
robert_ancelljasoncwarner1, you're running maverick right?  Can you reproduce the problem (run killall gnome-panel a number of times and see if it occurs)00:17
RAOFOh, wow.  Unity really really hates dual-head still.00:18
jasoncwarner1robert_ancell: I have a vm of it...I'll do that in a few minutes00:19
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, what occurs?02:07
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, duplication/corruption of applet icons02:08
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, any specific number of times02:09
robert_ancellI've just installed a 10.04 box, with updates and the network manager icon in underneath the the indicator applet02:09
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, empathy got kicked out of the indicator applet02:09
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, not sure, that killing is just suggested in the bug report02:10
robert_ancellbug #43944802:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu Natty) (and 7 other projects) "Visual corruption affecting several panel applets (affects: 601) (dups: 121) (heat: 2994)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43944802:10
robert_ancellI can't reproduce in natty, but then there's pretty much just one applet anyway02:11
bcurtiswxi lost my status icon applet02:11
bcurtiswxso confirmed02:11
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, which version of Ubuntu?02:12
bcurtiswx10.10 :)02:12
robert_ancellWhich icon is the status icon?  The me menu?02:13
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, yes02:14
robert_ancelldo you have a screenshot?02:14
bcurtiswxone sec02:15
kenvandinerobert_ancell, hey... got a minute for a quick vala question?02:16
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, screenshot attached to bug02:17
robert_ancellkenvandine, sure02:17
kenvandinerobert_ancell, do you know how to annotate a library written in vala so the annotations make it into the C file, and picked up by g-ir-scanner in creating a gir?02:17
kenvandinei am struggling trying to annotate libgwibber to get ownership right for the gir02:18
kenvandineand... i want the docstrings to make it into gtk-doc...02:18
robert_ancellkenvandine, haven't tried it that way yet - I just assumed it would add the annotations into the generated files02:19
robert_ancellor can vala just generate a gir directly?02:19
kenvandinesort of02:20
kenvandinethere is a tool that they say not to use anymore, in favor of g-ir-scanner02:20
kenvandineit creates a gi file, not gir02:20
kenvandineso what i have not creates the gir, but drops a bunch of stuff that it can't guess the transfer for02:22
kenvandinewhich it didn't do in maverick, but g-ir-scanner is better now02:22
kenvandineand i haven't been able to find another library written in vala that generates a gir02:23
* kenvandine just loves new technology :)02:23
robert_ancellkenvandine, I think you're the guinea pig :)02:32
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, could you give me the result of gconftool-2 -R /apps/panel/applets02:32
* kenvandine asks in #vala02:34
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bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556039/02:40
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, thanks - so I see you've moved all your applets around.  Could you log into a guest session and see if the same corruption occurs?02:41
AbsintheSyringerobert_ancell, you're the one I need :)02:43
AbsintheSyringerobert_ancell, I'm trying to package light-themes in Debian, however I ran into a minor visual problem that's annoying the hell out of me02:43
robert_ancellAbsintheSyringe, screenshot?02:44
AbsintheSyringerobert_ancell, sorry about that http://foolcontrol.org/img/square%20edges.png02:44
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, i did killall too many times and it just stopped coming back02:45
AbsintheSyringeI moved the windows buttons from left to right side in gconf-defaults and that's what happens02:45
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, but i typed killall gnome-panel and it kept saying operation not permitted.. but the panel would appear to reload02:45
bcurtiswxi couldn't su because it wouldn't let me02:45
AbsintheSyringehow do I make that close button round, I even tried changing the images to make it round, but nothing helped02:45
robert_ancellAbsintheSyringe, sorry, I'm not sure.  I saw that when the theme was under development though02:46
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, so you have no panel now?02:47
AbsintheSyringerobert_ancell, do you know who could/should I address that would know answer to this?02:47
robert_ancellkenvandine, do you know who's looking after light-themes now?02:48
kenvandineprobably me02:48
robert_ancellAbsintheSyringe, you can file a bug here too: https://launchpad.net/light-themes02:48
* kenvandine isn't really sure :)02:49
kenvandinei am probably the last one touched it02:49
AbsintheSyringekenvandine, then can you help me with this one :)02:49
AbsintheSyringerobert_ancell, tnx :)02:49
kenvandineoh... changing the buttons.... ask cimi02:49
kenvandinehe should be sleeping now... but try him tomorrow02:50
* robert_ancell wonders if all the panel killing has killed bcurtiswx's session :)02:50
AbsintheSyringekenvandine, could I have his email?02:50
