
phononloggerI am all good at it00:00
phononloggeras long as I do not need to push it00:00
phononloggerI always mess up the pushing00:00
phononloggerJontheEchidna: what state are you from again?00:00
JontheEchidnaI got the path to libqapt messed up for when it was in playground :<00:00
JontheEchidnaI specified playground/sysadmin instead of playground/libs00:00
JontheEchidnaI had run the svn-all-fast-export thingy but it only went back to kdereview00:01
JontheEchidnanow I have to go and have that thing run through all 1,000,000 commits again00:01
JontheEchidnaI already have 3 fans :) http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?action=content&content=13750700:08
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jjesseDarkwingDuck how did you doc weekend go?03:31
DarkwingDuckIt went...03:31
DarkwingDuckbut im not working03:31
DarkwingDuckthis week will be nice03:31
jjesseany fun commits?03:33
DarkwingDuckNot yet. I'm finishing things off with 10.10 before I jump into 11.04 but, I think I'm going to switch gears into 11.04 03:38
DarkwingDuckThen finish up 10.10 once we know that 11.04 if finished.03:39
jjessewhat do you mean by finish up 10.10?03:40
DarkwingDuck10.10 never got updated.03:42
DarkwingDuckGimme about 30... finishing up a LoCo meeting03:42
jjessei'll be in bed by 3003:43
jjessethe problem with updating the documents is that translations need to get updated as well03:43
DarkwingDuckOnly reason I'm worried about it is because it is our LTS03:45
DarkwingDuckand if any docs should get backported it should be the LTS release.03:45
jjesseumm 10.04 was lts03:46
DarkwingDuck.me blinks03:46
DarkwingDuckNevermind then.03:46
DarkwingDuckI'm all messed up.03:46
DarkwingDuck11.04 takes priority03:47
CIA-39[sysadmin] jmthomas * 1214966 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ Muon has moved to git (https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/sysadmin/muon/)05:35
CIA-39[sysadmin] jmthomas * 1214967 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (. README) Add a note saying where Muon has moved to05:36
JontheEchidnaLibQApt's conversion still has 900,000 commits to go, so I'll have to get to that in the morning05:36
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steveiremilian: Real men build their own Qts :)08:25
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afiestasIn 11.04 after the appmenu-qt package being installed, should "Global menu" be working?10:25
shadeslayerMy ISP implemented a 'fair usage' policy11:24
shadeslayertime to change ISP's11:24
KRFhey, how can i find out the configure flags used for the libqt-core4 package?14:24
Riddellafiestas: it'll also need new libdbusmenu-qt14:29
Riddellif it doesn't work after that, poke agateau 14:30
afiestasagateau: pingt14:32
shadeslayerRiddell: emacs doesnt work properly if you telnet from a windows machine into a Red Hat server :P14:33
shadeslayerand my phone now runs a kernel newer than my current desktop install o_o14:34
davmor2shadeslayer: I think you end that sentence after properly to be honest ;)14:34
shadeslayerdavmor2: i dont follow :P14:35
shadeslayerwhich one?14:35
davmor2shadeslayer: emacs doesnt work properly if you telnet from a windows machine into a Red Hat server :P14:35
shadeslayerthe emacs one?14:35
shadeslayerheh :D14:36
shadeslayeri had to use vi .... and i had *no* knowledge of vi14:36
agateauafiestas: pongt14:41
RiddellKRF: look at the build logs  usource:qt4-x1114:43
KRFRiddell: thank you14:48
ScottKQuintasan_: What's next on SIP?15:02
shadeslayerScottK: i think he gave up :P15:16
shadeslayerRiddell: i <3 emacs 15:17
shadeslayeri just started to use it properly15:17
ScottKshadeslayer: I just did a python3-defaults upload for him yesterday, so I hope not.15:17
CIA-39[sysadmin] jmthomas * 1215080 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/ Remove LibQApt from svn. It has move to KDE's Git repos.15:26
afiestasagateau: dbusmenuqt is not working here (11.04)15:28
CIA-39[sysadmin] jmthomas * 1215081 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/ (. README) Leave a README for the LibQApt move to KDE Git.15:28
afiestasI think I got everything, appmenu-qt, plasmoid and lib15:28
agateauafiestas: sorry I am about to start a conf call15:28
JontheEchidnaafiestas: same here :(15:28
