
* pleia2 waves03:00
pleia2meeting time, who's about?03:00
jledbetterjtatum is03:00
pleia2cool, so let's jump right in03:01
pleia2Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11January1603:01
pleia2[TOPIC] Scale9x planning (continued)03:02
pleia2so DarkwingDuck was looking into how many scale volunteer badges we get, I think it's going to be around 403:02
pleia2once we know we can decide who all gets them (I already bought my ticket, I know some others have too)03:02
DarkwingDuckI'm still waiting for Joe to get back to me on that.03:03
pleia2the wiki is coming together nicely :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale9x03:03
pleia2ok cool03:03
DarkwingDuckI think he is waiting on Gareth who is waiting on someone else.03:03
pleia2oh, and DarkwingDuck has the conference pack!03:03
pleia2from canonical03:03
DarkwingDuckOh yeah, I wanted to ask about something in that.03:04
DarkwingDuckWe have 2 T-shirts and 2 hats.03:04
pleia2t-shirt sizes?03:04
DarkwingDuckBut we also have the "Offical Ununtu Guide"03:04
DarkwingDuckL and XL03:04
* pleia2 nods03:04
DarkwingDuckI was thinking03:04
DarkwingDuckMaybe not for money but, we might want to have a raffel for the book.03:04
DarkwingDuckor however.03:05
DarkwingDuckThis way we can have a bit of publicity for the booth03:05
akkA raffle is a good idea.03:05
pleia2any thoughts on how that would work?  collect email addresses and arrange shipping after the conference?03:05
akkMight get people coming back to the booth and sending their friends there.03:06
DarkwingDuckRaffle tickets at the booth03:06
DarkwingDuckthen on saturday or something we can give it away03:06
pleia2how would we find the people with the tickets? tell them to come back at $time?03:06
DarkwingDucklemme grab my list of what was in the pack03:06
akkMaybe give it away at lunchtime, or some prearranged time like that?03:06
grantbowwe had good results from that for a previous OSCON03:06
DarkwingDuckwe have 25 Ubuntu button badges03:07
DarkwingDuck25 sticker sheets03:07
jledbetterbadges are what go on computer, right?03:07
DarkwingDuck55 Aubergine lanyards03:07
DarkwingDuckThey are pins03:08
jledbetterAh ok03:08
DarkwingDuckSmall ones03:08
grantbowthere's a url that lists this stuff somewhere03:08
pleia2yeah, should be A: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences03:08
jledbetterSometimes 'badge' is the sticker on a computer, I thought. Just was clarifying. :)03:09
DarkwingDuckThese are the lanyards03:09
jledbetter Neat03:09
DarkwingDuckAnyway, I have not recieved any CDs for the event.03:10
pleia2I think the raffle idea is a good one03:10
pleia2anyone have any other thoughts regarding planning for now?03:10
DarkwingDuckI need to order those tonight actually.03:10
pleia2I am pretty sure the CDs are the regular loco ones03:10
pleia2or do they send a whole second pack for a conference?03:11
DarkwingDuckThey send a conference pack AFAIK03:11
rwwconference packs don't include CDs03:11
rwwunless they changed it. iono.03:11
DarkwingDuckRobert, they sent us a HUGE pack of CDs last year didn't they?03:11
grantbowmore for events03:11
DarkwingDuckI also got like 100 for CampKDE too03:11
rwwDarkwingDuck: that wasn't part of the conference pack, that was through shipit03:12
pleia2alright, I'll reply to the shipit contact and ask if we can get some03:12
rww(and use my nick so I get pinged, am multitasking right now)03:12
rwwUbuntuAtConferences page says to go through shipit, so I guess it's still the same03:12
DarkwingDuckI'll do that now...03:12
DarkwingDuckhow many of each do we want?03:12
pleia2DarkwingDuck: the team contact has to, that's me03:13
DarkwingDuckOh, okay03:13
* pleia2 nods03:13
pleia2ok, sounds good03:14
grantbowgood work03:14
pleia2oh, I created this, should link to the wiki: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/637/detail/03:14