kenvandinenot sure i have it... i just ping him on irc :)02:50
kenvandinei can guess it if i could spell his name :)02:50
robert_ancellAbsintheSyringe, https://launchpad.net/~cimi02:51
AbsintheSyringerobert_ancell, yep got it, tnx :)02:51
AbsintheSyringekenvandine, google does wonders :)02:51
kenvandineAbsintheSyringe, hehe02:52
kenvandineexactly what i had done :)02:52
kenvandineAbsintheSyringe, how's it going with the unity packaging for debian?02:53
AbsintheSyringekenvandine, it's going quite well, kinda stuck with compiz part, but once I'm done I think I'll be good02:54
AbsintheSyringekenvandine, that's why I wanted to package light-themes along with unity02:54
AbsintheSyringeso those two come in nicely02:54
kenvandineAbsintheSyringe, well ping me anytime!02:54
AbsintheSyringekenvandine, I will! :)02:55
kenvandineright now i am going to try to forget about annotations/vala/gir stuff and hack on something fun :)02:55
AbsintheSyringehey I thought this was fun!02:55
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robert_ancellbcurtiswx, still there?03:08
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, yes sorry was watching a DVR'd show03:08
bcurtiswxi killed it to the point of no panel03:08
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, do you have a panel now?03:08
bcurtiswxwith a 'gnome-panel --replace' yes03:09
bcurtiswxbut if i kill it, it doesn't come back03:09
bcurtiswxi can reset the guest session and try again if you want03:10
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, I'd like you to try rearranging your applets and see if it still occurs03:11
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, yes, after rearrangement on the guest session it occurs03:14
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, need anything else?03:23
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, could you rearrange the applets in your normal session by unlocking them all (r-click, deselect lock to panel), then from right to left, moving each applet so it is aligned with the other applets on the right03:25
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, then run the script in http://paste.ubuntu.com/55604603:27
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, so all my applets will be on the right of the screen?03:28
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, all the ones that are normally there in the screenshot.  The config shows they're all being defined from the left of the panel, doing this should make them defined from the right03:29
robert_ancelljust the applets in the top panel on the right currently03:29
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, sorry that I'm slightly confused03:30
bcurtiswxall the top right panels..03:30
bcurtiswxmake them a mirror of what they are currently ?03:31
robert_ancellum, hang on, it's hard to describe so I'll try and make a script that does it03:31
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, ok, could you run http://paste.ubuntu.com/556053 and then killall gnome-panel and see if a) all your applets are back :) and b) they don't have any corruption issues03:42
bcurtiswxi saved that as a bash script03:49
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, ^^ + runthis.sh: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('03:50
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, run as 'python <name>'03:50
Smaugif I have a 1 GB usb flash drive and am on Windows Vista, can I create a persistant bootable ubuntu flash drive?  If so how?03:50
jmarsdenSmaug: See http://www.pendrivelinux.com/03:51
Smaugjmarsden: ty, am checking it out03:52
jmarsdenSmaug: Ah, you may need a 2GB flash drive... but that site has many ideas on creating Linux USB sticks...03:53
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, let me restart my session03:53
TheMusoSmaug: I believe there is a version of usb-creator for windows somewhere, that will allow you to take an Ubuntu iso and put it onto your usb stick. Unfortunately I don't know where to get the windows version of usb-creator, other than from an Ubuntu iso/CD.03:54
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, after the script you want me to try to crash it again?03:58
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, not crash, but just get the corruption you showed in the screenshot03:58
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, the indicator-me same thing03:59
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, can you run the gconftool-2 command again?04:00
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556057/04:01
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, thanks, that was a red herring :(04:02
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, aww I was no help?04:03
robert_ancellwell, it ruled out one thing!04:03
robert_ancellit suggests it's not manual rearranging that causes the problem04:03
micahgrobert_ancell: would you be able to give me bug tasks on bug 705028?04:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 705028 in thunderbird-locales (Ubuntu) "Update Thunderbird translations to 3.1.7 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70502804:05
robert_ancellmicahg, what is the process for translations?04:07
micahgrobert_ancell: well, I wasn't sure, I asked pitti a couple months ago and he said we could update in a stable release04:07
