
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i think I found why libindicate isn't working.. i'll eventually (whenever, being now, tomorrow, never :P) need your help in what to do to fix02:40
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, if you could make some time for me tomorrow that'd be great :)02:45
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chrisccoulsonheh, more gdbus breakage?03:20
TheMusoHey chrisccoulson. I see you are still up...03:20
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - yeah, i'm not tired yet. it's 3am here, but i'm still on dallas time ;)03:21
chrisccoulsonhow was your journey?03:21
TheMusoUneventful, which is great.03:21
chrisccoulsonthat's good :)03:21
TheMusoI am not feeling tired at all, landed this morning, and am currently sitting on the couch watching tennis on TV whilst doing some light work on my notebook.03:21
chrisccoulsoni felt pretty tired after the flight, but that's worn off now03:22
chrisccoulsoni should try and get some sleep in a bit03:22
TheMusoheh I know what you mean.03:22
chrisccoulsoni've been quite productive this evening though, i'm trying to figure out what has broken with the appmenu since friday03:23
TheMusoYeah I saw the bugs you filed.03:23
TheMusoI managed to get completely unpacked within the first hour or so of being home.03:24
TheMuso...and am now rebuilding packages for the webkit transition.03:24
chrisccoulsonnice! i haven't unpacked yet ;)03:24
chrisccoulsoni'm really bad with unpacking. i end up just doing it gradually through the week, or when jo starts yelling at me ;)03:24
TheMusoI unpack aSAP so I can get my laundry done.03:25
bcurtiswx_guys get any snow where u were in Dallas ?03:28
bcurtiswx_i know it snowed in Texas.. wasn't sure about Dallas03:28
TheMusobcurtiswx_: I think there was only snow at night, and then only light.03:31
bcurtiswx_you got to see a rarity then..03:32
TheMusoHeh I didn't see it personally.03:32
bcurtiswx_alrightie, nite all.03:32
TheMusoOnly going from what I heard from others./03:32
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pittiGood morning09:24
TheMusoHey pitti. How were your travels?09:26
* TheMuso is not far from bed, after getting in this morning.09:26
TheMusoFelt fine for most of the day, but am feeling it now, and have been for an hour or so.09:27
pittiTheMuso: pretty ok; my first business class flight, that was quite an experience :)09:29
pittiTheMuso: but getting up at 6 this morning didn't quite help (I went to Prague)09:30
christhecoolboyhey all...09:31
TheMusopitti: yeah I am aware.09:32
TheMusoWell hopefully your week is productive.09:32
TheMuso...ad I'm outa here, need to get to bed, feeling very tired now.09:32
pittiTheMuso: sleep well!09:32
christhecoolboyI have an idea for an application that would be part of ubuntu09:32
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didrocksgood morning09:44
pittibonjour didrocks09:46
pittica va?09:46
christhecoolboypitti, not a lot of us speak french without a translator, thats what I am doing now...09:47
christhecoolboypas beaucoup de nous parler le français sans un traducteur, c'est ce que je fais maintenant ...09:47
pittierm - what?09:48
pittichristhecoolboy: above was about all French I can do :)09:48
christhecoolboyI thought you were french lol09:48
pittije suis Alemagne09:48
didrockshello pitti! I'm fine, thanks! And you? :)09:49
pitti(whichs is probably totally wrong French)09:49
pittididrocks: pretty well, thanks; hope the jetlag won't kill me yet, so far I'm holding up well09:49
christhecoolboypitti, one thing you should always be careful of after jetlag09:50
christhecoolboycrossing the road09:50
didrockspitti: hehe, I finally took a small nap yesterday. It seems to don't prevent me having a long night this time :)09:50
rodrigo_hi didrocks, pitti09:53
pittihey rodrigo_09:53
rodrigo_back home safely and recovered from the trip to Dallas?09:54
christhecoolboyDallas, isnt that part of texas?09:54
chrisccoulsonhey pitti!09:55
chrisccoulsonhow are you? did you have a good trip back?09:56
didrockshey rodrigo_! Not yet totally recovered, but the flight back were almost all in time and I didn't have to run that much to catch them all :)09:56
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:56
rodrigo_didrocks, cool :)09:56
didrockshey chrisccoulson! How are you?09:56
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks, what about you? yes, it was great (my first business class ride)09:56
pittichrisccoulson: I could actually sleep09:56
