[00:08] hmm seem ebox is als outdated [00:08] !ebox [00:08] ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [00:09] oh it called Zentyal [00:15] Hi, I am probably having permision issues because I get forbiddden when I try to access my website. The directory was created by "username" but apache runs as "www-data" what would be the correct setup? [00:16] I mean if Apache is "www-data":"www-data", should every user with access to FTP from which the websites are served be in "www-data" group? [00:20] hi [00:20] is thier a way I can proxy apache [00:20] say if I make a front end loading page [00:20] that I want to have login page, and then it aloows me to launch links from my internal network [00:20] like websites that are internal is tha thow it done [00:20] with out doing vpn [00:23] They renamed it for some silly reason [00:23] oh [00:23] (ebox) === mdz` is now known as mdz [00:24] is it any good [00:24] as a soultion to be sold to small bussiness [00:24] No. [00:24] No web UI is any good [00:24] or would I have to be troubleshooting it all da [00:24] best just with ubuntu server [00:24] Especially web UIs intende to turn idiots into sysadmins without the intermediary "learning" phase. [00:24] if all they need is file sharing, or a nas or [00:25] so best it just a server with ubuntu server or widnows stnadarfd server [00:25] I tried webmin, it worked. [00:26] It "works" provided you are happy to have badly-written, insecure perl scripts writing config files that no longer work the way they were coded to expect. [00:26] There's a reason Debian and Ubuntu don't ship webmin. [00:26] oh thier is [00:26] But I agree with TWB, thats why I formatted my VPS and started from scratch configuring everything myself, its btter because you actually know what is happening, at least mos of the time :) [00:27] oh yea [00:27] I had freenas before [00:27] If you need to manage a whole lot of hosts, I would be looking at something like puppet [00:27] but I gave i tup, it did not allow me to do stuff on my own as much or it would break [00:27] I can't comment on FreeNAS. [00:27] freenas is good [00:28] but unbuntu out of the box offer freenas stuff if you like the cli [00:28] and has updated packages [00:31] Quick question: What group should the FTP users be in so they can server websites? I am getting Forbiden in the newly created folder. [00:31] fuho: that depends what FTP daemon you're using. [00:32] vsftpd [00:32] fuho: I would STRONGLY recommend you use SFTP rather than FTP (for uploads). [00:32] fuho: vsftpd defaults to only allowing anonymous read-only access. [00:32] twb: i reconfigured it. [00:32] IIRC there's an option in there to say what group to allow [00:33] twb: I can connect anc create directories, files and anything. [00:33] fuho: oh, OK, maybe it's a permission/ownership issue on the new folder? [00:33] fuho: or maybe that dir is outside the chroot in which vsftpd is running? [00:34] fuho: have a look at ls -lids /proc/`pidof vsftpd`/root [00:34] twb: I am using SFTP for anything important, I know about the plain password, so for root I never use FTP, but for generic web user I do, because Notepadd++ doesn't support SFTP [00:34] fuho: bleh [00:34] fuho: well, I'm not gonna cmoe around and break your legs to stop you [00:35] But see http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie for other reasons than security. [00:35] twb: :) Thanks. I really try to be secure, so as I said root password was never sent in plaintext [00:36] fuho: sure, but root isn't the only attack vector. For example, someone could still upload a .php script to /var/www as your FTP upload user, and then run it to turn your box into a mail relay. [00:36] twb: I do agree, unfortunately it is still the industry standard. I was thinking about using Samba for that, do you have any experience? [00:37] fuho: I wouldn't expose samba on an untrusted network [00:37] So what is left then? I can run everything through VPN, that would solve a bunch of problems [00:38] SFTP or a VPN [00:38] AFAIK most FTP clients for WIndows will talk SFTP [00:38] Pity Notepad++ doesn't; you probably can't force your devs to use a better editor :-( [00:38] oh [00:38] In theory you could use something exotic like AFS instead, but IMO that's not worth the hassle [00:39] twb: I DO use SFTP for actual FTP work, moving files, editing configs and so on, but when coding I use Notepad++ to edit files on server straight away and for that I have to use FTP unfortunately [00:39] what is best