
racho_PCChrist what is your video card?00:07
egossetti have a question00:48
egossetti am using kde now, and when i click "computer" then system settings then in the lost and found - all the items that were on the accessories in gnome are in the lost and found is this correct00:49
Red-Ravenhey guys.00:50
egossettHi Red-Raven00:50
ChrisDruifHai Red-Raven00:50
Red-Ravenany way in ubuntu to erase a pin drive with a virus on it besides dd, formating, or deleting in Gparted?00:52
ChrisDruifRed-Raven: Because all of the above don't work?00:52
ChrisDruifI dunno, blows my mind <_>00:55
Red-RavenMS security essentials didn't work either.00:55
egossettI am using KDE and all the items that were on the accessories tab in gnome are in the lost and found is this correct? Can someone help with that00:57
paultagOK, who has a bad issue that needs urgent help?00:58
paultagI lost scrollback and can't see joins / partz00:58
paultagRed-Raven: you first, it sounds fun00:58
egossetti could use help00:59
paultagRed-Raven: have you tried mkfs.ext* ?00:59
paultagegossett: sup, dude. let's hear it00:59
=== jacob_ is now known as jacob
egossettI am using KDE and all the items that were on the accessories tab in gnome are in the lost and found is this correct?00:59
paultagRed-Raven: that rebuilds the fs without a repartition ( and is called from Gparted after a format )00:59
egossettI am a girl - dude. SMILE00:59
paultagegossett: dude is asexual00:59
paultagegossett: and I stand by that, damnit00:59
paultagegossett: so, what's your issue?01:00
ChrisDruifDoede, you are a girl? :)01:00
egossettI appreciate your help01:00
egossettI am using KDE and all the items that were on the accessories tab in gnome are in the lost and found is this correct?01:01
paultaghahaha sweet01:01
ChrisDruifgtg, ba-bye y'all....good luck with your problems :)01:01
paultagegossett: humm, not sure if that's stock or desgined behavior01:01
paultaglater Commodore6401:01
egossettthanks chris01:01
paultager, chr-01:02
paultaghe left, shucks01:02
paultagegossett: it might be an issue with the XDG entries, but I doubt it01:02
paultagegossett: was it always like this?01:02
egossettpaultag: oh i don't know01:02
paultagegossett: can you give an example of some that are now misplaced?01:03
egossettpaultag: yes i just installed kde01:03
egossettone minute01:03
egossettdesktop effects01:03
egossettlogin manager01:03
egossettsplash scree01:03
egossettdevice actions01:03
egossettinput actions01:04
paultagegossett: those are all GNOME menu entries. Where's `firefox' ?01:04
egossettfirefox is under applications internet01:04
egossettas webbrowser01:05
paultagegossett: that's normal and expected behavior01:05
egossettbut firefox icon01:05
paultagegossett: as is the lost + found stuff01:05
paultagegossett: your system is clean and healty. If you don't like it, you can move entries in the editor01:05
egossettso no accessories on the kde button on the lower left on the bottom panel01:05
egossetto no01:06
egossetti thought this was an error.01:06
paultagegossett: KDE -> GNOME back and forth is a bit fisty01:06
egossettlost and found sounds like it is out of place01:06
egossettI am new user01:06
egossettso maybe not understanding where things really go01:06
paultagegossett: KDE guys like doing things by the books, and GNOME guys like doing cowboy coding -- so when KDE catches a GNOME'ism, it gets handled funny01:06
egossettlost sounds lost to me01:06
egossetti see01:07
webjadminHow often are Linux kernels released?01:07
paultagwebjadmin: whenever linus gets off his ass01:07
egossettpassword and user account is in the lost and found section now also01:07
paultagegossett: it's OK. Those are GNOME tools that are in the menu "funny"01:07
egossettok Thank you for assistance01:08
paultagegossett: you may move them without any trouble01:08
paultagegossett: sure, no problem01:08
egossettdon't know enough to move things yet01:08
egossettas long as this is not a problem they can stay where kde put them01:08
paultagegossett: you know that KDE is not GNOME. That's more then enough01:08
paultagegossett: sure. No problems will come up01:08
egossettthank you so much DUDE. hahahaha01:09
paultagwell, webjadmin must have not liked me01:09
paultagegossett: no problem, dude01:09
egossettwell i don't know why - I like you01:09
JackyAlcinepaultag, I do like you, lol. I didn't notice that I was using my username.01:09
JackyAlcineI am webjadmin.01:09
paultagJackyAlcine: oh hahahaha01:09
paultagJackyAlcine: I don't see joins or parts01:09
egossetthi jacky01:09
paultagor nicks01:09
JackyAlcineHey egossett01:10
JackyAlcineSo if you ever see that nick somewhere, it's me. :D01:10
JackyAlcinedouble identities!01:10
paultagJackyAlcine: I have a bunch that I go "undercover" with01:10
egossetti had double entries the other day. but figure how i was doing that01:10
paultagsometimes I just don't want to be bugged ;)01:10
paultagegossett: yup.01:11
JackyAlcineSame here. =/ but then people /whois me and >_<01:11
paultagJackyAlcine: haha01:11
paultagJackyAlcine: I keep different ns entries01:11
egossetti will prolly always show as egossett or evalyn01:11
JackyAlcineSpeaking of entries, I'm trying to find a way to make Wikipedia entries available to a system as an object, sort of a knowledge base.01:12
cprofitthello egossett01:12
cprofitthow are you doing?01:12
