
=== yama` is now known as yama
head_victimblahdeblah: I now have View, Edit, Revisions and Track. Thanks for sorting that02:37
head_victimI might have to hit you up one day for a drupal masterclass so I can actually be useful02:37
blahdeblahhead_victim: good to hear02:57
blahdeblahBut if you hit me up for a drupal master class, expect to come out knowing less than you did before. ;-)02:58
head_victimHah "that's unpossible!"02:59
blahdeblahhead_victim: You underestimate my unmasterness in Drupal. ;-)03:34
blahdeblahAnyway, now you should be able to edit it and see the HTML code for lines.03:35
* blahdeblah obviously needs more coffee03:35
=== poggle_ is now known as poggle
head_victimblahdeblah: cheers mate, coffee is useless for me, I've gone through 26 hours of awakeness04:04
head_victimWell I'll no doubt be back later. I promise next time I'll try to remember to do the links properly, if I don't make me go and edit them myself :D04:14
Swathelol we put mates iphone sim in his my tab and the phone rang05:42
=== zipperhead is now known as LanoX
LanoXwow kitchen looks amazing09:20
LanoXDoc and steff09:20
LanoXgreat work boys09:20
sagaciblahdeblah: ping09:37
ozzynotwood_Hello Room10:24
sagaciRoom says hi10:25
ozzynotwood_Has anyone here used the program "Motion" for ubuntu?10:26
sagaciSecurity camera software, yeah?10:26
ozzynotwood_im having trouble with it, if I run sudo motion restart (the only way I can get it to work) all the saved images get deleted after i reboot, how do I stop this?10:28
sagaciDon't know, haven't used it10:29
ozzynotwood_ok, well from what i've read, its got something to do with me running the program as 'root', does that mean anything?10:31
head_victimozzynotwood_: does it want you to run it as root or not run it as root?10:32
ozzynotwood_im not sure how it wants me to run it, but the only way I can run it is with "sudo motion restart", if i just run "motion" in the terminal it starts, but hangs.10:32
head_victimWere you following any guides?10:34
ozzynotwood_No, i looked around, but the only useful thing was finding the command "sudo motion restart" that actually got it working, getting it to work is fine, the problem is after the reboot the saved images are gone.10:36
head_victimozzynotwood_: if not I'd suggest reading http://www.chriswpage.com/2009/05/setup-an-advanced-webcam-security-system-with-ubuntu-8-04-and-motion/ and http://infectedproject.wordpress.com/2007/06/26/set-up-a-webcam-security-system/ as they seem to be pretty thorough10:36
head_victimThey show you how to back it up and configure it10:37
ozzynotwood_ok, there appears to be a way to backup everything using an external program, i will check this out, thanks alot mate!10:39
=== prae_ is now known as praetorian
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
* ikt dances19:12

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