setup for a ubuntu home server made from scratch twb [00:39] twb: Better editor? Show me one :D [00:39] fuho: emacs, or I suppose eclipse [00:40] I *know* Emacs supports transparent remote writes over SFTP. [00:40] mrroth: that's too vague for me to answer. [00:40] mrroth: do you have a specific goal? Like, say, "I need to share files with Windows and proxy web browsing" [00:40] like as a home fileserver + media [00:41] somewhere I can remote to and grab my pictures, home moives, and documents [00:41] at hoome and on the road [00:41] mrroth: for unix to unix, NFS is cheap, fast and easy. If you need to talk to Windows, you need Samba. [00:41] bassically I want a webfront end, with login [00:41] mrroth: for remote access, you should use SFTP -- on the client side you can use sshfs to make it easier. [00:41] so I can logon to a webpage on my ubuntu server, that then will allow me to use other websites running locally on my ubuntu box [00:41] mrroth: I don't support or approve of web UIs; you can always log in remotely using SSH. [00:42] ahh k [00:42] but is it possible to have a webfrontend that will proxy the remote pc to use internal stuff [00:42] mrroth: to get to web UIs on the *internal* network, you can use SOCKS proxying or port forwarding via your SSH login [00:42] mrroth: or you could set up a simple VPN tunnel [00:42] ahh or hamachi [00:42] mroth: You need VPN probably, if you are trying to look like you are accessing the websites from your server (or home desktop) [00:43] Yea I have hamachi on the laotp that allows me to also connect a linux box with hamachi and use ssh sshfs [00:43] mrroth: e.g. "ssh -L 8080:www:80 login.example.net" will connect www:80 within example.net to localhost:8080 [00:43] fuho like when I am at work, I want to access my home network to see stuff I am wrking on home [00:43] thanks [00:44] mrroth: hamachi appears to be a "shareware VPN". I would suggest instead either OpenVPN (easy) or l2tp/ipsec (future-proof). [00:44] it free up to 16 clients [00:44] for home use [00:44] oh I see [00:44] I have pfsense firewall, I could probally do l2tp/ipsec on my laptop to it [00:44] mrroth: it might be gratis, but because it's (presumably) closed-source, it's less likely to be scrutinized by security analysts. [00:45] ipsec is a required part of IPv6, so I think it's a good thing to learn it [00:45] twb: I think he will have enough problems setting up OpenVPN [00:45] Sweet [00:46] twb oh I see [00:46] last and final question for use use I want to replace my clam shell dell p4, with something smaller and probally have lower power what would u suggest :) [00:46] mrroth: OpenVPN was do-able, took me a while to get it working though, but I am unix noob [00:47] I set up a point-to-point OpenVPN connection using pre-shared keys in about thirty seconds [00:47] If you need a hub-and-spoke OpenVPN setup (i.e. >1 client), then you need to set up SSL, which is a bit harder. [00:48] It took me 30 minutes just to generate the key ;รบ [00:49] twb: Not to figure out how to generate it but actually computing time. [00:49] fuho: do it on a faster box, then [00:49] a Pentium III should be fast enough [00:49] 4096 RSA? [00:52] http://paste.debian.net/104828/ [00:52] Maybe you didn't have enough entropy on the host? [00:52] (I couldn't find a PIII quickly, sorry.) [00:53] twb: :D Wow, now I am either an idiot or didn't remmeber the encryption correctly, let me check, now I have to be sure. [00:54] fuho: unless it was, say, a 200MHz MIPS WRT, you probably just didn't have enough entropy [00:54] Mashing the keyboard is enough to fix that [00:55] twb: Really? I had no clue, I thought it always takes lot longer. But mine "Image" was a lot bigger [01:00] twb: Yeah, when I did "buil-key-server" using dh4096.pem I could have just "mashed" keyboard and save myself half an hour? The server is quad core with 2GB of RAM === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall [01:04] I'm having a pretty annoying problem at the moment, could somebody maybe help me track down what's causing it? [01:05] The problem: occasionally, my server likes to completely freeze for between 10 and 30 seconds [01:05] it'll do it maybe once every few hours [01:05] Alan: what disk drives do you use? [01:05] by "freeze" i mean that pretty much all IO stops [01:05] and anything depending on IO [01:06] Nafallo: RAID5 on top of Samsung 1TB drives (F1, F2 and F3 editions) [01:06] I can do a few things [01:06] Alan: dang. I suspected WDC Green or so. they have