
* releaselogger ditches his unicorn repo00:27
=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
apachelogger"we are coming"02:16
nixternalwell then, we are going02:17
apachelogger"we are coming tomorrow"02:17
apacheloggernixternal: dude, you have not bee around much have you now02:18
nixternalprobably not, but then again I don't pay attention to where I have been lately :)02:18
apacheloggernixternal: well, you know, kubuntu needs you :)02:19
nixternalno it doesn't. it has been doing fine without me. i am just a user now, totally useless doing anything else02:19
apacheloggernixternal: you still have years of experience you could teach the young the ways of the force02:20
apacheloggerand abuse them to make people think you are doing things while you are in fact not :D02:21
nixternalyeah, but if people aren't grateful, then i don't want to teach them anything. plus i am supposedly poisonous02:23
jjessereally you are poisonous?02:23
nixternalthat's what i heard through the grapevine02:23
apacheloggerodd enough02:25
apacheloggernixternal: come join phonon then02:25
apacheloggerwe have plenty of poisonous lazy people there :D02:25
apacheloggerlike markey.... :P02:25
jjesseor like apachelogger02:26
apacheloggerwe both make others also lazy and do skype stuff02:26
apacheloggermost poisonous this is02:26
jjessei've heard your skype sesions are epic02:26
apacheloggeroh, they very much are02:26
* claydoh can't see how nixternal coulld be considered poisonous, thats a bit extreme02:28
claydohgrapevines are thorny maybe02:29
jjessei think nixternal shoud just jump back in the water02:29
jjesseit's not that bad02:29
apacheloggerif only I got to made a project bottom to top02:30
apacheloggerit would be a hot tub02:30
* apachelogger would like some fish and chips02:31
claydoharghhh 02:31
apacheloggerthen again I am drunk02:31
* claydoh throws drupal against the wall, shattering it to bits02:32
* claydoh wishes he were drunk 02:32
* apachelogger bought 2 liters of incredibly cheap white wine on his way back from campus02:32
apacheloggerspent the last 3 days working around 14h per day on university projects -.-02:33
jjesseapachelogger that sucks glad i'm no longer in university02:40
* apachelogger actually considers dropping out as he feels incredibly unmotivated for a considerable amount of time :S02:43
nixternaljjesse: to cold to jump into any water02:57
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steveireapachelogger: ping?10:43
Riddellno sign of 4.6 yet it seems11:03
shadeslayerMorning Riddell11:08
apacheloggersteveire: semi-pong12:17
Riddell./../generated_cpp/com_trolltech_qt_phonon/qtscript_BackendCapabilities.cpp:53:1: error: type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for ‘template<class T> struct QMetaTypeId’13:58
Riddellapachelogger: qtscriptgenerator doesn't like phonon it seems13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, it needs updating14:04
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steveireapachelogger: You had a grantlee patch a little while ago right?14:33
steveireI tried removing the if(mingw) block and the unit tests failed14:33
apacheloggersteveire: you add Qt's defintions though?14:34
steveireThat's already in QT_USE_FILE14:37
shadeslayergold linking--14:38
apacheloggersteveire: oh, that is not good then :S14:38
apacheloggersteveire: maybe talk to the kde-windows people on how to approach this?14:38
steveireAnd the unit tests pass without the change. What is the problem you saw?14:38
apacheloggersteveire: grantlee plugins not loading when built against Qt SDK 14:39
steveireI build against the sdk as well...14:40
apacheloggermost strange14:46
apacheloggersteveire: we are going to publish the source of our project within the next two weeks you can then try it yourself14:46
* apachelogger actually notes that the whole codebase is one big hack as no one in his team had any idea what they were doing designwise ^^14:47
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
steveireapachelogger: Do the grantlee unit tests pass before and after your patch?15:29
steveireapachelogger: I'll probably tag and release the current 0.1 branch as the 0.1.8 release if I can't reproduce your issue. Your issue is probably not a regression anyway.15:32
apacheloggersteveire: I dont have the setup anymore15:43
QuintasanScottK: hmm, it FTBFS when I change it to install-arch-2.% :S17:09
ScottKQuintasan: OK.  I didn't actually try that.  I just moved the 3.% rule about install-arch-%.17:10
ScottKSo I'd try that.17:10
QuintasanOh, okay17:10
QuintasanScottK: hmm, this is being silly, I just did it and still FTBFS,17:11
Quintasanit could be more verbose17:11
Quintasandpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 217:11
ScottKDoes it build with no change for you?17:12
ScottKI took the package you pointed me to, made that change, and it built.17:12
ScottKDo you have the newest python3-defaults?17:12
QuintasanScottK: without moving anything it builds17:13
Quintasanwhen I cut&paste it above it ftbfs17:13
ScottKQuintasan: Make sure you have tabs and not spaces.17:13
ScottKvim copy/paste converts tabs to spaces.17:13
ScottKvim/konsole, not sure which17:14
Quintasanwhat on earth is this17:15
Quintasanthere are tabs17:15
QuintasanI'm sure of it17:15
Quintasanyet some magic occurs and breaks the build17:15
