
tumbleweedbdrung: I'm keen to, I don't see what it adds, and it saves me a bunch of work :)00:00
Laneypeople probably use it00:00
bdrungtumbleweed: may i ask you to send a mail to the mailing list and ask if someone wants to keep it?00:00
Laneyyou should deprecate it for a release or so first I guess00:00
micahgkamal: BTW, there should be a trash can on the top right of the merge proposal to delete it00:01
tumbleweedis it compatible enough that we can ship a wrapper around pbuilder-dist that emits the deprecation warning?00:01
tumbleweedthat's probably more pain than it's worth, though00:02
kamalmicahg: yes, just a shame that deleting it also trashes the comments.  thanks.00:03
micahgkamal: you should have copies in your e-mail ;)00:04
kamalmicahg: oh, no shortage of LP email in my box!  ;-)00:05
bdrungkamal: there used to be "rejected"00:05
micahgkamal: I actual filter based on type of LP e-mail, that might be helpful00:05
kamalmicahg: I do also00:06
kamalbdrung: I'd like something like "abandoned"... anyway.    congrats on becoming DD!00:07
bdrungkamal: thanks00:07
ari-tczewbdrung: have you got time?00:09
bdrungari-tczew: no. it's bed time. http://paste.ubuntu.com/555614/ is a bug in python-debian. please file it and subscribe me.00:10
ari-tczewbdrung: file against python-debian?00:10
bdrungari-tczew: yes00:10
bdrung(otherwise there would be no need to subscribe me)00:11
ari-tczewmicahg: around?00:24
micahgari-tczew: yep00:27
ari-tczewmicahg: could you review again https://code.launchpad.net/~udienz/ubuntu/lucid/nginx/nginx.fix691871/+merge/44235 ?00:28
ari-tczewhe has uploaded new revision00:28
ari-tczewhowever, on quick look I see issues00:28
ari-tczewlike debian-changes-xxxx00:28
micahgari-tczew: not in natty yet00:29
ari-tczewmicahg: where did he grab patches from?00:29
micahgari-tczew: they all have dep-3 headers00:30
micahgexcept the last one00:30
micahgari-tczew: still no test cases either00:32
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RcartDoes it matters if i have a Name SecondName (nickname) <accout@isp.com>  in my pgp at uploading files to LP or Debian? It's wrong to include my nick?01:36
ari-tczewRcart: It's OK.01:53
Rcartari-tczew: Thanks (;01:54
ari-tczewRcart: You're welcome.01:54
Rcartari-tczew: debcommit Depends on cvs? When i run debcommit, returns this: Can't exec "cvs": Not exist such a file nor a dir at /usr/bin/debcommit line 722.02:07
ari-tczewRcart: debcommit is a part of binary package devscripts.02:10
ari-tczewIt doesn't depends on cvs.02:11
Rcartari-tczew: what could be wrong when i try to run it?02:15
ari-tczewRcart: did you try to install cvs then?02:16
Rcartari-tczew: this is really rare, i've installed cvs and after run debcommit and is asking for a login passoword to an unknow host: theshadow@cvs.degreez.net's password:02:22
ari-tczewRcart: sorry, I'm not familiar with debcommit02:23
Rcartari-tczew: Thanks again. I'll google it a little more.02:28
achiangRcart: does your package use cvs?02:31
achiangRcart: looks like debcommit can speak to multiple SCMs, so i bet it found a .cvs in your working directory and is trying to do something with it02:32
Rcartachiang: No, it uses bazaar02:32
jmarsdenRcart: Are you 100% sure there is no .cvs directory being seen by debcommit?02:33
Rcartjmarsden: look the ls -la output: http://pastebin.com/0Wepnxua02:34
Rcartthere's a CVS and a .bzr dir02:35
jmarsdenCVS will trigger it.02:35
jmarsdenYou can see what it checks for in the getprog function within debcommit.02:36
jmarsdenremove the CVS directory and I think all will be well.02:36
Rcartjmarsden: i'm looking in debcommit and firts checks for the CVS dir and then the .bzr  dir (among others)02:39
jmarsdenRight, so kill the CVS and it will see the .bzr and do what you want.  Right?02:40
jmarsdenRcart: Or, if you prefer, swap the order of the tests around in debcommit so it picks .bzr even if CVS exists :)02:40
Rcartjmarsden: Nice tip, but with the last, the package will be with the same problem at other times, right?02:42
jmarsdenCorrect.  The real question is how or why a package would ever have both CVS and .bzr at the same time, it makes no sense to me.02:43
