
rtdoswhat do i need to install to play windows media audio streams (radio) ?00:08
asfyxia@rtdos, hoping i understand what you mean, but audacious or vlc will play anything ;-)00:19
rtdosasfyxia - i'm using radio try and can't seem to pick up all radio streams. i think i'm missing some codecs.00:20
asfyxiaok rtdos what OS are you playing with at this time ?00:21
rtdoskde :)00:21
rtdosworks for most streams but does not seem to work with wma streams00:22
asfyxiaoK, did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras?00:23
rtdosshould i re-install00:38
precubcrhy please need ure help people00:47
precubcri have installed kubuntu 10.10 and updated with kpackage but when restart, happens this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr-853V83r800:48
Fanfareprecubcr: looks like an unfinished install...00:57
precubcrno ..00:57
precubcrit was perfect00:57
Fanfareprecubcr: did u try an sudo apt-get check01:03
precubcrno what does it do ?01:04
Fanfareprecubcr: check is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache and checks for broken dependencies.01:05
precubcrand also fixes them ¿?01:06
Fanfareprecubcr: german?01:06
precubcrno english :( spanish roanian01:06
Fanfareprecubcr: it gives hints when it finds missing dependencies01:07
precubcrok thx ill do one check now ;)01:07
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
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DaskreechBlueleaf: M02:08
bfreisHi. I have Ubuntu 10.10, and yesterday I wanted to try kubuntu. I really disliked it, and now I want to remove it from my pc. However, following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome does not work. I get the following errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554938/02:24
bfreisAny ideas?02:24
DaskreechThat's the 10.04 instruction02:25
bfreishmm, right, do you know of some more up-to-date instructions?02:26
DaskreechNope but try removing those one by one to see if one of them is blocker02:29
=== drew is now known as bedsack
bfreisI've tried to remove all but the packages listed as errors, it seems to work02:31
bfreisAt least, it will remove those packages02:31
bfreisunfortunately, it will also remove gnome02:31
bfreisvery, very strange02:31
gregoryhi all02:49
clausim just new to kubuntu and i got a question. I got a USB-Headset but the only way i can edit the soundoutput is via systemsettings and then multimedia -> Phonon and set priority02:52
clausis there an easier way to do that? On the other hand my mic doesnt seem to work.. it always sets it back to the intern soundcard as default recordingdevice02:53
claushow can i fix this? when i select my usbheadset as recording device in ts3 direktly, ts3 crashes02:53
TuskRattlehow can i get help with my kubuntu problems03:16
TuskRattleprimary focus is to have sex03:16
TuskRattlethank you03:16
TuskRattlei will be patient03:16
TuskRattlenow i am just bore03:17
=== emma is now known as em
kwtmHi! How can I take advantage of the extra buttons on my mouse, which apparently in Windows are for "forward" and "back" on the web browser? (They are on the left side of the mouse.)  I use Kubuntu 10.04.04:24
=== sean is now known as Guest50723
ggeorgyhi =is possible to open a jar file in ubuntu???04:41
cameleonin a terminal cd to the folder containing your jar file and type "java -jar yourjar.jar". obvuiously replace yourjar.jar with te file you want to run04:43
ggeorgyerror  No such file or directory04:46
cameleondid you change folder to the one required?04:47
ggeorgyi downloaded the file in downloads04:48
cameleonthen in a terminal use the cd command to change folder to your downloads folder. This is done generally by opening a terminal and typeing cd Downloads04:50
cameleonthen type java -jar yourfile.jar04:51
ggeorgysont work04:59
ggeorgydont work04:59
cameleonwhat exactly are you typing in the terminal?05:00
cameleonhave you installed the java runtime?05:01
ggeorgyi put the file in home folder and type cd /home is ok .but when type java -jar yourfile.jar =error"Unable to access jarfile operette-hifi_getjar-en.jar05:02
ggeorgyi installed open jdk 6 runtime05:03
ggeorgyfrom restricted extras05:03
