
vychuneHEEEEEEELLLLLLOOOO anybody home?00:01
linuxman410i am here00:01
vychunehey how you doing00:01
linuxman410doing ok got my netbook fixed and running jolicloud on  it00:02
vychunehow is it?00:02
linuxman410pretty fast i have a old asus eeepc 70100:03
vychunewow thats nice00:03
linuxman410yeah the asus eeepc 701 is old but i hate to give up on any machine no matter how old00:04
vychunei know thats right00:05
linuxman410latest version of jolicloud is based on ubuntu 10.0400:05
vychunereally i didnt know that00:05
linuxman410the 701 was my first laptop even though its a netbook so it has sentimental value00:07
vychuneim about to try it00:08
linuxman410they still sell for over a hundred dollars on ebay00:08
vychunewow really00:10
vychunewell moms being an ass again gotta go00:12
linuxman410seee ya later00:13
cyberangernow over 120G, yikes02:02
cyberangersays another 7 Gigs or so02:03
cyberangershould be done in 4 hours or less02:06
wrstcyberanger: hope you have plenty of drive space!03:14
cyberangerwrst: drive space is covered, 250G drive, system uses 22G of it03:46
cyberangerthat's counting swap, btw03:47
cyberangernot to metion I trimmed the system down, with a backup 300G portable drive JIC03:47
cyberangermaking the mirror priority one for the moment03:48
cyberangerplan on upgrading from the  250G to a 1TB or more03:48
cyberangerwhich'll solve the issue for a few years03:48
cyberangerand I didn't gauge security, so it's actuall gonna be between 130 and 131GB03:49
cyberangerwhen it's all done03:50
cyberangersource and binary, hardy and lucid03:50
cyberangerall packages03:50
cyberangerjust gotta finish the security branches03:50
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wrstsounds fun :)04:10
wrstwell good night cyberanger finally got my wireless working with natty so letting the updates come in while i sleep04:11
cyberangerwrst: cool04:11
cyberangerwhen I fininsh this, I'll have the whole repo for ubuntu04:12
cyberangerbut that's a month down the road at least04:12
cyberangerit'll come in handy for an installfest04:21
wrstcyberanger: when you get that set up does it stay updated?12:32
cyberangeryes and no12:33
cyberangerI've gotta cron the script12:34
cyberangerbut by default all it does is update12:34
cyberangerif you've got 0 files, you gotta update everything12:34
cyberangerby downloading everything12:34
wrstwhich takes forever +5 days :)12:35
cyberangersorta like wget -c12:35
wrstahh ok12:35
cyberangerit can continue from 0, but to do so, it's gotta grab everything12:35
cyberangerI've grabbed anything, so if something changes, it'll just grab the changes12:36
wrstoh and good morning cyberanger :)12:36
cyberangerand actually I can tweak it to use rsync (which I'm actually gonna do for the long term)12:36
cyberangerwhich will be better, than if a file changes, it'll only grab what actually changes12:37
wrstthat would be a lot easier it would seem12:37
cyberangerwell, debmirror is really a useful tool, very very flexable12:37
cyberangernetritious uses it too12:37
cyberangerand it'll use http, ftp or rsync12:37
cyberangerfor grabbing all files, it was a coin toss (and did take two days)12:38
cyberangerfor the confrence, gonna use http12:38
wrstthat much in two days probably would have taken me 10 :)12:38
cyberangeravoid firewall issues12:38
cyberangerwell, actually less12:39
cyberangerI gotta do a little cleanup12:39
cyberangerbut if you don't need source, and pull security from it's default12:39
wrsti remember when we only had hard drives measured in MB's cyberanger :\12:39
cyberangeryou can really be flexable about it12:40
cyberangerwrst: I would say your old, but I can recall those machines too12:40
cyberangerso doing that would be a low blow12:40
wrstha ha first machine i had was a 500 something MB machine so i'm not overly ancient12:40
cyberangereven for my low standards12:40
wrsthowever i did have a commodore 64 when i was about 1012:40
cyberangerTandy something or other12:41
cyberangersupposidly a laptop (thus I joke about the model being a Tandy Suitcase)12:41
cyberangersomewhere in between those two12:41
