
=== JackyAlcine1 is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest79898
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MrAnthropeSo, I had a bash script in usr/local/bin and I was using Compiz Commands to activate it. But I had to reinstall ubuntu and now it's not working. I'm pretty sure I have everything exactly the same. Can't figure out what's wrong.03:05
MrAnthropeThe script name used to auto-complete in the Run box but it's not doing that anymore. Is my script in the wrong folder?03:05
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Did you make sure to chmod +x script?03:06
MrAnthropeAh, that's my problem. Thank you.03:07
MrAnthropeI didn't think I had to do that to it again since it's the exact same file as before.03:07
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: File permissions don't stay with the file. They're handled by the filesystem03:08
Doublekillsomebody knows why i have not sound in ubuntu ??03:10
Doublekillis a problem whit alsa03:10
IAmNotThatGuyDoublekill, you installed a fresh copy now?03:11
Doublekillyes but I still having and error message03:11
Doublekillalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory03:11
DoublekillI do not knows what that means03:12
Doublekillsomebody help me03:12
DoublekillI need to play DOTA and I need hear the sound03:13
IAmNotThatGuyDoublekill, idk about the error. but I found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59084203:13
Doublekillthanks let me see that03:14
IAmNotThatGuyalso found http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109419603:15
winged_arelso, i just did a Wubi install of Ubuntu 10.04.1 onto a windows box, went to update it, so it updated "grub-pc" and now i have a grub rescue boot instead of a windows boot menu. any ideas how to fix it without booting to a windows and restoring the MBR?04:55
aveilleuxwinged_arel: The problem is that grub-pc doesn't properly handle Wubi installations. Since Wubi uses the Windows bootloader, you'll have to restore Windows' MBR.04:56
winged_arelalright thanks04:57
* winged_arel needs to find a vista disc now04:57
aveilleuxwinged_arel: More directly: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Wubi_9.1004:58
bodhizazen'lo starcraftman05:13
nit-witwinged_arel would you like the MS bootloader or lilo the liux replacement05:23
bioterrorwith wubi? as the wubi is using windows own chainloader to boot that ubuntu05:24
bioterrorthe problem occurs when ubuntu updates grub05:25
nit-witcharliemac, whats up06:20
charliemacHow can I determine the most suitable ubuntu OS for me?  Regular, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu, for example?06:21
holsteincheck them out live06:22
head_victimcharliemac: the best way is to just try a few of them to be honest06:22
holsteinthats easy enough06:22
holsteinyou dont have to decide though06:23
holsteinyou can run them all at once :)06:23
holsteinubuntu + the KDE environment = kubuntu06:23
holsteinIF you have gnome and KDE both, you have ubuntu and kubuntu06:23
nit-witcharliemac, thats the ticket.;)06:23
holsteinand can decide between them at bot06:24
holsteinlogin even06:24
holsteinhardware specs might help me make that decision06:24
charliemacI have an old laptop which I'd like to upgrade from windows xp to one of the linux-based ubuntu's.  I was planning to reformat the hard drive, starting from scratch06:25
charliemachoping i can get it to run faster but without loosing too many features.06:27
charliemacHow can I install both Ubuntu and Kubuntu replacing windows XP?  Would I have to install each of them seperately?06:29
holsteincharliemac: you wouldnt06:31
holsteinyou would install ubuntu06:31
holsteinand inside that installation06:31
holsteinyou would install KDE06:31
holsteinno need to have ubuntu and kubuntu dual booting06:31
holsteinubuntu = kubuntu = xubuntu06:31
holsteinjust different desktop environments06:32
holsteindifferent packages06:32
charliemacSo can any one of them alternate between GNOME, KDE, and Xfce?06:32
holsteinif you have fast internet06:33
holsteinand some discs06:33
holsteini think its handy to look at the live CD's though06:33
holsteinbut yeah, you can install any of the environments you want06:34
holsteinand configure them as you please :)06:34
head_victimcharliemac: if it's still a bit slow I'd give Lubuntu a try on your laptop if it's a bit older and lower spec'd06:35
head_victimIt's what I run on lower end P4s here06:35
holsteinyeah, i think LXDE is quite a bit lighter feeling than XFCE06:35
charliemacCan Lubuntu run all of the same programs?  I am most interested in Firefox and OpenOffice.06:40
holsteincharliemac: yup06:41
holsteinyou have some issues running KDE apps for example06:42
holsteinin gnome06:42
holsteinnot really issues06:42
holsteinyou need a lot of KDE files06:42
holsteinand i think most folks just dont want that much extra stuff06:42
holsteinfor just one KDE app06:42
holsteinbut you can run whatever you want06:42
holsteincharliemac: i usually say that with linux, the answer is pretty much almost always yes06:43
holsteinits just how-to, and do you want to bother with it06:43
