
agroinnoanybody here?18:50
agroinnoI have some questions for this community18:51
agroinnoWell, I work with a small organization in Albuquerque18:51
agroinnolooking to upgrade its technological infrastructure18:51
mneptokOK ...18:52
agroinnoI'm wondering if there are consultants/companies in the Albuquerque area that do that sort of thing, with a full understanding of FOSS principles18:52
agroinnoSo that the idea of free software is built into the company's philosophy and infrastructure18:52
mneptokwhy do you feel you need a consultancy?18:52
agroinnoI is an upper management decision18:52
agroinnoThey have decided they'd like to go with a one-stop-shop kind of deal18:53
mneptokyou need someone to convince upper management?18:53
agroinnoI need a company that can help us deploy IT infrastructure18:53
mneptokhow big is this organization?18:53
agroinnobut one that has an FOSS focus18:53
agroinno14 people18:53
agroinnobetween 14 and 1818:54
mneptokyou don;t need a consultant. you need a good vendor.18:54
agroinnoCould you explain more what you mean?18:54
mneptokif you were deploying 500+ desktops you would need a dedicated team to perform that roll-out.18:54
mneptokwith 14 people, you just need a hardware vendor that is reposnive to you.18:55
mneptokIOW, there is nothing Albuquerque FLOSS Partners is going to do for a company of 14 people that Dell cannot do.18:56
agroinnowell, we also have some custom software development needs18:56
mneptokfor that, unless working on-site is requisite, i'd shop globally for a developer(s)18:56
mneptoklook at System7618:56
mneptoksmall Ubuntu-only vendor 7h north in Denver18:57
agroinnowe already have all the computers18:57
agroinnomost of them18:57
agroinnobut we need a crm solution18:57
agroinnoperhaps a vpn18:57
agroinnoa postfix based mail server18:57
mneptokmanagement needs to understand that the things you are talking about are not installed like a new refrigerator. they will need ongoing maintenance.18:59
agroinnomanagement understand that18:59
mneptokpaying a consultant every time you need the mail server tweaked is not cost effective.18:59
agroinnowon't be necessary18:59
agroinnoi can tweak away19:00
agroinnoand I'm an payroll19:00
mneptokso pardon, but why can;t you set this up?19:00
agroinnoIs there an open source software vendor in albuquerque?19:00
agroinnothis is my question19:00
mneptoki have no idea if there's one in the sense of an integrator. i work for a very prominent FLOSS project, and am based in ABQ. but we only care about your databases. ;)19:02
mneptoki have enough experience with SugarCRM to know that i'd rather hand over responsibilty for such assets to Salesforce. ;)19:02
mneptokand after fighting the spam wars, using Google Mail in small organizations gets more appealing.19:03
mneptokif you need a VPN, a business-grade Internet router should have such functionality built-in19:08
mneptokgood ones will offer both IPSec and PPPTP19:09
agroinnook, thanks19:21
agroinnotalk later19:21
nick125Good afternoon.19:54

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