that problem. === kiall is now known as kiall|AFK [01:06] in fact... hmmm, maybe it's my RAID stalling somehow [01:07] I just realised [01:07] everything that still works would be on the OS disk [01:07] everything that stalls is waiting forever for something on the RAID [01:07] for example, i can login via SSH, but can't spawn a shell because it's trying to read ~/.bashrc [01:08] I can run "top" ,but not "htop" (because it has a settings file) [01:08] and my minecraft server completely stops too [01:08] How could I go about debugging the problem? [01:09] It's a reasonably recent problem, but the only thing that's really changed is a different minecraft server version [01:09] A single application shouldn't be able to stall IO on an entire filesystem, should it? [01:10] I've checked the usual places (dmesg, /var/log) and nothing happens that corresponds to the stalls [01:19] fuho: yes [01:19] twb: Well, thanks then I will know next time. [01:24] The BEST one of those I had was firefox [01:24] It generates a key at boot if there isn't one in /home, using /dev/random [01:24] Hi there, basic question. I've added a user to a group, www-data, but the user can't write files to a directory owned by www-data:www-data with 755 as permissions. What am i missing. [01:24] So for my netboot live desktop system, EVERY TIME you booted, firefox would appear to "just hang" unless you mashed the keyboard like a spastic [01:25] oh [01:25] thanks [01:25] twb: :D [01:25] mrroth: 755 is user rwx, GROUP rw. [01:25] Sorry, GROUP rx [01:25] And that was at VoiDeT [01:26] oh I se [01:26] right, so 775 is more like it [01:26] VoiDeT: yes. [01:27] VoiDeT: also, if "groups" doesn't report www-data, that user will need to log out and back in [01:27] VoiDeT: (groupship is only applied at login time.) [01:27] yeh it does :) thanks twb, seeing as though only the users www-data and myself are in that group, is that fairly safe to us [01:27] VoiDeT: I suppose so [01:34] Gotta go, bye === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall === kiall is now known as kiall|AFK [01:50] I can't mount usb devices with a user account getting errors. Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:mount: only root can mount /dev/sde1 on /media/backup_1 [01:51] That's not an error, that's security. [01:52] the user has fuse permissions [01:53] fuse is not needed to mount USB mass storage devices [01:53] Privilege escalation is. [01:53] twb, and isn't that supposed to be set up by default? 10.04 64 bit server edition with desktop installed [01:53] If you're using a GUI, I think there's some kind of GNOME udisks/hal/pmount shit to give users such permissions, but that's out-of-scope for this channel. [01:54] hi all.. in the ubuntu server guide, under UEC it states "by default, Eucalyptus will only run 1 VM per CPU core on a Node." --how do i change this "default"? [01:55] twb, i don't need the gui. I just need the usb drives to automount when plugged in but not stop boot if not plugged in [01:55] joebob777as7: automount as root? [01:55] in essence i'm wondering if it's possible to run multiple VMs on a single core using UEC [01:56] areay: I suppose so, but I'm not familiar with UEC. [01:56] twb, yes or user i don't care [01:56] joebob777as7: write a udev rule that matches on the device's serial number, and have it run the mount command [01:57] twb, no simpler way? [01:57] That's pretty bloody simple [01:57] twb, the language used would suggest it.. i've spent some time googling to see if this is possible but i haven't had much luck :/ [01:57] Er, note that it'll automount at all times -- not only at boot. You might not want that [01:57] ok i'll look into it. never used custom udev rules [01:59] joebob777as7: maybe the 'usbmount' package? [02:00] pmatulis, ok i'll look into it thx [02:00] !info usbmount [02:00] usbmount (source: usbmount): automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.20ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 120 kB [02:01] pmatulis: that appears to work via udev rules, so yeah [02:01] It mounts them on /media/usbN instead of using the device name, but whatever [02:04] hey [02:04] anybody using transmission-daemon ? [02:04] after the last update it stopped working properly [02:05] no i'm using deluge-daemon [02:08] while it might sound funny, i am boycotting deluge cause the devs are assholes :D [02:09] I don't use bt at all, because they only have popular stuff [02:10] twb: you're one of those people that think mainstream