[03:08] Thanks for the scale info yesterday erichammond [03:38] DarkwingDuck: no news? [03:44] None as of yet. [03:45] :/ [03:45] Yeah I know. [17:04] morning everyone [17:11] Good morning California, how are you? [17:13] good morning, usa [17:18] California is cold [17:22] its kind of warm here in sonoma [17:25] It's less cold in San Jose than in past weeks. [17:28] i've been doing yoga to stay warm [17:29] i saw stephen hawking speak at caltech last night, and while i waited in line i did some poses. it helped. [17:30] How was he? [17:31] I saw Alan Stern last night (talking about the New Horizons mission to Pluto, and making snarky remarks about Michael "Plutokiller" Brown who's speaking tonight) [17:31] amusing, really. [17:31] he talks about his "Black Hole entropy equation" a bit [17:31] which was interesting [17:31] it wasn't really a technical talk though, just a "brief history of his life" [17:31] Sounds cool [17:32] some caltech students asked questions later. one of the questions was on time travel, which was kind of interesting. [19:24] http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon [19:25] MarkDude: Where is jono fielding questions? Which channel I mean, do you know? [19:25] His channel [19:26] that would be? sorry I'm new here :) [19:27] * pleia2 doesn't know either [19:27] The link I shared is not live? [19:27] ah, the chat box in ustream? [19:28] ah ok [19:29] The video just appears, followed by an ad [19:29] yes... I was wondering if he was on irc. [19:29] Its all evil proprietary software tho [19:29] haha [19:30] if you log in, via FB or open id - there is a chat channel [19:30] yea I know that. [19:30] the right of the video [19:30] I'm trying not to use that... :) [19:30] * MarkDude has ALL of that crap integrated [19:31] understand WHY others may not feel the same ;) [19:31] indeed. [19:36] in that case can somebody ask him for a wayland update... if he hasn't answered that already. [23:58] Yay, I get to take February 25th off so I get to see SCaLE on Friday! \o/