
=== mdz` is now known as mdz
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RoAkSoAxhowdy all! I was wondering if anyone has any word about the LAFile removal as per http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/LAFileRemoval01:44
micahgRoAkSoAx: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-libraries01:46
RoAkSoAxmicahg: cool, thanks for pointing that out !!01:48
micahgRoAkSoAx: if you're wondering when something was implemented you can see it here: /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz01:51
RoAkSoAxmicahg: k thanks ;)02:01
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ShapeShifter499YokoZar you there?  I need to ask you something..03:30
SpamapSslangasek: interesting.. I wonder if that is intended.. that a missing env var does not match the empty string.03:57
SpamapSslangasek: I think it might be worth ammending man 5 init to state that clearly03:59
SpamapSslangasek: ok I see the op order problem too. doh. BTW, why doesn't the restart command work on portmap? seems like it just runs the pre-stop then does nothing04:17
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slangasekSpamapS: ah, restarting *portmap* worked... it's that statd wouldn't restart as intended when portmap starts up again05:18
slangasekSpamapS: my fixes are all committed and pending in the main bzr branches now05:19
SpamapSslangasek: so I think it would be worthwhile to file a bug against upstart to improve the explanation of environment variables in the start on and env portions.05:25
SpamapSslangasek: do you see where running 'restart portmap' fails to actually restart portmap?05:26
slangasekit doesn't fail to restart portmap, afaik?05:26
slangasekit just fails to restart statd afterwards, which it's meant to05:27
slangasekbug against upstart> agreed, please do :)05:27
slangasekoh, I see05:30
slangasekyes, confirmed here05:30
slangasekno idea why05:30
* slangasek pokes a bit more05:30
SpamapSthere's the info level log from init05:30
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SpamapSnever gets the killed state05:32
slangasekI think that needs reporting as an upstart bug05:33
SpamapSyeah I'm looking at restart_action right now in trunk05:33
SpamapSI think it just toggles, waits for a change, then toggles again, rather than waiting for stopped05:33
slangasekportmap seems to be the only job I have on my system with a pre-stop command that one would likely restart, so I guess this escaped notice that way05:34
slangasekfortunately the portmap maintainer scripts use stop + start instead05:34
SpamapSscore 1 for serendipity05:34
slangasekalso fortunately, we can't use the 'restart' command directly in maintainer scripts in general, because it doesn't DTRT regarding policy's definition of sensible behavior of not-yet-running jobs :)05:35
SpamapSoh right I recall reading that thread on a bug report05:35
SpamapSso does invoke-rc.d restart do stop/start ?05:36
SpamapSI wonder if this proves nasty upstream if we should change 'service' too05:36
slangaseker... more precisely, it's /lib/init/upstart-job that does this; and I wonder if I'm just reading it wrong on a Sunday night, but this doesn't look terribly correct to me05:38
slangasekoh, no, it's correct.  but it doesn't do stop/start :)05:40
slangasekso this upstart bug *does* affect use of invoke-rc.d05:40
SpamapSright, so the way restart happens it does job_change_goal(stop);job_change_goal(start);  ... running the pre-start causes upstart to return from job_change_goal05:43
SpamapSyeah the logic in job_change_state makes it spin until the job's state == the next desired state, not the exact (stop/waiting) state05:46
SpamapSso actually its only by mistake that we even end up sending KILL to the process05:48
SpamapSsince the state progression is pre-stop->killed->waiting05:48
SpamapSwell killed->post-stop->waiting05:48
SpamapSbut pre-stop and post-stop are optional so I wonder if post-stop screws this up too05:48
slangasekin happier news, I've just submitted a patch to Debian bug #57704005:51
ubottuDebian bug 577040 in debhelper "dh_installinit: don't force upstart when both .init and .upstart exist." [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57704005:51
slangasekso that's one bit of the new policy done...05:51
SpamapShooray, maybe I can get the mongodb maintainer to accept our upstart script then. :)05:51
SpamapSonly affects pre-stop05:52
slangasekpreferably not until we also get lsb-base and lintian converted over. :)05:53
slangasek(and the policy change accepted!)05:53