jmarsdenMaybe they used to use CVS, migrated to bzr and forgot to remove the old cvs-relatred dirs from their source tree?02:43
Rcartsurely, they also seems to forgot update the debian/patches dir after upgrading from dpatch to quilt02:45
RcartI've a lintian warning: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.4 (current is 3.9.1). Should i update the Standards version field to the 3.9.1 ?03:43
paultagRcart: if your package is 3.9.1 standard, yeah :)03:44
paultagRcart: in most cases this is done without issue03:44
jmarsdenRcart: Officially you need to read through the change list from the current debian-policy package back to 3.8.4 and ensure you don't need to update stuff to meet 3.9.103:46
jmarsdenRcart: See /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz   # assuming you have debian-policy installed :)03:47
RcartOk. I'll leave it in 3.8.4 and let someone else who has read the Debian Policy updates to change that field :)03:49
jmarsdenRcart: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/upgrading-checklist.txt   # is may well be more current than the local one you have.03:49
paultagRcart: no, you should upgrade03:49
paultagRcart: but you need to be sure that you're 3.9.1. standard :)03:50
paultagRcart: there's no reason to keep it that old :)03:50
RcartOk. Reading the debian policy updates :)03:50
RcartLooks like no changes for this package. The control file (most relevant) seems to fit the standards. I hope not to be wrong (:04:21
MTecknology!info pbuilder-dist05:22
ubottuPackage pbuilder-dist does not exist in maverick05:22
MTecknology!info ubuntu-dev-tools05:23
ubottuubuntu-dev-tools (source: ubuntu-dev-tools): useful tools for Ubuntu developers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.104 (maverick), package size 140 kB, installed size 672 kB05:23
Rcartgood nights. Thanks for your helo (:05:43
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dholbachgood morning08:07
gesergood morning dholbach08:25
dholbachhi geser08:26
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mok0Which of wget, curl is on a system by default?11:14
Bachstelzemok0: wget11:21
mok0Bachstelze: thanks11:21
mok0I'd prefer curl, but then...11:22
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ari-tczewudienz: ping12:13
udienzari-tczew, pong12:13
ari-tczewudienz: do you consider learn to merges?12:14
udienzari-tczew: yup12:14
ari-tczewudienz: would be nice to sponsor some merges from you12:15
udienzari-tczew, Great! thanks i will looking for merging12:17
ari-tczewudienz: I suggest to take trivial merges at the start, not important packages like bash.12:18
ari-tczewudienz: I can give you some examples which are trivial merges if you want.12:19
* ari-tczew breakfast, brb.12:19
mok0Hm, debian-policy manuals description of maintainer scripts is really hard to deconvolute12:30
mok0I haven't written a maintainer script in a while, and it's pzzzzt gone from my brain :-(12:31
mok0Ah, cool: http://people.debian.org/~srivasta/MaintainerScripts.html12:32
mok0Just what I need. Thanks for letting me talk to myself :-)12:32
Laneymok0: http://wiki.debian.org/MaintainerScripts is good12:32
mok0Laney, indeed! Thanks12:32
soc1does anyone know how to get in contact with the OpenJDK packagers? (no, #ubuntu-java doesn't work, it is basically empty)13:10
soc1the packages there are uninstallable since months13:11
mok0soc1: file a bug against it13:12
soc1mok0: it seems that both "bugs" and "answers" are disabled on launchpad and are not used13:13
LaneyPPAs don't have bug tracking13:14
Laneyyou need to contact the owner of the PPA13:14
soc1i can't find any way to file a bug against the PPA or even the project13:14
Laneydon't know, but I'm afraid we can't help you with that here13:15
LaneyI suggest you contact the uploader privately13:15
mok0soc1: use reportbug to report the bug to Debian13:16
Laneywhy do you think it applies to Debian?13:16
paultagyeah, it's a PPA soc113:16
paultagsoc1: that can't even build debian packages ( without retargeting it )13:16
mok0soc1: try to ping doko, then, it seems he is the uploader13:18
mok0Uh gotta go, bye13:20
soc1ok, thnkas13:20
