
elkyOh yay, more awfulness in -ot00:46
bazhangso as usual, carry on00:55
elkyThe kid he's talking to doesn't even understand he's being told to not wank.00:56
elkybazhang, from colombian 3g? doubt it.00:59
Picibazhang: _16BitSubsystem_/Root_Time01:00
bazhang_AV_ ?01:00
elkybazhang, yah01:01
bazhangchecking the bt01:01
* elky figured you thought it was jungli01:02
elkybut i can't fathom how he'd get a connection through colombian 3g internets01:02
bazhangthought he was saying my name , knowing I was an op and wanting to call attention to the root4d3d's comment01:05
bazhangjungli usually is more jocular01:05
Picibazhang: I thought he was one of those trolls that says hi to you.01:05
rwwhi bazhang01:06
bazhangPici, heh yeah01:06
Pici*mind blown*01:06
rwwviva la tiedye!01:06
rwwI'm going /away. JAMES_698 appears to have gotten a clue, but best keep an eye on him.01:22
rwwin #u, that is.01:22
bazhangIdleOne, PM01:30
IdleOnesaw it01:30
PiciAs much as I'd like to see certain problem users gone, I think we should avoid baiting them.01:31
IdleOneif he thinks he is going to intimidate the ops by making veiled threats he has another thing coming01:31
bazhanglets just let it drop please01:31
IdleOnewill do01:32
elkyPici, I was going to leave it until he essentially threatened to ban evade.01:34
elkyDidn't want to tacitly accept such stupid comments in -ot of all places.01:34
elkybazhang, callico1001:39
bazhangelky, ah01:39
PiciWho is that?01:41
bazhangsomeone silly01:41
elkysome guy who claims to use orca and gets scared by lens artifacts for news reports.01:41
elkyoh, and uses orca so much he spells it orcha01:42
bazhangthe Capitol Building is white, so I can see the confusion with the White House01:42
h00kI don't know what the hell is going on in #ubuntu-offtopic02:14
h00kI'm sober.02:14
PiciI think thats the problm02:14
h00kan elaborate troll?02:15
bazhangor a teen02:15
h00kah, yes.02:16
h00kyou can understand my confusion02:16
bazhangJordan_U, hi02:22
* tonyyarusso pouts03:00
tonyyarussoThe Launchpad people have made it impossible for LoCos to be open teams03:00
h00ktonyyarusso: I noticed that.03:04
h00kBecause the parent team is moderated03:05
h00kUbuntu Local Community Teams03:05
h00kI had a "request" come in this AM03:05
tonyyarussoSuper annoying.03:07
h00kI was all "This used to be open, how in the hell..."03:07
elkyIs this something that's appeared overnight?03:07
tonyyarussoExactly.  I specifically remember going through all of my teams and making sure they were set to "open" a while back, so was confused.03:07
tonyyarussoelky: apparently03:07
h00kWell, I noticed it this morning when I had an email requesting for a user to be approved03:08
h00kelky: ^03:08
rww!screenshot =~ s#http://tinyurl.com/imagebin#http://imagebin.org/?page=add#06:48
ubottuI'll remember that rww06:48
jussioh bollocks. I think I mightve just deleted all my PM's... :/09:06
elkythis is incidentally why i like having bip logs as well as xchat logs09:11
elkyif both those manage to go with one fell swoop, then hell, nothing was going to stop that09:12
popeybah r00t4rd3d is in -ot?11:34
popeyHe wins the award for most offensive mail I've received this year.11:35
bazhangyep, still reading the logs here to check for reactions11:35
jussihe just applied for -irc-members11:35
elkyOhh dear.11:36
elkygord, got your flaksuit on?11:36
elkypopey, yeah, he hadn't done anything there yet other than some vaguely misogynist comments which we noticed after the fact.11:37
elkypopey, with all due perspective, the year is only 18days old :P11:38
popeywell, yes. :)11:38
elkydo you mean "the past year's worth of days" then? Because I'm pretty sure that's both valid and true.11:38
popeyI would need to invoke the google to check that one11:39
jussiany thoughts if I did the right thing there?11:46
elkyYeah. He was baiting.11:46
bazhanghe was asked by two different people to move on, and kept pushing harder11:47
tonyyarussoThere's been a string of (unidentified) people lately who always respond to warnings with something along the lines of telling the op in question that *they* are somehow breaking the guidelines.  I suspect it may all be one person.11:48
