
paultagScottL: where's the dsc?01:21
paultagailo: script looks good :)01:21
paultagailo: keep up the work :)01:21
holsteinyeah, i tried it paultag 01:22
paultagholstein: yeah?01:22
holsteinailo 's script01:22
paultagholstein: mmhum01:22
holsteinworks great01:22
paultagholstein: great :)01:22
holsteinailo suggested adding it as a starup item01:23
holsteinso it just checks on login01:23
holsteinand if youre good to go, you dont see anything01:23
holsteinScottL: did you get a chance to check it out?01:23
paultagholstein: there are stylistic stuff i'd change, but ailo knows my comments &c01:24
paultagholstein: and he knows I'm here :)01:24
holsteini think it addresses the concerns we have for 11.0401:24
holsteinpaultag: it popped up, and added me to the audio group no problem01:24
holsteini did have to install some notify packages01:25
holsteinthat probably are supposed to be there01:25
holsteinnot sure01:25
holstein11.04 is definitely in flux at times 01:26
ScottLpaultag, which dsc?01:59
ScottLholstein, not yet, my schedule backed up a bit and probably by friday02:00
holsteinScottL: no worries02:00
holsteinwe should talk about another meeting soon i think02:00
holsteinScottL: im thinking a weekend day02:01
holstein*not this sunday02:01
ScottLholstein, do you mean for ubuntustudio in general or for the website?02:01
holsteinboth hopefully02:01
holsteindepending on turn-out i suppose02:02
ScottLholstein, if for the website then we should try to schedule around stochastic (although i really doubt he will be of much help currently)02:02
holsteinScottL: if you're sitting around in the next week or so02:02
holsteinwith some time02:02
holsteinping me02:02
ScottLpaultag, if you mean the .dsc for ubuntustudio-video:  ubuntustudio-video.dsc02:03
holsteinand we'll work on how i can plan whatever meeting we need02:03
ScottLpaultag, crap...holdon02:03
ScottLpaultag, okay, here is the ubuntustudio-video.dsc:  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/ubuntustudio-meta/ubuntustudio-meta_0.76.dsc02:03
ScottLalthough i'm not sure that's any help, i had even looked at the build logs for "video" but didn't find anything strange02:03
ScottLholstein, i'll try tomorrow during the day while i'm at work02:04
holsteinno hurry :)02:04
ScottLholstein, it's funny, but i have more time to talk usually during work than when i'm at home :P02:06
ScottLpaultag, buildlog for ubuntustudio-meta (of which ubuntustudio-video is a binary): http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59771827/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.ubuntustudio-meta_0.76_BUILDING.txt.gz02:07
paultagScottL: do you have a dsc?02:27
ScottLpaultag, a dsc file?02:44
ScottLand this page  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/i386/ubuntustudio-video/0.76 says that -video depends on:02:49
ScottLDepends on:02:50
ScottL    * blender02:50
ScottL    * ffmpeg02:50
ScottL    * ffmpeg2theora02:50
ScottL    * k3b02:50
ScottL    * openshot02:50
ScottL    * qdvdauthor02:50
ScottL    * subtitleeditor02:50
ScottL    * xjadeo02:50
paultagthanks ScottL :)02:53
paultagScottL: I'll attempt a build here02:54
paultagScottL: right off the bat02:55
paultagScottL: I found your error -- ubuntustudio-meta source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends ubuntustudio-audio02:55
paultagN:    The source package uses debhelper, but it does not include02:55
paultagN:    ${misc:Depends} in the given binary package's debian/control entry. Any02:55
paultagN:    debhelper command may add dependencies to ${misc:Depends} that are02:55
paultagN:    required for the work that it does, so recommended best practice is to02:55
paultagN:    always add ${misc:Depends} to the dependencies of each binary package if02:55
paultagN:    debhelper is in use.02:55
paultagI'll try a build anyway, but that's a serious issue :)02:55
paultagScottL: Whoh, wait wtf!? That package was accepted into the repos?03:01
ScottLpaultag, that's because there is no ubuntustudio-audio anymore, it was divided into ubuntustudo-recording and ubuntustudio-generation03:01
ScottLpaultag, aye, but it's my work with TheMuso making small checks and pushing it in03:02
ScottLpaultag, but weird thing is that it only started failing within the week :/03:02
paultagScottL: let me dig deeper so I'm sure I understand03:02
paultagthat actually looks OK03:05
paultagScottL: the long description should have the phrase "meta-package" in it03:09