egossetti got to make lots of friends here - want to learn from everyone01:12
paultagegossett: have you been here long? Sorry, I don't think we've met.01:12
egossettcprofitt: hi01:12
paultagI've been idle far too long01:12
egossettno fairly new01:12
paultaghey cprofitt01:12
egossettloaded Ubuntu 10.04 in december01:13
JackyAlcineHey cprofitt!01:13
egossetti have been fiddling with Ubuntu for well over 2 years01:13
cprofittegossett: is going to be stellar folks...01:13
egossettnow I feel i got a good set up01:13
egossettthanks for confidence cprofitt01:13
egossettand I will keep it on this Dell Inspiron01:14
paultagRed-Raven left01:14
paultagwonder if he solved his issue01:14
cprofittpaultag: do you want to take on RedSing; if not I would be willing as they are in my loco01:14
egossettstuck with windows on two other home computers for now. I don't like to use them now tho01:14
paultagcprofitt: I'm overloaded. I've got Cheri703 fulltime and JackyAlcine part-time/01:14
cprofittI may get to convert my father to Linux in the next 2-4 weeks01:14
cprofittHey now... what are you doing with JackyAlcine?01:15
cprofittJackyAlcine is cheating on me, heh?01:15
egossettcprofitt: good for you01:15
paultagcprofitt: I'm giving him little programming tidbits to munch on01:15
JackyAlcineLol, not all the time!01:15
paultagcprofitt: in all fairness I had him first01:15
paultagcprofitt: so NYAH!01:15
* JackyAlcine watches and claps.01:15
egossettand egossett is cheesing01:16
cprofittI see paultag01:16
paultagegossett: cheesing? You sound like a young-un. South Park FTW01:16
paultagcprofitt: I'm just bullshitting. We talk now and again :)01:16
egossettcprofitt: you know i am a yungin01:17
cprofittI know paultag01:17
cprofittjust was not sure how to respond...01:17
cprofittJackyAlcine could benefit from some of your assistance anyway01:17
paultagcprofitt: hahaha, good. I was hopeing you knew I was not laying claim01:17
egossettit's all good01:17
paultaghoping *01:17
cprofittthe programming stuff is a bit beyond me at this point01:17
paultagJackyAlcine: have you figured out the ( n & ( n -1 ) ) yet ?01:17
JackyAlcineI hope paultag's ready for some AI!01:17
cprofittheck... in reality the padawan belong to all of us01:17
paultagJackyAlcine: dude, I rocks01:17
paultagcprofitt: right?01:17
JackyAlcineNOOO, cprofitt, he's being mean! lol01:17
egossettcprofitt: and paultag: yes lots of deep stuff here,01:18
cprofittJackyAlcine: I would have just made you do the first 33 problems at ProjectEuler01:18
* JackyAlcine blows up into ashes.01:18
paultagI've not even had that much time ;)01:18
cprofittc'mon... those are not that hard... I did not say you had to do them in Machine Language01:18
paultagcprofitt: well where's the fun in that?01:19
cprofittthough we really should move this to -team01:19
paultagcprofitt: truf01:19
cprofittas this is our support channel01:19
egossettcprofitt: i have gpg key, linux id, and ubuntu id now01:19
cprofittmy mistaked for going so far in here01:19
* JackyAlcine rises from ashes, and burns even brighter.01:19
egossettJackyAlcine: phoenix01:19
paultagcprofitt: it's cool, I'm trying to stay on duty ( hahaha doodie ) for a while01:19
cprofittpaultag: I am re-writing the backup wiki page01:20
JackyAlcineegossett: Yup, I love them. If I ever create anything epic, I'll call it the Phoenix.01:20
paultagcprofitt: yeah?01:20
cprofittwhich is, from my point of view... well... not good01:20
Red-Ravenhey sorry. missed anything since last time i posted.01:20
paultagJackyAlcine: well you need to make a shitty one first, then get a 2.001:20
paultagRed-Raven: aww!01:20
paultagRed-Raven: I gave you a 2 page response and you missed it01:20
cprofittthe list synchronization, creating an archive and drive imaging as types of backup01:20
paultagRed-Raven: kidding. One line. Have you checked mkfs.ext* ?01:20
egossettRed-Raven: we are just shooting the breeze01:20
Red-Ravenpress ^?01:20
egossettcprofitt: i did try irssi and felt it was to advanced for me, - need to remember commands01:21
paultag00:59 <+paultag> Red-Raven: have you tried mkfs.ext* ?01:21
paultag00:59 <+paultag> Red-Raven: that rebuilds the fs without a repartition ( and is called from Gparted after a format )01:21
paultagRed-Raven: we have public logs online as well ( if no one is around and you need to check )01:21
egossettcprofitt: but now that i have kde i am using quassel irc which i like better than the gnome xchat01:22
paultagRed-Raven: or if your disk is in vfat format, mkfs.vfat will work well too01:22
paultagRed-Raven: just look up the mkfs.* family, really01:22
cprofittegossett: cool01:22
cprofittI only learned irssi because I wanted a terminal based chat01:22
cprofittin case I had to remote in to a screen session01:22
cprofittor had a low power machine01:22
egossetti tried it just to see the difference01:23
Red-Ravento see if its in there?01:23
egossetti need the assistance for now, maybe later i will remember commands01:23
cprofittegossett: I started with xchat01:23
paultagRed-Raven: what format is your disk in?01:23
paultagcprofitt: egossett, kicking you to -team while I help with Red-Raven here01:23
paultagif you don't mind01:24
paultagit'll be 4 minutes01:24
egossettcprofitt: yes - but i do like the kde interface better01:24
egossetti will just read along see if i learn something here01:24
paultagRed-Raven: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb01:24