micahgnormally the langpacks get updated, but this isn't in the langpacks and all this package has is translations04:08
robert_ancellmicahg, oh, so there will be a new release into -proposed?04:09
micahgrobert_ancell: yes, that's what I'd like to do04:09
micahgand lucid-proposed is freezing soon for 10.04.2, so I wanted to get this uploaded tonight04:09
robert_ancellmicahg, ok, all done04:10
micahgrobert_ancell: thanks04:10
bcurtiswxgood night everyone :)04:14
robert_ancellbcurtiswx, thanks for your help04:14
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell, np anytime, feel free to ask04:14
robert_ancelljasoncwarner1, did you try reproducing that gnome-panel bug?  I'm having no luck here.  Testing on a fresh 10.04 (updated) install, and not reproducing.  I get a minor glitch on the show desktop icon, but it's not severe like the bug report indicates06:35
robert_ancellRAOF, have you looked at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=596923?06:39
ubot2Gnome bug 596923 in notification area "notification area shows wrong icons. erratic behaviour" [Normal,Unconfirmed]06:39
robert_ancellDo any of the screenshots look like xserver/driver corruption?06:40
ggeorgyis a way to increase volume in video file????????07:33
ggeorgyi have some video and volume is too low07:33
evilvish!support | ggeorgy07:36
ubot2ggeorgy: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org07:36
ggeorgyi know07:37
didrocksgood morning08:12
didrockssalut seb128, ça va?08:21
seb128lut didrocks, ca va! et toi ?08:23
seb128bonne soirée?08:23
seb128the box is working?08:23
didrocksseb128: yeah, very nice, thanks! and the box is working well. So nice to have a real connexion now :)08:24
* didrocks will even put the webradio on to celebrate :)08:24
didrocksbryceh: RAOF: I'm looking for the x11-common source to change the hook which was taken from an old revision of compiz. debcheckout gives me the debian git repo, I tried to changed debian by ubuntu knowing you have it on the debian git repo, but I can't find it, can you give me a clue? :)08:49
pittiGood morning09:00
jasoncwarner1morning pitti09:03
jasoncwarner1morning didrocks09:03
seb128hello pitti jasoncwarner109:04
pittihey jasoncwarner1!09:04
pittibonjour seb12809:04
seb128pitti, how is the hacking going? ;-)09:04
pittiseb128: http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/log/?qt=author&q=martin.pitt :)09:05
jasoncwarner1hey didrocks or seb128, I'm doing a clean install (virtualbox) and upgrade to natty and I was asked the same question three times. Question is what modifier key to want to switch between national and latin input. Any reason I was asked three seperate times about that?  ;)09:05
seb128pitti, I've seen the commits flying on #commits, great work!09:05
seb128jasoncwarner1, no, it's a bug09:05
seb128you shouldn't be asked at all09:05
pittiand I hope I can land https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=639939 today or tomorrow09:05
ubot2Gnome bug 639939 in introspection "GVariant creator is not recursive and does not support empty structures" [Normal,Assigned]09:05
pittiwith that (and some extra sugar I'm working on) we'll get really good gdbus support09:06
pittiand s-c-p GI porting makes progress; but it's a huge task09:06
didrockshey jasoncwarner109:06
seb128seems there is quite some useful hacking going on there09:06
seb128the dx guys were happy that their dee issues seem almost sorted09:06
jasoncwarner1seb128: thanks...I'm assuming a known bug then :)09:07
seb128jasoncwarner1, I think so09:07
didrocksyeah, probably similar to the one where some people was added a keyboard layout randomly09:07
didrocksI got added Latin America for instance… and so the keyboard layout indicator appeared09:08
jasoncwarner1didrocks: yeah, same here...I have USA up all the time now09:09
didrocksif I reset to "default", I have French, USA and Afghanistan09:10
didrocksof course, the tty is USA to make things easy and fun :)09:11
gesergood morning pitti09:14
seb128didrocks, run gnome-session-properties?09:14
seb128didrocks, the default dialog geometry is suboptimal without the tab, we should perhaps set it differently?09:15
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's not very good and I'm not happy with it. I didn't test to remove the tab09:15
pittiseb128: merci for the gnome3 status report09:56
seb128pitti, you're welcome09:56
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pittiseb128: do you know if someone is working on removing the resizing corner from the panel?10:15
seb128pitti, I did it yesterday, that didn't work?10:19
seb128well I sponsored the patch from bratsche for it rather10:19
pittiseb128: ah, I guess I need to restart my session then10:19
didrockspitti: is there a simple way to know in apport what was the pid of the crashed application?10:19
seb128pitti, just gnome-panel --replace?10:19
pittiseb128: with the new X stack, suspend just works way too well :)10:20
pittiI survived 4 days without rebooting10:20
pittiand only rebooted to get the desktop updates, not because anything was broken10:20
pittibryceh, RAOF  ^ FYI10:20
pittiseb128: ah, yes; thanks10:21
seb128pitti, works?10:21
didrockspitti: I think you missed it: "is there a simple way to know in apport what was the pid of the crashed application?" (I don't find any examples in the existing hooks)10:24