christhecoolboyI have an idea for an application that would be part of ubuntu09:56
rodrigo_pitti, business class??09:56
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i'm not too bad thanks, and you?09:56
pittirodrigo_: after 5 years I finally collected enough bonus miles :)09:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - nice! i made the mistake of sleeping yesterday afternoon, and then i couldn't sleep until 5am this morning ;)09:57
didrockschrisccoulson: still a little tired, but fine, thanks!09:57
pittichrisccoulson: ah, I forced myself to stay awake until ten, so I slept from 10 to 609:57
rodrigo_pitti, oh, cool09:57
pittichrisccoulson: you can take a day off (swap day from travelling)09:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i didn't realise that ;)09:58
christhecoolboypitti, your lucky, If I went to bed at 10PM, I wouldnt be up till about 11AM or Midday! :D09:58
pittichristhecoolboy: heh; normally I always sleep for about 8 hours, but jetlagged days are always strange09:58
christhecoolboyI sleep for 12... :D09:59
geserwhat's the preferred fix for bug 703230? should the preinst check if it's a symlink before it "rm" it?10:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 703230 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) ""rm: cannot remove `/usr/share/doc/libpango1.0-0': Is a directory" when updating to 1.28.3-4 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70323010:00
christhecoolboyoh... I have a bug10:00
christhecoolboythat could easily be fixed10:00
christhecoolboythat I submitted10:00
christhecoolboysince I put a codefix with it10:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 703791 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "snd-hda-intel MCP79 fails to function on default install (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]10:02
ari-tczewhello, I'm looking for sponsorship for some branches related to ~ubuntu-desktop.10:04
christhecoolboyits annoying10:06
christhecoolboyI dont know what to do :(10:06
loolHmm, some unity packages seem to need a rebuild10:07
loolMight be http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libunity010:07
didrockslool: the protocol changed, the places won't be installable or neither will work until a new release of places is done (which is planned for this week or the next one)10:10
looldidrocks: Ok; thanks a lot!  So can't upgrade unity until that's done?10:11
didrockslool: normally, you can with removing the places, can't you?10:11
looldidrocks: Ok; thanks for the advice10:16
mvois tomboy note sync working for anyone in natty ? or is it just me ?10:16
didrockswas working the week before the sprint, will try again today10:17
chrisccoulsondoes it rely on desktop-couch?10:18
loolHmm there seems to be a pretty large webkit transition as well10:25
christhecoolboyI submitted a bug10:31
christhecoolboywith a solution10:31
christhecoolboyI think it could be done pretty easily10:32
rodrigo_mvo, syncing to u1?10:37
didrockschristhecoolboy: do you have the bug # handy?10:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 703791 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "snd-hda-intel MCP79 fails to function on default install (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]10:37
mvorodrigo_: yes10:38
christhecoolboydidrocks^^ there! :)10:38
rodrigo_mvo, just worked for me, so are you getting any errors?10:39
mvorodrigo_: thanks, I will debug it a bit more then, I just wanted to make sure its not something known or anything10:40
rodrigo_mvo, run tomboy --debug and if yuou don't know what the problem is, let me know10:40
didrockschristhecoolboy: is that your cool idea?10:41
christhecoolboywhat cool idea?10:41
didrockschristhecoolboy: the one you are speaking about (but not developping the idea) on #ayatana or #ubuntu-devel?10:42
christhecoolboythats something different10:42
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rodrigo_hmm, robert_ancell didn't submit the new gtk package10:57
loolIs this a good time to instally unity-2d from natty or are there still uploads pending?  Should I just install all unity-2d-* packages?11:04
didrockslool: not sure if the latest upload removed the places, as libunity is out of sync API-wise. The arm team is doing the packaging11:05
looldidrocks: Ok; I'll hold a bit then, thanks11:10
apwchristhecoolboy, on bug #703791 what has actually been changed in the alsa-base.conf11:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 703791 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "snd-hda-intel MCP79 fails to function on default install (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70379111:27