charliemacHow would I integrate the extra KDE files that were needed?  would they be automatic downloads?06:43
holsteinyoud be prometed about all the extra KDE packages you need06:44
holsteinduring the install06:44
holsteinyou wont miss anything with lubuntu though06:44
charliemacPrompted during install of each individual KDE application/program?06:45
holsteinyou would go to some package manager06:45
holsteinlets say synaptic06:45
holsteinyou choose some KDE app06:46
holsteinand you get a confirmation popup06:46
holsteinwith all the packages that are about to be installed06:46
holsteinthe one/ones you chose06:46
holsteinand the dependancies06:46
holsteinnot sure how the new software center does this06:46
holsteinit might hide some of that in the background06:47
charliemacWhat do they mean by "dependancies"?06:47
holsteinthis depends on that06:47
holsteina KDE application could depend on having a lot of the KDE environment installed06:48
holsteinchrome browser might depend on chrome-dev or whatever06:48
charliemacSo if the computer can't handle a program, it will find a way?06:50
holsteinyou mean spec-wise?06:50
holsteinif you dont have enough ram or whatever06:50
charliemacSorry, no, hardware.  Hard drive has about 80GB, and ram isn't too bad.  Main issue is overheating06:51
holsteinmight have to open it up and get the cat hair out ;)06:52
charliemacTrue, but I've also heard that Ubuntu uses less power etc06:52
holsteinlinux isnt magic06:53
holsteinwill it be lighter on resources?06:53
holsteinif you set it up that way06:54
holsteinif you have a hardware problem though...06:54
charliemacOpening now.  Lets see what we've got inside...06:54
holsteinanyways, having a spare laptop, and wiping it06:54
holsteinand going for it06:54
holsteinis a good way to do it06:54
charliemacGateway laptop, hence the poor ventilation06:55
holsteinif you have it open, make sure the CPU cooler is where its suppose to be06:56
holsteinand all hte fans work06:56
* holstein is going to crash06:56
holsteinGN all06:56
holsteingood luck charliemac :)06:56
charliemacThanks very much, holstein!07:01
charliemacWhy would someone prefer KDE over GNOME or vice-versa?  What about Xfce and LXDE?07:17
Cheri703charliemac: it's 90% personal preference07:18
Cheri703there are some programs that only work in one desktop environment or another07:18
Cheri703but overall it's just personal preference07:18
charliemacI'm running Ubuntu installer for windows so I can try out the different versions of Ubuntu, what does the installation size I choose mean?07:20
Cheri703not sure what you're referring to as far as installation size07:20
charliemacI think it has to do with allocation of drive space to the new environment within windows07:23
charliemacWhich variation(s) of Ubuntu can run windows within Ubuntu?07:24
Cheri703ah, you're using wubi?07:24
Cheri703installing within windows?07:24
Cheri703you can install a virtual machine in any (as far as I know)07:24
LeTroniquei have two partitions. one with windows. the other with ubuntu. i created unallocated space using windows. how to i merge it with ubuntu?07:46
bioterrorboot with livecd and use gparted07:48
LeTroniquewould that be the backup cd i made before installing ubuntu?07:50
bioterrorhow did you install ubuntu07:50
LeTroniquedownloaded it from the ubuntu page then made an image07:51
bioterrorwell, if you installed from CD, that CD is a live07:51
LeTroniqueah cool... thanks a lot bioterror07:51
charliemacThanks, Cheri703 Sorry for the delay! ;)08:08
Cheri703np :)08:08
charliemacis Kubuntu more or less basic than Ubuntu, i.e., is KDE more or less basic than GNOME?09:11
oCeancharliemac: essentially, it's just a difference in appearance. Under the kde/gnome hood there is still the same ubuntu09:14
charliemacSo both environments support similar applications/programs?09:16
charliemacI'm afraid that if I go with a "lighter" version, like xubuntu or lubuntu, that I may be stuck with fewer capabilities.09:19
charliemachopefully i'm wrong...09:20
charliemacIf I go with a "lighter" version, like xubuntu or lubuntu, may I be stuck with fewer capabilities?09:22
oCeanfor most common tasks the lighter versions have applications too; most of these applications are likely to be "lighter" versions, with less options for example.09:23
charliemacIs it possible for a lighter version to run the software of a heavier version, for lack of a better term?  ; )09:24
Cheri703charliemac: not necessarily09:25
Cheri703it's sort of how xp can't always run vista/win7 programs...kde can't (without installing extra stuff) run gnome programs09:25
Cheri703(at least that's how I understand everything)09:26
oCeanyes, but that would most likely require installation of the libraries for the "heavier" version. Like installing k3b (cd creation/burning software) would require installation of large part of the KDE libraries09:26
oCeancorrect, installing additional libraries is not necessary in all cases09:26
charliemacWhich would have the most comprehensive libraries?09:27
charliemacWhich version is most capable?09:27
Cheri703gnome or kde09:28
charliemacWhy does Mythbuntu us Xfce if it is less advanced?09:30