SpamapSits what every kid hacking away on his slink box in 1999 dreamed of.. enacting policy change :)05:54
SpamapSwow I had to check on it, but my guess at 1999 being when I installed slink appears to be accurate.05:55
SpamapSIt was a happy, happy day. Followed by even more happiness when potato arrived. :)06:00
ebroderslangasek: is there a link to the new policy i could see?06:05
slangasekebroder: Debian bug #59179106:05
ubottuDebian bug 591791 in debian-policy "extend init.d policy to permit upstart jobs and describe their use" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59179106:05
ebrodercool, thanks06:05
SpamapSslangasek: fyi, opened bug 703800 against upstart06:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 703800 in upstart (Ubuntu) "restart command fails to restart main process when pre-stop stanza exists" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70380006:10
slangasekSpamapS: \o/06:10
SpamapSI bet this also affects if something starts on / stops on stopping portmap06:13
SpamapShmm no .. just pre-stop interesting06:19
SpamapShmm.. looks like its specifically the way pre-stop is run...06:26
SpamapSyes.. looks like if we're running a pre-stop it changes the goal to 'respawn' instead of leaving it at stop.06:31
* SpamapS tumbles further down the rabbit hole06:32
SpamapSaha! and respawn from state pre stop changes teh goal back to start instead of stop which seems to be the intention06:39
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dholbachgood morning08:41
ebroderhappy belated birthday, dholbach09:01
dholbachthanks a lot ebroder!09:01
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pittiGood morning09:24
ev@pilot in09:24
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: ev
evmorning, pitti09:24
amitkev: is it a known bug that the natty live-cds for mac (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110112/) don't show text in the installer09:33
amitkev: on macbook pros, that is09:33
evcan you elaborate on what you mean by "don't show text"?09:33
evare you talking about isolinux or ubiquity or what?09:33
amitkev: This is a live cd image. The dialog boxes for the installer (ubiquity) are blank. Moving the mouse around shows that there are active areas and pressing enter seems to move to the next dialog. But I can't see any text in the boxes.09:35
evis this just in ubiquity or any GTK application?09:36
amitkev: Nothing on the desktop either09:36
amitkcan't see the ubuntu menus, icons, etc.09:37
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evDoes a non-gtk application work? Say, xterm?09:38
* amitk starts downloading an iso not 'optimised' for macs09:38
amitkev: it is a bit hard to start apps when I can't see anything on the screen, just window borders and empty dialog boxes09:39
evamitk: you could always ctrl-alt-f2; DISPLAY=:0 xterm09:40
didrocksgood morning09:44
mvogood morning didrocks09:44
* dholbach hugs ev09:45
didrockshey mvo! how was your travel back?09:45
mvodidrocks: not too bad, I managed to find some sleep in the plane but had a hard time waking up this morning09:46
mvodidrocks: and yours?09:46
didrocksmvo: I switch my seat with a pregnant woman who wanted to be next to the toilets. Unfortunatly, my two new neighbours were moving a lot and I couldn't manage to sleep. So hard to wake up as well this morning :)09:48
christhecoolboyhey all :)09:53
cjwatsonari-tczew: perl> I don't care10:13
ari-tczewcjwatson: ok. btw. system-tools-backends is ready.10:13
christhecoolboyI have an idea for a program that would come part of ubuntu10:14
ari-tczewchristhecoolboy: do you want to write a new program or want to pack existing program?10:15
christhecoolboyari-tczew, to use an exsisting program/resource to create a new thing10:15
christhecoolboyI could explain more if you want :)P10:16
cjwatsonari-tczew: yes, I saw the e-mail already10:16
christhecoolboyhmm... Silence :(10:29
ari-tczewchristhecoolboy: I'd like to encourage you to contribute to Ubuntu development instead creating new project :)10:36
christhecoolboyBut its part of ubuntu10:36
christhecoolboyto come as part of the OS10:36
ari-tczewchristhecoolboy: fixing bugs and packaging is also paty of the OS10:38
amitkev: I can see 'text' on non-gtk apps. I was able to launch xterm and get a shell10:38
christhecoolboymy idea is a bigt one?10:38
ari-tczewchristhecoolboy: which idea?10:38
christhecoolboya program to be part of ubuntu10:39
christhecoolboyso what I am doing is contributing to Ubuntu Development10:41
christhecoolboyas it would be part of the OS10:41
