
dpmgood morning everyone!07:15
dpmmorning andrejz!08:05
andrejzi have a short question. do you know what is the update process for ddtp-ubuntu packages ? . Because in ddtp-main there are several hundred string which reference to openoffice. if the strings are going to change to libreoffice soon (before 11.04), we would prefer to wait untill then and do those strings later08:16
dpmandrejz, I understand, but which is the actual question?08:18
dpmah, you mean how often are ddtp templates updated and such?08:19
dpmIn any case, I'd guess OO.o will still remain in the archive, just not installed by default08:19
dpmmvo updates the ddtp templates from time to time, on an irregular basis, afaik08:20
andrejzthe actual question is, will all the strings which refer to OpenOffice.org (and there are hundreds of those) be changed to LibreOffice before 11.4008:22
andrejzas libreoffice will replace openoffice08:23
dpmandrejz, I'm not entirely sure, but I would think that rather than replacing them, they will be added08:48
dpmsince I could imagine that both suites are in the archive. Only that one is installed by default, and the other one isn't08:49
andrejzok, then we will translate it. it's just that we have limited resources so we try to avoid translating strings which will be changed soon. thanks for your reply08:51
dpmandrejz, yeah, I understand. Note that the above is only my guess. As soon as we get a LibreOffice maintainer I might get to know more08:55
dpmhi happyaron, could you tell me if you can change the translation focus on this page? -> https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+configure-translations09:31
happyarondpm: let me try09:32
happyarondpm: There is a list where I can choose translation focus on the page.09:33
dpmhappyaron, can you try to change it to natty and then press the "Change" button? I'm trying to figure out of members of the UTC team can set it (which is what I'd like to achieve)09:35
happyarondpm: done, then it jumps to https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu, showing the focus is Natty.09:37
dpmhappyaron, ah, great, so it works. Thanks!09:37
dpmnow anyone from the UTC team can set the focus, even if I'm run over by a bus :)09:38
happyaronthat's great, :)09:38
andrejzi am wondering, are there any plans to make launchpad internationalizable09:42
andrejzthis would be especially usefull for people who want to report translation bugs (some of them don't know english very well)09:42
dpmandrejz, there aren't any plans. I would personally love it to see it internationalized. On the last UDS we had a session about it, and I've got an action item to blog about it.09:43
dpmhappyaron, and one final check. Could you try to check the "Hide translations..." checkbox and press the "Change" button on https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+admin ?09:45
happyarondpm: "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. ", but when I open an other page at the same time, it says "Your changes have been applied" on that page.09:48
dpmhappyaron, hm, I cannot see it changed. Could you perhaps try again?09:49
happyarontried three times, let me give it a fourth try, :)09:54
dpmthe joys of Launchpad timeouts :)09:54
happyarondpm: I think it works now.09:55
dpmhappyaron, yeah, I can confirm I could see it ticked. Thanks!09:56
dpmso now anyone from the UTC team can also open translations09:56
dpmandrejz, btw, I've just noticed we've switched from OO.o to LO in Natty11:30
andrejzyeah, so have I :)11:36
andrejzit's just getting a bit difficult what to translate next. in the beginning we  translated the programs we were using and now we are runinng out so it's sometimes difficult to assess what will be most nedded /appriciated by the users11:38
* dpm would like to hear this from all translation teams "we're running out of things to translate"11:39
dpmawesome :)11:39
dpmI wished all teams had the same problem11:40
andrejzwe are not running out of things to translate, but out of things we use11:41
dpmoh, I see :)11:41
andrejzalso some things we probably wont translate as the nature of programs implies advanced usage and also users told us they prefer englsih for some advanced command line programs and programing stuff like gcc, elfutils and various libaries11:44
dpmyeah, I agree11:45
andrejzalso some programs descirption in ddtp-packages are highly technical11:46
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