
HazRPGah, cool00:00
HazRPG... think it would be too late to get this ordered for today :P00:01
hamitronali1234: it may be also worth checking for the largest number you have to multiply by00:05
ali1234yes, optimizing by GCD00:05
hamitronI dunno the name for it00:06
ali1234greatest common divisor00:06
hamitronsounds right00:06
ali1234then you scale up by src/gcd and scale down by dest/gcd00:06
gordyou will still end up with big blocks with single pixel fuzzy edges ;)00:07
hamitronyeh :/00:07
gordi think running my OS off wifi might be quicker than using this sd card...00:10
hamitronI guess Adobe deserve to receive the high price tag for CS3 ;)00:10
HazRPGhamitron: how so?00:12
hamitronbrb, need to cough up a lung00:12
HazRPGwoot, some graze heading my way on Saturday :D00:13
hamitronHazRPG: adobe optimising their image processing00:18
HazRPGwould it be a bad idea to try 11.04 on my normal desktop?00:18
hamitronwhen you start reading, you realise how much there is00:18
HazRPGhamitron: but they're up to CS5 now though...00:19
hamitronI wouldn't use 11.0400:19
* hamitron slaps himself00:19
hamitronCS5 then00:19
HazRPGI should know, they insist on sending me e-mails T_T00:19
HazRPGjust to relate to our conversation of the other day about e-mails ^^00:20
HazRPGgord: You know earlier today (19/01/2011) you said I should try out 11.04... did you mean I should install it on my normal desktop, or run from live CD? or both?00:21
gordHazRPG, that is entirely up to you, depends how brave you are00:22
gordjust remember, its still very much alpha software00:22
HazRPGgord: well say I brave installing it on my desktop, is the code for the boot-loader also still alpha software?00:23
gordlet me put it this way, there is no guaruntee that installing an alpha version of ubuntu won't overwrite every single byte of data on your disks with "meow"00:24
HazRPGI remember using 9.10 alpha with no problems I think :P00:25
HazRPGhowever that was on my laptop...00:25
hamitrongord: not "moo"? ;/00:26
HazRPGquestion, been meaning to ask this for a while, is there a way to dump the whole liveCD straight into RAM?00:26
HazRPGI mean in the past that would have been bad for me, but now I have 6GB of RAM, having 700MB loaded into it isn't that bad00:26
HazRPGI know as it stands it just loads up the main bits in RAM, and as 'n' when you start using apps... but having an option to just dump the whole lot would be cool00:27
HazRPGor would that be implausible?00:28
hamitron"So, Steve Jobs goes on medical leave and Apple begins allowing porn (albeit soft core) into the App Store? Does Steve know about this?" ... he is probably enjoying it at home ;)00:31
HazRPGI heard this song on jamendo, it is totally awesome xD http://www.jamendo.com/en/track/10307400:32
hamitronbetter be haz00:37
HazRPGhamitron: you heard it yet?00:37
HazRPGheh :P00:37
hamitronit is 4Mb man00:37
HazRPGhamitron: what connection are you on?00:38
* hamitron looks00:38
hamitron300kbps \o/00:38
hamitronnot great today00:38
hamitrondistance from exchange00:38
hamitronit sometimes gets to 2mbit00:39
HazRPGI like your choice of words there hamitron00:39
hamitronbut officially I can expect no more than 0.8mbit00:39
hamitronoh, it is rocky00:39
HazRPGyou used the word "sometimes"00:40
hamitronah :)00:40
hamitronI think it was the correct word...00:40
HazRPGthat's what I meant00:40
HazRPGhmm... must suck sometimes being an ubuntu user then?00:40
HazRPGdownload updates/patches/software00:41
hamitronI tell you what sucks more... when some idiots call an ISO image i386 and it is for i686 only... when I have i586 machines mostly00:41
hamitronwasted effort :/00:41
* hamitron spits at centos guys00:42
HazRPGmost ubuntu's are i386 though - unless I'm mistaken00:42
hamitronubuntu is fine for that00:42
hamitronbut I've downloaded 8 cd ISO files on this connection for centos00:43
HazRPGheh, yeah been tempted to test CentOS... but after finding out that it was the O/S my webhost uses, I decided against it00:43
hamitroncould do without that00:43
hamitronI need a replacement for debian 5.0 and ubuntu 8.0400:43
HazRPGmainly cos my webhost kinda sucks00:43
HazRPGtook me 2 months to get my account up n running properly when I started with them00:44
HazRPGits fine now, and it truly is unlimited (tested that theory a few times)00:44
HazRPGI didn't like the price rise they did though, because they said it would only be £49 a year00:45
hamitronI just use my ISP webspace atm00:45
HazRPGand when £99 came out of my account I complained like no tomorrow!00:45
hamitronbut got a vps... so dunno how long I can resist moving it00:45
hamitronnot a bad song00:46
hamitrondon't understand it though00:46
HazRPGme either00:46
HazRPGgoogle translate doesn't help much either xD00:46
hamitrongoohost sounds like google...00:47
HazRPGI still keep meaning to find a new host for my sites, something reasonable since I don't get a lot of traffic on them00:47
HazRPGhamitron: yeah I know, tell me about it00:47
hamitronthe logo looks like it too00:47
hamitronwell, icon00:47
hamitrona big blue G00:48
hamitronbit of red and green in borders too00:48
HazRPGhamitron: I gurantee you its not though - its some guy in his house I think... or at least that's where the number leads to... cos I rang from support once and his daughter answered the phone xD00:48
hamitronmy vps is only £10 per year00:49
HazRPGwhat do you get for that?00:50
hamitron128Mb ram00:50
hamitron256mb burst00:50
HazRPGburst ?00:50
HazRPGas in when it goes on fire ?00:50
hamitron15gb hdd00:51
hamitron500gb bandwidth a month00:51
HazRPGthat's not bad00:51
HazRPGdo you have to setup everything yourself?00:51
HazRPGapache etc00:51
HazRPGheh, technically your playing the same amount as me p.a. then :)00:53
hamitronI pay £10 per year...00:54
HazRPG... oh00:54
HazRPGyou doing naughty things with the manager ;)?00:54
hamitronnot sure if it is to be releyed on00:54
hamitronit is almost too cheap to be good00:55
HazRPGheh, its out of stock for that one anyways xD00:55
hamitronoh :/00:56
hamitronI was checking their site every week00:56
hamitronas I had been waiting for months to get one00:56
HazRPGwow, out of stock for everything!00:56
hamitronand I just spotted it the day more stock arrived00:56
shaunomaybe if they didn't charge less than a buck a month, they'd be able to afford more hosts ;)00:57
hamitronshauno: be quiet ;/00:57
hamitronI like it the way it is00:57
shaunocurious, do you know where (ish) the server's physically located?00:57
hamitronUS I think00:57
hamitronor canada00:59
hamitronI doubt it is the best service, but cheaper than most shell accounts01:01
* hamitron sighs01:04
HazRPGso wait, what are you limited to with VPS exactly?01:06
HazRPGor rather, what CAN you do with them?01:07
hamitronI can't change the kernel01:07
HazRPG(still hasn't explored using linux server's yet)01:07
ali1234gord: you are right01:07
hamitronI also have to be careful of cpu use01:07
ali1234this isn't linear interpolation01:07
HazRPGhamitron: does it not physically let you?01:07
HazRPGhamitron: how so?01:08
hamitronI think they disable your account if you start affecting other customers on the same node01:08
hamitronbut I am only using 8.5Mb of 256Mb RAM atm01:09
shaunoI haven't run into any real limitations with vps, other than "being polite to your neighbours" becomes a considerations01:09
hamitronthey are easier to format and reboot, than a normal server01:09
hamitronmy main problem has been my dsl connection since I got mine :/01:11
HazRPGI've been meaning to put ESXi onto my home server I have which currently hosts out one of my websites - I mainly using it for my current projects I have on the go, and get others to test it01:11
hamitronnot able to properly play01:11
HazRPGonly problem is, each time I try to install ESXi, it says - "not enough RAM"01:12
HazRPGbut doesn't say how much I need :/01:12
hamitronhow much you got?01:12
HazRPGerm... not sure xD01:12
hamitronmy servers only have 256Mb01:13
HazRPGhold, I'll remote into it (it has no monitor)01:13
HazRPG1GB of RAM01:13
HazRPGbut it's a proper DELL server I got for £100, when it was on offer01:13
hamitronI got a 420SC poweredge \o/01:14
HazRPGDual-Core AMD Opteron 121201:14
hamitronceleron 2.53ghz01:14
HazRPGruns @ 2.01GHz I think01:14
hamitronbut I have moved everything over to a NAS with a 300mhz cpu01:15
hamitronseems to run well01:15
HazRPGI think... according to this CD I have from there01:15
HazRPGits a Dell PowerEdge T100 ? or maybe T110?01:15
hamitronbetter than mine :/01:17
hamitronmine was £9901:17
hamitronbut worked out £204 after a few bits and delivery01:17
hamitronmainly docs and cd01:17
HazRPGheh, I just got bog standard stuff01:19
HazRPGok, based on the info I can find, it must be the T100 - but with AMD instead of Intel processor01:20
hamitroncheapest standard setup was £35001:20
hamitronand when I saw £9901:20
hamitronI had to replace my old K6-2 comp I was using as a server01:20
HazRPGoh, see mine was standard of £9901:20
HazRPGbut it was on offer like I said01:20
hamitronI keep considering putting more RAM in01:21
hamitronbut it works as is with 256mb01:21
hamitrononly reason i need more, is to run remote X apps01:21
HazRPGheh, wait, apparently I paid £190.35 for it (just checked e-mail)01:22
hamitronsounds about right01:22
HazRPGcos I opt-ed for the extra hard drive01:22
hamitronmy paper manual cost £1501:22
hamitronI also added a floppy drive01:23
HazRPGI have many floppy drives, so I didn't see the need to add one ^^01:23
HazRPGman, I still have a stack of floppies that I have used since 199501:23
HazRPGor possibly 199301:23
HazRPGalso, it was a T105 I got01:24
HazRPGneeds more RAM though if I want to try out ESXi01:24
HazRPGand holy cow, I might try ESXi right now!01:24
hamitronI have no need to virtualise comps here01:25
HazRPGmy new build PC is 6GB of RAM xD01:25
hamitron22 comps in this house ;)01:25
HazRPGwoah nice :P01:25
HazRPGwhere's that ESXi disc I burned ages ago...01:25
hamitronis it free?01:25
HazRPGhell yeah01:26
HazRPGI wouldn't use it if it wasn't xD01:26
hamitrontight bugger ;)01:27
hamitronbad as me01:27
HazRPGhowever, although it's a light-weight virtual server thinger01:28
HazRPG(only needs like 42MB of HDD space or something)01:28
HazRPGit won't install with 1GB of RAM on my server... must be because people who use it, deploy several servers on it01:28
hamitrontbh, seems like overkill to me01:29
HazRPGneeding more than 1GB?01:29
HazRPGits because some people use windows server with it01:29
HazRPGand well, that's a mega RAM hog01:29
hamitronno, just running ESXi at home01:29
HazRPGheh, I'm currently doing a freelance project - and hope to actually run my own business from home01:30
HazRPGso would be nice to be able to deploy servers onto my server for testing, and so that if anyone ever asks "do you know how to setup x server with x O/S" I'll be like "yup, when can I start?"01:31
hamitronguess so01:31
HazRPGalso means I can finally test a linux server distro (several at a time) while keeping my win server on there that I know how to manage01:32