cyberangerI can't recall for sure12:42
cyberangerbut my first computer was 13.9 GB (the first one that was 100% mine, could do anything I wanted with it)12:42
cyberangerand even now, that's old, 250GB is as low as anyone seems to go12:43
cyberangerand yet, I've fit my entire system here under 20GB12:43
cyberangernot that I needed to12:43
wrsti remember there were commodore 64 "laptops" that were like a suitcase nuke or something12:44
wrstyeah if not for things like music, i could easily be happy with 20GB12:44
cyberangerthere's no proof suitcase nukes exist, but ok12:44
wrstif i'm not running windows atleast, if so i think win 7 64 takes about that much space12:44
wrstyes and israel doesn't have nukes either...12:45
chibihogoshinowe used to have one12:46
cyberangerwell, isreal does, but our program was more advanced than the russians, closest is the M-29 Davy Crockett (which I saw at the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum)12:46
wrsta suitcase nuke chibihogoshino?12:46
wrstoh yes israel does cyberanger just funny how they always denied it12:47
wrstchibihogoshino: can we take a look ? :)12:47
chibihogoshinoused to12:47
* wrst waves hi to the CIA12:47
* wrst voluntarily signs up for several government watch list12:48
chibihogoshinoi think it was a texas instruments 5" screen12:48
cyberangerwrst: it's their policy, they don't deny it either12:48
wrsttheir for a while they did12:48
wrstbeen years maybe before your time on this planet12:48
chibihogoshinotwo 5" disc drives12:48
chibihogoshinono hard disc tho12:49
cyberangerthey apply the same policy of neither confirming or denying most of thir black ops12:49
chibihogoshinothe keyboard snapped on the front12:49
cyberangersuch as targetting Hamas in the UAE12:49
cyberangerboth the us and russia could have had suitcase nukes, but it was seen as pointless as a nuclear hand grenade12:50
wrstwhy throw a hand grenade when you can toss the sink at people12:51
chibihogoshinoahh.. this was it http://oldcomputers.net/compaqi.html12:51
cyberangerand we didn't miniturize quite that far, the russians were a bit behind us, given the timeline and our achivements, I doubt it didn't happen, at least until after the fall of the soviet union (and kgb, which most of the suitcase theroies say had control of the system, not the GRU, which would have made more sense)12:53
cyberangerchibihogoshino: cool12:53
chibihogoshinoit was funny to think people carted them around with how small laptops are today12:54
* cyberanger gives his netbook a hug, says I'm sorry I called you an outdated pos12:54
* cyberanger hears the motherbord crush under the pressure of the hug D'Oh12:56
chibihogoshinoi always wanted one of these http://oldcomputers.net/compaqiii.html12:57
cyberangerMS-DOS 3.3112:58
cyberangerthat's not bad12:58
wrstnice chibihogoshino12:58
wrsti love the pic of the guy getting on the plane12:59
chibihogoshinoyeah .. id like to see some one try that now..13:00
chibihogoshinobut.. this is my laptop ..13:00
wrstoh goodness the security people would have a hissy13:05
cyberangerwell, TSA is Thousands Standing Around, idk, might go off smoothly13:06
chibihogoshinothis thing is almost a baby lenovo http://oldcomputers.net/zeos-ppc.html13:09
chibihogoshinoi wonder if they had power plugs for the old laptops on planes13:11
cyberangerchibihogoshino: better question, I wonder if they had power plugs on the older planes13:27
cyberangerthe ones I fly never do13:27
chibihogoshinoiv never flown on one ..13:27
chibihogoshinoclosest i got was afterburner at the arcade13:28
cyberangernever flown13:30
cyberangeryou don't know what your missing13:30
chibihogoshinoyeah.. i used to watch wings..13:31
chibihogoshinoits like knowing a secret no one else knoes13:31
cyberangerhow to be groped by another man, without visiting a gay bar13:34
cyberanger"is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?"13:35
cyberangerand of course, a strip search is just more fun when we do it web 2.0 style13:40
chibihogoshinothey should put them on ustream .. make more money13:41
cyberangeridk which side of the debate your on, if that's your suggestion13:44