is zoo beneath them? [02:11] I don't *think* so. [02:14] wut? [02:20] whoa, launchpad is fast tonight === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall [02:54] whats with the rt_ioctl_giwscan logspam ? [03:18] How do I know if apport is running properly? ps aux | grep apport returns nothing, but service apport restart reports 'apport start/running' [03:20] apport-cli tells me there are no pending crash reports, and /var/crash/ exists and is empty [03:59] a7ndrew: it's probably a task [03:59] Ah, it's a pre-start and post-stop script. [04:03] does that mean i need to crash something to confirm apport works? [04:05] I don't know, man [04:05] I report bugs to Debian because I hate launchpad === JanC_ is now known as JanC [06:01] too many ubuntu channels i got confused :/ [06:01] Hi I'm trying to SSH to my server without a password (for rsync). I ran "sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /home/Flam/cron/a-rsync-key" on Ubuntu 10.04 and got the .pub file and the private key, then I did "sudo cat a-rsync-key.pub >>.ssh/authorized_keys" on the remote host. Now I'm stumped :P Some guidance as to what to do next would be appreciated. Also, where do I put the private [06:01] key? [06:02] why did you specify file? [06:02] if you run it without -f it will put keys to proper place, and then you just upload your public key to server [06:03] oh [06:07] hi all [06:07] hi [06:08] currently experiencing a seg fault when using both apt-get and aptitude [06:08] is your hdd ok? [06:08] Segmentation faultsts... 0% its not even trying to load the list [06:08] should be its a remote server [06:09] that sound like my ssd :-D [06:09] it just started to seg fault and then *boom* :-D [06:10] is everything else working? [06:11] Can I backup mysql by just copying /var/lib/mysql or must I use mysqldump? [06:12] mysqldump, it wont be consistent without it [06:16] So if I want to backup my site and its DB with rsync, I should run the mysqldump command on cron locally, and then fetch it with rsync correct? [06:16] yep [06:16] thanks [06:20] Hello, my internet disconnected. :P Where is the best location to store .jar files for use on Ubuntu server? [06:21] GatorAlli: Consider /usr/share/java/ but I am not sure if that is the officially correct answer. It's just where a lot of them are. [06:21] you can store them where you want, there's no "correct" place for them [06:22] kk [06:22] but /usr/share/java is ok [06:22] I'm sorta new to web servers. im running a lamp server and would like no one on the other side of the server to acess tham [06:23] well, then anything that is not shared with apache is safe [06:23] like /usr/share/java [06:39] no strace either [06:39] fuck, any suggestions? [06:50] openstandards, how do you know the hdd is ok? [06:50] or are you just assuming ? [06:51] Shit after installing rsync I discover rsnapshot. sigh [06:52] Flam, did you fix your keybase ssh login ? [06:52] airtonix, i'm assuming the hdd is ok [06:52] yeah, doing it your way helped. also I was prepending sudo to it, which made root keys :/ [06:52] airtonix, seems linux can be solved the windows way [06:52] s/your/gobbe [06:53] A simple restart has cured it for now [06:53] Flam, for next time you can just generate your key and use ssh-add user@remotehost [06:54] Oh sweet. I'll keep that in mind [06:54] Flam, but for specifics, one of the things you might not find out is that authorized_keys gets ignore if its not chmod 600 [06:54] but i think ssh-add takes care of that for you [06:56] Mine is at 700 and works [06:57] just set it to 600 however. [06:57] just for neatness :P [06:58] might want to double check it just in case [06:59] I did, 600/700 both work, so I'm keeping 600 === kiall is now known as kiall|AFK [07:06] i think the main thing is that it chokes if group or other can read it [07:06] which is perfectly understandable [07:07] 600 is for files; 700 is for dirs [07:07] I see @ both === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall === kiall is now known as kiall|AFK [08:04] hi all.. i'm using UEC -- is it possible to have more than one VM per cpu core? i understand this is the default but is there a way to override it? [08:05] areay: does #ubuntu-cloud still exist? [08:06] it does ;) thanks twb :D === oCean_ is now known as oCean === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall === kiall is now known as kiall|AFK === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall === kiall is now known as kiall|AFK === kiall|AFK is now