paultagScottL: just a purely strict note -- that's how some stuff checks to make sure it's OK to be empty03:09
paultagN:    If the package is deliberately empty, please mention in the package long03:09
paultagN:    description one of the phrases "meta-package," "dummy," "dependency03:09
paultagN:    package," "empty package," or "virtual package."03:09
paultagScottL: another error that might be nice to look into: http://pastebin.com/nRA9ZXqL03:10
paultagScottL: other then that, they look like they're building03:11
paultagScottL: I don't really want to install these on my box, if you have a few more minutes, I'll set up a chroot to test installability03:11
paultagScottL: it builds and works fine, as far as I can tell. The issue must be the package selection03:20
paultagScottL: I'm testing it now, I'm downloading a new image just for this :)03:20
paultagI have a hunch it's x11 fonts, but I'm not sure at all03:21
paultagScottL: aptitude is installing -desktop now, from my build deb against the dsc you sent me03:26
paultagScottL: I'll test it all03:26
ScottLpaultag, sorry, been away working on plymouth stuff upstairs, reading backscroll now03:33
paultagScottL: it's OK. This will be another few minutes03:36
ScottLsorry, but now i'm working with my 3yo to find a movie for bed03:39
paultagScottL: dude, seriously03:39
paultagScottL: if you say sorry for doing family stuff03:39
paultagScottL: one more damn time03:39
paultagScottL: I'm going to flip shit. You're a dad03:40
paultagif my dad blew me off when I was a kid to work on something like this, I'd be pissed03:42
paultagScottL: everything built and installed04:00
ScottLpaultag, lol, roger that04:05
paultagScottL: yeah, no issues on install here. Everything looks good. Do you have logs of your error? 04:13
ScottLpaultag, i just get an automated email from colin watson that ubuntustudio-video produces uninstallable binaries04:14
paultagScottL: do you have a copy of the mail you can send me?04:14
paultagScottL: I can't find issues, I'd like to solve this for ya :)04:14
ScottLthat's the email, yeah, it's weird04:14
paultagScottL: it could be a fluke. I can't verify, perhaps it was because a package was in flux04:15
paultagScottL: you have issues on that package, for sure, but nothing that prevents install IMHO04:15
ScottLpaultag, it may be a fluke but it's been going on for about a week :|  weird04:16
paultagScottL: srsly?04:16
paultaglet me quadruple check04:16
ScottLa (slightly) better look at the plymouth theme:  if you remember the pictures and how the automated circle wasn't aligned on the CoF: http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/images/new-plymouth-theme.png04:17
paultagah :)04:17
ScottLnow a slightly fuzzy video to accompany it; http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/video/plymouth.ogv04:17
ScottLat least now you can see the animation04:17
paultagfor sure04:18
ScottLeh, i couldn't get the damn thing to show up in VM04:18
ScottLi was going to use gtkrecordmydesktop or istanbul but when i updated the plymouth theme it just wouldn't show in VM04:18
ScottLi took that video with the family camcorder, which is neither HD nor recently purchased :P, but it is what it is04:21
ScottLi used blender to cut away all the other parts and created a loop04:22
paultagScottL: yeah, dude. I can install it using natty bleeding04:51
paultagScottL: something else is going on04:51
paultagScottL: might be worth a persia or TheMuso ping04:52
persiaThe plymouth theme requires accelerated video, and KMS-capable drivers, which aren't available in VM.  The uninstallable binaries problem is usually caused by something deeper in the stack: try installing it from a minimal environment, or testing a daily image install (of only -video)04:56
paultagScottL: no, sorry -- ubuntustudio-video is reporting as uninstallable04:57
paultagdamnit, sorry -- persia 04:57
paultagpersia: I did a run on the dsc, there are some serious issues, but none that cause an issue to install04:57
paultagpersia: it built fine ( save that meta-package was not in the long-description, so it thought it was empty on error ), and installed fine04:58
persiapaultag, You were able to install ubuntustudio-video from a new daily?  The same version currently in the archive?04:58
paultagpersia: I tested it all in clean natty chroots, and a natty pbuilder04:58
paultagpersia: the DSC that ScottL provided me04:58
paultagpersia: and I'm confused because it worked04:58
paultagpersia: ubuntustudio-meta_0.76.dsc04:59
