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ksinkaris this a valid makefile for an arm project ; http://fpaste.org/6VI8/09:46
persiaThere's nothing obviously wrong (in part because make is arch-independent), but the result isn't likely to be compatible with Ubuntu userspace (armv5tel != armv7, etc.)09:52
persiaA native compile may ignore some of the variables, which may result in a working build.  A cross-compile may be different09:52
5EXAB2XYUfor development arm development on ubuntu, which crosscompiler is better10:10
persiaMost folk native compile, and all packages delivered as part of Ubuntu are native-compiled.10:11
elesueurthere is an arm crosscompiler in the ubuntu maverick apt repo10:11
elesueurit works just fine10:11
persiaThere's a cross-compiler in the archive: I suspect you'd want gcc-4.x-arm-linux-gnueabi10:12
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ksinkarcurrently i am looking at the site of embinux and trying to port android to hawkboard, and i am on ubunut 10.1010:17
ksinkarthey have specified a repo command in their instructions which is not available on my machine10:17
ksinkarand google search yields a RSS program by the name of repo10:17
ksinkardoes anyone know the meaning of that command10:17
ksinkarsorry repo10:17
ogradamned jetlag11:29
hrwwhat you guys have with jetlag...11:29
ograone would think after three days i'm over it ... but i still sleep until noon, regardless of when i go to bed11:29
hrwI have alarmclock set to 7:3011:30
ograhrw, nothing usually, thanks to melatonin i sleep through the night without probs ...11:30
ograi never use alarmclocks11:30
hrwI have to11:30
ograwhy? you have a child11:30
hrwotherwise I will wake too late to take my daughter to kindergarten11:30
hrwI wake her11:30
ograsounds unusual11:30
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robclarkrsalveti, if you have pvr video driver running, try enabling in gconf /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager13:46
* ogra is curious how that will affect unity-2d13:47
ogramight get us funny results13:47
robclarkseems more or less okish13:47
rsalvetirobclark: what should happen?13:48
* rsalveti firing gconf13:48
robclarkproper transparent terms, window shadows, etc13:48
robclarkit is using xrender to do compositing13:49
robclarkdoesn't feel any faster/slower than without but looks nicer13:49
rsalvetiit's working quite the same way as before, but now with proper window shadow13:50
rsalvetiyup, quite the same13:51
robclarkvstehle, you might also want to try the above13:54
* rsalveti lunch14:00
vstehlerobclark: thanks for the tips :)14:02
* robclark likes eye candy14:04
cpearsonrobclark: what is the ARM load when it's running xrender?14:04
robclarkcpearson, not sure, need to wait for update-manager to finish running to get a read..14:06
robclarkbut seems not much14:06
robclarkreally, I don't think it taxes the sgx much14:06
jo-erlendNCommander, «We'll be having the usual IRC meeting on #ubuntu-meeting, on15:05
jo-erlendThursday 2011-01-06 at 15:00 UTC.»? :)15:05
ograits running already15:05
jo-erlendoh, I didn't even catch the "-meeting" part. I was so focused on the date :)15:06
rsalvetijo-erlend: I updated the kernel tree, got an image working but then didn't have more time to test it15:37
jo-erlendoh, ok. I keep missing the queues on -meeting. Sorry about that. :)15:38
rsalvetinp :-)15:38
ograNCommander, sooo16:00
NCommanderogra: so?16:01
ograNCommander, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556197/16:01
ograthats what is in the libqtdee branch16:01
ograi dont really know what to do about it16:01
ograubuntu2 was never uploaded and ubuntu3 is obviously a boilerplate16:02
NCommanderogra: I added that as a placeholder for people to add their TODO stuff until the next release16:02
NCommanderas for 0ubuntu2, indeed16:02
NCommanderyeah, that got swept up in sprint week16:02
NCommanderlet me deal with tha tnow16:02
ogratell me if you are done16:02
ograthen i'll go ahead with the rest of my branch additions16:02
NCommanderogra: I need about 30 minutes-1 hour to fix it as I need to do some test builds to make sure that symbols file works16:04
* ogra goes to deal with the cat for a while16:04
NCommanderogra: what else do you want me to do on unity-2d?16:04
ograNCommander, nothing, i have all changes ready here already16:04
ograthough the issue that GrueMaster is seeing might be related to missing symbols on armel16:05
ograyou could take a look at that16:05
ogra8try to reproduce it on your panda and chack whats happening)16:06
GrueMasterogra: We have a shortage of monitors here.  It may be a while before he has one available.16:09
ograwell, then he can look at your system via ssh ;)16:10
ograshouldnt need a monitor to read logs16:10