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kklimondatumbleweed: do you think I can steal https://code.launchpad.net/~menesis/ubuntu/natty/hamster-applet/natty/+merge/45233?15:13
kklimonda(steal from the person proposing a merge, not from you ;))15:13
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kklimondaoh, wait - menesis is here :)15:13
kklimondamenesis: are you going to work on hamster-applet update for natty?15:13
menesiskklimonda: hi :)15:13
kklimondahey :)15:14
menesisyou uploaded the last version, right?15:14
kklimondamenesis: yes15:14
kklimondawell, previous one - the last one was uploaded by Chris15:14
menesisplease, take it if you want15:15
menesisI haven't merged Debian changes15:15
tumbleweedkklimonda: glad someone's looking at it, it's been in the queue for way too long15:16
kklimondamenesis: tumbleweed: ok, I'll take it then15:16
menesisyou will merge the debian changes?15:19
kklimondamenesis: yes15:25
kklimonda(I've also subscribed to hamster-applet bugs on Debian so I won't miss it anymore)15:25
menesisgood, then I leave it to you. thanks in advance15:26
aboudreaulthi, in a control file, how can I use inheritance for description field? to avoid duplicate text15:49
geserit's not possible (at least not directly)15:56
aboudreaultwell, lintian is talking about it in its report15:57
Legendariodoes anyone have a clue on this error? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UMzwRXyx16:13
udienzLegendario, you should put orig.tar.gz in ../16:16
Legendarioudienz, the upstream package is zip16:22
Legendarioudienz, i've created one. but i don't believe the problem is that. I'm still having an error16:27
udienzLegendario, what the name of your orig.tar.gz?16:28
Legendarioudienz, sigil-0.3.2.orig.tar.gz16:32
tumbleweedLegendario: change - to _16:32
udienzLegendario, change it to sigil_0.3.2.orig.tar.gz16:32
Legendarioudienz, it seems to work... thanks :-)16:51
udienzLegendario, and thanks to tumbleweed too :)16:52
JackyAlcineGuys, how would I go about making a patch for Pidgin?16:53
JackyAlcineI considered downloading the branch, but it has over 20,000 revisions.16:54
udienzJackyAlcine, use this $ pull-lp-source pidgin16:59
kklimondaJackyAlcine: lp:ubuntu/pidgin branch?16:59
JackyAlcineWell, I already did "bzr branch lp:pidgin" and got the branch.17:00
JackyAlcineBut where would I upload my code?17:01
kklimondaJackyAlcine: what are you trying to patch? pidgin or the package in ubuntu?17:01
JackyAlcineNot the package.17:01
Laneywhere can I get the source of the ubuntuwire rcbugs page?17:02
kklimondaJackyAlcine: you should forward all patches to the pidgin developers then17:03
JackyAlcineHm. Alright, then.17:03
Laneywgrant: ^^^^17:03
LaneyI could actually probably recreate it with UDD, thinking about it.17:05
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geserLaney: ajmitch should have the code17:21
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Legendariowhat about this one?17:42
RcartHello. I'm working in this bug #42038717:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420387 in bittornado (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42038717:47
RcartI've uploaded a branch with some fixes, in the my branch i've removed the CVS dectory that was refusing to use bzr to upload the changes (there was an CVS directoy, and a .bzr directoy)17:48
RcartSo, scott's comment says that the CVS diresctory should stay in the branch. What do you think?17:50
Legendarioit's some problem with pbuilder-satisfydepends17:51
geserLegendario: for which Ubuntu release is this pbuilder?17:59
geserLegendario: do you have "universe" enabled in your pbuilder? libqt4-webkit is the only of your build-depends in universe18:01
geseras libqt4-webkit is a transitional package you could also replace it with "libqtwebkit4 (>= 2.0~)" which is in main18:02
KmosLaney: check collab-qa for udd scripts, there is a rcbugs for debian -> ubuntu, it could be adapted easily.18:03
micahgbdrung: ping18:05
Legendariogeser, it's for natty18:05
RainCTbug #705526 o.O18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705526 in gbrainy (Ubuntu) "No bug with the software. My language is more colourful, than you thought. The gbrainy's hungarian is kinda good, as my english... so... i have to re-learn my own language, if I'd like better results with this game. :)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70552618:09