DarkwingDuckI was thinking as well... Do we want to do an UbuCon again this year?03:15
pleia2I don't know that we have time to schedule it03:15
* eps perks up03:15
pleia2but if you want to look into it, I'll commit to speaking or leading a session or something03:15
DarkwingDuckI can talk to Gareth/Joe and see03:15
DarkwingDuckWhat we did last year was a bit of a intro to Ubuntu and then lightning talks03:16
DarkwingDuckWe had what, 40, 50 people last year rww?03:16
rwwI forget, sorry. There are photos somewhere that'd show the number of people.03:16
jledbetterMaybe UbuCon uncon?03:17
DarkwingDuckIt was crazy, I do remember we ran out of chairs in that room.03:17
DarkwingDuckNathan might remember more.03:18
pleia2ok, well let's look into it, I'm totally in if we can pull it off :)03:19
pleia2shall we move on agenda-wise?03:19
FlannelDarkwingDuck: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10March07 says 40-5003:20
DarkwingDuckSure :)03:20
DarkwingDuckAhh thanks Flannel03:20
pleia2[TOPIC] Team image sharing options (continued)03:20
pleia2ok, so we started a thread about this on the list and didn't get much discussion03:20
pleia2it's a good thing I have to charge my Nook before I can use it, otherwise this meeting would be hard03:22
* pleia2 peers at charging light periodically03:22
akkjdeslip's mention of commandline support got me interested in picasa ... I was leaning toward flickr before that, just because it seems like "everybody uses it".03:22
pleia2yeah, so both flickr and picasa have command line ability (they both have APIs, so this isn't surprising)03:22
rwwpleia2: It took about 30 minutes on AC before it was usable for me. USB charge would be longer.03:23
akkI have no patience ... I was using the archos after about 15 minutes of charge, esp. after I found out a full USB charge would take ~8 hrs.03:23
pleia2oh, and fwiw we already have an ubuntu_us_ca gmail account03:24
pleia2you don't need to log in to google to see picasaweb stuff, right?03:24
grantbowunderscores weren't allowed03:24
pleia2oh, maybe that's why the password isn't working for me03:25
pleia2ubuntu-us-ca then?03:25
akkAnybody have a sample picasa image url to make sure of that? I think it might need javascript.03:25
grantbowI don't think dashes were allowed either03:25
pleia2grantbow: aha! success :)03:25
pleia2akk: http://picasaweb.google.com/tuxwingsgroup/CLS2011#03:26
pleia2maybe also test this (link to a specific photo): http://picasaweb.google.com/tuxwingsgroup/CLS2011#556227621307467950603:26
rww"You are using a browser that is not fully supported. Some features may not work too well, but you are welcome to have a look around."03:27
pleia2rww: what browser?03:27
akkYeah, it requires javascript from ggpht.com and googlestatic.com03:27
akkand you have to allow them one at a time in noscript03:27
rwwseems to be working better than the average Google product does on it, though.03:27
pleia2ok, how does this work for everyone http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/5350732785/03:27
grantbowI wonder what flickr requires03:27
akkwhich makes me lean back toward flickr, which works even in non-js browsers03:28
* pleia2 grins at rww 03:28
rwwflickr works fine for me. better than flash works with my glasses, anyway >.>03:28
DarkwingDuckIt works in Rekonq03:28
akkyep, pleia2's flickr link works fine with all the JS turned off.03:28
grantbow+1 accessible data03:28
pleia2yeah, I'm leaning to flickr now too03:29
akk(there is a subtle header at the top saying "to take full advantage of flickr" I should enable JS)03:29
rwwI'd personally prefer flickr, because I remember it working better when I was using NoScript, too.03:29
pleia2I find the interface of flickr easier, but that's pretty subjective03:29
