubuntu box lost power suddenly because of a storm and the power going out. Now, it won't boot. It hits a BusyBox shell and it doesn't appear that anything's being mounted.18:52
NeglacioThanks guys ;)18:52
FrozenFireShould I just reinstall it, or is there an easy fix? There's not much on the box, and I can access any data she wants to keep from a LiveCD during install.18:52
erUSULFrozenFire: can you boot a livecd on the machine? to see how the partitions on the disk are; check them if needed etc ...?18:53
aeon-ltdmister_m: DEs include, GNome kde, lubuntu(though its just 'openbox' as the WM and lxpanel as the panel, xfce18:53
tgp1994erUSUL: And here's the output of ls -l /etc/grub.d. Any more ideas? http://pastebin.com/SxLfvyPF18:53
erUSULFrozenFire: easy fix depends on what is the problem18:53
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FrozenFireerUSUL: Since it's hitting the BusyBox shell, I imagine that the root partition is fine. I'll boot a LiveCD and check each partition, but I think it's probably that some config file got corrupted.18:54
FrozenFireProbably the fstab18:54
tgp1994FrozenFire: Any errors popping up during the boot?18:54
bredotohi all! i don't know whether i have chosen a proper channel, but does anybody can provide me with an url or article about how can i configure vpn authentication through OpenLDAP server?18:54
soreauFrozenFire: Unless you have your heart set on tracking down the problem, Id say just reinstall and save yourself some headaches18:54
FrozenFiretgp1994: When it first booted, I think it did, but it's now just hitting the BusyBox shell18:54
FrozenFireSince it's just a sh instance, I can't scroll, and I don't see any log file being created.18:55
tgp1994FrozenFire: Interesting. Any disk checks come up?18:55
mister_maeon-ltd, and the desktop environments are not the same things as window managers18:55
erUSULFrozenFire: i would help to know what error makes grub or the kernel drop to busybox18:55
FrozenFiretgp1994: Nope. It actually hits the BB shell within seconds of turning the box on.18:55
FrozenFireBefore the screen actually initializes.18:55
erUSULtgp1994: grep: /etc/linuxmint/info: No such file or directory <<< i guess this error makes the script count the kernel twice18:55
aeon-ltdmister_m: they are similar but include a set of applications when installed, many consider this to be 'heavy' as opposed to the lightweightness of WMs18:56
FrozenFireI tried to pause the scrollback, but it was too fast.18:56
erUSULtgp1994: dunno anything about mint you may want to ask in the mint channel18:56
TNickHey can you tell me real quick how to skip over the grub menu in UBUNTU?18:56
tgp1994erUSUL: Oh, actually, I updated to maverick in part so I could get rid of mint.18:56
aeon-ltdTNick: edit the timeout in grub18:56
tgp1994erUSUL: update-grub is a script, right?18:56
TNickI did an install of Ubuntu & it booted without the grub menu options18:56
TNicknow it18:56
tgp1994FrozenFire: I'm looking up the checkdisk command right now, brb.18:56
TNicknow it boots with this usless menu that takes 10 seconds every time...18:56
FrozenFireEh, I'll probably just reinstall the box. Might be a good learning experience for my sister :P18:56
aeon-ltdTNick: hodl shift18:56
mister_maeon-ltd, ah I see. Would it be possible to try KDE or some other DE without installing all the apps that come with it? (I already have the ones that come with gnome)18:56
FrozenFireI'll have her do the install.18:56
tgp1994FrozenFire: Good call :)18:57
aeon-ltdTNick: oh right ignore that18:57
gobbeTNick: you can remove it from configs18:57
erUSULtgp1994: yes18:57
aeon-ltdTNick: then its probably still waiting on a separate timeout18:57
jetscreamermister_m: kubunt livecd maybe18:57
aeon-ltdmister_m: not sure if kde has a 'core' version18:57
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mister_maeon-ltd, maybe I could try a window manager or two then18:58
jetscreamerglx enabled finally18:59
jetscreamergee thanks18:59
aeon-ltdmister_m: ok, when they are installed you'll have to log out and change the session in gdm18:59
mister_maeon-ltd, ok, that is one thing I can definitely handle18:59
jetscreamerto see the desktop you do, to just run an app you can just run it18:59
mister_maeon-ltd, still very new to how all of this works18:59
mister_maeon-ltd, thank you for your patience18:59
aeon-ltdmister_m: you're welcome19:00
erUSULtgp1994: find where the grep call is « grep -R "/etc/linuxmint/info" /etc/grub.d/ »19:01
C3Dwhat is best irc client for ubuntu?19:02
erUSUL!best | C3D19:02
ubottuC3D: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:02
erUSULC3D: x-chat is nice19:02
schnuffleC3D: only IRC?19:02
tgp1994erUSUL: Ya, I think the issue is, that I just had a grub-mkconfig for linux mint, So I'm purging grub, and I'll reinstall it.19:02
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erUSULtgp1994: ok19:02
greppyC3D: I like irssi myself.19:02
C3Dwell i use mirc on windows to get to this chat so i would like something similar for ubunto19:02
greppyC3D: You might be able to use mIRC under wine19:03
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Infinity8i need some help19:03
aeon-ltdC3D: xchat is pretty close, graphical & irc - pretty damn close :)19:03
Infinity8im not able to install ubuntu19:03
aeon-ltd!details | Infinity819:03
Infinity8it just freezes19:03
C3Dsweet thanks be back in a bit then19:03
Infinity8at the screen with only the symbol19:03
r000t_laptopMight be not Ubuntu related, but what is ICMP and how do I unblock it?19:04
ubottuInfinity8: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:04
aeon-ltdInfinity8: describe the symbol19:04
Infinity8the logo of ubuntu19:04
delocatedr000t_laptop, 'ping'19:04
Infinity8after i select install19:04
aeon-ltdInfinity8: what specifications of the pc?19:04
erUSULICMP is internet protocol. ( pings are icmp )19:04
erUSULis a*19:05
tgp1994erUSUL: Everything seems to be working now, thanks :)19:05
erUSULtgp1994: no problem19:05
Infinity8512 MB RAM, Pentium 4 CPU 2.53 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce 3 Ti200, and over 18 GB of free space19:05
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Infinity8i've tried installing through CD and USB, but they both come up with the same problem19:06
aeon-ltd!md5 | Infinity819:06
ubottuInfinity8: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:06
FireSammy network loses the (3g modem) internet when I use wifi to connect to a non-internet LAN19:07
ed-burgermy usb storage devices fail to automount. what can I do?19:07
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insane_kangarooI should go back to fixing bugs in Ubuntu :|19:07
FireSamis there a way to set it up so they can both be connected?19:08
insane_kangarooI only have one on my tracker19:08
patrunjelhi, im using ubuntu 10.04 .How can i make the computer to shut off in a certain time when im not active? I mean, to put a movie, and if i fall asleep, the coputer to shut off after 2 hours, for example19:08
Bennagecan ubuntu handle playing blurays?19:09
aeon-ltd!bluray | Bennage19:09
erUSULFireSam: probably routes get messed up ... configure the wifi connection in Nm to only get ip when connected ( the option is in Edit connections>Properties in the ipv4 tab the name is "automatic - ip only" or something like that )19:09
aeon-ltd!blu-ray | Bennage19:09
aeon-ltdguess not19:09
dabukalamaeon-ltd: lol19:09
aeon-ltdBennage: google around, mplayer probably could with the right decoder19:09
dabukalamBennage: it can, but needs a lot of work19:10
patrunjelcan somewone help me? :) i want the computer to shut off if im not moving the mouse/pressing the keyboard for 2 hours, for example19:10
Bennageyeah, been googling for a while, but nothing solid19:10
opiumI have 2 user accounts - my personal one and a guest account. How do I maek it so as the guest account can't access my filesystem?19:10
botcitypatrunjel: preferences / power management /19:10
BennageI'm looking at things to buy to stick into my HTPC19:10
Infinity8aeon-ltd: 59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a819:10
dabukalamopium: user permissions?19:10
patrunjelbotcity, it's just to turn off display and to make computer to sleep over there :)19:10
Bennageand wondering if I should buy a blu-ray drive19:10
aeon-ltdInfinity8: check that with the ubuntu site, if its the same then the iso is correct then a problem is somewhere else19:11
Infinity8i downloaded it from the official website...19:11
dabukalamopium: when you say "my fileysystem", what do you mean?19:11
aeon-ltdInfinity8: that doesn't ensure integrity of the iso though19:11
opiumif guest is logged on and goes into my personal directories and tries to access files, I don't want the guest to have that permission19:12
erUSUL!permissions | opium19:12
ubottuopium: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:12
Infinity8where's the link to the md5 hash for the install on the ubuntu website?19:12
erUSULopium: set your home folder to 700 or some similar restrictive permission set19:12
dabukalam!md5 | Infinity819:13
ubottuInfinity8: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:13
opiumoh,setting the whole home folder works? Thanks for the help :)19:13
coz_Infinity8,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes19:13
alainghow do i setup scp?19:13
erUSUL!ssh | alaing19:13
ubottualaing: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:13
ubottuAutomount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs19:13
Infinity8aeon-ltd: yeh, it matches19:13
aeon-ltdInfinity8: ok then.... i've no idea where the problem could lie in then, sorry keep asking though19:14
Infinity8same problem occurs when i try installing xubuntu..19:15
Infinity8i'll just ask there19:15
FireSamerUS, Thanks. it was not that but you got me thinking. In routes there is a checkbox to use this network for its resources only.19:15
FireSamerUSUL, autocomplete didn't work but thanks19:16
alaingerUSUL: when I do service --status-all i see ssh in the list with a + to the left of it. does that mean its instaleld and configed?19:16
erUSULFireSam: ok;19:16
erUSULalaing: yes; default config19:16
alaingi've setup winscp what else do i need to do19:16
* bluezone cries and then kills himeself19:17
dizitalI downloaded a driver for my wireless chip and tar it with xzf, and then im suppose to cd to the to the file but when i try to cd to the file i get: No such file or directory19:17
alaingI take it i need to allow ssh through my ubuntu server firewall19:17
paranoidphreakhi everybody, when i run a command as a root using sudo (from a script), the command runs fine after it asks me for the password but after a while, the command stops and exits and within the script, i tell it to run the command again but this time it asks me for a password again; is there any way i can run the command without the password being typed multiple times?19:17
insane_kangaroobluezone: one less mouth to feed :)19:17
aeon-ltddizital: you'll need the full path from your home to the folder19:17
bluezoneinsane_kangaroo, and one less computer that takes power19:17
ce3cparanoidphreak, maybe add it to your sudoers file19:17
aeon-ltddizital: it'll be something like this cd ~/downloads/wirelessdriver/19:18
aeon-ltddizital: using tab to complete it will reduce typing errors19:18
greppyparanoidphreak: you can use visudo to edit what users can do what with sudo, it's very customizable.19:18
erUSULalaing: yes if firewall is blocking ssh port you have to configure it to allow connections there19:18
pranay_09i am unable to hear any login sound in ubuntu 10.1019:18
pranay_09sorry it's 10.0419:19
alaingerUSUL: port 22 right?19:19
snypzzlooking for a scanner to use with ubuntu, and a scanner program that will allow me to scan multiple pages...?19:19
erUSULalaing: yes by default is 2219:19
aeon-ltdalaing: personally, for security reasons don't use port 2219:19
alainghow cna i change the port?19:20
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g1192aeon-ltd: finally, i installed it . but it is very slow, and there is another problem- i mounted a partition for storing data in /boot and it is not displayed in windows 7 and ubuntu. what should i do to be displayed in both win 7 and ubuntu?19:20
erUSULalaing: /etc/ssh/sshd_config <<< edit this19:20
paranoidphreakce3c, greppy: i did something like this within visudo but it still asks me for a password: username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter19:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:21
aeon-ltdg1192: don't use /boot to store anything other than whats already there, create a partition that can be read from both sides such as FAT or NTFS, for the performance problem what are the specs of your pc?19:22
pravinhow to do load balancing in ubuntu?19:22
ce3cparanoidphreak, i'm not fully up to date on that, but try instead: username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter19:22
erUSULpravin: what kind of load balancing?19:22
alaingerUSUL: do i have to use any specific ports? I see the line that says it 22 after I have editted what do i need to do. thanks for the help so far much appreciated19:23
dizitalaeon-ltd: im using backtrack and i dont have a download folder, the tar was saved to my desktop and i ran the tar xzf from the command prompt19:23
paranoidphreakce3c: thanks, will do19:23
pravini have two mobile broadband connections, I want to use them both simultaniously19:23
gobbedizital: this channel is for ubuntu, not backtrack19:24
erUSULalaing: use a random port ( you will have to remember which to configure the clients )19:24
pravinerUSUL : i have two mobile broadband connections, I want to use them both simultaniously19:24
nishttal2does anyone know if there is a apt-get package to install the mysql cluster on ubuntu19:24
aeon-ltddizital: then you'd cd the path to the folder from ~/Desktop/foldernameofdriver19:24
pranay_09erUSUL, i am able to hear any song but it's just the login sound19:24
bluezoneits always the same story, i fix my slow wiresless it screws up my once working drivers, i fix my drivers, it screws my os, i reinstall, my wireless seems to be working flawlessly, and then realize 200 gb of data has been erased :(, /me dies19:24
dizitalgoobe: i know, not getting help from over there19:24
hypno1Hello. Im trying to set up Anjuta IDE with GTK 2.0. How would I go about telling it to automatically pass the paths returned from 'pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0' to the compiler? Right now its giving me a no such file or directory from including gtk/gtk.h. Thanks19:24
erUSULalaing: save the file and restart the sshd « sudo restart ssh »19:24
alaingwhat min max port can I do?19:24
erUSULalaing: safe --> 1024-653519:25
erUSULalaing: safe --> 1024-6553519:25
g1192aeon-ltd: 250 gb- 50 gb already allocated for windows 7, 50gb for ubuntu, remaining 150gb, i cant use, core2 duo processor, 1.9 ghz, 2gb ram19:25
agentgasmaskHi. there seems to be a diferance between Courier 10 Pitch font on 8.04 and 10.04. specificly the Macron a. Where is the font located so I can sync the two systems?19:25
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erUSULalaing: 2222 is easy to remember but not so random ;)19:26
alaingerUSUL: thanks just editing file and going to try connect my win 7 to my ubuntu machine19:26
g1192i cant install ZTE AC2726 modem in ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition, i also tried usb modeswitc but i cant find notification anywhere.19:26
jeatoni have a wireless-b usb network adapter and i'm trying to get it working with ubuntu, any ideas?19:26
pravinjeaton : which brand's usb modem r u using?19:28
barfWhich wine to install under lucid?19:29
g1192gobbe:i cant install ZTE AC2726 modem in ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition, i also tried usb modeswitc but i cant find notification anywhere.19:29
strangepeople still use modems?19:29
=== plantigrade1 is now known as avelldiroll
pravinjeaton : just plug in your modem in the usb port and then go to edit connections and add a mobile broadband connection there19:31
erUSULstrange: 3G ( mobile network ) modems ;P19:31
paranoidphreakce3c: it still asks for a password19:31
pravin@strange : 3G modems are   very popular19:31
strangei use 3g over bluetooth19:31
Cyphuras do i19:31
strangeworks fine :)19:31
Cyphurwhen i forget my tether cable19:31
=== david is now known as Guest3839
agentgasmaskwhere are fonts located on the filesystem?19:32
pravin@strange : you cant use 3G over bluetooth if you are using a modem19:32
jeatonpravin, it's not a mobile broadband connection though, it's just a usb wireless adapter card so I can communicate to my router19:32
ce3cparanoidphreak, well, odd, you did replace "username" with your own username, did you :P19:33
alaingerUSUL: ok managed to connect to ubuntu from my windows 7 machine using winscp. I browsered my folders and then tried to drag and drop the file to a folder on my windows 7 machine. It gives me the 0%copying dialog and says (Not responding). I then get a popup saying Host not communincating for more than 15sec. still waiting19:33
ce3cparanoidphreak, you're running the command from /usr/sbin/firestarter right?19:33
pravinjeaton : so basically its a wi-fi adapter19:33
gobbeg1192: notification?19:33
paranoidphreakce3c: both yes19:33
teageUbuntu keeps short freezing on me. Only with desktop effects enabled. Effects work fine under other distros on same computer.19:34
ce3cparanoidphreak, find out why it stops running in the first place ?19:35
teageIs there settings for such a thing?19:35
pravinjeaton : so whats the problem, do the same thing as I said earlier but instead of the wireless broadband tab go to wireless tab19:35
erUSULalaing: well no t sure why it fails ...19:36
paranoidphreakce3c: i tried that but couldn't find a solution so i had just added multiple commands to the script19:36
mmo|Anyone know how to disable update checking when loggin into the terminal? Sometimes I have to wait an annoyingly long time when logging into my server via ssh because it checks for updates so it can tell my how many packages can be updated...19:36
jeatoni was hoping it would be plug and play but it doesnt identify it so I ended up installing ndiswrapper-common utils and ndisgtk, and found the windows inf driver for the thing19:37
jeatonpointed at it and it took it fine19:37
jeatoni just don't know how I do a scan now, or do I have to manually type it all out19:37
agentgasmaskWhere are fonts located on the filesystem in ubuntu?19:37
pravinjeaton : is your network up and running19:38
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jeatonyes, but only because im wired directly to it19:38
alaingerUSUL: I'm thinking its a permissions issue. I'm having problems of moving files from ubuntu to my windows 7 dev machine but I can ftp files form my windows machine to ubuntu. I have now tried scp and still no luck19:39
bluezoneagentgasmask, i believe its in home/bluezone/.fonts but i am not exactly sure19:39
bluezoneby bluezone i mean you lol19:39
ce3cparanoidphreak, you're doing "sudo /usr/sbin/firestarter" ? otherwise i don't know, double check your paths, the sudoers file, ..19:39
louigiguys, is PartImage basically the same thing as Ghost? Can I create an image of my Ubuntu and then restore it with one click?19:39
RyanPI've installed Maverick on a laptop. It's now taken to locking up hard enough that ctrl-alt-delete doesn't work, after having been on for a couple minutes. I had Lucid installed previously, and it worked fine. How can I find out what's going on?19:39
mister_mIs there a particular window manager that is a favorite of programmers?19:39
pravinif there is a network then it will detect automatically19:40
sam-_-alaing, have you tried NOT dragging and dropping19:40
ChrisDruifmister_m: Why do you want to know? :)19:40
paranoidphreakce3c: ok, thanks for your help; gonna do more research on the issue19:40
mister_mChrisDruif, just curious if one is more developer friendly than another19:40
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g11992aeon-ltd: sorry, my net is disconneted. can you help me now?19:40
sam-_-alaing, winscp will tell you if it is an issue with permissions19:41
winuuxhi all ... have a question please19:41
sam-_-!ask |winu19:41
ubottuwinu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:41
winuuxwhy i cant install kivio on ubuntu ( gnome )19:41
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agentgasmaskbluezone: hmmm, I only have one... and I think I installed that one :) Any other hints?19:42
bluezoneagentgasmask, what i did awhile ago was just download the font and drag the file to .fonts19:42
sam-_-winuux, "Kivio is currently looking for volunteers to make it ready for release."19:42
