
=== wedwo is now known as wedwo-
Kilosmorning superfly and all you other guys05:37
superflymorning oom Kilos05:38
Kilosyou back to that again oompie05:39
Kilosare you and the family well?05:41
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:41
* Maaz starts grinding coffee05:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:45
KilosMaaz, dankie05:45
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend05:46
superflyKilos: sorry, really busy here at work... the family is well05:50
Kilosglad to hear that.05:52
Owkkurisup oom Kilos06:12
Kiloslol you too06:12
Kilosall well here ty and you06:12
Kilosafter i did mv i ended up with only 30m update to download. thanks alot06:14
Kilosdunno if this will work with usb broadband modems as well. but does with cellphone use as a modem on voda06:26
Kilosfor those with small caps06:27
Kilosboot with phone connected then when online unplug data cable and plug it back in after about 2 or 3 secs06:28
Kilosif i dont do this then when i open pidgin data use is up to 1.5m06:28
Kilosif i do it then data use is only around 60kB opening pidgin and i am sure it use less for everything else as well06:29
Kilosmorning maiatoday 06:30
maiatodayhi Kilos07:04
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=== frozty_sa is now known as froztbyte
Kilosafternoon all14:22
Kiloshi fwolff 14:23
fwolffhi Kilos14:23
Kilosar you new here?14:23
fwolffI'm so new, I don't even use ubuntu yet :-)14:23
Kilosmove it 14:24
fwolffbut friends with several people here.  was actually looking for highvoltage, but found him elsewhere.14:24
fwolfftrying to be polite and not leave the moment I got what I wanted :-)14:24
Kiloswhere are you14:24
fwolffso what kind of kilos are you?14:24
Kilosme too14:25
fwolffor Translate.org.za, more precisely14:25
Kilosbeen quiet here this year the guys are very busy seems to me14:25
Kilosantway welcome to ubuntu-za14:25
fwolffso who here wants to help us maintain a PPA of our software?14:25
Kiloswhat software?14:26
fwolffVirtaal, Pootle, Translate Toolkit14:27
fwolffWe have this: https://launchpad.net/~translate.org.za/+archive/ppa14:27
fwolffbut it is falling out of date14:27
Kiloshang around. someone should see this chat before midnight14:28
fwolffwe have another community member who wants to have a PPA for bleeding edge releases - nice idea14:28
fwolffwalterl used to maintain it, but got busy14:29
fwolffmaybe a ping is all that is necessary :-)14:32
Kilosyeah walter has become scarce14:32
deegeeMaaz: weather pretoria18:32
Maazdeegee: In Lanseria, South Africa at 8:00 PM SAST on January 18, 2011: 20°C; Humidity: 88%; Wind: SE at 11 km/h; Conditions: Partly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 5:31 AM SAST/7:03 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 5:53 PM SAST/3:46 AM SAST18:32
deegeeMaaz: weather jiddah saudi arabia18:33
Maazdeegee: In Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport, Saudi Arabia at 9:00 PM AST on January 18, 2011: 21°C; Humidity: 48%; Wind: North at 7 km/h; Conditions: Scattered Clouds; Sunrise/set: 7:03 AM AST/6:03 PM AST; Moonrise/set: 4:42 PM AST/5:30 AM AST18:33
deegeeMaaz: thank you kindly18:33
Maazno problem, deegee18:33
inetprodeegee: you in Jeddah?18:34
inetprogood evening18:34
deegeeinetpro: yes18:34
deegeegood evening inetpro & all18:34
deegeeinetpro: i'm back thursday18:35
deegeeinetpro: how have you been?18:35
inetprodeegee: am good thanks18:35
* inetpro enjoyed a bit of fresh air today at school athletics18:36
deegeeinetpro: kwl.18:36
deegeeinetpro: r u back @ work?18:36
inetprodeegee: yep, been back since last week already18:37
* deegee thinks work sucks.18:37
deegeeinetpro: have you played a bit with Natty?18:38
* deegee is waiting patiently for the galaxy tab...18:38
inetprodeegee: no18:39
* inetpro is very patient18:39
* superfly doesn't have the bandwidth to do stuff like that18:40
