
moses_from my laptop00:00
James147moses_: you might need to enable it/change the boot order in the bios first00:00
James147(or hit the magic key that lets you pick from which device you want to boot bypassing the bios order  :)  )00:00
moses_i see that00:01
moses_but i dont know what the devices are00:01
moses_google is my friend00:02
moses_toshiba portege00:02
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moses_what is FDD?00:10
DaskreechFloppy Disk Device00:11
moses_so theres no option to boot from USB00:11
moses_im screwed00:11
moses_i downloaded the 10.10 stable iso for kubuntu00:14
moses_and im burning it00:14
moses_is that my best option?00:14
Daskreechthe tablet can't boot from USB?00:16
moses_i dont see where to do it00:16
e_t_moses_: The option isn't always obvious. On my computers, I have to have the USB drive plugged in, then select it as a hard drive to boot from in the BIOS.00:21
moses_but it doesnt look for hard drives00:22
moses_it just has generic HDD00:22
Daskreechmoses_: Yeah I was about to say some devices don't show the options till you have it connected00:24
moses_this should be fun00:29
moses_i hope the boot works00:29
phoenix_firebrdwhat is the package name for kde development libraries00:32
James147kdelibs5-dev i think00:32
phoenix_firebrdJames147: when i try to install, it says the package is not signed. is it ok?00:33
James147phoenix_firebrd:  probally ^^ but you really should fix that before you try to install :p00:34
phoenix_firebrdJames147: kubuntu ppa is enabled. is it because of that?00:34
James147phoenix_firebrd: more then likly, looks like your missing the gpg keys for it ^^00:35
James147phoenix_firebrd: try running "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa"  (assuming thats the repo you added) ... that should attempt to download the gpg keys again00:36
phoenix_firebrdJames147: it had already downloaded the gpg key. this is happening only for this package00:37
James147phoenix_firebrd: hmm00:37
phoenix_firebrdJames147: shall i install it?00:37
James147that dosent sound good00:37
James147phoenix_firebrd:  i Would be wary...00:37
phoenix_firebrdJames147: virus?00:37
James147its possible ...00:37
James147phoenix_firebrd: you could try changing your mirror...00:38
phoenix_firebrdJames147: shall i add the ppa again and try?00:39
James147not sure if that will help if you already have the key ^^ (though it shouldnt hurt) I would also try changing your mirror00:40
phoenix_firebrdJames147: can you see any keys for the ppa in here "http://imagebin.org/133138"00:43
James147probally the kubuntu updates, but i am not sure00:44
phoenix_firebrdJames147:  is there a possibly that the package in ppa may not be signed?00:48
moses_this laptop is no good00:48
moses_i think i should try a lan boot00:48
James147phoenix_firebrd: its possible... but I do not know why it wouldnt be... I suggest you try changing mirror.. if that dosent help you could try asking on #kubuntu-devel00:51
phoenix_firebrdJames147: changed the mirror, i will try and see if it works, if not i will refer to people in kubuntu-devel. thank you for the support00:58
poyntzis there any way to make rekonq better? like plugins, addons, etc..00:58
James147poyntz: dont think it supports plugins atm...00:59
* James147 thinks the latest version from the git repos is better then the stable version though... but still needs allot of work00:59
poyntzahh link me pls01:00
James147^^ not a simple like :) it would envolve compiling the program from source01:00
poyntzack no ppa =S01:01
James147poyntz: probally not... at least not will be becomes stable :)01:01
poyntzJames147: what version is it?01:02
James147poyntz: atm i have 0.6.6001:02
James1470.6.1 was the latest stable as far as I know01:03
poyntzis making a ppa hard? i kinda expected it to have a ppa =S01:05
James147poyntz: dont know about that... dont think so... but why do you expect unstable software to have a ppa?01:06
poyntzdidn't you say 0.6.1 was the latest stable?01:06
poyntzoo damn01:07
James147poyntz: yeah, and isent that included with the latest version of kubuntu?01:07
poyntzthats the one i've got haha01:07
poyntzor the latest kde.. not sure which01:07
James147dont think its part of kde01:07
poyntzwasnt konqueror01:08
rww!info rekonq maverick01:08
ubotturekonq (source: rekonq): KDE web browser based on Webkit. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1150 kB, installed size 2132 kB01:08
poyntz[offtopic] if ya get ya connection rejected on an irc network, try using a different port01:19
poyntzworks wonders..01:19
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moses_is there a way to install linux from inside windows?02:23
Daskreechmoses_: yes I suppose02:26
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe02:26
moses_is it effective?02:27
moses_if i unstall ubuntu via wubi02:34
moses_will i be able to delete windows and occupy that spacve?02:34
rtdosis there a reason kopete is taking up 88-93 percent of my processor time?02:34
Daskreechmoses_: no it will be installed in a directory under windows like any other programm02:42
moses_that is going to suck02:43
moses_does anyone know how to reformat via lan?02:46
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dannyLopezhow I can unistall all gnome desk02:48
dannyLopezi kubuntu02:48
DragnslcrdannyLopez- install the ubuntu-desktop package02:48
dannyLopezDragnslcr: I have ubuntu whit gnome but I change to kubuntu (kubuntu-desktop) but now I want uninstall all gnome desktop02:50
DragnslcrOh, uninstall. Sorry, I misread that02:51
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »02:51
dannyLopezthis page only show me the ubuntu 9.10 I have 10.1002:51