g11992pleae help me with installing of ZTE AC2726 modem in ubuntu 10.04netbook edition19:42
alaingsam-_-: how do i do that sorry I'm new to scp and winscp19:43
zinadorkDoes anyone know how to map a keyboard shortcut to dim or brighten the screen/19:43
g11992i tried usbmodeswitch but i cant find any notification19:43
shal3rCan you tell me any software to give system a load when booted from livecd?19:43
sam-_-alaing, i don't know. but you should be able to right click and then choose download or sth.19:43
sam-_-zinadork, gnome?19:44
zinadorkbrightness is not an option in the keyboard shortcut page19:44
zinadorkgnome on meercat19:44
agentgasmaskHmmm... Any one else have any clues as to the location of default system fonts?19:44
g11992i tried to open ZTE AC2726 modem in ubuntu but no response19:44
Ramir00[siocsiwmode] 1 error in ubuntu 10.10 in simple wireless scanner19:45
zinadorkis there a command that I could type in and map it to a function key/19:45
gobbeg11992: again, what do you mean with notification19:46
botcityagentgasmask:  i think there in etc/fonts/19:46
saliaki'm running linux server 8.04 and want to upgrade to the latest version (10.04?).  i do "sudo apt-get upgrade" and it shoes that some (including linux-server" have been kept back).  why would that be?19:47
sam-_-zinadork, gnome-power-backlight-helper -h19:47
alaingsam-_-:  i tried right clicking no options for download but I tried Copy I got the same response saying waiting for host. I tried "Edit" and it brought up the same prompt.  just to make sure it was workign I could drag and drop a file from my windows 7 machien to ubuntu but not the other way round19:47
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mister_mChrisDruif, I fancy myself a developer19:47
g11992when i inserted the modem no notification is displayed as said in the blog you referred previously, and also when i tried to open it, there is no response19:47
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sam-_-oh that's timing :-(19:47
gobbesaliak: if you want to upgrade from LTS to LTS you need to do it proper way19:48
gaugeinvarianceHi. I have an nvidia card and was running the nouvaeu drivers. I decided to upgrade to the 'recommended' binary nvidia driver but when I restarted the system did not boot. It does not even boot to single/recovery mode. It prints a bunch of stuff (no obvious error) and then the screen goes blank as if it's suspended. I'd be grateful if soembody could help. Thanks.19:48
g11992gobbe:when i inserted the modem no notification is displayed as said in the blog you referred previously, and also when i tried to open it, there is no response19:48
Gneasaliak: there's a special process to upgrade a whole distribution, what you're doing is just updating everything within 8.0419:48
ChrisDruifmister_m: That's alright, but I don't know if "developers" use any other window manager then "normal people :)19:48
gobbesaliak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades19:48
Gnea!upgrade | saliak19:48
Guest20653is backlight helper an app that I need to download?19:48
ubottusaliak: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:48
kcorcoranfor some reason ubuntu is not loading the needed drivers for my pci firewire card - can someone help me to get this working?19:49
sam-_-alaing, strange have you tried with filezilla?19:49
sam-_-alaing, may be a probl. with winscp19:49
g11992aeon-ltd: sir, please help me. how can i get the partition for using in both the windows 7 and ubuntu, where shall i mount the partition?19:49
gobbeg11992: the blog didn't say anything about notifications19:49
gaugeinvarianceI could also settle for a reinstall if somebody is aware of a way to perform one without a blank CD19:49
gobbeg11992: so what notification you are talking about19:49
sam-_-Guest20653, what do you want to do?19:49
alaingsam-_-: I tried filezilla at first before using scp. Same thing I can upload files from win 7 to ubuntu but not download19:50
sam-_-gaugeinvariance, via usb is quite common.19:50
alaingsam-_-: i'm just going to enable winscp loggin and see if anything comes up19:50
gaugeinvariancesam-_-: Cheers, I'll try to give that a go.19:51
g11992gobbe: i think the message : $ lsusb Bus 005 Device 004: ID 19d2:fff119:51
sam-_-alaing, are you sure you have the permission to read the files with the account you log in. (it should tell you if you don't but you never know)19:51
chungyusNeed help with non functioning speakers19:51
gaugeinvarianceWould anybody be aware of a kernel parameter to make it stop loading the nvidia driver ?19:51
chungyusNeed help with non functioning speakers19:51
chungyusNeed help with non functioning speakers19:51
gobbeg11992: so lsusb doesnt say anything? is that what you say19:51
gobbeg11992: eh...nothing?19:52
gobbeg11992: it should list big list19:52
amin_can somebody help me?19:53
amin_what is the best irc client for ubuntu?19:53
gobbe!best | amin_19:53
ubottuamin_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:53
g11992gobbe: no, and when i tried to open it, there is no response19:53
alainghow can i check?19:53
rwwamin_: xchat (on GNOME), Quassel (on KDE), and irssi (command-line) are some popular choices.19:54
gobbeg11992: open what?19:54
teageamin,xchat, in my opinion19:54
gobbeg11992: did you run lsusb in terminap?19:54
gobbeg11992: terminal19:54
winuuxxchat a simple one19:54
alainghow cna i check whether my user has the right permissions19:54
g11992gobbe: open the modem icon in computer19:54
winuuxpackage gnome-xchat19:54
mister_mI lost track of my recycle bin, where did it go?19:54
s3aWhen I share a folder with Ubuntu One, and I want to upload a file, what does it mean to "publish"?19:54
gobbeg11992: well. you don't open modem icons19:55
rwwwinuux: it's xchat-gnome, and xchat-gnome is not xchat.19:55
s3awhen i upload it gives me the option to check the box saying "publish"19:55
gobbeg11992: so, again, how did you run lsusb?19:55
rwwit's xchat with a bunch of odd things done to it to GNOMEify it :|19:55
saliakgnea - thanks19:55
* rww doesn't recommend19:55
robbit10I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my parents' laptop, but whenever I try to either update the system or install software and get an authentication dialog, when I fill in the password and press Enter or click the "Authenticate" button, it just makes the password field disappear and then just does nothing. The program doesn't crash, but it doesn't do anything.19:55
robbit10I've installed it via Wubi19:56
winuuxrww: what is the difference between xchat and xchat-gnome19:56
gobberobbit10: wubi is meant for testing, not for longterm usage19:56
g11992gobbe: i mean when i run the ZTE application, no response. i didn't run lsusb, i dont know where to run19:56
gobbeg11992: so you didn't do what the instructions told you to do19:57
alaingsam-_-: how can i check whether my user has the right permissions. still getting my head around ubuntu19:57
s3arobbit10, go to system=>administration=>software sources and check if you have repositories/mirrors enabled maybe?19:57
rwwwinuux: they moved half of the settings to GConf, which causes fun if you switch to the 'xchat' package instead. Some options are hidden for no good reason, and they made changes to conform to GNOME HIG that don't improve the UI imho.19:57
gobbeg11992: if you don't know how to do it, please follow the instructions and don't try to do something own19:57
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rwwwinuux: all in all, no benefits that I can see, and there's a much smaller userbase if you ever need support.19:58
g11992gobbe: sorry, i will try again and will be back soon19:58
gobbeg11992: so, you run it on terminal19:58
gobbeg11992: with sudo commands19:58
winuuxrww: interesting sorry im a beginer  ;)19:58
Guest55784any one19:58
sam-_-alaing, on your ubuntu box. with nautilus for example19:59
Guest55784who know the meta19:59
kcorcoranfor some reason ubuntu is not loading the needed drivers for my pci firewire card - can someone help me to get this working?19:59
sam-_-alaing, right click on the file -> properties19:59
g11992gobbe: where can i edit sudo commands, actually i am new to this.19:59
gobbeg11992: terminal19:59
gobbeg11992: you open the terminal, and run commands the article says, but add sudo in beginning20:00
Guest55784any help for metasploit20:00
gobbeg11992: in some cases linux isn't just click-n-go, you might beed to do something from terminal etc20:00
soreaukcorcoran: What is the lspci string for the card?20:00
gobbeg11992: so, just start learning, it won't be rocket science :)20:00
soreaugobbe: Its computer science20:01
kcorcoransoreau: http://pastebin.com/e4BbBnTM20:01
gobbesoreau: it is20:01
alaingsam-_-: ok I got access control list tab20:01
zevromso many people on this server20:02
alaingread all has ticks and write has a few that are deselected and execute has a tick for users20:02
Guest55784any one20:03
g11992gobbe: ok, sure. i understand and will try to good in this. also i have another problem, i made a partition for storing data and use in both windows 7 and ubuntu, and i mounted it in /boot as primary partition. but it is not displayed in both the os. what should i do20:03
sam-_-alaing, then it  seems you have the permissions to read20:03
FloodBot4Guest55784: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
gobbeg11992: what filesystem did you create there?20:04
soreaukcorcoran: Have you figured out which module it is yet?20:04
gobbeg11992: windows cannot see ext-filesystems20:04
=== ryu is now known as KamiKaZe
HaddemDoes anyone know how to install lib32-bit?20:04
ed-burgerMy usb drives are not automounting or even scanned for mounting. what can I do?20:04
rwwHaddem: do you mean ia32-libs?20:04
sync3timesg11992, probably want to mount it under /    like   /dos  or something.   So that you dont get into a situation where the  /boot filesystem is mounted late .20:04
alaingsam-_-: perhaps its win7 thats blocking it.20:04
teagewhat is floodbot?20:04
rwwteage: a bot that stops people from flooding20:04
g11992gobbe: ext420:05
gobbeg11992: well. two problems, first is that shared filesystem should be fat32 or ntfs, second is that you cannot mount it to /boot20:05
kcorcoransoreau:  not sure how i would do that?  can you show me how?20:05
drahxI feel like such a noob for asking, but how do I create and share a folder in ubuntu server?20:05
Haddemah good rww20:05
gobbedrahx: share with what?20:05
g11992gobbe: is /dos ok20:05
gobbedrahx: mkdir creates it20:05
drahxI want to be able to access it on any machine in my house20:05
alaingdrahx: im busy trying that as we speak20:06
gobbedrahx: well, do you want to share it with samba, nfs, or what?20:06
sam-_-alaing, possible. do you have write permissions on your winbox were you want to save the file?20:06
gobbeg11992: it is20:06
gobbeg11992: but you need to format your partition to something else than ext20:06
drahxwhatever is easiest20:06
alaingsam-_-: i'm the only user so i'm assuming i do20:06
soreaukcorcoran: Basically you have to use the lspci output and google20:06
g11992gobbe:is it the reason why ubuntu is running slow - os has only 50 gb20:06
gobbedrahx: samba is quite easy20:06
drahxI just want to use my server to store my files on and stream media from20:06
kcorcoransoreau:  did you see the output i posted?20:07
g11992gobbe: sorry the drive has only 50gb20:07
soreaukcorcoran: yes20:07
kcorcoranwhat do i enter for google?20:08
kcorcorannot sure what i would specifically look up.20:08
kcorcoransoreau: not sure what i would specifically look up.20:09
soreaukcorcoran: What does this device do exactly?20:09
kcorcoransoreau:  its a pci firewire card...i should be able to use it to plug my camcorder into and import raw video20:10
skutr3how do i update java on ubuntu20:10
skutr3please help20:10
soreaukcorcoran: Looks like the module is either ohci1394 or em28xx20:10
skutr3how do i update java20:11
skutr3on ubuntu20:11
skutr3please help20:11
jribskutr3: how did you install it?  If you installed it using the repositories (the way that's recommended) then updates are handled automatically by update-manager and you don't have to worry about them20:11
precubcrhello please need help how do i install drivers of nvidia ? kubuntu 10.1020:11
soreaukcorcoran: Is there any output from lsmod|egrep "ohci1394|em28xx" ?20:11
skutr3jrib: i used software centr20:11
kcorcoransoreau: so i google 'ubuntu drivers for ohci1394?20:12
jribskutr3: yes, so let update manager handle updates20:12
skutr3jrib: can i add a repository20:12
pkgproblemHi. I've got small problem. I have 10.10 running on 2 netbooks. On one I can't find package 'gnome3-session'. What may be the problem?20:12
jim__Anyone here that knows some python appindicator stuff?20:12
jribskutr3: why?  Use the official repositories you already have20:12
=== jim__ is now known as jimbauwens
skutr3jrib: i ran the test applet and it saud that an update was available20:12
skutr3jrib: i have ju2220:13
ActionParsnipskutr3: ow did you install it?20:13
skutr3jrib: i should have update 2320:13
skutr3ActionParsnip: software centre20:13
ActionParsnipskutr3: then run normal updates and yo'll get java20:13
jribskutr3: I don't know the update policy on java but there's bound to be a lag in the repositories20:13
skutr3i did20:13
w3bhello all! anybody aware of included cciss drivers in lucid's netboot files?20:13
soreaukcorcoran: This command will let us know if either driver is loaded. Is there any output from lsmod|egrep "ohci1394|em28xx" ?20:14
=== ogra is now known as Guest18506
pkgproblemHow can I check using apt the repository in which the package resides?20:14
bullgard4I have changed a Linux loadable moule's configuration file. Do I need to reboot in order that the change becomes effective? Or what?20:14
jribpkgproblem: apt-cache policy PACKAGE20:14
pkgproblemjrib: Thanks you.20:14
kcorcoransoreau: http://pastebin.com/W5R55rpa20:14
bullgard4I have changed a Linux loadable module's configuration file. Do I need to reboot in order that the change becomes effective? Or what?20:14
ActionParsnipbullgard4: i would, to test20:14
kcorcoransoreau:  i don't think the driver is loading...20:15
soreaukcorcoran: You forgot the quotes20:15
soreaukcorcoran: Is there any output from lsmod|egrep "ohci1394|em28xx" ?20:15
bullgard4ActionParsnip: So I will. --  Thank you.20:15
kcorcoransoreau:  i re-ran the command, with quotes, it just returned to the prompt immediately.20:15
botcitydrahx: if you have window machines then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deb2jRm3c7g&feature=related20:16
soreaukcorcoran: Ok so neither driver is loaded. Now lets try loading one. Do sudo modprobe ohci139420:16
zevrompm me if play neopets20:16
ActionParsnip!ot | zevrom20:16
ubottuzevrom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:16
soreaukcorcoran: Then check the output of dmesg to see the messages from the driver20:16
w3bhello all! anybody aware of excluded hp cciss drivers in lucid's netboot files? does the update includes them? thnx..20:17
drahxbotcity: thx for the video, but it's hard to pay attention to what she's saying........ lol *wink*20:17
soreaukcorcoran: If things go well, you will find an interface or device node for the card and it should work.20:17
gobbew3b: netboot is quite minimal, use server-cd20:17
=== subzero2000_ is now known as subzero2000
Marchitoshow do i set ip and dns statically without connection manager?20:18
Marchitosi mean fro terminal20:18
soreauMarchitos: ifconfig $iface $ip20:18
soreauMarchitos: nameserver is set in /etc/resolv.conf20:18
w3bgobbe: I took that server cd, but lucid seems not supporting the cciss, all other versions do..20:18
botcitydrahx:  o_O ..lol20:18
gobbew3b: even from server-cd?20:19
kcorcoranokay, i ran the sudo command...then what do i do next?  nothing happened other than a prompt for my password20:19
w3bnormlly no problems on this20:19
Marchitosand ip, gateway?20:19
soreaukcorcoran: Good now see the output of dmesg|tail20:19
ActionParsnipMarchitos: right click network manager -> edit connections wired or wireless tab, edit, ipv4 tab, set interface to dhcp address only and set the DNS servers20:20
w3bseems vague for a lts version to me..20:20
kcorcoransoreau: http://pastebin.com/UCveUbHk20:20
mister_mis there an 'open terminal at this window' option?20:20
Marchitosi don't have network manager, because of i removed it and i am using lubuntu :)20:20
gobbew3b: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150381820:21
soreaukcorcoran: What does this say: lsmod|grep ohci139420:21
w3bok tnx I'll have a look.20:21
mister_mlike, if I am using the filebrowser and want to open a terminal window at the current dir I'm looking at20:21
mister_min widows you can shift + right click and select it in the context menu20:22
kcorcoransoreau: http://pastebin.com/iKGQ7ahT20:22
kcorcoransoreau:  getting close i think20:22
ActionParsnipmister_m: there are nautilus scripts for that20:22
soreaukcorcoran: What makes you say that?20:22
jribmister_m: install nautilus-open-terminal20:22
ActionParsnipmister_m: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-gnome-open-terminal-shell-prompt-here/20:23
pkgproblemHow to perferme update form 10.04 to 10.10?20:23
jrib!upgrade | pkgproblem20:23
ubottupkgproblem: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:23
rww!upgrade | pkgproblem20:23
kcorcoransoreau:  from that output does it mean something loarded?20:23
ActionParsnippkgproblem: whats a perfume update?20:23
soreaukcorcoran: Yes the module is loaded but that doesnt mean its the right one for your card20:23
pkgproblemActionParsnip: Sorry spellcheck off.20:24
w3bgobbe: I took a look but what I mean is probably in earlier stage: while doing a pxe boot with netboot files from the server cd. If I use the cd everything goes well but booting the network doesn't about the dl320 cciss.20:24
kcorcoransoreau:  oh.  :(20:24
w3bgobbe: I took a look but what I mean is probably in earlier stage: while doing a pxe boot with netboot files from the server cd. If I use the cd everything goes well but booting the network doesn't know about the dl320 cciss.20:24
soreaukcorcoran: No output in dmesg can mean success.. but is there a node for your card now in /dev/ or wherever its supposed to be?20:24
w3bsorry for my bad english - I'm working on that (:20:24
pkgproblemjrib: Thanks.20:24
gobbew3b: so you mean that you cannot install anything?20:24
w3bnot over the network using pxe20:24
w3bthis is only with lucid, maverick works fine20:25
gobbew3b: so you boot whole machine thru pxe?20:25
soreaukcorcoran: Let me just leave you with this: modinfo <module> will show you information about the module, modprobe <module> loads a module and rmmod <module> (or modprobe -r) unloads the driver module20:25
gobbew3b: or just for installation phase?20:25
w3bI'm trying to do an install over the network, created tftpboot with the neboot content of the server cd20:26
kcorcoransoreau:  thanks.20:26
EagleCZhello, I have few problems... First - my audio isn't working but i have installed the drivers that should work... now i cant find any settings for my sound input/output, any idea?20:26
soreaukcorcoran: You need to find the correct module for your card and make sure its working then have it auto load by adding the module name to /etc/modules20:26
w3bnormally this goes perfect20:26
gobbew3b: aah ok, so that's the problem. I thought that you mean that even server cd doesn't have drivers when booting from it20:26
w3bno, I mean the netboot installation20:27
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: run: alsamixer  in terminal, are the levels cranked and unmuted20:27
JohnFluxHi all20:27
gobbew3b: ok, i don't know anything about it, so cannot help :-/20:27
JohnFluxThe package http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libatlas-headers   is in lucid, but not in maverik20:27
w3bok tnx anyway!20:27
JohnFluxis there any way to find out why?20:27
EagleCZActionParsnip: alsamixer: error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:27
JohnFluxshould I just file a bug that it is missing?20:27
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: can you also run:  wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh      say yes to the upload and give the red hyperlink  generated. Thanks20:28
w3bOnly option left - if the update doesnt include cciss - is create cusstom initrd I believe20:28
rwwJohnFlux: one sec, I'll take a look20:28
JohnFluxrww: thanks20:28
sciguy16My Lucid install has given a kernel panic and refuses to boot: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/6494/dscn0010k.jpg20:28
sciguy16Does anyone know how/if it can be recovered without doing a reinstall?20:28
EagleCZActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=75fa799ea92812495705e47c9b733982d0d729bb20:28
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: sudo apt-get install libasound2 libasound2-dev      should fix the missing file for you :)20:29
sam-_-sciguy16, oh that's a screenshot in the truest sense :-)20:29
rwwJohnFlux: It got renamed: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/libatlas-dev20:29
=== dj is now known as C3D
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: read your output, see how there are no utilities listed, thats not good. Try:   sudo apt-get --reinstall install alsa-utils    then rerun the alsa script, is it now present?20:30
JohnFluxrww: that doesn't have the same files.  for example  atlas-enum.h  is in the first but not the second20:30
JohnFluxrww: that doesn't have the same files.  for example  atlas-enum.h  is in libatlas-headers  but in in libatlas-dev20:30
JohnFlux*not in20:30
JohnFluxrww: I did a file search on the website20:30
C3Dso question im having freezing issues when the computer goes to start the screen saver everything freezes20:31
sam-_-sciguy16, could you have selected the wrong root device?20:31
EagleCZActionParsnip: what was the script again please?20:31
sam-_-sciguy16, any changes to the partition table lately?20:32
sciguy16sam-_-: I'm not aware of any recent changes to it20:32
sam-_-sciguy16, try booting an older kernel if you have one20:32
ScuniziHow do you display "history" on cli of entered commands?20:33
sam-_-sciguy16, you may need to hold shift while booting to select one.20:33
sciguy16sam-_-: I tried that and it gave the same response20:33
guntbertScunizi: cat .bash_history20:33
EagleCZActionParsnip: the reinstall went ok but alsamixer gives approximately this: cannot open mixer: file or directory does not exist20:33
EagleCZActionParsnip: (im translating it from czech so it may varry)20:34
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: the command is: alsamixer   not just mixer20:34
Scuniziguntbert: and how do you display the job number of the bash command at the same time for easy repeat?20:35
EagleCZActionParsnip: yes i did input alsamixer20:35
rwwJohnFlux: I'm still trying to figure this out, but packages.ubuntu.com keeps timing out on me, which isn't helping >.>20:35
sam-_-sciguy16, hmm. quite strange. maybe it is indeed correct in saying /sbin/init doesn't exist.  (either wrong root partition selected or it got deleted somehow)20:35
EagleCZActionParsnip: eaglewatch@eaglewatch-pc:~$ sudo alsamixer20:36
EagleCZnemohu otevřít směšovač: Adresář nebo soubor neexistuje - (the czech text i translated - file or directory does not exist)20:36
guntbertScunizi: no idea -- but have a look at http://www.catonmat.net/blog/the-definitive-guide-to-bash-command-line-history20:36
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: no need for sudo20:36
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: don't add sudo to every file, you will break your OS20:36
EagleCZActionParsnip: and yes, i tried both with and without sudo so it doesnt make difference20:36
Scuniziguntbert: thanks...20:36
sciguy16sam-_-: I'm able to mount the partition from the live cd and can confirm than /sbin/init does exist20:37
EagleCZActionParsnip: still does not exist20:37
guntbertScunizi: you're welcome :-)20:37
sam-_-EagleCZ, lsmod |grep snd      does it return anything?20:37
ActionParsnipEagleCZ: then try:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install alsa-base20:37
EagleCZsam-_-: snd_usb_audio          86544  020:38
EagleCZsnd_pcm                71603  1 snd_usb_audio20:38
EagleCZsnd_hwdep               5040  1 snd_usb_audio20:38
EagleCZsnd_usbmidi_lib        17413  1 snd_usb_audio20:38
EagleCZsnd_seq_midi            4588  020:38
EagleCZsnd_rawmidi            17783  2 snd_usbmidi_lib,snd_seq_midi20:38
EagleCZsnd_seq_midi_event      6047  1 snd_seq_midi20:38
FloodBot4EagleCZ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
sam-_-sciguy16, then it selects the wrong root partition in grub.20:38
ChelseaHi all, Mesa 7.10 and X 1.1 are coming to 11.04.... Can anyone explain what that means?20:38
EagleCZsorry for the flood - was inserting from terminal20:38
rwwJohnFlux: perhaps this changed upstream between versions 3.6 and 3.8.3?20:39
sam-_-EagleCZ, sudo alsa-utils reset20:39
EagleCZActionParsnip: Still does not exist20:39
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
EagleCZsam-_-: returned OK, but alsamixer does not work yet20:40
sam-_-EagleCZ, can you post the output of amixer?20:40
sciguy16sam-_-: where is the filesystem list likely to be stored?20:40
sam-_-sciguy16, in /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:41
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
sam-_-sciguy16, search for UUID there.20:42
sciguy16sam-_-: okay20:42
jgcampbell300quick question here .... i ma looking for a tool for ubuntu ... i would like to know if anyone here knows of a piece of software that would help me make a visual representation of my network and the changes i would like to make to my network20:42
sam-_-sciguy16, should look sth. like this: linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-23-generic root=UUID=2c482669-df80-4c7d-9926-1366017f0720 ro   quiet20:42
guntbertChelsea: you could ask in #ubuntu+120:42
Chelseaguntbert, didn't know that existed, thanks.20:43
guntbertChelsea: :)20:43
sam-_-EagleCZ, any luck with amixer?20:43
EagleCZsam-_-: no i cant tell you alsamixer output since it returns me that the file or directory does not exist20:44
sam-_-EagleCZ, ok. that is the output then :-)20:44
jacquesdupontdit seems i'm human, that reassure me20:44
botcityjgcampbell300: i think etherape is one of those !20:44
EagleCZsam-_-: not very encouraging though :)20:44
jgcampbell300ok thanks ill check that out20:45
sciguy16sam-_-: "linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-27-generic-pae root=UUID=7077aff3-29d5-4b65-84bf-34360faef3df ro   quiet splash"20:45
aarcaneI keep ending up in #ubuntu-unreg20:45
sam-_-EagleCZ, are you sure alsa works with your soundcard?20:46
sam-_-EagleCZ, that is which btw?20:46
guntbertaarcane: now you are in #ubuntu20:46
buckyaarcane, register your nic with /NickServ20:46
guntbertbucky: he did :-))20:47
m4vaarcane: you should set your client so it identifies before joining any channels perhaps?20:47
sam-_-sciguy16, do you know where your root fs is on? like /dev/sdxX?20:47
EagleCZsam-_-: No, I'm not sure, since I am a linux user for about 2 hours so I don't even know what alsa is(guessing some audio driver). My soundcard is integrated on P5K-SE motherboard20:47
JohnFluxrww: it's possible.  It's very evil of them to do so if so20:47
aarcaneguntbert, I end up in both somehow20:47
sciguy16sam-_-: yes - it's on /dev/sda120:47
aarcanebucky, my nick is registered20:47
rwwJohnFlux: I just spent the last five-ten minutes trying to figure out their source tree and couldn't; you may want to ask them ;(20:48
aarcanem4v, it does, it's only #ubuntu that's doing this though.20:48
buckyaarcane, listen to guntbert20:48
sam-_-EagleCZ, oh right. alsa is the linux sound architecture20:48
rwwaarcane: if you end up in both without doing anything to cause that, your client presumably has both on autojoin.20:48
guntbertaarcane: if too many clients join in a short time, some are forwarded to #ubuntu-unregged20:48
ustunozgurhow does one enable framebuffer on 10.04? The only info I have found on google is how to disable it, but I don't seem to have it enabled. fbset gives the output : /dev/fb0 not found20:48
aarcaneguntbert, that's probably it then, still annoying :-S20:49
rwwaarcane: #ubuntu is rather unusual in our use of #ubuntu-unregged; most channels on freenode aren't large enough or targetted by spam enough to need it.20:49
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:49
erkan^thank you very much, ubottu (-:20:49
sam-_-EagleCZ, try this: modprobe snd_hda_intel model=asus20:50
sciguy16sam-_-: and grub.cfg has "set root='(hd0,1)'"20:50
EagleCZsam-_-: Could not read ........ no such file or directory20:51
sam-_-EagleCZ, sudo  modprobe snd_hda_intel model=asus20:51
sam-_-sciguy16, y. you may have to change that too20:52
EagleCZsam-_-: again could not read20:52
sam-_-EagleCZ, hugh? what about: modinfo snd20:53
EagleCZsam-_-: that returns about 15 lines of description20:53
sam-_-EagleCZ, ah sry. i made a mistake: sudo  modprobe snd-hda-intel model=asus20:54
sam-_-EagleCZ, underscore was wrong ;)20:54
sciguy16sam-_-: change it to what?20:54
splitwirehas anybody been able to get pianobar to work?  I get the following error: /!\ Cannot open audio device20:54
EagleCZsam-_-: still no change: could not read20:55
phixxorhello -- is "nmcli" used to connect to wifi in a CLI environment -- and is it installed by default?20:55
jribsplitwire: wfm20:55
EagleCZsam-_-: WARNING: Could not read '/lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-codec.ko': No such file or directory20:55
NeizIs there a command in linux similar to check disk in windows?  I get multiple I/O errors upon booting up recently20:55
jribphixxor: I believe so; yes20:56
EagleCZsam-_-: and then the same message just with FATAL: Could not read20:56
sam-_-sciguy16, that is what you need to find out. in live cd you can do a:  sudo  fdisk -l /dev/sdx20:56
chaos2358is there a channel for just general discussion?20:56
phixxorNeiz, there is, it's called fsck, but be careful how you use it20:56
jrib!ot | chaos235820:56
ubottuchaos2358: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:56
splitwirejrib: thanks  I think it has to be some sort of setting in a config with alsamixer or something like that20:56
Neizphixxor: thank you, I will research it20:56
jribsplitwire: do you use pulseaudio?20:56
phixxorjrib, thanks! I'll try loggin in from there :)20:56
phixxorjrib: do you happen to know how to start gdm from the command line? For some reason when I start up from GRUB, i'm taken to a CLI environment20:57
sam-_-EagleCZ, hmm. that is quite strange. seems like the kernel package didn't get unpacked correctly. one sec. i will investigate20:57
ActionParsnip!fsck | Neiz20:57
ubottuNeiz: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:57
jribphixxor: sudo service gdm start20:57
phixxorjrib, thanks again!20:57
splitwirejrib: I'm pretty sure yes20:58
jjk1989Hi, my teacher told me we had to use this program. I went to http://wubi-installer.org/ and downloaded it. But how do I open it, I cant find anything in the startmenu to open it?20:58
jribjjk1989: you want to install ubuntu using wubi?20:58
jjk1989I installed it, but nothing on the start-menu to open it20:58
jjk1989yes, I have installed it20:58
jribjjk1989: no.  I am asking you if you want to install ubuntu using wubi?  Is that what you want to do?20:59
ActionParsnipjjk1989: you can use wubi as it installs nicely for windows users but if you do a proper install you will have an easier time trouble shoouting if you get problems20:59
jjk1989I installed wubi20:59
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe20:59
jjk1989from here http://wubi-installer.org/20:59
Migaaresno_$ chmod 640 * -v -R <--- this commad sets current dir premission to 0000 (octal) and all files/dirs in current dir to 0200. Why?20:59
jribjjk1989: if you don't tell us what you WANT TO DO, we can't help you do it :/20:59
NickyT289Teach me about the GRUB screen, Ubtuntu experts...21:00
albertoHello, please help me. I've uninstalled xserver and x-org accidentally, and I can't enter in safe mode on Ubuntu 10, I don't know what to do...21:00
ActionParsnipjjk1989: to use it you just double click the file. You can install Ubuntu if you mount the ISO in windows using magicdisk or daemontools.21:00
jribMigaaresno_: it doesn't21:00
ubottuNickyT289: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:00
jjk1989It is installed, we are supposed to use it to program in c and fortran21:00
jribjjk1989: so what's your question?21:00
jjk1989how do I open it21:01
ActionParsnipMigaaresno_: are you the owner of the files / folders/21:01
NickyT289I had an install of Ubuntu WITHOUT GRUB menu upon bootup, & now my install HAS it.21:01
jribjjk1989: if you've successfully installed ubuntu using wubi, reboot and choose ubuntu21:01
ActionParsnipjjk1989: I suggest you read the wubi guide21:01
NickyT289The only difference was before I was using version 10.421:01
NickyT289now I21:01
NickyT289Now I;m using 10.1021:01
jribjjk1989: honestly, you should probably just use vbox and run ubuntu as a vm inside windows21:01
ActionParsnipjjk1989: once its installed, you will need to reboot and select ubuntu at boot21:01
red2kicNickyT289: Bug. :)21:01
jgcampbell300ok ... so i have a 5 year old son that uses windows xp and a woman that knows nothing about computers ... i am looking for a way to use my ubuntu box to remote into his computer to take control of his desk top from time to time to help him ... if i remember correctly when i connect it will kick him off ... is there a way around this ?21:01
NickyT289New bug?21:01
jjk1989hm I restarted but it is the same21:02
NickyT289So 10.4 doesn21:02
guntbert!enter | NickyT28921:02
ubottuNickyT289: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:02
NickyT28910.4 doesn't have that?21:02
jgcampbell300I was thinking vnc could connect me to his computer even if its windows is that correct ?21:02
red2kicNickyT289: I experienced this myself. I even filed a report. I should check up on that, hmmm. I got around that by not installing grub automatically. I do it manually and I select the device myself.21:02
phixxoralright -- having problems connecting with nmcli -- will research first before asking questions21:02
ActionParsnipNickyT289: ease up on the enter key dude, you dont have to hit enter after every word21:02
Migaaresno_Im the owner, on closer inspection in only alters all files and dirs to 0200.21:02
g11992gobbe: i mount the drive in /dos with fat32 format but while installation, an error message appear that the partition cant be made in this fomat, then i tried xfs format in /dos, even then i cant find the partition. there is no option of ntfs.21:02
rez410If one were looking to host is own forum, would this be the recomended guide to use or is there something else that anyone would prefer? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhpBB221:03
red2kicNickyT289: Grub install to the first hard device (/dev/sda) -- and in your case, it read your USB drive as first device. You used USB install method?21:03
jribMigaaresno_: right?21:03
jjk1989So I need to get into the c and fortran programming using gnu emacs, and on the course site it says we have to install wubi21:03
sam-_-EagleCZ, can you post a: ls -al /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/    to pastebin?21:03
red2kicNickyT289: Instead of your hard drive, so that is the problem. Your hard drive should be /dev/sda -- but it ended up as /dev/sdb21:03
Migaaresno_jrib, your right.21:03
danny_Hi, I try to restore a gconf backup made by gconf-cleaner because, that program has erase my compiz and docky config's, but the command to restore this dosen't work:21:03
danny_gconftool-2 –-load=20110116211912.reg21:03
danny_gconftool-2 –load=20110116211912.reg21:03
NickyT289Hey red2kic, I'm very new. I don't understand ANY of those terms.21:04
EagleCZsam-_-: ls: cannot access /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic-pae/kernel/sound/pci/hda/21:04
Migaaresno_jrib, There is somthing else going on too: chmod 640 * -v -r21:04
Migaaresno_chmod: kan geen toegang krijgen tot ‘640’: Bestand of map bestaat niet21:04
Migaaresno_kan modus van ‘640’ niet wijzigen naar 0000 (---------)21:04
NickyT289Is there any way for me to lose the GRUB screen without a reinstall?21:04
sam-_-EagleCZ, uname -a then21:04
red2kicNickyT289: Ah. Sorry. How did you install Ubuntu?21:04
Ericthegrhey you guys if not here where can I get some stupidly simple java help?21:04
sciguy16sam-_-: grub.cfg looks like it's pointing to the correct drive and partition and the boot flag is set for it21:04
NickyT289I installed it from a LIVEUSB, to another USB for permanence.21:04
EagleCZsam-_-: Linux eaglewatch-pc 2.6.35-24-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:21:31 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux21:04
guntbertjjk1989: give me the link to the site please - there must be some misunderstanding21:04
Migaaresno_jrib, It tries to alter the premission of 640, but thats no file/dir!21:04
jribMigaaresno_: I'd suggest passing options first, then mode, then files.  And use -R for recursive, not -r21:05
EricthegrI just need help compileing my first class21:05
guntbertEricJ: ask in ##java please21:05
danny_Anyone can help me?21:05
ether-boyhelp needed with intalling bluetooth on ubuntu 10.10 .lspci gives "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth)"21:05
jrib!helpme | danny_21:05
ubottudanny_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:05
sam-_-EagleCZ, ok. you need to reinstall the package: linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae21:06
ActionParsnipdanny_: i'd just use your backups21:06
jjk1989It is in norwegian, but it is like this: we are supposed to program in c and fortran, using gnu emacs, for this we had to get ubuntu it says21:06
danny_ActionParsnip: How can I restore them?21:06
ActionParsnipdanny_: how do you backup your data?21:06
jribjjk1989: did you boot ubuntu already?21:06
jjk1989I installed wubi and restarted my machine, is that what you mean?21:07
EagleCZsam-_-: sorry for being such a noob but... could you please send me the command to do that? as i said im totally new to linux21:07
bencahillhey, is there something like autohotkey for linux?21:07
NickyT289Is there any way for me to lose the GRUB screen without a reinstall?21:07
sam-_-EagleCZ, sudo dpkg -P linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae && sudo apt-get clean &&  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae21:07
phixxorIs anyone here familiar with nmcli (ok if you aren't) -- I'm trying to connect to my default connection by doing "nmcli con up "Auto eth0"" but it gives an error -- i'm running up and down between computers to figure it out21:07
jribjjk1989: no.  You need to install ubuntu using wubi and then select ubuntu from the menu when you boot21:07
bencahillNickyT289: see the grub config wiki page...21:07
ActionParsnipjjk1989: burn the iSO slowly to a CD and boot to it. You can then resize your NTFS and install a true OS. Or you could even use virtualbox and run it that way21:07
jjk1989ok I will tr again21:07
danny_ActionParsnip: With Gconf-cleaner21:07
phixxorNickyT289, do you mean boot straight to Ubuntu or straight to WIndows?21:08
bencahillNickyT289: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:08
NickyT289Straight into Ubuntu21:08
stealthc_just wondering here, is there a cat /proc command that can pull up information on disks, their UUID's and labels?21:08
bencahillstealthc_: sudo blkid21:08
jribphixxor: I'm not, but you should include the error in a pastebin link21:08
nicofsIs there a way to "grab" the exact specifications of a video to insert them as options into ffmpeg to code videos into the same format?21:08
outer_spaceI can sftp to my server, but when I ftp it claims my password is incorrect, does ftp use different accounts than sftp?21:08
stealthc_does that work in solaris too?21:09
red2kicNickyT289: Download Ubuntu LiveCD -- You want to install Grub to your USB stick (where Ubuntu sits on it).21:09
BelkinUSBhi all, do you think I should be able to run Ubuntu/xubuntu on a portable with a P3 900 Mhz processor, 250 Mb RAM and21:09
sam-_-sciguy16, post a "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdx " and your grub.cfg and i will try to tell you what you need to change21:09
jribstealthc_: ask a solaris channel...21:09
phixxorNickyT289, that's definitely possible -- use the link that bencahill provided -- you can also check out the program "startupmanager" which does it via GUI i think21:09
stealthc_see and that's why I'm asking for cat proc methods if any, I know solaris supports that21:09
bencahillBelkinUSB: I would run a lighter version, like xubuntu or lubuntu, or go for a lighter distro altogether21:09
NickyT289Startup manager?21:09
g11992gobbe: hello! are u there?21:09
bencahillBelkinUSB: see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements21:09
ActionParsnipnicofs: mplayer -identify filename    should tell you good stuff21:09
phixxorjrib, that's a little bit difficult since that computer isn't connected to the internet at the moment, but I'll write it down21:10
EagleCZsam-_-: http://p.boxnet.eu/86253/21:10
jribstealthc_: the other way you can do it on ubuntu is ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ .  If you need help with solaris though, this isn't the place for it21:10