cameleontry moving it to your documents folder and trying again. There may be issues with executing files from the home folder directly05:05
ggeorgyis the same error bash: cd: documents: No such file or directory05:08
rwwDocuments has a capital D. Your filesystem is case-sensitive.05:08
cameleonyou may need to change the files permissions. Right click the jar file and  select properties, check the box saying ""Allow executing file as program"05:10
cameleonalso yes sorry about the non capitalised "Documents"05:10
ggeorgyis the same error05:12
ggeorgywork only in home folder05:13
cameleonis the jar file in your Documents folder or the home folder?05:14
cameleonthen the command will not work in any other folder. The java -jar command must be executed in the same folder as the jar file.05:16
kwtmggeorgy: Not sure if this was covered: your home folder is *not* called "/home".  If your user name is "ggeorgy" (let's say), then your home folder is "/home/ggeorgy".05:19
kwtmggeorgy: You can also use "~" most of the time to replace "/home/ggeorgy", so "~/Documents" means "/home/ggeorgy/Documents".05:19
kwtmggeorgy: Under other circumstances, you might need to put "$HOME", which is less convenient but works under more circumstances.  Like, "$HOME/Documents".05:20
kwtmyoungray: we hear you.  Ask.05:20
youngrayim just new here:)05:21
youngrayim not asking questionsXD05:21
kwtmyoungray: Welcome; but if you want more insight into k/Ubuntu, I find that the #ubuntu channel is much livelier and more than makes up for the fact that most of it is non-KDE.05:25
youngraybut english is not my native english.05:27
youngrayi am trying find chanel in chinese.05:27
ggeorgyi tryed and i have an error Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from05:27
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk05:27
kwtm恐怕中文台不活躍。 Ubuntu的通道可能是值得聽。05:29
kwtm[translation: the Chinese channel isn't that active.  The Ubuntu channel might be worthwhile.]05:29
kwtmSorry, I don't have my Chinese input software loaded so I'm relying on Google Translate to type my Chinese for me. :P05:29
kwtmMy own question: how can I map Button 8 and 9 on my mouse (those new buttons defined by MS Vista to mean "fwd" and "back" on the browsers) -- I've confirmed that "xev" recognizes the buttons, but can I make (say) button 8 mean "escape" or "copy" or something?05:31
kwtmggeorgy: Just checking: is your jar known to be error free?  Does it work on another system, for example?05:31
ggeorgyi tryed more jar file and is the same error05:32
ggeorgydoes exist a jar emulator mobile for ubuntu????05:37
kwtmI will need to go now to dinner, but just a parting thought for ggeorgy: I have run into problems with Java before, depending on which run-time package you install.  You seem to have installed the one I would have, but if all else fails you might try installing something else.05:38
kwtmBest of luck!05:38
ggeorgyok thanks05:39
kuttanshi everybody let me see my luck today06:11
kuttansi have a samsung corby mobile.  Kubuntu identify it as a imaging device always and sometime shows it as modem too.  The problem the modem deduction is not stable all the time, sometimes it do and sometimes not.  Im using this mobile as a modem which is having a 3g connection.06:12
kuttansKppp is also not useful as it says can not open modem, where as the modem is loaded in /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 as well.06:13
kuttanswvdialconf is returning error06:13
kuttansso how to go about from here to make it more stable and use it without intermittancy06:14
kuttansanyone here to help me out?06:17
kuttanskubuntu irc dried?06:20
kuttansi mean no one even saying a hi06:20
moetuneskuttans:  you picked a quiet time06:26
kuttansi dint get moetunes06:26
kuttansohh i c06:26
kuttanswhen it will be active then?06:26
moetunesmaybe 4 or 5 hours time06:27
kuttansok then i will try again06:29
=== Jackson__ is now known as jackson
magizianhey check out zx86NT ... it's a set of command and graphical NT shells for07:15
magizian> http://os.hopto.org07:15
moetunesmagizian:  not the place for ads...07:30