Cheri703it's not really about advanced or not09:30
Cheri703it's about available programs/compatibility09:30
charliemacIn that case, which has a greater reputation for being more user-friendly to beginners?09:35
stlsaintcharliemac: resource usage also ;)09:35
charliemacDoes anyone know of a good Venn diagram? ;)09:37
Cheri703gnome is generally a good place to start09:39
Cheri703more support available, more people knowledgeable about it, etc09:39
Cheri703kde is next in line on those topics, then the others I'm not sure what order they'd fall09:40
charliemacOne reason I was interested in Kubuntu is that "Kubuntu plays most music and video formats out the box; restricted formats such as MP3 are installed with two clicks when needed." <kubuntu.org/feature-tour>09:42
Cheri703eh, you can install them in a few clicks in generic ubuntu as well09:42
charliemacDoes original/regular/standard ubuntu come with Amarok as its default multimedia player?09:43
Cheri703rhythmbox, but you can install amarok (as far as I'm aware)09:50
charliemacWhere can I find out the amount of system resources and power each version uses?09:56
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
* ibuclaw can't believe someone managed to get the name 'go'11:33
duanedesignmorning all11:36
duanedesigngeirha: do you have an always on IRC client or do you part when you are AFK.11:40
geirhaduanedesign: irssi in screen at a university server, so I only part when it goes down for patching. :)12:03
duanedesigngeirha: me too12:03
geirhaAnd I hate rebuilding the screen every time that happens :S12:04
duanedesignheh, i know what you mean12:04
duanedesigngeirha: have you heard of, or had a chance to use IRC Cloud12:05
geirhaNo to both12:05
duanedesignbrowser based IRC client that gives you some of the benefits of an always on IRC Client12:05
duanedesignthe few I have talked too that have used it seem to like it12:06
geirhaOh, interesting12:06
geirhawebui looks decent12:07
geirhaHm. But you have to pay to connect to freenode12:10
=== go is now known as Puck`
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wolfpackWhen i try to branch through bazaar I get this error---"ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection timed out bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. "..Is there any way around to solve this??15:26
bodhizazenstlsaint: poke =)15:59
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stlsaintbodhizazen: hey17:14
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
aveilleuxhello red-raven17:50
MrChrisDruifHai red-raven, how's it going?17:52
red-raven_hey sorry about that. anyways...17:55
red-raven_hello aveilleux. quick question about Ubuntu (desktop). i want to use it as a server, but i need it to be able to : tunnel my traffic (to aviod firewalls), share files anywhere in the world, and host websites. the last one is an "i might use it in the future" thing. also, can i create user names and passwords for people to connect from anywhere?17:55
red-raven_sry for a miilion questions in one sentence. can't be here for too long/17:56
red-raven_and bad spelling :P17:56
aveilleuxred-raven_: All of these things can all be done on both the server and desktop versions, you just have to forward the right ports through your router.17:59
red-raven_sweet! is it all built in or do i neeed to install stuff like apache?17:59
aveilleuxred-raven_: For tunneling, you should change your SSH port ( http://techie-buzz.com/foss/change-default-ssh-port-in-linux.html ) and SSH (built in to Ubuntu) can be used for tunneling (PuTTY on Windows can handle that). Filesharing can be done through Samba, which should be built-in. Apache is the http server, which you can install through: sudo apt-get install apache18:01
aveilleuxred-raven_: I do not condone using a proxy to circumvent firewalls, but the technology is there.18:02
red-raven_yah but tuneling also keeps you more secure.18:02
red-raven_will ssh handle security though? like keeping out boots etc?18:02
aveilleuxred-raven_: It encrypts your connection from your server to the client, but any traffic after that is unencrypted. If that's all you need (ex. your traffic is monitored on the client machine) then that's fine.18:03
red-raven_ok. so say some idiot goes to a site and gets a virus on a client machine. can that virus spread to the server and other clients?18:04
aveilleuxred-raven_: No, the traffic is not tracked on the server unless you specifically set it up/18:05
red-raven_open SSH or FreeSSHd?18:09
aveilleuxred-raven_: As for creating accounts, SSH just uses the local accounts. You can create limited accounts that have no permissions apart from SSH access.18:09
aveilleuxred-raven_: sudo apt-get install openssh18:10
red-raven_oh. is ther a way to make it so that everyone whos using the server has a seperate log in when they connect>18:10
aveilleuxred-raven_: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/678295-post4.html18:12
aveilleuxred-raven_: also http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/678303-post6.html18:12
red-raven_thx. gtg!18:12