apwchristhecoolboy, and on what release11:27
christhecoolboythe last line11:27
christhecoolboywas added11:27
christhecoolboyand a spelling mistake11:28
christhecoolboyon the last #line11:28
christhecoolboyand it says what version11:28
christhecoolboyand what release11:29
apwchristhecoolboy, you do have a way of making peoples life hard, you could have just told me11:31
christhecoolboywhat do you mean?11:31
christhecoolboyI was told what I was supposed to give11:32
christhecoolboyby one of the devs who helped me11:32
christhecoolboyI was told that I give that information and I shouldnt have to be asked any more information11:34
apwchristhecoolboy, but thats the thing, i have missed that you have the kernel version, from which i could convert to the release, to do the comparison of the two files, but instead of just saying "maverick" you made me look, that took me longer, and saved you no time at all11:35
apw(and I would say I can convert the kernel version cause I happen to work on it, otherwise i would have had to look it up)11:36
christhecoolboyI was told to put my kernal and to put my OS as "Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop"11:36
christhecoolboyI've followed what I was told to do11:36
christhecoolboysince it was my first time...11:36
apwyep, and you arn't getting my point, all i am saying is, if someone asks something saying "its in the bug" is not helpful, its technically accurate, but not helpful to me as a person11:37
christhecoolboyIf you want me to check anything11:37
christhecoolboyI cant11:37
christhecoolboyafter every bug11:37
christhecoolboyI reformat11:38
christhecoolboyafter I submit the bug11:39
apwchristhecoolboy, ok from a quick scan of the code it is not at all clear why adding =auto would have any effect at all as in theory that should be changing the default from auto to auto ... ie. no effect.  if it is really doing something then there must be a quirk for your specific machine in there somewhere which is wrong ... to work out which we would need the alsa info for the machine ... could you run 'apport-collect 703791'  that should get t11:41
apwhe information needed to figure out which codec you have11:41
christhecoolboyyou need that specific soundcard11:42
christhecoolboylemme re-do it all again11:43
christhecoolboyit means I gotta install ubuntu again11:46
apwchristhecoolboy, i need the sound information yes, if you run apport-collect 703791 it should add the appropriate information11:46
christhecoolboyI had to reinstall ubuntu :(11:48
apwseemed to reinstall pretty fast?11:49
christhecoolboyI keep a copy on my USB Stick11:49
christhecoolboyto boot from11:49
christhecoolboyapw, does that help you?11:55
apwok so there is a specific quirk for that sub-system id, describing the machine as a "MSI Wind Top AE2220"11:56
apwdoes that have meaning, is that what your device is?11:56
christhecoolboymy PC is a MSI AE2020-047UK11:57
christhecoolboyso a AE202011:57
apwchristhecoolboy, so what specific aspect of sound is broken?11:59
christhecoolboyI fixed it11:59
christhecoolboythats what I changed on the file11:59
christhecoolboythat I attatched11:59
christhecoolboywhen I first installed ubuntu on it, it had no sound...12:00
apwchristhecoolboy, yep, but the change undoes a quirk for the specific machine which appears to fix digital mics12:00
christhecoolboyits the only fix I found that lets me have sound12:00
christhecoolboyand my mic still works?12:00
christhecoolboywithout that line, I wouldnt get any sound at all12:01
christhecoolboyI tried many lines, even ALC88812:05
christhecoolboywhen I did =auto12:06
christhecoolboyit worked12:06
apwwell that is turning off a system specific quirk, one which was added specificially for the machine id you have, very strange12:06
christhecoolboyI just rebooted the machine with no line at all12:07
christhecoolboyI hear nothing at all12:07
christhecoolboyI'm gonna put that line back, update kernal and restart12:07
christhecoolboyyou can click on a button12:08
christhecoolboyand no sound12:08
christhecoolboyeven sound tests12:08
christhecoolboyincluding /aplay12:08
christhecoolboyok... restarted12:08
christhecoolboywith that line,12:08
christhecoolboyapw, as soon as I started it, I heard the ubuntu starting sound12:08