ScottKOK, because if you just cut/paste there won't be.17:15
QuintasanScottK: can you pastebin rules?17:17
ScottKQuintasan: http://pastebin.com/qAdyfvby17:20
ScottKThat includes some other changes too, but I just built it.17:20
QuintasanScottK: somehow it works17:26
ScottKOK.  So progress.17:27
QuintasanEverything I have to say in regards to Python stuff17:28
QuintasanScottK: ./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sip.cpython-31dmu.so17:30
QuintasanI see17:30
QuintasanI think this solves everything17:30
ScottKsip4-qt3 is about as narly as anything you'll run into.17:30
QuintasanScottK: Thanks, it was as simple as that and I was thinking that the rules are wrong somewhere17:31
Riddellapachelogger: is there a new release of phonon needing  packaged?17:40
Riddellno, doesn't look like there is17:41
apacheloggerheld up by kde sysadmins17:41
apacheloggerno sho = no release17:41
apacheloggerRiddell: I have the tars ready though if you want to get started17:42
Riddellthere are other sysadmins no?17:42
apacheloggerRiddell: only sho and toma can do stuff with upload.kde.org17:42
apacheloggeror want to17:42
apacheloggerand toma doesnt do it very often, so I am waiting for sho17:42
* apachelogger requested a phonon account though17:42
ScottKQuintasan: I'd recommend looking at the output of debc. I'm not sure it's all correct.17:47
QuintasanScottK: I did that18:01
debfxRiddell: the Xsession.d scripts aren't run anymore at startup: bug #68839318:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 688393 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Global "X11/Xsession" script is not sourced in "kdm/Xsession" script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68839318:04
debfxit seems like you removed the parts from 08_genkdmconf.diff: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/revision/446#debian/patches/08_genkdmconf.diff18:04
neversfeldeis that the reason why gpg-agent and ssh-agent are not working with KDE SC 4.6?18:07
neversfeldeah ok18:08
Quintasandebfx: what is the reason?18:08
Quintasanneversfelde: you can try running ssh-agent18:09
Quintasanneversfelde: and copy pasting the output to a terminal18:09
Quintasanneversfelde: then it should work is an app was launched from this terminal18:09
neversfeldeQuintasan: as I workaround I put something in /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsession, cannot remeber what atm18:09
neversfeldebut it is working18:09
debfxQuintasan: reason for what?18:09
Quintasandebfx: gpg-agent not working18:10
debfxwell it's not started18:10
Quintasanneversfelde: Can you check what did you put there18:10
neversfeldeQuintasan: see the patch attached to the bug report, I did the same18:11
debfxRiddell: i'll just revert that change if you don't object18:17
* Riddell looks18:38
Riddelldebfx: that was from Debian http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-sc/kdebase-workspace.git;a=blob;f=debian/patches/08_genkdmconf.diff;h=5ad8545f7ac90f0389dadaf84358ed7eaafd379c;hb=HEAD18:43
Riddellso we should rename the patch if we are going to differ from theirs18:44
Riddelland it's probably worth asking why they changedit18:44
neversfeldebug 48178918:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 481789 in kid3 (Ubuntu) "kid3 links against libmp4v2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48178918:45
neversfeldeI think he is right18:45
neversfeldeI remember a discussion about movin kid3 back from multiverse to universe, was it because of this?18:47
Riddelllibmp4v2 is in multiverse so it would have had to go into multiverse when that was added18:48
debfxRiddell: Debian hasn't changed the patch18:48
neversfeldeRiddell: but that does not eliminate the incompatibility of the licenses?18:49
debfxthey still source /etc/X11/Xsession18:49
QuintasanI noticed the ssh-agent problems occured in each development release I used18:50
QuintasanIt's time we do something about it18:50
JontheEchidnathis is the first time it's broken for me, and it's pretty obvious that it's just the breakage of this patch18:51
JontheEchidnaand I've run prerelease-since-toolchain since lucid18:51
Riddelldebfx: mm, I see, I'm getting confused by diffs of diffs18:52
Riddelldebfx: dunno why I did that then, go ahead and revert18:52
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: ^something being done about it :P18:52
Riddelldebfx: I think I'd like to add a link to the default wallpaper link, I'm annoyed at having to change ubiquity each release for that, will add that and then we can upload18:54
Riddellneversfelde: no, we can't have incompatible licences, even in multiverse18:55
Riddellneversfelde: so the dependency should be removed18:56
neversfeldeRiddell: k, there is also a new upstream release, so that can be done together18:57
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: ping18:57
Riddellneversfelde: go for it18:57
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: pong. Fontforge failed too, so I'm rebuilding my pbuilder just to make sure it's not me18:58
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: as I said in the past: your pbuilder is wrong18:58
JontheEchidnapbuilds kde packages just fine, so I dunno why it hates autotools packages so much18:58
JontheEchidnanor do I really know how I would have broken it18:59
JontheEchidnabut w/e18:59