akkI don't mind turning on JS, but it really annoys me when I'm presented with a list of 6 sites and have to guess which ones I really need to see the pictures.03:29
* pleia2 nods03:29
akkSites that just have JS from one source aren't so bad, but picasa has a bunch.03:29
pleia2yeah, that's pretty annoying03:30
pleia2jdeslip is our picasa champion, but upon talking with him he's ok with it going to flickr03:31
pleia2I am thinking we just decide to go with flickr now unless anyone else has opinions either way03:32
jledbetter+1 flickr03:32
DarkwingDuck+1 Image hosting03:32
DarkwingDuck+1 flickr03:32
pleia2ok, I think we'll just link it to our gmail account (creating a yahoo account is silly)03:34
pleia2now... name? ubuntucalifornia? ubuntuusca? ubuntu-california?03:34
akkcalifornia, not usca03:35
akkhyphen if it's allowed03:35
pleia2the hyphen is allowed03:35
DarkwingDuckthe-ubuntu-california-local-community-team... or ubuntu-california is good03:36
grantbowit's all loco03:36
pleia2and many of us are too03:37
DarkwingDuckBeing a northern mexico guy (San Diego) the loco always makes me laugh03:37
pleia2even living in the northeast it's funny, spanish is pretty pervasive in the US03:37
pleia2well, I'm cool with ubuntu-california too03:38
DarkwingDuckI live 15 miles south of San Diego city... I am really close to mexico03:38
grantbowI disagee strongly with ubuntu-california03:38
* pleia2 nods03:38
jledbettergrantbow, no hyphen or prefer 'loco'?03:39
DarkwingDuckgrantbow: you have another idea?03:39
grantbowthere's no good solution to all the issues involved03:39
grantbowthe naming has been a mess and will continue to be it seems03:39
akkgrantbow: What name do you prefer?03:40
DarkwingDuckSo, aginst ubuntu-california without another option given?03:40
pleia2in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2011-January/001540.html grantbow clarifies some of his naming scheme ideas03:40
grantbowubuntu-us-ca if it's a choice since the oldest resources are named this and we can't change them.03:40
epsI'm in favor of maintaining consistent branding.03:40
grantbowincluding this channel03:41
pleia2launchpad isn't named that03:41
jledbetterreally not a huge fan of hyphens but get that it's common here so will go for whatev03:41
grantbowpleia2: correct03:41
akkI dislike -us-ca myself, but for a flickr name it doesn't matter that much, most flickr names are things like twelveblearyeyedsardines03:41
pleia2yeah, and people just click links anyway03:42
akknobody's going to be typing it in, or judging us based on it03:42
pleia2I doubt I'll ever give the flickr address, I'll just "go to ubuntucalifornia.org and click on "photos"03:42
akkRight, me too.03:42
pleia2so ubuntu-us-ca is fine with me03:43
jledbetterpleia2, ditto03:43
akkSo if consistency with the official name is better, that's fine with me.03:43
akk(being -us-ca)03:43
rwwI don't care either way, but it's impossible to be consistant with the official name when we have multiple official names :(03:43
DarkwingDuckI know the powers that be would like the use of ubuntu-us-ca... I have do issues with following in line with that.03:43
grantbowrww: correct03:43
DarkwingDuckrww: +103:43
epsubuntu-california is much stronger when marketing to end users03:44
akkWell, the powers that be could give us useful hosting if they really felt strongly about this stuff. :)03:44
grantboweps: depends which end users03:44
epsnot geeks and not bureaucrats03:44
akkI can't imagine an end user who would prefer -us-ca or find it more readable.03:44
pleia2well, ubuntu-us-ca is shorter, so that's nice03:45
grantbowI feel that giving non geeks a clue as to the structure of the worldwide efforts is useful03:46
pleia2ok, well we know what the issues are, do we want to go with ubuntu-us-ca? or vote between that or ubuntu-california?03:46