christhecoolboyapw, read this: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/post/2664701/&ei=djE0TYGaLoqIhQez5s34Cw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDUQ7gEwAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmsi%2BAE2020%2Bmodel%253Dauto%2Bubuntu%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26prmd%3Divns12:10
christhecoolboythats where I found out how to fix it12:10
apwchristhecoolboy, ok i've pulled all the information together in the bug, and updated the title etc, and marked it Triaged12:11
christhecoolboywhat does Triaged mean?12:11
christhecoolboyI could put another bug12:11
christhecoolboyif you want12:11
christhecoolboyI found one when I was testing ubuntu 11.0412:12
apwchristhecoolboy, no that bug is now good.  the Triage bit means it has everything needed to work on12:12
christhecoolboyyeah, I found another bug12:12
apwchristhecoolboy, heh i am sure there are many, if its something different file a new bug for sure12:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 703922 in unity "Unity Crashes on 11.04 Dev Version (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]12:16
christhecoolboyI cant give any more info, apw, sorry12:16
christhecoolboyI dont use 11.04 any more12:16
christhecoolboybut I thought I'd submit it12:16
apwchristhecoolboy, i suspect that one was sorted out end of last week12:17
apwcirtainly its nowhere near as bad today12:17
christhecoolboyI used it a week ago12:17
christhecoolboyI only formatted12:17
christhecoolboylike 4 days ago12:17
christhecoolboymaybe they updated recently12:19
apwchristhecoolboy, yep, it was utterly broken most of last week, a new upload on friday i think it was made things a lot better12:19
christhecoolboyit should still be there12:19
christhecoolboybecause it still could happen12:19
mvorodrigo_: I get the follow from tomboy (in debug mode): http://paste.ubuntu.com/555046/ - any ideas?12:21
rodrigo_mvo, hmm, a server problem, I'd say your tokens are invalid on the server12:21
rodrigo_mvo, can you try with a clean user, to auth again from tomboy?12:22
didrockschristhecoolboy: which version of unity did you have?12:22
didrockschristhecoolboy: when getting the crash12:22
rodrigo_mvo, do it with a separate user, but with your same U1 credentials12:22
christhecoolboyI dont know12:22
apwdidrocks, i suspect one from before the friday uploads12:23
didrocksapw: we got an Xid CompWindow error, but that was on latest December upload12:23
didrocksapw: then, we got the compiz transition last week with an ABI rebuild and old unity + new unity upload on Friday12:24
didrockschristhecoolboy: in any case, we need more info on next crash than this bug report12:24
didrockschristhecoolboy: please, if you still have this bug on the latest release, follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnityFilingBugs12:25
didrocksI'll set it as incomplete for now12:25
christhecoolboydidrocks, I dont have the OS any more12:25
christhecoolboyI did say that12:25
christhecoolboy"<christhecoolboy> I dont use 11.04 any more"12:25
didrockschristhecoolboy: sorry, but I'm following more than 25 IRC channels. I don't look everywhere everytime…12:26
chrisccoulsoni can't believe how dusty my desk is!12:27
christhecoolboyIts the reason I stopped using 11.0412:27
chrisccoulsonhaving not worked at it since the middle of december12:27
chrisccoulsontime to do some cleaning before i dock my laptop on it again12:27
mvorodrigo_: right, that was the problem. I revoked my token in login.ubuntu.com (needed to test the handling of revoked tokens in software-center). I will file a bug12:30
rodrigo_mvo, ok12:30
mvorodrigo_: its there already, bug #633355 - I set it to confirmed12:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 633355 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Tomboy does not handle denied authorization from Ubuntu SSO (affects: 1) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63335512:32
mvorodrigo_: I set it to medium for now, feel free to adjust12:35
rodrigo_mvo, ok12:39
christhecoolboyapw, back, after my bath, :)13:13
* rodrigo_ lunch13:38
didrockssession restart, brb14:06
cyphermoxgood mornin!14:16
pittihey cyphermox14:25
scott-workdidrocks: you and i spoke a couple of weeks ago about setting the default xsession as gnome-classic vs. unity and used code from UNE and xubuntu14:28
didrocksscott-work: right, exactly. And I asked you to wait for the refactoring in natty which is uploaded now14:28
didrockshey bcurtiswx14:28
bcurtiswxhey didrocks :)14:29
bcurtiswxhow was Dallas?14:29
didrocksbcurtiswx: well, it didn't change a lot since UDS more than one year ago :) I was hoping for a warm weather, but it didn't happen :)14:30