Migaaresno_jrib, I have managed to get it working using: chmod -R -v 755 ./    Thanks.21:10
BelkinUSBbencahill... yup it looks kinda sloshy now21:10
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: should be fine, what video card?21:10
phixxorNickyT289, yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager21:10
stealthc_actuall I believe that will work in solaris21:10
phixxorNickyT289, you can also do it straight from the command line if you prefer21:10
stealthc_and probably other nix flavors too if I am not mistaken?21:10
bencahillBelkinUSB: yes, but it should run great if you use something like lubuntu, which uses lxde21:10
DJKorbithi, is there a command that i can use to get only the version of a deb file?21:10
BelkinUSBvideo cardi is ibm something21:10
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: I'd go with Lubuntu personally but you can install Ubuntu then simply add LXDE ;)21:11
DJKorbitor do i have to play with sed to strip some output?21:11
aciculaDJKorbit: apt-cache show <packagename>21:11
stealthc_seems like it would I'll give it a try, thanks21:11
sam-_-EagleCZ, sudo apt-get purge linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic && sudo apt-get clean &&  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae21:11
aciculaDJKorbit: oh like so, erm, dpkg-query perhaps?21:11
=== KinsOne is now known as KindTwo
bencahillActionParsnip: true :)21:11
NickyT289I'm just wondering if anyone knows the command right off21:11
NickyT289to save me some time21:11
BelkinUSBdo I have to reinstall from scratch if I want to go Lubuntu or can I do it from here? (just add the lxde package)21:11
ActionParsnipNickyT289: you can use bum21:11
bencahillNickyT289: edit /etc/default/grub.conf i think...21:11
sam-_-EagleCZ, i hope you still have some older kernel in case it breaks :-)21:11
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
DJKorbitacicula, i'll try dpkg-query, apt-cache doesn't work for me, i'm dealing with deb files, not a repo21:11
danny_ActionParsnip: The file generated by the cleaner is restorable, but I can't do that21:12
NickyT289it might literlly take less time to reinstall 10.4 than it would to take all this time researching how to customize it my way21:12
ether-boyhelp needed with intalling bluetooth on ubuntu 10.10 .lspci shows "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth)". anybody here with same wokring module?21:12
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: just install lxde  and then log off, click your name, select lxde then enter password and log in21:12
NickyT289because 10.4 didn21:12
NickyT289do this21:12
stealthc_aha and then do it like this ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/21:12
EagleCZsam-_-: probably not, but i dont care about reinstalling since i dont have anything on this drive except linux21:12
aciculaDJKorbit: ah gotcha21:12
ActionParsnipNickyT289: what are you wanting to do?21:12
bencahillNickyT289: are you just trying to bypass seing grub?21:12
BelkinUSBtried installing Lubuntu from the live CD but seems I'm missing some RAM21:12
waza-ari_Hey all, i have an audio-dvd here, and i wand to rip the tracks from this audio dvd to my pc, bit i want to store them in a way, that they will have the 5.1 information on dvd. I found some *.AOB files in AUDIO_TS folder, but dont know what to do with them. any ideas?21:12
sciguy16sam-_-: http://pastebin.com/hiye8YSp http://pastebin.com/fmymygeP21:12
DJKorbitacicula, dpkg-query man page says it works against a dpkg database, i want to work with plain files21:12
NickyT289yes benachill, exactly21:13
EagleCZsam-_-: http://p.boxnet.eu/26921/21:13
rez410is this in anyones repository? phpbb2-conf-mysql21:13
ActionParsnipNickyT289: and ease up on the enter key, you can write very long lines as I'm doing now and you wont scroll the channel like mad21:13
NickyT289it just wastes my time because I always want regular Ubuntu of course21:13
bencahillNickyT289: then go edit /etc/default/grub (sudo nano /etc/default/grub)21:13
bencahill!tab NickyT28921:13
aciculaDJKorbit: yup thats what i was just checkking too21:13
bencahill!tab | NickyT28921:13
ubottuNickyT289: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:13
fermulatorbencahill: should use "gksu" when loading GUI applications w/ sudo permissions21:13
bencahillfermulator: oh, is nano a gui app?21:13
aciculaDJKorbit: i think you have to look at the deb packaging tools if you want to query the deb version number from a package?21:13
fermulatorbencahill: oh nvm,21:13
fermulatorbencahill; sorry, haha, nope, nano is terminal.  (i read gedit)21:14
outer_spacewhat is ubuntu ftp looking for if it won't accept root user and root password to connect?21:14
sam-_-EagleCZ, argh. i keep making litte mistakes ;-(21:14
sam-_-EagleCZ, sudo apt-get purge linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae && sudo apt-get clean &&  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic-pae21:14
ActionParsnipNickyT289: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub   and change it to be similar to this: http://pastebin.com/4AzCfrjJ21:14
sam-_-EagleCZ, now this should do it21:14
Chousukeouter_space: ? connect as your regular user21:14
aciculaDJKorbit: dpkg-deb21:14
bencahillfermulator: ok, no prob, I've never actually used nano, just seen it in all the instructional things (I prefer vi, but wouldn't tell a noob to use it, as it would be to confusing :) )21:14
Chousukeouter_space: no-one uses ftp as root21:14
NickyT289I'm just trying to get some help guys, sorry for pissing you all off because I don't know how to properly use your chatroom.21:14
outer_spacethe only user is root21:15
rez410outer_space: you have to set up a user no matter what I think21:15
Chousukeouter_space: make another21:15
DJKorbitacicula, thanks, i'll look into that21:15
rez410outer_space: and specify what that user can access21:15
aciculaDJKorbit: dpkg-deb --control file.deb fileinfo dumps the controlinfo from file.deb to fileinfo21:15
EagleCZsam-_-: a long operation started so probably yes, dont see any errors yet21:15
bencahillNickyT289: it's no problem, just run my command or ActionParsnip's, both will edit the same file, but with a cli vs gui editor21:15
bencahillNickyT289: have you tried editing the file yet?21:16
sam-_-EagleCZ, sounds good. don't know why it didn'T install cleanly the first time though21:16
Chousukeouter_space: but you should avoid ftp if you need to. Install an ssh server and use scp or sftp21:16
aciculaDJKorbit: dpkg-deb -W file.deb should do what you want even21:16
EagleCZsam-_-: done, now what21:16
Chousukeouter_space: er, I mean, if you can21:16
BelkinUSBa propos of BelkinUSB... I desperately tried to install it to my laptop for the last two days, followed a  bunch of threads but with no results.... Should I trash it or there is hope?21:16
sam-_-EagleCZ, reboot21:16
outer_spacesftp works great, ftp wont accept root user, I hate it21:16
DJKorbitacicula, yup, dpkg-deb -W file.deb | cut -f 221:16
NickyT289Ok, I have the file open & I'm ready to edit.21:17
sam-_-sciguy16, well that didn't help. do you know where your root fs is on? /dev/sdaX?21:17
g11992anybody help please. suggest me in which format and where should i mount a partition to be used in both the windows 7 and ubuntu. there is no option for ntfs, and i tried fat32 in /dos- installation started but error message displayed that the partition cant me made in this format.21:17
DJKorbitacicula, and | sed 's/-.*//'21:17
aciculaDJKorbit: the man page seems to suggest you can even specify what output format you want, but it seems to be lacking on how to do it21:17
bencahillNickyT289: it's heavily commented, and should be easy to do, but I'll look for you, one sec...21:17
sciguy16sam-_-: yes; /dev/sda121:17
hihihi100how do i install sdlmixer?21:17
NickyT289Is it just one line that I need to edit?21:17
ActionParsnipNickyT289: mine file is vanilla, so should help21:18
phixxorNickyT289, should be, yeah -- there should be a line with "Grub timeout"21:18
aciculag11992: you have to use NTFS, or whatever format it is that windows 7 uses by default21:18
waza-ari_Hey all, i have an audio-dvd here, and i want to rip the tracks from this audio dvd to my pc, in a format storing the 5.1 information on DVD. I found some *.AOB files in AUDIO_TS folder, but dont know what to do with them. any ideas?21:18
phixxorNickyT289, if you have the old version of grub21:18
phixxorNickyT289, it should tell you in the file what to set it to, but I think if you set it to 0, it will go straight to your default boot option21:19
sam-_-sciguy16, sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep -i uuid21:19
g11992acicula: but there is no option for NTFS while installing ubuntu21:19
aciculag11992: try letingg windows 7 format the partition for you, also make sure the partition type is set correctly21:19
NickyT289I have this line "# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only) #GRUB_TERMINAL=console"21:19
sam-_-sciguy16, what does it say?21:19
NickyT289does that sound right?21:19
aciculag11992: are you trying to install ubuntu on an NTFS partition?21:19
aciculafs even21:19
phixxorNickyT289, that's not it, i think21:19
phixxorNickyT289, which file are you editing?21:20
DJKorbitacicula, dpkg-deb --showformat='${Version}\n' -W file.deb21:20
bencahillNickyT289: no no, not that21:20
NickyT289grub etc/default gedit21:20
bencahillNickyT289: change this line (GRUB_TIMEOUT=10) to this (GRUB_TIMEOUT=0)21:20
aciculaDJKorbit: nice21:20
sciguy16sam-_-: Filesystem UUID:          7077aff3-29d5-4b65-84bf-34360faef3df21:20
bencahillNickyT289: ^^ that should do it21:20
phixxoryes, that's it21:20
NickyT289let me try21:20
DJKorbitacicula, thanks for the help21:20
aciculaDJKorbit: np21:20
g11992i installed ubuntu in ext4 parttion in / i have another partition to be used in both the windows, but i cant do so21:21
phixxorbencahill, does nick have to run update-grub too?21:21
sam-_-sciguy16, i feared that :-( so your root fs seems to be correct21:21
bencahilllol :)21:21
phixxorbencahill, heh21:21
bencahillphixxor: yes, he left to quick :)21:21
EagleCZsam-_-: great job, the sound settings is working again but i cant make it play :(21:21
phixxorbencahill, they'll be back21:21
phixxoror she whatever21:21
sam-_-EagleCZ, can't make what play?21:21
g11992acicula:i installed ubuntu in ext4 parttion in / i have another partition to be used in both the windows, but i cant do so21:21
bencahillphixxor: yep, complaining that it didn't work :D21:21
phixxorhahah yup21:21
phixxorat least it's a quick fix21:22
ActionParsnipg11992: windows cannot access ext4 partitions21:22
bencahillphixxor: yep :)21:22
EagleCZsam-_-: any sound...21:22
phixxorAlright so let me get back to what I'm trying to figure out21:22
bencahillhey, is there something like autohotkey for linux? I want to remap my CapsLock key...21:22
sam-_-EagleCZ, which application are you trying?21:22
erUSULbencahill: system>preferences>keyboard || layout21:23
EagleCZsam-_-: well the sound settings sound test21:23
phixxorfrom "nmcli dev" I can tell that wlan0 is the device I need to activate -- right now it's disconnected. But I can't find anything in nmcli that would connect it21:23
ActionParsnip!shortcut | bencahill21:23
ubottubencahill: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts21:23
EagleCZsam-_-: so i suppose i need some specific drivers, but when i was installing them last time a probably caused the damage you just repaired21:23
bencahillActionParsnip: I basically want to have capslock do rightarrow, and shift + capslock do leftarrow...let me check that...21:24
sam-_-EagleCZ, doesn't work for me either :-) and sound works for me21:24
waza-ari_Hey all, i have an audio-dvd here, and i want to rip the tracks from this audio dvd to my pc, in a format storing the 5.1 information on DVD. I found some *.AOB files in AUDIO_TS folder, but dont know what to do with them. any ideas?21:24
bencahill!info keytouch21:24
ubottukeytouch (source: keytouch): A program to configure extra function keys in multimedia keyboards. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.1-11 (maverick), package size 168 kB, installed size 864 kB21:24
sam-_-EagleCZ, no. there are no driver issues at this point i believe21:24
phixxorshould I be using "nmcli nm {status | sleep | wakeup | wifi | wwan } to connect?21:24
EagleCZsam-_-: ok ill try to find something that makes sound but isn't the sound test :)21:25
g11992acicula: actually, i have 3 paritions and windows is already installed, today i want to dual boot with ubuntu and installed ubuntu in ext4 partition and now i want to make the third partition to be displayed in both the os. now it is not showing in any of the os21:25
phixxorwakeup might be the thing to do, hold on21:25
sam-_-EagleCZ, /initrd.img21:26
sam-_-EagleCZ, aplay /initrd.img21:26
sam-_-EagleCZ, but turn the speakers down first :-)21:26
Troll_faceUbuntu has been free for years, yet most reject Ubuntu as just a TOY OS21:26
Troll_facewritten by geeks for geeks who can't get laid.21:26
rww!ot | Troll_face21:26
ubottuTroll_face: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:26
aciculag11992: i would gues the partion type is set incorrectly21:26
BelkinUSBanother newbie question..is it safe to install ubuntu and windows XP on the same partition (for example on a laptop with a small hard disk) or must one split the disk and make 2 partitions for it to work?21:27
aciculag11992: set it to something similar as the windows partition type, and then format it from windows21:27
bencahillBelkinUSB: you could do that with wubi, but not normally21:27
EagleCZsam-_-: nothing... i also tried playing an mp3 and nothing too21:27
bencahillBelkinUSB: you need one for windows and two for linux, assuming you need swap (which you probably do)21:27
EagleCZsam-_-: just made a giant idiotic FAIL... my speakers are off21:27
erUSUL!dualboot | BelkinUSB21:28
ubottuBelkinUSB: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:28
BelkinUSBbencahill, unfortunately wubi does not work for me...not enough RAM21:28
bencahillEagleCZ: LOL!21:28
sam-_-EagleCZ, oh ok.21:28
=== batrick_ is now known as batrick
rez410Im having a hard time finding this package - phpbb2-conf-mysql. Any help?21:28
bencahillBelkinUSB: not enough ram? :-/21:28
waza-ari_noone has an idea how to get the tracks from an audio-dvd? I dont want to "steal" it, i bought this dvd but dont want to put it in pc every time i want to hear music...21:28
botcitywaza-ari_: id use ffmpeg quite Powerful not sure thats the answer21:28
bencahill!info phpbb2-conf-mysql | rez41021:28
ubotturez410: Package phpbb2-conf-mysql does not exist in maverick21:28
sam-_-EagleCZ, but the reinstall of linux-image was necessary nonetheless21:28
ActionParsnip!rip | waza-ari_21:28
ubottuwaza-ari_: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar21:28
BelkinUSBnop just 250 and partly shared with the video card :(21:28
EagleCZsam-_-: working xD thank you for all your help, if i were a girl id say i love you :))21:28
DiverdudeWhat actually happens if I install a program which installs some scripts/executables with a name which already is occupied by another script/executable? Is it then just overwritten?21:29
sciguy16sam-_-: do you (or anyone else) have any idea what might cause it to be unable to find the root directory? grub can load the other operating systems without problems21:29
sam-_-EagleCZ, a lesbian?21:29
aciculaDiverdude: depends21:29
Cyphurdoes anyone know where i can find a compaq proliant RAID utility so i can configure my server to run ubuntu?21:29
waza-ari_ActionParsnip: its not a cd, its an audio DVD21:29
ActionParsnipDiverdude: it will cause an error, and you may have to force the install. You should also log a bug21:29
waza-ari_botcity, maybe ill ask in there channel, its worth a try...21:29
aciculaDiverdude: the package manager will prevent packages from ddoing that to themselves, but if you just copy files as root then they will be written, no questions asked21:29
ActionParsnipwaza-ari_: will sound juicer not read it?21:29
sam-_-sciguy16, i would guess sth. went wrong with your initrd.21:30
sam-_-sciguy16, but it's strange that other kernel version do not boot as well21:30
Diverdudeacicula, and if it is done from a make install on a tar file that was downloaded?21:30
bencahillBelkinUSB: oh, then I would use lubuntu or a lighter distro21:30
rez410bencahill: so the package does not exist now? what should I use instead?21:30
phixxoralright -- so here's the current progress -- I think I'm supposed to do "nmcli con up id <id>" to connect my wifi -- does that sound right to anyone?21:30
g11992acicula: thanks, i have done it.21:30
aciculaDiverdude: well that depends on the package file21:30
bencahillrez410: beats me, I was just checking for you, I have no clue about it21:30
EagleCZsam-_-: no it probably wasn't i couldn't set up any sound levels and speaker output and whatever... sorry for thinking you are a man since i haven't ever seen a woman so great at linux...  lesson learned :)21:31
m4vsciguy16: did you fsck the root partition?21:31
rez410bencahill: thanks21:31
phixxorbut the problem is my connection isn't there, and i get a warning saying that the settings can't be found... what should I do?21:31
erUSULDiverdude: depends where the files are written to. a make install usually uses /usr/local/ so the original files will not be touched21:31
aciculaDiverdude: you can typically specify a prefix, such as /usr/local so you dont mess up your system, or you can have a look at making a debpackage from the tar file21:31
erUSULDiverdude: /usr/local/bin/ is first in PATH so trhe new executables will be prefered over the old ones when you execute them from a terminal etc ...21:31
waza-ari_ActionParsnip: i guess it wont, but i'll give it a try21:32
sam-_-EagleCZ, i am a man. but i could have been a woman. ( i made the mistake of assuming once too.) stupid joke i know...21:32
bencahillActionParsnip: will keytouch remap other keys as well?21:32
ether-boyis there a kernel module for bluetooth device Broadcom BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth). couldn't find anything on internet. This one is installed on a dell laptop21:32
ActionParsnipwaza-ari_: thats why its worth suggestig :)21:32
phixxoris there any other way to connect to a WPA wlan without using nmcli?21:32
Diverdudeahhh okay...it copied files to /usr/local/bin/sorttest21:32
ActionParsnipbencahill: maybe, not sure21:32
phixxoror is nmcli the way to go21:32
bencahillActionParsnip: actually, the real question is, would it be able to send leftarrow when I press shift + caps21:32
res0001Greetings from a first-time poster here ... Does anyone have advice on how to get my "live" USB flash drive (8GB SanDisk Cruzer) to boot ***automatically***?  I made it in Win7 using the usb-creator program recommended at Ubuntu.com (and I've also done this using Unetbootin, with the same results). I downloaded the Ubuntu 10.10 (64-bit) iso file, which the creator program correctly detects, and it reports a successfully completed inst21:33
res0001allation to the USB flash drive. My system's boot-device priorities are presently (#1-Removable device, #2-CDROM, #3-HardDrive). Pressing F8 at boot-time will let me ***manually*** choose from these three, but if I simply let the system do its thing, it automatically brings up the GRUB screen for my Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit)/Win7 dual-boot system that I already have successfully installed on my HD. Any ideas?21:33
ActionParsnipbencahill: not sure, ive not used it21:33
BelkinUSBbencahill, if I decide to install on the same partition alongside XP on my other laptop (2Gb ram, P4 2,6 Mhz) , would it run ok?21:33
bencahillphixxor: yes, there is another way, using wpasupplicant, and /etc/network/interfaces...21:33
ActionParsnipres0001: not all BIOSes can boot USB21:33
EagleCZsam-_-: my friend suspected you :) but i dont care if you play a little joke on me since you helped me so much21:33
bencahillBelkinUSB: no, that would be impossible :-?21:33
phixxorbencahill, it looks like I might have to do that, since nmcli can't find my connections for some reason21:34
bencahillphixxor: ok, one sec...21:34
res0001Action: yes, but this one *does* boot manually -- just ca't seem to make it boot automatically.21:34
waza-ari_ActionParsnip: okay, sound-juicer does not recognize the disk...21:34
ActionParsnipres0001: you may need to use a boot floppy from pendrivelinux to boot the usb21:34
botcitywaza-ari_: have you tried the acid rip dvd riper in the software centre21:34
sciguy16m4v: Pinatubo contains a file system with errors, check forced.21:34
sam-_-EagleCZ, there are girls on this channel though. hard to believe but true :-)21:34