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espereguwhen I press K>Leave>Shutdown nothing happens. Also org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.logout -1 -1 -1 does nothing. any suggestions?07:50
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Guest79457H3llo W0rld10:21
faLUCEhi. I see with df /dev/sdb1 mounted on /media/disk, but I can't see /dev/sdb1 on filesystem... what can I do?10:38
kuttanshiii everybody10:39
rorkhello kuttans10:40
kuttanshii rork10:41
kuttansi have a samsung corby mobile.  Kubuntu identify it as a imaging device always and sometime shows it as modem too.  The problem the modem deduction is not stable all the time, sometimes it do and sometimes not.  Im using this mobile as a modem which is having a 3g connection.Kppp is also not useful as it says can not open modem, where as the modem is loaded in /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 as well. wvdialconf is returning errorso how to go about from here to make it10:41
kuttansmore stable and use it without intermittancy10:41
FloodBotK1kuttans: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:41
kuttansohh comeon floodbot its a single sentence10:41
kuttansstill inactive .....seems less people are visiting kubuntu irc room10:43
rorkThe channel isn't very active at this time indeed, still 2 minutes is a bit short for everybody to look at his IRC.10:45
kuttansyeah i know, but i came in the morning rork , it was the same status10:50
kuttansrork do you know of any forums which is dealing with mobile phone as a modem in ubuntu or kubuntu10:51
kuttansi have a samsung corby mobile.  Kubuntu identify it as a imaging device always and sometime shows it as modem too.  The problem the modem deduction is not stable all the time, sometimes it do and sometimes not.  Im using this mobile as a modem which is having a 3g connection.Kppp is also not useful as it says can not open modem, where as the modem is loaded in /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 as well. wvdialconf is returning errorso how to go about from here to make it10:59
kuttansmore stable and use it without intermittancy10:59
rorkI have no idea11:02
FlashDeluxehi @ all! I got a problem, i am using a notebook with an external screen and i want to extend my system on that screen. That does work so far. But after i restart my notebook my settings are gone and i have to adjust it again. Does somebody has a solution on that or a suggestion? Its not such a big deal, cause i can script it with xargs, but i guess it does have to work...11:23
lamefunIs it possible to make quassel to go into message indicator when I close it?11:25
rorkFlashDeluxe: I'm afraid todays tools only change screensettings for the current settings (as xrandr does), you can specify a xrandr command in .xprofile or make an xorg.conf11:30
FlashDeluxerork: so it isn`t an error but a default thing?11:31
rorkAs I understand it is the default mode indeed, but I like to see it as a bug too.11:32
rorkI would have to do some checking on that though11:32
=== Freejack is now known as Guest75039
juanluisestoy en clases que aburrimiento12:21
FlashDeluxerork maybe its a bug, but as you can manage it with a small script, its ok for me :)12:44
=== Realmkeeper is now known as Guest76861
m_tadeuhi everyone....I have only some basic project templates in kdevelop. what's the package to add more templates?14:01
m_tadeu_anyone? where to find kdevelop project tamplates?14:15
BluesKajm_tadeu_,  /join #kde-devel14:22
m_tadeu_BluesKaj: this is not a kde-devel issue...it's a packaging issue...and I just found the package which is kapptemplate. but thanx for your help14:25
BluesKajm_tadeu_, sry, i couldn't help , but I thought the ppl at devel might give you an answer14:26
m_tadeu_BluesKaj: it's cool :) but *-devel stuff it's for development of that app14:28
=== myriam is now known as Mamarok_
pablozhey guys, since I installed Maverick (or maybe was Lucid?) and after trying everything (from blacklisting effects to installing mainline kernels), I arrived to the conclusion that is only kwin the one that is not compatible with my video card (intel GM965) when I switched to compiz and noticed that everything was fine right from the beginning, and immensely faster.15:09