rwwfor what it's worth, the coin I just flipped says ubuntu-us-ca.03:46
akkrww: :)03:47
pleia2ok, I vote for rww's coin flip03:47
akk+1 for the coin03:47
pleia2alright, I'm creating ubuntu-us-ca flickr now03:47
jledbetterwoo hoo03:47
akkI love meetings that accomplish stuff. :)03:47
pleia2Signed in as 1299756ffc8a03e63a9fa003211cf87f03:48
pleia2nice, yahoo03:48
pleia2alright, so we'll get access to this sorted in the coming days, and get some photos up :)03:49
pleia2[TOPIC] Announcements & everything else03:49
pleia2we have some ubuntu hours coming up: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california03:50
rwwOnly thing I have is that a new Xfce came out ;)03:50
pleia2yes, today! 4.8!03:51
pleia2http://www.xfce.org/about/news/?post=1295136000 :D03:51
grantbownext week I'll give noisebridge.net another batch of 40 burned 10/10 discs to give away03:51
DarkwingDuckOhhh... oh oh oh03:51
DarkwingDuckIf you have extra USB drives...03:51
DarkwingDuckSupport the 11.04 release by running it on USB and submitting bug reports. :)03:52
DarkwingDuckThat's my PSA03:52
DarkwingDuckas an active Dev I can say we rely on people for this.03:53
DarkwingDuckIf you have a few hours just load it up and play around... try to break it so we can fix it.03:53
grantbowzsyncing the latest images works well to keep updated too03:54
akkI wish it was easier to install ubuntu to a usb stick.03:54
DarkwingDuckunetbootin if the built in one doesn't work....03:54
rwwusb-creator-gtk is easy for me, now that it works in current releases03:54
rwwwell, -qt. but same deal.03:54
grantbowgrub2 is what I use for all my sticks03:54
grantbowno need to dedicate a stick to a distro03:54
DarkwingDuckKDE/Kubuntu startup disk creator work nice03:54
akkI've given up on usb-creator variants, after about 4 releases where it was a horrible failure.03:54
MarkDudegrantbow, CLSwest was epic. Im sorry you could not make it. Are you feeling better?03:55
akkWhy can't ubuntu just make an image you can put on a usb stick, like fedora does?03:55
pleia2yes, grantbow we missed you at cls west!03:55
grantbowMarkDude: thanks, we'll talk after the meeting03:55
rwwakk: Debian started doing that very recently. I'm hoping it carries over to Ubuntu soon.03:55
DarkwingDuckThere is a link to get Alpha 103:55
grantbowpleia2: thanks03:55
grantbowanymore announcements?03:56
pleia2I don't think so03:56
rww( http://blog.einval.com/2011/01/07#isohybrid_CDs )03:56
pleia2I wonder if it'll create an ubuntu-us-ca url? now I'm concerned :)03:56
akkpleia2: "1299756ffc8a03e63a9fa003211cf87f doesn't have anything available to you."03:56
pleia2akk: yeah, that's what I meant above :)03:57
pleia219:48:37 < pleia2> Signed in as 1299756ffc8a03e63a9fa003211cf87f03:57
pleia2aahh, it's in setup03:58
DarkwingDuckAnything else to the meeting?03:59
DarkwingDuckGoing Once03:59
pleia2I think that's it03:59
DarkwingDuckGoing Twice...04:00
DarkwingDuckThank you for attending04:00
DarkwingDucknow, off to my other meeting04:00
* DarkwingDuck waves04:00
grantbowThanks for participating everyone04:00
jtatumgood meeting04:00
pleia2thanks everyone :)04:00
jtatumno, thanks you pleia204:02
jledbetterthank you, pleia2 :) and thank you, rww for your coin ;)04:04
epsIn Tux we trust?04:04
pleia2nook still charging04:05
pleia2ok, it no longer says crazyrandomstringofcharacters on our flickr page ;)04:06
akkpleia2: color android nook, or bw epaper? Did I already ask you that?04:06
akkYay, "Ubuntu California Team's photostream"04:06
pleia2akk: bw epaper04:06
grantbowMarkDude: still have a nasty sounding cough04:06
pleia2honestly the color seems stupid to me as an ebook reader :(04:06
akkpleia2: I'd love to see it some time ... I've only seen them in store settings, curious how they are in low light.04:07