persiauninstallable binaries is always about .deb files, not .dsc files.04:59
paultagpersia: I understand, but I pbuilt it04:59
persiaYes, but that may not have the same result as the autobuild, as the build-dependencies may have changed.05:00
paultagpersia: Must not be, I have an installable set of debs05:00
paultagpersia: any idea why it's failing on the archive? ScottL is getting mail about it failing to install05:01
* persia is waiting for a natty chroot to become available05:01
persiaSo, the issue is that qdvdauthor has been removed from natty.  ubuntustudio-video needs a rebuild, and would be fine.  A better solution is to update the seeds, then rebuild.05:10
paultagpersia: any idea why it was working on my system?05:10
persiaThe local build was fine because the germinate package build process never creates uninstallable binaries: they can only happen if the packages change *after* build.05:10
persiaSo the local package doesn't depend on qdvdauthor, although the binary in the archive does.05:11
paultagI see, I see05:11
paultagpersia: great, that solves a lot. A simple re-upload should solve it ( after fixing germinate, of course, even though it should work without a tweek )05:11
persialocal rebuilds are a wonderful way to check if some source is clean, but when investigating issues with binary packages in the archive (NBS, uninstallable, unmetdeps, etc.), apt-cache or inspection of the archive binary is more useful.05:11
persiaA simple rebuild would work, although seed changes would be better.05:12
paultagpersia: I see. I still have tons to learn with packaging -- I've only dabbled05:12
persiaThere's some reason that qdvdauthor was selected.  Since that isn't available, a replacement should be seeded.05:12
paultagpersia: aye, something ScottL might want to fix up :)05:12
persiaAlso, qvdauthor was from multiverse: the rest of the seeded packages should be checked: if there is stuff from multiverse, it ought be inspected to ensure the license doesn't block any of the known uses of Ubuntu Studio.05:13
ScottLpersia, hi!13:01
ScottLpersia, paultag: yes, i will find something to replace dvdauthor in the next days as well as inspect the other packages to see if they are in multiverse as well13:02
ScottLtop of the morning to everyone :)13:02
paultagScottL: Howdy!13:07
paultagJust getting ready to go Scuba diving13:07
paultagcollege rules13:07
ScottLi think i <3 paultag 's life :P13:09
ScottLi'm getting the kids up for school and babysitter in contrast13:09
paultagScottL: nah, I live the life of a dirty college kid who lives with 6 other people13:10
paultagScottL: but, yeah this is rad. I'm getting certified to Scuba, so if you need programmers underwater, you let me know13:20
=== detrate` is now known as detrate
astraljavaScottL: "Getting the babysitter?" Sound promising, and is much more that I am "getting" these days. :D13:58
* paultag highfives astraljava 14:09
paultagastraljava: NICE!14:09
* astraljava bows humbly14:17
holsteinAutoStatic: ping14:44
AutoStaticHello holstein14:45
holsteinAutoStatic: morning :)14:45
holsteinif we had a meeting here14:46
holsteinwhat would be the best time/day for you?14:46
holsteini was going to try for sunday afternoon my time14:46
AutoStaticweekdays between 10.00 and 17.00 CET14:46
ailoPut around +6 hours for us in Europe14:47
ailoSomething like 3pm your time, holstein?14:48
holsteinthats going to be tough :/14:48
holsteinScottL will be at work then14:48
AutoStaticIn the evening is ok (CET) but not on tuesday and sunday, the n I'm rehearsing14:48
holsteinthats 3am to 11am my time14:49
holsteini think thats 4am til noon for ScottL 14:49
holsteinAutoStatic: sundays are not great for me either14:49
holsteinailo: you're in the same TZ ?14:51
holsteinhow about something in the afternoon saturday?14:51
ailoI'm +1. So is abogani.14:51
holsteinlike 10am for you guys?14:51
ailoholstein. Your afternoon would be our late night, no?14:51
ailoOr evening, I mean14:52
holsteinim probably going backwards14:52
AutoStatic10am sounds good to me14:52
AutoStaticI'm up early anyway14:52
holsteinthe other way14:52
ailo10am would be 4pm14:52
holstein4p for you guys14:52
holsteinam for us14:52
AutoStaticah oh, 4pm should be ok too14:52
AutoStaticI do have a baby to feed ;)14:53
holsteinAutoStatic: i'll see what ScottL 's saturdays are like usually14:53
AutoStaticand to look after :)14:53
aboganiailo: Where do you come from?14:53
holsteinAutoStatic: i'll try and get it on the fridge14:53