paultagRed-Raven: so I can see a list of partitions, and what format they are in, if you don't mind01:24
cprofittA lot of people like KDE better... it is, to me, more like both Windows and OS X01:25
paultagagain, providing sdb is your flash drive01:25
JackyAlcinecprofitt: Maybe it's because I started with GNOME, but I can't ever get accustomed to KDE, it's a bit too much for moi.01:25
egossettcprofitt: yes it is like windows and I know that is why i like it. but i need it so i can learn more.01:25
drop_bearcan anyone give me a hand connecting a printer/scanner to my computer?01:26
paultagdrop_bear: I might need to run in a second, but I can give 2-mintue help01:26
egossettcprofitt: it has been so long since i did commands in commodore and dos. will take some time to get use to that again01:26
paultagdrop_bear: what make and model?01:26
paultagdrop_bear: also, sweet /nick01:26
drop_bearbrother dcp165c01:26
cprofittegossett: I understand01:27
paultagI love the drop_bear ssh server01:27
drop_bearwhat's that?01:27
paultagdrop_bear: that should be plug and play. Is it not working OTB?01:27
paultagdrop_bear: nevermind01:27
drop_bearnot working01:27
cprofittJackyAlcine and egossett we have some folks seeking help in here... lets take side chatter to -team01:27
drop_bearit comes up with a list of drivers for brother computers but it's not one of them01:27
drop_bearI am on 10.1001:27
paultagdrop_bear: humm. Can you paste `tail /var/log/messages' when you plug it in?01:28
drop_bearyeah, but it is quite a few lines01:28
JackyAlcinedrop_bear: http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:29
paultagdrop_bear: pastebin :)01:29
paultag!pastebin | drop_bear01:29
ubot2drop_bear: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:29
drop_bearoh... hold on01:30
paultagDamn, Red left again01:31
paultagOh jesus01:31
paultagJan 17 09:18:35 linux kernel: [ 2799.335528] system-config-p[8603]: segfault at 4 ip b7641498 sp bf8ed00c error 4 in libc-2.12.1.so[b7525000+157000]01:31
paultagdrop_bear: congrats!!!!!!01:31
drop_bearI DID IT!!!01:31
paultagdrop_bear: you're the *first* person, in 4 years, who's come in here with an issue that is horrid!01:31
paultagdrop_bear: this is awesome. Time to file some bug reports!01:31
paultagdrop_bear: Your driver totally bombed your kernel. It's a wonder your system is not crashing01:32
drop_bearsorry what's going on?01:32
paultagdrop_bear: you know when you're in deep deep sleep01:32
drop_bearoh... could it be the flux capacitor?01:32
paultagdrop_bear: and you're just about to make out with the hot chick?01:32
drop_beargo on01:32
paultagdrop_bear: and then some ass wakes you up with water?01:32
paultagdrop_bear: that's what's going on.01:32
paultagdrop_bear: So, if you don't mind, please head to #ubuntu-kernel and show them this, they can help you from here on out01:33
paultagdrop_bear: hell yeah. High five!01:33
paultagdrop_bear: really, well done, dude. Never seen that before, in my 10 years of using Linux01:33
drop_bearwhat actually happened?01:34
drop_bearI'm a little lost01:34
paultagdrop_bear: it's something called a "Segfault" or "Segmentation fault"01:34
paultagdrop_bear: it's when the bit of code tries to use a pointer that's outside it's segment01:34
paultagdrop_bear: it's very bad and usually is the programmer's fault. Hell. It's always the programmer's fault01:34
paultagdrop_bear: so, it's thinking all is well, attempts to use invalid memory and bombs out hard01:35
drop_bearwell I am going to head on over to the kernal channell and let them know all about it01:35
paultagdrop_bear: moment01:35
paultagdrop_bear: yeah, please do01:35
paultagdrop_bear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault01:35
paultagIt's really a wonder the kernel is still online01:36
drop_bearit sounds bad01:37
paultagdrop_bear: it is :)01:37
paultagdrop_bear: but the good news is, it's 0% your faulkt01:37
drop_bearis my computer going to fall over now?01:37
paultagfault *01:37
paultagdrop_bear: nah. It'll live01:37
paultagdrop_bear: fat chance of using the print driver, though01:38
paultagdrop_bear: Oh no, not at all. It might be a versioned issue01:38
drop_bearshould I throw away my printer... or drop it in the river or something?01:38
paultagdrop_bear: that's why I'm suggesting a trip to kerenl, they might be able to find the error01:38
drop_bearI have posted up there already01:38
paultagdrop_bear: rock on, mang. You should be able to get it to work, but might take some work01:39
drop_bearthis is what I said01:39
drop_bearhello. I was just at ubuntu beginners with a printer problem and was told to run this command "tail /var/log/messages" and paste the results which can be found here http://paste.ubuntu.com/554930/ they said that I have a segmentation fault and that I should head here straight away and let you guys know.... so here I am01:39
paultagdrop_bear: rox on. Sec.01:39
drop_beardoes that sound appropriate01:39
drop_bearI feel it necessary at this point to articulate the fact that I am a computer quambi01:40
paultagdrop_bear: quambi ?01:41
drop_bearlike spastic but worse01:41
drop_bearmuch, much worse01:41
drop_beargotta run... I will be back soon01:44
paultagdrop_bear: rock on dude01:46