hamitronwin server :(01:33
hamitronI never had a copy01:33
HazRPGyeah I know, sadly :(01:33
HazRPGI got one free from uni01:33
hamitronah :)01:33
HazRPGonly valid for another year01:33
HazRPGso time is ticking01:33
hamitronI used to hang around in the unix lab with people from that crowd01:33
hamitronso to go ask for a windows disk...01:34
hamitronwould of been slaughtered01:34
HazRPGheh, see we don't ask... we're all automatically registered with MSDNAA01:34
HazRPGso we get to pick what we want01:34
hamitronah, nice01:34
HazRPGmain reason we're registered on it, is so we can download Visual Studio for our C++ lessons01:35
hamitronwe used borland01:35
HazRPGpersonally I'd rather use DevC++ because that's what I've been using for years01:36
hamitronand now I use gcc for current work01:36
HazRPGmy hope is to switch to gcc01:36
HazRPGDevC++ is sort of gcc01:36
HazRPGbut for a windows o/s01:36
hamitronI tried it in my early days01:36
hamitronI hate IDE01:37
HazRPGwow you used borland?01:37
HazRPGI used that for Java01:37
HazRPGat college :/01:37
HazRPGI managed to force then to use netbeans by like the 2nd month of it01:37
hamitronI hated the IDE so much, I chose to use the commandline tools01:38
HazRPGjust cos people weren't allowed to take borland home01:38
hamitronbut that was the fault of linux01:38
hamitronI got used to a commandline :/01:38
HazRPGyeah I still essentially code in text-editors for html/php/css stuff01:39
hamitrongah, html01:39
hamitronI need to make a webpage01:39
hamitronand cba with fancy01:39
HazRPGfor what? :P01:39
hamitronfor project work01:40
hamitrondemo files01:40
HazRPGwhat you studying?01:40
hamitronI'm doing a single module in the engineering department atm01:40
hamitronnot a full time student01:41
HazRPGah cool, didn't think you could do that01:41
hamitronyou just pay them, and they let you01:41
HazRPGmight take penetration testing once I'm finished then :P01:41
HazRPGsounds so naughty, but it isn't01:42
HazRPGits about security01:42
HazRPGI wanted to do it this year, but couldn't timetable it in with the rest, so had to pick agile systems instead :/01:42
HazRPGits torture, this will be my 7year in college/uni01:43
hamitronI personally don't care for modules I don't learn, can be self taught mostly01:43
hamitronI only did 3 years01:43
HazRPGsome things are better when your being pushed in the right direction01:43
HazRPGthis is my final year for a degree01:44
HazRPGbefore that I was doing HND stuff01:44
hamitronah, I did A levels01:44
HazRPGyeah was going to say, before that was a level01:44
hamitronbut at uni, I did learn a lot01:45
hamitronbut everything I did, was not in enough detail to use01:45
hamitrongotta go away and properly learn it I find :)01:45
hamitronmy C modules was pathetic01:45
hamitronproblem is books cost so much :/01:46
devushuse ebooks!01:47
hamitronthey aren't much cheaper01:47
hamitronand not as nice to read01:47
devushi mean the web resources.01:47
devushon programming always enough.01:47
hamitronstill not as easy to sit down in the garden and read01:47
devushactually we have to learn using documentation etc.01:47
devushthis is how they also write the books01:48
devushwell as far as the programming is concern, you just do not read, but write the code.01:48
devushoccasionally reading.01:48
devushbut reading generally for syntax.01:48
hamitronI'm reading a good book on optimising mathematics atm01:48
devushbasics are same from the 1/2 year college etc.01:49
HazRPGget a kindle!01:49
HazRPGthat's what I plan to get when I get paid for this project :P01:49
hamitronkindle would not work for me01:49
devushwell good idea.01:49
devushbut i have kindle.01:49
hamitronI like to have 6 or 7 books open, and referencing from them all01:50
devushand i use that only for most of the text only books novels etc.01:50
devushstill pdfs are better. due to the screen.01:50
devushe.g. my java code wraps to the next line on kindle. so not so much useful.01:50
devushbut it just saves time in commuting.01:50
devushit take 5-10 to start reading again in tube etc.01:51
hamitronI get enough time to look at a screen, using a computer for work ;)01:51
hamitronreading a book is a "rest" for the eyes01:51
devushi used to print a lot of material. we have free printing service in college. and then in company it was not a problem.01:52
devushthat is why i used to print in early days.01:52
devushstill i do, but some good articles etc.01:52
devushanybody using 10.10 on HP tx2 here01:53
hamitronI have stopped getting linux format now01:53
devushwhat do you mean linux format01:53
hamitrona monthly mag01:53
devushoh i see01:54
HazRPGI use to love that mag01:54
hamitronbehind the lappy01:54
devushoh dear.01:54
devushit looks like my collection of iX back in germany.01:54
devushbut i used to buy every thursday or so.01:55
devushthat time ubuntu was not there . it was SuSE world01:55
hamitronI've stopped subscribing to it01:55
devushused to buy the SuSE distribution from the Shop. back in 98-99.01:55
hamitronand now I just buy a few reference books each year01:56
devushnow probably you have to subscribe to one particular topic. as there are so many areas.01:56
hamitronI choose the topics I want to learn in detail, yes01:56
devushBTW. i never heard or read - linux format.   sorry not so long here in uk.01:56
hamitronbut the mag just skimmed the surface of lots of things01:57
devushI see you have opensuse DVD/CD also in your picture01:58
devushso any body with HP Tx2 laptop using 10.10.01:58
devushi had constant problems with mouse.01:58
devushi managed to revert back to 10.04 and now all working again.01:59
HazRPGnah, I'm currently running it on a desktop01:59
HazRPGwell 2 desktops01:59
HazRPGone's a P4 and ones an i701:59
devushok. you got fast stuffs.01:59
hamitronI've moved to Debian on my old systems now02:00
devushi am running it on Windows XP - vmware.02:00
HazRPGdebian has less requirements02:00
hamitrondebian has older X.org02:00
hamitronbut gonna change to Wary Puppy 5.0 I think02:00
devushi do not like the puppy interface.02:01
hamitronme neither02:01
devushdo not know about the Wary puppy.02:01
hamitronbut ubuntu stops support for 8.04 soon02:01
devushis it the same original puppy. or some thing new02:01
HazRPGI hate puppy interface too02:01
hamitronand debian 5.0 will end soon02:01
hamitronbut if you try standise a lot of systems around some hardware, and new software will not work with that hardware, you look for alternatives02:03
devushwhat text editor you people use.02:04
devushis that gedit.02:04
devushanybody on geany etc.02:04
hamitronnano and vi02:04
devushscite. never heard.02:04
devushis it good02:04
HazRPGI like it02:04
HazRPGnot sure if there's a linux version, but the source is out there though02:05
devushoh. i checked. it is based on Scintilla.02:05
HazRPGapprently it must be02:05
devushi have used it a lot on windows.02:06
devushabout 8-9 years ago. i think.02:06
devushi am happy with gedit. and some plugins around that.02:07
devushbut earlier i tried geany. it has programming support - good.02:07
HazRPGmight have to try that02:07
HazRPGI use atana too though02:07
devushi am on java mainly02:07
HazRPGfor an alternative to dreamweaver - though does so much more02:07
devushi have used vi for over 10 years, but not in the last 8-9 years.02:08
devushas i used windows - due to the work. and now getting back on the linux/ubuntu etc.02:08
devushfor the web editing mainly the CSS etc. which editor you propose.02:14
HazRPGlike I said I started using aptana02:15
devushi use eclipse for java. but some of the code - html/css need better editor02:15
HazRPGaptana has two versions, standalone or a plugin for eclipse02:15
devushok. is it free.02:16
devushlooks good on web. i will give the try.02:16
balldevush: I use joe for that.02:17
HazRPGI'm using the beta of aptana 3, mainly for php stuff02:17
devushjoe - does it supports color syntax highlights etc.02:19
hamitronI forgot about joe \o/02:20
hamitronsleep time02:22
devushyes. good night.02:24
HazRPGhmm anyone noticed a bug in chrome?03:14
HazRPGwhere if you stop syncing it just seems to freeze the app03:14
HazRPGI just force quit it, and now when it loads it just says "Your profile could not be opened correctly."03:16
HazRPGnevermind, turns out chrome hadn't closed properly - closed all running processes, and that fixed it03:23
MartijnVdS\o/ 3g + laptop07:06
MartijnVdS(no power)07:07
HazRPGis 32-bit ubuntu or 64-bit ubuntu better for 6GB RAM and an i7?07:07
MartijnVdSHazRPG: if your CPU is 64-bit capable (and i7 is), use 64-bit Ubuntu07:07
MartijnVdSunless you have really good/specific reasons to stick to 32-bit07:07
HazRPGah cool07:07
HazRPGwould there be any reason to stick to 32bit?07:08
MartijnVdSsome closed-source progams need libraries that are only available in 32-bit07:08
HazRPGcos I remember people use to recommend 32-bit to me ages ago when I was using core 2 duo07:08
MartijnVdSbut you could hack around that07:08
davmor2Morning all07:53
* davmor2 prods czajkowski to see if she is still with us07:54
MartijnVdSdoes anyone else with Natty have those annoying bottom-right corners on windows?08:00
MartijnVdSEven on gnome-panel's panels...08:00
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: Just discovered http://www.ncftp.com/ncftp/doc/ncftpput.html - This should solve my problem - has a recursive copy function... Hope the gremlins are away today.08:03
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: lftp can do it as well08:03
TheOpenSourcererYes, but lftp is not as easy to script.08:03
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: then I'd use LWP :)08:03
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: but I'm a Perl man08:03
screen-xmorning :)08:04
MartijnVdSscreen-x: \o08:04
TheOpenSourcerermorning all08:04
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: glad to hear you might of got it fixed :)08:05
TheOpenSourcererAm just about to login to the server and try it out.08:05
screen-xAnothing bonding question... on a machine with 2 nvidia NICs and 2 intel NICs, why does the bonding driver give more traffic to the intel interfaces? http://paste.ubuntu.com/556089/08:07
MartijnVdSwhich ones are intel? :)08:07
screen-xtop line of paste :)08:08
MartijnVdSscreen-x: look at the rx-bytes.. looks like that counts as an "event" as ewll08:08
MartijnVdSscreen-x: interfaces have either high RX or high TX08:09
MartijnVdSso.. ARP issue on the other end?08:09
MartijnVdSor expected behaviour?08:09
screen-xinteresting, I haven't really used link aggregation before, but I guess it could use some channels for tx, and some for rx, but that would a waste of duplex.08:10
screen-x*would be08:10
screen-xmaybe it will all even out over time, that box has only been up a few mins.08:10
MartijnVdSscreen-x: try switching the cables around :)08:10
screen-xMartijnVdS: heh, I've removed all the cables a pair at a time, and it copes well :)08:11