pablozThe only problem now is that the "Edge Trigger Delay" setting is completely omitted, that is, the mouse triggers the cube rotation immediately when it touches the screen edge, which is awkward. Anyone else using compiz has experienced the same issue? is it fixable?15:11
pabloz(BTW I'm currently using the kubuntu-ppa & kernel 2.6.36-020636-generic)15:15
* pabloz copies and pastes to #copiz15:22
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nyadhi, I installed the pyweather widget, I want to be able to find the files where it is installed on my computer so I can edit them. I've been googling for 15 minutes and can16:01
nyadcan't find it yet16:01
nyadhow do I find where it got installed16:01
nyadso basically I just need to know where kde installs the plasmoids when we 'get new widgets'16:05
the_p_nyad: did you look in the .kde subdirectory in your home directory?16:11
the_p_nyad: it is in .kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/16:13
=== aXw|VPS is now known as angelXwind
angelXwindAm I the only one16:22
BrianHhowdy all16:22
angelXwindwho seems to have a broken Ubiquity16:22
angelXwind(I'm ssh'ing as of now)16:22
angelXwindit can't even get past plymouth16:22
BrianHI'm having some problems with my desktop effects not applying ... Kwin keeps telling me that it cannot enable certain effects, but my card should clearly be able to handle them16:23
angelXwindIOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call16:23
angelXwindand I know for sure that Kubuntu runs on this laptop16:23
angelXwind(older versions did)16:23
BrianHI don't know much about graphics drivers on linux, but lspci shows it's recognized16:23
angelXwindApparently the cause of this crash is some python scripts16:24
angelXwindthose are causingthe crash apparently16:25
the_p_BrianH: Which card, drivers?16:30
eagles0513875hey guys is there an extra package i need to install to be able to use multiple monitors16:33
TunaSnaxHey guys, who can tell me more about the 'Alternative' edition? Is that the same as the Desktop, just without KDE/Xorg?16:33
eagles0513875TunaSnax: no it basically a text based installer16:34
eagles0513875it will evetually install a desktop etc for ya16:34
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: So it will still install X and KDE?16:34
TunaSnaxmmk, thz16:35
eagles0513875TunaSnax: you having problems wiht the normal graphicall installer16:35
TunaSnaxno, I just didnt want KDE(or gnome), but also dont need all the server stuff that the Server edition comes with16:35
eagles0513875use the server cd16:36
eagles0513875if you want a server edition16:36
eagles0513875then somewhere during the server install you have an option to do a custom install16:36
eagles0513875and can do just a bass install16:36
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: oh yeah? Cool, I'll try that out, thanks dude.16:37
eagles0513875no problemo16:37
eagles0513875my pleasure16:37
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: How is that for driver support? Kubuntu/Ubuntu are the only distro's I have found that work with my touchpad (even Deb doesnt work), and wifi card('out of the box') do you know/think if those two drivers are at least on the CD?16:39
eagles0513875hard to say till u install16:40
eagles0513875TunaSnax: is this for a desktop or server your installing16:40
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: its for a laptop.16:40
eagles0513875what desktop you planning on using?16:41
eagles0513875if any16:41
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: What desktop? You mean the hardware?16:41
eagles0513875TunaSnax: desktop as in kde or gnome16:42
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: Fluxbox16:42
eagles0513875use the normal kubuntu install16:43
eagles0513875install kde16:43
eagles0513875once you install it16:43
eagles0513875and fluxbox16:43
eagles0513875you just have to issue sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop16:43
eagles0513875kubuntu-desktop is a meta package which will uninstall the default kde setup16:43
TunaSnaxeagles0513875: oh, snap. I should have just started with that :P Thanks again!16:43