DragnslcrShould be pretty much the same02:52
DragnslcrAt least the automatic removal would be02:52
moses_can you boot kubuntu from online?02:58
moses_or only lan?02:58
rtdoscouple of questions: why is kopete taking up 88-93 percent of my cpu and i ran both "sudo apt-get remove --purge" for both "ubuntu-desktop" and "gnome-desktop-environment" and I still have gnome and ubuntu on my system. how do i totally remove gnome and ubuntu/gnome from my system ?03:00
Daskreechmoses_: hmm? without ssh? :)03:04
Daskreechrtdos: plugin I would suppose03:05
Daskreechmoses_: You can boot from a LAN I think03:05
Daskreech!purekde > rtdos03:05
ubotturtdos, please see my private message03:05
rtdosplugin Daskreech? how do i get purekde?03:05
rtdosoh, ok, thanks Daskreech03:06
Daskreechrtdos: Plugin for Kopete03:06
rtdoswould there be a way to tell which plugin ? or ?03:07
Daskreechumm no for me it was the history plugin03:07
Daskreechwent nuts03:07
moses_does kubuntu have a netboot?03:12
moses_because ubuntu does03:13
valoriewhen you install on a netbook, that's the interface you get03:15
moses_is that where the files for kubuntu netboot are?03:15
valorieor you can change to that interface even in regular laptops03:15
moses_this is my first netboot ever03:15
valoriein 10.10 you don't need anything special03:15
valorieit's all built-in03:15
moses_i still dont understand03:15
moses_im following that03:16
valorieI'm sorry for the confusion03:16
valorieI thought you were talking about a netBOOK03:16
valorieI should read more carefully03:17
valoriemy goodness that old kub netboot is old03:17
valorieprobably moldy too03:18
moses_thats the top google hit03:18
valorielooks like there is no kub-only netboot03:20
valorieyou would ubuntu-netbook, then install KDE on top of that03:20
moses_think that turotial will suffice?03:20
valoriehttp://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download is the current ISOs03:20
moses_i have the ISO03:21
valoriemoses_: as long as you are good at following directions in the console, you should be fine03:21
moses_i am03:21
moses_but will that turotial work for a netboot?03:21
moses_sorry val im a noob kinda03:22
valorieyes, if you are running a windows machine03:22
moses_ok perfect03:22
valoriethis is more general: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot03:24
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:24
valoriethanks, ubottu03:25
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moses_has anyone here ever done a windows netboot?03:37
e_t_Is that where you install Windows over the network? Or do you want to install Linux over the network from a Windows server?03:38
moses_i set it up03:39
moses_but i cant get it to work03:39
moses_my machine doesnt pick anything u03:39
e_t_Do you have any other DHCP servers on the network that might be intercepting address requests?03:41
moses_my routers03:41
moses_this server im running has stuff in its log03:42
moses_should i use bind DHCP to this address?03:42
e_t_So you know for certain that the computer you're trying to boot is getting its information from the Windows machine?03:44
moses_now i got a more complex error03:45
moses_said file not found03:45
moses_idk what file its looking for03:45
moses_yeah here want to see my errors03:46
moses_* egossett has quit (Remote host closed the connection)03:46
moses_what file is it looking for?03:47
moses_You may also have to copy pxelinux.0 to the netboot folder (instead of it's original home in '/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/'), if you get an error such as 'error 2 in system call CreateFile: The system cannot find the file specified' in TFTPD32's logs.03:47
moses_i did copy it03:47
moses_let me retry03:48
moses_i read wrong03:48
e_t_It's looking for pxelinux.003:49
moses_i fixed it03:50
moses_let me tell you i am loving this03:50
moses_im kinda pissed that its only ubuntu03:50
moses_but ill just install the KDE wm03:50
moses_10.10 is the newest ver of ubuntu also correct?03:52
e_t_Correct. The next version will be out in April.03:53
moses_should i have picked advanced installation to delete the windows partition that is already on there03:55
moses_or will i already be able to do that?03:55
moses_can i ask if anyone knows if i can install windows from a netboot04:07
e_t_moses_: It's not as easy as Linux. Google WAIK.04:10
moses_lol hell no its not04:12
valoriethe only people who think Windows is easy to install are those who haven't done it04:17
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e_t_Windows 7 is pretty easy, but it takes a long time, especially considering how little you get when it's done.04:18
moses_these methods are insane04:19
moses_has anyone here done it before?04:19
moses_does WAIK work for windows vista>?04:20
e_t_If you get the vista version of WAIK.04:21
moses_i mean windows XP04:21
moses_im sorry04:21
e_t_You might want to ask on ##windows or ##windows-server04:23
dthackerso what's the name of that twitter/identi.ca client that's installed by default.   I closed it and and I can't find it to restart it04:41
e_t_Choqok? Or do you mean the Plasma widget?04:42
dthackere_t_: the plasma widget04:42
e_t_It's titled Microblogging.04:44
dthackerunder online services. thanks04:44
dthackerHas KDE 4.6 been released yet or are we still at RC2?04:45
e_t_I don't think it's been released. You can check www.kde.org to see.04:45
moses_i just passed the part of the installation where i select packages05:04
moses_i didnt bother to grab anything right now05:04
moses_is that ok?05:04
dthackermoses_: yes, if you have a network connection, you can always add later.05:05
