
=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, rtdos said: !What is the best IRC client?05:18
rwwDo they speak English in !What?05:19
IdleOnemisuse of the bot, doesn't help that bestbot is not online05:21
rwwsomeone needs to buy that LjL a Linode :(05:21
IdleOnesomeone needs to talk to their contact at ubottu's host05:23
IdleOnegive LjL some love05:23
rwwI'm not sure that's wise. LjL is a machine that converts love and hate into PHP :(05:24
elkyScary PHP.05:34
evilvishhi.. any ops from #ubuntu-x in here?06:35
evilvishlooks like 'jbs'  is an bot or something.. constant away nick changes. I'v tried to use the !away factoid and also tried to PM jbs to turn that off, but there has been No response. hence I'm wondering if it is weird..06:37
evilvishi havent found any other activity other than the nick changes either. or maybe someone connected to the channel and forgot to checkout or is not watching the irc either.06:39
IdleOneevilvish: seems only Mithrandir is on the access list06:43
IdleOnenothing really we can do about it at this point. besides the away nicks no disruptions?06:44
evilvishIdleOne: yea.. just the annoying nick change spam.. this has been going on for a very long time...06:44
Hobbseesomeone in irccouncil should be allowed to deal with that?06:44
Hobbseeand change the access list at the same time?06:45
Hobbseemithrandir is mostly inactive in ubuntu now06:45
IdleOneevilvish: ok I will bring it up to the IRC Council and see if they can help you.06:45
evilvishIdleOne: thanks.. :)  can i stay till then or.. ?06:45
IdleOneHobbsee: if the UbuntuIrcCouncil is not on the list they need to get staff to fix it I think06:45
IdleOneevilvish: won't be happening tonight :)06:45
* Hobbsee waves the JFDI chicken around, for small ubuntu devel channels tha tdon't watch -ops and -irc06:45
evilvishIdleOne: ah.. ok.. i'll catch up with this later.. but that nick change has been going on for a long time.. whoever has the logs for those might be able to check it..06:46
HobbseeIdleOne: what would be really sensible was if #ubuntu-devel ops list was mirrored to -motu, -x, -installer, and other development channels on the ubuntu side of things06:47
IdleOneHobbsee: probably would be a good idea.06:48
Hobbseebecause those that fall on the #u-d ops list are the subset of people who know how to use ops, and are developers06:48
macoHobbsee: i think its a subset of those even06:48
macocuz im in that subset you said but not in the #u-d ops06:48
Hobbseemaco: close enough, i suspect06:48
persiaThere are also folk not developers in #u-d ops06:48
Hobbseemaco: then you should poke to get that fixed06:49
Hobbseeer, ircc + staff + union(dev,ops)06:49
IdleOnePici tsimpson jussi topyli nhandler see above re: #ubuntu-x06:49
persia+ skaet for some reason (did someone make the channel +t? )06:49
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Hey, I'll bet access list mirroring will be one of the features of the magical GMS!  So, we'll get to enjoy it in the year 3826, give or take 485 years.06:50
IdleOne+1 for random amount of years06:50
Hobbseetonyyarusso: with the heat death of the universe, ye06:50
tonyyarussoalso, I think you meant intersection instead of union, did you not?06:51
evilvishoh and if you guys are going to be looking into channel with no IRCC, #ubuntu-artwork also does not have IRCC in it.06:51
* Hobbsee has been drowning in tickets all day, didn't get a lunchbreak06:51
IdleOnethank you evilvish06:51
Hobbseeso brain is fragmented06:51
Hobbseetickets and queues and zomgurgent, and phones that don't stop ringing06:52
* Hobbsee needs a cloning device06:57
persiaDoesn't help much.  You just get jealous, and it's hard to be convincted for murder when the victim is clearly present.07:00
elkySpeaking from experience?07:00
persiaThat was a long time ago :)07:01
IdleOneJust want to remind folks that this channel is logged07:01
Hobbseeif i was going to start murdering, some people would have already died07:01
Hobbseeso, not much risk of that07:02
macoIdleOne: you think someone's going to believe he cloned himself then killed his clone?07:02
IdleOnemaco: he uses Linux.07:02
macoIdleOne:  did he then jump back 200 years in time?07:02
IdleOneof course he did07:02
macopersia: do you have a delorean at hand?07:02
persiamaco, Sorry, no.07:02
elkyWell then, you're no use.07:03
oCeanCan you help stop HupPuppy in #u (aka Callico, OzoneScaredyMan in #u-ot) from trolling?10:02
Tm_TFYI I'm currently monitoring the activities of HupPuppy10:21
elkygood, because i glanced at the scrollback and couldn't see 'em10:22
Tm_The's basicly playing creep with the bot10:22
elkytopyli, are you reading the lines between your own?12:02
topyliyes i am12:02
elkyWait. Morgan. It's the macostalker12:02
bazhangthat was black_boar12:03
bazhangthis guy is just repeating stuff12:03
topylino, this one is not it12:03
elkybazhang, and being creepy to me about photos12:03
topyliozonescaredyman et al12:03
bazhangelky, he's been uber creepy the past couple of days.12:04
elkybazhang, isp.12:04
MorganMufflersomeone kickbanned me i guess12:04
elkyfunny that12:04
topylino ban yet12:04
MorganMufflerit appears i have to do some water boy tasks12:04
bazhangwell just kicked12:04
MorganMufflerjust to use offtopic12:04
MorganMuffleris it a habit of yours to enslave people12:05
MorganMufflerdon't worry that is loaded in elky's favor12:05
topyliMorganMuffler: you only have to accept the channel rules. you also can't go attempting to freak people out12:05