pleia2my eyes hurt from too much proper screen viewing, I'd just use my netbook if I wanted to stare at another screen04:07
rwwmake sure you upgrade to firmware version 1.5 if it isn't already at that. decreases the e ink screen refresh rate by half, which is noticibly better when reading04:07
MarkDude grantbow Nixie flaked also, she had the CES plague04:07
pleia2rww: right! I'll be sure to do that04:07
rwwor increases the rate, decreases the time. I don't know, it's late.04:07
akkI find I like my archose a lot for e-reading ... I can turn down the colors in ways I can't with a desktop/laptop screen.04:07
pleia2akk: coming to the mt view ubuntu hour on thursday? I could bring it down then04:07
akkBut epaper is a big win outside or in other natural/bright light.04:08
pleia2it's not really "lit" itself, so in low light you'll need a book light or something04:08
akkpleia2: Yay, I'm planning to be there on Thursday too.04:08
MarkDudegrantbow, I need to talk to you about Sugar and OLPC sometime04:21
MarkDudeaaditya, did you survive?04:21
grantbowMarkDude: sure04:22
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, Jan 30th, 7:00pm PST | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
pleia2squee, nook is ready!04:32
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/Current edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11January16 edited04:35
MarkDudegrantbow, hopefully you feel better by next week- maybe Wed will work to talk04:46
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11January16 edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11February13 edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Menu edited04:51
grantbowMarkDude: I'll email you, that might work well.04:57
MarkDudeCool, I need a wishlist off things that are needed for both04:58
MarkDude$ I know.04:58
MarkDudeWhat sort of dev type work is priority to make Sugar more enjoyable04:59
MarkDudestable etc05:02
grantbowI emailed you.  I don't think I will be your best source for compiling such a list but I'll do what I can to help.05:10
grantbowas long as you don't give out my number again, lol.05:10
MarkDudeSorry about that05:11
* MarkDude had less than 15 minutes to test to see if he could Ustream his session05:11
grantbowtalk Wed?05:11
MarkDudeOthers are helping with list also05:12
MarkDudeNeed a way to gain more eyeball/ contributors05:12
MarkDudeIf you want to fall asleep - I can give you link to the video from the TOSW session05:13
pleia2rww: it came with 1.5.005:23
rwwah, okay. Mine came with 1.4.1; guess yours was a newer shipment05:23
* kdub wishes he could make the team meetings X-|05:48
MarkDudepleia2, some of the pics from Cls06:28
pleia2I saw :) you need to put up LOTS more!06:38
MarkDude150 is just a start06:39
MarkDudeI still have the dinner06:39
pleia2doh, chrome caching06:39
* pleia2 sees more now06:39
* MarkDude took no pics at the stuff after that ;)06:40
* MarkDude does not want to upload my notes to the wiki yet, CC license is NC. I will post to Gkwiki and tosw wiki06:43
MarkDudeyep, Karsten started a thread on CLS about it- lots of talk06:54
aadityaMarkDude: I'm alive! \o/07:47
MarkDudeGood deal07:47
aadityaThough I slept through the meeting today. I could have added some color to it.07:47
* MarkDude forgot about it07:48
MarkDudesaid hey to G- he had to remind me there was a meeting07:48
MarkDudeWe had pancakes for breakfast, went for dim sum for lunch07:49
aadityaThat sounds fun!07:49
aadityaWhat time did you get home?07:49
aadityaDid you get home?07:49
MarkDudemade it back around 5 or so today07:49
aadityalol, cool.07:49
MarkDudeI was too tired last night to dance or anything07:50
aadityaYeah, CLS has been tiring, and then the dinner.07:51
MarkDudeI fell asleep at 4:30 woke up at 9:30 I think I will sleep well tonight07:51