deegeeunderstood. well there's flaws and most of them are corrected within time.18:41
deegeesuperfly: hmmmm... you'll get there sometime soon18:41
inetprodeegee: I read a blog the other day with someone arguing that with the cost of the galaxy tab you should much get a decent netbook18:41
inetprothe netbook is so much more flexible 18:41
inetprothey say if you need a reading device you should much rather get the kindle18:42
deegeeinetpro: i already own an ubuntu maverick netbook!!! i now need a tab18:42
deegeestuff kindle!18:42
deegeethe TAB is kwl18:42
inetprodeegee: the TAB and it's OS is very limiting18:43
deegeeinetpro: point taken, but at the end of the day i got a new toy and soon i'll run ubuntu on it 18:44
* inetpro hates the limited battery life on the tabs18:45
inetproand for that matter on most modern smartphones18:45
inetproBTW, did MTN announce new data deals recently?18:46
* inetpro noticed new ads on TV but just caught the end of it18:46
deegeeinetpro: i have no idea.... being out of the country for some time. sorry!18:47
inetprodeegee: the TAB sure is a cool device, even if I have to say so myself18:47
deegeeinetpro: does their site say something about the promo?18:47
deegeeinetpro: lol18:48
deegeeinetpro: TAB is a great  device.18:48
deegeelike i said, i had doubts on the netbook when i got it but i enjoyed it as soon as i installed ubuntu on it18:49
deegeesomething might come up for the TAB's18:49
inetprodeegee: I have seen guys blog about ubuntu on the iPad18:50
deegeeinetpro: hmmm.... that might have sparked an idea on the handhelds....18:51
inetproubuntu is just not ready for the telephony as far as I can see18:51
* deegee will checkout the ubuntuforums for that info on the iPad's & TAB's18:52
deegeeinetpro: is that for real? they not ready?18:52
superflyinetpro: Maemo is :-P18:52
deegeesuperfly: will Maemo be compatible for the TAB?18:53
superflydeegee: Maemo sadly is pretty much no more... but MeeGo, Maemo's successor, should be18:54
deegeesuperfly: tnx, will google the info further then...18:55
superflywell, depends on the hardware, of course, but it should be just a case of getting the drivers18:55
* deegee notes on the rednotebook... for tomorrow18:56
Morganvdmeego works on most18:56
inetprodeegee: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139236818:56
Morganvdi have had it on my dell and hp18:56
deegeesuperfly: tnx again18:57
* inetpro tried running meego on virtualbox the other day18:57
Morganvdmeego take getting used to18:57
deegeeMorganvd: you mean MeeGo or Maemo?18:57
Morganvdi use ubuntu netbook on mine18:57
inetproran into some issues and put it aside for the moment18:57
deegeeMorganvd: tnx18:57
superflydeegee: Maemo was written for Nokia's N800 and N900 series devices18:58
Morganvdversion 1.1 is here18:58
Morganvdnext release is april i think18:58
deegeeso then if the TAB is not ready as yet, then i might look at the n900 as an alternative?18:59
Morganvdyeah MeeGo is mainly run by intel and Nokia18:59
inetprodeegee: and even on the ipad forums they're talking about ubuntu18:59
inetprodeegee: IMHO I don't think you can compare the TAB directly with the n90019:01
inetprobut the n900 sure looks like a very cool device as well19:01
deegeeinetpro: that is very true to not compare the 219:02
deegeei was refering to something to have instead of the other19:02
* inetpro would love to have both devices for a month at a time before making a decision to purchase any one of them19:02
deegeeinetpro: that's a very cool idea19:04
inetproin fact I think any geek with a few spare bucks could be living in a dream world these days19:04
inetproso many new devices lining up behind each other all the time19:04
inetproor should I rather say any gadget geek19:05
Morganvdgeek gadget geek whats the diffrence i drule every day at the new toys out19:06