eagles0513875TunaSnax: server is just a bit different in a few ways besides no desktop16:44
eagles0513875the kernel is also tweaked for servers as well16:44
TunaSnaxaye, not something I want on a laptop.16:45
eagles0513875anyone here know how i can setup dual out put for monitors16:57
eagles0513875for some reason its saying i am unable to do it16:57
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maxsxcan i change the context menu in folder view on kubuntu 10.1017:27
ubuntuI have an issue concerning kubuntu installation17:34
James147!ask | ubuntu17:35
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:35
ubuntufirst i am not used to qwerty keybords17:36
ubuntuand i do not know how to translate my issue in english17:37
ubuntuis there a french channel ?17:37
ubuntufor kubuntu17:37
ubuntuOk i ll try to explain you17:38
=== arian is now known as Guest39559
ubuntui have my CD but during installation it says retrieving datas from ti;e servers or something like that17:39
ubuntuand it do not install more17:39
ubuntuany ideas17:41
KulitorumDo you have "download updates during installation" switched on?17:44
KulitorumIs the machine connected to the net, and does it reconize the network hardware?17:44
KulitorumCan you start it in live mode, and be online?17:45
=== christ is now known as pe5yes
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ubuntuyes i have ll this17:53
ubuntubut that's odd, i've tried once again, and now it's "systemes files detection" or something like that17:54
orzelhello. i've updated from lucid to maverick today... and X  is broken. The xorg.0.log says "NV: Kernel modesetting driver in use, refusing to load".....  i dont know what to do next17:54
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orzeli can find people with the same people using google, but no solution18:03
claushi there, how can i change the default soundoutput in kubuntu 10.10?18:05
clausin teamspeak3 i can select the output-device but chromium still plays thru my intern soundcard even tho i set my headset as primary in phonon18:05
vanguardgo to the main system settings18:06
vanguardthen multimedia, audio devices18:06
vanguardthe latter is called phonon here18:07
clausye i am there18:07
vanguardand then go to "audio output" and select the one you like and click on the up arrow, saying something like "pull up" or "prefer"18:07
clausi have it like that18:08
vanguardnow your output should be the device on top of the list18:08
clausstill chromium plays thru intern soundcard.. the game heroes of newerth has as soundouput default aswell and its my intern soundcard not my usbdevice18:09
clausamarok plays thru usbheaset tho18:09
clausthe odd thing is18:11
clausthat when i click the test button non of my interndeviced playback any sound18:11
clausonly my usbheadset plays some sound back18:12
vanguardI had a similar issue, could it be that the sound is there, but really really faint?18:13
orzelgoogling for the same problem that i have but not specific on kubuntu, i see i should disable kernel modesetting by adding 'nomodeset' to the kernel command line. I did, but this doesn't solve the problem. Does kubuntu somehow 'disregard' this option ? the kernel seems to ignore this option18:14
clausthere is no sound at all for my intern soundcard on this phonontestthingie18:15
clausthe mixer in kmix to set the volume works perfectly tho for flash18:15
vanguardmaybe cou can check in pavucontrol18:15
clauslike watching a video on youtube18:15
vanguardhmm, that is really strange18:16
vanguardmaybe you got different default audio devices in the different categories of phonon?18:16
clausnope i applied it to all the same categories18:17
vanguardI know that you have every application on a different fader in kmix, maybe some of them are set to zero?18:17
clauswhat you mean with fader for every app in kmix.. i only got faders for my internal soundcard like front, rear, headsetoutput etc.. and i got my tab with the faders for my usbheadset volume and microfone18:19
BluesKajclaus, open alsamixer in the terminal and make sure all ctrls are unmuted , and turned up to 80% or more18:20
clausit is18:21