jussibe back in a few. feel free to PM him if you like11:49
elkyNot necessarily. It's the MO of a particular group.11:50
tonyyarussoeh, I've seen group-like behavior along those lines before, but this week's -ot one's have been a pretty specific subset.11:51
* tonyyarusso pokes gord11:59
tonyyarussogord: the guy you kicked came back11:59
bazhanggord, you going to follow up with r00t4r3d?11:59
Hobbseei'm surprised he didn't get a namespace wide ban, tbh12:00
elkyHobbsee, if he doesn't smart up very quickly, I'm sure the CC will back me in instituting one.12:01
Hobbseegiven what was on the irc ML12:01
Hobbseethat's true12:01
elkyto be fair.12:02
elkyI mean, I'd love to keep him banned from this channel given how distasteful he is, but this is a fresh round of dealings.12:03
jussiIve just got a PM from him12:04
jussiI havent time to deal with it now - trying to get stuff done here at work12:04
jussi[14:02:03] <r00t4rd3d> come on12:04
jussi[14:02:15] <r00t4rd3d> why they trying to bait me like this12:04
tonyyarussoThat's not even a real question.12:04
Hobbseehe's just trying to cause trouble.  make sure you give him no ammunition, and all is fine12:05
Hobbseebonus points for ignoring PM's, and only talking to him in logged channels, for the purpose of the ban tracker, and ircc12:05
elkyHobbsee, see, the tricky part is that he interprets "being asked to follow rules" as ammunition.12:05
Hobbseeelky: yes, well12:06
elkyHobbsee, woo! I win there.12:06
Hobbseeelky: of course.  i was going with "the less that's said to him, the less he can use as ammunition"12:06
Hobbseei guess i shoul dhave said "make sure you give him no ammunition beyond wha tyou need to"12:07
Hobbseebah.  i swear i can type12:07
* tonyyarusso sighs12:07
jussiI hear you, Im at the next level also, so have to deal with it there as well ;)12:07
elkyHobbsee, He also interprets not talking to him in PM but discussing with other ops as ammunition.12:07
tonyyarusso"This drive is 1/2" too long to fit in my case is turning into "spend $60 on Newegg to get parts that work"12:07
elkytonyyarusso, heh.12:08
tonyyarussoSATA drive, SATA card, SATA cable - argh12:08
Hobbseeelky: yay.  We can only deal with unreasonable behaviour.  If he's going to turn reasonable behaviour into ammunition, then that's unfortunate, but also shows more about him, and less about the ops team12:08
elkyYep. He can come here and try be reasonable.12:09
gordmy standard with people is just to ask them to come into #ubuntu-ops to discuss, telling them further pms will be ignored and setting ignores on their pms, works out okay normally12:09
Hobbseeand make the ircc's decision easier to make, of course12:09
elkygord, yeah well... we'd needed to ban him from here. Thrice.12:09
elkyI just lifted those to let him try a fresh round of appeals with hopefully 100% less insults.12:10
gordthats fine, if we are ignoring pms and he refuses to discuss in here then he just stays banned everywhere else12:10
elkyThat's also fine by me.12:10
r00t4rd3dbanned again cause of my nick , I thought this was already dealt with.12:15
gordr00t4rd3d, i'm going to make this plain, the only way you will be allowed back into #ubuntu-offtopic is if you change your name, that is the only outcome here12:16
HobbseeWell, you haven't changed nick, so...?12:16
r00t4rd3dOk , Ill appeal12:16
ubottusam-_- called the ops in #ubuntu (usuario)12:19
tonyyarussoJust in case it somehow wasn't obvious to you, note that uburediculous is ubufind.12:20
elkyWOuld it really be so wrong to seriously suggest banforwarding "usuario" to -es?12:21
elkyWith consent of the -es ops of course12:22
jussigord: did you forget to remove r00t4rd3d?13:08
gordgeez, why doesn't this script remove people too on ban13:10
* popey tickles gord 13:12
PiciSeems gord is channeling saturday morning cartoons13:14
Picilè sigh13:16
jussitopyli: ping?13:38
* tonyyarusso hates the Canonical Store13:42
tonyyarusso$28 for shipping on a $15 item?  I don't think so.13:43
bazhangjungli using new cloak to ban evade in -ot; asked him to leave and he did13:44
jussitonyyarusso: ++13:45
topylijussi: crackle13:53
Picitonyyarusso: theres a US store iirc.13:55
popeyused to be, dont think there is anymore13:58