MartijnVdSfailover \o/08:11
* czajkowski pokes davmor2 08:11
davmor2nice natty feature, when the app launcher is hidden if your pinged on irc the xchat icon siddles onto the screen to let you know08:12
davmor2czajkowski: Yay! you're still breathin', I haven't got to find someone else to pick on ;)08:13
czajkowskistill here, still spluttering08:13
HazRPGhey guys, interesting question for ya... relating ping. If a guy with 1Mbps connection pinging google.com and a guy pinging 8Mbps connection pinging google.com, would the time (in ms) be different... assuming that it is found in exactly the same location, and same computer and hardware being used along the same ISP08:23
MartijnVdSHazRPG: that depends :)08:23
MartijnVdSHazRPG: more bandwidth doesn't automatically mean less latency08:23
MartijnVdSit could, but it doesn't have to08:23
HazRPGah cool thanks08:23
MartijnVdS(imagine a truck full of hard disks: ping is awful but bandwidth is amazing)08:24
screen-xMartijnVdS: great analogy :)08:24
HazRPGfantastic analogy08:24
MartijnVdSstolen analogy ;)08:24
MartijnVdSNever underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (1996). Computer Networks. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. pp. 83. ISBN 0-13-349945-6.08:24
* MartijnVdS steals only from the best :P08:25
HazRPGhaha win08:25
HazRPGanyways thanks, that just proves my point well for my friend08:26
HazRPGhe's having latency issues08:26
HazRPGhe's in egypt08:26
HazRPGand he's getting like ~500ms in-game and tracert shows ~250ms08:26
HazRPGto the same destination08:26
MartijnVdSHazRPG: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bufferbloat08:26
HazRPGhe's on a 2Mbps connection at the moment, and neither of us can work it out08:27
HazRPGI told him to replace his long telephone wire between the router and wall socket, and instead have a longer ethernet cable to try and reduce noise on the line (which solved his drop outs)08:28
HazRPGbut he's still having latency issues08:28
HazRPGand its only really started over the last month or so, he never had issues before that (even with the long telephone line cable)08:28
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you could try using "mtr" to see at which hop the latency is introduced08:28
HazRPGhe's in windows sadly08:28
MartijnVdScould it be a "government firewall", or incompetent ISP?08:28
MartijnVdSHazRPG:  http://winmtr.net/08:29
screen-xHazRPG: you could run an mtr from you to him.08:29
HazRPGcould be either of those things08:29
screen-xMartijnVdS: interesting wikipedia link, who would have thought you could have too much buffer? and that not dropping packets causes problems!08:31
HazRPGok, the latency between me and him seem to happen at the IP, just as its leaving the Telia network08:31
MartijnVdSscreen-x: I read about it on planet gnome or debian08:31
bigcalmMorning healthy people08:31
MartijnVdSscreen-x: Jim Gettys explained the whole thing on his blog08:31
screen-xoh dear, wassup bigcalm?08:31
bigcalmCaught a virus. Hopefully just a cold and nothing else08:32
bigcalmBut I had intended to drive up to Edinburgh on Friday evening. This is what annoys me the most08:32
screen-xwe'll send danfish round later on.08:32
HazRPGhmmm, this is all interesting08:37
HazRPGI wonder if there's anything I do to help me08:38
HazRPGI mean going from 82ms average to 300-500ms average is a bit much08:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: poke the people that manage the hop that increases latency most08:39
bigcalmHi Myrtti. Feeling better?08:47
Myrttimarginally so08:48
Myrttiprobably only because I've not really tried to turn my head yet08:48
MartijnVdSMyrtti: it's improvement! improvement is good!08:48
* DJones offers Myrtti a swivel chair to save her needing to turn her head, although it won't help with looking up & down08:51
MartijnVdSDJones: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyroscope08:52
MartijnVdSchair in the middle -> done!08:52
DJonesMartijnVdS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK3R2R9aTHc I want one :)08:55
daubersMorning all09:01
popeyhullo hullo!09:03
popeyhi DaveMorris09:06
gordmorning all09:06
popeyA hoi hoi!09:06
DJonesMorning Mr Burns09:07
* gord gets a cup of tea and starts doing a round of merge request reviewing so we can release unity later today09:10
* popey cracks the whip09:10
popeyget to it man!09:10
hoovermornin folks09:11
* danfish senses that popey maybe in a good/hyper mood again :)09:12
screen-xhi daubers09:13
screen-xdo you use ethernet bonding?09:13
daubersscreen-x: Yup09:13
* popey heads to the vet09:14
screen-xdaubers: I've been testing with a couple of servers, but can't get above 940mbits/s with a 4 link bond :(09:14
screen-xdaubers: that's measuring with iperf, and using bonding mode 4 which is lacp/802.3ad09:15
daubersscreen-x: Is this essentially one server to one client?09:16
screen-xdaubers: at the moment yes, just testing with two servers09:16
daubersIn that case you won't.09:16
daubersIt balances using the client/destination mac/ip addresses09:16
daubersIf you look at the traffic coming in/out each port using something like dstat you'll see you'll have one port as the up and one as the down09:17
daubersif you add another client you'll get another port being used as up as well as the first and so on09:17
screen-xdaubers: ah, so you never get more than 1 links worth of bandwidth between two machines?09:18
daubersscreen-x: Yup09:18
screen-xoh :( I wanted to be able to create aggregate connections between the VM hosts and the file server09:19
daubersscreen-x: If you had no switch in the middle you could use balance RR on the server to a balance RR bond on the client, that will give you more bandwidth09:19
screen-xdaubers: that's a possibility, thanks.09:21
daubersscreen-x: A more upgradable option would be to look at 10GbE, though the switches can be a bit expensive09:24
screen-xyeah, not an option here yet..09:25
daubersheh :)09:25
daubersi think the PCI-E cards are ~£500 at the moment for cx4 ones09:25
daubersMight be a bit less than that now though09:25
czajkowskiMyrtti: still no relief09:39
czajkowskimaybe from holding the head still it's putting more tension on it09:40
davmor2hello again now millbank09:40
Myrtticzajkowski: still no relief... contemplating on finding out if there's a A&E somewhere if they could inject the muscle with relaxant or something, this is getting a bit old now09:41
czajkowskiMyrtti: aye that might help09:42
czajkowskithis is why I travel with muscle relaxant pain killers09:42
DJonesMyrtti: Maybe a massage would help, if I have problems with my back/neck I get my wife who's a trained sports therapist to do the massage, hurts like hell while she's doing it and for another 24 hours, but seems to ease it quite quickly after that09:47
gordsure do wish it would get warmer =\09:54
awilkinsdanfish, May have some progress on using  .... ahem ... a certain mail server ... in OSS tools.09:55
awilkinsdanfish, Don't really have time for implementation ATM though09:55
Myrttigord: I was just reading http://blogs.computerworlduk.com/simon-says/2011/01/osi-and-fsf-in-unprecedented-collaboration-to-protect-software-freedom/index.htm and thought "that's why it's so chilly here then"09:55
HazRPGwoot, my giffgaff SIM arrived :D hurray!09:56
danfishawilkins: ooh - interesting09:56
danfishawilkins: can I be of help?09:56
awilkinsdanfish, Pages I think are relevant ;  http://www.msexchange.org/articles/Redirecting-OWA-Users-Correct-Directories-Protocols-Part2.html  http://blogs.interknowlogy.com/timmccarthy/archive/2006/08/05/3659.aspx09:57
awilkinsExecutive summary ; when you configure Evolution to use it's OWA plugin, you get past the first login if you do it right (change your username to your full email address), then it prompts you again09:58
awilkinsI reckon the second one is this CookieAuth.dll authentication step failing09:58
awilkinsThe cookie thing seems to be the vital missing step09:58
awilkinsThe second link has a C# implementation that caches the cookies so a session can use them.10:00
awilkinsI wonder if you just try configuring the cookie page...10:01
danfishIt might be possible10:01
awilkinsWell, the cookie page thing was a silly idea ; didn't think that would work10:03
awilkinsBut an implementation that is aware of the cookie thing and caches cookies might well work10:03
danfishit would be interesting to have another look at the android mail app code and compare10:04
awilkinsdanfish, Isn't that an activesync client?10:04
HazRPGwow, I'm really not liking the weather this year10:19
danfishawilkins: yeah, you're right. It is an activesync client/server10:19
HazRPGthought it started to get warmer quick, but its dropped back down to -3'c10:19
danfish(on the android)10:20
HazRPGhad to sit and defrost the car :/10:20
n1md4Hello.  I'm after a bug tracker, not for software development though (aka bugzilla), but for hardware/firmware/kernel issues.  Any suggestions?10:20
bigcalmtrac is a good tracker10:23
danfishawilkins: so no point in comparing! D'oh!10:25
DJonesArgh. Go away toothache10:25
awilkinsdanfish, Yeah ; the eas server isn't behind this "cookiewall" anyway10:25
andylockranGreetings Earthlings10:29
KnightradioHey andy10:30
DJonesMorning Knightradio10:30
andylockranGuys, any recommendations on an Android 2.2 Phone with at least 640x480 res.10:31
bigcalmNexus One :D10:32
DJonesandylockran: Desire HD, pretty sure that meets the 640x480 resolution, had one for 3 months, absolutely no complaints about it at all10:32
DJonesYep, 800x48010:33
gordnexus one/htc desire/desire HD, samsung galaxy S or Nexus S10:33
gordthey are all pretty good phones but the nexus/desire range are getting kinda slow now10:33
DJonesMaybe Dell Streak, but I don't think thats been updated to 2.2 yet10:34
DJonesWhen I was getting mine, my shortlist was Streak/Desire HD/Nexus One/Galaxy S, I ruled the streak out because of the older version of Android10:36
DJonesBut there wasn't much to choose between the other 3, Galaxy S had a front facing camera as well for video calls and there was something that the HD had that the others didn't10:37
gordgalaxy S has a lot going for it, if i had a choice now i would prolly go for the Nexus S/Galaxy S10:38
DJonesMust admit, despite how good the galaxy s looks & sounds, I've still not met anybody who's bought one10:40
bigcalmSil has10:41
gordsamsung kinda missed the boat, i know a few owners of S's but those people are late bloomers when it comes to adopting new things10:41
popeyMy boss asked for recommendations for video cameras10:44
popeyis it bad that I gave him amazon links which use my affiliate code? :)10:44
bigcalmpopey: never10:45
popeyi mean, I did the research :)10:46
popeythat cookie will live on his browser for a month10:46
popeyhope he buys stuff10:46
screen-xpopey: does he loose anything by using your link?10:46
screen-xno problem then :)10:46
screen-xjust tried to install a server into our rack, but it has new fangled rails that don't fit :(10:48