moses_and actually ubuntu asks if you want to make it into kubuntu05:05
moses_did you know that?05:05
valorieI hadn't heard that05:06
mjobindthacker: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.6_Release_Schedule05:30
dthackermjobin: thanks, that what I was looking for....05:30
moses_how can install the driver for my graphics07:27
moses_where can i find a list of the aps to download and run for kubuntu?07:33
moses_i need to install this nvidia driver07:34
poyntzand search\07:36
poyntznext to find by name you should see a field07:36
poyntzin that field type nvidia07:37
poyntzand hit enter07:37
moses_wait im lost07:37
moses_where am i doing this?07:37
poyntzHold Alt + F207:37
poyntzin that field type kpackagekit07:38
poyntzhit enter07:38
valorieor the kmenu07:38
moses_wow ty07:38
moses_this is simple07:38
moses_much easier than freeBSD07:38
poyntzmoses_: np07:38
moses_its running sooooo slow07:39
moses_is that because the driver is not installed correct?07:39
moses_my kubuntu07:39
moses_is loading the gui very slowly07:39
poyntzyou might have outdated linux-image packages07:39
moses_i just lan booted 10.1007:40
moses_hmmm theres a ton of entries07:40
poyntzthe latest would be the best07:40
moses_should i get nvidia-current?07:40
poyntzpersonally, i installed the latest off the site07:40
moses_i dont think im that skilled yet07:41
poyntzthe latest driver will be on the site07:41
poyntzit's up to you07:41
moses_ill check it out07:41
poyntzdo you know how to use a console?07:42
poyntzid suggest you get familiar with this before using versions from the distributor07:43
poyntzevery time i've upgraded the linux-image files i've had to reinstall my graphics driver to see the kde desktop07:44
poyntzif you stick to packages from the official repositories this shouldn't be as much of an issue07:44
mosesinternet died07:51
mosesim going to download the driver now07:51
mosesbut i have an older card07:51
moseshow can i use kubuntu to find out what my graphics card is?07:53
valorieSystem Settings > Hardware07:57
mosesi see that07:57
mosesbut i do not see a list07:58
valoriethere is always lspci in the console07:58
mosesill do that07:58
moseshow do i pop open a console?08:01
valorieI use konsole, myself08:05
valoriealthough there are other choices08:05
mosesi havent set my root password i dont think08:05
valorieand I've just put the icon down in the taskbar, since I use it all the time08:05
valoriek/ubuntu uses sudo08:06
valorienot root as such08:06
valorieand you set up a pw when you installed08:06
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:06
mosesthis OS is amazing08:09
moseshow do i use the console to install this .run file08:11
valorie.run file?08:12
e_t_moses: (probably) "sudo ./file.run"08:12
valorienormally to run an app, you can just type the name and return08:12
valorieoh, a script08:13
* valorie will shut up08:13
moseswhat is that syntax08:15
mosesshould i cd to that dir?08:15
mosesit doesnt like the command08:18
e_t_What error do you get?08:18
mosescommand not found08:18
mosesand when i try that without the sudo08:19
mosesit says permission denied08:19
e_t_Post the output of "ls -l file.run"08:19
=== administrateur is now known as Wouam
mosesls: cannot access file.run: No such file or directory08:20
e_t_You have to use the actual name of the file.08:21
mosesis the output08:22
poyntzmoses: type sudo sh NVIDIA.run08:22
poyntzthen enter your password08:22
mosesits running <308:22
moseswhats that command?08:22
mosessays error must be run as root08:23
mosesi forgot the sudo08:23
WouamI found the map to the candy mountain08:24
mosesi dont have the package binutils08:24
Wouamepic fail ... >_<"08:24
e_t_moses: I assume you're trying to install the nVidia graphics drivers?08:24
Wouaminstall it08:24
poyntzyou'll need admin privs for it to install anything08:24
Wouamsudo apt get08:24
poyntzmoses: let me know how it goes08:25
mosese_t_, indeed i am08:26
poyntzmoses: also you may have to close X server..08:26
poyntzmoses: if this is the case, try restarting kubuntu in graphics mode and dropping to a command shell08:26
poyntzor root shell08:26
poyntzand then running sudo sh NVIDIA.run from the directory you put it in08:27
e_t_moses: Why not install it from the repositories? That will take care of dependencies automatically.08:27
mosesi dont know which one to install08:27
mosesits a really odd card08:27
e_t_What's the card number?08:27
poyntzmoses: the latest will be on the site.. also check for 64bit/32bit... most supported for ubuntu will be in the repositories..08:29
mosesa GeForce FX Go520008:30
mosesthe site only had a 6408:30
poyntzdo you have 64bit kubuntu?08:31
poyntzit won't work08:31
poyntzyou need the latest 32bit for linux08:31
e_t_moses: You want the nvidia-173 package in the repos.08:32
mosesit says i have nvidia-173-modaliases installed08:33
mosesshould i install the nvidia-17308:33
mosesyes i should08:33
poyntzmoses: sudo apt-get install nvidia-173-*08:33
poyntzmoses: from a command line08:34
mosesi grabbed it from the gui08:34
moseshopwfully this will speed things up08:34
poyntzeither way is fine08:34
poyntzshell is more reliable08:34
mosesyeah i need to use shell always08:34
mosesyou think this will speed things up?08:35
mosesmy gui?08:35
poyntzi'd try the gui08:35
poyntzif you have any problems uninstall and try shell08:35
mosesmy gui is really slow08:35
mosesthe fading and the opening and closing08:35
mosesplease let this be why08:35
e_t_The trick with the nvidia package is that, once it's installed, you have to boot to the console (I've used recovery mode for this) and run nvidia-xconfig (as root) to configure the xorg.conf file properly.08:37