didrockswe even had some snow!14:30
bcurtiswxdidrocks, yeah lucky all of you had a great rare event in Dallas TX14:31
bcurtiswxi went to San Antonio a couple years ago... it was supposed to be mid 80's.. no... there was an ice storm14:31
didrockswaow :)14:32
bcurtiswxDid everyone get a lot accomplished?14:32
didrocksunity took a lot of time for me, but yeah, was a nice rally :)14:34
didrocks@all: what's your take on branch we have in ~ubuntu-desktop and which are in universe?14:34
didrocksthat's preventing people having upload rights to refresh the branch14:35
didrocksso it makes no sense14:35
didrocksIIRC, we already removed some of them14:35
didrockslike anjuta-plugins14:35
chrisccoulsondidrocks, about the branches we have for packages in universe - i have no strong opinion either way, but i think they create extra work for us having to approve merge requests14:48
chrisccoulsoni'd be happy to just stop using those branches14:48
didrockschrisccoulson: agreed14:49
didrocksand it doesn't make sense at all14:49
didrocksfor instance, we changed the ~ubuntu-team for unity branch to ~ubuntu-desktop so that people having upload rights can upload14:49
didrocksand update the branch as well14:49
didrocksso yeah, I'm all for nuking them once after another14:49
chrisccoulsonyeah, sounds like a plan :)14:50
didrockslet's do that then :)14:52
geseris unity-2d like unity but without the requirement for working 3d accelaration?15:00
bcurtiswx_so if I am having issues with libindicate being noticed on the configure (by a bzr bd) but I watch all of the packages get installed that are required.  I believe it's either another package I'm missing or there's somthing wrong with the libindicate patch for empathy.  I've checked the packages and I am fairly sure i have all the right ones.. so im focusing on the libindicate patch15:06
bcurtiswx_those who would be knowledgable in the patch, thats the section that decides whether we have libindicate or not and where i believe the culprit is15:06
bcurtiswx_sicne i wouldn't know, does that code look OK?15:06
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, when u get a little bit of time, maybe you'd know ^^15:14
scott-workdidrocks: oh, heh, i didn't remember you asking me to wait and i've been pulling my hair out abit during the last week :P15:23
rodrigo_bcurtiswx_, he might be off today, since it's martin luther king day today, afaik15:23
didrocksscott-work: do you need some help? the new session system is there since mid-december15:23
geserbcurtiswx_: have you the error you get from configure?15:24
scott-workdidrocks: aye, i do15:24
didrocksscott-work: so, just few words on the system:15:24
didrocksscott-work: you have session files in /usr/share/xsessions/15:25
scott-workdidrocks: yes, i saw those15:25
didrocksthose are the sessions shown in gdm15:25
didrocksyou probably want to start the "gnome-classic.desktop", right?15:25
didrocksand set it by default15:25
scott-workdidrocks: exactly :)15:26
didrocksscott-work: so, the conversation we had is still valid in the postinst15:26
didrocksdid you set that?15:26
scott-workdidrocks: i tried yes15:26
scott-workdidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554033/15:27
scott-workdidrocks: there is a (or possibly two) small syntaxtic errors there that have been fixed since but that is what i have currently15:27
didrocksscott-work: why are you using HOME="$tmp_dir15:27
didrocksoh, it's for panel things15:28
scott-workdidrocks: i was starting with what was already in the ubuntustudio-default-settings15:28
didrocksok, I forget about it, seems quite tricky and can have issues with hacked "sudo"15:28
didrocksbut well15:28
scott-workdidrocks: should "/usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session --keep-old gnome-classic" also work from CLI?15:29
didrocksit should, yes15:29
didrocksit doesn't?15:29
scott-workdidrocks:  ah :(  it didn't for me15:29
didrockslike, what do you have in /etc/gdm/custom.conf ?15:29
scott-workdidrocks: i dont' currently know, i'm at work on a windows machine, but i can look tonight15:30
scott-workdidrocks: but part of the problem also, is that i can't use an ubuntustudio install because the kernel keeps panicking on install, so i'm using a vanilla ubuntu daily to work on15:31
didrocksscott-work: hum, weird15:32
didrocksscott-work: so, before launching the command, you should see:15:32
didrocksand almost nothing else in /etc/gdm/custom.conf15:32
didrocksthen, after launching the binary:15:32