Legendariogeser, gonna try that18:11
iulianRainCT: Haha.  Probably a bad translator?18:12
MTecknologyadding a -common package isn't very exciting18:17
iamfuzzMTecknology, lol, indeed18:22
bcurtiswx_what does "src/Makefile.am: object `empathy-accounts-dialog.$(OBJEXT)' created both with libtool and without" mean ?18:28
bcurtiswx_is there an easy fix for it?18:28
MTecknologyiamfuzz: wanna test what I did and finish it off for me? :D18:37
vanguardI build a source package, but after "debuild", I have a package that only contains the changelog and stuff, but not my actual .jar file. How do I add it?18:46
MTecknologybuilding, building, rebuilding, rebuilding, rebuilding, testing, building, rebuilding, retesting, oh what a day when you know not what you're doing.....19:10
vanguardI built a source package, but after "debuild", I have a package that only contains the changelog and stuff, but not my actual .jar file. How do I add it?19:11
ari-tczewvanguard: do you creating new package or working on existing package?19:11
vanguardI am upstream, so I would like to create a new package19:12
vanguardI created the debian dir with the dh tools, and wrote stuff into the files19:15
vanguardI guess the problem is that the makefile generates the .jar into the ../ directory. But I do not really know how I will get it into the .deb19:15
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nonix4ari-tczew: yup, natty's w3m would be fine for me if getting that to Lucid & Maverick is feasible. The way bug 683337 is worded, it only asked for backport of that 020_button.patch though. (btw w3m 0.5.3 exists upstream as well)19:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683337 in w3m (Ubuntu Lucid) "Backport button element support to Lucid" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68333719:17
vanguardari-tczew: are you still there?19:18
ari-tczewvanguard: yes I am here. I'm not familiar with java packages, sorry.19:21
directhexvanguard, try a debian/install file, which is of the format "thing/to/install      /destination/on/disk"19:22
vanguardwith a \t in between?19:22
directhexyeah. but that's hard to add in an irc client.19:23
vanguarddirecthex: boom, now it is not liek 10K but 164K, sounds good.19:26
directhexvanguard, check contents with "dpkg -c". check dependencies with "dpkg -I"19:26
vanguarddirecthex: I wrote that I want to install my .jar file to /pu.jar, but in the dpkg -c it is listed as "./pu.jar/" --- normal?19:27
directhexvanguard, yes, but most people don't want jar files in /, they want them in... i dunno, is it /usr/lib/java?19:28
vanguardso maybe /usr/share/java/myGameName/game.jar ?19:29
directhexyou'd need to ask the debian java folks. i honestly don't know19:29
paultagvanguard: there's a whole policy manual on java files19:29
paultagvanguard: do you need this?19:30
directhexi mean, there are a few existing java games, so check those? freecol for example19:30
paultagit has all the standards and such19:30
paultagit's in the DDP IIRC19:30
vanguardpaultag: If you have it at hand, I would happily read it19:30
paultagvanguard: moment19:30
paultagvanguard: http://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging19:31
paultagvanguard: ah, here's the best copy -- http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/19:32
MTecknologyzul: howdy19:33
paultagvanguard: see 2.2, and Debian Policy 9.119:33
vanguardpaultag: I'll check it out19:34
paultagvanguard: good luck!19:34
MTecknologypaultag: time to help me now that you're done helping him :D19:34
paultagMTecknology: howdy, friend19:34
MTecknologypaultag: howdy, how ya been?19:34
paultagMTecknology: well, thanks for asking19:35
paultagMTecknology: and youself?19:35
paultagyourself, shucks. Can't type today. Long morning19:35
paultagOh jeez, it's 2:30 PM19:35
MTecknologyi'm doing well except for the lack of job and ruptured disk19:36
paultagouch, and oucher19:36
LegendarioI need a help on this: the package doesn't use the usual, .configure, make, makeinstall. Instead it brings an installer. how should i set the cdbs for that?19:37