bazhangjungli has *two* cloaks now, spicemaster (unless that was removed) and now athiest_monk (which he is currently using to ban-evade in -ot)14:05
jussi!staff | jungli/athiest_monk etc ban evading in #ubuntu-offtopic14:06
jussistupid bot14:06
knomejussi :P14:06
jussi!staff | see above14:07
jussioh duh14:07
jussistupid netsplits14:07
jussishaddup... been a long day14:08
knomejussi, aww... *hugs jussi*14:08
knome(btw, the bot is back)14:08
bazhangnhandler, read your google docs item on opping; just to clarify is there any reason to post the raw log instead of a pastebin of the PM with the person you are discussing while they are +q ?14:10
bazhangseems quite common sensible btw14:10
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1567 users, 1 overflows, 1568 limit))14:20
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1573 users, 5 overflows, 1578 limit))14:20
PiciOzoneScaredyMan == Calico1014:22
bazhangjungli is banned in #ubuntu as well?14:23
gordi'm not a on a computer right now that has stuff to deal with people, if someone else could that would be grand14:23
popeygord: on the ac100? :)14:27
h00kwhat is the other nick/ident ban Athiest_Monk has under?14:37
h00koooh. that one.14:37
bazhangspicemaster as well14:37
h00kfantastic. Same ident, or do those change?14:37
bazhangcoffee time!14:41
bazhanggenii-around, !!!!14:42
h00kThere's been a flood of interesting people in #ubuntu-offtopic lately14:49
popeydefine $interesting14:55
h00kpopey: I'm gonna go ahead and leave that ambiguous14:57
popeyhehe, that last line made me think of http://www.the-reel-mccoy.com/movies/1999/images/officespace_lumbergh.jpg14:58
* genii-around slides bazhang a yummy coffee14:59
h00kpopey: I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday... :D15:02
rwwI don't get it. How do you ban-evade with a cloak if IP/hostname bans see through cloaks?15:06
Picirww: they don't.15:06
rwwThis disagrees with the last time I tested this. Guess I will go try again.15:07
h00krww wants to ban-evade :(15:07
Picirww: Make sure that you identify before joining the channel.15:07
PiciI'm seriously considering asking OzoneScaredyMan to stop disrupting the channel.15:08
Picithat works too15:09
rwwIP bans still work and hostname bans don't. wth.15:09
IdleOnedude he is bablling on about who knows what15:09
popeyaway message15:10
h00k^ this15:10
rwwhas been given !away more than a handful of times now15:10
=== knome_ is now known as knome
bazhangThe Cape sounded nice too15:10
bazhangunless he meant Cape Fear!15:11
rwwoh joy, they disconnected between me removing them and me /msging them.15:12
IdleOneso which ban evasion were you talking bout?>15:14
rwwjasono: Hi. Over the last few days, you've been asked repeatedly by ubottu to stop your IRC client from announcing away messages. I've banforwarded you here from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic because you apparently missed those messages.15:18
rwwjasono: Having your client announce your away message is not allowed by Ubuntu's IRC Guidelines, as it causes excessive scrolling. People can /whois you if they want your away status, you don't need to output it to channel.15:18
rwwjasono: Please fix this and then let me know, and I'll remove the banforwards. Thanks.15:19
rwwor, more correctly, someone else will, because it's work time for me. I nominate h00k!15:21
OzoneScaredyMani have come here to help you with your intelligence information. I am not related to any bad man . I am just waiting for my mom to get home from the store. i apologize if i am different. you have no need to be worried15:42
OzoneScaredyMani feel responsible for telling you that i am not like other people for a diagnosed reason15:42
OzoneScaredyManso it may help for you to not profile me like the others. this is to prevent guilty before proven innocent mentality15:43
jasonorww I mam sorry, please calm down because this is my first year using IRrc. Gosh! I won't use it again.15:43
OzoneScaredyManthanks and have a wonderful evening15:43
popeyjasono: rww is perfectly calm, he's just explaining some rules of the road.15:45
jasonoGive ,e a break. popey you told be to use /away yesterday15:46
