
nhainesOh wow, Jane Silber (CEO of Canonical) will be giving one of the keynotes this year.00:44
akkTwo for two women keynoters!00:45
pleia2yeah, I noticed that the other night and smiled :)00:47
pleia2yay leigh and jane!00:47
pleia2kinda makes me think "are we done? can we pack up the ubuntu women project and go home now?" ;)00:49
nhainespleia2: it's not time to put the chairs on the tables and turn off the lights just yet.  :)00:49
pleia2well, hopefully some time in the next few years00:50
dragonjtatum, MarkDude: We have a slot available at Yahoo! LAMP Meetup next month, and I'm wondering if there's something you'd like to present.01:29
dragonpleia2, Yasumoto, jledbetter, others in the area who might be interested in presenting, please see above ^01:30
MarkDudeFedora and the lampstack of course01:30
dragonMarkDude: Fedora vs Ubuntu?01:30
MarkDudeAfter that I can do Slackware and LAMP01:31
MarkDudeNo vs01:31
dragonalright, I think that sounds reasonable.01:31
dragonWhat'd be the content?01:31
MarkDudeIf I were doing a comparison, I would have 3 or more, and I dont really know that much more with the exception of Puppy:D01:32
* MarkDude looked into LAMP for Fedora at the same time as my last talk01:33
MarkDudePretty straight forward01:33
dragonWell, we discussed setting up LAMP on Ubuntu the last time. I was hoping for something more technical this time.01:33
dragonjtatum talked about PHP on Ubuntu, right?01:33
MarkDudeThen what the hell are you doing talking to me?01:33
dragonMarkDude: you don't have to be a developer to give a techie talk ;)01:34
* MarkDude kids. I was thinking I would do the talk in a similar fashion to jtatum did 01:35
MarkDudeAll professional, with slides matching.01:35
dragonyep, and also if you know someone else who's willing to talk, that works too.01:35
MarkDudeIts called unity -lol01:37
dragonNamespace collision01:37
dragonsetting up a Python framework on Linux would be a good talk too.01:37
dragonDoing a hello world in Django ain't that easy.01:38
dragonWill 2/24 work for the LAMP meetup? I suppose not, since SCaLE is on the following weekend.01:42
MarkDudeWhen is the Ignite at the Dojo?01:43
MarkDudeDid you see what Van sent out?01:43
pleia2I saw a cancel notice01:43
MarkDudeYes and a link to the dojo having one01:43
MarkDudeand taking Speaker suggestion/ideas01:44
pleia2feb 11th01:44
MarkDudedragon, can we do confirmation on it tomorrow?01:46
dragonyes, MarkDude.01:46
dragonProposed date is 2/1701:46
MarkDudeCan I Ustream it01:46
jledbetterdragon, Can't but thank you for thinking of me:)01:47
jledbetterMarkDude, And you are hilarious, sir :)01:47
dragonMarkDude: yes, of course!01:48
dragonjledbetter: you're welcome. :) If you have anyone else in mind who might be interested and available, it'd be great!01:49
jledbetterdragon, Maybe nUb? He's offline though.01:53
jledbetterOh! And ustreaming? srsly? That'd rock :) Saw some from nygivecamp and thought it was a fantastic idea. Surprised more don't do it.01:53
* MarkDude has his video from his session on the Ustream01:54
MarkDudeHorrible video01:54
MarkDudeOk sound01:54
dragonMarkDude: this time we could use the phone to stream directly. I think it stores things offline and uploads them differently to improve the quality.01:55
MarkDudeIt is real easy to do, the camera is not so great on this machine. We had a wireless mic- made into a directional using a dixie cup01:55
dragonOh yeah, that part worked well I suppose!01:56
MarkDudeSure. we could do the phone thing direct01:56
MarkDudejledbetter, maybe another time we can have our names on the same bill.01:57
jledbetterMarkDude, Yep :) For sure!01:59
* jledbetter will warm up the crowd for ya.02:00
* MarkDude has decided to let people vote on me wearing the Penguin suit for talk, when it is relevant02:00
MarkDudeLike it truly ever is, but, I digress...02:01
pleia2btw, this is not diner food http://www.fogcitydiner.com/menu_dinner.html02:03
pleia2oh san francisco02:03
pleia2ur doin' it wrong02:03
jledbetterYou are correct. That is not. I guess that is "west coast diner" or "fusion diner" ;)02:06