clauson alsamixer18:22
clausmy interndevice is set as default aswell18:22
clausnot my usb18:22
clausis there a way to change that?18:22
BluesKajclaus, you may have to change the default soundcard in the BIOS peripherals ..dunno if that will work for outboard USB cards tho18:26
clausi doubt that. i am currently reading sth about asound.conf18:26
moetunesisn't it pulseaudio that sorts that out now? - try pavucontrol18:27
BluesKajclaus, have you selected and tested the sound output options in system settings/media/phonon18:27
moetunes!info pavucontrol18:27
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-1 (maverick), package size 118 kB, installed size 948 kB18:27
clausi deinstalled pulseaudio18:28
clausyes i did BluesKaj18:28
clausbut i cant hear any sound for my intern device18:28
clausonly for my usb device18:28
clausi tested every device listed there18:29
BluesKajclaus, ok disconnect the usb cartd , then try this ion the terminal , speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav18:31
clausk sec18:31
clauswhen i plugin my usb headset again its still on my intern device18:33
BluesKajok , now claus , what do you want to do , use the internal or the usb or both?18:33
clausboth but it depends.. when im working and im listening to music i want to use my usb headset or when im gaming.. but watching a movie id like to have the output out of my intern device18:34
BluesKajclaus , you can choose your options with this command a GUI will open , sudo gstreamer-properties18:35
clausthere is no gstreamer at all18:36
BluesKajclaus, you have to install it I guess :)18:37
clausuhm how.. sudo apt-get install gstreamer doesnt work18:38
clausits gstreamer0.1018:38
clausso and then i will be able to select my default output device?18:39
=== max is now known as Guest19535
clausstill there is no gstreamer-properties18:41
BluesKajclaus, I think a reboot is required , not sure18:42
clausuhm okay18:42
clausone thing i mention18:42
James147BluesKaj: shouldnt be to see the program ^^18:43
clausis the notification sound of kubuntu is on my intern soundcard aswell18:43
BluesKajclaus, plug the usb back in , then run sudo gstreamer-properties18:45
clausmy usb is plugged in18:45
clausand there is no entry gstreamer-properties .. the only thing i have i gstreamer-install-codecs18:45
BluesKajok,. then that command is depracated ...it used to work18:46
clausi have no /etc/asound.conf too18:48
yofelBluesKaj: gstreamer-properties is a gnome app18:54
yofel!find /usr/bin/gstreamer-properties18:54
ubottuFile /usr/bin/gstreamer-properties found in gnome-media18:54
clausyofel you know how to change my default output device?18:55
yofelnot really, I would usually suggest phonon settings or pavucontrol, but you already tried that18:57
BluesKajyofel,  I thought I had gstreamer-properties installed , may be it didn't migrate to this upgrade18:57
clauswhats pavucontrol ?18:59
yofelclaus: pulseaudio control application19:01
clausah k19:02
clausye i deinstalled pulseaudio cause it sucks19:02
yofelthen you'll have to mess with alsa I fear..19:02
clausye i found this19:03
clausbut i dont have any asoundrc or i just dont know how to find it19:04
alumneFunciona xD19:15
phoenix_firebrddoes this bug have to be filed in kde for kde team to fix it. http://osdir.com/ml/kopete-bugs/2010-04/msg00114.html19:20
BluesKajhi Eaglestriker19:37
Eaglestrikerthis is my forst time using Kubuntu :P19:38
Eaglestrikerthis is my first time using Kubuntu :P19:38
BluesKajcongratulations Eaglestriker! :)19:39
Eaglestrikerhow long have you been using it19:39
BluesKajEaglestriker, about 5 or 6 yrs, not exactly sure19:43
DaskreechBluesKaj: A little too slow? :)20:27
BluesKajDaskreech, yeah , i left the room for a few mins and he left just before I hit the enter key :)20:29
DaskreechThis is a really quiet room once it's not release time though20:39
baylonhello po20:40
BluesKajI'm running natty justto keep from getting bored20:50
vanguarddoes anyone have an Android phone an syncs calendar+todo on it somehow?20:53
DaskreechBluesKaj: Run otter20:53
BluesKajDaskreech, otter's not available to the likes of me20:54
DaskreechThat's a shame :)20:55