bencahillsam-_-: are you one?21:35
bencahillphixxor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31853921:35
sam-_-bencahill, i wish :-)21:35
orudieis teamspeak 3.0 available for ubuntu ?21:35
EagleCZsam-_-: :) anyway thanks for the help again, im now leaving :)21:35
sam-_-EagleCZ, bye21:35
bencahillphixxor: np, I've done that ^^ with a cli install of ubuntu 10.10, and it worked great!21:35
erUSULorudie: check its website21:35
m4vsciguy16: try booting again after the errors are fixed then.21:35
bencahillsam-_-: lol :)21:35
EagleCZsam-_-: bye21:35
waza-ari_botcity: you mean acidrip? No, but I'll try it now.21:36
sciguy16m4v: I'll let it go through and fix everything itself, then?21:36
kulychHi, i am installing some app in .tar.gz, but i cant continue, because make shows, this error: "g++   -Wall -Wunused -gstabs+ -c -o parser.o parser.cc21:36
kulychIn file included from common.h:119,21:36
kulych                 from parser.cc:17:21:36
kulychwaveform.h:50: fatal error: pulse/simple.h: Adresář nebo soubor neexistuje21:36
kulychcompilation terminated.21:36
kulychmake: *** [parser.o] Error 121:36
kulych". Any ideas?21:36
FloodBot4kulych: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:36
kulychOh, sorry21:36
m4vsciguy16: yes, it might ask you questions about what to do, most of the time is safe to "yes" everything.21:36
waza-ari_botcity: this only reads out the Video part of the dvd, not the audio part21:36
BelkinUSBI wish I could trash my Xp altogether and install Kubuntu but I can't get that damn BelkinUSB network adapter to work in Ubuntu :(21:37
sciguy16m4v: okay, doing that now21:37
ayeceekulych: what is the meaning of the error message in english?21:37
kulychg++   -Wall -Wunused -gstabs+ -c -o parser.o parser.cc21:37
kulychIn file included from common.h:119,21:37
kulych                 from parser.cc:17:21:37
kulychwaveform.h:50: fatal error: pulse/simple.h: file or directory not found21:37
kulychcompilation terminated.21:37
kulychmake: *** [parser.o] Error 121:37
FloodBot4kulych: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:37
manhunterActionParsnip, hi21:37
ayeceekulych: that one seems pretty straightforward. The file pulse/simple.h doesn't exist, eh?21:38
bencahill!paste | kulych21:38
ubottukulych: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:38
phixxorbencahill, whew seems like a lot of trouble -- my ultimate goal is just to get gdm to work again -- maybe I should try turning gdm off and back on again first?21:39
sciguy16m4v: the partition is now 'clean' - should I try booting into it now?21:39
phixxorsudo service gdm stop ?21:39
ayeceekulych: next step would be to figure out if it's just in the wrong place, or if you're supposed to get it from somewhere.21:39
ether-boyis there a kernel module available for bluetooth device Broadcom BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth). couldn't find anything on internet. This one is installed on a dell laptop21:39
bencahillok, so does anyone know how I could capture keystrokes and convert them to something else? (e.g. shift + capslock to leftarrow)21:39
phixxorfollowed by sudo service gdm start21:39
etamwhat is wrong with my installation: http://imagebin.org/13295121:39
bencahillphixxor: are you running cli or desktop?21:39
ayeceeether-boy: what is the usb id?21:39
bencahill!enter | etam21:39
ubottuetam: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:39
phixxorbencahill, I want to be in desktop, but I'm in cli -- it's done that twice to me now21:40
manhunterActionParsnip, hi21:40
ether-boylspci gives "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth)"21:40
etambencahill: sorry21:40
phixxorbencahill, gdm says it's running21:40
lawlfflesCan a Launcher take user input, highlighted text dropped over it, and send it to another script for execution?21:40
the_studentAnyone know the legality of selling bugs?21:40
RAMNUShello, i want to install ubuntu on my windows. so, which file should i download?21:40
ether-boysorry that was "lsusb" lol my bad21:40
bencahillphixxor: o_o I don't know about that, I'm not up on x/desktop managers and how they work21:41
erUSULthe_student: huh?21:41
ayeceeether-boy: it's not looking promising. I think it might not be supported.21:41
bencahillRAMNUS: what exactly are you trying to do?21:41
phixxoretam, it looks like the thing to do is kill the panel and start it up again -- but I forget how21:41
phixxor"killall gnome-panel" maybe21:41
the_studenterUSUL: How legal is it to sell bugs?21:41
bencahillthe_student: what is your definition for 'bugs'?21:41
RAMNUSbencahill, a friend will install ubuntu on my windows but he has no internet. so, i don't know which ubuntu files i should have before going to him.21:42
Zoresvityou may also use xkill and point to the panel21:42
erUSULwho would want to buy bugs ( software bugs i assume )21:42
phixxorthe_student, not sure that's on topic here...21:42
phixxorerUSUL, developers, so they can fix them? idk21:42
bencahillRAMNUS: so, you are going to format and install windows? or you have unpartitioned space on the drive?21:42
botcitywaza-ari_: vlc is supose to play those files21:42
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RAMNUSbencahill, no. i want both windows and ubuntu on my computer.21:42
sam-_-the_student, depends on your country i guess.21:42
erUSULphixxor: LOL they have enough of them for free21:43
bencahillRAMNUS: do you have unpartitioned space on the drive?21:43
mister_mIs there a KDE package that doesn't install any applications that I already have in gnome?21:43
BelkinUSBbencahill, finisched installing all the lxde-desktop environment.. what now. do I have to reboot?21:43
RAMNUSbencahill, my friend will do it for me. i don't know about that stuff. but before going to him to install ubuntu, i should have ubuntu install files.21:44
the_studentsam-_-: It's Norway, so eu rules would probably apply21:44
ether-boythe identical one is installed on macbooks....! so is there a hope? please check http://askubuntu.com/questions/11065/cant-configure-bluetooth-drivers-for-mac-mini-4-121:44
ayeceethe_student: I don't know if there would be a specific charge, but I can imagine a conspiracy charge might apply for selling bugs.21:44
ayeceeether-boy: I've checked. There is no hope that I can find.21:44
christhecoolboyARGH, the forum is so slow...21:44
RAMNUSthere is a windows ubuntu installer on the site but, it tries to download other files when i run it.21:44
BelkinUSBRAMNUS, you mean the iso?21:44
ether-boythanks anyways21:44
RAMNUSyes the iso for windows BelkinUSB.21:44
bencahillRAMNUS: if you have windows already, it is most likely taking up the entire hdd, you will have to delete windows, re-partition, then install windows on one partition, and then setup ubuntu on the other(s).21:44
bencahillRAMNUS: why do you need to keep windows?21:45
BelkinUSBdownload it from the ubuntu.org website and burn it to a cd21:45
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: just log off, select LXDE and log in21:45
sam-_-bencahill, RAMNUS keep windows if you have the space.21:45
RAMNUSbencahill :) there are some programs here on windows that i really like to use. but on the other hand, i want to take a look on ubuntu too. so, i need them both.21:45
botcitywaza-ari_: perhaps this help you  http://www.aboutonlinetips.com/how-to-play-video_ts-files/21:45
the_eye_sometimes theme doesn't apply on desktop21:46
BelkinUSBActionParsnip, i did logoff but from the terminal, the gnome desktop is stuck21:46
rwwubuntu.com, not ubuntu.org.21:46
ActionParsnipwaza-ari_: also install gnome-mplayer and w32codecs from medibuntu repo21:46
christhecoolboyRAMNUS, do you realise most programs from windows work on ubuntu21:46
christhecoolboyUbuntu comes with wine21:46
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: you select your username first, ten choose the desktop21:46
sam-_-christhecoolboy, omg. almost nothing works flawlessly in wine21:46
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: its optional, not part of a default install21:46
RAMNUSchristhecoolboy, i heard if it's not an opensource program then not usable on ubuntu.21:47
RAMNUSi like PES.21:47
ActionParsnipsam-_-: depends on the app21:47
christhecoolboyRAMNUS, from terminal, type "sudo apt-get install wine"21:47
christhecoolboynot all programs work21:47
christhecoolboybut some do...21:47
sam-_-ActionParsnip, true. i tried a lot. so what i said came from my personal experience.21:47
ActionParsnipRAMNUS: java and flash are not opensource and run fine21:47
RAMNUSwell, christhecoolboy, i don't have it right now..21:47
orudiehow can I execute a .run file ?21:48
ActionParsnipRAMNUS: world of warcraft runs well too21:48
RAMNUSActionParsnip, i really don't know about it very well, just i heard. :)21:48
BelkinUSBActionParsnip, I can't go back to the Xserver part... the only way I can control the machine is by ctl alt F1 and terminal.. but if i logoff from there it says there are sessions in use and leaves them on21:48
sam-_-orudie, set the executable bit.21:48
sciguy16m4v, sam-_-: I've run fsck, which seemed to fix a lot of errors - rebooting now21:48
ActionParsniporudie: you can install wine and run it, check the appdb for compatibility21:48
RAMNUSso people, how can i get the iso to install ubuntu on my windows?21:48
bencahillRAMNUS: okay, did you buy the computer in question?21:48
kalzCan someone assist, newbie, install Ubuntu 10.10, installed NVidia drivers via install apt get Nvidia-current, rebooted and now am stuck with VERY low resolution.21:48
ActionParsnipRAMNUS: install magicdisk and mount the ISO, you can then install from that21:49
BelkinUSBActionParsnip, is it ok to reboot or I'll loose stuff by doing so?21:49
bencahillActionParsnip: ?21:49
RAMNUSiso? where's iso? i don't have it.21:49
ActionParsnipRAMNUS: download it then21:49
bencahillRAMNUS: you don't understand, does the computer have unpartitioned space???21:49
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: if you save all work and reboot, sure21:49
christhecoolboyorudie,  to set an executable bit, right click on it, then click programs, then permissions and then tick "Allow Executing as a program"21:49
RAMNUSActionParsnip, can you show me the address where i can just download the iso file?21:49
sam-_-kalz, ctl + alt + "+" does that do anything?21:49
etamphixxor: even the restart didnt fix this21:49
etamphixxor: it is a fresh install21:50
RAMNUSbencahill, right now, i guess it's not.21:50
ActionParsnipkalz: run: sudo nvidia-xconfig   and reboot, should be ok21:50
kalznot a thing21:50
phixxoretam, did you try the killall command?21:50
RAMNUSbut my friend will do it for me.21:50
ActionParsnip!download | RAMNUS21:50
bencahillRAMNUS: you will need to delete (obliterate, format, uninstall, whatever) windows, and reinstall it on a smaller partition21:50
ubottuRAMNUS: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:50
BelkinUSBActionParsnip, nothing really important to save ... as long as the kernel remembers the lxde install I don't need the other stuff21:50
kalzwill try and report back in a moment21:50
RAMNUSok, let me look.21:50
bencahillRAMNUS: there is an alternative solution called wubi, but I have not tried it and as such cannot reccomend it, but it is an option21:50
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: you will need to choose the desktop at the login screen21:50
bencahill!wubi | RAMNUS21:50
ubottuRAMNUS: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe21:50
etamphixxor: gnome-panel no process found21:50
christhecoolboyI have a computer problem, I've asked in the forum, but its all too slow ATM21:51
bencahill!ask | christhecoolboy21:51
ubottuchristhecoolboy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:51
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: maybe its being maintained in some way21:51
phixxoretam, try running "top" and see if it's called something different21:51
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sam-_-RAMNUS, wubi is great for trying it out over a longer period of time. if you want to use it then u should install it natively.21:51
christhecoolboyMy PC has no sound...21:51
christhecoolboyits a MSI AE202021:51
sam-_-RAMNUS, longer period of time = 2 weeks +/-21:52
christhecoolboydevice manager says the sound card is: 'MCP79 High Definition Audio'21:52
sam-_-christhecoolboy, alsamixer   crank everything up in there21:53
christhecoolboyI dont know anything about ubuntu21:53
christhecoolboyonly the basics21:53
wagnusHello guys - i have an issue with my Trackpoint on my laptop21:53
sam-_-christhecoolboy, you know how to get to terminal?21:53
etamphixxor: there is nothing like *panel*21:53
sam-_-wagnus, synaptic clickpad?21:53
christhecoolboyI have terminal open21:54
Dakravhow do you register a nick name?21:54
sam-_-christhecoolboy, enter: alsamixer   crank everything up in there21:54
wagnusSam, it's after i resume it from sleep. The trackpoint stops working21:54
Dakravhow do you register a nickname with xchat genome?21:54
wagnusor not responding21:54
christhecoolboysam-_-,  No command 'aslamixer' found, did you mean: Command 'alsamixer' from package 'alsa-utils' (main)21:54
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: ok can you run this and select yes to upload, give the red hyperlink please: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh21:55
sam-_-wagnus, could you post a lsmod to pastebin?21:55
Honthertanshyem4v, sam-_-: fsck fixed it - I have now booted into ubuntu and it is working - thank you!21:55
Shinydanhaving a tag problem with an mp3 - no matter what genre I stick in, rhythmbox keeps on reading it as "bluegrass".21:55
sam-_-christhecoolboy, alsamixer not aslamixer :-)21:55
sam-_-Honthertanshye, oh. wouldn't have suspected that :-)21:56
christhecoolboynow I got this dos looking thing come up21:56
kalznvidia xconfig and rebooting has made no difference21:56
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sam-_-yes. move with the cursor and adjust the volumes21:56
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: thats a terminal21:56
sam-_-christhecoolboy, yes. move with the cursor and adjust the volumes21:56
wagnussam, here is my lsmod: http://pastebin.com/0PRdadXP21:56
ZykoticK9Shinydan, I use EasyTag for my tagging needs - be sure you are updating both the v1 & v2 ID3 tags.  Good luck.21:56
sam-_-ActionParsnip, he is in alsamixer already21:56
ActionParsnipsam-_-: doesn't matter, the script gives a lOT of information about the sound system21:57
christhecoolboyexcept headphone21:57
christhecoolboyand speaker21:57
christhecoolboyare on full21:57
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: press CTRL+ALT+T and run the command:    wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh       What is output?21:57
sam-_-wagnus, does a "sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse" fix it?21:58
cheater00i have a problem21:58
cheater00a full-screen application has changed my desktop resolution and now i can't change it anymore21:58
christhecoolboyActionParsnip, a long thing came up21:58
vkuesHi :) Is there a decent way determining whether a box is "in use" or "idle"? I. e. whether there was some recent ssh login or local keyboard/mouse interaction?21:58
cheater00can someone help me with finding out the command to do that?21:58
cheater00additionally, xchat is very cramped on such a small screen so i can barely see anything..21:59
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: press Y when prompted, you will see a RED hyperlink giving the details, what is the link21:59
Hrundihey, I have a question. What could be wrong if I'm doing telnet localhost, and try to login, and it tells me password incorrect despite being absolutely the right password?21:59
ActionParsnipcheater00: xrandr may do it21:59
vkuesIt's for determining whether some Maildir-sync tools should be executed or not, current idea is to use the state of a running screensaver.21:59
ilovefairuzDakrav: join #freenode21:59
christhecoolboyActionParsnip,  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d3fa442622cad8aaba9aaef2787650bf0242159e21:59
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: perfect :)22:00
sam-_-Hrundi, is there a reason you use telnet?22:00
wagnussam, i get this: ~$ sudo modprobe -r psmouse22:00
wagnusFATAL: Module psmouse is in use.22:00
cheater00ActionParsnip: what's the gnome command for that?22:00
kalzif it helps, im using a Sony Bravia 32" as a monitor22:00
cheater00i wanted to try gnome first22:00
Dakravokay ilovefairuz?22:00
ActionParsnipcheater00: xrandr is a terminal command, theres also the monitor icon in system -> preferences22:00
sam-_-ActionParsnip, nice trick ;)22:00
ilovefairuzDakrav: to ask for help on how to register22:00
cheater00i can't access that menu, it's offscreen22:00
Hrundisam-_-: yeah, it's part of an operating systems course22:00
cheater00i need to know the command to launch it :(22:01
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: is this one of those all in one big screen PCs with the PC guts built in22:01
rcmaehlI'm getting bash: fork: resource temporarily unavailable on my ubuntu pc22:01
christhecoolboyMSI AE202022:01
Hrundiso I can't really dodge telnet here, but I'm baffled by this behavior22:01
rcmaehlfor any and all commands22:01
ActionParsnipcheater00: can you not push the screen with the mouse pointer?22:01
etamis there any chance you can help me with http://imagebin.org/132951 or i should install something else?22:01
christhecoolboythats the model22:01
BelkinUSBbencahill, Lubuntu is cool but still a little on the slow side on my old piece of junk22:01
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: yep, its in the alsa info22:01
ilovefairuzrcmaehl: running out of memory?22:01
cheater00if you launch it and look at ps aux you'll find out the command name, could you do that?22:01
rcmaehlilovefairuz: nope22:01
christhecoolboyany fixes?22:01
kalzokay, with nvida-current installed, can i edit a file somewhere in gedit to force a 1280x768 resolution?22:01
christhecoolboyI wanna record let's plays22:01
christhecoolboybut I cant22:02
stealthc_hey is there anyway I can get rid of line breaks and have a comma delimited list using gawk?22:02
christhecoolboycause I cant get any sound22:02
ShinydanThanks, Zykotic. Should solve my problem.22:02
rcmaehlrcmaehl: memory in use (5%) swap in use (2%)22:02
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: yikes, Lubuntu slow is pretty bad, could try flwm. Or install puppy as it is super light22:02
bencahillBelkinUSB: you might want to try puppy linux or slitaz22:02
ZykoticK9kalz, /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:02
rcmaehlilovefairuz: memory in use (5%) swap in use (2%)22:02
Hrundiif I try telnet I just get an outright connection refused, if that helps any22:02
kalzThanks Zylotic, ill give that a try22:02
ZykoticK9!tab | kalz22:02
ubottukalz: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:02
stealthc_specifically ls -l /dev/disk/by-path | egrep usb | gawk '{print $10}' | gawk -F'../../sdc' '{print $2}' for determining sdc #'s in that , delimited list is what I'm trying to figure out... tried -F'/r' but no go :(22:03
RAMNUSi need to download a desktop cd, right?22:03
BelkinUSBbencahill, ActionParsnip puppy ? is that part of the ubuntu family or its a completely different distro altogether?22:03
rcmaehlilovefairuz: however ther's some errors that might help you help me.22:03
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: different distro, althought it can use Ubuntu repos22:03
rcmaehlilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/u4N6TBQb22:03
wiwSo I'm trying to download truecrypt from the website and after extracting the .tar.gz I'm getting a file with no extension and I'm not sure how to run the setup... What am I missing?22:04
rcmaehlis there a commnad to check all system files and their attributes, coontents, etc for errors / misconfigurations?22:04
bencahillBelkinUSB: completely different, but lucid can use ubuntu repos, as ActionParsnip said22:04
Neohi all...i noticed a slow speed rate transferring files to my pendrive usb, did you?22:04
kalzZykoticK9:  Huh, my Xorg.conf is blank.22:04
christhecoolboy:( I hope this gets fixed...22:05
RAMNUShttp://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ <--- on this address, i need to download a desktop cd, right?22:05
RAMNUSi have a 64bit computer.22:05
ZykoticK9kalz, "sudo nvidia-config" to generate one - but that also means you aren't using the proprietary nvidia driver currently.22:05
BelkinUSBActionParsnip, well lthat's handy... bencahill. On the other hand Lubuntu does not seem so bad as long as I don't browse the internet....22:05
ZykoticK9kalz, sorry nvidia-xconfig22:05