aadityaSleep deprivation FTW.07:52
* MarkDude was up until 2:30 getting ready for CLS, and installing Win707:52
aadityaInstalling Win7 for CLS?07:52
aadityaoh wait, there's an and in that sentence.07:52
* MarkDude can sleep later, it was worth it07:52
MarkDudewell Devry hates Linux07:52
MarkDudeNot really07:53
MarkDudeNo login for iptables reason07:53
MarkDudeeven Safari could only use 32bit version07:53
aadityaI read about it in Devry. How does that even work?07:53
aadityaThey install some software on your machine?07:54
MarkDudeApple folks could not connect07:54
MarkDudeNo signal there anyway- so it was all moot07:54
aadityahah. I'm glad I've tethered my Android.07:54
* MarkDude now has 20Gb of Win ultimate - it *does* feel more special since it is Steve Balmer autographed addition07:55
aadityaThat's got some weight to it.07:56
* MarkDude will keep it on there. I can shrink it if need be07:56
aadityaA friend was cleaning up her computer by removing malware and unnecessary software. I suggested she remove windows. ;)07:57
* aaditya startst to pass out.07:58
aadityanight, cali.07:58
* MarkDude knows his copy is safe now, since I dont plan on using it much07:58
MarkDudelater dude07:58
outofjungleMarkDude: ping09:50
nUboon2Agei'm going to where my Ubuntu tshirt on the Freedom Train (in honor of MLK day) today and have some Ubuntu disks to hand out. :-)16:07
nUboon2Agedetails on Freedom Train and the celebration in SF at the Civic Center today:  http://scvmlk.org/index_files/Page1353.htm  pleia2:  jtatum, aaditya, jamalta, MarkDude, Yasumoto16:20
nUboon2Agespecifics about SF Civic Center MLK day celebration today: http://www.norcalmlk.org/2011/16:21
nUboon2Ageoops, self-correction: it says this year its at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts16:23
pleia2shame I have to work today, I'll tell mjoseph though in case he wants to head over, thanks nUboon2Age16:28
MarkDudenUboon2Age, I cant go- I am headed to LUGOD tonight16:28
pleia2hm, is this a big holiday for california? I've even noticed some shops being closed16:29
MarkDudepleia2, yes it is. Quite a big deal in many areas. AZ is more lackadaisical with their view on such things.16:34
jdeslipHappy MLK day all.17:27
pleia2happy MLK day jdeslip!17:28
rww/you're supposed to be mourning/17:28
rwwor something. i don't know.17:28
jdeslipI think he'd be happy that his legacy is celebrated by sleeping in ;)17:28
rwwah, the day's around the time of his birthday, not deathday. guess not.17:29
jdeslipSo, what is the best way to integrate flickr into android?17:30
pleia2there is a flickr app that I used to use17:30
pleia2now I use the email-flickr-and-it-updates-twitter-too email address they offer17:30
pleia2and if I have a lot of photos to upload I just mount it and use f-spot like a regular camera17:31
jamie_morning everyone17:45
rwwso, umm, is it not a legal requirement to use lights while driving in thick fog around here? seems like half the cars on the street aren't, and this seems insane to me.18:09
akkIt is a requirement, and it is insane not to.18:10
pleia2but most cars have automatic lights these days, so people don't pay attention to their lights a whole lot18:10
rwwhrm. I've seen all sorts of cars (old ones too) without them on. I guess some drivers just aren't used to fog, don't know what to do.18:12
rwwI'm the sort of person that uses daylight running lamps on normal days, so... :\18:13
pleia2yeah, our car has daytime running lights18:13
jamie_pleia2: are you still hosting ubuntu hour?18:15
pleia2jamie_: yes, but the next SF one isn't until next month18:16
pleia2(we just had one last week)18:16
jamie_darn missed it-- when is next one?18:16
pleia2feb 9th18:18
pleia2but we host them all over the bay, there is one in mt view on thursday: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california18:18