wolfpackaveilleux: I am working under some HTTP proxy. When i try to branch through bazaar I get this error---"ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection timed out bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. "..Is there any way around to solve this??18:18
aveilleuxwolfpack: I know very little about bazaar, I'm not a developer. However I'm sure someone else in this room can help you. starcraftman maybe?18:23
starcraftmanwolfpack: this a work proxy?18:25
wolfpackaveilleux: Is there anyway that I can tunnel through port 22......as only 8080 is allowed in my college18:25
wolfpackstarcraftman: ya....proxy in college18:25
starcraftmanwolfpack: hmmm, I see. American uni that puts a proxy up to stop all protocols like torrents huh?18:26
aveilleuxoh, I know this one. I was just helping someone with it18:27
aveilleuxwolfpack: Do you have a computer outside the university network?18:27
starcraftmanaveilleux: ya, that'd be easiest, if he has an external computer can tunnel to it or ssh to it and do lp/bzr via that.18:28
wolfpackno aveilleux18:28
aveilleuxwolfpack: PM with me for a minute18:28
starcraftmanwolfpack: TOR would probably let you get by proxy. Though might be lil slow depending on how much you plan on doing.18:29
starcraftmana thought at least.18:29
wolfpackis there any other way to work on devlopment work without using Bazarr?18:30
aveilleuxwolfpack: Check your private messages18:30
starcraftmanwolfpack: well Launchpad surely isn't the only version control system, there's always Github for GIT and code.google.com for SVN/HG18:30
starcraftmanhg = Mercurial.18:30
starcraftmanNot to mention sourceforge, the ol' standard.18:30
starcraftmanwolfpack: ah, just looked a lil more, did you set the http proxy variable for bazaar?18:35
wolfpacki have not changed anything in bazaar18:36
wolfpackstarcraftman: is it  required to set http proxy in bazaar?18:38
starcraftmanwolfpack: I think so, still reading a bit on it. variable appears to be http_proxy, set it equal to the value of your unis proxy.18:39
wolfpackstarcraftman: can you guide me how to do so?18:39
starcraftmanwolfpack: think it's just set as a regular shell variable so: export http_proxy=URL_HERE18:42
starcraftmanwolfpack: list of other configurations here > http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/ConfiguringBzr18:43
starcraftmanquiet it seems18:49
wolfpackstarcraftman: http thing didn't work...18:51
starcraftmanwolfpack: bah, hate proxies. Well, hmmm, easiest way would be tunneling to an external like aveilleux suggested. Or TOR, TOR provides anonymized servers to external world donated.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_%28anonymity_network%2918:56
starcraftmanI'm not sure enough on what uni's doing to offer an alternative. Have you tried GIT by chance and seen if that works behind network?18:57
starcraftmanwolfpack: As a corollary, I'd also lodge a formal complaint to the IT department/dean that your being prevented from legally working on software development.18:57
wolfpackwolfpack: I hope they listen to ur complainet :)18:59
starcraftmanwolfpack: well your complaint, you are paying for an "education" usually that involves collaborating with others, online, developing things....19:00
wolfpackNo i havent tried GIT ....Can i branch any work from Lanchpad through GIT?19:00
wolfpackbut they say that it will reduce their security..................19:01
starcraftmanwolfpack: nope, Git doesn't have a plugin for working with bzr that I know of.19:02
aveilleuxwolfpack: "They" don't understand the notion of security if they have to resort to using a blackout firewall19:02
starcraftmanonly bzr if ya want to work on a project hosted on lp.19:02
* starcraftman concurs with aveilleux.19:02
starcraftmanA hammer isn't well suited to swatting a flies.19:02
aveilleuxwolfpack: What ports are you able to get traffic over?19:03
aveilleuxwolfpack: And 80 I assume19:03
aveilleuxJust 80 and 8080... My university did the same thing, but only for the public (non-protected) networks...19:04
wolfpackdon't know ....19:04
wolfpackbut i am able to connect to gtalk in pidgin using 443 ...19:05
aveilleuxwolfpack: Oh. So they just blacklisted 20-22, probably19:05
aveilleuxwolfpack: and a few others. Are you using 6667 to connect to Freenode as well?19:05
wolfpackthat has been blocked :(19:06
wolfpackusing webchat19:06
wolfpackI was about to say same thing about 666719:06
aveilleuxwolfpack: Oh, I know that they're doing. Alright. Most ports are open except a few "known hazards"19:07
wolfpackyes ... I guesss.....but those so called " known hajards" are important to me19:09
aveilleuxDoes anyone know if a boot CD exists that will boot, then kick into a USB drive? My laptop can't boot into USB but will boot to CD, and I have no floppy disks. (Or, at least, not any computers other than the laptop that can use floppies)19:36
MrAnthropeI'm having trouble finding java 6 in synaptic. Someone remind me what it's called?19:42
MrAnthropeI don't want openjdk...19:43
MrAnthropeOh I forgot I have to add that repository or whatever.... right?19:44
holsteinaveilleux: im reading http://gag.sourceforge.net/19:46