inetproMorganvd: some geeks enjoy to push the limits with devices purchased with hard earned cash19:09
Morganvdi love the new stuff but somethings are just out of price range19:10
* inetpro agrees with Morganvd19:10
wedwo-haha, I'm still drooling over p4's19:11
Morganvdoctober my company laptop is up for upgrade19:12
Morganvdim going for the mac book pro19:12
deegeeMorganvd: good for you...19:14
deegeein a laymans term, the TAB is not ideal for now?19:15
Morganvdim not a fan of the TAB19:16
Morganvdi like my netbook more19:16
deegeeMorganvd: noted.19:16
MorganvdTAB is a 7inch cell phone on steriods19:16
superflyugh... OS X19:16
deegeehence imentioned on laymans terms....!19:17
Morganvdsuperfly: ?19:17
superflyMorganvd: I worked on OS X for a year... couldn't stand it19:17
inetproKilos: wb19:17
Morganvdhey Kilos 19:17
deegeeKilos: wb19:17
Kiloshi guys you all well19:18
superflyhi Kilos19:18
Morganvdsuperfly i dont know if ill keep OS X on it19:18
deegeeubuntu runs on the macBook...19:19
Morganvdit does19:19
Morganvdi just love the shape and the power of how a mac is built19:19
inetproTwo charged over iPad hacking on AT&T network http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70H3BH2011011819:19
Morganvdsuperfly: btw try this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/ubuntu-izing-kubuntu-ambiance-style/19:19
superflyMorganvd: I don't want Ubuntu's look and feel, actually... I prefer KDE's themes19:20
Morganvdi might use kubuntu after all19:20
deegeeinetpro: are you an iPad fan?19:20
inetprodeegee: nope, but the hardware certainly is ahead in the race19:21
Morganvdsuperfly: i mean have you seen the screenies19:21
Kilosdo any of you have probs getting a usb flash to boot with an iso on it19:21
superflyMorganvd: looking now19:21
Kilosi have tried a custom iso and the maverick startup disk option but it wont boot19:21
deegeeKilos: not me, i had success booting up always19:21
superflyKilos: if there's an ISO on it, then it won't boot... if the ISO has been converted to work on a USB stick, then I don't know19:21
MorganvdKilos:  there has been issues with startup disk creator on mavr19:22
Morganvdi used unetbooten19:22
Morganvdand have had no issues19:22
Kilosi have just tried unetbootin and same thing19:23
Kilospc just hangs when it should boot19:23
deegeeMorganvd: i used USB for maverick and worked all the time...19:23
Morganvdwhen last have you updated19:23
deegeenow i'm on natty USB19:23
Kilosi wonder if the pc is not happy doing it19:23
Morganvddeegee: i think you missing the point when using mav to right a img to usb we have been getting random errors19:24
Kilosin bios it shows the usb19:24
deegeeMorganvd: ok.19:24
MorganvdKilos: do you tell the machine to boot from usb Kilos 19:24
Kilosyes as first boot device19:25
Morganvdmy dell is F12 and my HP its F919:25
deegeeinetpro: what would you suggest on the topic; on toys/19:25
Kilosor is there a way to write an iso to multiple cd's19:26
Kilosi got a 830 custom iso and cd only wants 700m19:26
* deegee needs some research on the new toys...19:26
deegeeKilos: can't you write it on a dvd?19:27
inetprodeegee: I would wait a bit, unless you have a few savings 19:27
Kilosno dvd . pc too slow19:27
deegeeKilos: ok, sorry19:27
Kilosty guys. carry on19:28
deegeeinetpro: understood....19:28
superflydeegee: if you want a toy, either an N900, or the MeeGo successor to the N900 (whatever that may be)19:28
inetprosuperfly: I just wish the successor would be announced soon19:29
deegeesuperfly: thank you kindly  for the info.19:29
superflyinetpro: yeah, me too19:29
* deegee will wait for now19:29
superflythe N8 is an *awesome* phone, except for one thing... it runs Symbian19:29
* inetpro agrees with superfly19:30
deegeesuperfly: and the n900 runs?19:31
superflyDebian derivative19:31
deegeei get the drift19:31