agateauafiestas: will ping you back15:28
JontheEchidna(same here == global menu not working, not about conf call :)15:30
JontheEchidnaHah, I got an email from kde-apps notifiying me about a comment I posted to my app's page :P15:30
shadeslayerwe should have something like this http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/why-use-ubuntu15:39
ScottKshadeslayer: Get to work on it then.15:42
shadeslayerScottK: trying to learn emacs and Model/View in Qt first :P15:42
shadeslayerScottK: wrote this along with Riddell tho http://piratepad.net/kubuntucreate15:43
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  phononlogger should probably review it.15:45
shadeslayerphononlogger: ^^15:45
davmor2shadeslayer: nano ftw ;)15:49
shadeslayerdavmor2: lol ... i thought so too until about a hour ago15:50
CIA-39jmthomas * 1215086 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/ Remove the LibQApt stable branch from svn. LibQApt has moved to KDE's Git repository15:50
shadeslayerdavmor2: http://www.vimeo.com/101326315:50
JontheEchidnadavmor2: I got this bug report filed against me :P bug 49050615:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490506 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Developers shouldnt be using nano" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49050615:50
CIA-39jmthomas * 1215088 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/ (. README) Add a note detailing LibQApt's move from svn to KDE's Git15:52
davmor2kate ftw!15:52
Quintasan_Why doesnt KDE has this by default?15:53
ScottKNCommander: Congratulations.15:58
ScottKQuintasan_: Ping re SIP.  How goes it?15:58
afiestasQuintasan_: I was planning on doing something like that15:58
afiestasin fact, I already have some code15:58
Quintasan_ScottK: I think I'm stuck unless POX thinks of something15:59
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ScottKQuintasan: What's the issue?15:59
QuintasanScottK: -dbg package is still empty and some damn files from ./usr/lib/python3.1 still land in python3.115:59
QuintasanScottK: We install them via install-arch-3.% rule but they still somehow land in python-sip16:00
ScottKQuintasan: OK.   Well that last bit definitely sounds like POX's thing to work on.16:00
QuintasanScottK: I meant then land in python-sip instead of python3-sip16:00
ScottKFor now could you just move them over in debian/rules?16:01
QuintasanTo be honest, I never saw anything packaged so badly16:01
QuintasanIt has install files in debian/ while I never saw any stuff apart from debian/rules being installed16:01
ScottKWould it be easier to start fresh?16:01
ScottKDoes dh_install get called?16:02
QuintasanI don't really get it16:02
Quintasan$(MAKE) -C dbg-build-3.$* install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/python3-sip-dbg16:03
Quintasanmakes sense16:03
Quintasanbut dbg stuff still lands in python-sip-dbg16:03
QuintasanScottK: I'll do my homework and then try doing it16:05
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ScottKQuintasan: Do you have a verbose build log?16:17
agateauafiestas: conf call is done16:35
JontheEchidnaagateau: I'm not afiestas, but I can confirm what he is saying about how the dbusmenu is broken in 11.04 w/ the latest updates16:54
agateauJontheEchidna: can you be more precise? is it the appmenu? the systray menus?16:54
JontheEchidnaoh, globalmenus16:54
agateauJontheEchidna: I am confident this is because plasma-widget-menubar 0.1.14 has not been packaged yet16:57
JontheEchidnaeverything's been updated, and I've done a complete reboot since then, but the apps are not seeing the menubar and still have the menubar in their windows16:57
agateauRiddell: ^^16:57
JontheEchidnaoh, if that's all I could even do that16:57
agateauJontheEchidna: give it a try16:57
JontheEchidnawill do16:57
* agateau starts dist-upgrading his natty vm, but that will take a while16:58
afiestasagateau: whereI can grab the code ?17:00
JontheEchidnaafiestas: http://launchpad.net/plasma-widget-menubar/trunk/0.1.14/+download/plasma-widget-menubar-0.1.14.tar.bz217:00
agateauah, JontheEchidna is much faster than me :)17:00
JontheEchidnaI already had the page open :)17:00
NCommanderScottK: thanks17:04
agateauhave to go, keep me posted if it is still broken17:04
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afiestasagateau: working like a charm now17:21