danfishscreen-x: just get a big hammer and give it a nudge or 2 :P10:50
popey"nudge" :)10:51
screen-xdanfish: I did my equivalent, which was to get a slightly less subtle colleague to have a try ;-)10:51
screen-xnot going to work though, prob have to get the supplier to swap them.10:52
andylockranscreen-x: what doesn't fit?10:55
andylockranI only realised recently that the holes up and down the side of the cabinet weren't uniformly spaced.10:55
andylockranThey were in groups of 4...10:55
screen-xandylockran: http://i.imgur.com/1i4By.jpg10:56
HazRPGslighly off topic, but this is funny as anything! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WDyRF8duOc10:56
HazRPGbtw, it is SFW - found it off the giffgaff site xD10:57
andylockranscreen-x: yup, no chance :(10:59
brobostigonmorning all.11:24
AlanBellpopey: ping11:29
AlanBellor in fact anyone11:30
AlanBellneed to get our logo in eps format to maggie.meer@ecvmagazine.com11:31
andylockrangalaxy S or HTC Desire HD I think.11:31
AlanBellfor the expo show11:31
AlanBelland I can't do it today11:31
andylockranAlanBell: yup.11:31
AlanBellthe svg of our logo should be on the wiki11:33
AlanBellI don't have a browser or inkscape right now11:33
popeywhich logo?11:34
AlanBelljust irc on the olpc11:34
AlanBellthe ubuntu-uk logo11:34
popeywith the union flag in it?11:34
AlanBellerm, the new one we voted on11:34
* brobostigon cant remember whatthat note tking software is.11:35
brobostigoncheers popey :)11:35
popeyAlanBell: the one in the beta site?11:35
* brobostigon gets popey some chocolate.11:36
AlanBell /Logo11:37
X3NIs anyone going to organise a post expo drinking point?11:37
AlanBellX3N: yes11:37
popeyit needs organising?11:37
AlanBellbut organise is a bit strong11:37
X3NWell, I'd need to know where to go in advance was all I was thinking11:37
X3Nguess I can just ask in here and hope someone replies11:38
AlanBellpick a pub near the barbican, put it in the etherpad11:38
andylockrananyone heading to the IRX expo in Birmingham on the 23,24th March ?11:39
SuperMattI've just had a thought, I don't know if this is in any way possible, but can you have gnome terminal switch profile or background colour or something when you're ssh'd to another box?11:39
TheOpenSourcererThe St. Pauls Tavern was nice but I think it has been knocked down now :-( And "The Vaults" was a great pub too, under the brewery, but that is now a "club".11:39
jacobwSuperMatt: profiles11:39
TheOpenSourcererI used to work on Chiswell Street.11:39
SuperMattjacobw: I know I can create a new profile, but can I get it to change profile when I ssh to somewhere?11:40
popeyAlanBell: so anyway, how do i make it eps? just open the logo in inkscape and save as eps?11:49
AlanBellI think so11:50
AlanBellthen chuck svg and eps over to maggie11:51
popeywell fancy that, I already have inkscape11:51
brobostigonreckon it is safe,to try and install ubuntu one on debian ?11:51
MyrttiI'm so tempted to preorder Nintendo 3DS... argh11:53
popeyAlanBell: logo on that page looks broken in inkscape11:53
* popey tries the others11:54
awilkinsInappropriately molest a dog, the Evolution git repo is large11:56
popeythats certainly one way to say it11:56
popeyalso, AlanBell unity is making this harder than it should be!11:56
popeyI have beaten unity!11:57
MartijnVdSpopey: you're now using gnome classic again? :)11:57
popeyno, i right clicked a file and used open with inkscape, rather than, you know, opening inkscape and trying to use the menu11:58
Myrtti"The latest addition to the mirror-less Micro Four Thirds family adds compatibility with Olympus’ optional new PENPAL Bluetooth Communication Unit, which allows the photographer to transfer images to a compatible Android smartphone, just one of an ever-expanding range of PEN accessories."11:58
popeywhich is UNPOSSIBLE11:58
gordyou can't use the menu in inkscape?11:58
Myrttioh well, c'est la vie11:58
popeyits greyed out gord11:58
gordoh that sucks11:58
popeyalso, see my previous rants on focus follows mouse11:58
popeyalso, the implementation of autohide is a very odd thing11:59
popeya window opens near the left edge of the screen, *bam* you lose your unity bar11:59
popeyyou have to pick the window up and move it to get unity bar back11:59
popeythats not right11:59
MartijnVdSbut it's unity! the design team says it's good!12:00
popeyit should appear when i throw my mouse to the edge of the screen or something12:00
MartijnVdSso it must be!12:00
popeyoh yes, my bad, sorry12:00
popeyoh goody, inkscape has made an impossible-to-open eps file12:00
gordpopey, move your mouse to the top left12:01
popeyok thats better12:01
popeystill, the icon i want is at the bottom, i know its at the bottom, i put it there12:01
gordi think it should open out when you move your mouse to anywhere on the left as well, but not my call12:02
popeybut i have to go to the top to get the bar, then go down12:02
gordmake a bug, make sure mark sees it ;)12:02
AlanBell"autohide is a lie"12:02
gordits actually pretty nice that it goes away if you throw a window on the left hand side though, gets it out of the way if you want to use that space but if your not, it can use it12:03
popeydone bug 70537512:10
lubotu3Launchpad bug 705375 in unity (Ubuntu) "Too much vertical movement to find an icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70537512:10
* gord hits also affects me12:13
* daubers is worred about the kit that's just been sent to an exhibition in dubai12:15
daubersThe smashed telle in the back of the lorry was not a good sign....12:15
DJonesdaubers: Maybe it fell of the back of a ....12:16
popeycan you open those?12:16
dauberspopey: Yes12:16
popeyso they look "right"?12:16
dauberspopey: http://www.daubers.co.uk/~matt/screenypopey.jpg12:18
* popey takes a screenshot of that and puts it in ~/alan/screenydauby.png12:18
popeyor something12:18
gordlooks fine in inkscape but in evince i just get whitespace12:19
gordis it a drawing of a snow storm?12:19
czajkowskipeeka boo12:19
popeyits a painting of a polar bear covering his nose with one paw12:19
andylockranin a whiteout12:19
gordpopey, any specific need for eps? just tried saving as pdf and it looks fine12:21
AlanBellwe have been asked to provide logo in eps format12:23
* popey points at AlanBell 12:23
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
popeyAlanBell: sent / yhm12:26
HazRPGhurray, apparently android has beaten iphone in the market over in the US by 1%12:32
HazRPGgreat news for linux :D12:32
Myrttiwow, took me whole six minutes to unravel and understand what yhm means12:32
MyrttiI guess this is a sign that a nap or something is in order12:33
Myrtti"you have mail"12:33
HazRPGoh xD12:33
TheOpenSourcererFinally got my backup script working. Ended up using lftp. Thanks for all the suggestions.12:34
TheOpenSourcererTime to pop to the bank and pay in a cheque I think.12:35
HazRPGholy crap its thursday12:38
HazRPGI keep thinking its Friday/Saturday for some reason xD12:38
HazRPGhurray for date fail12:39
HazRPGbbl rather12:40
DJonesHazRPG: If it was saturday, it'd be the weekend and I'd be busy doing things, rather than sat in work watching an IRC window :)12:55
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: yay for lftp12:59
kazadehi everyone13:03
kazadeThe award for strange news story of the day goes to: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2011/jan/20/boy-george-icon-cyprus-church?CMP=twt_fd13:03
screen-xtried to text "day is having its ups and downs" to my wife, but iphone corrected it to "dating is having its ups and downs" oops!13:04
brobostigono2 webtopup total fail, timeed out moretimes than i can remember, and was damn slow.13:10
bigcalmJust pinched the last Caramac bar from the fridge13:20
* bigcalm does an evil laugh13:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: they don't want your money then ;)13:20
brobostigonMartijnVdS: feels like it. ys.13:20
screen-xdaubers: does having 7.2k drives next to 15k drives in a chassis cause vibration problems?13:20
jpdsWon't it vibrate anyway?13:21
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
screen-xjpds: probably, I just wondered if mismatched neighbours would upset each other..13:26
gordi have cool loading bays in my case13:27
gordi love them13:28
bigcalmDon't you hate it when you type rm when you meant ls?13:28
bigcalmrm *.txt didn't give me the result I was expecting13:28
jpdsbigcalm: No, more like sl instead of ls.13:28
screen-xsl \o/13:28
bigcalmWhat is sl13:29
Laneyalias rm to rm -I/-i13:29
bigcalmLaney: good idea13:29
jpdsbigcalm: apt-get install sl -y13:29
Laney!info sl13:29
lubotu3sl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-16 (maverick), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB13:30
AlanBellit doesn't correct you!13:30
bigcalmOh. I don't go in for those type of correctors13:30
AlanBellit punishes you13:30
bigcalmI'd rather type the correct command :)13:30
jpdsbigcalm: You have to run it to see the point.13:31
bigcalmscreen-x: wow13:32
daubersscreen-x: They will a little, they'll all only run at the speed fo the slowest drive if their in a RAID config13:36
screen-xdaubers: but if they are in separate arrays, they'll be fine?13:37
daubersscreen-x: Yup, depending on your RAID card of course :)13:38
gordsometimes i wonder if i scan at too high a DPI... oh well *opens 75mb jpg file*13:39
brobostigonthats weird, under "people nearby" in empathy, it shows me,13:39
screen-xbrobostigon: are you far from yourself?13:39
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you're not near yourself?13:40
gordbrobostigon, it also shows me on facebook jabber and gtalk too13:40
brobostigonscreen-x: ie, it shows me as being onthat same computer,i am not onanyother machine.13:40
gordit just likes to show you13:40
MartijnVdSgord: "Near yourself" is the xmpp-over-bonjour thing13:40
gordi know what it is :)13:40
gordit shows me as available on all of them13:40
brobostigonits weird, why should it show me, as if itstelling me, iamlogged in onthe machine, i am actually on.13:41
brobostigoni see no reason why it should do this.13:42
brobostigonits interesting behaviour.13:42
MartijnVdSI thought mine was showing the one on my laptop13:42
MartijnVdS(I'm logged in there as well)13:42
brobostigonmy only other thing connected is my htc dream, and there is no xmpp-bonjour client on there.13:43
andylockrannot upgraded my desktop pre-rc for quite a while.. tempted to do it with natty13:44
andylockrananyone help with a gdm issue.  I've installed a new screen, but when gdm starts it just shows a blank screen.13:45
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i am going to search for bugs, its doesnt seem right behaviour,13:45
X3Nandylockran: that can happen if you're using separate X servers13:47
brobostigonthere it is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63715113:51
awilkinsbigcalm, How about : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-566018.html13:58
awilkinsAnd maybe alias rrm to rm so you can have "really remove" as well as "trashcan remove"13:59