DaskreechI suspect if it did you'd be a lot less bored :)20:55
DaskreechSo lets play a KDE support game :)20:55
Daskreechwhat's the top 4 things that you think shuld be fixed in KDE? (this is slightly different from improved)20:56
DaskreechIt's subjective of course but having been in a support channel for a while you get perspective20:56
James147vanguard: one way is to sync to google calendar, then sync from google to akondi20:59
BluesKajamarok, vnc, quassel (it's ugly) , ...nothing else , Daskreech21:00
James147^^ pulseaudio should be up there :)21:02
bazaarand what are my options if I do not want to give my data in Google's hands?21:02
macobazaar: is it even possible to use android without google?21:03
DaskreechBluesKaj: vnc support you mean? vnc isn't KDE21:03
BluesKajpulseaudio is a given , James14721:03
DaskreechJames147: you mean more support for it?21:03
BluesKajyeah, but vnc still sucks21:03
Daskreechmaco: Yes21:03
James147maco: yes... but you lose like 1/2 the features :)21:04
rtdosis there a program or a way to pipe 'text to speech' to a wav file ?21:05
James147rtdos: yes... jovie can do it i think21:06
rtdosi should already have jovie installed by default, correct ?21:06
James147rtdos: dont know ^^ probally not as far as i know21:07
bazaaryeah, Android minus Google is not really clever, it is just that I now have an Android phone around ...21:07
rtdosi will check it out thanks James14721:07
bazaarI guess I would rather by myself a Maemo if I could choose ...21:07
DaskreechJames147: Such as?21:08
Daskreech(for feature loss)21:09
James147Daskreech: the default market for one ^^ wihch makes geeing application allot harder :)21:09
James147getting ^^21:09
James147^^ though there are "alternitives"21:09
DaskreechWell you have third party markets and from what I've seen a lot of the more useful apps are FOSS which you can easily get outside the market and outside of the US is the only way you can get them a lot of the time21:10
James147^^ the speeh reconision is another, as far as I know they use the google servers to do the processing21:10
DaskreechYeah that's neat :)21:10
Daskreechthough I've never seen someone use it as successfully as they do in the demos21:11
James147Daskreech: ^^ being able to sync to google, then from google to akondi is another :)21:11
Daskreechthat's an assumption that you want to keep your data in Google21:11
DaskreechWhich if you do this converssation has little value21:11
DaskreechIf you don't all the other alternatives are just fine21:12
James147Daskreech: not many other options to get the data into akondi as far as I know21:12
bazaarwell, right now I play with Chandler (chandlerproject.org), it supports CalDAV export21:13
Daskreechyay Chandler!21:13
bazaaror CalDAV syncing21:13
Daskreechwe have a server at work for it21:13
DaskreechReally should get more exposure21:13
bazaarbut I cannot find the ChandlerQE App for my phone ...21:13
Exposuretheres enough of me to go around21:15
bazaarwhat do you mean?21:16
bazaarokay, I found a svn repo with the source -- how do I get that onto the phone? Or should I rather plan in a whole afternoon for that?21:16
DaskreechExposure: over exposed?21:18
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bazaarquick conclusion: Android without using a lot of Google's services sucks. sigh.21:31
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GarouDanHi. I have a strange problem in KDE4 and Ubuntu 10.04. When I start the OS, the OS saves a kind of tastes...my Akregator keeps in filter "gene" (a filter that i have used one time ago) and starts with 4 Arks windows (that I uses before too)...how to solve this? how start de OS clean?22:05
GarouDanWhat archive should I clean? Maybe something in my home folder?^^22:06
James147system settings > start up and shutdown > session management22:07
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Guest32135how do i install python22:07
James147Guest32135: sudo apt-get install python   ??22:08
* James147 notes that it should already be installed22:09
Guest32135its not installed22:09
James147Guest32135: what makes you say that?22:09
Guest32135when i type ipython in console it gives me this22:09
