
nhandlerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue21901:55
YoBoYs*** forgot to write the december team report ¬_¬06:37
dholbachgood morning08:16
Ronniehi all11:27
popeyhello Ronnie 11:28
czajkowskiYoBoY: tis ok, these things happen11:29
YoBoYwhy nobody want to do that on my team without me asking for it ¬_¬11:31
czajkowskiYoBoY: why not get someone to create the template 11:32
czajkowskimail the list11:32
czajkowskiand get them to add content to ti 11:32
czajkowski*it 11:32
YoBoYwe need to develop a tool to make it easier, but i'm missing time to work or lead that :]. First step, reorganizing our launchpad pages, it's in progress, next step, upgrade of all our web apps, they need it, some are broken since last year :]11:36
nigelbYoBoY: erm, your loco web apps?11:37
nigelbYoBoY: website, forums, and anything more?11:40
YoBoYdocumentation, planet, wiki to plan the events, a redmine also, an some other small tools11:41
nigelbYoBoY: wow, nice :)11:49
YoBoYnigelb: it's hard to find people to take care of these web apps11:50
nigelbYoBoY: if it weren't for the language handicap, I would've been able to help11:52
HakanSHi all12:19
Ronniemorning mhall11912:46
* nigelb waves to mhall119 12:49
Ronnieis here someone available who wants to braintorm about different kind of uses for a google map on different ubuntu websites. I wrote a plugin which covers the basic stuff (showing a list of markers and adding/moving one marker), but i want to partly rewrite the script to make it even more jquery'ish. but therefore i like to know different use cases12:54
head_victimRonnie: not sure if this is what you mean but I've been wanting a google map setup for loco team maps (eg inputting a suburb of where you are so you can represent where everyone is).12:55
head_victimWell, all teams really.12:56
Ronniehead_victim: what do you mean by 'suburb' ?12:56
Ronniehead_victim: in our community we have something like this http://kaart.ubuntu-nl.org/12:58
head_victimWell instead of having to put your exact location just putting in your suburb (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suburb) or your postcode (or zipcode in some places it's called) so you still get a representation but you can't stalk people.12:58
Ronnieso, instead of a marker, show highlighted area's12:58
head_victimOr the marker in the centre of the area12:59
Ronniehead_victim: http://ubuntuone.com/p/YLF/ (if you fill in the country, and/or city and/or adress - the marker moves the the center of that area) is that what you mean?13:00
mhall119Ronnie: jump over to #edubuntu, I know they were wanting to show maps of school deployments13:00
head_victimI just know a lot of people would be a bit shy about adding their exact location. So yeah being able to fill that in but leaving out the address. 13:01
Ronniehead_victim: is uses google geolocation to translate a "textual location" to a latitude and lingitude13:01
mhall119head_victim: you can always take their exact lng/lat and shift if by a very small random amount13:02
head_victimAh ok, the first one you linked seem to give a street address13:02
Ronniehead_victim: the markers on the map could be precise, but also a few blocks away if the user wants that. The user can decide how 'accurate' the marker should be13:03
head_victimAh fair enough, sounds good13:03
head_victimI was just thinking a couple of weeks ago of trying to find a better way to represent https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Members13:04
head_victimAnd that google map type thing was exactly what I was thinking.13:04
Ronniebut as a trick you can change the marker icon itself to something that represents a half transparent circle to give an area instead of a precice location13:04
Ronnieok, so a new feature could be: showLocation by inputting a list of {name:xxxx, country:xxx, city:xxx} and then point these on the map13:06
Ronniebut i actually dont know how to handle multiple of the same cities13:07
Ronniei think the markers are then exactly on the same spot13:07
head_victimRonnie: I actually know nothing about google maps other than it exists. Maybe a counter on the marker to indicate more than one in that location?13:08
mhall119or just combine multiples names in the 'name' field13:08
mhall119{name:'alice, bob, carl', country:'Fooistan', city:'Bartown'}13:09
Ronnieboth are an option. I standard already use clusters when someone zooms out, to reduce CPU load. but combining names is also a good idea13:09
Ronniemhall119: i think the script itself has to do that, to make it easier for the user of the API13:10
head_victimYeah, or a combination of both, so you can see the number on the map and when you click it shows all in the box13:10
Ronniehead_victim: do you know if its possible to add a google map widget to the wiki?13:20
head_victimRonnie: sorry mate, out of my league. I'd only be giving you stuff I googled13:21
Ronniei dont actually see a good option to turn such wiki page into a map and keep them synced13:21
Ronniehead_victim: do you have some apps running on your own loco server?13:22
head_victimRonnie: we just have a drupal website and the launchpad/wiki stuff13:22
head_victimTo my knowledge*13:23
Ronniehead_victim: its because i think you need to 'host' your own map instance. ( a page where users can add themselves and a page where the map is shown)13:24
head_victimAh ok, I'm learning about this as we're talking. I'm good for ideas and then spend hours on google seeing if they're possible.13:25
Ronnieits maybe also possible, to use some kind of standard map (hosted on a global ubuntu site) and only retrieve the data of the members from your local website. But there should be still a method for users to register in the map13:26