MartijnVdSuntil you use a "real" unix/linux machine later and expect the trashcan behaviour14:00
MartijnVdSand don't get it14:00
awilkinsHmm. True14:00
awilkinsSame goes for aliasing it to -I as well though14:00
MartijnVdSawilkins: create a "del" command that is rm -I or something14:01
MartijnVdSand then use that :)14:01
MartijnVdSless confusion \o/14:02
X3Nthere's also no harm in aliasing rm='rm -i'14:03
awilkinsThere is the way I use rm ; I'd be sat there for HOURS14:06
awilkinsOr I'd have to start using `yes` a lot14:06
X3N /usr/bin/rm14:08
X3Nor where ever it lives14:08
X3N /bin/rm14:09
dutchieor \rm14:12
Laneyi have NO_rm_star_silent in my zshrc14:13
bigcalmAlias all bash commands to rm14:17
andylockranalias tail and cat to rm.. really helps with the old audit trail :p14:21
andylockranhey guys14:30
andylockranis CPAN the preferred method for perl modules on ubuntu?14:30
dutchiei use cpan if they aren't packaged14:31
AlanBellI did once get into a right pickle mixing packaged perl and cpan perl14:31
AlanBellso now I avoid perl14:32
bigcalmUse webmin for installing perl modules14:32
bigcalmAuto dependances ftw14:33
andylockranall our dev is done in perl14:33
andylockranyet most my sysadmin scripts are python14:33
andylockranso learning perl, for easy of integration with everything else.14:33
dutchieandylockran: that sounds completely the wrong way round ;)14:34
popeyhmm, seems I can reliably and consistently crash unity today14:36
gordpopey, really? doing what?14:40
popeylemme just save my work and do it again14:41
popeyit segfaults14:41
gordif you run unity --advanced-debug in a VT it'll start you in gdb so you can get a backtrace (normally involves just typing run, going back into your display, crashing it then back in the vt type "set log on" and "bt". then "quit" to get out of gdb14:45
popeyok, doing that14:46
bigcalmThis z-index is going to be the death of me14:47
danfish\o/ label printers installed at work. No more handwriting request forms :)14:48
danfish...it's the little things that make me ha-ha-ha-happy14:49
X3Npopey: that bug I filed bug #700724 is hotting up very exciting14:52
lubotu3Launchpad bug 700724 in Launchpad itself "Subscription policy inherited from parent team member" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70072414:52
popeyits been discussed on the loco teams list too14:56
* brobostigon shakes fist @ adsl15:38
* Laney lives in the street over from the exchange15:44
Laneygood times15:44
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=== kirrus_ is now known as kirrus
directhexanyone here have a fax machine?15:56
MartijnVdSdirecthex: does it count if I can use my VOIP-account as a fax machine?15:57
MartijnVdSdirecthex: (T.38)15:57
directhexMartijnVdS, if you can really actually fax, then yes15:57
MartijnVdSI could, if I bothered to set it all up15:58
screen-xdirecthex: what for?15:58
directhexscreen-x, trying to get our new fax machine working!16:04
bigcalmPeople still fax?16:04
directhexscreen-x, need to test fax receive (i know sending is buggered)16:04
Laneyusually one of the parties involved in a fax transaction16:05
Laneythe other one has to spend 6 hours configuring it16:05
MartijnVdSdirecthex: http://www.tpc.int/faxbyemail.html16:05
screen-xdirecthex: you could test with one of those things where you phone up and they send you a fax back16:05
MartijnVdSdirecthex: free faxing :)16:06
screen-xI remember getting psion data sheets like that :)16:06
danfishdirecthex: I have a fax machine right here16:08
directhexdanfish, can you hit the fax number on http://www.collabora.co.uk/contact/ with a test document?16:09
directhexMartijnVdS, trying it16:09
danfishdirecthex: done it now - it's in a bit of a queue tho'16:10
bigcalmAnybody hot with css able to help with a z-index issue? :) http://twitpic.com/3rr6g216:15
awilkinsUrr. Fax16:16
awilkinsI had a printer/scanner with a phone jack and a fax feature once16:16
kazadehmm, anyone know of an updated Lucid PPA for monodevelop?16:20
danfishdirecthex: no joy - it didn't like your fax machine at all - "comms.error" :(16:25
awilkinsI would have thought that the voice codecs used by VoIP phones would royally screw with fax codeces16:32
MartijnVdSawilkins: they tend to16:32
MartijnVdSawilkins: that's why They invented T3816:32
awilkinsIs it a digital -> analogue codec and you feed it the digital end? or does it do fax > digital > t38 internally?16:33
MartijnVdSawilkins: depends on the fax, I guess16:33
* hamitron grumbles16:38
hamitron2 hours 40 mins to copy files16:39
gordtime to get gigabit ethernet!16:39
daubersand a raid16:40
MartijnVdSand a pony16:40
hamitronI may of been better not plugging this hdd in on my main comp16:40
hamitronthen I wouldnt be sat waiting :)16:41
hamitronflying , doesnt work :|16:41
awilkinsTime to grab a BEER16:44
hamitrongonna drop the RAID 0 sata1 card in favour of sataII I think16:49
hamitronunless I change my mind16:49
popeybigcalm: http://i27.tinypic.com/2j1khf9.png16:52
bigcalmpopey: PRINTING!16:53
bigcalmpopey: thank you for that, just made my day :)16:53
bigcalmpopey: THIS is the best justification yet for buying a colour laser printer16:54
popeyI want to see pics!16:55
popeyof pigs16:55
bigcalmMaybe I should invest in some heavy paper16:56
hamitronpigs? :/16:56
bigcalmThis is less than 80mg I think16:56
bigcalmEverybody knew what I meant :P16:57
Myrttiyou people need healthier hobbies16:57
bigcalmMyrtti: this is 'arts & crafts'16:57
awilkinsHealthier than WH40k models - fewer solvents to inhale16:59
* kazade just realized he has a colour printer...17:00
hamitronI have only just upgraded from inkjet to a black and white lasor :/17:01
dwatkinsSorry, I don't know what happened there, I just felt compelled to write the word 'LASER' totally incorrectly.17:01
dwatkinsIt's an abbreviation, in fact.17:02
hamitronyeh, I am lazy and not thinking ;/17:02
dwatkinsI wasn't making a comment on the way you'd written it, more the way I wrote it in 'l33t-sp33k'17:03
* dwatkins apologises for his outburst17:03
* awilkins has a Samsung CLX2160N17:03
hamitronmine is samsung17:03
hamitronnot used it enough to judge if it is a good buy17:04
awilkinsColour lasers are actually pretty cheap now. Mine was £300 on account of having a network card and being a scanner as well, but they are around the £100 mark now17:04
hamitronhi alex17:04
DJonesHello alex17:04
alexWehay, it works.17:04
popeyalex: it does17:04
hamitronmy B&W one was £5517:04
awilkinsFor infrequent printers, I think they are much better value than inkjets because toner doesn't dry out17:04
alexI'm not new to the IRC thing, but certainly new to the IRC on Ubuntu thing.17:04
awilkinsWhich client are you using?17:05
otaku_coderhi. I'm getting the following when doing an apt-get upgrade on a 10.10 linode server I manage - http://pastebin.com/YV1GgJ9H any ideas what's causing the issues?17:06
alexThe GNOME X-Chat.17:06
hamitroninstall less?17:06
alexI was going to use plain old X-chat, but on the 'more info' pane on the Software Centre, X-Chat said it'd download "enhanced sound daemons."17:07
alexAnd I thought, bollocks to that, I want something that doesn't download "enhanced sound daemons."17:07
alexAnd the GNOME X-chat was right below it.17:07
awilkinsotaku_coder, Looks like your server doesn't have less installed. Which is odd. Or that it's filesystem is damaged. Which would be bad.17:08
hamitronmy install didnt have less installed either17:08
alexWait a sec, you're not talking to me.17:08
alexThat was smooth.17:08
hamitronoh sorry alex17:08
alexNo troubles, bubbles.17:09
hamitrondidnt think of double meaning17:09
alexI'm actually here because I'm a relative Linux/Ubuntu newb, and would appreciate a small kick in the right direction on an install problem.17:09
alexBut I'll wait until the printer issue has been somewhat resolved.17:09
alexAnd Otaku's apt-get upgrade prob.17:09
hamitronI think the printer talk was just random ramblings17:10
otaku_coderawilkins: looks like less is installed, and the filesystem looks fine17:10
awilkinsPrompted by cut out and stick colour pig templates17:10
awilkinsotaku_coder, Hmm ; on my fs, less installs to /usr/bin/less17:10
otaku_coderawilkins: whereis less also reveals the same17:11
MartijnVdSwhich less :)17:11
screen-xMartijnVdS: more or less?17:11
alexI'm trying to get Rosegarden onto Maverick Meerkat, but my issue is that when I try to get it through the Ubuntu Software Centre, it says that the install "Requires installation of untrusted packages."17:12
otaku_coderwhich less shows its in /usr/bin/less17:12
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
alexDetails: "rosegarden rosegarden-data."17:12
* hamitron would softlink /bin/less17:12
awilkinsotaku_coder, My /usr/bin/less is a softlink to /bin/less though17:12
screen-x!info rosegarden17:12
lubotu3rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:10.02-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 7777 kB, installed size 12564 kB17:12
popeyalex: what happens if you open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install rosegarden"?17:13
popeycan you paste the output completely at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?17:13
otaku_coderawilkins: same17:13
alexI shall tell you in twenty seconds, bear with me.17:13
popeytick tock17:13
hamitron1, 2, 3...17:13
otaku_coderawilkins: looks like a borked package upgrade17:13
alex"Do you want to install these packages without verification?" Y.17:14
awilkinsotaku_coder, Do you have the /etc/alternatives folder?17:14
alexIt's working away.17:14
alexBrilliant. Thanks folks. Guess I'm just not command-literate enough yet.17:14
popeyoh is it installing?17:14
screen-xalex: sounds like your missing a key for a repo17:14
otaku_coderawilkins: ah, no i dont17:14
alexScreen-X, I'm a layman. I think I understand the gist of that sentence, but probably not.17:14
lubotu3A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:15
awilkinsotaku_coder, How odd, mine is chock-full of things17:15
alexSorry dude.17:15
alexCould you just expand?17:15
popeyalex: that page will explain it17:15
otaku_coderawilkins: this was a clean ubuntu 10.10 image, only 3 days old17:15
popeyalex: some light bed time reading :)17:15
awilkinsotaku_coder, I suggest you sudo mkdir /etc/alternatives and try again17:15
screen-xalex: keys are used to verify packages. They aren't needed to install software, but without them you can't verify that the package hasn't been altered.17:15
alexI'll print it out and stick it to the ceiling.17:15
popeyalex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto  if you want to know apt-get17:15
popeyalex: and we hang out here anyway if you get any more issues17:16
alexI can say, "I thought as much," but that doesn't mean squat of course.17:16
otaku_coderawilkins: well that fixed it, thanks. wonder why there was no alternatives folder17:16
alexI can't thank you guys enough. Cheers.17:16
screen-xWhy is  the ntp daemon not authoritative for the first few minutes after starting?17:17