MTecknologytrying to get an nginx-common package19:37
paultagLegendario: is it nonfree?19:37
paultagMTecknology: I don't know much about multi-binary. Ask me in a few days, I need to split up a package of mine in Debian into a few parts. Someone else might be able to help you better then me19:37
paultagMTecknology: unless it's theory. I understand that OK19:38
Legendariopaultag, no... it's gpl3. but the source code comes with a installer script19:41
paultagLegendario: does it support DESTDIR or some other way of having it barf files in a directory other then /, without prefixing scripts and such with the fullpath?19:42
Legendariopaultag, I'm just starting to deal with cdbs documentation... kind os lost19:43
paultagLegendario: forget about CDBS for now ;)19:43
vanguardLegendario: welcome in the club :D19:43
paultagLegendario: can you use something like DESTDIR?19:43
paultagLegendario: if you can, you can do it, if you can't you will have to patch it, most likely.19:43
vanguardI got a question about lintian: What does debhelper-but-no-misc-depends mean?19:43
paultagvanguard: use the -I flag19:44
paultagvanguard: it means you forgot a bit in your control file19:44
paultagvanguard: you should try using lintian with -IiE --pedantic, that's how I use it :)19:44
vanguardI read that lintian is mean, but that it even complains about the vim .swp files ... wow :D19:45
paultagvanguard: those are extra space and junk :)19:46
paultagvanguard: you don't need them, they're bad to have, they just waste space19:46
vanguardpaultag: I realize that, I just a vim window open editing the copyright file since it was bitching about that as well :D19:46
paultaghahaha, yeah19:47
paultagI've done that before19:47
vanguardand I set the install path to /opt to be out of the way of everyone, but that does not seem to be okay. But /opt is for stuff that does not come in a package like UrbanTerror or Maple, right?19:47
paultagvanguard: opt is not the right place :)19:48
vanguardpaultag: what is the right place for opt?19:48
paultagvanguard: it's OK when you're installing by hand, from someone19:48
vanguardokay, then it is clear19:48
paultagvanguard: optional software under certen conditions and blah blah.19:48
paultagvanguard: it's in the FHS, there's a format too, /opt/company/project or something like that19:48
paultagit's also a pain to set up a way to put it in your path, because you have to go into /opt/*/*/bin/*19:49
paultagunless you similink19:49
MTecknologypaultag: I split nginx into nginx-{full,light,extras} and now I need to move a lot of that stuff into nginx-common to fix some of the issues that came up from the split. :(19:49
paultagMTecknology: sweet :)19:49
MTecknologypaultag: ya, but fixing the bugs and getting the nginx-common is a pain in the butt19:50
paultagvanguard: and since debs are getting installed by superuser by the software vender of the OS, I think they have to be installed into a "bigboy" place, so not /usr/local or anything like that19:50
paultagMTecknology: yeah for sure19:50
paultagbut I'm not sure about that, I could be wrong19:50
MTecknologybigboy place?19:51
paultagHeck, I'm not even MOTU.19:51
paultagMTecknology: /usr/bin and not /usr/local/bin19:51
vanguardpaultag: I think that I should put my .jar into /usr/share/java/ and put a simple shellscript into /usr/bin?19:51
paultagMTecknology: local is for locally compiled or created software IIRC19:51
paultagvanguard: that sounds much more sane19:51
paultagvanguard: :)19:51
vanguardpaultag: let me check out what lintian says about that. It is like an epic battle with a dragon or so :D19:52
MTecknologypaultag: it's the term that made me laught19:52
paultagvanguard: FTI -- http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.2/fhs-3.12.html19:52
paultagMTecknology: hahaha, glad to get a chortle :)19:52
paultagvanguard: for sure :)19:52
MTecknologypaultag: oh.. when i automated server setups.. part of the script did rmdir /usr/local/sbin && bzr branch [...] /usr/local/sbin19:57
paultagMTecknology: wait, what?!19:57
paultagMTecknology: why? That's really not smart19:57
MTecknologywhy's that?19:58