known as kiall === kiall is now known as Kiall === garymc_ is now known as garymc [10:10] if I want to copy my previous printer settings across to a new machine (identical 10.10 release) what files to copy? [10:24] jfb_h20: /etc/cups, I imagine [10:25] Stupid drive-bys... [10:27] twb, lol [10:31] New bug: #703859 in autofs5 (main) "package autofs5-ldap 5.0.4-3.1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/autofs/lookup_ldap.so', which is also in package autofs-ldap 0:4.1.4 debian-2.1ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703859 === ogra is now known as Guest61426 === Guest61426 is now known as ogra_ [10:46] New bug: #703868 in nagios3 (main) "package nagios3-cgi 3.2.1-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703868 === apw` is now known as apw [10:57] New bug: #703008 in ocfs2-tools (main) "Please merge ocfs2-tools 1.6.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703008 === ogra_ is now known as ogra [13:05] New bug: #703942 in clamav (main) "package clamav-daemon 0.96.5 dfsg-1ubuntu1.10.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703942 [13:11] hey [13:11] are universe packages maintained by ubuntu? [13:12] clusty: what do you mean by 'ubuntu'? [13:12] as in can i file a bug for a universe package? [13:12] clusty: of course [13:12] thanks [13:12] clusty: the vast majority of packages are in universe [13:13] ohh multiverse is the "anything goes" one :D? [13:13] clusty: not free, yeah [13:13] clusty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu === lau is now known as Guest82986 === DevoKun is now known as DPH === DPH is now known as Devo-Kun [14:36] New bug: #703977 in bacula (main) "bat from bacula-console-qt. not showing menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/703977 [14:57] New bug: #244994 in ocfs2-tools (main) "missing python-vte recommends/depends" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244994 [15:03] New bug: #246613 in ocfs2-tools (main) "ocfs2 startup link prior to open-iscsi" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246613 [15:07] New bug: #427518 in ocfs2-tools (main) "OCFS2 rejects mount option uhelper=hal" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/427518 === Guest82986 is now known as lau [15:12] New bug: #474215 in ocfs2-tools (main) "mountall-net tries to mount ocfs2 before o2cb is started" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/474215 [15:12] New bug: #583309 in ocfs2-tools (main) "fsck.ocfs2 not supporting "-a" option, causing os boot to stall" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/583309 [15:12] New bug: #613793 in ocfs2-tools (main) "o2cb stopping Failed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/613793 [15:13] New bug: #489272 in linux (main) "bug in ocfs2 for linux-2.6.31" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489272 [15:13] Daviey: ping i was thinking can you do your ftbfs from test for the server seed again? [15:21] zul, I was thinking about doing it at the start of A3. [15:22] Daviey: coolio.. [15:27] Hi everyone, i am trying to access an AFP volume on my ubuntu-server machine (netatalk), but when connecting tru Mac OS it always gives me an "wrong username/password" error [15:28] i think it has something to do with the password encryption.. any ideas? [15:40] hi. I have an ubuntu 8.04 with ebox on it. how could I get a list of email users/addresses without knowing anything about ebox? I just need a save/backup, it will all be reinstalled [16:33] Can somebody clear something up for me? I'm confused on this one point: [16:34] If Im running postfix + dovecot and trying to use dovecot's sasl auth - I shouldn't need to configure saslauthd? Is this correct? Or does dovecot depend on the saslauthd mechanism? [16:35] I picked up the impression that saslauthd is part of the cyrus auth, and therefore would be redundant if used with dovecot [16:40] hello every1! [16:41] i have a server with two hard disks, first one have openSUSE 11.1 and in second and new (1TB) i has installed Ubuntu 10.10.... ....first it's was booting well but after instalation of Ubuntu just boot by GRUB; How i can't fix it for boot from first HD (OpenSUSE) again? === andreserl is now known as RoAk === RoAkSoAx is now known as andreserl === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx [16:44] vulgarcito: what boots now? just ubuntu? [16:51] the other sysadmin screwed up sudo, there is no root password set, atleast not that i know, and root ssh is blocked, any way to fix it? Its a cloud server [16:53] Error404NotFound: some cloud servers have ability to boot in single user thru terminal [16:53] if you don't know root password, and sudo is fucked up, you have to boot in single user [16:58] greetings! === Kiall is now known as Kiall|AFK === squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere [18:02] hi [18:02] is phpmyadmin included in jaunty? [18:03] apt-cache search phpmyadmin?