techmik_laptophi all... relative n00b here.... having a difficult problem..... I am installing a linksys ae1000 usb wifi adapter to my linux system..... linksys/cisco doesnt support it.... i found, followed, and succeeded with these instructions previously...... (i know it's a fedora forum, but it works... or did) http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=135355802:10
techmik_laptoplast night i had a problem that caused me to need to format and reinstall ubuntu 10.10, and currently 11.0402:11
techmik_laptoptoday, i cant get it to work again..... following the instructions, here is the output after "make"   http://pastebin.com/FJHpP8nY02:12
Red-Ravenpaultag, you know how you told me to look for mkfs.etx? well the only files on the USB are ones that are supposed to be there. like music and stuff. there are no suspicious files at all.02:57
Red-Ravendoes backtrack or another OS have any special tools for this sort of thing?03:03
ddecatorwhat sort of thing?03:05
Red-Ravenwiping a USB that refuses to be wiped with Gparted, dd, or MS security essentials (only free one i could find), just because a stupid virus has write protected it to keep itself safe.03:07
harrisonkRed-Raven: have you tried DBAN03:08
Red-Ravenno. what is it?03:08
harrisonkRed-Raven: it's a mass drive wiper03:08
harrisonkI will get a link03:08
harrisonkany drives connected to a computer with the DBAN cd will be PERMANTLY erased03:09
harrisonk(well the data on them03:10
Red-Ravenum, shouldn't i fear for my HDD in that case?03:10
harrisonkhave you ever opened up a computer?03:10
harrisonkjust unplug the hdd03:11
Red-Ravenits a laptop. any then i can't exactly run without it.03:11
harrisonkand to answer your question unless you start in interactiv mode your hdd will be wiped03:11
harrisonko just MAKE SURE that you start in the interagtiv mode03:12
harrisonkthen you can select witch drives to erace03:13
harrisonkRed-Raven: you getting all this?03:15
Red-Ravenis it a distro?03:15
Red-Raven1st: don't have a blank disk 2nd: i'd rather not risk wiping my HD if i don't know what im doing.03:17
harrisonkRed-Raven: well at least you know your last resort03:20
Red-Ravenyup. actually my last resort is a cinder block and gravity. that should remove this virus/03:21
harrisonkand destroy the USB drive03:21
harrisonkdo DBAN first03:22
Red-Ravenwhich is why its my last resort03:22
harrisonkor find a friend who can03:22
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FlamHi I'm having trouble installing SSH with public keys for rsync05:46
FlamI ran "sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /home/user/cron/a-rsync-key" on Ubuntu 10.04 and got the .pub file and the private key, then I did "sudo cat a-rsync-key.pub >>.ssh/authorized_keys" on the remote host05:49
Flamand now I'm stumped :/05:49
FlamWhere do I put the private key on the localhost?05:49
Flami mean the source machine*05:53
egossettFlam: Do you mean the pgp key for launchpad05:53
Flamnope, it's for rsync.05:54
FlamI'm trying to ssh to my server without a password05:55
egossettsorry i don't know an answer for that.05:56
FlamNo problem, I guess I'll ask in #ubuntu :)05:56
kuttansi have a samsung corby mobile.  Kubuntu identify it as a imaging device always and sometime shows it as modem too.  The problem the modem deduction is not stable all the time, sometimes it do and sometimes not.  Im using this mobile as a modem which is having a 3g connection.Kppp is also not useful as it says can not open modem, where as the modem is loaded in /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 as well. wvdialconf is returning errorso how to go about from here06:14
kuttansto make it more stable and use it without intermittancy06:14
Daniel0108hi :)06:17
bioterrorsowwy, I use gnome's network-manager and it works perfectly with my mobile phone06:18
bioterrorif it doesnt, I reboot and works06:18
Daniel0108kuttans, plug in your phone and reboot... sometimes that works ;)06:18
bioterrorrather unplug it06:19
bioterrorwait till you're logged in then plug it ;)06:19
kuttansDaniel0108: i tried almost umpteen time that.  The problem is it will detect sometimes and wont the other time. and suddenly one fine day i can see it in the knetworkmanager06:20
Daniel0108hmm.. I use gnome-network-manager too and it works...06:21
kuttansyeah it too works only at times Daniel010806:22
kuttansnot always.... the problem is stability , i.e why it does recognise sometimes and othertimes not06:22
Daniel0108is there a software for linux, for your mobile phone?06:23
Daniel0108or just windows?06:23
kuttansits a samsung corby and it dont have any linux driver at all06:24
kuttansthese vendors are morons that they dont give any driver for mac and linux06:24
kuttansatleast not in india....06:24
bioterrorkuttans, linux is not a serious OS yet ;)06:27
bioterrorit's something what glue sniffers and people with longhair uses06:27
kuttansmay be bioterror but i like this06:27
kuttansatleast i dont get the guilty feeling of using any kinda pirated software06:28
kuttansif its not a serious OS then i guess redhat must be a drowning ship right?06:29
yax51does anyone know what happened to the system tools menu in maverick06:29
Daniel0108bioterror, linux is serious, because sony uses it for play station :) But nobody knows that, lol :P06:30
bioterrorDaniel0108, sony dropped support for it few updates ago?06:31
Daniel0108bioterror, the PlayStation OS uses the linux kernel ;)06:32
pleia2so does my tv, and my cellphone and my ebook reader06:32