pittididrocks: indeed we don't store this directly, as it's not that interesting mostly; but it should be in one of the Proc* attributes?10:26
pittididrocks: yep, it's in ProcStatus, "Pid:", "PPid: ec.10:27
didrockspitti: excellent, thanks :)10:28
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duanedesignhello didrocks :)11:37
duanedesigndidrocks: hope your new year is going well.11:37
didrocksduanedesign: hey! yes, fantastic, thanks, and you?11:40
duanedesigndidrocks: still looking for long term employment. been getting lots of short term stuff. But things seem to be improving.11:43
didrocksduanedesign: crossing fingers for you for this new year :)11:45
duanedesigndidrocks: thank you, I appreciate that.11:47
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seb128dpm, don't reopen closed bugs13:40
seb128dpm, your natty issues with the keyboard indicators are likely to the transition which happened during the rally, nothing to do with old bugs13:40
dpmseb128, ok, I wasn't sure what to do with it, sorry. I reopened the old bug because it was still valid for maverick and lucid, I realise the other one had nothing to do with it.13:41
seb128dpm, it's not still valid for 10.1013:42
seb128or you have a different issue than the one described13:42
seb128in any case please don't reopen bugs it just confuses people and create extra work13:42
seb128open a new one and give a reference to the one which has been closed and seems similar to you13:42
seb128then the maintainer can decide how to deal with it13:42
dpmseb128, ok, will do that in the future then, sorry for the extra work13:43
seb128no worry13:43
seb128thanks ;-)13:43
mterrybratsche, so I'm looking at this java sample file from yesterday.  How do I compile it?  javac Simple.java says it can't find org.eclipse.swt.SWT, but I don't know which package gives it.  I've installed some eclipse pkgss...13:45
seb128hey mterry13:46
mterryseb128, hello!13:46
seb128they have documentation on their website iirc13:46
mterryseb128, for installing in ubuntu?  or do I need to go off the rails with this one?13:47
seb128not sure if there is a binary, the website tell you how to build swt from cvs13:47
seb128which is what they pointed to bratsche on IRC iirc13:47
mterryguh, ok13:48
seb128well,  one of the eclipse binaries might have what you need13:48
seb128not sure13:48
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rickspencer3pitti, seb128 hey15:14
pittihey rickspencer315:14
seb128hey rickspencer315:14
seb128rickspencer3, you can upgrade today if that's the question ;-)15:14
rickspencer3seb128, haha15:15
rickspencer3actually, it wasn't, but thanks :)15:15
rickspencer3has the desktop team taken a decision about LibreOffice versus OOo in Natty?15:15
rickspencer3I notived you've been sending messages to the list about certain decisions, which is GREAT15:16
rickspencer3so, when you guys decide what to do with the Office Suite, maybe someone could update the list?15:16
pittirickspencer3: in fact, doko uploaded LibO yesterday15:16
seb128well since libreoffice has been uploaded I guess that's pretty much decided15:16
seb128but yeah an email would be nice15:17
pitti(it grew our CDs by 62 MB :-/)15:17
rickspencer3ok, I'd be asking jasoncwarner1 this if he were onilne15:17
Laneyuploaded, NEWed and providing the old packages15:17
rickspencer3maybe jasoncwarner1 could send out a note?15:17
pittirickspencer3: doko already sent a mail about a week ago, FWIW15:17
LaneyOOo should be removed then?15:17
seb128I was going to suggest doko15:17
seb128since he sent the ppa testing one as pitti just said15:17
rickspencer3pitti, yeah, well, that note caused some ambiguity, as you may have read15:17
seb128and he did the work15:17
rickspencer3as you wish15:18
rickspencer3pitti, the CD is over sized again?15:18
pittirickspencer3: yes, by 60 MB now15:18
pittiOO.o now pulls in JDK, and also grew quite a lot by itself15:18
rickspencer3is that beause of waht Laney said?15:18
rickspencer3btw, hi Laney15:19
pittiit's new and/or unnecessary dependencies15:19
pittifor example, -writer now recommends: jdk15:19
pittibut also, libo-common is ~ 20 MB bigger than ooo-common15:19
pittii. e. this requires some packaging fixes here15:19
rickspencer3well, what are you waiting for?15:20
seb128whip cracking noises? ;-)15:20
pittiso for alpha-2 we have three options: (1) remove LibO from the CD install, (2) revert to previous OO.o package, or (3) doko has some time to fix up the package15:21
pittibjoern will only start in Feb, and will then need some time to get into the packaging15:21
seb128or drop some langpacks as a workaround15:22
pittiI don't think that we ship enough langpacks to compensate15:22
seb128well 1) might we a better workaround15:22
seb128pitti, well I assume that we can clean the jdk recommends15:22
pittiyes, that at least15:22
rickspencer3pitti, if we just drop jdk, will it fit?15:22
seb128the remaining bits should be ok to switch with langpacks15:22
pittirickspencer3: no15:22
rickspencer3ok, good luck with that!15:23
seb128it should be ok to trade against langpacks15:23
rickspencer3let me know if there is anything I can do to help15:23
Laneyhiya :)15:23
rickspencer3about dropping lang packs:15:23
pitti(2) is painful, as we would then need a new upstream version of LibO to switch back again15:24
pitti(1) is certaily easiest right now15:24
seb128right, 1) seems best if doko has no time to fix it15:24