MarkDudeThat is food people eat after returning home from drinking all night02:08
MarkDude3am party02:08
jledbetterOh? 3am party around here is Denny's :D02:09
jledbetterThough I absolutely loved Love N Haight. Mmmm.02:09
MarkDudehello ekajjake03:44
ekajjakejust found this irc channel hha03:45
MarkDudeCalifornia Team, welcome03:47
jtatumhow'd you find us?03:47
ekajjakei was looking around the ubuntu wiki04:18
MarkDudeThere are ubuntu Hours in a few places in the state ekajjake04:53
MarkDudeIm Mark nice to meet you04:53
akkSpeaking of Ubuntu hours, http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california says mountain view is on Jan. 21 (that's Fri)04:55
akkbut http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/608/detail/ says it's Thu, 20 Jan04:56
rwwhuh, LoCo Directory does timezones now?04:57
rww(considering that it's on 21st in UTCland, perhaps timezones are new and it's a bug)05:00
rwwah, yes. the bug to track adding TZ support to LP got closed this past release, so timezones are new.05:02
akkugh -- if the events on that page are in UTC we should try to get the page to say so.05:04
akkNobody searching for an event on a page that says "California" would assume UTC by default.05:05
rwwreport a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+filebug ;)05:06
akkShould I? Is this likely not known?05:07
rwwI didn't see a bug reported for it, half of the developers are in UTC or close to it, and that project really likes bug reports, so yes.05:07
akkokay, will do05:08
akkHmm, before I file the bug: I'm not convinced this is a timezone problem. The San Diego one says Jan 22 on the events page and also if I click through to the page just for that event.05:13
akkMaybe it's just that the Mountain View one was listed with the wrong date.05:13
rwwthe san diego one's in Jan 22 in UTC05:14
rwwif my hypothesis is right, anything in our timezone that's before 4PM UTC will look fine05:14
rwwsorry, 4PM local05:14
akkOh, it's 11am.05:14
rww(midnight UTC)05:14
akkAnd SCALE (which is also right) is probably also listed as a morning time.05:15
rwwyup. Looks like they're using the start date/time, which is 9am05:16
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MarkDudepleia2, aaditya, rbarot_ nUboon2Age  would you be free on Sunday for a BBQ and getting some hardware ready for donation?20:23
pleia2unfortunately not, I'm on call this weekend20:23
MarkDudeother folks in the area also20:23
nUboon2Agesounds like fun.  i'm not sure if i could go all the way to the east bay though20:23
MarkDudewe can pick you up from dublin20:23
* pleia2 chained to desk fri-mon20:24
MarkDudeif aaditya can make it20:24
nUboon2Ageyeah if aaditya could make it that would make it soooooooooooooooo much more reasonable and doable MarkDude20:24
nUboon2Agei could then ride w/ him20:24
* MarkDude claps hands together to summon the power of the DRAGON20:25
nUboon2Agei have church in the morning and until the early afternoon MarkDude though20:25
nUboon2Agebut later in the pm would work20:25
nUboon2Agelike no earlier than 3pm20:25
MarkDudeIt is just a few machines, 3 people would be enough20:27
MarkDudeMore the merrier tho20:27
MarkDudemany hands= light work20:28
nUboon2Agewhat kinds of things do you want to do to/with the machines?20:31
nUboon2AgeMarkDude: ^20:35
MarkDudemake sure we have at least one P4 with 512 ram for Partimus- installed and working20:36
MarkDudeat least one for the Philippines20:36
MarkDudecan be P320:36
MarkDudetest a few components like cards, memory etc20:37
MarkDudemostly take the flowcharts that free geek has, see how well they work for us20:37
MarkDudemodify etc20:37
MarkDudewe are doing this in a one day model20:38
nUboon2AgeTonight: Mountain View Ubuntu Hour 7PM Red Rock Coffee on Castro Street and Villa; Details and RSVP:  aaditya, akk, jamalta, jamie, coherence, crashsystems, crashsystems1, ekajjake, esrrms, jamalta, jiboumans, jledbetter, jtatum, rbarot_, seidos, Yasumoto, MarkDude20:38
nUboon2AgeDetails and RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/608/detail/20:38