Guest32135mike@ubuntu:~$ ipython22:10
Guest32135The program 'ipython' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:22:10
Guest32135sudo apt-get install ipython22:10
James147Guest32135: thats because ipython isent installed... but python is22:10
bazaarjames147: thanks, I am annoyed by my haunting apps as well :D22:12
GarouDanJames147..."system settings > start up and shutdown > session management" is for me? this programs will not able in automatic start...22:12
bazaarGarouDan: it is22:13
bazaarGarouDan: set start with new session22:13
bazaarIn which categorie of games would an ego shooter fall?22:13
James147GarouDan: yes, although the location may have changed... i cant remember what 10.04 was like, its so old now :)22:14
bazaarWell, 10.04 is LTS, so you cannot mark it as a legacy :D22:14
James147bazaar: kde 4.4 i can22:14
bazaaromg, why doen't chandler just quit?22:15
bazaarit sits there and does not react on quitting command ...22:15
* bazaar resigns about finding a decent todo app with syncing ...22:16
GarouDanbazaar , James147 lol...the truth is.,,..i have this problema with another OS versions before...i will try,.. thanks i think this solve^^ thanks22:16
bazaargn8 every122:17
James147Guest32135: ^^ you could also try renaming ~/.kde/sahre/config/session22:17
James147^^ ment for Gaarou..22:17
Guest32135ahh im too high to do anything at the moment, i will do it later22:17
Guest32135ok :D22:18
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moses_i have a tablet pc23:42
moses_will kubuntu be good for it?23:42
moses_it was running windows vista23:42
moses_but it couldnt handle it23:42
moses_i need a good OS for this laptop23:43
James147moses_: I would have thourght so :)  ^^kde is getting better and better tablet support23:46
moses_ok perfect23:47
moses_also my laptop doesnt have a cdrom drive :(23:47
James147moses_: it dosent need one, i havent done a cdinstall in years23:47
moses_do you know any instructions on how to do it otherwise?23:48
James147moses_: I recomend a flash drive if you have one23:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:48
moses_which one do i want?23:48
James147https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#UNetbootin (GUI-based, runs from either Windows or Linux)    << that one :)23:49
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* James147 grumbles at the spaces23:49
moses_i want to install it form the drive though23:50
moses_i dont want it to run from the drive23:50
James147moses_: thats what it will do... it will install the iso to the drive, then you can boot from teh drive and install it to a disk23:51
James147(direct link: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/   ^^ the others dont really tell you much more)23:51
* James147 notes that the kubuntu cd is a "live install"... meaning its a fully functional install (normally write only) that has an option to install it to a hard drive if you like it :) 23:54
moses_so i can use the unetbootin23:54
moses_program to prepare the USB23:54
James147moses_: yes23:54
moses_which version do you reccomend23:55
James147then you can boot from the usb like you would from a cd... assuming you have configured your bios to do so, and that your bios supports booting from usb (which all do noadays except really old ones)23:55
moses_the program reccomended 10.04...23:55
James147moses_: latest, 10.1023:55
James147moses_: nah, 10.04 is best for enviroments where stability is more imprtant then anytrhing else... the latest 10.10 is best for generic home use23:56
moses_this laptop is kinda old23:57
moses_and i want LONG battery life23:57
moses_cause im going to be out23:57
moses_can you reccomend me anything?23:57
James147moses_: you wont notice a difference in battery life ^^ at least without spending hours optimising it :)23:58
moses_well i think i may plan on doing that23:58
moses_10.10 it is23:58
* James147 also suggests you use kubuntu rather then ubuntu :) ^^ but thats just because he hates gnome :p23:58
moses_i dont like gnome either23:59
moses_but i dont like that many windows managers23:59
moses_i pray i can boot from usb23:59

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