holsteini've used it live19:47
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: openjdk-6-jre19:47
holsteinnot sure about booting USB drives from it though19:47
MrAnthropenoo. I want sun java, aveilleux.19:47
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: afaik sun-jaba6 isn't in the Ubuntu repos anymore. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=java&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all19:48
MrAnthropeYeah I forgot I had to add the sun repository, but I don't remember how to do that. :/19:48
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html19:50
MrAnthropeThank you, aveilleux :)19:51
MrAnthropeLast time I installed OpenJDK java did not work. At all.19:52
MrAnthropeSun-Java seems to work fine, though.19:52
MrAnthropeyay I have flash and java. My life is complete.20:15
charliemacDoes running LXDE on the standard/regular/original Ubuntu acheive the same efficiency as simply having Lubuntu?20:21
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: Kinda, just try it :)20:22
aveilleuxcharliemac: Yes and no. If you're still using GDM as your login manager, then no,20:23
MrChrisDruifFor the next release Lubuntu will be switching a few default apps of LXDE, i.e. fileroller instead of Xarchiver20:23
aveilleuxcharliemac: But it's not as heavy as running GNOME on top of GDM20:23
MrAnthropeThis might be a little off topic, but does anyone know how to get Virtualbox to see an external USB HDD?20:24
charliemacCan Lubuntu run Windows on a virtual machine the way GNOME can?20:24
aveilleuxcharliemac: What desktop environment you use has no impact on what programs you can run.20:25
charliemacWhat are the different login managers?20:25
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Are you using the PUEL version? (not the OSE version)20:25
MrAnthropeNo, I am using OSE.20:26
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Then you can't.20:26
MrAnthropeGah. Where do I get the PUEL version?20:26
aveilleuxcharliemac: There are quite a few. GDM (default in Ubuntu), KDM (Default in Kubuntu), XDM (very minimal), SLiM (also minimal but better-looking than XDM), TinyDM (in development)20:26
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads20:27
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: scroll down to "Deb-based Linux distributions"20:27
MrAnthropeThank you, aveilleux. :)20:27
charliemacWhat is the default login manager for Lubuntu?20:28
MrChrisDruifLXDM I believe it was...20:30
charliemacIs LXDM lighter than SLiM?20:31
MrChrisDruifThat, I don't know :)20:34
MrChrisDruifBut they'll won't be far apart either :)20:34
charliemacCan Lubuntu use SLiM if I find that I don't like its default login manager?20:35
aveilleuxcharliemac: You can always change display managers20:35
charliemac(I still haven't chosen which varietal of Ubuntu to install on my laptop)20:35
charliemacWhat is the difference between a display mananger and a login manager?20:36
aveilleuxcharliemac: They're the same thing.20:36
aveilleuxcharliemac: Just a different name. "Display manager" is more appropriate because handling logins is just one part of a display manager.20:37
charliemacWhat is the difference between display manager and desktop environment?20:37
charliemac(LOL, can you tell I'm used to windows yet?!) ;)20:38
MrChrisDruifDesktop Environment is a set of predefined apps and services :)20:38
MrChrisDruifLike Gnome uses Metacity for Window management and GDM for login :)20:38
MrChrisDruifNautilus for File manager20:39
MrChrisDruifXfce uses XFWM I believe, thunar and more stuff :P20:39
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Yes and no20:39
MrChrisDruifWhat's wrong with my explanation aveilleux? :)20:40
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: It's really the higher-level interface elements. For example, one may use Thunar in place of Nautilus and still run GNOME if one so chooses20:40
charliemacWhich element has more influence on efficiency, speed, and power usage, the desktop environment or the display manager?20:41
charliemacDon't forget stability!20:41
JackyAlcineThunar's another file management application? Better than Nautilus?20:41
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif, charliemac: The display manager runs in the background, handling events such as logging in and managing the X server. The desktop environment usually handles drawing window elements, panels, etc (but this is not always the case: Blackbox has a separate panel applet, for example)20:41
aveilleuxJackyAlcine: It's lighter in weight. I've found use is just about the same.20:42
charliemacHow can you change the display manager when its running in the background?  Is there another platform that runs in the sub-background?20:42
aveilleuxcharliemac: Well, GDM is a unique case because it keeps open a GNOME session in the background (meaning there are two GNOME sessions running: One that is visible and one in the background). Otherwise, the DM doesn't have much of an impact on performance. The DE usually has a greater impact on system speed and stability20:42
MrChrisDruifaveilleux: You see display manager the same as window manager?20:43