christhecoolboyand it could also possibily give the opportunity for ubuntu to be open to a new market10:43
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ari-tczewchristhecoolboy: being a developer is very important part of the OS10:43
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Laneychristhecoolboy: There's a channel for app developers: #ubuntu-app-devel :-)10:44
christhecoolboyI was told to come here10:45
christhecoolboyso I did, Laney10:45
Laneyby someone in that channel?10:45
christhecoolboyby someone in #ayatana10:45
cjwatsonthat was inappropriate of them, I'm afraid10:45
LaneyWell, it depends exactly what you want to do, but if you are proposing to develop a new application then the channel I suggested is the correct venue to discuss it.10:46
christhecoolboyLaney,  but it uses an exsisting resource from ubuntu10:46
didrockschristhecoolboy: evilish asked you to post on the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list, not to discuss on the #ubuntu-devel channel, isn't it? (or was it before I joined)10:46
christhecoolboythere wasnt an email where he showed me10:47
cjwatsonwe know, but if everyone who wanted to discuss building applications on Ubuntu came here, then we wouldn't have anywhere to discuss things that are already in Ubuntu10:47
christhecoolboyso I entered here10:47
christhecoolboyand it was before you were in10:47
ari-tczewchristhecoolboy: do you have an idea of program, though?10:48
ari-tczewchristhecoolboy:  what is it?10:49
Laneyari-tczew: please, in the other channel10:50
christhecoolboyari-tczew,  a gaming platform called "Ubuntu Games Center" that uses unity to create a XBOX 360 style looks and allows for achievements, leaderboards and people to create their own games10:50
ari-tczewsorry Laney10:50
evilvishdidrocks: evilvish  , not evilish  ;p10:51
didrocksevilvish: yeah, I noted that after :-)10:52
evilvishjust saying , not evilish , but fully evil :p10:53
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evamitk: perhaps file a bug against gtk+2.0 or pango?10:56
christhecoolboyari-tczew, I say my idea10:56
christhecoolboyand I dont get any responce? :(10:57
evilvish!patience > christhecoolboy10:58
ubottuchristhecoolboy, please see my private message10:58
cjwatsononce you have developed your application, it might be appropriate to discuss its integration here10:58
christhecoolboycjwatson, but then that destroys the whole idea?10:59
cjwatsonI don't see why10:59
christhecoolboysince I need to spread the word around and try and get help from some people10:59
christhecoolboyor suggestions10:59
cjwatsonyou can do that elsewhere, I'm sure11:00
cjwatsonthis isn't a good place for it11:00
christhecoolboyI was told to come here11:00
cjwatsonI know11:00
cjwatsonI'm sorry that you were given mistaken advice11:00
christhecoolboybecause "if its gonna be intergrated in to the os, #ubuntu-devel is the place to go, they develop stuff for ubuntu"11:00
cjwatsonthe thing is that thousands of people are trying to develop one thing or another for Ubuntu; this is the central coordination channel, not a place for them all to try to gather support.  It would get pretty impractical11:01
christhecoolboyok, where do I go to try and get help or suggestions?11:01
cjwatsonmailing lists, blog about it, people already suggested #ubuntu-app-devel, etc. ...11:02
christhecoolboyI dont wanna spread the word11:02
christhecoolboyuntil I know I can get some help11:02
christhecoolboyI cant do a whole project by myself11:02
christhecoolboyI have only just started11:02
christhecoolboyso I was told to "ask around"11:02
cjwatsonwell, it's IRC, it's asynchronous, you shouldn't expect anything immediately anyway11:03
christhecoolboyok, someone told me to go to #ayatana because it involved unity, then they said to go to #ubuntu-desktop  because they maintain what goes in to ubuntu, then #ubuntu-devel, because they make and Intergrate much of Ubuntu, now #ubuntu-app-devel . where next?11:06
christhecoolboySadly, thats 8 or so hours that just went in a endless loop11:07
cjwatsonyou'll likely have to get something interesting-enough started before people really get interested, I expect11:07
christhecoolboybut I need people to help11:08
christhecoolboysince I cant do it all by myself11:08
cjwatsonmostly, people don't really jump in until there's something started11:08
cjwatsonotherwise they would have started it themselves :)11:08
christhecoolboyI need the support11:08
christhecoolboyI want some people who can help me code but work with me...11:10
