
=== JackyAlcine1 is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest79898
* AlanBell has an idea19:19
AlanBellfor UDS-O on the thursday evening lets invite everyone to http://www.lathatatlan.hu/en/invisible-dinner/19:20
AlanBelljono ^^19:23
AlanBellhttp://www.lathatatlan.hu/en/ for the general tour19:25
jonoAlanBell, nice! I did one of those dinners in London once19:26
jonoit was awesome :-)19:26
AlanBellI went on a tour in vienna with a tech group some years back19:27
AlanBellended up chatting with the guide for an hour about how he experienced the web19:27
AlanBellended up talking about the evil of meta refresh tags which took the page away as he was reading it19:28
Pendulummaco: ooh! I was going to poke you!19:28
macoPendulum: what i do?19:28
Pendulumnothing yet :)19:28
maco(more likely  "what did i not do this time?")19:28
macoah see, as i suspected!19:28
Pendulumis there any chance you'd be willing to blog at some point about accessibility & QT as a follow-up to Mark's blog post about QT apps in Ubuntu?19:29
AlanBelloooh that would be interesting19:29
Pendulummaco: I just figure you're probably the accessibility team person who is most versed in QT19:30
macoPendulum: umm...all i know is at UDS i was told "patches welcome" by a Qt guy...it doesnt seem to be on their roadmap.  other thing i know is: the pdf viewer (okular) does have a screen reader19:30
maco(but you need to install kttsd to get that part of okular to be enabled. kttsd is not part of a default kubuntu install)19:31
AlanBellPendulum: I think it is added to the planet now19:42
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca__
=== charlie-tca__ is now known as charlie-tca
Pendulummaco: even talking about lack of integration is good20:23
Pendulumwe just want some notice on the fact that it's something that needs work20:23
* Pendulum giggles at the "Congrats" from wordpress on AlanBell subscribing to the accessibility team blog20:23
PendulumAlanBell: thanks!20:24
AlanBell:) I was hunting about for the RSS feed and the subscribe link looked promising20:34
PendulumI just loved that the notification said "Congrats" in it20:34
erkan^Cool , I add this in my RSS for TB too (-:21:25
TheMusoPendulum: Good first post.21:59
PendulumTheMuso: thanks :)21:59
charlie-tcaPendulum: I like it, too. that is a good job to get the blog going!22:36
Pendulumthanks :)22:37
PendulumI also just updated the blueprint22:38
Pendulumto be more realistic22:38
charlie-tcaheh, realistic is sometimes good, sometimes bad :-)22:47
Pendulumactually, most of it is related to things not making it in on alpha122:48

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