cyberangerhopefully your being scarstic13:45
chibihogoshinothey need to stop13:45
chibihogoshinoits proven it dosnt work .. so why spend the wasted time and money13:46
chibihogoshinojust like gun control dosnt stop gun related crime13:47
chibihogoshinothis is really cool.. http://www.chasertv.com/watch/video-wall-chat/13:50
chibihogoshinoyou can see live weather streams13:50
chibihogoshinoi forgot about it.. but during summer i was watching people chase tornadoes13:51
wrstXpistos: good morning14:21
Dan9186[MM]ok so question about pipes15:23
Dan9186[MM]i've piped stuff to get down to a particular PID of a friend who uses my box to get to IRC, but he leaves it up every night and i want to kill it once a nice15:25
Dan9186[MM]once a nite*15:32
Dan9186[MM]so i'm able to get all the way down to the PID, but piping that to kill doesn't work15:33
Dan9186[MM]so how would you do just that?15:33
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: why do you want to kill it every night, bandwidth?16:15
Dan9186[MM]rather than leave a screen session up and close his terminal he just leaves it connected, i just don't like having a tunnel left connected ALL the time like that16:17
cyberangerah, so he's using a tunnel, not gnu screen16:18
cyberangerand a client on your machine16:18
Dan9186[MM]we're also likely not supposed to be doing it here at work, and leaving it up over night when there is less activity on the network makes it stand out more16:18
cyberangerI think creating it as a bash script could help, instead of piping it to kill, you have a script that grabs the PID (as you've done) and that output defines a varible (in this example, I'll call it $IRCPID)16:19
Dan9186[MM]though Svpernova09 educated me in the folly of my ways on how i was trying to do it :)16:19
cyberangerso IRCPID=$(insert commands for getting the PID here, leave the parentheses)16:20
cyberangerkill $IRCPID16:20
cyberangerkill -9 $IRCPID16:20
Dan9186[MM]yup more or less what he set me towards :)16:20
Dan9186[MM]prolly more correct, but dont tell him that16:20
cyberangerwell, I don't need to, you just did ;-)16:21
Dan9186[MM]yeah wanted to see how well he pays attention16:21
Dan9186[MM]obviously not so well16:21
cyberangerhowever the best way of all, is have him logout, or don't let him login16:21
Dan9186[MM]yeah i've provided some instruction and suggestions and that doesn't seem to happen16:22
Dan9186[MM]so before removing access i'm gonna try this16:23
cyberangerwhy's he logging into a work machine where it might not be allowed16:23
Dan9186[MM]he's not logging into a work machine16:23
Dan9186[MM]he's logging into a vm i have back home16:23
cyberangeroh, your machine, from work16:23
Dan9186[MM]providing him access to irc even though they have it blocked16:24
Dan9186[MM]Svpernova09: hey how's it goin?16:24
cyberangerdid they say why they block it?16:24
Svpernova09>.> just fine :_D16:24
Dan9186[MM]i'm sure they do, but i've not gone looking16:25
Dan9186[MM]i'm assuming it is something to do with accidentally putting out patient data, but neither he nor i have access to any patient data16:26
cyberangeralso explains them leaving open port 2216:27
cyberangerssh and sftp16:27
Dan9186[MM]yup :)16:27
cyberangerwhy is he using your box, and I'd assume he's using pidgin portable or another usb client16:28
cyberangerI mean, instead of his16:28
cyberangerthe way I see it, it's not worth the risk (afterall, you have a cell phone, use an IRC client on it)16:32
Dan9186[MM]i'll be nice and leave it at that he claims he can't hit his IP from work for some odd and unforseen reason16:32
Dan9186[MM]i'm already logged into it in the same fashion for my irc instance16:32
Dan9186[MM]he's using putty16:33
cyberangerhis firewall, or he's done this before and got flagged16:33
cyberangerputty isn't an irc client16:33
Dan9186[MM]no but it gets you to irssi16:33
cyberangerI'm wondering why he's tunneling16:33
cyberangeras you can ban tunneling, and he can still use ssh and irc16:34
Dan9186[MM]he's not setting up an "actual" tunnel16:34
Dan9186[MM]he just sshs into my box and then runs irssi16:34