pittidepending on how much time doko has15:24
rickspencer3(2) seems to be going backwards, and since it's only alpha2, it seems a bit soon for such dire measures15:24
pittirickspencer3: *nod*15:24
rickspencer3can you remove it form the CD but NOT fill the extra space?15:25
seb128that's 1) basically15:25
rickspencer3like, take the CD size as it is with LO on it, subtract the amount of space the LO adds, and call that a size limit for A2?15:26
seb128let's see what doko can do in the next week to start15:26
seb128then we can deal with dropping things from the CD15:26
rickspencer3so if current_cd_size - total_lo_size = 625 MB15:26
rickspencer3don't let the A2 CD grow to more than 625?15:26
rickspencer3seb128, yeah, you're right, I'll let you guys get back to work15:27
rickspencer3anyway, thanks for letting me know about the final decision regarding LO vs. OO15:27
rickspencer3I'll ask jasoncwarner1 to make sure that someone lets @u-desktop know15:27
didrocksseb128: do you know if there is a bug report opened for all the keyboards issue we recently had?15:31
seb128didrocks, I don't know15:31
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didrocksI'm not even sure against what it should be reported TBH15:31
seb128which ones? the layout added etc?15:32
didrocksyeah, the layout added (and keeps to be readded for some people apparently)15:32
seb128console-setup I guess15:32
seb128or ask cjwatson15:33
didrocksseb128: ok, will do, looking a little bit before. Thanks :)15:33
Amaranththere is a keyboard specific package15:35
Amaranthoh, but the source package is still console-setup15:35
didrockshum, in /etc/default/keyboard :15:39
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AmaranthI swear bug 537703 is a dupe but I can't find the original report16:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 537703 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Compiz intercepts alert sound from gnome-terminal (affects: 9) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53770316:00
AmaranthI know the original had a pulseaudio task because at one time a configuration change in pulseaudio made things work right since pulse is supposed to be able to intercept X bell and play a sound16:01
seb128didrocks, is there any chance you could build bamf using the current vala and not 0.10?16:13
didrocksseb128: right now the alternative is set to the current, but it's failing, let me check16:13
seb128didrocks,  the build-depends is on valac-0.1016:14
didrocksseb128: the good news is that I see no more vala code in it16:16
didrocksthey are still depending on vala in a Makefile.am, I think it's a leftover16:18
didrocksyeah, it's even commented in fact16:18
didrocksok, will remove the dep16:18
didrockslet's try to build the tarball first, gtk-doc is not helpful16:18
didrocksthanks for the notice16:22
bcurtiswx_is gtk+-2.99.X going to be in natty soon?16:32
pittibcurtiswx_: got uploaded a couple of hours ago16:34
seb128bcurtiswx_, it was uploaded earlier today16:34
bcurtiswx_thanks pitti and seb12816:34
didrocksseb128: pushing libunity, if you have some time to NEW it, it would be awesome! :)16:48
seb128didrocks, ok16:49
seb128didrocks, you fixed the build issue?16:49
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didrocksseb128: hadn't the time for the proper fix, just unactivate the tests for now16:50
^arky^Hi, What is default editor for change the startup services17:07
pittigood night everyone!17:09
didrockshave a good night pitti17:14
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* kenvandine does the "got the gir generation working" dance :)17:29
kenvandinebut now it looks like to get decent api docs, i need to package valadoc17:30
rickspencer3kenvandine, whilst you are around ...17:41
rickspencer3is there somewhere I can read up on how to use libgwibber?17:41
kenvandinerickspencer3, working on that now...17:52
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine17:52
kenvandinethe gtk-doc generated docs suck for it17:52
kenvandinegoing to need valadoc which isn't in the archive17:53
kenvandinefinally got the gir generating correctly again17:53
seb128kenvandine, did you see there is a new indicator-appmenu?17:54
kenvandineseb128, yup17:54
brycehpitti, excellent that suspend works better for you17:54
kenvandinegoing to get it right after lunch17:54
chrisccoulsoni hope the indicator-appmenu release has my firefox menu fix in :)17:59
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i'll let you know :)18:04
didrocksbryceh: hey, I wanted to ask you where is the xorg ubuntu git repo? I've update the apport hook18:05
didrocksbryceh: I only found the debian one18:05
kenvandinechrisccoulson, "Don't leak the WindowMenus instance when a window disappears"18:06
kenvandinechrisccoulson, that one?18:06
didrocksbryceh: or I can give you the updated source_xorg.py and maybe you can handle it?18:06
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah, that's the one :)18:06
brycehdidrocks, yep just email me the updated version and I can get it in18:07
kenvandinechrisccoulson, then it's there :)18:07
brycehdidrocks, but yes the xorg git tree is hosted at debian, it's the 'ubuntu' branch there18:07
brycehdidrocks, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/GitUsage has some directions pertaining to us18:07
