
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== ogra is now known as Guest61426
=== Guest61426 is now known as ogra_
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
mgariepygood morning everyone13:23
highvoltagemhall119: this is kind of interesting don't you think? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/unity-update-new-features-options15:30
mhall119someone said something to highlight me, but I lost power during a storm and didn't see the message17:41
mhall119highvoltage: was it you?17:41
mgariepyhighvoltage> mhall119: this is kind of interesting don't you think? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/unity-update-new-features-options17:41
mgariepyat 10h30 this mornign17:42
highvoltagethat was it, yes17:43
mhall119um, I guess it's interesting, does is impact Qimo or Edubuntu?17:44
highvoltagemhall119: not directly, it's yet another way to launch things, it could have some potential17:45
highvoltagemhall119: but otherwise safe to ignore if you don't care about it17:45
mhall119oh, you mean unity in general?17:46
mhall119I thought you meant the specific changes they were talking about in that article17:46
mhall119like backlit icons and scrolling on indicators17:47
highvoltagemhall119: actually, I misread a part of that article and relied too much on the screenshots, just ignore everything I said so far today, let's start over :)17:48
mhall119well, I lost the history of everything you've said previous to now, so that's easy enough :)17:49
highvoltagewhere's that map of greek schools again? I also remember that dinda implemented a more wide-spread map but I've lost the link to that19:56
highvoltagethanks dinda20:29
ddunnhello anyone there?21:13
ddunncan anyone see me or i need to enable something ?21:30
alkisgWe can see you21:31
ddunnoh thanks21:31
ddunnrecently my printing died on the clients ubuntu 9.1021:32
ddunnit was working fine for months21:32
ddunnnetwork printing works fine but not local21:32
ddunnI'm hoping someone might a have a hint21:32
ddunnLTSP is not new to me but I'm dead ended with this issue21:33
ddunnmust be something with lp_Server or jetpipe21:34
ddunna busted log entry = /printers/DDLaser HTTP/1.1" 200 152936 Print-Job successful-ok21:37
alkisgFor ltsp issues, you can also try in the #ltsp channel, it usually has more people there that know about ltsp21:38
ddunnworking entry /printers/HP-LaserJet-M3035-MFP HTTP/1.1" 200 396 Create-Job successful-ok21:38
ddunnyeah been trying for a few days no response21:38
ddunnwell at least I know I can be seen21:39

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