Dan9186[MM]i know that it's not for being flagged before16:35
wrstcyberanger: you care to look and see if you could do anything nasty on my network?16:35
wrstsometime cyberanger16:35
Dan9186[MM]but past that, i've no clue why the world he "can't" access his network from here16:35
Dan9186[MM]his excuse was that he couldn't ping it, which i laughed at and told him it probably wouldn't respond to ping, but who knows with him16:36
wrstDan9186[MM]: I'm not for sure but isn't there a way to set a timeout on ssh connections to your machine?16:39
cyberangerwrst: why look, I already know so16:42
cyberangerafter all, you have the nastiest thing already on it16:43
wrstha ha oh no cyberanger its not just a repair job16:43
cyberangerwrst: timeout won't work, due to tcp keepalives16:44
Dan9186[MM]wrst: wouldn't that carry to my sessions too? i don't wana kick myself out :P16:44
cyberangerunless you set screen to detach after 300 seconds16:44
wrstha ha Dan9186[MM] that's right and cyberanger is correct if you have putty set up sending keep alives that won't do it anyway16:44
cyberangerand a tmout value of 6016:44
cyberangerthe tmout value counts idle of 60, closing the terminal16:45
* Dan9186[MM] doesn't use putty16:45
Dan9186[MM]i actually run a real OS on my machine16:45
cyberangerand the screen idle value will detach it, after 300 seconds16:45
cyberanger(about 6 minutes unattended)16:45
cyberangerthus closing the ssh session16:46
wrstDan9186[MM]: but saying you probalby have putty on the other machine set up that way16:46
cyberangerand Dan9186[MM] your client also would have the same bit of tcp keepalives16:46
wrstDan9186[MM]: i take it you aren't referring to windows xp as a real OS?16:46
cyberangerwrst: if he is, I'm not16:46
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: what is his irc client16:47
Dan9186[MM]true true, and probably for the better, i think he might be screwed if he had something other than winblows on his box16:47
wrstsorry for my typing carrying into another winder16:47
cyberangerMicro$uck Winblows, the next generation of last generation computing16:47
Dan9186[MM]started getting into *nix and put Ubuntu on every box i have about 6 months ago16:48
Dan9186[MM]including my work one16:48
Dan9186[MM]cyberanger: he uses irssi just cause that's what i already have installed on that vm16:48
cyberangerah, so he is using gnu screen and irssi16:49
cyberangerhe's just not logging out16:49
cyberangerI'd take away his ability to tunnel, set screen's idle to 300 and detach16:49
Dan9186[MM]he does winsucks->putty->terminal on my box->irssi16:49
cyberangerand set $TMOUT to 6016:49
Dan9186[MM]and then he leaves putty up for days on end16:50
Dan9186[MM]unless his connection dies here at work16:50
cyberangerif he's idle for 5 minutes, screen detaches, another minute, session closes16:50
Dan9186[MM]i can't even get him to use screen16:50
Dan9186[MM]it's like pointing two mirrors at each other for him16:50
cyberangerkeepalives are useless for that, since the server is issueing the command16:50
wrstwow Dan9186[MM] you know typing: screen irssi is just so complicated :)16:50
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: is irssi the only thing he uses?16:51
cyberangerwrst: you left out screen -U16:51
cyberangerirssi likes utf-816:51
wrstyes its a might ugly using putty without it16:51
Dan9186[MM]wrst: hey it never ceases to amaze me16:51
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: ok, so tell him your helping him, by having irssi autostart16:52
wrstDan9186[MM]: i understand why he cant connect to his network now16:52
cyberangerand really your autostarting screen, which is starting irssi16:52
cyberangerand code in the timeout metioned above16:52
wrstcyberanger: you know what would really help them out would be a shell account somewhere else to get the trouble off of Dan9186[MM]'s machine16:53
cyberangersince the issue isn't IRC, but ssh16:53
cyberangerwrst: yes, well, what'd really help him might also be not using irc at work16:53
Dan9186[MM]he has a silenceisdefeat account16:53
cyberangeror better yet, a better understanding of linux and ssh16:54