popeyActually I didnt. I just said please switch off the announcements when you're away.15:46
popeyusing /away is a great way to tell others that you're away from the computer, announcing it in every channel is less useful :)15:47
jasonoMe using /away announces it in every channel15:47
IdleOnejasono: what client are you using?15:48
hypatiaand we're asking you to turn that off, jasono15:48
hypatiathat's all15:48
jasonowhen can I join Ubuntu-off topic?15:48
jasonohypatia I know15:48
jasonoIdleOne I am using XChat15:48
IdleOneok, go to settings > preferences > General and uncheck the "Announce away messages"15:48
h00kIdleOne: our resident xchat xpert!15:49
IdleOnethat will disable the announcing in channels15:49
IdleOnethen you should be able to use /away away msg here and we will only see it if we /whois you15:49
jasonoThank you IdleOne instead of yelling like these people.15:50
IdleOnejasono: they weren't yelling, they were just trying to explain the channel policies :) but I am glad we got it sorted. thanks for your understanding15:51
IdleOnecan an -ot op remove the ban please15:51
h00ksure, let me check it out15:51
IdleOneyou can rejoin #ubuntu also now15:52
h00kjasono: you should be set to join #ubuntu-offtopic now15:52
IdleOneAgain, thanks for your cooperation15:53
jasonoIdleOne No problem15:55
jasonohook Thank you15:55
gordpopey, he's in #u-uk now16:04
rwwh00k, IdleOne: thanks :)16:11
IdleOneno problem16:11
cprofitthello folks...17:05
Tm_Thi cprofitt17:05
cprofittis aanyone here that is familiar with the r00t4rd3d issue?17:05
cprofitthe is talking to me as the lead contact for the loco he is a member of17:06
Tm_Tcprofitt: I'm not aware him being any kind of contact17:07
Tm_Toh, you mean you are?17:07
cprofitthe is not -- I am17:07
cprofitthe tells me there was a misunderstanding...17:07
Tm_Tcprofitt: sorry my bad, I'm aware of the issue, how can I help?17:07
cprofittand not sure how to help resolve it or if I am gettng the truth17:07
Tm_Tcprofitt: shortly said, he flips and goes attacking any ops who dares to say anything he could take as negative17:08
cprofittthat is not good...17:09
Tm_Tit all might have started as misunderstanding, but things have been escalated beyond the line by his actions17:09
cprofittwould he be able to come in here and apologize... I think I have him down from angry17:09
Tm_Tcprofitt: I would rather see his apology in ubuntu-irc mailing list, but you might like to consult the IRCC on this17:10
cprofittI could have him do that too...17:11
cprofittthanks Tm_T17:11
Tm_Tcprofitt: just don't even try to promise his ban would be lifted in any near future (:17:11
Tm_Tand thank you for all the time on this17:11
cprofittno problem... it happens...17:12
cprofittI just want people to enjoy Ubuntu17:12
Tm_Tsame here (:17:12
Picicprofitt: I worry that you're wasting your time.  Even frustrated people don't threaten to visit your house or suggestively say that your daughter is cute.17:21
cprofittPici: I understand...17:24
cprofittI did not have any real background17:24
cprofitthe made quite a few nasty accusations so to things people said about him too... I dismissed those and told him his only path was to calm down and apologize17:25
jussiHe needs to start by changing his nick. ;)17:31
mneptokwhy do these types never threaten to visit MY house?17:46
jussimneptok: because you would enjoy it?17:49
mneptokmaybe it's that.17:50
jussimneptok: it was with a lot of trepidation that I clicked that link...17:51
mneptoktry the mouse next time. it works better.17:52
cprofittjussi: that has apparently been his nick for 6 years17:54
mneptokcprofitt: doesn't make it less inflammatory and puerile.17:54
cprofittmneptok: I understand that point of view17:54
mneptokcprofitt: he seems to have aged 6 years using that nick, but not matured at the same rate, IMO.17:54
cprofittI can also understand it being difficult for a person to just drop and change17:55
mneptokcprofitt: any user is welcome to use any nick they want. we're all adults here. and like adults, users should accept the consequences of their choices.17:55
cprofittI would 100% agree it the base of the name was not r00t17:56