awilkinsotaku_coder, I have no idea why it might occur ... filesystem damage or maybe a mad administrator17:17
hamitrondefinately mad ;)17:17
otaku_coderawilkins: I'm the only sysadmin!! Ah well, it's fixed anyway. I'll just ignore this little issue ;)17:17
hamitronwasnt this issue on linode?17:18
hamitronnot a plain install17:18
hamitron2 hours left17:19
popeyjacobw: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooold news :)17:29
jacobwi must be behind the group on banana related news17:29
alexYour nana phoned.17:31
popeyalex: you will fit in here just right17:46
hamitronbrb, tea and cakes17:47
* brobostigon is having sausage and mushroom butties.17:48
hamitronthat sounds better17:50
hamitronI am just trying to ¨keep going" for another few hours17:51
* popey has constructed spag bol17:52
brobostigona good bolognese, takes hours.17:52
danfish...which undergo deconstruction much quicker17:53
bigcalmpopey: just finished cutting out and scorring the guy. That's taken way too long17:53
popeyit's not a race17:53
popeybrobostigon: it does?17:53
bigcalmNeed to find some glue next17:54
hamitronmy mince meat is still cooking :/17:54
popeybigcalm: could stick it to cardboard17:54
brobostigonpopey: because the sauce needs to mature.17:54
bigcalmpopey: want to make the guy ride the piggy. Sadly not possible17:55
gordwish i could play minecraft :(17:55
hamitronhow much it cost?17:55
bigcalmIt's on the site17:55
popeywhich is down17:55
popeyor slow17:56
hamitronso how much it cost?17:56
bigcalmIt was about 10 euros when we started17:56
bigcalmIt's more now17:56
popeyooo, it responded17:56
hamitronhow how long?17:56
hamitronfor how long?17:56
bigcalmpopey: notch is moving skins to s317:56
gordits been basically down for days17:56
popeyits up now17:56
bigcalmhamitron: forever, it's not a subscription game17:56
gordnot for me17:56
awilkinspopey, A good meat ragu does take hours ... I give the vegetables an half hour on their own, gently sweating down in a glug of olive oil17:56
hamitronah :)17:56
danfishthat Heston Bloomewhatsit cooks his bolognese for 12 hours17:59
brobostigonishould try alittle chocolate when i next  make a curry, apparently its quite good.17:59
brobostigondanfish: that is alittle eccessive,17:59
hamitronfs, no vista/7 drivers for my RAID card18:00
gordi only got to play with strange coloured sheep and made a doorbell for my home before the servers went kablewy :(18:00
bigcalmAlpha was 50% off. Beta is 25% off. Release will be 0% off18:00
popeywhen it's finished it will be 20 EUR18:00
popeynow it's 14.95 EUR18:00
* awilkins points and squeals in the "body snatchers" style .... (Windows.... uncleeaaaan!!!)18:00
* hamitron will wait18:00
bigcalmhamitron: I why?18:00
hamitronI have self control18:00
bigcalmWhat's that?18:00
awilkinsI logged into my Island retreat and found the sea was full of giant squid18:00
* popey starts his server up18:00
awilkinsMy island home has a tunnel to the mainland so that I can go plundering without getting wet18:00
bigcalmDo we have a stable #u-u server?18:00
popeymine is stable :)18:00
popeypopeydc.dyndns.org :)18:00
gordmines been stable for months :P18:00
bigcalmpopey: but not on 24/718:00
popeyit can be18:00
bigcalmhamitron: shorthand for here18:00
gordgordallott.com - online 24 7!18:00
popeyi found your connection stuttered :(18:00
macoid just call that -uk18:00
gordit did, back in the day, there was a bug that made everything laggy18:01
danfishbrobostigon: probably, but he does do things to excess!18:01
hamitronis it a persistent game then?18:01
hamitronpersistent world game I mean18:01
brobostigondanfish: very true,18:02
hamitron1 hour 15 mins18:02
MonsterKillerwhats the best way to blacklist an IP on ubuntu serveR?18:10
danfishMonsterKiller: add it to /etc/hosts.deny18:13
MonsterKillerokay :) Thanks18:13
* awilkins swears loudly18:18
awilkinsI just broke my cafetiere18:18
hamitronoh noes :(18:18
hamitroninstant coffee for you18:18
awilkinsDr Pepper. Until I have another means of preparing proper coffee. Maybe I'll try the finnish trick with an egg18:19
hamitronhey, I drink instant :/18:20
hamitronaround 15 mugs per day, and I am still alive18:20
hamitron55 mins left18:24
BigRedSI think this registration form for the open sauce expo is probably enough to put any non-geek off the idea of going18:25
BigRedSAh, I've been teasing pedants all day18:26
gorddo you have to telnet to a bbs to register?18:27
gordi would so do that18:27
BigRedSnah, it's not pleasantly geeky18:29
BigRedSbut there's a several-metre long survey of which bits of computing you're into18:29
popeybigcalm: http://popeydc.dyndns.org/ can you see that map?18:50
bigcalmSlow to log in to minecraft at all18:53
popeythats just an http map18:53
popeya png of the map on my server18:53
bigcalmOh, sorry :)18:53
bigcalmOo, an update18:54
bigcalmIs your server running?18:55
bigcalmDoes it require me to add a port number?18:57
bigcalmConnection is timing out18:57
kvarleypopey: You have a minecraft server? =)18:58
popeyon a laptop at home18:58
kvarleypopey =) is it public?18:59
* brobostigon falls out of his chair, laughing at a cartoon in private eye18:59
popeykvarley: course19:01
popeyjust getting automatic map png generation sorted19:02
kvarleypopey: IP?19:02
popeythat hostname kvarley19:02
kvarleypopey Thank you19:03
popeyso, every 10 mins it generates a map19:03
popeyand does a symlink to the "current" map image19:03
ali1234is that map 1 pixel per "cube"?19:04
popeyi think so19:04
ali1234it would be the fastest way to generate it i guess19:05
popeyit has some options, not looked at yet19:05
kvarleypopey: I can't login to minecraft :/19:12
kvarleypopey: Not your server, I mean minecrafts login doesn't connect19:12
=== AndroUser is now known as davmor2
davmor2lo all19:20
davmor2czajkowski, how you feeling now kidda19:21
awilkinsminecraft.net doesn't seem to be responding19:21
popeykvarley: yeah, issues19:22
popeytheir end19:22
czajkowskidavmor2: good bit better thanks19:23
davmor2cztab good good19:23
davmor2oh well train is here so I'm off home19:25
andylockranta ra19:32
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: http://i.imgur.com/YPc02.jpg19:47
* brobostigon falls out of his chair in laughter,19:48
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: no permanent damage I hope? :)19:52
brobostigonMartijnVdS: definatly not, :)19:53
MartijnVdSwhat about "Funishment"20:05
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I'm reading a thread on "accidental words" people make :)20:09
MartijnVdSTrafficated. As in:20:09
MartijnVdS"Hey what took you so long getting here?"20:09
MartijnVdS"The roads were all trafficated man.."20:09
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah, i see.20:09
MartijnVdSSky-arrhea. That shitty weather between rain and snow.20:12
asmithGuten Tag.20:16
asmithOr at least, Hello.20:16
brobostigonmoin asmith :)20:17
brobostigonguten abend asmith *20:17
asmithQuick question. Why do Ardour and Rosegarden refuse to be installed on the same system?20:17
asmithIt seems that Rosegarden doesn't like JACK but  Ardour does.20:17
asmithChriscoulson doesn't like my question, obviously.20:18
popeyardour needs jack20:18
popeydidn't know rosegarden doesn't like jack20:18
asmithAh, hey Popey.20:18
asmithIt's "Alex" from earlier.20:18
asmithWouldn't let me log in this time.20:19
asmithAs "Alex," that is.20:19
popeywell, i just did "sudo apt-get install ardour rosegarden" and it's trying to install both now20:19
asmithI've got Ardour on the system, but it doesn't run because there's not enough JACK capabilities, I think.20:19
asmithThat's the impression I seem to get.20:19
popeyis jack running?20:19
popeythere is a program called jack-ctl or somesuch which controls jack20:20
popeyand lets you stop/start it20:20
asmithI've typed Jack-Ctl into the software centre - it comes up with Jack Tools.20:21
asmithWhich I seem to already have.20:21
popeyyes, it will be under the menu somewhere20:22
asmithWhen I try to start Ardour, it asks for various variables - sample rates and buffer amounts etc. - then upon actually starting the audio engine, it claims that "Ardour couldn't start JACK."20:23
asmithRosegarden, however, works top.20:23
asmithOK, I've opened Jack Control.20:24
asmithIt says it can't connect to the JACK server as client.20:24
asmithMan, the more I type the more I feel like a doofus.20:25
asmithThe JACK server is on my computer.20:25
popeyit needs to be started20:25
popeythere's a start button there somewhere20:25
asmithOn the Jack Audio Connection Kit, yes, there's a start. But upon pressing it, that's where the JACK server connection error message occurs.20:26
asmithI've got Jackd1, which describes itself as the "JACK Audio Connection Kit (Server and example clients)"20:26
MartijnVdSpopey: maybe jack can't start because of pulse?20:27
asmithI've tried downloading jackd2, but of course it wants to kill Rosegarden.20:27
popeythey play nice these days MartijnVdS20:27
MartijnVdSpopey: oh, didn't know that20:27
asmithInteresting - this article on Wikipedia on Ubuntu Studio claims that Rosegarden works with JACK. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Studio20:31
asmithAnd yet...20:31
popeyit does20:32
popeyyou just don't have jack running yet20:32
asmithOh, Lord.20:35
* czajkowski hugs popey 20:35
asmithJack's message window tells me I don't have a "sane system."20:35
popeyczajkowski: sometimes more words is better20:35
czajkowskipopey: aye but I'm also fielding them on irc as well :)20:36
popeyfeel free to blog about it and use my mail20:36
popeyor maybe, maybe not20:36
czajkowskias I know it's more than one area that is the issue, we're just one vocal area20:37
asmithOK folks, I appreciate your patience and help. Here's what Jack Control says in the messages pane:20:38
asmithPlease check your /etc/security/limits.conf for the following lines20:38
asmithand correct/add them:20:38
asmith  @audio          -       rtprio          10020:38
asmith  @audio          -       nice            -1020:38
asmithAfter applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect.20:38
asmithYou don't appear to have a sane system configuration. It is very likely that you20:38
asmithencounter xruns. Please apply all the above mentioned changes and start jack again!20:38
asmithHence, I've done so using Nautilus with Root priviledges, now I'm going to log out and log back in.20:38
popeyi probably wouldn't do that20:38
asmithCiao for now, see you in a little.20:38
popeybut worth a shot :)20:38
asmithOK. Here goes nothing!20:39
asmithOK, let's try again.20:40
asmithAha. Now the messages read:20:40
asmith"JACK is running in realtime mode, but you are not allowed to use realtime scheduling.20:40
asmithYour system has an audio group, but you are not a member of it.20:40
asmithPlease add yourself to the audio group by executing (as root):20:40
asmith  usermod -a -G audio (null)20:40
asmithAfter applying these changes, please re-login in order for them to take effect."20:41
