
Amaranth_Jack87: It's Sunday :)00:16
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=== ogra is now known as Guest61426
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ograhrmpf, archive is still out of sync12:34
bdrungogra: with 5 gig ram free, you can compile eclipse on tmpfs.12:56
persia(really, later :p )12:56
ograbut first i would need to solder 4.5G onto the board ;)12:56
stgraberpersia: :) (thought I was already in this channel, apparently for some reason I wasn't ...)12:57
bdrungogra: you need more than 5 gig or do you want to swap everything else while compiling. ;)13:36
ograi usually dont compile Qt, firefox, thunderbird or openoffice ... normal packages dont need these insane amounts of ram13:37
ograbug #68495114:32
ubot2ogra: Bug 684951 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/684951 is private14:32
robclarkrsalveti: quick question..  your new ppa seems to have same version # as what I was using from your old ppa..  how to I get 'apt-get install' to realize they are not the same and install from your new ppa?15:28
rsalvetirobclark: actually it's not the same: 4.7.0-0ubuntu4.2ppa2 (new) 4.7.0-0ubuntu4.2ppa1 (old)15:29
robclarkhmm..  sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl tells me I already have latest version..15:30
sveinseIs libqt4-opengl for QWS or X11?15:58
rsalvetirobclark: what oprofile version are you using atm?16:27
sveinseHow is resolv.conf handled in respect of dhclient on maverick? Is it updated automatically?16:27
rsalvetirobclark: I remember I saw a but reported by GrueMaster16:28
rsalvetisveinse: yup, should be16:28
robclarkrsalveti: whatever is in maverick..  although it is not working..16:28
ograsveinse, if you use ifup (/etc/network/interfaces) it is16:28
robclarkbut perf does seem to work, so that is what I'm using for now..16:28
ograsveinse, plain manual dhclient call wont update it16:28
rsalvetirobclark: oh, got it, will try to check why oprofile is not working later16:29
sveinseogra: Ahh. So ifup is it then...16:29
robclarkalthough you have to explicitly run perf_2.6.35-903  (the wrapper script isn't working)16:29
robclarkrsalveti: btw, any ideas about: "Unable to load graphicssystem "opengl""16:29
sveinseogra: Is ifup triggered by udev events (like eth cable insert)?16:29
ogranot sure16:30
sveinseogra: ok, thanks16:30
rsalvetirobbiew: hm, weird, should work if you have the proper qt opengl packages installed16:30
rsalvetirobbiew: sorry16:31
rsalvetirobclark: ^16:31
robclarkit's possible I need to install something else..  I'm sort of newbie to qt so no idea where to start..16:31
robclarkjust to sanity check.. the backend is still called "opengl" and not "opengles" or something like that?16:32
rsalvetirobclark: afaik it should be still opengl16:33
rsalvetithe build sounds correct: OpenGL support ......... yes (OpenGL ES 2.x)16:35
robclarkrsalveti: short snippet from strace:  http://pastebin.com/CBCgp3LP16:36
robclarkmy guess something is not getting packaged, which should be in that directory?16:37
rsalvetirobclark: yup, could be the case16:39
rsalvetilet me check the logs16:39
rsalvetirobclark: it seems fine http://paste.ubuntu.com/555140/16:48
rsalvetianyway, I'm starting my panda and will check16:49
rsalvetilet me just get some food first, almost 3 pm already16:49
robclarkrsalveti:  /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems vs /usr/bin/graphicssystems16:50
rsalvetibut even on my desktop it's using /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems/libqglgraphicssystem.so16:50
* rsalveti brb, lunch16:51
quadrisprohi guys17:09
quadrisproI've been working on bug #704027 so I'd like to have chances to testbuild before uploading17:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 704027 in gavl (Ubuntu) "gavl 1.2.0-1 FTBFS on armel (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70402717:15
quadrisprothere is a way to make me happy? :)17:15
sveinseAm I correct that there is no lsusb ported to armel?17:17
ograquadrispro, attach a debdiff to the bug and someone for the team will get to it17:18
ograsveinse, hmm ?17:18
ograogra@ac100:~$ which lsusb17:18
sveinseapt-get install lsusb17:19
sveinseE: Unable to locate package lsusb17:19
sveinseThat's maverick17:19
ograyou want usbutils17:19
sveinseaaahh.. go figure17:20
sveinsewhat is the status of natty? We are using maverick (via rootstock) and it works pretty good. Is natty something to consider over maverick?17:21
quadrisproogra, thanks17:21
ograsveinse, natty will bring the new unity-2d UI for arm17:21
sveinseAny major news for the platform itself, like new compile-settings etc?17:22
ogranewer toolchain17:22
ograno changed default build options, no17:22
ograi think until we switch to hardfloat there wont be massive changes anymore17:23
ograand the hf port will still need time17:23
sveinseAm I correct to assume that there is no problems with using hardfloat in custom applications, right?17:24
ograit needs a complete recompile17:25
ograits a completely different ABI17:25
sveinseok, so the application's external references (to libs & stuff) get garbled with the new ABI. So, basically, no then17:26
sveinseAre any of you doing remote debugging against armel? The armel cross compiler is available, but I cannot find any gdb cross for armel...17:27
ograi think lool just works on that17:28
sveinseWould be nice to have something that matched the gdbserver in armel17:28
sveinseWhat's the deal with --sysroot being removed from the cross toolchain?17:30
loolsveinse: http://hudson.dooz.org/job/armel-gdb/ has a decently recent package17:30
sveinselool: Great! Thanks17:31
sveinseI know that it conflicts with xdeb, but removing --sysroot is IMHO somwhat a drastic measure17:31
sveinseI ruins our target cross buildsystem17:32
GrueMasterrsalveti: The bug I filed in oprofile was because robclark pointed it out.  I don't have much detail beyond what is in the bug report.17:32
sveinselool: I presume it's matched against the armel gdbserver, similar to the gnueabi cross toolchain, right?17:33
loolsveinse: yes17:53
rsalvetiargh, crap internet connection18:38
rsalvetiGrueMaster: ok18:38
Jack87hey this place is live for a change.19:06
* Jack87 needs peeps who want to try ubuntu on nook color.19:06
Jack87or help  me try it and hope nook doesnt explode19:07
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87_Away

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