
Atamirawhat a terrible day18:52
Atamirawas cooler inside the office than outside18:53
mwhudsonman, i feel sorry for that guy on the wellylug list22:38
mwhudsonbut i wish he would stop22:39
ajmitchwhat is he doing?22:39
mwhudsonasking for help, cluelessly22:39
* ajmitch looks at the archives & sees one name repeated many times22:40
mwhudsoni think he seems to have screwed up his DNS, but as he seems incapable of reading or writing emails that actually contain information...22:41
ajmitchsome of the responses are amusing22:43
ajmitchit does get a bit frustrating when the only information you get is "it doesn't work!"22:43
ojwbis wellylug active beyond the list?23:55
ojwbwebsite seems to claim monthly meetings, but have none listed23:56
ibeardsleea lot of stuff seems to ahve fallen by the wayside and Jethro was overloading himself with work23:57
* ojwb STR there was a hutt valley meeting listed when I arrived here too23:58
ibeardsleethat was to cater for thse out that way .. but they seem to fail if there isn't someone to push at them23:59

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