afiestasgood idea using json to transport the menu17:21
JontheEchidnaI've uploaded 0.1.14 to natty17:28
Riddellthanks JontheEchidna 17:28
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Riddellevening yofel 17:57
JontheEchidnaI was wondering when they'd finally rename this library: http://i.imgur.com/rLGj7.png18:29
JontheEchidnalibwebkit was a bit arrogant, imo18:30
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: nice ! :)18:51
ximionshadeslayer: Is there an Anjuta-rebuild in progress? (Due to the libwebkit -> libwebkitgtk transition it's broken...)18:59
shadeslayerximion: no idea :(18:59
ximionwho should I ask?19:00
yofelask in #ubuntu-devel rather I think, or file a bug19:00
shadeslayerximion: #ubuntu-motu?19:00
ximionfiling a bug seems sane - I wonder why nobody noticed that... (nobody uses Anjuta *g*)19:01
ximionbug 703996 already exists :)19:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 703996 in anjuta (Ubuntu) "anjuta: impossible to install - unsolved dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70399619:04
ximionJontheEchidna: hi :)19:06
JontheEchidnaximion: hello19:07
ximionJontheEchidna: You're the author of QApt and Muon, right?19:07
JontheEchidnaximion: yep19:07
ximionJontheEchidna: Would it - just theoretically - be possible to replace the QApt daemon with the PackageKit daemon? If not, why?19:08
JontheEchidnayou mean for the installation bits?19:09
ximionyes, I mean just for all the stuff which needs superuser rights (installations etc.) - everything which invokes the daemon.19:09
JontheEchidnait would take a bit of work to change over to the PackageKit DBus api, but I suppose it would be possible in theory19:10
JontheEchidnaI don't see why you'd want to make one package management library depend on another thoguh19:10
ximionJontheEchidna: PK is an abstraction framework for package management (you knew that :P) I maintain PK in Debian and I'm contributor to it. We had this idea once to unify all the APTDaemon, PackagKit and QApt-Daemon stuff in just one library.19:13
JontheEchidnaI would not mind a single daemon to do such things.19:13
ximionso, if you have PK frontends (Apper/GPK) Muon and several other package management tools running, you just get one daemon started, with an excellent implementation of APT19:14
JontheEchidnaI don't want to use APTDaemon's, though, because then I'd have to have LibQApt depend on python-apt. Basically what I'm saying is that I would want the worker to use libapt-pkg directly19:15
ximionPK and its backend bases on C/C++ (I'm also a bit antipathetic to this Python stuff)19:16
ximionI thought you developed QApt-Daemon because the PK API was insufficient or something...19:16
JontheEchidnaThat was before it supported debconf at all. That was a major factor, but I also don't like how it has to fetch info over dbus to browse packages19:17
JontheEchidnaAPT is very fast because it has a binary package cache it maps to memory19:17
ximionour suggestion is only to send actions which need to be queued or need root access over dbus to PK19:18
JontheEchidnayeah, none of these complaints are with the installation API19:19
ximionso we can perform fast searches by using APT directly and also get the full range of PK benefits.19:19
JontheEchidnaBut doesn't the entire backend run as the daemon?19:19
ximionthe search API is extremely slow, cause you always have to reopen the cache... but since pk is transaction-based, it's an issue which cannot be solved, unfortunately.19:20
ximionthe packagekit daemon loads the backend, which is a shared library.19:20
ximionso its application -> pk-daemon(apt) not app -> pk-daemon -> apt-daemon19:21
ximionif I got this right :P19:21
JontheEchidnaso it's like this? application ->pk-daemon -> aptcc library -> dpkg19:22
ximionbtw: the apt backend will be dropped next time and aptcc will become the new apt backend (and will be extended to support some "missing" features)19:22
JontheEchidnathat's a lot of what I don't like about PackageKit. Since it has to accomodate every packaging system ever, the abstraction layer makes it hard to integrate well with the system you want19:23
JontheEchidnafor example, the search API has to be generalized, so you don't get to make use of APT's memory-mapped package cache effectively19:24