cjwatsonthe best way to attract such people is to have an interesting skeleton of a project that they can then send patches for11:10
christhecoolboyI cant build the skeleton11:10
christhecoolboycause I dont know code11:11
cjwatsonmost such people won't come to something without even a skeleton; they already have lots of things to do11:11
christhecoolboythats why I want someone to help me learn :(11:11
didrockschristhecoolboy: looking at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/17/%23ayatana.html, njpatel told you first to go to #ubuntu-desktop, but then, he told you that "it might actually make more sense to email ubuntu-devel list, so people can think and respond". So his advice it correct, please consider it11:11
cjwatsonI think you may have to learn to program first, then11:11
cjwatsonwhich is rather more general than Ubuntu11:11
christhecoolboydidrocks, I did that11:12
christhecoolboybut I couldnt find an email on that link11:12
christhecoolboyso I came here11:12
evilvishchristhecoolboy: i gave you the link with the email id11:12
ari-tczewcjwatson: a lot of developers keep the entry about Vcs-Bzr in debian/changelog. even dholbach and robert_ancell.11:12
didrockschristhecoolboy: "11:34:09        evilvish | christhecoolboy: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss"11:12
cjwatsonhowever, better would be:11:12
cjwatsonari-tczew: nevertheless, it should be removed11:13
cjwatsonwe should keep debian/changelog concise and useful11:13
dholbachari-tczew, ?11:13
dholbachari-tczew, I didn't do a merge myself for a long long time11:13
christhecoolboypatel gave me: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment#Communication11:13
christhecoolboyand that said about the IRC11:14
christhecoolboybut I couldnt find an email address11:14
cjwatsonchristhecoolboy: you've now been given an appropriate link several times11:14
christhecoolboyyes, but I cant send the email until I have something set up11:14
ari-tczewdholbach: I mean that you didn't have objections about this one in d/changelog.11:15
cjwatsonthen the reality of the situation is that you'll probably need to learn to program enough to get something started, I'm afraid11:15
christhecoolboyI'm not sure even what it would be coded in11:16
cjwatsonari-tczew: I could just remove it myself of course, but I don't like editing things in other people's names11:16
ari-tczewcjwatson: I'll send fix in 5 minutes.11:16
cjwatsonthank you11:16
dholbachhey janimo11:22
janimohey dholbach11:23
* ogra_ jawns11:28
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ari-tczewcjwatson: reuploaded11:32
ricotzLaney, hi, do you know bhavi, he grabbed the docky sync a few hours ago and still isn't finished?12:01
Laneyricotz: his nickname is cdbs12:02
Laney(I think)12:02
dholbachLaney, cdbs is Bilal Akhtar12:02
Laneyoh ok, then I don't know, try the launchpad profile12:03
dholbachBhavani is usually bhavi12:03
Laneysomeone changed their nick :P12:03
ricotzhmm, havent seen him around here12:03
ricotzi also want him to look at the libgcrypt11 merge12:04
ricotzdholbach, when is he around usually?12:05
ari-tczewbhavi on IRC is coolbhavi12:05
ari-tczewbut he doesn't use #ubuntu-devel, rather #ubuntu-motu12:05
ricotzari-tczew, ok, thanks12:06
ari-tczewricotz: what's the problem?12:06
dholbachricotz, Bhavani lives in India, but I don't know his usual in-IRC pattern12:06
ricotzdholbach, alright12:07
ricotzari-tczew, the docky sync i mentioned above12:08
dholbachricotz, coolbhavi is in #ubuntu-motu now12:09
ari-tczewricotz: uploaded and built fine. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docky/2.0.10-112:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 703803 in docky (Ubuntu) "Sync docky 2.0.11-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,In progress]12:09
ricotzdholbach, tx12:10
elifHi, I would like to use my own ftp server as repository for installation using preseed, what do I need to do to create my ``own mirror'' (without every .deb packages, just the ones I need) ?12:12
tjaaltonzul, slangasek: fix for bug 558793 pending, includes a debdiff with the patches backported. ok to upload to lucid-proposed?12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558793 in samba (Ubuntu) "net ads dns register fails in 2008 R2 domain" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55879312:19
dmartcjwatson: do you have a moment to answer a quick grub question?12:32
dmartcjwatson: I have a maverick machine set up with a encrypted rootfs (using the alternate installer)12:33