moseshow to boot to console?08:37
valoriecontrol - alt f4 usually08:38
valorieand for me it's control - alt f7 to get back08:39
jhohnthats a normal change to console, not boot to console08:39
valorieyou don't have to boot in and out usually08:39
e_t_You really need to reboot after installing the nvidia driver because it creates a kernel module.08:40
jhohnkernel modules can be loaded into a running kernel08:40
mosesok but how to enter the console after boot and edit the nvidia x config?08:40
jhohnyou get to console with Ctrl-Alt-<F1> (F1 to F6 usually)08:42
jhohnthen get root08:42
jhohnand load the nvidia module with "modprobe -i nvidia"08:43
e_t_Reboot the computer and press and hold Shift to bring up the GRUB menu. Choose the recovery mode option (probably second). You will be presented with a menu. Scroll down 'til you see root prompt. Enter "nvidia-xconfig" there.08:43
jhohnthen run "nvidia-xconfig"08:43
mosesmy computer tweaked out08:44
e_t_nvidia-xconfig cannot be run while the x server is running. That's part of why I suggested the reboot.08:44
mosesso i started the computer in recovery mode08:45
moseswhere is that config file?08:46
e_t_If you're at the root prompt, you should be able to enter just nvidia-xconfig.08:47
mosesit made a new config file08:47
e_t_That is correct.08:47
mosesnow what?08:47
moseschange to that?08:47
e_t_give the command "shutdown -r now" to reboot. You don't need recovery mode this time.08:48
moseswhat did that do?08:48
mosesit generated a config file08:48
mosesbut will that fix my problem?08:49
e_t_It created the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. This file is a configuration for the X server. The nvidia program gives it the approiate settings to use the nvidia graphics driver.08:49
mosesit seems like its much faster08:50
e_t_It *should* give you snappier graphics performance and 3D effects.08:50
mosesdo you think xubuntu takes a while to start up?08:50
e_t_I haven't used it in a few versions.08:51
mosesmuch faster08:51
Vipermadнарод кто нить варку запускал через гарену?09:57
Tm_T!ru | Vipermad09:57
ubottuVipermad: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:57
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MatisseKDE often starts without a taskbar. What can I do?11:53
MatisseGoogle only shows results which do not help me (very old; wrong commands)11:54
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Matissetyping "kicker" into konsole doesn't help, "dcop kicker kicker restart" neither, because it seems to be no dcop running11:56
Matisse"kpanel" isn't working too11:57
Matissewhat now?11:58
Matisseany idea?11:58
Matissefor me?11:58
FloodBotK2Matisse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
frogonwheelsMatisse: that kinda behvaiour will get you kicked out :)12:00
frogonwheelsMatisse: or incur the wrath of the FloodBot!12:00
* Matisse silent12:00
frogonwheelsMatisse: are the general window decorations present?  is there the palette on the desktop corner for desktop settings?12:01
Matisseyes, both present12:01
Matisseadding a new taskbar doesnt help12:01
frogonwheels Matisse: kicker has been integrated.. not a seprate app.12:01
Matissethat means?12:02
Matisseok, typing "kicker" wont do anything12:02
Matissetrue :)12:02
Matissefrogonwheels, but then there must be a command like "dcop kicker..." to do that task, right?12:03
frogonwheelsMatisse: hmm.. qdbus would the da word12:13
frogonwheelsthe da  *sigh*12:14
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husenada yg liat chat saya ?12:35
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BluesKajHi folks13:06
jhohn!hello | divinefury13:25
xtremekHello everyone13:38
xtremekI'm using Quassel on Kubuntu; but I can't figure out how to add the irc.kde.org network13:39
xtremekDo you know how?13:39
susundbergno, sorry. i prefer irssi13:40
xtremekSo what stuff goes on in this channel?13:40
susundbergmostly heavy idling13:41
xtremekOK cool13:41
xtremekSo I'll do the same!13:41
yofel_xtremek: go to Settings -> configure quassel -> irc -> networks and add the network there13:48
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xtremekAhh OK13:48
adamjI installed chrome from googles deb (more fool me - as i already have a nice working copy of chromium) although i have since used system settings to set my default browser back to firefox - links in say thunderbird still open in chrome - it has even nicked the filezilla->edit on .html files - having also tried teh file associations I am at a loss - is it possible that gnome file associations...13:50
adamj...are stored else where - and thunderbird is obeying them ?? - HELP13:51
susundbergdoesnt thunderbird say when you assign that these settings are stored in place X and you can change them by ....13:52
susundbergat least i think some version did13:52
susundbergedit->preferences->attachements at least contain some13:53
adamjthey are all set to ask - and are all file type based rather than protocol13:54
susundbergHuh, i have http there13:59
ale`hi, how can I connect to a wireless network on boot?13:59
susundbergthats no file type, right13:59
adamjeither way - still want to find out what / how chrome does14:01
susundbergale`: you mean after system has booted, but before user has logged in?14:01
ale`susundberg: yes.14:02
ale`The system-connection option in the network connections panel in systemsettings is greyed out :-/14:03
bigbrovar_anyone else getting ibus problem on KUbuntu just about every application I start gives this error "no connection to ibus-daemon "14:03
susundbergale`: i would say you need to use /etc/network/interfaces but not sure14:03
susundbergat least that was used to do what you want14:03