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: They're becoming tighter and tighter integrated. Metacity is a part of the GNOME environment, and Compiz mimics its appearance while in GNOME.20:44
JackyAlcineChris Druif: Display manager and window manager are different.20:44
JackyAlcineMrChrisDruif ^^20:44
JackyAlcineie) DM = GNOME, WM = Compiz20:45
MrChrisDruifJackyAlcine: I know, I was asking if aveilleux was thinking the same...20:45
JackyAlcineI love Compiz so much though.20:45
MrChrisDruifJackyAlcine: DM=GDM, WM=(in Ubuntu)Compiz20:45
MrChrisDruifOtherwise Metacity :)20:45
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: ^^. and not to mention GNOME Shell has its own WM (replacing Metacity and Compiz), and Unity does as well.20:45
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: If you have desktop effects disabled Ubuntu runs Metacity.20:45
MrChrisDruifBut who does that? O:-)20:46
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: I do20:46
MrChrisDruifI'm proud of you :)20:46
aveilleuxI'm glad for that :/20:46
charliemacIs Window Mgr part of the Display Mgr or the Desktop Enviro?20:46
aveilleuxcharliemac: The Window Manager is defined in the Desktop Environment's configuration20:47
charliemacSo how can you change the display manager when its running in the background?  Is there another platform that runs in the sub-background?20:47
aveilleuxcharliemac: The DM runs atop the console.20:47
aveilleuxcharliemac: Hang on, let me dig up an image I drew a while ago.20:47
charliemacSry i should have said switch dm's, ow can you switch to another the display manager when its running in the background?20:48
MrAnthropeaveilleux, I installed Virtualbox PUEL and I still don't see my usb hdd.20:48
aveilleuxcharliemac: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs305.ash2/58503_1579130441659_1337580327_1548847_2562439_n.jpg20:48
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: You have to configure it in the VM properties20:48
aveilleuxcharliemac: That image is somewhat wrong; replace the words "window manager" with "Desktop environment" and it's correct20:49
MrAnthropeI added it as a shared folder.20:49
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: No, there's a separate USB section.20:49
MrAnthropeOh I see it. Enable USb controller.20:49
charliemacWhere can you select the display manager if its constantly running in the background?  Is there another platform that runs in the sub-background?  The console?20:51
charliemacIs the console part of the desktop environment?20:53
aveilleuxcharliemac: No. You don't change it live. You make a change then reboot.20:54
charliemacAah gotcha.20:54
charliemacDoes it require a download or are they preloads?20:54
aveilleuxcharliemac: If you wanted to switch from, say... GDM to SLiM, you'd install SLiM, then run the command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, which would then ask you what DM you wanted to use. Then you would choose SLiM.20:54
aveilleuxcharliemac: Installing packages requires downloading the packages.20:55
charliemacAha.  Thank you.20:55
aveilleuxcharliemac: They're all up on the repositories, though, so it's not like you need to download an installer and run it. You'd just run sudo apt-get install slim or sudo apt-get install xdm from the Terminal20:55
charliemacAre the only differences between SLiM and LXDM cosmetic?20:56
aveilleuxcharliemac: No. They're unrelated DMs.20:56
aveilleuxcharliemac: They're written by different developers.20:57
charliemacHow does LightDM compare with SLiM and LXDM?20:57
MrChrisDruifaveilleux: You said GDM stays running in background? =-O20:59
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: GDM uses a separate GNOME session from the visible one. Let me find where I got that.21:00
charliemacWould it be more efficient (in terms of system resources) to run Amarok through Kubuntu or through Lubuntu with KDE library dependencies?21:04
MrChrisDruifWhy run Amarok? Aren't there alternatives without KDE lib dependencies?21:07
charliemacMrChrisDruif:  speaking hypothetically ;)21:09
aveilleuxcharliemac: Well KDE is pretty heavy21:10
charliemacIs KDE heavier than GNOME?21:10
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: Yes21:11
charliemacOk, so I think I've chosen Lubuntu for my notebook, which previously used WinXP.  Any wise words before my maiden voyage?21:14
MrChrisDruifCome hang around in #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic? :)21:15
charliemacWhat is the difference between #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic21:19
bioterroranother is for support21:19
bioterrorand another is for offtopic chat21:19
charliemacOk i see it.21:20
charliemacCan I install Lubuntu over the old Hard Drive without burning a CD?  How can I use a flash drive instead?21:26
MrAnthropeOoh that's how I installed Ubuntu this time. I like it much better than burning a CD.21:27
aveilleuxcharliemac: You can use UNetBootIn21:27
charliemac+avilleux: thank you!21:43
charliemacWhat is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit?21:43
aveilleuxcharliemac: 64-bit is optimized for 64-bit CPUs21:44