jamie_pleia2: ok cool by the way what size shirft do you wear?18:18
jamie_san fran would prolly be the closer one18:19
rwwit is18:20
jamie_pleia2: i work at a screen printing shop i made some tshirts with ubuntu california team logo on them18:20
nhainesrww: frankly, it's rain or fog where I explicitly notice my lights, because I can actually see them.19:01
pleia2jamie_: oh, you rock! we've been looking for a t-shirt supplier19:02
pleia2jamie_: women's XL (Men's L)19:02
pleia2jamie_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Shirts has some of our designs, and we had a bunch made: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/menslargeback.jpg http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/womenslargefront.jpg19:05
pleia2but we're running low, only have 2XLs left (and some women's sizes)19:05
jamie_pleia2: theses have the logo with the bear on front of a white shirt can only do a few at a time with out it costing me.19:21
jamie_i have six now mens large and xl will do more when i can19:22
pleia2jamie_: we should talk, I can pitch in some $$$ (we have about $50 in donations sitting around that can be used toward shirts, and I can put in more)19:22
jamie_dont have much time now as am at work maybe later this afternoon or at next meeting19:22
pleia2same here19:22
jamie_pleia2: if i only do a few at a time doesnt cost me but if i do some bulk i get a really good discount19:23
pleia2jamie_: yeah, we have been looking at a few local shops but it's ending up being like $400 for 50 shirts, which, in theory is good, but still a bit uncomfortably high for a group that doesn't have an income19:24
pleia2we'll talk later though :)19:25
MarkDudejamie can you PM me your info- Gk is looking to make some shirts - with logo, slogan, and maybe Geeknic site19:25
nhainesNow that I'm settling into my new job I'm hoping to get back into speaking again.  :)19:52
nhainesIt'll be a good goal for 2011.19:52
MarkDudenhaines, good to hear. You are a great speaker/teacher, and have to ability to convey information :)20:06
MarkDudeRecord it or stream it live if you can - it is good to share20:08
kdubnhaines: i have a speaking resolution for 2011 as well :D20:57
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nhaineskdub: excellent!  It's a really great thing to do.  :D22:05
nhainesLots of fun and also builds great skills you can use in life too.22:05
kdubyeah, i used to give some talks back in MI22:06
kdubkernel or graphics22:06
kdubi gotta sharpen up on graphics with all this wayland jazz though :P22:06
akkA talk on wayland would be great.22:25
akkOr an article on it, or practically anything on it.22:25
akkAlso, talks on beginning kernel development -- there are lots of developers who would love to get into the kernel but can't figure out where to start.22:27
MarkDudepleia2, Im leaving at 4 to goto my talk at LUGOD, You up for going?22:41
* MarkDude figured not, Davis is hella far away22:42
pleia2MarkDude: no, sorry, Caligula is sick so we need to bring him to the vet22:42
MarkDudeNp. Kitties are very important :) I understand22:42
pleia2yeah, we had him scheduled to go in on Saturday, but he stopped eating around saturday night22:43
pleia2he's a giant cat who loves food more than anything, this is weird :(22:43
rwwI might go. Dunno if I have a car available yet.22:44
MarkDudeCool rww22:49
MarkDudeI am meeting Norm in a few22:49
kdubakk: kernel development is tough to break into23:10
akkkdub: I've been in 2-3 groups of developers trying to teach ourselves kernel hacking (never very successful). That's why I say there's a demand.23:11
nhainesI need to do a humorous introduction to Free Software, that's what I should do.23:16

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