JontheEchidnaI think it would be good to have a unified installation API, but I have serious doubts about the "read-only" bits of the API19:25
ximionthat's why we don't want to use PK for "power tools" in Debian.19:25
JontheEchidnaand why I made Muon :)19:25
ximionyou might want to join #packagekit and ask hughsie for API changes - of there's a good reason for it and other backends support the feature too, he normally agrees to change the stuff.19:26
ximionI always tried to persuade dantti to make a _separate_ UI for the application installer instead of merging it into the KPackageKit main window...19:28
JontheEchidnayeah. that19:28
JontheEchidnathat's always been my biggest peeve with the Ubuntu Software Center too19:28
JontheEchidnathey're trying to make it a replacement for both Synaptic and Gnome App Install19:29
JontheEchidnawhen you can suit both groups of users so much better if there are two GUIs19:29
ximionthe Muon Software Center looks great, while Apper is neither a power-user tool nor a full user-centric tool. (But I use Apper, since I'm a PK enthusiast and it covers all daily-life user-cases)19:29
ximionunfortunately dantti persuaded hughsie to do the same for GNOME, I don't know with which argument.. need to ask him next time ^^19:30
ximionthere are a few debian-related pk issues left: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=packagekit19:34
ximionbut the'll all be solved with a better APT backend.19:34
ximionbtw: what I mentioned is no fixed strategy, just an idea by two apt developers, dantti and me.19:35
ximionso it might change completely :P19:35
ximion(but I don't think so, cause it could be a sane solution to have the global package manager and Debian/Ubuntu comfort at the same time)19:36
JontheEchidnawell I'm for a global daemon for admin-needing actions just as long as it doesn't add any new dependencies past the daemon itself19:36
JontheEchidnaoh, I've been meaning to mention this to dantti since I saw it affected aptcc too: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/repository/revisions/ef91f217549785af15c38c558d38eb42cbdc8e5619:38
ximionit does not. pk is very lighweight, just sqlite, dbus, glib19:39
JontheEchidnawhy does it need sqlite? O_o19:39
ximionexcellent question! eh... don't know exactly, but pk has a feature to freeze transactions when a laptop goes standby or has low battery. then it saves transactions in a sqlite db.19:41
ximion(but I did not take a closer look at this yet)19:41
ximion(pinned a mark to ask dantti if he git that patch)19:42
JontheEchidnaI would think that apt/dpkg really wouldn't support that... I have muon inhibit suspension during commits19:42
JontheEchidnabecause once you are committing, you really can't stop it19:42
ximionneed to ask hughsie about this stuff... stumbled upon the code while hacking PkTransaction and the helper stuff for Debconf and Listaller support, I just guessed what it does.19:43
ximion(but I think someone said this some time ago)19:44
* ximion is away to fetch some food :)19:44
* ximion is back20:04
JontheEchidnaI find comments like these funny: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/?content=13750720:43
JontheEchidnaHe wouldn't be complaining if there was just a single muon package that was 2 MiB big :P20:43
debfxJontheEchidna: he probably just wants to motivate you to package muon for debian ;)21:17
JontheEchidnaActually I think somebody has packages on mentors.d.o21:17
JontheEchidnaI'd like to maintain debian packages, but I don't really have the resources to run a separate debian box21:18
DaskreechJontheEchidna: 2mb is Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge21:20
DaskreechMostly cause it's a gateway drug :) 21:20
ulyssesJontheEchidna: the Muon 1.2 translations will be imported to KDE SVN for translation, right? so it doesn't neccessary to checkout the git branch21:25
JontheEchidnaulysses: it's still using the standard kde infastructure21:25
JontheEchidnajust what's been in l10n-trunk will be moving to l10n-stable, and l10n-trunk will change as strings change in git21:26
ulyssesdoesnt't make sense now, Hungarian is on of the complete translations^^21:27
phononloggershadeslayer: that priatepad has all funky colors21:59
phononloggergood text though21:59
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