aveilleuxcharliemac: What CPU is the target machine running?21:44
charliemacHow can I tell?21:45
charliemacIt's got pentium 421:45
aveilleuxcharliemac: Safe to say 32-bit then.21:45
charliemacOk thanks again.21:47
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=== water is now known as robbmunson
Eric_Tavernai have two 120gb harddrives on my laptop and have vista but want to also install ubuntu what is the most effective way to do this22:32
Eric_Tavernai usually put all my progs on c: and media on d:22:33
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: It sounds like you use C:\ as a system drive, and D:\ as a data drive. Am I correct?22:33
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: What file system is on D:\?22:33
Eric_Tavernalike fat32 or ntfs?22:34
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: Yes, that's what a file system is22:35
Eric_TavernaD:\ is NTFS22:35
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: Okay. If you partition C:\ and install Ubuntu onto it alongside Windows (in a dual-boot arrangement), then you can mount D:\ (probably called /dev/sdb in Linux) and access the data on it.22:36
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: You'll have to do some fstab (File System TABle) editing, but I can walk you through that22:36
Eric_TavernaWhat exactly is that? Sorry im really new to ubuntu22:37
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: fstab is the file that stores all the information about what drives are mounted where on the system22:37
Eric_TavernaSo i need to edit that to tell the comp that i have ubuntu and vista on c:\22:37
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: No. You have to edit it to tell Ubuntu that your data is stored on the second hard drive, sdb.22:38
Eric_TavernaOh ok22:38
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: In Linux terminology, sda = C:\, and sdb = D:\ (assuming Windows has no more than one partition per drive)22:38
Eric_TavernaI really want to get rid of windows but i have a zune and need windows to sync it22:39
MrChrisDruifIs that so? Doesn't Banshee or Rhythmbox work with Zune these days?22:40
Eric_TavernaI have been reading alot and it appears not..i actully have ubuntu install very sloppily currently so thats why i was asking about effectivness of installing both22:41
Red-Ravenoh dear. the MP3 player Vs. Linux compatibility issue continues.22:41
Eric_Tavernait is the only thing making me keep windows22:41
MrChrisDruifEric_Taverna: Maybe a better reason then Windows Gaming ;)22:42
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: You may want to consider single-booting Ubuntu and simply running Windows in a virtual machine, such as VirtualBox22:42
Red-Ravenwine+itunes/Zune/whatever MP3 syncing program you want?22:42
MrChrisDruifThat would work too Red-Raven :)22:43
Eric_Tavernaso u are saying install itunes and wine..run itunes via wine and itunes should recgonize my zune?22:43
Red-Raventhen whats the problem here?22:43
Red-Ravenyah should work.22:43
aveilleuxRed-Raven, Eric_Taverna, MrChrisDruif: No. That won't work. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=574122:44
Eric_Tavernawell then ill go give that a shot.22:44
Eric_TavernaThanks so much guys!22:44
aveilleuxRed-Raven, Eric_Taverna, MrChrisDruif: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134722:44
MrChrisDruifiTunes got Silver, which should be usable right?22:45
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Usable with problems. Also, since when can iTunes sync to the Zune?22:45
MrChrisDruifDon't know..22:46
Eric_Tavernaso virtualbox then22:46
Red-Ravenit can't. i was just listing syncing programs. wait, will Zune work with wine?22:46
aveilleuxRed-Raven: No.22:46
aveilleuxRed-Raven: I linked it first.22:47
Eric_Tavernahow does VB work...in my research it seem that i still need windows installed...is that correct22:47
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: Nnnno. You install Windows *into* VirtualBox.22:47
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: VirtualBox is a virtual machine, meaning it's essentially a computer running within an operating system. Sort of like a "fake computer".22:47
Eric_Tavernai have recovery discs for vista will that work?22:47
aveilleuxEric_Taverna: No.22:47
Red-Ravenhow do you get the windows ISO?22:48
MrChrisDruifEric_Taverna: No, I don't think so..22:48
aveilleuxRed-Raven: You buy it or "creatively acquire" it. The latter of which I can not and will not discuss in this room.22:48
aveilleuxEric_Taverna, check your PMs22:48
Red-Ravencan you put OS X on a pc if you buy it legally?22:49
MrChrisDruifProlly you'll have a secret partition on your C:\, which the recovery disks uses to "recover" windows <_<"22:49
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: No, only on a Mac platform22:49
aveilleuxRed-Raven: No.22:49
aveilleuxRed-Raven: It's possible to do, but against the Apple SLA and therefore illegal22:50
Red-Ravenwhy? circuits are circuits. it can't tell the difference. is it the BIOS?22:50
JackyAlcineRed-Raven: something like that and some other things.22:50