dmartcjwatson: What's the correct way to get into the grub boot menu on such a setup?12:33
cjwatsondoes it just boot without showing the menu at the moment?12:34
dmartcjwatson: Escape doesn't work ... currently pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete from the rootfs password prompt is the only reliable way I see, but that looks unintentional (?)12:34
dmartcjwatson: ^ yes12:34
cjwatsonhold shift12:34
dmartcjwatson: aha, I tried Ctrl12:34
dmartcjwatson: this seems different for every version of grub, but more likely that's just down to configurability + my inexperience ...12:35
* ogra grumbles about the archive still being out of sync for armel12:35
* dmart tries12:36
cjwatsondmart: it changed from GRUB Legacy to GRUB 2; it hasn't otherwise changed12:36
dmartcjwatson: looks like Shift works for me -- thanks12:36
cjwatsondmart: this is because the PC BIOS architecture doesn't allow instantaneously checking whether Escape is pressed12:36
dmartcjwatson: ^ maybe that's what confused me12:36
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cjwatsonanyone know how to debug GNU linker scripts?  I have a build failure due to an ASSERT((foo == bar)) failing - it would be nice to have a way to ask it to print the values it believes foo and bar hold14:03
christhecoolboywhat is #ubuntu-women14:03
christhecoolboyI wanna help ubuntu in some way14:03
christhecoolboyand I read about "mentoring"14:04
ograchristhecoolboy, why dont you ask in #ubuntu-women about #ubuntu-women ?14:04
christhecoolboyI did14:04
christhecoolboyI got no responce14:04
christhecoolboyits like a ghost town lol14:04
ograand what made you think it is appropriate to ask here instead of waiting for an answer ?14:05
christhecoolboycause I wanna know that I am not doing something that I shouldnt be14:05
ghostcubei think ubuntu-woemon explains itself or?14:05
ghostcube*women either14:06
christhecoolboyogra, ^^^14:07
ograchristhecoolboy, this channel here isnt for support14:08
akshatjchristhecoolboy: this is the development channel, your action is considered spammy here14:08
christhecoolboywhere do I go?14:09
christhecoolboyto chat with people14:09
akshatj!offtopic > christhecoolboy14:09
ubottuchristhecoolboy, please see my private message14:09
aalex_laptopWhat is the easiest way to package for two or more distroseries? I use git-buildpackage and CDBS.14:13
aalex_laptopDo I need to use a different debian/changelog file for each distroseries?14:13
aalex_laptop(lucid, maverick, natty)14:14
cjwatsonyes, you do14:14
aalex_laptopOh! sorry I was wrong. I can use the same control file.14:14
cjwatsonindeed (generally) - you just need a different version and upload target in debian/changelog14:15
aalex_laptopcjwatson, should I use a whole different changelog file, or just add one entry in the changelog everytime I want to upload it14:15
cjwatsonjust add an entry each time14:15
cjwatsonthe value of a changelog is rather diminished if you keep emptying it :)14:15
aalex_laptopAnd sometimes I might want to use different version of -dev libs in the control file... I might need many different control files.14:16
aalex_laptopcjwatson, and then I should add ~maverick to the version of my package?14:18
aalex_laptoplet say 2.1.6~maverick ?14:18
cjwatsonthat would be one approach which would work, yes14:19
bdrungpitti: around?14:19
cjwatsonneeding different versions of development libraries for different releases is rare.  that's usually a function of the source code you're uploading, not a function of where you're uploading it to.14:20
pittibdrung: hello; I am, just not very IRC-attentive today, as I'm on a sprint this week14:25
bdrungpitti: i am waiting for your response to bug #70128214:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701282 in mpd (Ubuntu Maverick) "MPD lacks Mp3/LAME support in Ubuntu 10.10" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70128214:25
bdrungthe feature vs bug discussion14:26
pittibdrung: ah, so I guess the "sin" was to allow that other SRU you were referring to14:26
pittibdrung: as I said, it's not covered by the policy, but if you are sure that enabling this won't/can't cause regressions for other functionality and formats, I'm not too concerned about it14:27
bdrungpitti: enabling one format shouldn't cause any regression (but i can't swear)14:28
RoAkSoAx /win 514:28
bdrungpitti: Bugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel).14:29
pittiRoAkSoAx:  /lose 1014:30
pittibdrung: right, but it's not "obvious" that e. g. the new plugin won't cover formats which previously were handled by other formats, etc.14:30