* superfly compiled and installed his IRC client, Quassel, on his phone19:32
drubinyum yum19:32
deegeebut does it mean Symbian is not that great of an OS?19:32
drubindeegee: NO symbian is a horrid horrid bad OS19:32
superflydeegee: from a user's perspective, it's OK19:32
deegeedrubin: kwl. and andriod?19:33
drubinandroid is ok.19:33
superflybut I like being able to actually hack on my phone, without needing to jailbreak or root it19:33
drubinsuperfly: Well not exactly you would never get decent apps for Symbian phones19:33
superflydrubin: well, Nokia's S60 and S90 versions there are apps for, but I had a UIQ3 version on my old SE m600, and there were *NO* apps for it19:34
inetprodrubin: most users are still happy with the little they have on their Symbian phones19:34
deegeethe TAB is running android.19:34
deegee@ the end of the day, i want to see myself using a device/handheld with something that makes me happy.19:37
deegeewhether meego or whatever free/opensource.... 19:37
inetprothe thing that bugs me with these modern smartphones is that in the end it still is a phone19:38
inetproif you depend on the phone functionality you can not really afford to hack to much around with it19:39
deegeeinetpro: true19:40
deegeei opt for the TAB because i really don' want the voice functionality on it, only data19:41
deegeei have phones, and i'm very happy with them.19:41
deegeei'm also happy with my netbook.19:43
deegeesuperfly: what device are you using? just curious.19:44
deegeephone i meant.19:44
superflydeegee: Ah. I have a Nokia N90019:45
superflyinetpro: btw, the N900 is actually officially marketed as an Internet tablet19:46
inetprosuperfly: nice19:46
deegeesuperfly: would you explain that?19:46
deegee"internet tablet"19:47
superflydeegee: a good few years ago nokia brought out the N800, which has no phone whatsoever19:47
superflyit runs/ran Maemo (version 2 or 3 or something) and was solely meant as a small internet-enabled device19:48
superflythe N900 is a progression of that device, so it now includes a phone ;-)19:48
deegeesuperfly: tnx19:49
deegeesuperfly: what would you suggest; TAB or n900 or wait?19:53
deegeesorry for being a pain19:53
superflydeegee: it really depends on what you want to get out of the device19:53
superflyI *really* wanted the N90019:53
superflyAndroid devices look really great, and I'd recommend them to my non-geeky friends19:54
superflyif you're a developer geek like me, you'd probably want a little more out of your device than what Android can offer, which is why I love my phone so much19:54
deegeething is i don't want a phone functionality anymore on the device19:54
superflyit gives me that ability and that power, and you can see Nokia made it a developer's phone19:55
superflydeegee: then you don't want the N90019:55
superflynot sure you want the TAB either though19:55
superflybit if you want something like the iPad, then get the TAB, I've heard people say that they want to sell their iPad after buying a TAB19:56
deegeehence i say; i should do some research an check what's kwl19:56
deegeei want to keep my toys19:56
* deegee like having toys of all kinds ...19:56
* deegee chex the link...19:58
drubinthe galexy tablet looks cheap though19:58
* drubin got to play with one 2 days ago19:58
deegeedrubin: very cheap...19:58
drubinthe screen isn19:59
drubinisn't compareable though19:59
deegeenp with screen. thing is; the more advance you are the better you are 1 step ahead ...20:01
* sakhi_ eish another 4 runs for India.20:09
* sakhi_ yes yes yes ;)20:09
* deegee needs some sleep.20:11
deegeeMaaz: time jeddah saudi arabia20:11
Maazdeegee: Huh?20:11
deegeeMaaz: time jeddah saudi20:12
Maazdeegee: What?20:12
deegeeMaaz: time jiddah20:12
Maazdeegee: Sorry...20:12
deegeeit's 23h18 in jiddah, nite all20:15
Kilosnight deegee 20:15
Kilosnight all sleep tight20:36

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