kuttansbioterror let me tell you one thing, this world is full of business men, they just manipulate everything which comes on their way06:33
bioterrorpleia2, soon you have MeeGo in your car ;)06:33
kuttansso its all about how google, microsoft and oracle like corp want it and their co ords with intel and amd06:33
kuttansthey are trying to rob those dreams of the scientists who invented many things for good06:34
bioterrorkuttans, did you know that we live in a world which is run by capitalism06:34
Daniel0108kuttans, if ubuntu would advertise at worldwide TV, it would become famous too ;)06:34
kuttansnot exactly. am trying to learn a lot06:35
Daniel0108bioterror, we should talk at #ubuntu-beginners-team, this is support channel ;)06:36
kuttansnot exactly Daniel....there comes the competition, and once you know you will be getting 10$ then you wont mind spending 3 out of it for ads. but if you know that its gonna be a social service then you cant bcoz you wont even have a penny06:36
kuttansyeah sure daniel its not a philosphy room06:36
Daniel0108kuttans, go to #ubuntu-beginners-team ;)06:37
kuttansk anyways m not here for that purpose, but my prob is not gettng solved for past a month06:38
kuttansi will come back again to the rooms when there is enough crowd06:38
Daniel0108drivers are always the problem...06:39
yax51any one know what happend to the system tools menu in maverick?06:48
bioterrorsomeone with ubuntu should answer, i'm using lubuntu ;)06:50
yax51does anyone know what happened to the system tools menu in maverick?07:45
bioterroryou tell us what happened07:45
bioterroryour question doesnt enlight us07:45
bioterrorcould you be please more specific07:45
yax51well after i installed maverick there was no system tools menu.....07:45
yax51I was wondering if there was a way to get it added, or if I need to do something else07:46
bioterrorsudo apt-get install gnome-system-tooks07:46
bioterrorasdasd tools07:46
bioterrorfingers are faster than my brains07:46
hobgoblinyax51: have you installed anythign you expect to see in that menu?07:47
hobgoblinit's not there by default - turns up if you install something that lives there07:47
yax51hogoblin: yes I installed a CPU temp monitor that is suppose to live there, but there is no menu....07:48
hobgoblinif you have then right click on the menu - edit menu's - turn it on07:48
geirhayax51: It could be the menu location of that program changed from lucid to maverick07:49
yax51geirha: but according the synaptic package monitor, thats where it is....but I got it now.....thanks07:51
geirhaAh, so it was hidden?07:52
yax51yeah....thanks hobgoblin, and geirha!!07:53
hobgoblinhi nit-wit07:57
nit-withobgoblin, how are you07:58
hobgoblinfed up with waiting for the forum to post lol07:58
hobgoblinother than that good07:58
nit-witit has been like tros=ding through the mud, I just don't hit the post button more the once08:00
hobgoblinnit-wit: yep - that's all you can do08:04
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MrAnthropeHey guys. I just built a new box. Having a CPU issue. I'm not sure what's going on or where to begin. I asked in ##hardware and they told me to recompile my kernel. But I can't even compile Wine so that's not gunna happen.08:28
MrAnthropeMy CPU basically turns off for a second. Everything goes down to 0% usage. And then it goes back up to normal. I mostly notice when I'm playing games.08:29
bioterrorsounds weird08:30
bioterrortotally weird08:30
MrAnthropeIt's totally weird :(08:30
MrAnthropeMy CPU seems fine unless usage reaches 100%.08:31
MrAnthropeI *think* that's when it 'hiccups'.08:31
MrAnthropeIt never does it while I'm watching videos or something that doesn't take 100%, but Dungeons and Dragons Online takes like 70-90%08:32
MrAnthropeUnless it's out of focus and then it takes like 10%. And it doesn't hiccup.08:33
bioterrorit's not overclocked+08:35
MrAnthropeBut it has power profiles.08:35
MrAnthropeThe CPU drops out no matter what power profile I have it set on.08:36
MrAnthropeThat was my first guess. I've never had a CPU that could underlock itself so I just set it to constant 2.53GHz.08:36
MrAnthropeI guess I'll post on the forums. No one has any idea what's happening.08:44
hobgoblinMrAnthrope: what did ##hardware say about why you need to compile the kernel?08:46
MrAnthropeI dunno. i asked what made them think it was a kernel issue and they asked me about my GPU and PSU.08:46
MrAnthropeand then it kinda went off topic so I'm thinking they don't have a clue.08:47
hobgoblinmmm - all voodoo to me08:47
hobgoblinthere are some wiki pages about it - you want the links? but it might be worth doing a search for your cpu08:48
MrAnthropeabout CPU failure?08:52
MrAnthropeAnd I'm not really sure what to call what it's doing to do a search. I call it hiccups.08:53
MrAnthropebecause it's random and scares me.08:53
MrAnthropelike hiccups.08:53
MrAnthropecuts out? bottoms out? turns off?08:53
bioterrorMrAnthrope, my cpu goes to 800MHz and in need boots it up to 2.7GHz08:57
bioterrorwatch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo08:57
bioterroryou can use that line in terminal ;)08:57
MrAnthropeI have four settings from 1.6 to 2.5 and I can also set it to On Demand and it will decide what I need.08:58
hobgoblinMrAnthrope: I meant just search for the cpu - not anything else - surprising what it might turn up - what is it?08:58