ilovefairuzrcmaehl: how did this start happening? and did you recently upgrade?22:05
rcmaehlilovefairuz: I ran bastille22:06
kalzZykoticK9: Im using the ones from apt install "Nvidia-current"22:06
bencahillBelkinUSB: browsing the internet will probably be the same no matter what os you use (it would depend on the browser), although I could be wrong22:06
ZykoticK9kalz, nvidia-current doesn't install one i don't think - you need to run that "sudo nvidia-xconfig"22:06
bencahillIs there any difference to installing via apt-get vs synaptic?22:06
BelkinUSBthe browser seems to slow everything down terribly... moreover I can't seem to find the handy Ubuntu Software center...?? Not present in Lubuntu?22:06
ActionParsnipBelkinUSB: You could install arora as browser, its dead light22:06
ZykoticK9bencahill, no22:06
bencahillZykoticK9: ok, as synaptic is much slower if you know what you're getting :)22:07
sam-_-stealthc_, does it have to be gawk? try sed: sed 's/\\n/,/g'22:07
E-DraconHello, my ubuntu isnt letting my get a resolution any higher than 640x480 on my DVI monitor, and to bypass this I had to plug in a second monitor with VGA.  But my main monitor is still stuck on a very low resolution.  Can anyone help me with this?22:07
Neocan anyone tell me why copying a file in a pendrive usb is so slow?22:07
BelkinUSBActionParsnip, it's got chromium installed and it performs a little better than firefox.. I'll give arora a try22:07
ActionParsnipbencahill: midori is pretty light too22:07
ZykoticK9bencahill, apt-get, synaptic, aptitude and ubuntu-software-center all use the same APT base.22:07
ayeceeNeo: because flash drives are slow.22:07
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[bean]E-Dracon: whats your video card? are you running this OS in virtual host?22:08
ayeceeNeo: plus, they're even slower at writing than they are at reading.22:08
bencahillZykoticK9: ok, that's what I thought :)22:08
ZykoticK9ayecee, actually flash drives can be very fast (see SSD performance), it's USB that is the bottleneck22:08
kalzZykoticK9: Right I've ran "Sudo nvidia-xconfig" , and xorg is still blank22:08
ZykoticK9kalz, when you say "blank" is there really content?22:08
ayeceeZykoticK9: flash drives _can_ be fast, but most pen drives are not fast.22:09
[bean]usb 3.0 is out now22:09
sam-_-stealthc_, actually sed 's/\n/,/g' now that i think about it22:09
E-Dracon[bean]:  The Os is on dualboot with Windows 7, but it is on a seperate hard-drive.  The GPU is a GT 240,  Running latest version of Ubuntu, with latest Nvidia Drivers install through Root.22:09
christhecoolboyActionParsnip, want me to PM you about this problem, I dont know that much about it...22:09
ilovefairuzrcmaehl: /etc/security/limits.conf   ... read http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man5/limits.conf.5.html  .. something could have exceeded the max process count limit22:09
ZykoticK9ayecee, it's the USB that is slowing them down so much22:09
ayeceeZykoticK9: for most flash drives that you buy off the shelf, the flash and not the usb is the limiting factor.22:09
kalzZykoticK9: gedit has it as a blank doc, its bizzare22:09
BelkinUSBok.. found the software center... was in a completely different position :)22:09
[bean]have you tried running xconf?22:09
ZykoticK9kalz, perhaps a problem with you gedit command?  "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"22:09
LinuxAdminhi guys22:10
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: i can't find anything for the device with regards to sound22:10
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Neoayecee: yes, i know thay are slow but i've just bought a new pendrive and the transfer rate was about 5 Mb/s, it seems to be too much slow22:10
LinuxAdminI'm getting problems connecting to vsftpd server with FileZilla client22:10
christhecoolboy:( what can I do... its the only PC I have a mic for22:10
LinuxAdminwhen I connect to my server over vpn, everything is ok, but if I turn off vpn I get an error telling that folder listing fails22:10
christhecoolboyfor recording let's plays22:10
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: seems to be a black hole. I recommend you log a bug with alsa for it22:10
ayeceeNeo: yup. they're quite slow compared to hard drives.22:10
area51pilotI did an update and now my graphics only work correctly under the previous kernel ... why22:10
ZykoticK9Neo, in my personally experience running an OS off a USB flash drive, is too slow, except for installs and emergencies22:10
LinuxAdminI can connect but can't list folders22:11
LinuxAdminwhat could be the problem?22:11
christhecoolboybut I need this fixed... :(22:11
etamit occurs that running gnome-panel shows the upper and bottom panel… http://imagebin.org/132951 :/ so it was never run22:11
E-DraconHonestly, It's not even detecting what my monitor is supposed to be22:11
ilovefairuzrcmaehl: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man5/limits.conf.5.html for a more up to date version22:11
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: how are you connecting to your server?22:11
ayeceeoh, ftp. n/m.22:11
ducktypehi, ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64 can't install on virtualbox 4 (win7 64bit), it hangs after language selection22:11
rez410anyone knowthe default admin password for phpbb3? The guide im using says its admin:admin but thats not working22:11
ducktypesomeone having the same problem?22:11
ducktype32bit iso works :|22:12
LinuxAdminyes ayecee22:12
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: when you connect without the vpn, you're going through a firewall, yes?22:12
kalzZykoticK9: AHA! opening it from the open button IN gedit rather than via terminal actually loaded it!22:12
ZykoticK9ducktype, you may want to ask in #vbox if you don't get an answer here.22:12
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diddlehiya all you busy peeps, my question - the ubuntu community forum login, why do i have to have a launchpad login and still register again for the forums? i can't register it says usernames not suitable but doesn't say why22:12
area51pilot: I did an update and now my graphics only work correctly under the previous kernel ... how do I safetly remove the top kernel or just set grub to boot in a particular kernel for now22:12
LinuxAdminayecee, server firewall is allowing every kind of connection22:13
ayeceearea51pilot: boot the previous kernel, then remove the kernel package for the current kernel with apt-get remove22:13
Neowhat if a change I/O scheduler? do you think it will become faster?22:13
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: is there any nat between you and the server?22:13
rcmaehlJan 16 14:35:43 eDerp gnome-session[1793]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'jockey-gtk.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to fork (Resource temporarily unavailable)22:13
ayeceeNeo: no22:13
ilovefairuzNeo: hardly22:13
area51pilotI am running in 24 and want to remove 2522:13
Neook, thanks everyone22:14
BelkinUSBwell I like Lubuntu :) thanks for your help ActionParsnip and bencahill. See you ;)22:14
LinuxAdminyes ayecee, but if I turn on VPN there is also NAT involved22:14
bencahillBelkinUSB: cya :)22:14
LinuxAdminat least for encrypted  traffic ayecee22:14
phixxoretam, sorry i left you hanging there ===22:15
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: when you connect with vpn, there is still nat but it is outside the vpn tunnel.22:15
rcmaehlis there like a ubuntu check system file intergerity command?22:15
phixxoretam, try running "gnome-panel" just to see what happens22:15
ilovefairuz!fsck | rcmaehl22:15
ubotturcmaehl: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot22:15
LinuxAdminayecee, how can I turn around this?22:15
GrujahI booted into Windows, and when I booted back to Ubuntu the login splashscreen came up (even though it is disabled and logs in automatically). When I log in, password gets accepted but it just comes back to login screen. I am now in recovery mode.22:15
rcmaehlI don't want to check the file system22:15
christhecoolboyActionParsnip, do you think that there could be a solution to the problem, cause I thought that alsa worked with all sound drivers???22:15
christhecoolboythis makes me sad...22:15
kalzZykoticK9:  where abouts (and how) in here would I add a forced resolution22:15
LinuxAdminayecee, what is the problem with NAT?22:16
rcmaehlI want to maek sure like the system files are as they should be content wise22:16
christhecoolboyI need this PC, for recording gaming w/ PC sound...22:16
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: it does but you need the right driver and options for the driver (if needed) first don't you22:16
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: it would be a technical explanation, and may not help to fix the problem. do you want to know?22:16
ZykoticK9kalz, the easy way is to use nvidia-settings in the GUI - manually you need to create a modeline line i believe22:16
ilovefairuzrcmaehl: tripwire22:16
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: is the server behind a nat, or is the client?22:16
kalzZykoticK9:  Ah okay, sorry but im going to have to ask for help there as well then22:17
sam-_-rcmaehl, i would have had to run it at least once in the past, right?22:17
LinuxAdminayecee, I just want to solve the problem but I wouldn't mind to know the tecnical details22:17
christhecoolboyI dont know enough about alsa...22:17
cowslammeri've just installed a new harddisk in my laptop and I'm trying to reload ubuntu.  it gets all the way through and says "no bottable devices" when it reboots22:17
AndyE12Hello, I just installed ubuntu natty Narwhal. Whenever I go to install updates I go from 700+ k/bs a sec and than it hangs to bytes per sec. From there it never moves and I just have to cancel it. Also, trying to install drivers from "Additional drivers" and it does the same thing. This happens wireless and wired - my network is fine when I dual boot to windows.22:17
jimleehi all,  how do I locate the beagle icon after install22:17
sam-_-ilovefairuz, he would have had to run it at least once in the past, right?22:17
LinuxAdminthe client is behind a nat ayecee22:17
ZykoticK9kalz, sorry just reinstalled yesterday - haven't configured my xorg yet... give me a moment to google ;)22:17
xangua!natty  | AndyE1222:17
ubottuAndyE12: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:17
ilovefairuzsam-_-:  yes22:17
sl33k_what does two dashes `--` mean in a bash command?22:18
jimlee hi all,  how do I locate the beagle icon after install.22:18
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: there is no nat, and no firewall at the server end?22:18
sam-_-ilovefairuz, so prbly. won't help22:18
rcmaehlFound my problem: http://www.r4n0k.com/2007/11/04/ah-bastille/22:18
cowslammeri've just installed a new harddisk in my laptop and I'm trying to reload ubuntu.  it gets all the way through and says "no bootable devices" when it reboots.  what am I doing wrong?22:18
jimlee hi all,  how do I locate the beagle icon after install22:18
ynstyour new harddisk is owning the old one22:18
LinuxAdminayecee, there is a firewall at the server but it is not blocking ftp22:18
sl33k_ what does two dashes `--` mean in a bash command?22:18
ZykoticK9kalz, looks like you need a line // Modes "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" // under the "Screen" section22:18
aertyuhello there22:18
etamphixxor: it shows the upper panel, but not the left one22:18
ilovefairuzsam-_-: with an already compromised system, no, it probably won't22:19
ActionParsnipsl33k_: its just the way the coder wants users to pass options22:19
jimlee hi all,  how do I locate the beagle icon after install22:19
ZykoticK9kalz, obviously you need to customize the resolutions there22:19
aertyuis it possible to play windows media player with firefox on ubuntu ?22:19
the_eye_sometimes theme doesn't apply on desktop, after logout login works sometimes fine, any help22:19
ynstyou need to make sure in your bios your old harddisk if the first boot option?22:19
aertyuif yes what to do ?22:19
ActionParsnipaertyu: no I doubt it a lot22:19
ilovefairuzsl33k_: example?22:19
aertyuwhy ?         ActionParsnip22:19
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: ftp uses a separate connection for control and data. You have allowed the control connection on port 21, but not the data connection.22:19
aertyuis it possible ?22:20
jimleeCan anybody answer me please,  hi all,  how do I locate the beagle icon after install22:20
ActionParsnipaertyu: you can use totem and install a tonne of codecs and it will do what you need most likely22:20
angieannihi all...some one can help meto run gnunet ? it does'nt connect22:20
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: the data connection is used for file transfers and for file listings too22:20
ilovefairuzjimlee: dpkg -L packagenamehere22:20
ActionParsnipaertyu: its a windows app which relies heavily on Windows. It doesn't run in wine22:20
LinuxAdminayecee, what port should I allow? is it udp?22:20
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: if you have a firewall, you will probably have to configure your ftp server to use a particular port range for the data connection, and allow that port range through your firewall.22:20
aertyuwith firefox ? ActionParsnip22:20
ayeceeno, it's tcp.22:20
sam-_-sl33k_, ilovefairuz, from the man page: A  --  signals  the  end of options and disables further option processing.22:21
[bean]aertyu: why not just setup mplayer plugin instead22:21
KM0201jimlee: what is beagle?22:21
ActionParsnipaertyu: well the app needs installing which will need wine which it doesnt work in22:21
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: by default, the port range for data connetion is dynamic - it can be any port. you will have to edit the vsftpd configuration to tell it what port to use.22:21
LinuxAdminayecee, I have the same rules for vpn traffic22:21
aertyui m talking about playing video seperatly, i need to play video directly on firefox ?22:21
LinuxAdminhow do you explain that ayecee?22:21
[bean]there is an mplayer plugin22:21
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: I think if we examined the rules we would find that's not the case.22:21
ilovefairuzsam-_-: good find22:21
christhecoolboyActionParsnip, How do I do this? http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/SND_HDA_INTEL.html22:21
ActionParsnipaertyu: totem gives a plugin for firefox, as does vlc as does mplayer22:22
christhecoolboyIs the only thing that looks promising22:22
jimleeTHANKS ilovefairuz22:22
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dizitalhow can i load $/sbin/insmod rt2860sta.ko?? I'm getting no such file or directory?? this is for my wireless device im trying to add22:23
the_studentdizital: Try w/o the dollar22:23
ayeceedigitalfiz: is rt2860sta.ko in the current directory?22:23
kalzZykoticK9:  right i've added the line, I also added "1280x768" as well, as thats the res im hoping to achive at the end of all this.22:24
the_studentdizital: Try modprobe rt2860sta22:24
ilovefairuzdizital: use modprobe if it's in standard module directories, otherwise use the full path or ./ if it's in the current directory22:24
ZykoticK9kalz, you probably ONLY want that 1280x768 actually - one entry only22:24
ayeceewhat an odd resolution, 1280x76822:25
kalzZykoticK9:  Okay, just 1280x768. do I need to reboot, or will logging out/in suffice?22:25
dizitali ran the modprobe rt2860 and it just gave me anothe rprompt22:25
ZykoticK9kalz, restart GDM - logging out should be sufficient22:25
ayeceedizital: that's a good sign.22:25
dizitalin the sbin directory there is a insmod file22:25
kalzright, ill report back in a moment22:25
dizitaltrying to upload the driver is what i'm doing22:26
ZykoticK9dizital, "lsmod" should show if it's loaded22:26
ayeceedizital: if it gives you another prompt, the driver has been loaded.22:26
dizitalk with lsmod it shows rt2860sta with the size of 63995222:26
dizitalbut when i type ifconfig the wireless device does not show22:27
ilovefairuzdizital: check ifconfig -a22:27
dizitali did a iwconfig and it shows ra0 ralink STA22:27
ilovefairuzdizital: if it's wlan0, then do: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && iwlist scan22:27
LinuxAdminayecee, there is only "ufw allow 21" rule on my firewall22:28
ilovefairuzdizital: so replace ra0 with wlan022:28
dizitalifconfig -a shows the device as ra0 but no address22:28
yayoj1dizital: try iwconfig if looking to see what wireless device being used.22:28
LinuxAdminayecee: there is other rules for ssh, and everything else is blocked22:28
angieannisome one can help me to run gnunet ? it does'nt connect22:28
sam-_-dizital, use network manager. nm-applet22:28
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: right. you have no rules to allow the ftp data connection. that's what causes the problem.22:29
LinuxAdminthere rules are the same for traffic come from vpn or soemwhere else22:29
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: is the vpn endpoint in front of the firewall, or behind?22:29
LinuxAdminbut when I connect from vpn (with same rules) I can connect. how do you explain that ayecee?22:29
jimleehi all how do I install wireless in ubuntu.22:29
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: I explain it by pointing out that the vpn endpoint is behind your firewall.22:30
ilovefairuzjimlee: pastebin the output of the command: sudo lshw -C network22:30
ilovefairuz!paste | jimlee22:30
ubottujimlee: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:30
LinuxAdminvpn endpoint is before the ftp server22:30
pkgproblemAfter update from 10.04 to 10.10 I have installed gnome-shell. Drugin the install strange things begun to happen (disapearing images in standard gnome gui etc.). It rmoved some aps (like eog) and overally made a giant mess (and gnome-shell does not even work). What would I need to reinstall (whole gnome?) to bring things back to normal?22:30
yayoj1jimiee: right click the wireless symbol on top right and select use wireless.22:31
aertyuwhat is the totem plugin name ? ActionParsnip22:31
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: I don't think you're correct on this point.22:31
ilovefairuzpkgproblem: did yo try: sudo apt-get autoremove gnome-shell && sudo reboot22:31
goddardhow do I install lamp securely maybe with zend optimize and php hardened?22:31
LinuxAdminyes I am, vpn is at the router ayecee22:31
pkgproblemilovefairuz: No I haven't.22:32
LinuxAdminI connect to router and then router forwards to server ayecee22:32
ZykoticK9pkgproblem, if you've removed stuff from Gnome you might want to reinstall the gnome-desktop-environment package22:32
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: that is, the vpn and the firewall are on the same machine?22:32
LinuxAdminno ayecee22:32
genellerhi there, i'm new and i got a serious trouble, i installed lamp (linux, apache, mysql and php), but when i start it something is wrong, says: " Another web server daemon is already running" and apache is not started22:32
pkgproblemThank you gentleman.22:32
genellerbut php and mysql are started22:32
christhecoolboyAfter 30 mins of googling for "Ubuntu MSI AE2020 sound problems MCP79 High Definition Audio", I have gotten nowhere, and I NEED this pc!22:32
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: okay. I don't know why it works with vpn, however I know why it doesn't work without vpn.22:32
LinuxAdminayecee: as I said vpn is on the router and the server is on the dmz22:33
ilovefairuzgeneller: apache is started by default when your machine boots, you don't need to start it manually, to stop it, use: sudo service apache2 stop22:33
sam-_-geneller, post sudo netstat -tulpen to pastebin22:33
LinuxAdminayecee, tell me why it doesn't work and I'll try to fix it22:33
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: the reason it doesn't work without vpn is because the firewall is blocking the data connection, which happens on a random port by default.22:33
shcherbakgeneller: sudo netstat -tuep to see what www service you running22:33
genellerhi ilovefairuz, shcerbak let me try22:34
LinuxAdminok, let me try to disconnect firewall ayecee, just a minute22:34
jimleehi all, iwconfig showed no wireless extensions, please help22:34
shcherbakgeneller: sudo netstat -tulp , my bad22:34
Sunsp0tHey all - glad to join the Ubuntu community22:34
cxoIs there a channel to talk about packaging?22:34
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: you would normally have to configure the ftp server to use a set port range for data, and configure the firewall to allow those ports.22:35