MorganMufflertopyli i would prefer it they stay freaked in12:06
MorganMufflerso what can we do12:06
topylinot much12:06
MorganMufflerwant some gummi bears12:06
MorganMufflerisn't upstream a different OS12:07
MorganMufflerthe upstream functionality is a main feature not of ubuntu12:08
topyliMorganMuffler: this channel is only for resolving issues such as yours, not gummi bear chat12:08
MorganMufflertopyli, next time don't be so trigger happy perhaps?12:08
topyliif you're not ready to discuss the terms of your #ubuntu-offtopic usage, please part the channel12:08
MorganMuffleri sure hope you don't have to do that. but it looks that way in your cas topyli12:09
MorganMuffleryou are a vital component here12:09
MorganMufflerhey. i have a reasonable amount of time to spare12:09
MorganMufflercoincidence i guess12:09
topyliwant to talk about your ban in #ubuntu-offtopic?12:10
MorganMufflersure. as long as there is no more requests.12:11
topylithe requests remain the same as before12:11
MorganMufflerno one is attempt to distort history topyli12:12
topyliget to the point or leave please12:12
MorganMuffleri appreciate your manners. but it is mandatory you rule this on your own. of course there are motives for not banning me12:13
MorganMufflerbut why are we here12:13
MorganMufflerwell because you don't care about those motives. so let us see you do your judgement12:13
topylisince you have no intention to behave, the only help i can offer is to aid you in staying out of #ubuntu-offtopic12:14
MorganMufflerthat is a kind offer topyli, but you underestimate my prowess12:15
PiciLooks like jungi has a new nick.16:09
PiciI wouldn't have known, but he pmed me: 11:09:07 <?ginnypig> hii jungli here16:13
Tm_Tthis one reveals it anyway:  athiest_monk [~ginnypig@unaffiliated/athiest-monk/x-1817941]16:14
macowow they misspelled their own nick?16:15
Tm_TPici: from yesterday: 1155.24 < athiest_monk> but now i want to leave my troll identity at here16:16
Pici11:09:27 <?ginnypig> i necer come to ubuntu agian16:16
Pici11:09:58 <?ginnypig> now i have good frinds here if they know i troll lot in ubuntu they hurt from me16:16
FireBeardI'm in the wrong channel, but there's no response on #ubuntuforums19:10
FireBeardthe forums broke !19:10
macoFireBeard: theyve been broken a few days now (*cough*years really*cough*)... a bunch has been disabled to try to relieve server load, but its still crappy19:11
FireBeardactually, it doesnt work at all for me atm19:11
* maco wishes the forums could just get some newer, better hardware19:11
macoi think the message yesterday was "20 minutes to make a post"19:12
FireBeardI know it's slow at times, but I'm talking about not being able to post etc19:12
FireBeardthey really messed up again, how hard can it be...19:12
macothe post goes through, it just doesnt show up til 20 minutes later19:13
macothey're doing *very* aggressive caching because otherwise the server just falls over19:13
FireBeardand they temporarily disabled the cafe and games, I presume then>19:14
FireBeardand they can't let us know on the forums, because...19:14
FireBeardoh well, thanks for the info ! :)19:15
AmaranthFireBeard: They did, there should be an announcement19:15
AmaranthUnless that failed to post...19:15
FireBeardI haven't seen an anouncement19:15
FireBeardmaybe I didn't look hard enough19:15
macoi saw an announcement yesterday but i cant figure out WHERE i saw it19:16
FireBeardoh, it's there, wow, that does NOT hit the eye immediately, does it...19:16
FireBeardblue banner, I guess they thought it would get our attention, it really doesnt tho19:17
FireBeardthey should make a sticky, in bold and in all caps, I think that'll work better19:18
FireBeardoh well, thanks for the info, IN THE WRONG CHANNEL, while the actual right channel for this is non responsive19:20
[geist]hi all, #freenode suggested i'd ask here about affilition cloak for ubuntu19:23
[geist]anyone know how that works?19:23
Pici[geist]: are you an Ubuntu member?19:23
[geist]Pici, i've contributed, but not a registered member (i think)19:24
IdleOne!membership > [geist]19:25
ubottu[geist], please see my private message19:25
IdleOneI see  bright Ubuntu future for him19:26
IdleOnePici: anybody look into the #ubuntu-x issue?19:29
PiciIdleOne: Someone did, but it wasn't me.19:31
IdleOnelong as someone is on it :)19:31
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mshenrickhello ops. i was running an irc logger (markslogbot) on #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic and got banned. i have stopped logging since, but the ban was on my ip, not my nick, so i cannot use those channels with this nick. can i be unblocked (i understand if not)20:43
tsimpsonmshenrick: you should know that if you want to log channels you need to get the consent of whoever runs those channels20:44
mshenricki realised and stopped. can it be reduced to at least a nick ban, not a whole ip?20:45
tsimpsonas long as you agree to not log any of our channels without authorization, I can remove the bans20:46
mshenricki do then. yes please20:47
tsimpsonmshenrick: you should now have access to #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic again20:49
nikofloodbot1 & 2 seems to be on a course for +-j21:09
IdleOneniko: I think ljl is working on getting the bots straightened21:11
ubottuIn ubottu, Guest87822 said: This is awesome. Who made this bot?23:02
rwwubottu: botmaster > Guest8782223:02

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