bioterrorMrAnthrope, on demand is best08:59
bioterrorMrAnthrope, I suggest to use it08:59
MrAnthropeThe MHz dosen't change during the hiccups.09:00
MrAnthropeintel E720009:00
bioterrorput your computer to run memtest86+ for next night ;)09:01
MrAnthropeok. Thanks for your help :)09:02
MrAnthropeThis says the "instruction set" for my CPU is 64 bit?09:11
MrAnthropeDoes that mean I have to run a 64 bit os?09:12
bioterroryour cpu is 64bit09:12
bioterrorand it would be suggested to run 64bit OS if you're having more than 3GB of RAM and you want most performance out of the CPU09:13
MrAnthropeI'm running 32 bit. And I have 4 gigs. But it only shows 3.2 gigs in the system monitor.09:16
bioterroryou can try pae-kernel09:16
bioterrorlinux-generic-pae - Complete Generic Linux kernel09:16
tdnI have 4 GB RAM in my T61p laptop, but 'free' is only showing 3 GB (http://paste.adora.dk/P1897.txt). I have checked memtest86 says I have 4 GB. How do I make more RAM available for my system?09:17
bioterrortdn, install pae-kernel or 64bit system09:17
MrAnthropeHow do I run that memtest thingy?09:18
hobgoblinMrAnthrope: you can run it from the boot menu09:22
hobgoblingrub menu09:22
MrAnthropehow do I get there?09:23
hobgoblinwhen you boot do you get a menu to choose OS?09:28
hobgoblinMrAnthrope: shift when it's booting should bring it up09:29
MrAnthropek. thanks.09:30
nit-withobgoblin, see you again soon, time to crash.09:51
yax51ok so I am trying to play a DVD in maverick, in runs and plays, but the image is shaky....10:16
yax51any ideas on how to fix it so it doesn't keep bouncing up and down.....10:17
ChrisDruifyax51: What kind of hardware have you got? What kind of codecs have you got installed?10:18
yax51ChrisDruif: I have the Nvidia GE force 9800 graphics card, not sure about codec...10:20
yax51how do I check codecs?10:21
ChrisDruifYou can atleast check if you've got the restricted extras installed...might not be as open as some like, but does make a more workable machine atm :)10:23
yax51ok...I did this, and it got my DVD to play..but its choppy...10:26
ChrisDruifOMG....you did an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10?10:26
yax51oh and with the resricted extras I got this: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:29
yax51E: Unable to lock the download directory10:29
ChrisDruifHow much Ubuntu likes to claim that upgrade should be a zilch, I've had numerous problems after varies upgrades...10:29
ChrisDruif(Have you got an other app also open that manages packages? Term process or Ubuntu Software Center?)10:30
yax51this has been the most major issue I've faced, and it's going now....10:31
ChrisDruifyax51: See my previous question :)10:37
yax51yes I did an upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, and I installed the extras, but its still bouncy :(10:39
kuttanshii everybody10:40
yax51I wonder if it's movie player.....10:40
kuttanshii any taker for this problem i have a samsung corby mobile.  Kubuntu identify it as a imaging device always and sometime shows it as modem too.  The problem the modem deduction is not stable all the time, sometimes it do and sometimes not.  Im using this mobile as a modem which is having a 3g connection.Kppp is also not useful as it says can not open modem, where as the modem is loaded in /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 as well. wvdialconf is returning10:41
kuttanserrorso how to go about from here to make it more stable and use it without intermittancy10:41
ChrisDruifI would suggest that you do a fresh install (first back up all files ofc) and see if that solves anything....with me it solved lots of problems :)10:42
yax51ok I think its just movie player...VLC works good...thanks!10:47
Daniel0108bye, I gtg, driving to the airport, comenius meeting starts soon :)11:14
kuttans_anyone used your mobile phone as a modem in ubuntu11:38
drop_beardoes anyone know how to edit a pdf on open office?13:58
akshatjdrop_bear: you have to install an extension, I think14:00
drop_bearoh okay14:00
drop_beardo you know how to do that?14:01
ChrisDruif1Edit a pdf with openoffice? Is/was that even possible?14:01
drop_bearI don't know14:02
akshatjChrisDruif1: well, I never tried it myself14:02
ChrisDruif1Me neither...14:02
drop_bearI just want to try and move the page breaks and margins and such. any ideas?14:03
ChrisDruif1drop_bear: It does seem to allow it with this extension (http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport) haven't tried it thou...14:06
akshatjChrisDruif1: yeah, that the one14:06
akshatjs/that/that is14:06
drop_bearwill give it a try14:08
Bipul`has any one install eggdrop ? here14:10
ChrisDruif1drop_bear: Let us know how it went :)14:11
ChrisDruif1Eggdrop Bipul`?14:12
Bipul`ChrisDruif1, yes14:12
ChrisDruif1What is that? :)14:12
Bipul`it is used to make a irc bots14:12
drop_bearso I downloaded the file which is a .oxt... what do I do with it then?14:13
akshatjdrop_bear: drag it into an openoffice window14:13
ChrisDruif1Open it with or from within OpenOffice.org?14:16
drop_beartried that and it doesn't do anything14:16
drop_bearwill try that14:16
akshatjdrop_bear: I just dragged it into the window and an installation wizard came up14:20
drop_bearextension manager says that it has been put on there... I just can't seem to be able to use it14:20
