
r2d2rogersGood morning kwadroke, am I right in thinking you are involved in the HSLUG?14:51
kwadrokeyeah,  just hsn't been any meetings for a while14:51
r2d2rogersyeah, the LUG here hasn't been meeting in a while either.16:00
r2d2rogersmy other fun right now is looking for a different job.16:00
kwadrokeas far as I know there's no lugs meeting in Arkansas at the moment16:01
r2d2rogersI'm looking at Hacker Space stuff more lately16:02
r2d2rogersthe idea of a geek collaborative space is very appealing, but if we had issues getting a LUG going, I don't know how something like that would work.16:03
kwadrokeThere's one in planning stages in Central AR16:03
r2d2rogers::nods:: that's one of the things that made me look around little rock for jobs too.16:04
kwadrokeI think we're meeting this weekend about it16:10
kwadrokeI'm hoping this will help with the LUGs too16:10
kwadrokehas this channel been busy since I've been gone?16:13
r2d2rogersnot too much16:20
r2d2rogersthe tuesday night chats have still been on most weeks though16:20
r2d2rogersI don't get to participate much, but I see the logs16:20
kwadrokeJust in case you don't know.... It's snowing over a good bit of the state18:49
* Ahmuck-Sr is in kansas. good to know it snows in AR22:04
kwadrokeunfortunately, when it snows, the state shutsdown22:04
kwadrokeeverytime there's a chance of snow for a good portion of Arkansas, everyone leaves what they were doing and goes home22:07
kwadrokeand buys out all the bread and milk22:07
kwadrokeschools are closed all over and the roads are fine22:08

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