scott-workdidrocks: tonight, i will look at /etc/gdm/custom.conf to note the file's content pre and post launching the command15:34
didrocksscott-work: if you already have a DefaultSession= entry, that's probably something else setting the session before15:34
didrocksscott-work: and we don't want the user having session switching, hence the --keep-old :)15:35
scott-workdidrocks: that makes sense :)15:35
scott-workdidrocks:  i really appreciate your help on this15:35
didrocksscott-work: you're really welcome :)15:36
didrockssalut seb128 :) bien récupéré?15:43
bcurtiswx_geser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/555116/15:45
seb128lut didrocks15:45
seb128oui, et toi?15:45
bcurtiswx_hi seb12815:45
seb128slept from midnight to 11:3015:45
didrocksseb128: ça va ;)15:45
seb128then did some unpacking, cleaning, etc15:46
seb128mvo, hey, thanks for working on the webkit issue!15:46
mvoseb128: yw15:46
seb128mvo, had a nice trip back?15:46
mvoseb128: yeah, uneventful - and for you?15:47
seb128it went pretty well, they served dinner a bit after leaving15:48
seb128then I slept for 6 hours15:48
seb128just woke up twice a few minutes15:48
seb128then it was breakfast time15:48
pittihey seb128, ca va?15:48
seb128hey pitti!15:48
pittimvo: ah, took off today?15:48
pittiseb128: *wave from Prague*15:48
seb128pitti, sehr gut danke ;-)15:48
mvopitti: tomorrow15:48
pittiseb128: 6 hours on the plane? that's really good15:48
seb128pitti, how was your trip back?15:48
pittiseb128: reeealy good :)15:49
seb128pitti, indeed, I was quite happy ;-) I think not sleeping a lot on thursday and friday nights and the drinks at the longues helped ;-)15:49
pittiseb128: they give you everything from an almost-flat bed, real blanket, noise-canceller, up to lip balsam15:49
seb128seems great ;-)15:49
seb128don't get used to it :p15:49
pittiseb128: with mvo's melantonin, the 16 hour fasting-trick, and the nice seat I actually got over the jetlag pretty much instantly15:50
seb128pitti, how is the prague hacking going?15:50
pittiseb128: "don't get used"> that's not easy!15:50
pittiseb128: pretty well; we discuss a few generic things, fix stuff up on the go, and everyone can ask questions on problems15:50
pittiI'm porting s-config-printer now, which is a huge tasks15:50
pittiand I plan to do a nice GVariant handling in the Glib override; right now it sucks from python, as you have to unpack everything manually15:51
geserbcurtiswx_: it seems the .pc files you need contain now also a version: try replacing "indicate" with "indicate-0.5" and "indicate-gtk" with "indicate-gtk-0.5" in PKG_CHECK_MODULES15:52
geserbcurtiswx_: you might also need to check if the API you use has changed15:54
bcurtiswx_geser, it passed the check :)15:56
bcurtiswx_geser, would you mind elaborating on how you knew that. im learning how to recognize these things15:57
seb128bah, my mouse scrollwhell stopped working for some reason16:00
didrocksseb128: still the synaptics issue?16:00
seb128I doubt it, it's the usb mouse from my desk16:01
didrocksoh a real scrollwhell then, I still didn't connect mine16:01
seb128didrocks, bug #703653 is yours, you said you wanted to work on that right?16:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 703653 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Fallback from Unity-GL should use unity-2d if installed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70365316:02
didrocksseb128: right, assigning it to me :)16:03
didrocksalready done, thanks :)16:03
bcurtiswx_after i quilt edit, then quit the editor after changes are made.. is it only a quilt refresh that I need16:15
bcurtiswx_I got the message: File src/Makefile.am is already in patch 20_libindicate.patch16:16
bcurtiswx_which is what i quilt edited.. does that mean it didn't change anything?16:16
seb128not sure what quilt edit is doing16:19
seb128but seems a warning you can ignore16:19
bcurtiswx_seb128, hmm, i thought that may add it to the patch, doesn't seem so.. hmm16:21
seb128didrocks, is there a bug about the new compiz not displaying what workspace in active in the workspace switcher?16:25
seb128didrocks, would that be a compiz bug?16:25
geserbcurtiswx_: your log showed that configure didn't find indicate, so I looked at your patch and compared if the .pc file in libindicate-dev is still named indicate.pc or not (as you passed indicate for checking in your patch)16:26
seb128it's not16:26
didrocksseb128: we have ws previews in ws switcher now16:26
seb128it's indicate-0.5 now16:26
didrocksseb128: not sure if that can be related to the bug16:26