paultagMTecknology: 1) if they're similinks, you've missed the reason to have sbin. If they're binaries, you're a) storing a binary in VCS, so wasting space, and b) klobbering the package manager19:58
paultagIf they're binaries was 2)19:59
paultagMTecknology: is if a package changes it's .so set, you can have another abi19:59
MTecknologythey were scripts19:59
paultagMTecknology: ... so?!19:59
paultagMTecknology: just make a meta-package19:59
paultagMTecknology: there's no reason to use bzr for that20:00
MTecknologythey were frequently changing; mostly just backup scripts and maintenance junk20:00
MTecknologyI'm sure I could have picked a better directory; but the point was that it was /usr/local/20:01
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paultagMTecknology: still dude, metapackages at the least20:02
paultagMTecknology: it hurts my soul20:02
MTecknologymetapackage for scripts?20:02
MTecknologyfor very frequently changing scripts*20:02
paultagMTecknology: package up the scripts, and make a mtecknology-server metapackage or something20:02
paultagMTecknology: yes, just publish to a local repo20:02
paultagMTecknology: then you can just update && upgrade the boxes20:02
paultagMTecknology: it's wicked easy to make them native, even20:03
paultagBBL, heading home :)20:05
vanguardlintians says debhelper-but-no-misc-depends20:05
vanguardbut debuild tells me dpkg-source: Warnung: kann Abhängigkeit ${misc:Depends} nicht auswerten (cannot compile)20:05
vanguardwhat do I do now?20:05
vanguardat least the fatal error is at line 1337 ...20:05
MTecknologyvanguard: GR!20:06
vanguardI don't understand20:06
MTecknologyvanguard: sorry, not sure why I added your nick there, was supposed to be just an expression of irritation to the channel20:07
MTecknologyI want to install a man page.. nginx.1; I want it to be part of the nginx-common package only; how do I make that happen?20:09
vanguardlaunchpad has accepted my tinkered package20:15
* vanguard treats himself with a yogurth now :D20:15
wgrantStart the DAy20:17
ari-tczewwgrant: hello wgrant. Did you adjust UDD FTBFS script?20:18
wgrantari-tczew: I don't touch UDD.20:18
ari-tczewwgrant: why? last time when I asked you, you said that it's possible20:22
wgrantari-tczew: What's the URL?20:23
ari-tczewwgrant: of FTBFS script?20:24
vanguardhow do I add an icon to a package?20:24
wgrantI run several FTBFS scripts.20:24
ari-tczewwgrant: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi20:24
ari-tczewvanguard: check for source any package, e.g. gwget20:26
wgrantari-tczew: That's probably run by lucas.20:26
vanguardari-tczew: right, I have to learn what OSS really means ... :D20:27
ari-tczewwgrant: yes, but sometimes. I guess you have access to server, where you could that script often.20:27
wgrantNo, that's a Debian server. I'm not a DD.20:28
ari-tczewwgrant: are you Canonical employee?20:30
wgrantari-tczew: Yes.20:40
sorenwgrant: orly? Since when?20:43
wgrantsoren: Mid-December.20:44
sorenwgrant: Cool. Congrats!20:44
wgrantCurrently in Dallas at the LP sprint.20:45
geserah, that explains your unusual time when you're on IRC20:46
StevenKgeser: This is wgrant. More unusual, since unusual times on IRC is usual for him.20:48
wgrantThat may change with the reorg, though, given that my team is now western US.20:49
geserbut you still live in Australia or did you move?20:49
wgrantStill in .au.20:49
ari-tczewnonix4: w3m from natty builds cleanly on maverick. on lucid doesn't, unfortunately.21:01
scott-worki've been told qdvdauthor was removed from the repository for natty, does anyone know why?21:37
micahgscott-work: obsolete is the reason given: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qdvdauthor/+changelog21:38
scott-workhmmm, curious...thanks micahg21:39
ari-tczewDktrKranz: shall we remove root-system from Ubuntu, as well?22:58
DktrKranzari-tczew: it will be anyway as soon as archive-admins schedule removals from Debian, unless there's a valid reason to keep it around. I don't know what the package is about to judge, though. I just performed actual removal.23:01
DktrKranzbut I'd say go for its removal23:01
ari-tczewDktrKranz: OK thank you for feedback.   ; ))23:03
DktrKranznp :)23:04

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