didrocksbryceh: I tried git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/ubuntu/xorg without any success from git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/debian/xorg :)18:08
didrocksbryceh: let me do a git format-patch then18:08
didrocksbryceh: sent18:22
brycehdidrocks, great18:24
brycehhey, did something get fixed in the apport crash capture functionality?18:35
brycehpitti, ^^18:35
brycehsuddenly we're getting xserver crash bugs again today :-)18:35
bcurtiswx_hmm, i added a .c and .h file to empathy_chat_SOURCES but idk what this error means.. src/Makefile.am: object `empathy-accounts-dialog.$(OBJEXT)' created both with libtool and without18:41
kenvandinechrisccoulson, indicator-appmenu uploaded18:44
dobeybcurtiswx_: pastebin the diff?18:53
bcurtiswx_dobey, of what?18:55
dobeybcurtiswx_: Makefile.am? was adding the .c and .h the only thing you did?18:55
bcurtiswx_dobey, yes.  i get errors with functions not being recognized, so upon adding their .h and .c files to empathy_chat_SOURCES it will continuing past. lemme get you that section of the patch18:56
dobeybcurtiswx_: do a make clean, then make again, and see if you still get the error18:57
bcurtiswx_dobey, does pbuilder try to reuse the build-area directory ?18:58
bcurtiswx_http://paste.ubuntu.com/556263/ btw18:59
bcurtiswx_everything from the + down i've added18:59
dobeyno, i think pbuilder does a clean build every time19:00
bcurtiswx_dobey, where does libtool do its magic? how am I supposed to read that error message?19:03
kenvandineseb128, dropping my gir patch for gtk3 broke dbusmenu builds... /me fixes patch19:04
dobeybcurtiswx_: http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/manual/automake/Objects-created-both-with-libtool-and-without.html19:07
dobeybcurtiswx_: it means you also put it in a lib source as well as a bin source; you need to just put it in the lib source and add the .la to the LDFLAGS probably19:07
bcurtiswx_dobey, so the empathy_chat_SOURCES is a lib source or bin source .. i don't understand19:10
dobeyit's the non-libtool source19:11
dobeythe file is also probably listed in libempathy_SOURCES or something19:11
bcurtiswx_if i wanted to check to see if a builder reaches a certain part of code, is there a code I can cause it to pause with an echo statement ?19:41
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=== charlie-tca__ is now known as charlie-tca
seb128kenvandine, sorry it was breaking the build and it was not clear why it's required and upstream didn't agree with it but did different changes to git20:12
seb128kenvandine, was going to see if that still work and wait for the next version if there was still an issue20:12
kenvandineseb128, i just uploaded a fixed version20:13
seb128sorry for the trouble there20:13
kenvandineand i updated with upstreams changes from the review20:13
kenvandineno worries20:13
seb128bcurtiswx_, the build log should have the list of commands called20:13
kenvandinei just happened to get a dbusmenu to upload right after gtk3 built20:13
bcurtiswx_seb128, yup im looking through it and there's nothing on there that says something failed20:13
seb128where is the build log?20:14
bcurtiswx_http://paste.ubuntu.com/556287/ shows the autoreconf was run20:14
bcurtiswx_its pbuilder/natty_result/last_operation.log20:14
seb128no clue about that log20:15
seb128the log seems buggy20:15
seb128what about running pbuilder manually and see the scrollback?20:15
bcurtiswx_pbuilder manually as in login ?20:16
seb128no, as pbuilder build, it should display on stdout what it's doing no?20:16
seb128didn't use pbuilder for a while...20:16
bcurtiswx_seb128, that last_operation.log is exactly what show on the scrollback when pbuilder build20:17
seb128doesn't make sense20:17
seb128this log is buggy20:17
seb128the build doesn't stop there20:17
bcurtiswx_oh no no, let me get you the entire log20:18
bcurtiswx_seb128, emailed to ubuntu addy20:20
bcurtiswx_brb, restroom20:20
seb128still the same issue you are having for weeks20:21
seb128you should stop, it seems a gcc issue over your gcc understanding and nobody here is using the GNOME3 builds to work on it for you20:21
seb128what about trying to work on an easier task? you will get frustrated otherwise20:22
bcurtiswx_seb128, may I PM ?20:26
seb128if you want to20:27
seb128bcurtiswx_, ?20:31
bcurtiswx_seb128, novel writing ;)20:31
seb128bcurtiswx_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556278/20:42
seb128line 320:42
seb128try calling that by hand20:42
seb128you probably need to change the .o order20:42
seb128the list of .o files there20:42
seb128or something similar20:42
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK20:43
seb128grep for empathy_indicator_hide in the binaries already built20:43
seb128to know which one defines it20:43
bcurtiswx_seb128, i need to be in a natty machine to do this, right.  I was using pbuilder-dist before20:45
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
dobeyi suspect it's not compiled into the ../libempathy/libempathy.la, and it should be20:48
bcurtiswx_i wouldn't know what to do to fix that.  sorry20:50
bcurtiswx_dobey, would it be in the Makefile.am20:50
dobeyis all the indicator stuff a patch or something?20:51
bcurtiswx_dobey, yes20:52
bcurtiswx_dobey, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.91.5/view/head:/debian/patches/20_libindicate.patch20:55
dobeyseems like that patch isn't applying fully20:57