head_victimYeah I'm starting to see flaws in my plan13:33
Ronniehead_victim: i changed the API already to make it possible to use addresses instead of lat/lng only https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-django-foundations/map#locations13:37
head_victimRonnie: looks good but way over my head :) 13:39
head_victimThanks for letting me bounce the idea off you though I've got a bit more to think about now.13:39
head_victimI have to head off for a while, thanks mate13:40
Ronnieoke, cya soon13:40
Ronniehave a nice day13:40
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senseHow does the LoCo Directory determine what languages to show on a team's page?15:24
dholbachsense, you mean in the dropdown menu?15:26
dholbachah no15:26
sensedholbach: No, the languages on a team overview.15:26
dholbachteam admins/owners can set that information15:26
czajkowskisense: dropdown menus 15:26
czajkowskithe team selects them 15:26
senseI see15:26
dholbachsense, for which team is the information wrong?15:27
czajkowskiup to you to display which ever ones you want 15:27
sensedholbach: It's our own, I was just wondering where it got the information from, since I can't get into the edit interface, because of that OpenID bug.15:27
dholbachah, sorry about that15:27
dholbachmaybe another admin/owner can change it, or ask the LC if it bothers you sufficiently :)15:28
czajkowskisense: surely ye have more than one admin who can change it?15:28
senseczajkowski: I don't find the language lists worth the trouble of trying to get hold of the other two admins.15:28
czajkowskisense: clearly you did when you came in here though :)15:29
senseczajkowski: It doesn't take a month to get a response on a question here.15:29
czajkowskisense: what languages do you want and I;ll change them 15:29
czajkowskisense: on the condition you stop your blog re posting the same posts from UDS again and again :p15:30
senseczajkowski: I blame PlanetPlanet!15:30
czajkowskisense: I blame you! now what languages would you like me to edit :) 15:30
senseczajkowski: Just adding Frisian would be fine. Not sure if Limburgian is in there as well, officially it is not a language, but Launchpad lists it.15:30
michael_kspeaking of LoCo Directory is it possible to add multilingual info for events?15:31
czajkowskihmm now it will only list one language 15:31
czajkowskidholbach: how do I add multiple lanagages again ?15:31
dholbachczajkowski: select one, press Ctrl key and hold it and select more15:33
czajkowskidholbach: trying but it wont let me scroll up or down to add more 15:34
czajkowskiand I know I've done it in the past...15:34
dholbachrelease Ctrl-key while you scroll up and down?15:35
mhall119sense: usually people will just put both translations in the event description field15:38
sensemhall119: That was michael_k :)15:38
mhall119oh, sorry15:38
mhall119catching up on the backlog15:38
michael_knio prob15:38
czajkowskidholbach: nope :( wonder is it because I'm using my track pad 15:39
michael_kI was just wondering. Though I hope that one day we'll be so succesful as to host international events15:39
dholbachno idea - it should be a standard multi-choice-box or whatever it's called15:40
czajkowskiodd :(15:42
senseIt's not a big deal, thanks for trying anyway. :)15:47
nigelbmhall119: Hey, I guess you were busy and missed the summit merge request.16:30
nigelbBut if you could do it some time next week, that'd be great :)16:30
mhall119man import-live-data takes a while18:45
cjohnstonyes it does18:51
mhall119hope it's done before my lunch hour is over18:52
mhall119note to self, start the import *before* I'm ready to review branches18:53
* Ronnie is lucky with a fiber power inet conntection and a fast laptop ;)18:53
cjohnstonblah blah blah18:54
mhall119cjohnston: are the timepickers working for you on add event form?19:50
dakermhall119, the timepicker wont work on Maverick19:54
dakerthe timepicker is incompatible with the Jquery version present on Maverick19:56
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mhall119ah, right20:06
dakermhall119, and i think we have another small problem, Ronnie has fixed the css for the datepicker to get it work on Maverick but on prod we are running Lucid, so the css will not work their20:08
mhall119yeah, that would be a problem20:11
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mhall119daker: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-directory/ld-languages-menu/+merge/42760 what's going on with this one?20:50
dakeri can't figure out what's the problem with it, and it wont change the language for some entries20:52
mhall119daker: if you have time, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/loco-directory/fixes-639772/+merge/4431121:03
mhall119or cjohnston ^^21:03
mhall119Look! https://code.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+activereviews <-- A manageable list121:04
dakermhall119, just remember we need to fix the date picker css before we launch the new release and the timepicker will still work since we are running Lucid21:06
mhall119right, I'll have to verify the URLs currently in production21:07
mhall119okay, done21:14
mhall119gah, dodgy internet connection21:31
mhall119did I miss anything important?21:32
dakermhall119, no21:46
Ronniei saw 3 merges today, great work21:53
Ronniemhall119, daker: about the timepicker. there are different jQuery timepickers wich work great with the lucid AND maverick jQuery. maybe move to another one?21:55
mhall119Ronnie: we can't do much in production, we'll have to make our development environments compatible with the old urls22:00
mhall119I have a local copy of jquery-ui 1.722:00

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