pittibdrung: it's not very likely, but we should test it properly14:31
bdrungpitti: backporting instead of a sru would pull a newer version.14:31
bdrungpitti: for testing it we have -proposed14:31
RoAkSoAxpitti: lol xD14:36
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om26erev, are you available?15:03
evom26er: indeed I am15:05
om26erev, i have a branch for empathy but it seems there have been another upload to natty for empathy so letme merge with trunk and I'll be back15:06
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om26erev, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-fix-666288-2/+merge/4648515:22
aalex_laptopcjwatson, 2.6.1-1~maverick ?15:34
cjwatsonaalex_laptop: sorry?15:36
aalex_laptopcjwatson, oh sorry. Would that be a good version name for a package for Maverick?  (that's only for a PPA)15:36
cjwatsonthat's a reasonable version number for a backport of a package whose main branch has version number 2.6.1-115:37
aalex_laptopmain branch?15:37
cjwatsonthough I'd use ...~maverick1 personally, or maybe ...~ubuntu10.10.115:37
cjwatsonnatty, at the moment15:37
micahgfor PPAs I usually do ~distro~ppa1 to not interfere with official backports15:37
aalex_laptopok, so it would be better to use 2.6.1~maverick115:37
cjwatsonyou should look up what the different components of version numbers mean and work from that15:38
aalex_laptopany wiki page about that?15:38
cjwatsonthe Debian policy manual15:38
cjwatson(not a wiki)15:38
aalex_laptopwell, there are tilde in the Debian policy?15:38
micahgaalex_laptop: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version15:38
cjwatsonthe tilde is a version number element defined by Debian policy, yes.15:39
cjwatsonit has a specific meaning which you can look up.15:39
micahghere's the link to Debian: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version15:39
cjwatsondoesn't really matter which you look at in this case15:40
ograon a sidenote there is also a package for local installation of the docs :)15:41
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om26erjdstrand, hey! was the upload to maverick-proposed rejected for this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/maverick/rhythmbox/rhythmbox-bugfixes-maverick/+merge/43558 there doesn't seem to be anything in Unapproved queue for maverick16:03
ari-tczewcjwatson: python-django from unstable is FTBFS.16:11
ari-tczewjdstrand: ^^16:12
ebroderamitk: could you subscribe me to any bugs you file about that blank dialog thing (i'm broder on lp)? i've seen it once before on a maverick+fglrx machine, but couldn't reproduce it anywhere else so didn't spend too much time worrying about it16:29
quadrisprodoko, I'm working on bug #70402716:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 704027 in gavl (Ubuntu) "gavl 1.2.0-1 FTBFS on armel" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70402716:37
quadrisprodoko, does PPAs provide builds for armel?16:38
quadrisprommh maybe I've found the answer16:39
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aalex_laptopHmm, since I upgraded to maverick (not a fresh install), do I need to add "natty" in the list of possible version for pbuilder somewhere?16:51
aalex_laptop$ sudo DIST=natty pbuilder create >>> Unknown distribution: natty16:51
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tumbleweedaalex_laptop: Your pbuilderrc16:54
aalex_laptoptumbleweed, ah! thanks. Long time I hadn't modified that16:55
amitkebroder: sure, I haven't filed a bug yet since I can't file from the affected macbook (since I can't see anything on the screen). ubuntu-bug --save pango.log pango isn't being very helpful. Any idea what info I should collect for pango/gtk+2.0 bugs?16:56
ev@pilot out17:10
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
ebroderamitk: not really. the machine i ran into this on was running a primarily non-gtk environment, so it wasn't that important to get fixed17:10
aalex_laptoptumbleweed, setting up pbuilder for natty failed: http://paste.debian.net/104878/17:12
tumbleweedaalex_laptop: that paste excludes the actual error :)17:13
slangasektjaalton: should be fixed for natty before SRUing to lucid, at least17:15
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dholbachStraw Poll: what would you think about making the patch pilot schedule a public Google Calendar instead of the wiki? It'd be a bit more work for me to set it up, but it could send out reminders17:27
ogra+++++++ 11111 one one !!!17:28
seb128hey dholbach, how are you?17:28
dholbachseb128, good - how are you?17:28