drop_bearshould there be an "import PDF" button or something?14:20
ChrisDruif1drop_bear: Maybe restart? Maybe it's not with the visible buttons?14:22
drop_bearwill try that14:22
akshatjdrop_bear: just open a PDF now14:22
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drop_bearjust got "openoffice.org-pdfimport" and it works great14:30
akshatjdrop_bear: yipee!14:30
ChrisDruif1So it works? :)14:34
drop_bearyep... really well14:35
drop_bearyou just open it like any other file and it comes up.14:36
Red-Ravenis emerald worth the DL?15:57
Red-Ravensry. gtg.15:59
techmik_laptopI know this SAYS fedora forums, but it works on ubuntu..... or, at least, it DID until a fresh format and install yesterday..... now it wont work.....any ideas out there? http://fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24421516:54
JackyAlcinetechmik_laptop: I think I remember you from yesterday; have you tried downgrading? It's a better idea to wait until Natty's officially released, due to the fact that more people'll be accustomed to it.17:00
techmik_laptopi'm on 10.10 atm17:00
techmik_laptopwiped and started over AGAIN last nite17:01
JackyAlcineAnd it isn't working? Hm. Hold on.17:01
techmik_laptopi THINK, the problem started with one of the updates since thhe kernel went to 2.6.35-25 from -35-2417:01
JackyAlcineThat's most likely it, I was going to ask, techmik_laptop.17:02
techmik_laptopso if i could just bring linux to where "apt-get update/upgrade" was, i'd be good =(17:02
JackyAlcineThat's a development release of the Linux kernel (as it is, every odd # is usually a development release)17:03
JackyAlcineLike Ubuntu has LTE and mid versions.17:03
techmik_laptopnow, i gotta wait til someone MUCH smarter than me runs intoo the problem and fixes it...17:03
JackyAlcineAnd you might be able to downgrade the kernel by using the LiveCD and installing the older kernel there and just apply the patch.17:03
techmik_laptopwhat if i tried 10.04?17:04
* JackyAlcine happened to me with aircrack-ng17:04
JackyAlcinetechmik_laptop: Chances are it'd upgrade the kernel again.17:04
techmik_laptopso start over, but DON'T update/upgrade this time....17:04
JackyAlcineDon't have to fully; do you have a LiveCD handy?17:05
techmik_laptopusb stiick17:05
JackyAlcineIs it a CD or a USB?17:06
JackyAlcine>_< Hmm. I'm not sure if it'd work with a USB..17:06
techmik_laptopok, i can burn a disk17:06
JackyAlcineMy idea was to add the CD as a repo source (via sudo apt-cdrom)17:06
techmik_laptopi see17:06
JackyAlcineand then remove the newer kernel (2.26-35.25) and add the stable release (2.26-35.24)17:07
techmik_laptopofficial dumb question..... i dont know hgow to do that =P17:07
techmik_laptopto remove and downgrade i mean17:08
techmik_laptopnever went backwards other than loading older from grub17:09
techmik_laptopburning disk....17:10
techmik_laptoplast question for the moment..... once  done, start the whole procedure again from the beginning, correct?17:21
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kristian-aalborgwould it be unadvisable to remove libuniconf4.6?19:13
Red-Ravenehy. still working on this stupid pin drive.19:19
bioterrorwhat's so hard with it19:22
Red-Ravencan't format/delete it. Gparted, dd command, and MS security Essentials can't do it.19:23
bioterrorsounds broken then19:24
Red-Raventhere's got to be some way to clear it. weird thing is, i think its a virus that did it, but i can't find the virus file anywhere on it19:25
kristian-aalborgRed-Raven: did you hear about that super-creepy usb virus?19:26
Red-Ravenum, i know that the virus im thinking of is called Nortel.19:26
kristian-aalborgI've had usb pens act weird and then magically work again19:28
Red-Raventhis one hasn't done that.maybe its a magical computer unicorn. can i download it?19:30
kristian-aalborgsure, it's in repos19:31
kristian-aalborgI think I did it with gparted... I'm trying to find a guide for the procedure19:32
kristian-aalborgsorry, can't find it... best I can say is: try formatting it a few times in gparted with different filesystems19:38
JackyAlcineRed-Raven: you tried clearing the MBR?20:06
JackyAlcineOr even zeroing out the drive?20:06
techmik67i'm thinking this is bad... on boot... "fatal    modprobe: Could not load /lib/modules/linux-2.6.35-24-generic/modules.dep"....... than it completes booting normally...21:04
techmik67full message is21:08
techmik67modprobe: Fatal: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory21:08
techmik67and then it boots21:09
bodhizazentechmik67: guess it is not as fatal as it sounds, lol21:09
bodhizazensudo touch /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/modules.dep21:10
techmik67all of a sudden my super work  around i found to get my 5Ghz usb network adapter going just stopped.... VERY frustrating as a n00b to try to fix21:12
LopsonHello there21:38
aveilleuxhello Lopson21:38
Lopsonis there any ubuntu master willing to help me out?21:38
LopsonI kinda messed up my 10.04 to 10.10 upgrade21:39
Lopsonand now ubuntu has assets from both versions21:39
Lopsonit's gone crazy21:39
aveilleux!ask | Lopson21:39
ubot2Lopson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:39
Lopsonoh boy21:40
Lopsonduring my ubuntu upgrade21:40
Lopsonthe upgrade window kinda got in front of the grub window21:40
Lopsonand since gnome was going wild21:40
LopsonI couldn't move the winodws around21:41