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Macs don't have a BIOS.22:50
aveilleuxRed-Raven: They use a system called EFI.22:51
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Also drivers for a lot of hardware don't exist for OSX.22:51
Red-Raveni heard about the EFI. but couldn't you just build a PC with all the necessary requirements?22:52
MrChrisDruifaveilleux: Aren't all motherboard suppliers switching to EFI these days? Wasn't EFI supposed to the replacement for BIOS?22:52
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: "Was supposed to" back in 1991. There's no technological advantage and it's more expensive to maintain, so no one picked it up.22:52
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Apple uses it as OS DRM.22:52
MrChrisDruifRed-Raven: Long answer: Yes (long haul, hackintoch blabla), easy answer: You want MAC OS X, buy a Mac :P22:53
Red-Ravenso that must mean they have the exclusive on it.22:53
Red-Ravenon EFI.22:53
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Well, no.22:53
MrChrisDruifaveilleux: What I've heard was the other way around...22:53
aveilleuxRed-Raven: EFI was created and is maintained by Intel.22:54
MrChrisDruifIt is/was difficult to add new components because of the language used for the BIOS22:54
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Yes but there's no reason to anymore, the way OS kernels are designed.22:54
MrChrisDruifMeaning aveilleux?22:55
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Actually not the language. BIOS has a limit on how much space it can have for code (which actually went up with the advent of 64-bit processors)22:55
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Meaning the BIOS is literally what it says: Basic Input/Output System. Everything else is handled at a higher level.22:55
MrChrisDruifYes, but OC'ing (which happens a lot on BIOS level) is difficult to add in BIOS :P22:56
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: But most BIOSs have it built in already. And no, that's not BIOS. That's CMOS.22:56
=== Eric_Taverna is now known as Ereotav
aveilleuxMrChrisDruif: Additionally... there's no configuration in the Apple EFI. Selecting the boot disk is the extent of its abilities, plus a (very) limited recovery console. GRUB does exactly that just fine without EFI.22:59
Red-Ravenhow do i tell if i have the SSH server on ubuntu desktop?23:02
aveilleuxRed-Raven: sudo apt-get install openssh-server23:02
aveilleuxRed-Raven: If you have it it'll just exit. If you don't it'll ask to install it.23:02
MrChrisDruifBut I've gotta go....alarm rings in about 7 hours <_<"23:03
Red-Ravenhow do i open SSH? and does SSH have a GUI?23:41
holsteinRed-Raven: you can connect via ssh23:43
holsteinto a machine23:43
holsteinin gnome23:43
holsteinunder places - connect to server23:43
holsteinthat a GUI kinda23:43
Red-Ravenyah. but i need to set up the SSH server first. is there a GUI for that?23:43
holsteinbut usually you just do it in a terminal23:43
Red-Ravendoes the server have a GUI you can use to set it up?23:44
aveilleuxRed-Raven: It's automatically set up for you...23:44
aveilleuxRed-Raven: You just log in using your account credentials on the local machine23:45
Red-Ravenoh. so then what? just forward the port 22?23:45
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Yes, but I advise against that. Change your SSH port number, THEN forward your port.23:45
aveilleuxRed-Raven: http://techie-buzz.com/foss/change-default-ssh-port-in-linux.html23:45
holstein22 is assumed23:46
holsteinport 22*23:46
Red-Ravenhow do you get these links so fast? it takes me forever to find stuff in google that matches EXACTLY what i need.23:46
holsteinthats what a person would be scanning for though23:46
aveilleuxRed-Raven: I have a black belt in Google-fu23:46
holsteinRed-Raven: maybe you need more input23:46
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Also I have a bookmark folder of links I save for common questions23:47
Red-Raveni have a million bookmarks, all nicely sorted. OCD style.23:48
aveilleuxRed-Raven: I don't always use bookmarks, but when I do, I prefer folder organization.23:50
aveilleuxStay thirsty my friends.23:50
Red-Ravenso once i forward the port i pick and run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start i can connect from anywhere in the world?23:50
holsteindepends on the firewall at your home23:51
holsteini have ports forwarded to my server box23:51
holsteinforwared by my router23:51
aveilleuxRed-Raven: SSH starts automatically with your computer23:51
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Otherwise yes... I forwarded my two ports (two different machines) and I use them to manage my servers remotely23:52
Red-Ravenwe only have basic windows firewall.23:52
holsteinthe router23:52
holsteinif you have one23:52
aveilleuxRed-Raven: No, he means your router, which has a port firewall on it.23:52
aveilleuxRed-Raven: http://port-forward.com/23:53
Red-Raventhx guys. ill probably be back on later tonight or tommorow morning. cya!23:54

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