seb128rather fine as well thanks17:29
seb128gcalendar -> seems a nice idea, would be easier to handle than the wiki17:29
dholbachit's more clicking for me and not just one wiki update, but I can see the advantages17:29
aalex_laptoptumbleweed, W: Couldn't download package procps ?17:29
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tumbleweedaalex_laptop: out of sync mirror?17:30
aalex_laptoptumbleweed, sudo DIST=natty pbuilder update ?17:30
tumbleweedaalex_laptop: no, edit your pbuilderrc to point to another mirror, until your one is behaving again17:31
aalex_laptoptumbleweed, I am not sure to know how to do that. Here is my .pbuilderrc (on maverick) http://paste.debian.net/104884/17:35
dholbachcan somebody give me a good example of a clean packaging for a project using cmake?17:35
aalex_laptopmirrors.kernel.org is my current mirror17:35
aalex_laptopI could use the mirror I use usually - it's going to be faster anyways17:36
cjwatsondholbach: there's a dh buildsystem for cmake - does debhelper rules.tiny not work?17:36
ari-tczewdholbach: clementine17:36
dholbachcjwatson, I don't know - I was just trying to help out somebody who asked for help with it17:36
cjwatsonyou'd need Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.3.0)17:37
cjwatsonpersonally I'd use rules.tiny and only add things if that didn't work. :)17:37
dholbachthanks cjwatson17:37
dholbachthanks ari-tczew17:37
tumbleweedaalex_laptop: hmm, mirrors.kernel.org is normally pretty good, and doesn't look out of sync17:44
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aalex_laptoptumbleweed, it worked with ubuntu.mirrors.iweb.ca - though I had to edit the file to remove the /ubuntu/ suffix17:47
tumbleweedaah, whoops, I was looking at the EU cluster17:48
dholbachseb128, ogra: got the mail?17:48
seb128dholbach, yes17:48
seb128dholbach, thanks ;-)!17:49
ograawesome !17:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apware we aware that nm-applet is core-dumping on suspend/resume ?18:05
smoserjames_w`, is it possible to manually kick lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/cloud-init to get updated ?18:13
james_w`smoser, we're investigating an operational issue currently which is preventing any imports18:23
smoserjames_w`, ok.  thats fine. so is "bother james_w because he surely has nothing else to do" the correct way to deal with this ?18:25
james_w`smoser, you can file a bug on the 'udd' project18:26
smoserdo you want me to do that now ? or just in the fugure18:26
james_w`smoser, please file a bug, I don't want to forget your package when we fix the issue18:27
smoseram i right that the thing that ends up getting auto-imported is lp:ubuntu/lucid-proposed/<src_package> rather than lp:ubuntu/lucid-updates/<src_package>18:30
smoseris that right ?18:30
smoseror, maybe both are supposed to be eventually.18:31
apwcjwatson, any idea where i might find someone with avahi smarts ... seems its gotten worse to the point its not working at all now (in natty)18:32
smoserjames_w`, bug 70407918:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 704079 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "cloud-init ubuntu/lucid-proposed branch not updated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70407918:34
james_w`smoser, thanks18:34
smosersee question above18:35
james_w`smoser, it will import to wherever the packages end up18:36
james_w`smoser, so if the package is just in -proposed then it will only go there18:37
james_w`if the package is in -updates too then it will go in both branches18:37
smoserok. thats what i woudl have thought, but i thought i'd seen other places with no -updates, but a -proposed even though package got through18:39
smoserif i see such things i'll open bugs in the future.18:39
cjwatsonapw: not sure, in my head it's a desktop thing19:10
cjwatsonmbiebl maybe19:11
apwcjwatson, thanks ... i guess i'll try and debug it then19:11
tjaaltonslangasek: ok. and further testing shows that it's not 100% fixed after all :/19:21
tjaaltondoesn't complain anymore, but the reverse isn't updated (and still complains on domain join)19:21
lamontso how in the &*%)*%*&^(B  do I force X to override the cursor grab that it randomly gives to some unsuspecting window?20:20
cjwatsonkenvandine,tedg: can you explain why libindicator2 Breaks: libindicator1?  This is ... unusual for a shared library SONAME bump21:31
tedgcjwatson, Yes, it was so that we wouldn't get a partial upgrade.  So that unity and the indicators would all upgrade at once.21:35