susundbergbut it might be outdated14:03
ale`susundberg: that's what I was thinking, as there actually is an option "system connection" in the wifi settings :-/14:04
BluesKajale`, what kind of connection, wifi or ethernet?14:04
=== yupii is now known as TIoweno27
BluesKajok wifi , got it , ale`14:05
susundbergale`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=899421 ?14:07
susundbergso it should be possible from there ..14:07
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:08
ale`susundberg: that directory was there already :-/14:08
ale`I don't get an error when saving the connection as system wide. I can't set it as system wide instead, because the option is greyed out :-/14:09
susundbergsorry dont know14:11
susundberggoogle and ask forum maybe?14:11
divinefurywot wifi adapter do u have??14:11
ale`susundberg: I was already googling before coming here of course. I even tried a fix proposed in the arch forums, to no avail.14:12
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divinefuryale: what wifi adapter do u have?14:12
ale`divinefury: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN14:12
divinefurycould it b that the driver does not implement the feature?14:14
divinefurygive us a sec14:14
divinefurywot drivers are u using at the moment?14:17
divinefuryare they the 1s from the repo or from the intel site?14:17
BluesKaj!u | divinefury14:17
ubottudivinefury: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.14:17
divinefuryok ok heh its just second nature innet?14:19
jhohnits ok, i am not a native english speaker and do not have any probs with it14:19
BluesKajdivinefury, this isn't IM , it's irc so text shortcuts aren't appreciated and sometimes are misunderstood14:20
* ale` is thinking of replacing network-manager with wicd14:20
divinefurywhen you are writing on paper, you use proper spellings with all the consonants and vowels and on the computer, unless its a uni assignment or a company memo, you use short-hand abbreviations14:20
divinefurybtw, im not a native english speaker :p14:20
divinefuryby the way *14:21
rorkidd divinefury14:21
divinefurygosh, this would be harder than i first thought it'd be :(14:21
BluesKajjhohn, no matter , we have to respect the rules , they make it easier for everyone14:22
divinefuryhttp://www.internetslang.com/ ;)14:24
BluesKajale`, I used wicd for a while on my laptop, but after intrepid , network manager got debugged and worked fine , but I never tried to have it run right at boot14:24
BluesKajdivinefury, this irc freenode , this server doesn14:25
BluesKaj'subscribe to network slang14:25
divinefuryheh don't get all haughty and that :o14:26
BluesKajhaughty ? ...it's just respect for others , that's all ...it doesn't matter if you first langauge isn't english14:27
divinefuryyou take things too seriously :)...14:28
divinefuryif you notice i haven't used even a single non-standard abbreviation since you first pointed it out14:28
adamjsusundberg - seems there is now a pile of symlinks in /etc/alternative/ which map various defaults - seems ( in typical f*#king google style ) they decided in the debs post install script - that chrome should out rank all other browsers installed - and set itself here14:28
rorkIt makes sense to use proper english in a support channel which all kind of nationalities/ages/experienced people use. It should be a small effort to be honest.14:29
divinefuryand im making it :)14:29
divinefuryso i don't really see a problem14:30
adamjfinal solution - cd /etc/alternatives/; rm x-www-browser gnome-default-browser; ln -s /usr/bin/firefox x-www-browser;14:30
divinefuryit wasn't intentional but anyways, my apologies for any perceived 'disrespect'14:31
divinefuryhappy? now can we all get along? please :)?14:31
BluesKajdivinefury, no need to get personal. we just have to maintain certain standards , that's all I have to say14:32
divinefuryi apologised :o14:33
susundbergadamj: it was not that hard, was it ;)14:35
BluesKajdivinefury,  fine14:35
adamjha - never accuse a man with a keyboard and a beard of 'taking things too seriously'14:35
susundbergadamj: ps. did you try the command 'update-alternatives'14:35
divinefuryBluesKaj: if you notice, the apology wasn't aimed at any1 :)...i haven't been on irc in a long time and the last time i was on it, there were no such rules....so it was an honest mistake14:36
adamjsusundberg - just a matter of reading through the postinstall in the deb - joy - i looked at update-alternatives - but i like to go manual if possible - so i know what's happening14:36
divinefuryand just joke about everything is what i do so heh nothing personal there14:36
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divinefuryadamj: just out of curiosity did you try 'sudo dpkg -r google-chromium'?14:43
divinefurybigrovar: which version of kubuntu are you using?14:47
divinefurybigrovar: which version of kde?14:47
adamjdivinefury:  it was google-chrome-stable_current_i386 (chromium works great - and didn't hose my file/protocol associations) - as i suspected in teh end - it was google just presuming their browser was 'highest prority'15:04
adamjdivinefury: is there a config file that holds the various possibilities for the alternatives sysmlinks - that includes the priorities ? to be honest i think chrome will hose them again when it updates15:07
adamjdivinefury: i presume this exists so teh link can be set back to a previous value when a package is removed15:09
BajK_too bad there is no "KDE distribution"15:10
yofeladamj: a) don't mess with the symlinks in /etc/alternatives by hand, use update-alternatives, and update-alternatives --display x-www-browser will list the configuration, and with --config (and sudo) you can change it15:33