* bcurtiswx_ just hides in the corner20:58
dobeygiven seb's pastebin and that patch20:58
bcurtiswx_dobey, i wouldn't know where to go and i've already taken enough time away from you.20:59
bcurtiswx_in all honesty I can't even tell how you guys know the patch didn't apply fully21:00
dobeymeh, i am going to have to port my gtk+ engine to gtk3 i guess21:01
dobeybcurtiswx_: well there's no empathy-indicate.o on the command line in seb's pastebin, and the patch adds it and another file to the _SOURCES, so i can only presume either the patch didn't apply, or autoreconf or automake failed21:01
bcurtiswx_dobey, check email21:03
seb128bcurtiswx_, let me check21:04
bcurtiswx_ugh, why do I feel bad doing this?21:04
seb128doing what?21:04
bcurtiswx_taking time away from you and dobey21:04
seb128that's ok, I don't spend time on things when I don't want to, I didn't try the other days21:05
dobeybtw, there seems to be a
bcurtiswx_dobey there is, i know.. but its irrelevant to the problem21:06
dobeyyeah, and merge-upstream for that tarball into lp:ubuntu/empathy gave me 12 conflicting files :-/21:07
dobeyso i am not going to look into fixing that21:07
seb128dobey, you would need  a stack of GNOME3 versions as well to build it21:08
seb128which is what stopped me to debug it21:08
dobeybcurtiswx_: none of the patches applied in your build21:09
dobeyseb128: well i can read code and make a source deb without21:09
dobeydiff: standard output: Broken pipe21:09
dobeydiff: standard output: Broken pipe21:09
dobeydiff: standard output: Broken pipe21:09
dobey^- that's the problem.21:09
seb128dobey, well you can21:09
seb128dget http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/e/empathy/empathy_2.91.5-1.dsc21:09
seb128then use lp:~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.91.521:10
seb128bzr bd-do21:10
dobeyhrmm, i guess that's dpkg-source though21:10
dobeyhard to say for sure, but looks to me like the patch isn't being applied21:11
bcurtiswx_seb128, dobey: In case you wan to easily make one: --> pbuilder-dist natty create with a .pbuilderrc of http://paste.ubuntu.com/556316/ aftera pbuilder-dist natty update it should be set for GNOME321:12
bcurtiswx_obviously, thats on your own time21:12
dobeyalthough the configure output says it is building it, which implies the patch did apply21:13
bcurtiswx_dobey, when I bzr bd-do and quilt push -a, i manually verify the patches apply and it appears they do21:13
seb128dobey, the patch does apply correctly21:13
seb128bcurtiswx_, can you copy your makefiles.in and makefile from the build dir somewhere?21:16
dobeyah, the patch is incomplete21:16
seb128am_empathy_chat_OBJECTS = ... empathy-indicator.$(OBJEXT) in the makefile.in when running autoreconf so that's ok21:16
bcurtiswx_seb128, Makefile.am and Makefile.in ?21:17
bcurtiswx_with or w/o patches applied?21:18
seb128in the build21:18
seb128the one from the build21:18
dobeycode browser changed on launchpad, so it's harder to tell what exactly is what in some places21:19
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK21:19
seb128empathy_SOURCES =\21:20
seb128dobey, does that $(empathy_handwritten_source)  resolve to what is the value at this location?21:20
seb128because the indicator files are added after this lines21:20
dobeyyeah, but i don't think that one is the problem21:20
seb128not sure if it does match over the file or at the location21:20
dobeyerr, no, it doesn't matter where in the file, they are21:20
dobeyit's just a pointer and it is resolved in memory21:21
bcurtiswx_seb128, emailed21:21
seb128bcurtiswx_, those don't seem to be the ones from the src directory...21:22
seb128dobey, so what do you think is the issue?21:23
bcurtiswx_oh duh, <<----- retard21:23
dobeyit appears to me that the resulting Makefile.in doesn't have the changes to empathy_chat_SOURCES, and so the empathy_chat_OBJECTS is wrong21:23
dobeybecause it's only linking up to empathy-chat.o there21:24
seb128empathy_chat_SOURCES = \21:24
seb128empathy-indicator-manager.c empathy-indicator-manager.h\21:24
seb128empathy-indicator.c empathy-indicator.h21:24
seb128it does there21:24
dobeyyeah i see they are there in the patch21:24
dobeybut they aren't there in the libtool --mode=link command line21:24
seb128well that's the makefile.in generated by autoreconf in the unpacked source21:24
dobeywell, aside from the fact that something is obviously wrong, sure :)21:25
bcurtiswx_seb128, since i use pbuilder i don't have the one from the build.  i could be losing it mentally though21:28
seb128bcurtiswx_, can't you just use pbuilder login and build manually in the pbuilder?21:29
seb128or use the option to not clean the pbuilder after build?21:29
bcurtiswx_i can do that, will man the option21:29
bcurtiswx_--save-after-exec i think21:30
seb128bcurtiswx_, seems to be it indeed21:33
bcurtiswx_seb128,  sent21:39
seb128bcurtiswx_: what about the makefile?21:42
seb128not the .in or .am but the real one21:42
* dobey would like to see the src/Makefile* as well21:43
bcurtiswx_ok one sec21:43
seb128am_empathy_chat_OBJECTS = empathy-about-dialog.$(OBJEXT) \21:43
seb128        empathy-chat-manager.$(OBJEXT) empathy-chat-window.$(OBJEXT) \21:43
seb128        empathy-invite-participant-dialog.$(OBJEXT) \21:43
seb128        empathy-chat.$(OBJEXT) empathy-indicator-manager.$(OBJEXT) \21:43
seb128        empathy-indicator.$(OBJEXT)21:43