cjwatsontedg: the Breaks should have been from unity to libindicator1 then, surely21:38
cjwatsonthat would make apt's life easier21:38
tedgcjwatson, Then we would have to version all the indicators.  i.e. have a indicator-session1 and indicator-session2 so they could be installed at the same time.21:39
cjwatsonhmm.  how horrible.21:39
cjwatsonwell, if natty hadn't been left uninstallable by this for days, I might not have got round to asking annoying questions like this ... ;-)21:40
tedgHeh, you can rest assured that wasn't on purpose :)21:40
cjwatsonis there a timeline for that getting fixed?21:41
tedgI think it is now, no?21:41
cjwatsonah, maybe so, I'd been expecting that to involve a unity-place-applications upload21:42
cjwatsonok, let's see if tomorrow's live CD builds manage to refrain from sending me lots of mail ...21:42
tedgI think it should.  I don't think that unity-place-applications is needed right now, though users of Maverick may still have it installed.21:44
RAOFHm.  Black-screen instead of plymouth ‘enter your encryption passphrase’ is not a happy failure mode.21:57
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andreserlpitti: where you interested in the polling from /dev/input for PowerNap right?22:20
apwRAOF, at least your disk isn't mounted22:32
RAOFapw: True.22:32
apwRAOF, is that one helped by gfxpayload=text etc ?22:35
RAOFYes, I think it is.22:35
apwwell that we are interested in22:35
apwRAOF, if you could confirm that we'd be grateful22:35
apwcan you figure out what mode it is selecting ?22:36
apwcirtianly get a buggy filed for it if so22:36
* apw wonders if you have the same issue as marjo22:36
apwsetting that to like 800x600 might help as a diagnostic tool22:37
RAOFIt appears to be selecting the correct mode, just entirely blank.  Switching to a different VT doesn't appear to modeswitch, and appears to be in the right thingy.22:37
apwhrm, yuo have VTs with real text (small font) on them ?22:37
RAOFInterestingly, the grub *menu* is displayed.  Apparently it's not trying to select my broken 1440x900x32 VBE mode.22:37
RAOFYes, I do.22:38
RAOFReal honest to goodness 1440x900 VTs.22:38
apwthen that isn't a graphics issue i'd say22:38
RAOFYeah, it's probably plymouth.22:38
apwoh when you go back to the VT-7 is there something thhere?22:38
apwOH poop22:38
RAOFYup, text.22:38
apwso yeah if plymouth exits before you answer cause of the mode switch22:38
apwyou might never see the prompt on either side22:39
apwhrm, not ideal!22:39
RAOFOne could say that!22:39
apwthat is likely a degenerate case of plymouth not coping with the mode switch, which cjwatson is working on22:39
apwi would try the =text thingy, but i suspect cause of plymouth you won't be any better off22:39
apwbooting without splash might let you at least get to the prompt for password22:40
RAOFYeah, it does.22:40
apwso ... i think that confirms its another (worse outcome case) of the "plymouth tends to die when the mode switch occurs" bug22:40
apwmaster watson i think was working on that22:41
RAOFThen I got to find out that the partitioner of the alternate CD (and *only* the partitioner) doesn't respect the keymap you set at the start.  Trying to reverse-map my passphrase from qwerty→dvorak was fun!22:41
RAOFYeah, =text doesn't appear to help.22:42
* cjwatson cannot imagine why only the partitioner would have keymap trouble22:58
RAOFNeither can I; I'll file a bug, which apport should be able to grab the relevant logs for?23:00
cjwatsonRAOF: goodness knows whether it'll be able to figure out how to file a bug against partman-crypto23:03
cjwatsonRAOF: you could try against debian-installer, and it should make some kind of reasonable attempt then23:03
RAOFI'll do so.23:04
RAOFcjwatson: If apport doesn't have any idea, the logs in /var/log/installer are the relevant goodies, right?23:04
cjwatsonsyslog and partma23:05
cjwatsonthe others are normally boring23:05
ari-tczewcjwatson: thanks for sponsoring system-tools-backends23:09
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
RAOFapw: Hm.  Actually my boot problem was that plymouth hadn't been correctly installed by the installer; now that it is, I actually have a prompt.23:21
cjwatsonthat's odd too23:22
cjwatsonin what way was it incorrectly installed?23:22
RAOFI think the archive the installer was based on was broken; it failed to install a bunch of packages due to dependency conflicts.\23:22
RAOFPlymouth must have been a victim of that.23:23
cjwatsondid it report failure at the time?23:24

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