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adamjyofel: cheers for that - do you know where it stores the information you see in --display ( i.e. the other browsers and their priotities ? )15:44
yofelyes, in /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/* - please don't mess with that, that's package management internal15:45
adamjyofel: dont worry - when i break it I wont bitch :-)15:45
yofeladamj: you can also install kalternatives - then you can manage them from system settings15:46
adamjyofel: you seem to know about this - is theer a way of stoping a package ( shall we say chrome ) giving itself a silly high priority ( even if it is the unstable build ) - can I ( just the machines owner and admin ) out rank the deb from google ?15:46
yofeladamj: if you use --config and set the browser by yourself, the setting will be set to manual and dpkg won't touch it in the future15:47
adamjis kalternatives just a kde GUI to manage /etc/alternatives - or is it another parallel mechanism - thanks re the manual override15:48
yofelit's a GUI for update-alternatives15:48
adamjand - should i raise a bug kde/kubuntu because setting default browser in kde system settings did not fix this for me - and i figure it should have ?15:48
yofelhm, not sure, those are 2 seperate settings, KDE itself will honor it's own setting, but as for other applications, dunno - feel free to file a bug, but I don't know if this is possible (or should be done)15:50
adamjyofel: cheers - will try and understand the seperation of file association stacks before going near a bug report - thanks again15:51
kukuNutrecorditnow doesn't record sound? any ideas?15:58
kukuNutspkr icon checked and can't see any other settings15:59
Windowedhello, is it normal tha kwallet keeps asking me for the wlan password??16:21
A_B_Hi, what would be a good kde4 disk usage utility alternative to firelight ?16:23
rtdosis there an anti-virus for kubuntu / linux that'll also scan windows files (even scan using network drives) ?16:27
adamjrtdos : clam - in its various forms ?16:34
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adamjrtdos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV16:38
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FloridaGuyin kubuntu 10.10..how do i find out what tvtunner card i have16:50
stuqanyone else having kmix/pulseaudio issues on 10.10?  Kmix is causing cpu race and is very unresponsive.16:50
FloridaGuy in 10.10...for hardware info....how can i find out what tv tunner card i have???17:03
Windowedhow come network manager keeps configuring my wlan and asking to access kwallet?17:06
rtdosthanks adamj17:07
FloridaGuydoes kubuntu have a gui where can see a list of all hardware on the system17:08
FloridaGuy268 people in here....but no one speaks17:09
Windowedprobably all bots...17:10
FloridaGuyWindowed: if you dont use kwallet you could uninstall it17:11
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yofelFloridaGuy: not sure, for the card either look at the kernel log as what it was recognised, or try kinfocenter17:15
FloridaGuyyofel: there isent a hardware center in kubuntu17:16
yofelwell, kinfocenter is the closest thing you can get17:16
yofelyou probably need to install it if it isn't there17:16
FloridaGuyyofel: that gave me what i wanted17:19
FloridaGuynow fow tvtunner card....gota find out who WinTV is...cant remember if thats ati or what17:20
sugoruyohey all, has anyone tried to install maverick on a macbook? (mine is 2,1)17:23
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brack9What's the name of the Ubuntu package with the complete set of Oxygen icons including the SVG sources?18:15
brack9oxygen-icon-theme-complete seems to just have some of the 256x256 PNGs18:15
yofelbrack9: if you have a specific icon you can use dpkg -S <path> to find out which package it belongs to18:33
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ct529hi guys, I would like always to use -march=native when I compile .... how do I set this up?19:33
ct529I am fed up with setting it up on a on demand basis every time I compile19:34
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mandlaHey guys. Its me again, is there anywhere where i can find a PERL script that extracts data from Excel files into a MYSQL database?20:04
Picimandla: I'd try asking in #perl20:05
PiciAlthough you'll need to be registered/identified to join there.20:05
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:05
mandlaPici: Can i get the address of the site.20:06
Picimandla: Thats a channel here on irc.20:07
Pici/join #perl20:07
mandlaPici: Where do i get to register?20:07
mandlaPici: Im kinda slow, lol, thanx man, i get it now.20:09
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.20:11
mandlaPici: Hey Pici, which other channels are available here, ddnt know how powerful this is.20:19
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Picimandla: For Ubuntu related channels, see:                                                       [ Wrote 135 lines ]20:23
PiciOr for others; http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist20:24
Pici!alis | too20:24
ubottutoo: Looking for a channel? /msg alis list *searchterm*     More help in #freenode20:24
mandlaPici: Thax man.20:29
rtdoshow do i uninstall or disable all power management functions and daemons?20:36
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rtdoshow do i disable or uninstall or remove all power management apps and daemons?21:11
rtdoshelp! how do i disable or uninstall or remove all power management apps and daemons?21:20