Lopsonso I restarted the computer21:41
aveilleuxOne line21:41
Lopsonand well, since then, ubuntu doesn't update, can't detect 10.10 in the upgrade window and is behaving erratically21:41
aveilleuxLopson: Oooh, you killed the update process in the middle? That would lead to some problems yeah...21:42
Lopsonoh boy ;_;21:42
Lopsonis it easier to just format the entire thing to oblivion?21:42
Lopsonand to answer your question properly, yes, I killed the update process21:43
aveilleuxLopson: Easier, yes, but I want you to try something21:43
Lopsonsure, anything21:43
aveilleuxLopson: Can you get a Terminal window open?21:43
Lopsongot it running21:43
Lopsonin safe mode as root with networking21:43
aveilleuxLopson: Okay. run the command: dpkg-reconfigure -a21:43
Lopsonjust a sec21:44
Lopsonooh, something's happening21:44
Lopsonsomething about folder readibility for all users of the system21:45
Lopsonand now he's going about apparmor21:45
aveilleuxLopson: Yes, it's reconfiguring the installed packages. Let that run.21:45
LopsonWill do.21:46
nit-witLopson, are you generally running in root21:46
Lopsonnot really, I think21:46
LopsonI only have one account in the computer21:46
nit-witLopson, how do you know you are now, and how did you get there?21:47
aveilleuxLopson: Safe mode logs you in as root21:47
aveilleuxnit-wit: ^^21:47
LopsonPrecisely, it automatically does that21:47
nit-witaveilleux, it can if you choose that yes.21:47
Lopsonoh, now he's asking about a byobu?21:47
LopsonDo any of you know what Byobu does?21:48
Lopson'Cause the text that has shown up speaks of a shell showing up at login21:48
aveilleuxLopson: What's the query exactly?21:50
LopsonWell, I pressed Yes, since it seems to be a default program for Ubuntu21:51
aveilleuxLopson: The whole question....21:51
LopsonWell, can't say, since I hastily pressed Yes and can't go back to that screen21:51
Lopson.___. Gosh.21:51
LopsonHe's, however, talking about some certificates21:52
aveilleuxLopson: Well that's fine, it's just an improved version of GNU screen21:52
LopsonWell that sounds harmless21:52
aveilleuxLopson: Answer yes to any questions21:52
LopsonMight as well let him install Authority certificates to run...21:52
Lopsonand now I have a tremendously large list of certificates21:53
LopsonWell, any one will do21:53
Lopsonreconfigure is finished21:56
aveilleuxLopson: Now run: apt-get -yf install21:56
Lopsonoh boy21:57
LopsonHe still refuses to update21:57
Lopson0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded21:58
aveilleuxLopson: Hm, okay. Now try booting graphically.22:00
ChrisDruifaveilleux: -yf?22:01
aveilleuxChrisDruif: yes to all, fix broken dependencies22:02
LopsonAccording to my Ubuntu22:02
ChrisDruifAh...-f is fix :P22:02
LopsonVersion 11.04 has already come out!22:02
Lopsonin April 2011!22:02
ChrisDruif-y is suggest yes ;)22:02
aveilleuxLopson: It's out in alpha22:03
aveilleuxChrisDruif: -y is reply "yes" to all y/n queries22:03
ChrisDruifBut it doesn'r force it :)22:03
LopsonIs there ANY WAY to go to 10.10?22:03
ChrisDruifLopson: From?22:03
LopsonI really have no idea what's going on22:04
aveilleuxChrisDruif: Er, yes it does22:04
LopsonI wanted to install 10.1022:04
LopsonUpdate manager said he was installing 10.1022:04
ChrisDruifaveilleux: No it doesn't...--force-yes does :)22:04
Lopsonand now I have 11.04 installed, for some bizarre reason.22:04
aveilleuxChrisDruif: The only question asked is "are you sure you want to install this y/n"....22:04
ChrisDruifLopson: Did you also mark experimental packages or something?22:05
LopsonGnome is still acting up, and during startup, it shows up as 10.1022:05
LopsonI don't think so22:05
LopsonI'm gonna check that out.22:05
ChrisDruifLopson: It's something you'd have to do manually...inside the settings :S22:05
LopsonThe I  most certainly have not22:06
LopsonI've got Important and Recommended marked in the update manager.22:06
LopsonWell, this is dandy...22:07
LopsonYou know what, I'll just format the whole thing tomorrow22:07
Lopsonthanks for all the help, guys, I really appreciated it.22:08
LopsonSee you around. 0/22:08
edlikPlease help, my ubuntu laptop shows i am connected to my wifi but I can not get on the internet22:15
ChrisDruifedlik: Sorry, what did you say? =-O Connected to wifi, but no internet?22:19
yax51edlik: which version?22:19
edlikChrisDruif: correct, it shows my connection but I can not get through. I have 10.04 connecting to a cisco Linksys E300022:20
ShootEmUpHi everyone22:22
yax51edlik: you can always try to reboot the router, if you havent already, had th samr router and had to reboot it all the time22:22
edlikyax51: thanks, will give it a look22:23
yax51edlik: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html22:23
red-paladinCan someone tell me how I change the channel the wireless network card is using in ubuntu 10.10?23:29
kristian-aalborgRed-Raven: got the usb working?23:37
Red-Ravenhey. just got back. now back to that USB.....23:38
Red-Ravenuntil this thing is working again, in it's case USB= Useless Son of a Blam.23:38
Red-Ravenif i did i wouldn't be cussing it out.23:45
* jasono is away: I'm busy23:52
Red-Ravenhey whats the DD command to erase a USB pin drive?\23:55
Red-RavenNVM found it: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=dev/sdb23:59

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