seidosnUboon2Age, i'm not in SF anymore20:38
nUboon2Ageoh bummer man. seidos20:39
nUboon2Ageyou mean you moved to San Jose seidos? :-)  THE City?20:39
seidosnUboon2Age, yeah, it was time to leave...but things are okay here.20:39
seidosnUboon2Age, ha, no.  there is no place in San Jose for me.  just as there is no place for me in SF20:40
nUboon2Agei wouldn't be so sure amigo, seidos20:40
seidoswell, unless i was diesel enough to live in a park or something20:40
jamienUboon2Age, mountainview is a bit of a drive from vallejo.. waiting for one in san fran or closer20:40
nUboon2Agediesel enough?  never heard that expression seidos20:40
seidosnUboon2Age, strong/tough20:40
MarkDudejamie, what about you? I am in Danville20:41
MarkDudeSlightly closer :)20:41
jamieis there a ubuntu hour in danville?20:41
nUboon2AgeMarkDude: when are you and your buds going to start a Lindependence Hour in the East Bay to include folk like jamie?20:42
MarkDudeI meant for Sunday the BBQ and hardware thing20:42
MarkDudeWe are installing Ubuntu on the machines20:42
nUboon2Agewell i keep wondering when you're going to do a Lindependence Hour though, MarkDude20:42
jamieok im sorry i missed that what are the details?20:42
jamiewhat is lindependence hour?20:43
nUboon2Agejust like Ubuntu Hour except multi-distro jamie20:43
pleia2ubuntu hour: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour20:44
MarkDudeMeet at my place Sunday in the afternoon BBQ, and take some of the computers we have and get then ready to donate20:44
MarkDude2 of them just need installs and burn-in20:44
MarkDudeI want to test some memory we are giving to Partimus20:45
jamieMarkDude, sunday afternoons i teach a sunday school class in napa saturday wouldnt work?20:45
MarkDudeNp, jamie another time :)20:45
jamiesorry sundays are always busy but saturdays and most evenings i can work in20:46
MarkDudeWhich reminds me- if anyone has any memory lying around let me know- the school Linux computer labs have 20+ machines that mostly need memory20:47
jamiei have a bunch of extra hard drive but no ram?20:47
jamieoops didnt mean to add '?'20:47
MarkDudeit would be cheap and easy to mail. We need 512 ram to keep them not slow20:48
MarkDudehold on to them - when we meet I can pick them up and bring them to the lab20:48
MarkDudego ahead and DBAN them to get them ready if you want to  :)20:48
jamiethey are formatted but what is dban?20:49
MarkDudeDariks boot and nuke20:49
MarkDudeprotects privacy20:49
MarkDudewe use it on every hard drive20:50
pleia2essentially a lower level disk format20:50
jamiecool ill have to look that up20:50
MarkDudeor hit it with hammer20:50
MarkDudemost important thing with donations is to do that20:50
MarkDudepleia2, is correct, it also writes it with random data, to make it Dept of defense level secure20:51
jamiei have a window washer that does that also but it takes for ever20:55
MarkDudeDOD level 7 can take a whole day for a large drive21:04
nUboon2Agepleia2: i just noticed a bug:  all the dates are one day off on http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california21:16
pleia2that's because it's showing in UTC time, akk filed a bug last night21:17
nUboon2Ageoh good21:17
nUboon2Agepleia2: did you or could you please tweet tonight's Ubuntu Hour?21:27
pleia2right! I'll get to that as soon as I'm off the phone w/ boss21:27
nUboon2Agety pleia221:32
iheartubuntuhey seidos how are you doing in the new year!22:15
seidosiheartubuntu, not bad, not good22:15
iheartubuntuabout the same22:16
iheartubuntucant get a loan refi. sucks.22:16
iheartubuntuhouse half value as when i bought it (gulp)22:16
seidosi have property and i don't have property22:16
iheartubuntuenjoy ubuntu now that i skinned it with the dark version of elementary22:19
iheartubuntugosh, feels like a brand new system all of a sudden22:20
rwwI got a new power adapter for my netbook. 350MB of updates from now, I'll be able to play with Natty again ;)22:20
iheartubuntuhow is natty coming along?22:21
iheartubuntuive had to focus on other stuff lately22:22