wrstwell cyberanger thinking of getting Dan9186[MM] immediate releif :)16:54
cyberangerif you kill the account, he might cause more issues, not less though16:57
pace_t_zuluwrst: libreoffice has replaced openoffice in natty16:57
cyberangerthus the balancing act16:57
wrstpace_t_zulu: i pulled that in last night, nice, just wish it had a better name16:58
Dan9186[MM]yeah i'm looking to not stir up a whole bunch of stuff as much as i am to let him to come to the conclusion he wants to either do it right or do something else16:58
pace_t_zuluwrst: at least it isn't oracle17:01
pace_t_zulutoo bad virtualbox still is17:01
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: well, I can help you with an ideal solution in a few hours17:09
cyberangergotta get ready for chattacon here17:09
cyberangeractually, I guess I can squeeze it in now, if you can Dan9186[MM]17:09
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: are you wanting a method that forces him to use screen, and disconnect him when idle17:11
cyberangerwithout killing his irc client17:11
Dan9186[MM]that wouldn't be a terrible thing at all17:16
Dan9186[MM]i can't actually execute it at this very moment, but i'll take notes and can come back with questions later if that works for you17:17
Dan9186[MM]hell i wana know how to do that just for the sake of learning it anyways :)17:17
wrstpace_t_zulu: oh yes i think libreoffice is a step in a great direction i just don't like the name, but hey i didn't like the titan's uniforms but when they went to a super bowl i forgot all about that too17:18
pace_t_zuluwrst: wish they'd get back to the super bowl... and win it17:25
wrstyes pace_t_zulu probably not for a year or two will be interesting to see how the coaching/qb stuff all works out17:25
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: well, is later better?17:26
cyberangerI can write a howto, tell you now (with a timecrunch) or tell (and if needed, guide) you later17:26
cyberangerthere's three files in his home directory to tweak, so (as is allways a good idea) back them up17:27
cyberangersudo su <hisaccount>17:28
cyberangercp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.backup17:28
cyberangercp ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.backup17:28
pace_t_zuluwrst: you think we're going to draft, trade or sign a free agent qb?17:28
cyberangercp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.backup17:29
cyberangercp ~/.screenrc ~/.screenrc.backup17:29
cyberangerah, crud, I let time sneak up on me17:30
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: when are usually around?17:30
wrstpace_t_zulu: probably a free agent maybe... wouldn't be surprised of any of the above but with fisher having 1 year left i think he will try to go veteran, maybe a trade, well actually probvably a trade now that i think about it17:30
wrstwhat do you think pace_t_zulu?17:30
pace_t_zuluwrst: i just don't know who is out there17:30
pace_t_zuluwrst: i think fisher is just a bit too conservative for today's NFL17:31
cyberangerDan9186[MM]: I gotta run, I'll be online later, and can howto this also (which is actually ideal, others may find this useful)17:31
pace_t_zuluwrst: he will always opt for the safe option...17:31
Xpistoshey I need some help. I need to setup a gaming rig but I want to check if the hardware will support linux too17:36
XpistosXFX ATI Radeon HD 435017:36
Xpistosand do PCIe cards work in linux?17:37
cyberangerXpistos: PCIe cards do17:38
Xpistosall this just to play DCU Online... sad17:39
cyberangerand it appears (erring on the side of caution here) that that card has a linux catlyist driver17:39
cyberangerman, I'm gonna have to lock up my cable modem, if I cannot keep my focus on getting things ready, lol17:40
cyberangerXpistos: chattacon is getting in motion, tonight I setup, tommorow is day one of a gaming marathon17:41
XpistosGood Luck Brother!!!17:41
cyberangerit'll be a blast (COD Black Ops has enough virtual C4 to insure that ;-))17:42
cyberangerI've mirrored hardy and lucid's repos for the xubuntu rigs, so between linux and the consoles, oh boy :-D17:43