asmithMan, I have a degree in Film & Television Production, a lifetime of music behind me, and I can't figure out how to program a damn computer. Ouch.20:41
asmithIs it recommended that I don't do "usermod -a -G audio (null)", or that I go ahead and sudo that.20:42
asmithI have killed the IRC channel, I see.20:43
popeysorry, I'm working :(20:45
MartijnVdSworking? at this hour?20:46
popeyoracle RAC 11g upgrade20:46
MartijnVdSpopey: 21:05 < MartijnVdS> what about "Funishment"20:46
* bigcalm collapses20:54
* MartijnVdS props bigcalm up on sticks20:55
bigcalmBeing ill doth suck20:55
MartijnVdSpointy ones20:55
bigcalmhttp://i.imgur.com/9bxJ6.jpg # wow21:20
lubotu3ping-pong, a fun game for all the family21:34
popeybigcalm: seen elsewhere - "offer him 50p for his house on the 22nd" :)21:35
* brobostigon has chocolate buttons, :)21:35
popeyooo, so do i!21:35
brobostigonluxury dark, dairy free, :)21:36
=== MisesPieces is now known as OmNomSequitur
* czajkowski hugs bigcalm 21:37
PendulumI found my first Cadbury Creme Egg of the year!21:37
* bigcalm hugs some new life into czajkowski 21:37
czajkowskiPendulum: see I see the and all I can do is laugh21:37
AlanBellPendulum: please tell me it has nothing to do with Daviey21:38
PendulumAlanBell: nothing at all21:38
* Pendulum dies laughing21:38
Pendulumerr.. the laughing was at AlanBell21:38
* Pendulum hugs Daviey 21:39
PendulumYour in the UK and I'm in the US. I think my creme egg is safe21:39
DavieyPendulum... I was in the US last week... and will return soon :P21:39
PendulumDaviey: but you didn't visit me :(21:40
Myrtti"wanna learn Finnish? good luck"21:40
DavieyPendulum, What part of the UsS are you?21:40
PendulumDaviey: Connecticut21:40
Pendulum1/2 way between New York City and Boston21:40
DavieyI might have reason to go near boston soon.21:41
Penduluminteresting, Weight Watchers doesn't seem to think a Cadbury Creme egg is nearly as bad for you as I expected21:43
AlanBellI am sure it is if you eat it21:43
Pendulum(I do find it amusing that it's actually in their food database)21:43
PendulumAlanBell: I expected it to be about twice the "points plus value" that it is21:43
Pendulumand that's based on actually eating!21:44
Pendulumgonna have to work harder to break the diet ;)21:44
* Darael resolves to stay away from Creme Eggs. Not nearly fattening enough.21:45
Pendulumhmm... I could go out and order whatever I want tonight and not break my diet. I think I maybe haven't been eating enough :-/21:46
macoPendulum: not eating enough is bad, makes you fall over21:47
Pendulummaco: I've had a sinus infection and today is the first day my throat hasn't hurt21:47
Pendulumhaven't fallen over yet!21:47
macoim one of those fainting people21:48
* bigcalm reprints the sheet with the pigs head on it due to over scoring and tearing21:49
czajkowskiPendulum: you'd swear the two of us had come back from uds, with us both being this sick this week with sinus and chest21:49
Pendulummaco: I've been eating enough, just not much more than that. lots of jello and such21:50
Pendulumczajkowski: I know :(21:50
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
brobostigonnos da,sleep well.22:18
czajkowskipopey: you're missing from over there -------->22:29
HazRPGah man, seems brobostigon always seems to be offline just as I hit the onlines22:30
HazRPGczajkowski: what do ya mean, popey is in the other there ----------->>22:30
* HazRPG needs to find himself a proper sleeping pattern soon :/22:32
HazRPGhamitron: woot!22:53
hamitronI have sadly (yet greatfully) booted back into windows xp22:54
hamitronI hate deciding how to setup a comp you use each day22:54
HazRPGsaying that I'm booted into Windows 7 with a virtualbox ubuntu 10.10 in seamless-mode22:54
HazRPGhow'd ya mean?22:55
hamitronI got 2 x 300Gb hdd in RAID 0, and a single 500Gb22:55
hamitroncan't installed win7 on the RAID22:55
hamitronno drivers22:55
HazRPG(keeps meaning to setup a RAID)22:56
HazRPGno drivers for what?22:56
hamitronvista or win722:56
hamitronatm I am running win xp on it22:56
HazRPGbecause so far I've managed to install Windows 7 onto anything without having to worry about any driver fails22:56
hamitrona quick google shows problems for my card22:56
HazRPGah, RAID card you mean?22:56
HazRPGmines just built into the mobo22:57
hamitronI only got 2gb ram, so maybe not worth attempting win722:57
directhexwin7 is likely to be less resource-hungry than vista22:58
hamitronnow, if I am lazy, I leave XP on it, and just use the single drive for data22:58
directhexwifey runs it, don't remember if she has 2 or 4 though22:58
hamitrondirecthex: win7 runs fine on 2gb ram22:58
hamitronbut not with me22:58
hamitronI like torturing my system22:58
hamitronlast time I broke the start menu :D22:59
HazRPGheh, yeah I have Win7 working fine on my laptop - and I'm pretty sure that only has 1GB of RAM22:59
HazRPGor possibly 1.5 or maybe 222:59
HazRPGbut it won't be more than 2 cos its like 3-4 years old now22:59
hamitronmy mobo will only take 2gb :/23:00
HazRPGin fact I find win7 works better than XP does23:00
hamitronwell, I am using XP fine atm23:00
hamitronbut I did just boot a live cd of linux23:00
hamitronand realised how crap xp is23:00
hamitronit was centos though, which seems to feel more snappy than ubuntu23:01
ali1234everything is more snappy than ubuntu23:01
hamitron(as does fedora)23:01
ali1234unfortunately everything else is also more buggy than ubuntu23:02
HazRPGheh, I find that WinXP works fine if you have SP1 or SP2... the minute you install any patches after SP2 or the full SP3 pack... it starts to get really sluggish :/.23:02
hamitronand yeh23:02
hamitronmy heart wants to install a linux distro...23:02
HazRPGagreed ali123423:02
hamitronbut my brain tells me it won't work for this system23:02
hamitrondual booting always annoys me23:03
HazRPGLiveCD works doesn't it though?23:03
hamitronbut I never reboot23:03
HazRPGanything in particular keeping you on Windows?23:03
HazRPGah, same issue I have them ^^,23:03
hamitronyeh, that is why i could relate to your pain23:03
HazRPGsee I've managed to free myself of most windows-only licence based software with (FL)OSS type software... but Games are the only thing that's lacking sadly :(23:05
hamitronyou can play some games fine23:05
hamitronplus there is wine23:05
hamitronbut if you want just a few games that don't work, it can be upsetting23:06
hamitronI just spent £130 for 1 game23:06
HazRPGsee most of my games are on Steam...23:06
hamitronnot intending to stop using it23:06
ali1234steam works well on linux23:07
ali1234the games are hit and miss though23:07
hamitronI'm even considering spending another £260 to get that single game running better :/23:07
HazRPGjust cos I like the idea of getting any game without having to leave the house (sometimes at a fraction of the price, mainly get them when the seasonal offers go on :P - full borderlands for like £9.99 - bargain)23:07
hamitronI really hate buying games that require online access for no reason23:08
HazRPGhmm, borderlands doesn't require you to stay online23:09
ali1234i really hate buying games that are exactly the same as all other games but with slightly different graphics eg any FPS game made in the past 10 years23:09
HazRPGset steam to offline-mode, and away you go23:09
hamitronyes HazRPG, but then if you need to re-install...23:09
HazRPGah, true23:09
hamitronor if steam decide to drop support for your OS23:09
HazRPGmy trick is just backup the game folder and settings to CD/DVD23:09
HazRPGhamitron: doubt that, I tend to roll onto the next stable O/S when possible (i.e. didn't do vista AT all!)23:10
hamitronbut if you chose not to, you would get caught out23:11
hamitronI bought Half Life 2, and steam cut me off from using it23:11
HazRPGthen you don't buy games that require the next O/S xD23:11
hamitronit used to run on win9823:11
hamitronnow it won't23:11
HazRPGare you sure you meant HL2 ??23:12
HazRPGThought that game needed XP minimum...23:12
HazRPGor DX9 minimum rather...23:12
hamitronI got the retail box on first release23:12
hamitroninstall from dvd... needs steam... needs update... fails23:13
hamitronit is legal ofc23:14
HazRPGyeah, cos looking here... it says "WinXP or later, 1.7GHz Intel or AMD Processor (3GHz recom.), 512MB of RAM (1GB recom.), DirectX 8.1 (Dx9 recom.)"23:14
HazRPGthat's for minimum and recommended stuff23:14
hamitronmy retail box still says win 98 ;)23:15
hamitronthey will drop support for xp eventually23:15
HazRPGheh, I hate to say it - but get one of the no-cd cracks... usually helps23:15
HazRPGMicrosoft has already dropped support for XP if I recall...23:16
hamitronI have researched extracting the game files from steam23:16
HazRPGso won't take long for developers to do the same23:16
hamitronMS still support XP ;/23:16
hamitronit moves into extended support later this year23:16
hamitroniirc, 201423:17
hamitronbut I am looking at moving systems off XP soon23:17
HazRPGhmm, WinXP Tablet loses support @ 12/07/201123:18
hamitronubuntu+1 x 423:18
HazRPGI doubt they the main one for as long as 201423:19
HazRPGhamitron: was it you that got a giffgaff too btw?23:19
hamitronit is just security patches23:19
hamitronit hasn't arrived yet23:19
HazRPGhas your... oh23:19
HazRPGmine did this morning23:19
hamitronnot fair :/23:19
HazRPGdid you get yours at the same time as mine?23:20
hamitronI ordered within the same 15 mins?23:20
hamitronjust as it was said on IRC actually23:20
HazRPGwhere's your geo-location in the UK (north, south, etc)23:20
hamitronEast Yorkshire23:20
hamitronsay "where" and I kill you23:20
* Azelphur puts his giffgaff sim in23:21
HazRPGheh, I'm better at geography then history ^^23:21
HazRPGAzelphur: rofl, timing :P23:21
hamitronnow I just need a phone23:21
hamitrondoes the free internet cover 2G?23:21
HazRPGI would have thought that you'd have gotten yours before me23:22
HazRPGI'm in cumbria :/23:22
* hamitron shrugs23:22
HazRPGhamitron: yeah it will do23:22
HazRPGit just means internet in general23:22
hamitronI'll know by 3pm tomorrow if it has arrived :/23:22
HazRPGin-fact they'll probably prefer users to us 2G instead of 3G+23:22
hamitronlazy ass postal service personel23:23
HazRPGcos it's less data traffic than 3G users23:23
hamitronngage ftw \o/23:23
dwatkinsIf you have an allowance of 500 MB a month, you'd have difficulty using it up over 2G.23:23
hamitronshame they closed arena :/23:23
HazRPGagreed, I still have my n-gage :)23:23
HazRPGAzelphur: have you activated yours yet?23:24
hamitronwhat is the date of that tech show sony may release psp 2 info?23:24
HazRPGhamitron: I feel your pain - they have sort of re-opened it up as Ovi though23:24
hamitronI got a 523023:25
HazRPGpass, didn't know there was going to be one?23:25
hamitronovi maps is actually ok23:25
AzelphurHazRPG: about to23:25
hamitronbut I sold it23:25
hamitronno wifi = no fun23:25
hamitronespecially when you are as tight as me with credit ;)23:26
dwatkinsI have a phone with no SIM card, just wifi. IT's not much use really, as I have a computer anyway.23:26