aertyui can't find the plugin ActionParsnip22:35
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JeffHooglandAnyone know anything about creating text plymouth themes?22:35
ActionParsnipchristhecoolboy: I can't find anything. Linux may not be the tol for the job22:35
Sunsp0tWhat exactly Plymouth - why is the boot process given a name?22:35
jimlee hi all, iwconfig showed no wireless extensions, please help22:35
ActionParsniptol == tool22:35
ActionParsnipSunsp0t: its what provides the boot splash screen22:35
dizitalk on my network interfaces the ra0 is not showing up but on iwconfig and ifconfig it's showing being their22:35
christhecoolboyWell, I cant get another OS, ActionParsnip22:36
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Sunsp0tActionParsnip, why is it given a name? Is it some configurable module?22:36
jimlee hi all, iwconfig showed no wireless extensions, please help22:36
jimlee hi all, iwconfig showed no wireless extensions, please help22:36
ActionParsnipSunsp0t: because it needs coding and developing, why shouldn't it have a name?22:36
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ayeceejimlee: ignored.22:36
ActionParsnipSunsp0t: there are themes in the repos22:37
Sunsp0tActionParsnip, I wasn't trying to deride, just genuinely curious.22:37
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ActionParsnipSunsp0t: no worries :)22:37
jimleeayecee, please explain22:37
ayeceejimlee: repetition.22:37
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, Sunsp0t have you seen the earth-sunrise theme?  Pretty sexy.  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/earth-sunrise-is-gorgeous-plymouth.html22:37
christhecoolboyActionParsnip, I'm gonna start by reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu22:38
LinuxAdminayecee, I turned off firewall and it doesn't work22:38
christhecoolboythen I'll be back in like 20 mins22:38
jimleerepetition of what, ayecee22:38
genellershcherbak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554883/22:38
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: i use it, theres a deb for it on gnome-lookk :)22:38
LinuxAdminI tryed another vpn that is in another server on the dmz, and it doesn't work22:38
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, using it here to on both Intel and Nvidia - it's my favourite Plymouth theme so far.22:38
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: then the data connection is being blocked elsewhere, and without knowing more about the network topology, I can't offer any insight.22:39
Icky10.10, my power manager just doesn't work. it doesn't detect plugged or unplugged status22:39
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ActionParsnipZykoticK9: same22:39
LinuxAdminok ayecee, thanks anyway, I'll investigate that22:39
ayeceeLinuxAdmin: regardless, the data connection is being dropped. that's why you can log in, but can't list directories22:39
sam-_-ZykoticK9, if it would be smooth, yes. but it stutters. yuck ;-)22:39
ActionParsnipsam-_-: use the fb driver at bootup :)22:40
ZykoticK9sam-_-, runs pretty smoothly here?  (Mind you, i have seen what you mean)22:40
sam-_-ActionParsnip, i just saw it in the video. didn't try it myself :-)22:40
Icky10.10, my power manager just doesn't work. it doesn't detect plugged or unplugged status. how do i fix this?22:40
ZykoticK9sam-_-, the video is from VBox so not as good as real life22:41
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yayoj1jimiee: sorry but uncertain of what you are trying to do?  I can probably assist more if I knew what the goal was/is.22:41
sam-_-ZykoticK9, ah, ok.22:41
shcherbakgeneller: your apache is running on ip6, just configure it.22:41
sn0manHow can I output the contents of a specific directory witout the folder path.  For example 'ls -CF -1' works perfect, but only if you run that command from within the folder.  I need to execute from cron, so it's obviously not going to run from that folder...22:41
induz मानागे िपोद तोुचह 1सत गेन ोन ॢुचिद ?22:42
induzhow can i manage iPod touch 1st gen on Lucid/22:42
ActionParsnipsn0man: make a script and you can make the commnd cd to the folder then do what is needed22:42
Sunsp0tIs anyone familiar with dual displays and Ubuntu? Had a quick question.22:42
KM0201!ipod | induz22:42
ubottuinduz: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:42
yayoj1jimiee: there are all sorts of network commands that perform different functions, or simply display information like ifconfig or iwconfig.22:43
ZykoticK9Sunsp0t, on nvidia?  If so then yes, if other graphics card then no.  Ask your question to the channel.22:43
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, Fantastic, yes! Nvidia Geforce (I am running on a Dell XPS M1730)/22:43
induzipheth-utils is already installed22:44
diddlehiya, i've got a launchpad id but ubuntu forums want another registration. why? and why won't it accept my username choices?22:44
ZykoticK9diddle, i can log into ubuntu forums with my Launchpad ID?22:45
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, here's the issue. When I boot up and the computer Posts, I hit Ctrl F8 to flip the display to the external LCD Monitor and turn off the laptop's own display.22:45
genellerwell, when i go localhost/ its working, i just don't now where is the directory, i would hope to find it in /opt/lampp/htdocs22:45
diddlezykotik ok, so maybe it's becasuse i only registered today?22:46
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, It works, but I notice that I need to wait till I actually get to the desktop before closing the laptop lid or the computer will suspend (indiciating to me the power management settings don't kick in till then).22:46
ZykoticK9!tab | diddle22:46
ubottudiddle: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:46
mrchinosunhow do i burn mp3 to a cd?22:46
the_eye_<mrchinosun> use brasero22:46
sn0manAs I mentioned I 'm trying to get all the php files in a specific directory output into a text file that gets dumped to /tmp, one per line...22:46
mrchinosunto make a audio cd to play on a cd player22:46
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, I would think this is simply the rub of Linux if it not were for the fact that I did NOT have this issue when I used Sabayon22:46
mrchinosunbrasero audio wont work22:46
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mrchinosunit wont let me add the mp3 file22:46
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induzKM0201, yes22:47
angieannisome one can help meto run gnunet ? it does'nt connect22:47
ZykoticK9Sunsp0t, which is probably true.  But it sounds like your question isn't really a dual-monitor and more of a power management issue - which i really don't have much knowledge about.22:47
sn0manso I'm already running that command from another script and would hope to be able to keep it all within one script22:47
ubu_plyCan anyone tell me why Plymouth doesn't show up, and it's just a blinking cursor at the top left while Ubuntu boots?22:47
the_eye_<mrchinosun>install Ubuntu restricted package22:47
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yayoj1jimiee: still on?22:47
ZykoticK9ubu_ply, are you using a proprietary driver?22:47
ubu_plyI'm not sure22:47
induzi have ipod touch 1st gen and i want to get pics out of it22:48
* diddle is such a noob sometimes22:48
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, That's what I thought but why would Powermanagement apply in Ubuntu only upon hitting the desktop and *immediately* in a Sabayon boot-up? I thought it may have to do with a monitor driver setting?22:48
ZykoticK9ubu_ply, what graphics card are you using?  did you install something from Hardware Drivers (aka Additional Drivers?)22:48
ZykoticK9Sunsp0t, i'm really not sure man, sorry.22:48
WaltherFIYeah. I have issues with my networking - everything, like empathy, firefox, ssh, just lose the connection every now and then. No error messages, they don't even show "disconnected". Not an ISP issue. Ubuntu(studio) 10.1022:48
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, Thanks anyway, man.22:49
genellerok, thanks ilovefairuz, sam-_- , shcherbak, i solved, i stopped the service and started the other apache, i know thats not the cleanest solution, but it works for my now22:49
ubu_plyI have an Intel graphics card, I think, I have an hp pavillion dv6 1355dx22:49
ZykoticK9Sunsp0t, just to add my 2 cents - I would assume that ACPI would start at boot (kernel driven), and not the desktop... but obviously from what you are saying - that's not the case.  Best of luck man.22:50
Sunsp0tZykoticK9, Exactly, that's why I'm so confused. Thanks for your help, man.22:50
ZykoticK9Sunsp0t, it's also possible that you are correct that it could be a driver issue.22:51
intrader Anyone, regarding it is a problem with the 'fan running all the time regardless of CPU load or temperature'. I have provided a couple of pasterbin (551644 and 502454); also, it was recommended by nachotronics to install `sudo apt-get install i8kutils gkrellm gkrellm-i8k` -however last is not found or not configurable to me. I aosl installed 'fancontrol' and rebooted. Fans are still full spped.22:52
JackyAlcineGuys; what's the point of the /etc, /usr/ and etc folders? I want to split them up.22:53
dizitalI'm still unable to get the wireless to work for unkown reason22:54
ZykoticK9!filesystem JackyAlcine22:54
GuegsI recently installed Ubuntu on this computer, and with the 5770 I was having issues with it. I got help from somebody and they accidentally installed the drivers for it twice. I removed them, but now when I go to the software centre I get this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3003262/software%20center.jpg I hit repair and it starts repairing, then tells me this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3003262/amd%20issues I am at a loss for what to do here.22:54
ZykoticK9!filesystem | JackyAlcine22:54
ubottuJackyAlcine: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier22:54
Sunsp0tdizital, do you have an Atheros card?22:54
dizitalno its a ralink card22:54
ActionParsnipintrader: I'd log a bug22:54
dizitalverified already with some others that the drivers are install22:54
ZykoticK9JackyAlcine, breaking them up would need to be done carefully - you can mount other partitions inside either if you wish - but be aware of permissions etc.22:54
induzUbuntu Lucid is not connecting my iPod touch 1st gen22:55
cowslammerwhat is the file to change grub options?22:55
ActionParsnipdizital: can you use pastebin to give the output of:  sudo lshw -C network   Thanks22:55
JackyAlcineZykoticK9: thanks22:55
induzI have already installed via sudo apt-get install ipheth-utils22:55
ZykoticK9cowslammer, /etc/default/grub if you are using grub222:55
GuegsDang. The second like should be: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3003262/amd%20issues.txt22:56
ubu_plyZykotick, was I supposed to install something from additional drivers?22:56
ilovefairuzJackyAlcine: also look up gobolinux22:56
ActionParsnipinduz: try setting it to disk mode if you can then it should mount as a usb storage device22:56
ZykoticK9!tab | ubu_ply22:56
ubottuubu_ply: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:56
ZykoticK9ubu_ply, what is the output from "lspci | grep -i vga"?22:56
MrChinoSunBrasero doesnt work with mp3's22:57
intraderActionParsnip, ubuntu-bug?22:57
ubu_plyZykoticK9, it says "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"22:57
MrChinoSuni get intro.mpt could not be opened and is not suitable for audio or video22:57
dizitalone sec, coming from another computer22:57
ActionParsnipintrader: yeah, possibly: ubuntu-bug acpi22:57
WaltherFIWhat is the package that uses nm-applet?22:57
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WaltherFIi.e. what is the netorking manager behind that22:57
sirscrubsalotmy laptop fan (ibm thinkpad r31) doesn't seem to be working in ubuntu 10.04 (it works when i boot up the laptop) what can i do to test/check this guys? i installed xsensors (currently reading between 40-44degC 0rpm fan) - i enabled intel speedstep in the bios on startup (not sure if this helps or not)22:57
ZykoticK9ubu_ply, Intel should NOT require any additional drivers - it "should" also show Plymouth fine.  Sorry man i have no idea why it wouldn't be working.22:58
intraderActionParsnip, do I go to #ubuntu-bug list first?22:58
ZykoticK9WaltherFI, it actually is nm-applet22:58
WaltherFIZykoticK9: unable to locate22:58
nyRednekbah, nm-applet is a pita22:58
ZykoticK9WaltherFI, nm-applet is the whole thing!22:58
WaltherFIZykoticK9: trying to install22:58
WaltherFIE: Unable to locate package nm-applet22:59
ilovefairuz!info network-manager | WaltherFI22:59
ubottuWaltherFI: network-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1+git.20100810t184654.ab580f4-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 400 kB, installed size 1352 kB22:59
ZykoticK9WaltherFI, oh sorry - you wanted the package name.22:59
WaltherFIilovefairuz: optional? that is not the default package shipped with ubuntu is it22:59
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JernejLi can't find a way to append simple text to end of a text file, can anyone explain me how to achieve this?23:00
El-KodarHi ! I buy a toshiba r630 laptop with 4go ram but i can see only 2.8go on ubuntu 10.04. What's the problem ?23:00
cowslammerafter i change /etc/default/grub what do i run?23:00
ZykoticK9WaltherFI, "In component main..." i think might mean default install.23:00
nyRednekthe package is network-manager-gnome23:00
ZykoticK9cowslammer, "sudo update-grub2"23:00
nyRednekdelete it as soon as you learn anything about networking23:00
WaltherFIZykoticK9: is optional?23:00
ilovefairuzWaltherFI: optional as opposed to an "essential" system package, unrelated to whether it is shipped by default or not23:00
induzActionParsnip, how can i set ip up to diskmode/23:00
shcherbakJernejL: simple text >> to/that/file23:00
ZykoticK9WaltherFI, sure - you don't technically "need" it23:00
shcherbakJernejL: echo (cat) simple text >> to/that/file23:00
JernejLbut i need TIME + date23:00
ActionParsnipinduz: no idea, i don't buy apple's garbage, but if it can, do it23:01
shcherbakJernejL: sorry for first post23:01
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red2kicAnyone up for ethtool + wol? I'm trying to turn that on. As for WOL, the machine can't be powered off -- correct? It have to be in suspend? Or something? I'm puzzling with this one.23:01
JernejLi can merge files sure but i can't append date to it23:01
ayeceered2kic: it can be powered off. why not?23:01
shcherbakJernejL: you mean end of file, head of file, what format? date >> file23:02
red2kicayecee: Do you have your ethtool + wol working?23:02
ayeceered2kic: no, not using wol now23:02
dizitalsorry it took awhile23:02
JernejLshcherbak, how about it append insted of overwriting :(23:03
red2kicayecee: Ah. I'm looking for those who uses it. There are some states that you can't use WOL on. Full power-off being one of them. I'm trying to figure out why things aren't going my way. ;)23:03
shcherbakJernejL: > - overwrites , >> - appends23:03
JernejLbut i used >>23:03
JernejLoh wait23:04
JernejLit's doing something now23:04
induz how can i set my iPod touch 1st gen up to diskmode/23:04
ayeceered2kic: you should be able to use it in full power off. The power supply provides standby power for that.23:04
jackohow different is jolicloud23:04
ayeceered2kic: i mean, not "unplugged from the wall", but powered off normally.23:04
red2kicjacko: Try it for yourself.23:04
g11992help please! new to ubuntu, home screen is too slow, netconnect modem ( ZTE AC2726 cant be installed)23:04
dizitalActionParsnip: u see the pastebin?23:04
JernejLshcherbak, thanks23:05
jackoi have but under the hood23:05
shcherbakJernejL: welcome23:05
samw3anyone know what would stop a numpad from working(desktop not laptop, usb)?  it just stopped out of the blue.  it works if i reboot, but i don't like to reboot all the time.23:05
the_studentsamw3: Num lock23:06
zlatanhello everyone23:06
mynisnot specifically but it could be a chipset driver?23:06
samw3the_student: heh, i wish.  numlock does nothing23:07
hypno1can someone recommend me a document that explains how the linux kernel works?23:07
ubu_plyI found a solution to my problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9200675&postcount=9 if anyone else is having the same23:07
g11992gobbe: i can open the folders of the ZTE installation files but  when i install the setup package, installation fails and is displaying error messages in terminal23:08
the_studenthypno1: There's half a dozen docs on it23:08
ilovefairuzhypno1: there are a few books on the topic, google around.23:08
zlatanI have a problem with my videos..media centers a doing fine but vlc,movie player,mirc a playing so the characters are all blue and yellow23:08
hypno1the_student ilovefairuz: no recommendations?23:08
aLemmerI'd like to remove one of the "show hide" buttons from my Gnome panel. Any tips?23:09
SomelauwWhen opening a pdf file, I get: Error: Bad annotation destination23:09
ActionParsnipdizital: yeah just now,23:09
one_how to remove old backup23:09
the_studenthypno1: I've an ebook think its "inside the linux kernel"23:09
dizitalActionParsnip: k i forgot to reply so it showed a message to u23:09
aeon-ltdaLemmer: right click23:09
hypno1the_student: thanks23:09
ilovefairuzhypno1: the thing is that they get outdated quickly because of the very speedy kernel development pace23:09
ActionParsnipdizital: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan   do you see accesspoints23:10
shcherbakhypno1: linux documentation project, online. O'Really had (I think) something good free published, linode library too.23:10
dizitalActionParsnip: i'm new to the linux field and trying to learn how to troubleshoot23:10
ilovefairuzhypno1: also try kernelnewbies.org23:10
aLemmeraeon-ltd: Please, I would've figured that out by now if it were the case.23:10
ActionParsnipdizital: the command may just show its working23:10
hypno1thanks, I will check out all of those23:10
pvtryaando I just ask for help here?23:10
g11992ActionParsnip:help please! new to ubuntu, home screen is too slow, netconnect modem ( ZTE AC2726 cant be installed)23:10
the_studenthypno1: But to understand everything i would recommend everything from reading about linux drivers to about anything the kernel does23:11
ZykoticK9zlatan, does it look like this article?  http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu  includes solution.23:11
dizitalActionParsnip: Yes it comes back with info on various essid that it picks up23:11
shcherbak!ask | pvtryaan23:11
ubottupvtryaan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:11
ActionParsnipg11992: run;  lsusb  websearch for the 8 hex character ID to find guides23:11
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JernejLshcherbak: i put this into my .sh file now23:11
elik_I sent a 80k message to ubuntu-uses mailing list (with log files attached). I'm told >40kb needs to be moderated. Should I try and strip the the useless down to 40kb or the moderation should be fast enough?23:12
JernejLand it seems to do nothing again :(23:12
kbphi. I have an Ubuntu Server. How to change start up terminal message for all users? I tried to write /etc/motd but it23:12
Omen_20Does anyone know about the linux os that motorolla atrix 4g?23:12
ZykoticK9zlatan, sorry - that's not the best way!  Use gstreamer-properties and select the video output to be No-XV or similar option23:12
shcherbakJernejL: can you caste it (for test)?23:12
JernejLit's just 3 lines?23:12
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shcherbakJernejL: /msg it to me if you want.23:13
g11992ActionParsnip: i can open the folders of the ZTE installation files but  when i install the setup package, installation fails and is displaying error messages in terminal23:13
kbphi. I have an Ubuntu Server. How to change start up terminal message for all users? I tried to write /etc/motd but it doesnt work23:13
ActionParsnipg11992: thats because thats the windows driver, which is of no value to you23:13
the_studentOmen_20: Assuming its android23:13
biancawhat is this thing?23:13
ActionParsnipg11992: you need the usbmode-switch command to turn it into a modem, hence you needing the ID23:14
aeon-ltdkbp: did you use sudo to write to the file?23:14
sam-_-!ubuntu | bianca23:14
ubottubianca: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:14
JernejLshcherbak: http://pastebin.com/nagpu2zL23:14
shcherbakJernejL: but, i do think, it may be problem of path, you absolute ones, starting from /23:14
kbpaeon-ltd: yea, sudo vim23:14
JernejLi execute the .sh IN the right path23:14