XpistosYou can play COD on Linux?17:43
cyberangeryes, COD4 modern warfare at least17:44
cyberangerwith wine, and without punkbuster17:45
cyberangerbut that's a console game for the confrence17:45
cyberangerlicensing concerns17:46
wrstpace_t_zulu: keep hearing cobb and orton, but neither thrills me in the long run and agree too conservative17:53
cyberangerwoot, I have sucessfully hijacked dns results for *archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com (on my lan only, I should add)18:10
cyberangerthis will come in handy18:10
cyberanger(normally this would be a bad thing, but knowledge is knowledge, issue is in application, and this case, it's the best it can be)18:13
Dan9186[MM]cyberanger: i'm around most days during work hours, and off and on in the evenings, otherwise all this is logging for me anyways so i can pull it up at any point in time18:26
cyberangerwell, tonight I'll be around, after setting up18:27
cyberangeror tommorow18:27
Dan9186[MM]sounds good18:27
cyberangeresp in the morning and around lunch18:27
Dan9186[MM]just ping me and if i don't respond in 5 then i'm busy with the pr0n18:27
cyberangerI'll do that18:28
cyberangerand if your not on, expect a wordpress article18:28
Dan9186[MM]that'll always work18:28
vychuneQUESTION: how do you know how many subnets to use in a network? o and hi18:28
cyberangervychune: hi18:29
vychunehey cyber18:29
cyberangervychune: can you explain it out further18:29
cyberangerit's a condidional question18:29
cyberangera home network will never have 250+ machines, so it usually gets a subnet18:30
vychunelike if you have a Class C IP for maybe 10 host18:30
cyberangerbut you can shrink that further, or raise it18:30
vychuneoh ok18:30
cyberangerclass c,
cyberangeras long as you have enough non-conflicting ip addresses, that's what the subnet is based off of18:31
vychuneok i thought maybe custom subnets would come in to play18:31
cyberangerwell, they can, but we can afford to go large on a class c for a home network18:32
cyberangernow my network is fragmented like that a little18:32
cyberangerfirewalls in the middle18:32
cyberangerif it's a conventional use, use it conventional, helps when things go wrong18:33
cyberangermy setup is unconventional18:33
cyberangerbut I have an unconventional demand, requiring it18:33
vychuneoh ok18:34
cyberanger255.255.255.0 gives you 254 addresses (1-254, broadcast on 255)18:35
cyberangereven if a home network has 10 machines, most consumer routers will use an ip range of or, and that subnet18:36
cyberangeryou can adjust it, make a subnet smaller or larger, I could have a subnet with only one usable ip address, or one for a class a18:37
cyberangerthat's what's nice about it being classless now18:37
vychunewow you really know your stuff18:38
cyberangerand yet I have my days of failure too18:38
cyberangerbut I really had a desire to learn about networking (one could say obsession) and that got me into linux18:40
cyberangerand I've branched out, but allways learning something new in linux, networking and more18:40
vychunethats awesome18:41
cyberangerI think you'll find similar stories for most here18:42
vychunemost likely18:43
cyberangerthe other story is usually hating windows, which is also true here ;-)18:43
vychunethats mine lol18:43
cyberangerhating windows was one reason (I had constraints for class though, so I used both linux and windows, got heavilly involved on the networking bit due to that)18:44
cyberangerbut when I was able to ditch windows, I did so with a short chain and a boat anchor18:44
vychuneagain sounds like me18:45
vychunea boat anchor really?18:45
vychuneanyway well thanks for the advice and th story18:46
vychunei gonna go find a JOB! lol18:46
vychunesee ya18:46
vychunethanks again18:46
cyberangeryou and me both18:47
cyberangerbut in the mean time I'll settle for a confrence18:48
cyberangerback to packing18:48
cyberangerI think a mouse has more focus than me18:49
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wrsthello chris458523:55
chris4585hey wrst23:56
wrstactivating vista err23:59

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