HazRPGAzelphur: if you don't want to top-up and get goody bags at the same time... you can always put in just £10 credit to get your free £5, and then later get a goody bag of your choice later23:26
AzelphurI was going to try out the £10 goodybag23:26
hamitrondwatkins: TOY23:26
hamitronor am I missing the point of a phone (as a ngage user) ;/23:27
dwatkinshamitron: indeed, it is currently used for playing Angry Birds23:27
HazRPGI sat for an hour with the SIM in my hand going "man, if I get a goody bag only, will I not get the free £5... how bout if I get the £10 top-up and then just buy the goodybag if I need it later"23:27
HazRPGAzelphur: yeah but if you get the goodybag you won't get the free £5 - I looked it up23:28
ali1234what is a giffgaff?23:28
Azelphurali1234: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w66UHmd0AK423:28
bigcalmSomething for the riffraff23:28
HazRPGheh was just about to link that too23:28
ali1234also what is a facebook goodybag?23:28
HazRPGhttp://giffgaff.com/index/us <== has that video on it + info23:29
hamitronmake sure ali uses someone link to get the free credit...23:29
HazRPGindeed :)23:29
AzelphurHazRPG: oh, so buy a £5 top up23:29
Azelphurand then buy £10 goodybag if I want it?23:29
Azelphurand end up only spending £10 total23:29
HazRPGnah, minimum top-up on activation is £1023:29
HazRPGbest to get that23:29
HazRPGwhich will give you a free £5 credit23:30
hamitrondon't you get free internet till end of feb, just for topping up?23:30
Azelphurmight as well get the goodybag then23:30
HazRPGthen go grab a goodybag and set it to take the money from your credit instead23:30
HazRPGhamitron: think that's a goody bag23:31
hamitronI not read closely yet23:31
HazRPGmoment, going to setup guitar hero for my sister23:31
hamitronhow large is a typical /boot folder these days?23:32
AzelphurHazRPG / hamitron / popey one thing that confuses me about giffgaff, they run off the O2 network, why do they charge most to call o2?23:32
Azelphurthat's a bit broken23:33
ali1234about 5mb per installed kernel23:33
hamitronty ali23:33
ali1234bit more maybe, say 10mb23:33
hamitronso 200mb is enough23:33
HazRPGI tend to set it to 256MB or 512MB23:34
HazRPGjust for round figures ^^23:34
HazRPGAzelphur: how do you mean?23:34
hamitronI'll prob aim for 192mb ;)23:35
AzelphurHazRPG: on the payg look at http://giffgaff.com/index/offer23:35
AzelphurHazRPG: giffgaff is O2 based, and yet they charge the most to call/text to O223:35
HazRPGAzelphur: probably have a deal with o2 to use their masts, but not to give offers away since they're rival companies essentially23:35
hamitrondo they get more money for incoming calls from other networks?23:35
Azelphurhamitron: they do but only till some time next month I think23:36
hamitronone of the goody bags gives you free mins for each incoming call23:36
hamitronor is that a temp thing?23:36
Azelphurthat's temp23:36
ali1234looks pretty lame to me23:37
HazRPGali1234: what does?23:37
ali1234if you want to earn money from signing people up for a mobile phone, go work in a call centre. you'll earn more23:37
* hamitron is scared to transfer his number, in case they go bust23:37
Azelphurali1234: hehe, I'm more interested in the prices23:37
Azelphurali1234: £10 for unlimited internet is woot23:37
HazRPGhamitron: they've been around since 200923:37
HazRPGhamitron: so I doubt they will23:38
hamitronHazRPG: you consider that a long term standing company? :|23:38
ali1234£10 for unlimited internet is standard...23:38
Azelphurali1234: nope, feel free to find anything close and point it out to me23:38
ali1234as you know, i pay £10/month for unlimited internet, 100 minutes and 100 texts23:39
hamitronbut that is contract23:39
ali1234yes, of course23:39
hamitronthis is good bags!23:39
Azelphurali1234: this is £10/mo for unlimited internet (NO FUP), unlimited texts (ALSO NO FUP), and 250 minutes23:39
ali1234"no fup is *always* a lie23:39
* hamitron agrees23:40
AzelphurI'll find out :D23:40
ali1234there will be a fup within 6 months, or they will go bust due to no customers23:40
hamitronbut on orange PAYG, it costs a lot more for free internet23:40
hamitron£1 per day iirc?23:40
Azelphurali1234: wat23:40
HazRPGali1234, Azelphur, hamitron: I agree with Azelphur, prices for the goodybags are awesome. Me and my sister were discussing it earlier this afternoon about it. She's on a contract with (three? T-mobile? She has both :/) and they give her 1000 mins, unlimited txts & internet @ £30 a month (no inc. price for phone) - on giffgaff she could get the £25 goodybag and get 1500mins + unlimited txts & internet.23:40
ali1234either that or the whole pyramid scheme will collapse like they always do23:40
Azelphurali1234: meh not like it's a contract either23:41
Azelphurjump on enjoy the ride when it dies switch23:41
hamitronAzelphur will take it down solo ;/23:41
ali1234they will get a really bad reputation too23:41
ali1234they must know this23:41
ali1234MLM schemes always do because they can't control the way people resell it23:42
ali1234so people will spam ads for it everywhere23:42
ali1234since they know they'll get a bad rep... what does this tell you about the people who run it?23:42
hamitronO2 won't want them killing their network either23:42
ali1234also notice you only get a rebate every 6 months23:42
hamitronI've decided I won't transfer my number though :)23:43
ali1234i wouldn't be surprised if the thing was dead after 5 months and 29 days23:43
hamitronwhat rebate?23:43
Azelphurwell if it dies I'll just switch23:43
HazRPGheh, I'm not bothered... was planning on jumping ship to o2 anyways cos I get better signal @ with for o2... but with this, can better benefits and no tied contract to any crap23:43
Azelphurfor now prices are excellent23:43
ali1234rebate for when you sign people up23:43
ali1234you do know about that right?23:43
AzelphurI'm not in it for the rebates23:43
AzelphurI'm in it for £10 unlimited internets >:D23:43
hamitronfree ride \o/23:43
ali1234no, but some people clearly are23:44
hamitronwell, cheap23:44
ali1234i dont know whats wrong with contract...23:44
HazRPGheh, I just want stuff for cheaper - couldn't care less for the rebate23:44
hamitronif you have a number with a mobile operator that goes bust.... can you move the number elsewhere?23:44
ali1234it is cheaper that payg23:44
HazRPGali1234: all the companies have started rolling out minimum 24month contracts now :/23:45
hamitronnot tesco ;)23:45
HazRPGhamitron: yeah23:45
ali1234so what?23:45
ali1234you think you won't want a mobile phone in 2 years?23:45
* hamitron dreams23:45
hamitronsuppose it is what you get, expecting "free" expensive joining gifts23:46
ali1234payg is a false economy. the money you save by constantly switching is less than the money you save by jus going on a good value contract23:47
HazRPGali1234: no, of course I will... but I'll use me as an example. I switched to three to get better deals, fantastic signal rates all the time, etc... and now I'm at home and I constantly get nasty texts from friends/business-men that I'm doing work for/etc because they can't get hold of me :/23:47
ali1234plus you have all the hassle23:47
hamitronmy PAYG has only cost me £35 in 13 years :/23:47
ali1234PAYG with internet?23:47
hamitronI used my DSL for that bit23:48
HazRPGI get a signal rate of -101 dBs (or more) and less than 0-1 asu23:48
HazRPGhalf the time, people are just getting thrown onto my voicemail23:48
ali1234that's why contracts have a cooling off period...23:48
HazRPGI had 100 voicemails one day... man, I was stressed that day23:48
ali1234i turned off voicemail on my phone23:48
ali1234i hate it23:48
hamitronis skype an alternative to a phone?23:49
hamitronlike, viable23:49
hamitronI was considering getting a number on it, then just using that23:49
ali1234not unless everyone you know is between the ages of 30 and 50 and middle class23:49
hamitronhaha, why?23:50
HazRPGhamitron: it can be an alternative to using a landline - but it depends how you use it, I call my mum in egypt all the time and my dad in saudi23:50
hamitronI was thinking for incoming calls23:50
hamitron£20 per year for a number sounds ok23:50
HazRPGhamitron: yeah but you need internet to do so23:51
hamitronI have it...23:51
hamitrondon't I?23:51
HazRPGyou can get skype on phones n stuff now... but you need to be in decent 3G range23:51
hamitronoh, I wasn't going to use it on a mobile23:51
hamitronjust at home on wifi23:51
HazRPGhamitron: yeah, but you still have a landline rental though too ;) otherwise you wouldn't get internet in the first place23:51
hamitronyeh, that is fine23:52
ali1234hamitron: because that's the kind of people that use skype. and it is only worth it for skype2skype23:52
hamitronphone2skype is not worth it?23:52
AzelphurHazRPG: just to confirm, I put £10 credit, then I buy a goodybag with it right?23:52
Azelphurand then I have £5 free :P23:52
HazRPGAzelphur: yeah, that way you'll still have £5 floating in your account23:52
HazRPGAzelphur: but wait for the £5 credit to get added in23:53
Azelphurnice :D23:53
HazRPGshouldn't take too long23:53
HazRPGif you get just the goodybag, its pointless23:53
HazRPGlikewise if you get the goodbag + credit... then your spending more money onto your phone23:54
HazRPGreally depends how your going to use it, but personally I'm just trying it out for now so its better this way23:54
hamitronhassle changing sim all the time :/23:54
HazRPGali1234: you were saying something about a grace period earlier on a contract - can't see it right now for some reason23:55
HazRPGali1234: how do you mean?23:55
HazRPGali1234: I was told about a year ago when I started having issues that I'd have to pay the remainder of the contract to cancel out of it23:55
ali1234the grace period is usually 14 days23:56
HazRPGwhich was about 6 months worth of £3523:56
ali1234long enough to find out you get no signal23:56
HazRPGali1234: ah true23:56
ali1234i think it is in law23:56
HazRPGbut I found I had great signal in that time23:56
ali1234even if it isn't in the contract23:56
HazRPGI had issues about 6 months down the line23:56
hamitronit is23:56
hamitronor at least was23:57
HazRPGyeah it is in the law, I looked into it at the time23:57
HazRPGanyways, I got stuck into a year and half contract, with something I had many issues with23:57
HazRPGso I've reverted to telling business-related people to ring me either at home or on my PAYG o2 mobile... otherwise I'd be screwed23:58
ali1234tell them to email you23:58
HazRPGali1234: I'm in cumbria, not all sit at an inbox all day long :P23:58
ali1234phones do email...23:59
HazRPGali1234: some guys that I have projects with, live on farms lol23:59
hamitronmy last monitor had the instruction manual on cdrom :/23:59
ali1234well, ok, then23:59
HazRPGhehe cumbria is really backwards23:59
hamitronI can't wait for an ISP to have email only for faults23:59
HazRPGwere a black zone for most things23:59

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