JontheEchidnaAlso school's started back up, so I might be a bit slow about sponsoring things for the near future19:01
neversfeldeRiddell: will it go to universe automatically after removing the build-dep on libmp4v2-dev?19:04
Riddellneversfelde: no you'll need to file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive19:05
neversfeldek, thanks19:05
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: easy, I'm slowing down with Ubuntu ;)19:05
ari-tczew(as well)19:06
JontheEchidna(unrelated to anything, but still awesome) :)19:06
Quintasansheytan: hey sheytan, can you do a quick kde related background for my blog? :P19:11
Quintasansheytan: and more importantly: where is Neon logo? :PP19:11
sheytanQuintasan: 1) show me your blog 2) you already saw it19:12
Quintasansheytan: Ad. 2) I did? lol19:13
Quintasansheytan: http://quintasan.blogspot.com/19:13
shadeslayereveryone blogs19:13
shadeslayerbut me19:13
QuintasanI have two blogs but I didn't blog anything in a loooong time19:13
QuintasanTime to change tat19:14
shadeslayerlikewise here19:14
sheytanQuintasan: background tomorrow,19:15
Quintasansheytan: thanks19:15
* Quintasan is writing up a draft of Project Neon release post19:15
sheytanthe logo hase to be remake. I lost the files ;/19:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: its too early!!! shouldnt we wait for git migration to be complete?19:23
QuintasanIt's just a draft19:23
QuintasanWorry not.19:23
shadeslayersaidinesh5 reported some CPU  issues with neon19:23
shadeslayerok :)19:23
shadeslayerApparently neon eats your CPU19:23
QuintasanI bet I will change it over 9000 times to include some unnecessary banter and few adjectives to brag about my English :P19:24
macothe new red quassel notification icon is really eye-catching19:34
apacheloggersheytan: any progress on phonon page?19:34
ScottKmaco: Quassel is the same in Maverick and Natty.19:34
macoScottK: im on maverick... but i never saw the red thing until ... today19:35
ScottKRed thing?19:35
apacheloggerthe ring of fire19:35
macoyes, the quassel icon turns red for the circle part and stays blue for the little ball in the middle19:35
ScottKAh.  That.19:35
macoim confused by it, since it just started this boot, and i havent updated in weeks19:38
seaLneis natty known to be currently uninstallable?19:43
seaLnehaving fun playing with the alternative installer19:43
tsimpsonit is a pre-release, that implies instability19:45
seaLnei know19:45
highvoltagewhat is nepomukbackup and why is it important enough to be part of kdebase-runtime?20:11
Quintasanhighvoltage: it backups your nepomuk database20:11
* apachelogger wishes something would backup his pr0n20:12
apacheloggercoudl be a useful enough feature for phonon I suppose20:13
* highvoltage tries to figure out whether that would be useful to any edubuntu users20:13
highvoltageapachelogger: why? the internet probably already has all your pr0n backed up20:13
apacheloggergood point20:13
apacheloggerbut how dreadful it would be to find it all again :P20:13
highvoltageoh I thought that was the fun part20:13
apacheloggerhighvoltage: anyhow, not useful to edubuntu users as currently none of the kde apps in kdeedu use nepomuk20:14
apacheloggerat least I would not be aware of any20:14
* apachelogger continues coding the java20:14
highvoltageso what is a nepomuk database anyway?20:14
highvoltageok, I could probably hide nepomukdatabase from the menu20:14
apacheloggerhighvoltage: semantic desktop data20:15
highvoltagebut it really doesn't seem like something that should be in kdebase-runtime from what I can see20:15
apachelogger(or file search :P)20:15
apacheloggerdepending on ones POV20:15
apacheloggerlike yesterday a phonon dev called zeitgeist a history tracker ;)20:15
debfxRiddell: I've pushed the fix to the bzr branch20:20
seaLnewell apt-get install kubuntu-desktop seemed to work fine after the failure during software install in todays natty alternate 20:44
RiddellseaLne: what was the failure?20:47
RiddellI used a daily CD from today fine20:47
seaLnesome dependancy issue with with OOo/libre20:48
Riddellnew openoffice packager doesn't start until after fosdem20:50
Riddellbut then we'll have someone to moan to :)20:50
seaLneopenoffice.org-calc depends libreoffice-calc which is not installable20:50
seaLnealso for -impress, -kde, -style-oxygen and -writer20:51
ScottKRiddell and seaLne: The libreoffice binaries are in Universe, so they wouldn't have been available to the installer, but are post-install.20:53
seaLneah, yeah i manually wrote in all the repositories20:55
seaLneso that was an accurate failure then20:56
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=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina
Riddellqtwebkit down to 28MB, 10 times smaller than the last upload23:28
Riddelland flash breakage has gone, time to uninstall chromium23:31
cmaginavery nice23:31
Riddellhtml5 audio and video seems to work nicely (with ogg at least)23:34
JontheEchidnaany idea what caused the dramatic decrease?23:38
apacheloggerno .git dir? ;)23:39
RiddellJontheEchidna: I removed a load of unused directories23:40
JontheEchidnaaha, so it wasn't upstream coming to their senses ;-)23:40
Riddellapachelogger: it was > 1GB with the .git directory23:40
JontheEchidnagtkwebkit's .orig is only 8 MiB23:42
apacheloggeryeah .git can grow epic23:42

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