seb128didrocks, ok, well that doesn't highlight the selected workspace16:26
didrocksseb128: I have some hilight there16:27
seb128you just notice the difference when you have things open16:27
seb128but on empty ones I don't see the difference16:27
didrocksno, there is still some hilight, even on empty ws here16:27
geserseb128: bcurtiswx_ knows it now too, he wanted to know how to find it out by himself the next time16:27
seb128didrocks, ok, my eyes are not spotting the difference16:27
seb128it might work better with some wallpapers than others16:28
seb128geser, ok16:28
didrocksseb128: maybe can be another bug related to that? It's really clear here…16:28
didrocksclear enough so that it's not your eyes' bugging :)16:28
bcurtiswx_geser, OK, where are the .pc files located at ?16:29
seb128didrocks, hum, ok16:30
rodrigo_hey seb12816:33
seb128hello rodrigo_16:34
seb128how are you?16:34
rodrigo_seb128, fine, and you? recovered?16:34
seb128I'm fine thanks16:35
seb128yeah, I had some sleep in the plane and a normal night16:35
rodrigo_that's the best thing indeed, to go back to normal times as soon as you land :)16:35
rodrigo_so, how was the sprint?16:36
seb128how come you didn't go btw?16:36
seb128you couldn't come or was there a miscommunication on you were not on list or something?16:37
rodrigo_I had some family visit last week, so jasoncwarner allowed me to not go16:37
rodrigo_if not, I would have come for sure :-)16:37
seb128ok, great, I was wondering if we forgot to invite you!16:37
seb128next time then ;-)16:38
rodrigo_no, you didn't forget :-)16:38
rodrigo_so, was there a final decision on the gnome3 stuff?16:39
seb128yes, keep it in the ppa, I need to email the list about that16:41
bcurtiswx_seb128, i think thats a good idea as well16:41
bcurtiswx_way too broken right now16:43
rodrigo_bcurtiswx_, what's broken for you? I am running it full time, and while not perfect and some apps crash sometimes, it works quite stable for me16:45
rodrigo_only big thing is the keyring stuff, which I need to find some time to look at, btw16:46
rodrigo_keyring+ssh-agent thing, I mean16:46
bcurtiswx_rodrigo_, i guess broken isn't right.. i just think its an incomplete puzzle right now.  Needs more pieces before we should consider it done16:46
rodrigo_bcurtiswx_, what specifically?16:47
bcurtiswx_for one, i'm working on empathy... the gnome3 changes to it are great.  Many people are asking for the things it has.. IIRC there's still more apps that aren't built in GNOME3 yet16:48
bcurtiswx_its not building for me.. has errors with libindicate im working through16:48
rodrigo_yeah, rebasing patches is the most time consuming thing indeed16:50
rodrigo_that's an ubuntu patch though, btw16:50
rodrigo_oh, talking about patches, I have this branch (https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/libcanberra/no-gtk-quit-add/+merge/46463) that fixes a crash in libcanberra16:51
rodrigo_can anyone have a look at it?16:51
evilvishanyone know the password for guest session? (from gdm)16:59
evilvishboth blank and 'ubuntu' give auth failures..17:00
pittievilvish: there is none really17:00
pittievilvish: it's not supposed to have a password17:00
evilvishyea, thats what i expected..17:00
evilvishpitti: but from gdm.. if i just hit enter.. it gives auth failure :s17:01
pittievilvish: as the guest user is only temporary, it usually doesn't even exist in gdm17:01
evilvishoh! i get offered guest at gdm.. natty is broken waaay too much i guess .. ;p17:02
pittievilvish: can happen if your system crashed while a guest session was running17:03
evilvishnot sure when it crashed last.. maybe.17:04
evilvishpitti: k.. thx.  :)17:04
bcurtiswx_in a Makefile.am if im adding things to empathy_chat_SOURCES what does that mean..  if i create an empathy_indicator_SOURCES will it effect things?17:10
seb128chrisccoulson, did you notice there was a libdbusmenu updated version which failed to build btw?17:41
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure if the fix there would make a difference for your menu issues though17:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it doesn't look like there's anything in there that would fix it17:43
chrisccoulsoni've pushed a branch with the fixes for one of the issues, but ted isn't around to review it17:44
seb128I guess tomorrow17:45
seb128chrisccoulson, where are your fixes btw?17:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - one of them is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/indicator-appmenu/lp703769/+merge/4649517:46