James147rtdos: why are you trying to do that?21:26
sfearshow can i configure konversation to connect to freenode without getting the sasl error?21:26
rtdosJames147: i looked in bios and uninstalled everything gnome / ubuntu but about 2 or 3 minutes after the screensaver kicks in my monitor powers off. i already checked my powersave settings and disabled all powersave options when plugged in.21:30
sfearsrtdos: sounds like you may have an xscreen saver session kicking in after the kde screen saver starts.. not sure where the setting is but that sounds like it could be the culprit21:35
sfearsinother words you have a gnome screen saver and a kde screen saver rtdos21:36
rtdossfears: i uninstalled gnome power management. how do i look to see what daemons are running?21:36
sfearsnot sure rtdos21:36
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rtdosi see under kde services configuration manager a tick box for power management. i'm going to un-tick it and see what happens. thanks sfears.21:38
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sfearsrtdos: i think the gnome screen saver is what you need to disable21:39
rtdossfears: it's uninstalled, at least synaptic and sudo apt-get both tell me it is. :-\21:42
sfearsrtdos: alright, just keep in mind it may not be a power management settings, could just be a blank screen saver that has settings buried in some gdm configs that are laying around21:45
sfearsis there a way to connect to freenode via konversation?21:46
Darothanehi all, does anyone use Quassel and knows if it's possible to prevent notices from going into the server window, I would rather have them in either the channel that they originated from or in a 'popup'22:09
cjcontechHi I'm new to Kubuntu and I'm not liking the logout/power off menu in netbook-edition??? either I'm stupid or it's a bit tricky to get the drop-down suspend list to show up22:37
James147cjcontech: click and hold22:38
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cjcontechthanks but can I not configure it to show buttons instead... apart from that I'm loving Kubuntu22:39
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James147cjcontech: not that i know of, but you should beable to suspend from the battery widget22:40
James147^^ or alt+f2 and type: suspend22:40
James147^^ or even configure the power button to suspend :)22:40
cjcontechJames147: thanks these are good work-arounds, it's just a bit of a niggle really22:41
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* James147 has his netbook set up to suspend when the lid is closed, or the power button is pressed... if he needs to reboot or shutdown he alt+f2: reboot :)22:42
cjcontechJames147: pls explain the difference between suspend to ram/suspend to disk!22:43
James147cjcontech: s2ram means power off everything but the ram... uses very little power and have a very very quick wake up22:43
cjcontechJames147: ok and suspend to disk?22:44
James147cjcontech: s2disk copies the conents of the ram into the swapspace on the disk and powers off teh computer completely, slow then s2ram to suspend and resume but uses no power (its also quicker then a full boot... well sorta)22:44
James147cjcontech: note taht for s2disk you need more swap space then the current total ram being used or it will fail22:45
* James147 has never gotten s2disk to work well :p... he just uses s2ram, its much quicker 22:46
cjcontechJames147: ok so s2ram is like "standby" and s2ram is like "hibernate"?22:46
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James147^^ s2disk is hibernate taht is :)22:46
cjcontechJames147: I have double swap space to ram, I'd like to use s2disk as then all my apps e.g. Thunderbird would still be open in the morning (after hibernating over night)22:48
* James147 also notes that kubuntu, by default, opens all applications that where open when the computer was last shutdown22:48
cjcontechJames147: well I'm learning a lot tonight thanks22:49
cjcontechJames147: :)22:49
James147^^ so if you want to test s2disk, make sure its actually working and not just kde reoping the applications :)22:50
cjcontechJames147: I'm testing it now...22:51
cjcontechJames147: surely the best test is to open a new text document, type something, leave it unsaved and then s2disk?22:53
James147cjcontech: mmmm... not sure, quite a few kde programs will save their state and reopen22:54
cjcontechJames147: well as long as it works I'm happy :)22:55
cjcontechJames147: seems to work fine, I'm still doing it from the drop-down menu, it's not ideal, but then switching to the terminal sorta breaks the Kde "style"23:03
James147cjcontech: ^^ just need to press alt+f2 and start typing hybern....23:03
cjcontechJames147: maybe I could add a like to a s2disk script on the favourites bar?23:04
cjcontechJames147: maybe I could add a link to a s2disk script on the favourites bar?23:04
James147cjcontech: ^^23:05
cjcontechJames147: isn't alt+f2 the run shortcut23:07
James147cjcontech: yes23:07
James147but it dose more then just run programs23:07
cjcontechJames147: oh sorry I thought you were talking about the terminal23:07
cjcontechJames147: I was getting confused there23:08
cjcontechJames147: so I just type "s2disk" ???23:08
James147^^ :s i have to type "suspend to disk"... though it finds it well before i complete that23:10
James147(and the krunner is smart, starts to learns what you type23:10
cjcontechJames147: cool, another nice feature23:10
cjcontechJames147: how to I switch to the terminal again, I should know this...23:11
James147cjcontech: alt+f2: "konsole"  :) dont ened to switch to a vertial terminal all the time23:11
James147^^ but if you need to its alt+ctrl+F[1-6]23:12