GrueMasterI'm pretty sure I can do the same.  Problem I had getting going on it yesterday is that something updated that is driving performance way down.  The systems currently boot with a loadavg of 1.72.16:11
GrueMasterI finally got unity-2d downloaded and installed at 1am, so not much info available.16:11
ograah, k16:12
ogrado you have the TI stuff installed ?16:12
ograi think it might work better without atm16:13
ogranot sure16:13
GrueMasterno I don't.  I don't think there is anything for natty yet.  There wasn't last week.16:13
ograthere is a maverick ppa with natty versions, but nothing integrated16:13
GrueMasterI usually don't go searching ppa's for stuff unless specifically asked to test something.  I have enough stuff to test in the standard image.16:15
ograi didnt mean to ask you16:16
ograbut i know that several people run the new stuff16:17
ograthus the question16:17
GrueMasterJust saying how I do my testing.  And for unity-2d, I started with a clean, updated image.16:17
GrueMasterThat's how I always test new stuff.  Less variables.16:18
GrueMaster(and one of the reasons I ask for multiple systems).16:18
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KC9SJQhowdy ladies and gents16:26
KC9SJQA quick question.16:26
KC9SJQI'm getting ready for a pandaboard which I'll be running ubuntu on.16:26
KC9SJQI wanted to know what is the easiest way to revert the install to a command line only one.16:27
KC9SJQI'm thinking something like 'apt-get remove -purge gnome-desktop'16:27
ograpurge some low level X lib16:27
ograor wait for janimo to finish the minimal image ;)16:28
KC9SJQI'm afraid if I do so, it'll take everything (as I'm assuming it's all considered automaticlly installed as a dependant of the highest level metapackage)16:29
KC9SJQSo what should I keep to insure a full functionally command line interface (including apt-get16:30
ograif you remove an xorg library that wont touch the cmdline functionallity16:31
KC9SJQnot even if I do an auto-remove after?16:32
tmztogra: so it's confirmed? no supported unity 2d in natty?16:33
robclarkvstehle, for pvr_video driver, do you apply any patches for ubuntu deb other than the support for v4l2 overlay?17:17
NCommanderlastlog NComman17:24
rsalvetieeek, trying to run unity-2d-places with qt opengl backend (with gles) and getting lots of x errors17:48
rsalvetieglCreateWindowSurface calls x_changeproperty inside the x driver, that returns an error, but in the end it doesn't return egl_no_surface17:50
rsalvetiand later on it basically explodes hehe17:50
robclarkrsalveti, is this in your ppa now?17:50
rsalvetirobclark: yup, same one I pointed you on monday17:50
rsalvetijust run with -graphicssystem opengl17:51
robclarkok, I'll update a bit later and give it a try on this end17:51
rsalvetiwill try to check now internally the x-driver to see what's happening17:51
robclarkcool..  but does this really come to the pvr driver?17:52
rsalvetibecause the x error is coming from the pvr driver17:52
robclarkoh, really, ok..17:52
rsalvetiafter calling eglCreateWindowSurface17:52
robclarkcan you paste or mail the Xorg.0.log?17:52
rsalvetiqt creates the window and then calls createwindowsurface17:52
ograrsalveti, unity-2d-places doesnt work on natty17:53
ogra(its not supposed to)17:53
rsalvetiogra: not natty, maverick17:53
rsalvetiI'm trying to stress the pvr driver17:53
rsalvetiwith qt and etc17:53
ograyeah, maverick should be fine17:53
rsalvetias I'm converting qt to use gles by default17:53
ograin natty the backend API changes we're waiting for a new upload and then changes17:54
rsalvetivstehle: robclark: also, you can try to run the hellogl_es2 demo from qt at /usr/lib/qt4/examples/opengl/hellogl_es217:55
rsalvetiafter installing the qt4-demos17:55
rsalvetidon't remember exactly how it should run, but doesn't seems completely right17:56
rsalvetihehe, boom17:57
rsalvetix died17:57
robclarkok.. yeah, there is a certain amount of explosions atm17:57
rsalvetiand there it goes another reboot17:58
rsalvetithe error I got is the usual mem corruption inside pvr17:58
rsalvetiwrong terminal18:04
rsalvetirobclark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556240/18:05
* robclark looks18:09
rsalvetisomething is wrong between qt and pvr18:10
* robclark wonders about: Warning: EGL suggested using X Visual ID 33 (ARGB0888) for EGL config 8 (ARGB8888), but this is incompatable18:13
rsalvetithat could be related, but then qt tries to find a compatible one in the end18:14
rsalvetilater on, trying using xrender18:14
rsalveticheck QEgl::getCompatibleVisualId from qt4-x11-4.7.0/src/gui/egl/qegl_x11.cpp18:15
sveinseAny of you running pulseaudio on target?19:22
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