cprofittI certainly see the most people would not see that subtle difference... and did advise him to change his nick17:56
jussicprofitt: the fact is, he has a nick that equates to "retarded" - which isnt something I or the other ops find appropriate.17:57
cprofittI am trying to be respectful17:57
mneptokcprofitt: when i joined Canonical, i was able to point to years for IRC history using the nick "mneptok"17:57
mneptokcprofitt: so keeping a nick is wholly understandable.17:57
cprofittjussi: his nick would be rootarded... he said he chose it because he had issue with using Linux at first... I do not wish to judge him based on his original purpose was to make fun of himself...17:58
mneptokcprofitt: however, if i had asked Mark to look at my IRC contributions under a nick like "r00t4rd3d," i don't think i would have been hired.17:58
cprofittat the same time he needs to be respectful... but calling him immature is likely not the best way to ask for him to see another point of view17:58
cprofittmneptok: I agree... and understand.17:59
cprofittI am just trying, as best I can, to see his side17:59
cprofitteven if I do not agree with him17:59
mneptokforget the nick issue.17:59
mneptokhe was asked to /join this channel, and proceeded to argue and complain about every action we requested he take.18:00
mneptokthat's unacceptable Ubuntu IRC behavior. full stop. the discussion of "sides" ends there.18:00
cprofittI understand and appreciate what you guys do mneptok18:01
mneptokhe then decided to watch the HTML-ified logs, look for anything he could complain about, and come here to throw it in our faces.18:01
cprofittmneptok: thanks... I am not advocating for him... and I have to run to a meeting18:02
mneptoki don't care about the nick as much as i do his apparent beleif that the rules that apply to everyone somehow do not apply to him.18:02
* cprofitt nods18:02
cprofittI agree completely18:02
mneptokcprofitt: i know you're not. just be careful about where you choose to expend your time and effort.18:02
cprofittthe information I got from a few others indicates his reaction was more of an issue18:02
cprofittmneptok: I understand... I have given this only a wee bit of time...18:03
cprofittgotta run to that meeting...18:03
jussicprofitt: please part from here and come back if you need us again ;)18:03
mneptoknow let's wait for the logs to get pushed to the web, and expect the inevitable.18:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:17
bencahillA question in #u: robbit10> bencahill: About !patience: When you have asked a question and about 10 minutes have passed, is it okay to ask again18:25
bencahillI said this: <bencahill> robbit10: not an op, but I would say if it's been 10 minutes, rephrase your question and you can ask again. don't ask more than two or three times in an hour, come back at a later time, or figure it out yourself. again, just my opinion though, don't know what the ops think :)18:26
bencahillWhat do ya'll say?18:26
Picibencahill: I'd say that once every 10 minutes is fine, but it really depends on how busy the channel is.18:28
bencahillPici: Thanks, good to know.18:29
bencahillI suppose I shall leave now. :)18:29
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
elkyWell, since he gave permission:23:03
elky<r00t4rd3d> fat fucking slob , your lucky your a 12 hour flight away from me23:03
elky<r00t4rd3d> pastebin that show all your faggot friends moose23:03
IdleOnewhen was this?23:04
elky2.5hrs ago23:06
IdleOnejust out of the blue?23:06
elkyI'd imagine it's his way of thanking me for unbanning him from this channel so he could come in and discuss his situation.23:07
* rww ponders today's Grexo nick in #u-ot23:09
elkyrww save me reading scrollback?23:10
rwwelky: JPL223:10
rwwHe's being sane today. I think I will leave him alone.23:10
elkyYeah, that'll only be a limited time offer.23:11
h00kact now!23:45
h00kfor two easy payments of...23:45
mneptokNOW how much would you pay!? don't answer yet! because you also get .... REVERSI!23:47
* h00k kicks mneptok in the shin23:47
h00kPaste this car into your document, now with Miami Vice23:48
h00k*stupid collar thing*23:48

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