rwwStill very alpha. devel releases tend to take about another month to be usable, and natty's no exception. Coding a whole new shell doesn't help that.22:22
iheartubuntuwe dont have to use unity do we?22:22
rwwalthough it probably got better in the last couple of weeks, we'll see22:23
iheartubuntui like 10.10 just the way it is!22:23
rwwiheartubuntu: no, there's an option for whether to use it or the regular gnome-panel desktop on the login screen22:23
iheartubuntuok whwew22:24
rwwassuming Unity and gnome-shell are both stable at release, GNOME will have three viable shells in 11.04. Should be interesting.22:24
akkUgh, is ubuntu going to start co-opting the term "shell" to mean "desktop environment"?22:25
* akk wonders what term we'll be able to use when we actually want to say "shell"22:25
* iheartubuntu switching back to dropbox :(22:26
rwwno. "shell" is the part of the desktop environment that the user clicks on to launch stuff22:26
rwwhence gnome-shell22:26
rww(well, launch stuff, see current time, etc. the stuff on the screen that isn't window decorations or applications ;)22:27
akkIt's still annoying that they're co-opting a perfectly good term that means something else already.22:27
akkThat's something microsoft loves to do.22:27
rwwI use KDE anyway, I'm just playing with this because I'm bored ;P22:29
rww(which uses the term "Plasma Workspace")22:30
iheartubuntuwhy KDE over gnome?22:35
iheartubuntujust curious22:35
rwwI like KDE's applications and the way things are laid out fit my workflow better.22:39
iheartubuntui guess thats why i like gnome in ubuntu :)22:40
iheartubuntui do like kde, but every time i use it, i have to relearn how to find my apps so i always end up back in gnome22:40
iheartubuntumaybe thats why im leery of unity22:41
rww*nods* desktop environment choice is subjective. Is why every time anything changes (buttons moving from right to left, anyone?), people get unhappy.22:41
MarkDudexserver has a nice simple clean Win 3.1 look22:44
nUboon2Ageakk: gnome-shell isn't an Ubuntu term afaik.  itsom GNOME i believe23:04
nUboon2Ageakk: gnome-shell isn't an Ubuntu term afaik.  its from GNOME i believe23:04
akkI know, gnome had the silly "gnome-shell", but that doesn't explain suddenly using the term "shell" to mean "some part of a desktop environment".23:05
nUboon2Agewhere is that happening akk?23:05
akk<rww> assuming Unity and gnome-shell are both stable at release, GNOME will have three viable shells in 11.04. Should be interesting.23:06
akk... bash, zsh and tcsh?23:06
rwwI note that the article on shells in wikipedia differentiates between GUI shells and CLI shells.23:07
pleia2I was using an alternate windows shell in 2001, so it's not a new application of the term, maybe just new-ish to the linux world?23:07
rwwWindows and other OSen also have a concept of GUI shells. This isn't a GNOME thing.23:07
rwwpleia2: indeed23:07
rwwlitestep <323:07
pleia2same :)23:07
akkAh, so it's microsoft co-opting terms again! And it's only recently that ubuntu is picking it up.23:08
rwwor it's one of the valid definitions of the word "shell" and you haven't encountered it before ;)23:08
akkI had never heard anyone use the term in relation to any MS GUI, but I don't spend much time in the MS world.23:09
pleia2I think swapping out shells in Windows isn't very common because explorer is so super integrated with everything, so you don't hear about it too much23:13
pleia2(litestep when I used it wasn't exactly the most stable thing in the world, it just looked cool and gave me more customization options than explorer)23:15
pleia2luckily I soon saw the light and learned that linux was even *more* customizable - and stable! :)23:15
nUboon2Agei've seen talk of "Powershell" in Winduhs. don't know much about it.23:33
nhainesPowershell is a new CLI shell for Windows.23:37
rwwWell, Unity doesn't work at all after natty updates. So that's fun.23:44
rwwand nautilus just crashed.23:50
rwwtime to see if Kubuntu packages are doing any better ;)23:51

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