
=== jacob_ is now known as jacob
Cheri703paultag: am I still your mentee for ubt?01:46
paultagCheri703: yessem!01:46
* Cheri703 doesn't know what/if she should be doing01:47
paultagCheri703: sorry, things have been hectic. Have you been doing support in u-b ?01:47
Cheri703here and there, things have been hectic for me as well :/01:47
paultagCheri703: no worries. Are you settled in a new job?01:48
Cheri703ha, no, crappy crap happened, turning in vehicle tomorrow01:48
paultagCheri703: :|01:48
paultagCheri703: Well, I'll be back in full in two days.01:49
paultagCheri703: my guess is you're almost good to start the real application process01:50
Cheri703yeah, I should be back up and running soon01:50
Cheri703oh, ubuntu application process?01:50
paultagCheri703: ubuntu-beginners01:50
paultagCheri703: after you've done UBT work for a while, we'll see if you're ready to apply for ubuntu membership01:50
Cheri703ok, I don't really know what's involved in that :/01:50
Cheri703it's not well explained01:50
paultagCheri703: yeah, that's kinda for a reason ;)01:52
paultagCheri703: it's a very subjective thing01:52

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