seb128chrisccoulson, they don't show up on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/dbusmenu/+activereviews17:47
seb128oh, it's on the indicator17:47
chrisccoulsonyeah. i guess i should link it to bug 70376917:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 703769 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Menus are not destroyed when a window is closed with GDbus port (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70376917:47
chrisccoulsonthe other bug is bug 703689, but i'm not sure what the problem really is there yet17:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 703689 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Window registration racy with GDbus port (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70368917:48
chrisccoulsonoh, i think i see what is happening. it's obvious now :)17:50
chrisccoulsonthe object is registered asynchronously, but the menu building and window registration is done synchronously17:50
chrisccoulsonso, applications register a window before exposing the menu object. i can see where that happens now17:51
seb128oh, ok17:51
chrisccoulsoni thought that's what was happening, but i couldn't figure out why it happened17:51
chrisccoulsoni think the only way to fix this reliably is to have a new signal from dbusmenu to tell the application when the menu object is registered17:53
chrisccoulsonthen we can do the window registration asynchronously off that signal too17:54
pittigood night everyone18:13
didrockshave a good night pitti18:14
bcurtiswx_nite pitti18:14
geserbcurtiswx_: in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ in the -dev package, see e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/i386/libindicate-dev/filelist18:23
bcurtiswx_geser, thx :)18:23
desrthi everyone18:41
desrthow's natty? :)18:41
desrtwill my life be ruined if i install the alpha?18:42
Amaranthdesrt: if you do it _right_ now you may be alright18:42
ebroderdesrt: if your life would be ruined should natty turn out to be broken, you probably shouldn't install it :)18:44
desrtdbarth: scrap my plans about maverick :)18:45
desrttoo many new versions of everything are required.  natty time!18:45
* Amaranth has been using natty since the archive opened, only had two days where things were somewhat screwed18:47
AmaranthOther than transitions happening where I just didn't upgrade things until everything was done18:47
desrtit's always an interesting choice to decide which machine i want to sacrifice to the new version18:53
desrtdesktop or laptop18:53
geserboth :)18:53
chrisccoulsondh_girepository is incredibly slow on my machine, what on earth does it do?21:11
TheMusochrisccoulson: Compute dependencies of gobject introspection packages. The man page has more.21:17
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, yeah, i got that bit ;)21:17
chrisccoulsoni was just wondering why it's taking forever to run21:17
chrisccoulsonit's taking around 2 minutes for every binary package it iterates over here21:18
micahgchrisccoulson: circular deps?21:18
chrisccoulsonso libdbusmenu takes forever to build, and most of the build time is spent running dh_girepository21:18
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not sure21:18
robert_ancellRAOF, is it safe to dist-upgrade yet?23:37
TheMusorobert_ancell: X packages have not gone into natty yet23:37
RAOFI haven't done anything which would make that unsafe yet :)23:37
robert_ancelland the unity stuff?23:38
TheMusoRAOF: How was yesterda and your trip?23:38
TheMusorobert_ancell: Did you have an uneventful trip back?23:38
robert_ancellTheMuso, very much so.  Actually I ended up in premium economy so it was nicer than normal23:38
RAOFMy trip was pretty uneventful.  Except that there was a bit more turbulence than usual.23:38
TheMusorobert_ancell: lucky you.23:39
TheMusoRAOF: Yeah had a bit myself, but mostly whilst I was sleeping.23:39
RAOFI had a pretty nice wait in Sydney at the Max Brenner at Wynyard, and got home around 5pm.23:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: How did you wrangle premium economy? :)23:41
robert_ancellRAOF, when I set my seats online I was placed there, don't know why but didn't ask any questions23:42
robert_ancellRAOF, what were you doing in Wynyard?  Or is there another Wynyard in Tasmania...23:43
RAOFThere is another Wynyard in Tasmania, but I was in the Sydney one.  I had a 6 hour layover in Sydney, so I wandered into the city.23:43

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