seb128that's in the makefile.in21:43
dobeyseb128: that's the problem21:44
seb128dobey, does it matter than the indicators ones are after -chat?21:44
dobeyseb128: what matters is that there is no \ after -chat21:44
seb128it's not at the end of a line21:44
seb128or do you mean it should finish by it?21:44
dobeyempathy-chat and empathy-indicator-manager are on the same line?21:45
dobeyi think there is a NUL in there21:45
dobeybetween those two21:45
seb128dobey, ^21:45
dobeythere must be a NULL character between them that you can't see21:46
dobeythe indicator ones should be on new lines i would think21:46
dobeygiven how the patch looks21:46
dobeybut maybe not21:46
seb128the makefile.am has21:47
seb128empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c empathy-invite-participant-dialog.h \21:47
seb128empathy-chat.c \21:47
seb128empathy-indicator-manager.c empathy-indicator-manager.h\21:47
seb128empathy-indicator.c empathy-indicator.h\21:47
seb128am_empathy_chat_OBJECTS = empathy-about-dialog.$(OBJEXT) \$21:49
seb128^Iempathy-chat-manager.$(OBJEXT) empathy-chat-window.$(OBJEXT) \$21:49
seb128^Iempathy-invite-participant-dialog.$(OBJEXT) \$21:49
seb128^Iempathy-chat.$(OBJEXT) empathy-indicator-manager.$(OBJEXT) \$21:49
seb128empathy_chat_OBJECTS = $(am_empathy_chat_OBJECTS)$21:49
dobeyor maybe there is some very very weird bug in autotools that this patch is triggering21:49
seb128bcurtiswx_, can you try to move the "empathy-indicator-manager.c empathy-indicator-manager.hempathy-indicator.c empathy-indicator.h" before indicator-chat.c?21:50
seb128just to make sure21:50
bcurtiswx_seb128, in empathy_chat_SOURCES ?21:51
seb128bcurtiswx_, yes21:52
bcurtiswx_seb128, dobey.  sorry for the delay had to pbuilder login it.. makefiles sent21:58
bcurtiswx_i will try moving the order21:59
seb128the makefiles seems to be ok22:00
seb128try the order thing, otherwise no clue22:00
seb128even if the order work no clue why22:00
bcurtiswx_seb128, my makefile.am doesn't have indicator-chat.c in empathy_chat_SOURCES22:02
seb128bcurtiswx_, no, just add the indicator lines before empathy-chat.c22:03
seb128rather than after as it's now22:03
bcurtiswx_oh empathy-chat.c  sorry22:04
bcurtiswx_seb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556345/22:10
seb128ok, that solved it22:11
seb128not sure if that's a gcc bug or not...22:11
bcurtiswx_seems order does matter, but i've been here before22:11
bcurtiswx_kept adding packages to the list, then i get the libtool issue eventually22:11
seb128seems you need empathy-event-manager in there22:13
bcurtiswx_yup, then that will fail and have me ad another package, then i'll keep adding packages and get a libtool problem22:14
bcurtiswx_if you ctrl+f libtool you'll see my error22:15
bcurtiswx_on xchat-gnome22:15
seb128closed xchat since22:16
bcurtiswx_src/Makefile.am: object `empathy-accounts-dialog.$(OBJEXT)' created both with libtool and without22:16
seb128what did you do?22:16
bcurtiswx_when i have empathy-account-dialogs in the empathy_chat_SOURCES22:16
seb128why would you do that?22:16
seb128it fails on symbols from empathy-event-manager22:17
bcurtiswx_yes, so I add that to empathy_chat_SOURCES (which i've done in the past) then it fails later with more symbols that it can't find22:17
seb128you need to add "empathy-event-manager.c empathy-event-manager.h" before the indicator lines22:17
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK, will do that now22:18
bcurtiswx_maybe i wasn't ordering them right22:18
seb128ok, enough for today there, calling it a day22:22
seb128if someone see cyphermox tell him to subscribe the desktopers or sponsors to his sponsoring request rather than just didrocks22:22
seb128he seems to have evo and eds sponsoring requests waiting but not listed22:23
seb128bcurtiswx_, is your empathy building?22:23
seb128would just like to know how this change worked before closing IRC22:23
bcurtiswx_seb128, yup.  thanks for your time.  it just finished and22:24
bcurtiswx_empathy-event-manager.o: In function `event_manager_presence_changed_cb':22:24
bcurtiswx_/tmp/buildd/empathy- undefined reference to `empathy_main_window_dup'22:24
bcurtiswx_empathy-main-window.c and .h22:24
bcurtiswx_like before i'll add it before and rebuild22:24
bcurtiswx_it will eventually come to that libtool error22:24
seb128right, just try to add those before the source which is failing every time22:24
bcurtiswx_but i can talk to you tomorrow22:24
seb128if you get an error note it an tell me tomorrow22:24
bcurtiswx_cya seb128 thanks again22:25
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
estacion03I have one ubuntu comp hooked up to my pc with a printer and it works fine my other unbuntu (a carbon copy) will not print the uri are different any thoughts23:10
RAOFrobert_ancell: I looked at those screenshots of the panel corruption bug; none of them look *particularly* X/DRI related.  At worst, it looks like a buffer is getting a copy of some other piece of vram on initialisation, and it's not being drawn to.23:28
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, that sounds like what I suspected23:29
estacion03can anyone help with a printing configuration issue23:53
RAOF!support | estacion0323:57
ubot2estacion03: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com23:57

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