cjcontechJames147: ok so alt+ctrl+F1 e.g. is a vertical terminal?23:13
James147^^ or better known as a tty :)23:13
cjcontechJames147: ok thanks for the info :)23:14
cjcontechJames147: yeah suspend to disk seems to work fine23:14
cjcontechJames147: logout doesn't work for me though23:15
James147why not?23:16
cjcontechJames147: I haven't got a clue just goes to a black screen with "boot-sequence" type text23:16
James147cjcontech: try switching to a tty and restarting kdm (sudo restart kdm)23:17
cjcontechJames147: yeah that works23:19
cjcontechJames147: bit of a issue there then23:20
James147try this: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8952036#323:21
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cjcontechJames147: thanks again, I'll try that later (to late to start editing config files)23:23
cjcontechJames147: I'm glad "suspend to disk" works though as every time I login I have to type my kdewallet password23:24
cjcontechJames147: from a boot or reboot, I mean23:24
James147cjcontech: ^^ thats proballt the network manager trying to connect at login, you can stop taht by telling it to store the passphrases in an unencrypted file23:25
cjcontechJames147: yeah exactely23:25
cjcontechJames147: I may do that later if it gets really annoying in the future23:26
* James147 hopes that kde will support unlocking the wallet automatically on login eventually23:27
cjcontechJames147: I'm surprised KUbuntu isn23:27
cjcontechJames147: I'm surprised KUbuntu isn't more popular, I hated Ubuntu 10.10 UNE23:27
James147^^ as far as I know kwallet is undergoing most of a rewrite atm23:27
James147I think its because most people dont care and just get useto what ever they are given :) , i mean just look at windows23:28
cjcontechJames147: lol well that's just an OS for kids and boring businesses23:30
cjcontechJames147: but between Ubuntu 10.10 UNE and Kubuntu 10.10 (with netbook interface), Kubuntu is miles better23:30
James147cjcontech: yup :) kde has come along way in the past couple of years23:31
cjcontechJames147: but it's a shame that some of the "killer apps" seem to be inactive in terms of development23:36
James147cjcontech: like what?23:36
cjcontechJames147: Umbrello for one, that a killer app IMO23:37
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cjcontechJames147: Quanta Plus is another23:41
cjcontechJames147: anyway can I ask whether you use Kmail or Thunderbird or some other e-mail client, does Kmail have an edge on Thunderbird at all?23:44
James147cjcontech: dont know ^^ i just use gmail :)23:44
yofelI use thunderbird23:45
James147^^ although if i where to use one I would go with kmail first :)23:45
cjcontechJames147: well I suppose it has better integration, but I'd rather not have to "learn" another email client23:46
yofelkmail has gotten nice, and once the new release is out and the akonadi stuff hopefully finally works it'll be cool, I'm just too used to thunderbird currently to switch though23:46
James147cjcontech: wouldnt have said it would be that hard to "learn" ^^23:46
cjcontechyeah it's a though choice23:46
yofeland with oxygen-gtk as theme there isn't much of a GUI difference either, just the integration and how it works23:47
yofelJames147: if you're used to a specific behaviour it does take a while to get used to kmail ;)23:47
James147yofel: heh :) i wouldnt know havent used it for very long :) nor any other client23:48
cjcontechso is Kate the default text editor in Kubuntu, I can use that to edit config files??23:48
James147cjcontech: yes23:48
Snowhogcjcontech: This isn't 'perfect' and tends towards being 'busy', but check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-mail_clients23:48
James147^^ you can use any text editor that supportys plain text files to edit config files :D23:48
cjcontechbut Kate is ok, no?23:49
James147cjcontech: no, its much beeter then 'ok' :D23:49
James147better ^^23:49
yofelsure, the issue would me more that kate is much more than you need ;)23:49
James147yofel: ^^ you always have kwrite if kates to much :)23:50
yofelnah, I miss vi input support :P23:50
* James147 is sure taht kwrite is the one with vi input.. is why kate and kdevelop and kile have it as well23:50
cjcontechthe only thing that annoys me with Kde is the relentless prefexing of apps with a K23:51
yofelah wait, kwrite can do that too23:51
Snowhogcjcontech: For editing of configuration files in a graphical editor, Kate is quite good. For quick jobs, I often just edit via the CLI using nano (or sudo nano on root files).23:51
James147cjcontech: tahts chaning... amarok, plasma...23:51
SnowhogJames147: You weren't told? The 'K' is silent.23:51
cjcontechJames147: well I'm glad because the K thing gets boring quickly23:52
James147Snowhog: Silent and invisable?23:52
moseshow do you make the desktop smaller23:52
SnowhogJames147: Of course. ;)23:52
James147moses: get a smaller monitor?23:52
yofelmoses: I don't think we get what you want to do..23:52
cjcontechJames147: thanks for your help bye :)23:53
cjcontechShowhog: bye :)23:53
mosesi want to select a higher resolution23:53
SnowhogI think moses want's to increase the resolution.23:53
James147moses: :) what graphics card do you have?23:53
mosesdude im running irc from irssi inside of a console in kubuntu23:53
mosesim stoaked23:53
mosesi have an nvidia23:53
James147moses: if you ahve the nvidia driver installed run "kdesudo nvidia-settings"23:54
cjcontechbye :)23:54
James147^^ you can change it there23:54
yofelmoses: did you install the proprietary driver?23:54
mosesi did indeed23:54
* yofel hides to work on neon again23:55

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