-) [18:03] yields no results ... [18:03] thanx for the answer [18:04] packages.ubuntu.com has also all packages related to release [18:05] thanx gobbe, was trying on a non BW consuming solution but seemingly repo is the only choice ... [18:06] that page has an error [18:07] anternat: iirc it is, but as always, I'd recommend learning to use the command line utilities - it's basically the same as using some fancy GUI, exept you learn more [18:08] true Roy, havent setup gui for that reason, totally agree [18:09] altho all is a mit much new to me :) [18:09] !jaunty [18:09] Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. [18:09] anternat: jaunty isnt supported anymore [18:09] you should upgrade [18:10] may be next month as dsl quota is almost over [18:13] uh... [18:13] what? [18:15] sad but true :) [18:20] Daviey: you still around? === hikeonpast__ is now known as hikeonpast [19:07] is it possible to store encryption keys (dm-crypt) on the network and somehow access them when booting machines with encrypted drives? === hikeonpast__ is now known as hikeonpast [19:12] Does anyone know how to change the package mirror used during the server install [19:12] Thirtysixway: _during_ install? [19:12] yes [19:13] I doubt that's possible [19:13] apt will read the file on startup and continue until it's done or interrupted [19:14] well i know it's possible to do it with a preseed file [19:14] i was just wondering because i'm at a university that hosts an ubuntu mirror for packages, and it would be a lot faster to use that instead of the default apt sources [19:20] oh i found it. hitting F6 and choosing expert mode should be able to let me pick the mirror to download packages from [19:29] so how is this possible, trying to mount an external HD..plug it in a centos box fdisk -l shows it, plug it in an ubuntu server fdisk -l does not show the HD, what am i missing ? [19:35] nm [19:37] b0gatyr: and the answer is...? [19:40] pmatulis: did not realize i had virtual box running on my second workspace which was mounting the drive for me automatically onto a windows xp machine =\ [19:43] b0gatyr: so it didn't "exist" at that time. ok [19:43] yup === hikeonpast_____ is now known as hikeonpast [20:44] hi .. i doesnt get virtual ip after starting up heartbeat .. [20:44] anyone can help me trouble shoot .. [20:49] does anybody here know what would be a good server for me [20:50] aleronl16x: good in what way? [20:55] for a social networking site im kinda a newbie === JamesHarrison` is now known as JamesHarrison [20:57] meh. does anyone here ever used ksplice on ubuntu server? [20:58] aleronl16x: not sure that I understand what you want - maybe you look at turnkey linux, there are some fine appliances there [20:58] im wondering whether or not i should install both ksplice and uptrack packages or just enough with ksplice package [20:59] turkey linux is an os? [21:05] aleronl16x: those are ready made linux servers - download, configure,run [21:06] im not talking about software im talking about hardware [21:06] what is a good server for ubuntu [21:06] 'turnkey' not 'turkey' [21:09] aleronl16x: then this channel is wrong for you - this is for ubuntu support [21:10] wow the other ubuntu channel sent me heah [21:11] aleronl16x: it was actually I - but I said you might ask a specific question :-) [21:12] !hardware | aleronl16x [21:12] aleronl16x: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [22:28] http://tinyurl.com/5sagy6u [22:36] Stupid ad-bot [23:20] Where could I find a Samba init script from before Ubuntu's switch to Upstart? [23:21] e_t_: 8.04? Or Debian, of course. [23:26] Thank you. I wasn't sure how far back the change went. [23:42] I'm trying to set up two Samba daemons on a machine. This guide (http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Multiple_Server_Instances) is, by its own admission, Red Hat-centric. Is there a way I could accomplish this with Upstart? [23:56] New bug: #704220 in pptpd (main) "add "delegate" and "connections" options to default /etc/pptpd.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/704220