the_studentkbp: I believe that motd is dynamic in ubuntu, there's probably a template somewhere, try /etc/motd.*23:15
dizitalActionParsnip: Yes it comes back with info on various essid that it picks up23:15
JernejLshcherbak, this is supposed to run GDB, and if it crashes output all crash info and log it to a file with date and time23:15
g11992ActionParsnip: i already used the usbmode switch installer and turned it into a modem - and now it is displaying both modem and usb storage. i can browse the files of modem but cant install the setup23:16
ActionParsnipg11992: then use the ID of the modem to find guides23:16
elikHow long is the moderation for ubuntu-users mailing list?23:17
zlatanZykoticK9: thanks...it was that...all okay now...thanks again23:17
red2kicayecee: Ah. blockcontrol/moblock was the culprit. I only have to open a port. :P23:17
the_studentg11992: The setup on the storage is probably windows version23:17
ActionParsnipdizital: ok then its working, what is the name of the interface used to scan, it'll be in the leftmost colomn of the output, near the top. Something like wlan023:17
ZykoticK9zlatan, glad to help23:17
dizitalActionParsnip: ra023:18
g11992ActionParsnip: i checked this http://techsk.blogspot.com/2009/09/installing-usb-modem-zte-ac2726-in.html, its only about usbmodeswitching, but not about running the setup. please guide me through.23:18
dizitalActionParsnip: thats what your asking for right?23:19
shcherbakJernejL: well, simpler is to run loop, which will motinor gdb.bt (always full path), if empty changed etc, eventually copy it with time stamp, and restart gdb.23:19
ActionParsnipdizital: then I suggest you install wicd  then reboot, you can tell wicd to use ra0 as the wireless interface and it will be fine23:19
ActionParsnipdizital: exactly23:19
JernejLshcherbak, what's the issue with this tho? it shuld have worked23:19
dizitalActionParsnip: linux is way different from windows :)23:20
shcherbakJernejL: i think paths.23:20
butch128has anyone here been successful in getting OCFS2 running in 10.04 server?  I am able to get two nodes configured and running.. but the mount points do not sync..23:20
JernejLoh ffs23:20
JernejLi was editing wrong .sh23:20
dizitalActionParsnip: yea i ran airodump-ng just for fun and it was runnign just fine23:20
dizitalActionParsnip: thats just by using the apt-get install wicd correct?23:21
shcherbakJernejL: can you run (instead of script) command1 && c2 && c3 ???23:21
ActionParsnipdizital: whatever method you prefer23:22
ActionParsnipJernejL: the file extension doesn't mean anything in linux, just an fyi23:22
g11992ActionParsnip: sir, please help23:23
jackohow do you get the at name thing to work say jacko:23:23
JernejLi know that bit23:23
dizitalActionParsnip: how do i use the wicd i've never heard of that one before23:23
iRabbitSeems like everytime I run an update with Ubuntu it seems like Grub likes to make an additional entry and adds a coundown timer defaulting to boot Ubuntu.... I'd rather have it freeze on this screen an let me choose which OS I want to boot. whats the easy fix?23:23
ActionParsnipg11992: you have as much knowledge as i do. You need to get unhung-up about the model and make and use the ID23:23
drahxNow that I've shared folders on my machine, how do I set it to show up under Network on my other machines?23:24
ActionParsnipdizital: once installed and you reboot it will run like network manager, its easy to use but has more flexibibility with what the interface name is23:24
goddardwhen some one offers a deb file to download and its update to date why not just download and install it as opposed to getting it out of the repos/23:24
sam-_-is wicd rly. more "robust" than nm or is this just a myth?23:24
ilovefairuzjacko: type first few letters of a nick name and press tab23:24
ayeceejust a myth23:25
dizitalActionParsnip: oh k forgot to reboot23:25
tensorpuddingdrahx: if you set the folder to be shared, it should be visible elsewhere on you LAN23:25
ilovefairuzsam-_-: seems to handle some corner cases better than NM23:25
jackoilovefirruz: ok23:25
ZykoticK9iRabbit, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Timed%20Display explains how you could make it longer23:25
shcherbakJernejL: http://pastebin.com/sB5zzu9Q23:25
drahxtensorpudding: all I see under network is "Windows Network" but I can't open it23:26
iRabbitZykoticK9: thanks!!23:26
JernejLuh, why would i use 1 line?23:26
JernejLunlike ipv4 ip addresses we are not yet out of lines :p23:26
iRabbitZykoticK9: what about eliminating all the additional entries? I now have 3 options that are identical to boot Ubuntu23:26
ZykoticK9iRabbit, don't forget to run "sudo update-grub2" after any changes to .../default/grub23:27
ZykoticK9iRabbit, simply uninstall the kernels you don't want - they'll get autoremoved from Grub list during uninstall23:27
iRabbitZykoticK9: kk thanks23:27
induz how can i get some pics out of iPod touch23:27
ZykoticK9iRabbit, probably best to keep at least 2 - current and a known good backup23:27
ilovefairuz!ipod | induz23:27
ubottuinduz: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:27
iRabbitZykoticK9: OK, how would I uninstall a kernel?23:28
ilovefairuziRabbit: by uninstalling the corresponding package23:28
jackoiRabbit: delete the correct bzImage23:28
ZykoticK9iRabbit, synaptic, U.S.C, apt-get -- search for linux-image (be sure not to remove the wrong version numbers)23:28
ilovefairuzjacko: iRabbit: don't delete any files, just uninstall the package23:29
iRabbitZykoticK9: kk thanks a bunch23:29
ZykoticK9iRabbit, DON'T delete any bzImages manually!23:29
one_how to chang permission folder23:29
induziPod touch 1st gen23:29
shcherbakone_: chmod it23:29
iRabbitZykoticK9: yeah, not that good with linux yet to trust myself23:29
iRabbitZykoticK9: already deleted my root directory once...oops23:30
jackoiRabbit: do as ilove says23:30
ZykoticK9iRabbit, it was a poor suggestion - just didn't want you to try going down that path23:30
Blue1iRabbit: this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/?p=44123:30
ilovefairuziRabbit: it's generally a bad advise to delete anything outside of your home directory23:30
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, +123:30
jackoI hate a 512K bois which does not auto detectlinux23:30
drahxso I have to "Connect to Server" to access the shared folders?23:33
ActionParsnipone_: look into chmod and chown23:33
jackohttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/1615413/jacl-micro-0.2.zip is almost a javaME version of tcl, still some work to do23:33
ilovefairuzjacko: /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:33
ilovefairuzdrahx: what kind of shared folders? from a windows machine?23:34
PCChrisI receive the error "Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: " when trying to suspend my laptop23:34
PCChrisUbuntu 10.10 64 bit, Dell Studio 174723:34
jackoi think it'simportant to show my skills base for resolution23:34
drahxilovefairuz: I have them shared on Ubuntu, and trying to access them from a different Ubuntu machine23:34
edrahnI just installed ubuntu, and on the newly installed system I get "no init found"23:35
PCChrissame output with pmi action suspend, pm-suspend, dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.Hal" /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Suspend int32:0, and dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend23:35
edrahnI've tried reinstall'ing several times and always get the same thing23:35
edrahnHow can I fix this?23:35
ilovefairuzdrahx: shared by what means? for sharing between gnu/linux machines, i generally just use ssh, "Connect to server" supports ssh connects and you would only need openssh-server installed23:35
aeon-ltd!md5 | edrahn23:35
ubottuedrahn: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:35
aeon-ltdedrahn: start by checking the iso23:36
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ilovefairuz!verify | edrahn23:36
sraue!killall | ubuntu23:36
sraue!kill | ubuntu23:36
ubottuubuntu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:36
drahxilovefairuz: I right clicked the folder, hit Sharing options and shared the folder that way23:37
ilovefairuzsraue: try: man killall23:37
drahxAHA, got it23:37
Ax1is installing both thunar and pcmanfm a good idea?23:37
Blue1edrahn: this might help:  http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138654923:37
ilovefairuzdrahx: i suppose it's shared over samba (windows smb) then23:37
Ax1would they conflict ?23:37
ilovefairuzAx1: not likely23:38
sam-_-Ax1, why should they?23:38
Ax1i just need pcmanfm for its desktop function23:38
ZykoticK9Ax1, it's probably not a bad idea - typically you can have more then 1 of any program just fine one linux23:38
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LintAx1, nautilus is better than that c..p23:39
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drahxilovefairuz: yes, samba, I figured out how to connect, just need to figure out how to setup users23:39
Ax1Lint :  nautilus need gnome-desktop23:39
sam-_-Lint, lots of dependencies though23:39
ilovefairuzdrahx: do you have any windows machines? if not, skip the hassle and just use ssh23:39
LintAx1, but sadly both pcmanfm and thunar are not developed anymore23:39
Ax1pcmanfm isnt23:40
aeon-ltdLine__: bull23:40
Ax1thunar seems to be23:40
joseHi, how can i change my default version of python from 2.6 to 2.7.23:40
ilovefairuzLint: thunar is still developed, just not bloated!23:40
TheBeigeI ran that command "sudo rm -rf /" as recommended, it didn't fix my booting problem, now apparently it can't find the linux kernel??23:40
JernejLthanks for the help guys, i'll be leaving now, take care.23:40
aeon-ltdLine__: sorry wrong person23:40
aeon-ltdLint: bull23:40
ilovefairuzjose: what ubuntu version ?23:40
jackodrahx: try samba.conf in /etc if it'sstill the same as SuSE 7.023:40
drahxilovefairuz: Sadly I have 1 windows machine and also my Anroid based Archos to worry about23:40
Ax1ilovefairuz : men ma be7eb fairuz khayeh ? :P23:40
ayeceeTheBeige: you'll have to reinstall then.23:40
aeon-ltdLint: pcmanfm is being developed as part of the lxde package set23:40
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Lintaeon-ltd, eh? homepage of pcmanfm was updated several years ago23:41
ZykoticK9TheBeige, whoever suggested you run that command was lieing to you - that just deletes everything23:41
TheBeigeayecee, probably if I ran that command, I don't think deleting the root dir is a god idea23:41
aeon-ltdLint: new revisions are still being made, but honestly how many package websites do you really visit>23:41
jackoTheBeige: never rm (remove the /) the root file system ie.e dellater23:42
ayeceeTheBeige: ah, i misunderstood what you said.23:42
purpley123Hey can someone please help with a additional driver installation? It fails to install every time i try23:42
sonataDoes anyone know anything about bootable USB drives and MS-DOS on Ubuntu?23:42
Ax1Lint : what do you not like about pcmanfm?23:42
ilovefairuz!details | purpley12323:42
ubottupurpley123: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:42
shcherbakTheBeige: Who recommneded you that command?23:42
TheBeigeno one, that would be silly23:42
sam-_-jose, sudo apt-get install python2.723:42
LintAx1, it's too primitive to be usable23:42
* Ax1 pokes Lint 23:43
jackosonata: sometimes you need to press esc key when first boot to get the usb recognised as an option to boot from23:43
sonataI just have no idea how to create a bootable USB drive using a folder rather than an ISO =\23:43
TheBeigeI was trying to be ironic, the amount of times I cut and paste terminal commands without knowing what they did and I've seen some people do it maliciously in other rooms23:43
purpley123ilovefairuz, The driver I'm trying to install is the Broadcom B43 Wireless driver, My netbook is HP Mini 210 and it says System Error: installarchives () failed23:44
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shcherbakTheBeige: You citted it saying that someone said it would fix your boot problem, I do ask who told you so, where have you get such information?23:44
ayeceeTheBeige: maybe an emoticon would help communicate your humor.23:44
MrKeuneris there a gnome applet that would warn if a user visit my website hosted on this machine?23:44
Acid190The fan for my GPU is always 100%, any way to conf. this?23:44
Scunizidoes using "nomodset" on the kernel line at boot help get around the nvidia bug?23:44
m4vTheBeige: so, you have support question?23:44
josesam, i have python 2.7 installed23:44
jackothe boot block occupies the first 33 sectors or maybe 17 (can't remember now) of a disk, and is not part of the file system23:44
Ax1Lint : c'mon man, it does all you'd need23:45
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TheBeigem4v, yeah actually, a real one, I managed to get alsa to behave as best I could with my sound chipset but it's just the internal mic that doesn't work now23:45
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Lintexcept having custom actions or just remembering view mode, creating links, etc, etc23:45
Ax1 Lint : or are you one of those people who cant live without that trash bin function ?23:46
ilovefairuzpurpley123: try: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source23:46
Ax1it has all of those23:46
purpley123ilovefairuz, It also fails and says the same error Broadcom STA wireless driver23:46
Ax1but not ", etc, etc"23:46
kasI installed ubuntu on an external USB (Seagate FreeAgent) and it runs fine for a while but eventually the drive loses connection and remounts r/o.  any help?23:46
sam-_-jose, i see. another failed advise :-(23:46
ilovefairuzpurpley123: what's the exact error message?23:46
g11992anybody please please please help! i am new to ubuntu and i want to install netconnect modem ZTE AC272623:46
purpley123ilovefairuz, System Error: installarchives () failed23:47
ilovefairuzpurpley123: did you try the command i gave you in a terminal ?23:47
sam-_-jose, i think adjusting the symlink in /usr/bin should suffice23:47
Scunizikas: I think those drives put themselves to sleep.. I have a seagate 1TB usb hooked to a small nas device and it does the same thing.. I have to unplug the usb cable to wake it up23:47
ilovefairuz!terminal | purpley12323:47
ubottupurpley123: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:47
g11992anybody please please please help! i am new to ubuntu and i want to install netconnect modem ZTE AC272623:47
g11992anybody please please please help! i am new to ubuntu and i want to install netconnect modem ZTE AC272623:47
sam-_-jose it points to 2.6  by default23:47
ilovefairuz!repeat | g1199223:47
ubottug11992: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:47
C3Dis there a place to see system error messages "Im a noob"23:47
jackosudo xterm (for and writing to any /etc23:47
kasScunizi: anyway to stop that?23:47
m4vTheBeige: I would check if it isn't muted in alsamixer, for more help you did have to provide more information about your sound chipset.23:47
ilovefairuzC3D: /var/log/messages23:48
jayd3eI just installed a separate version of Python in my home directory, how  to I alter the $PATH so that all calls to Python are directed to that version of the python interpreter23:48
purpley123ilovefairuz, I'm not a complete noob with ubuntu im quite comfortable on the terminal23:48
purpley123ilovefairuz, It did not work23:48
ilovefairuzpurpley123: that's good then, so what error does apt-get throw?23:48
jackojayd3e: $PATH add ~/dir/bin23:49
purpley123ilovefairuz, I will pastebin it hold on23:49
yeatsg11992: have you seen this (older) blog post?: http://techsk.blogspot.com/2009/09/installing-usb-modem-zte-ac2726-in.html23:49
sam-_-jose, i do wonder why it is not in /etc/alternatives though23:49
jayd3ejacko:  but then there will be two paths to python in my $PATH, right?23:49
intraderAnyone, is #ubuntu-bug the proper channel to discuss bug?. No one seems to respond.23:50
TheBeigem4v, my codec is Conexant CX2058523:50
jayd3ejacko:  how will it distinguish which one is 'python'23:50
sam-_-jose, out of curiosity why do you need 2.7?23:50
purpley123ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/KwTMhYZQ23:50
ilovefairuzsam-_-: apparently switching python versions is a no-no for system utilities (written in python)23:50
sam-_-ilovefairuz, that make sense23:50
jackojayyd3e: first found on path used, but not found hence you have problem23:50
TheBeigechanged the model to "thinkpad" which gave me headphones and mute speakers when jack inserted, but lost internal mic23:50
C3Dilovefairuz how do i view messages?23:50
yeats!bug | intrader23:51
ubottuintrader: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:51
ilovefairuzpurpley123: does seem to support your particular chipset, pastebin the output of: sudo lshw -C network23:51
jackopython has changed/broke syntax, tcl is stable, perl changed syntax... etc23:51
m4vTheBeige: I take you checked that the mic isn't muted in alsamixer? they are muted by default in my system23:51
jayd3ejacko:  gotcha, so $PATH add - adds the directory to the front of the path?23:52
ilovefairuzC3D: gksudo gedit /var/log/messages    ... or to get a "live" view of error messages: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages23:52
g11992yeats: yes, i installed the usbmodeswitch package and can browse the files in modem, but when i run the setup, the setup stops with an error message in terminal. there is nothing about this problem in that blog. so please help. i am really new to the ubuntu. but quite experienced in windows so that i can follow any steps23:52
sonataI'm trying to setup a Bootable USB Drive to configure a hard drive, but the files to make them bootable are folders, will adding the contents to an ISO allow everything to work nicely?23:52
sam-_-jose, maybe adjusting the symlink isn't a good idea because of what ilovefairuz said23:52
intraderubottu, here in this list? Would I seay ubuntu-bug acpi?23:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:52
rwwintrader: no, you'd run that command in your Terminal.23:52
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:53
ilovefairuzjose: just use the full name, when launching the interpreter23:53
ilovefairuz!usb | sonata23:53
ubottusonata: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:53
TheBeigem4v, showing capture and analog mic boost under capture (f4)23:53
intraderrww, ah! thanks23:53
dizitalquestion my wireless device is showing up on iwconfig but not on ifconfig23:53
purpley123ilovefairuz, I'm also having problems with connecting to Verizon Wireless' 3G network23:53
TheBeigem4v, might install the gui23:53
yeatsg11992: can you paste the full command and output at http://goo.gl/ixcN9 and share the URL?23:53
jacko:jayde: set $PATH 'dir;$PATH'          assuming set is in your shell and needs $PATH as first arg and not PATH without $23:53
EvilSush1is this right for cron? everyday at 3:30am ?  30 3  * * *23:54
dizitalI can run Wicd and it shows essid's available but i can not connect to them23:54
sonatailovefairuz: I'm not installing Ubuntu.23:54
jackojayd3e: echo $PATH23:54
EvilSush1dizital: sudo ifconfig essid "wifi"23:54
ilovefairuzpurpley123: no clue there, try: lsusb to get your 3g modem id and search around23:54
=== plusfags is now known as plustax
EvilSush1dizital: sudo dhcpclient23:55
purpley123ilovefairuz, Alright, and http://pastebin.com/Lbax4uGT23:55
dizitalcommand not found on the dhcp23:56
ilovefairuzsonata: what  is the usb supposed to boot to? a disk check utility? it probably relies on (Free)DOS23:56
EvilSush1dizital: tab it out23:56
m4vTheBeige: is a notebook? what model?23:56
EvilSush1dizital: its dhclient23:56
TheBeigem4v, notebook, asus K52J23:56
RoastedDoes anybody else find VLC sometimes has poor audio playback? Every now and then when watching a concert, whether it be MKV or AVI or whatever, I'll her a split second "pop" or mute in the audio, yet the video is fine. Movie Player with these SAME videos = perfect...23:56
dizitalEvilSush1: No dhcpoffers recieved. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping23:58
sam-_-Roasted, "pop"?23:58
EvilSush1dizital: iwconfig , paste it23:58
joseSam, i need python 2.7 as default becouse hplip 3.10.9 is asking Me 2.7 as default23:58
semitonesi'm a bit of a spot here -- i start up ubuntu, but I get the command line. I don't really know where to start to find out what went wrong23:59
jacko\/tcl info vars23:59
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sam-_-jose, hmm... other than adjusting the symlink i don't know. do it at your own risk though :-)23:59
EvilSush1jose its really easy to compile python from source23:59

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