holsteinfor the TZ's14:53
holsteinmaybe a couple weeks or so from now14:53
ailoabogani: Sweden. 14:53
aboganiailo: Wow14:53
ailo(Finland originally)14:54
holsteinhopefully before we miss 11.04 freeze or whatever14:54
scott-worki finally got a response from canonical about selling ubuntu studio merchandise to try to fund development...they said no15:21
scott-workalthough it can be done for personal use, just not commercial15:21
holsteinscott-work: maybe it should be a different question15:58
holsteinhow do we get the funds necessary for ubuntu studio specific development ?15:59
holsteinscott-work: how are saturday mornings for you?15:59
holsteinfor a meeting, say 10am my time16:00
scott-workholstein: i can make any time work almost, except for while i'm asleep16:38
scott-workholstein: re: funds - that's a good thought, i just might start poking people to do that16:38
scott-workalthough i admit that i have harped on getting developer help for quite some time, and when ailo and paultag offered help i found myself unsure what really needed to be developed16:39
scott-workso, before i do push any further it would be prudent to identify areas we want development16:40
scott-workalso how it might also affect ubuntu in general to make it more palatable and appealing to canonical16:40
ailoscott-work: Sounds good to me..16:41
scott-workholstein: last night you mentioned getting a minute to talk, anytime you are ready let me know16:41
scott-workailo: today i want to spend some time developing a better spec for the ubuntustudio-controls/kernel imrpovements16:41
ailoscott-work: I'm for a remake of ubuntustudio-controls. I don't feel it is critical to have it ready for Natty, though.16:43
scott-workailo: i thought it would be the vehicle for getting your script into ubuntu studio16:44
scott-workand the -controls improvements could even be staggered between releases16:44
ailoscott-work: My script is designed to run at startup, or automatically started for instance after installation of audio meta-packages.16:45
scott-workailo: aye, but we need someone to actually get in onto the image, which would mean either a new package or include it in an existing package, no?16:46
ailoYes. And we need to add at least one dependency.16:46
ailoSo, is it only MOTU that gets our packages into the repo?16:47
ailoScott-work: -lowlatency and audio group are related only to audio, but in a way I think those could just as well be regarded as the standard setup for US.16:52
ailoSince they should not cause any problems.16:53
scott-workailo:  but how will the script run?  will the user have to run it manually or will it run automatically after a fresh install?16:54
ailoI don't know how to make "install scripts" for packages, so I don't know how to put it where it needs to be, and how to activate it without rebooting, but..16:55
ailoIf I add it as a startup application, it will run at every boot16:56
ailoIt would be best if it ran after install too, or that something similar to the script was included in the installation itself.16:56
ailoIf we could add the choices into a package installation, maybe my script is not as important, or could be used just to notify the user when booting into the wrong kernel.16:58
ailoAm I making any sence?16:59
ailoscott-work: Automatically adding PPA to a package installation is not allowed, but how about if we present the choice during installation?17:01
ailoIs it still not allowed?17:01
ailoscott-work: I've only just begun to learn about packaging, but I could find out about all the options and have different possible solutions ready around this script 'til next meeting. 17:29
scott-workailo: my understanding is that if any code in not in a package in the repository then it cannot be added to the image during building17:35
ailoscott-work: so how and when can we add it?17:36
scott-workailo:  so, i think we have two choices forward: 1) let the user choose to download and run it   or 2) include it into a package17:36
scott-workailo: i think #2 is the better choice17:36
scott-workailo: i think adding it to the -controls package seems most relevent, but someone else might have a better suggestion17:37
scott-workailo: but i think part of your script should be incorporated into this update (especially the part checking the kernel version, etc)17:38
scott-workif not all of your script17:38
scott-workailo:  i would also expect that we can use the -controls gui to offer the choices to the user to enable the PPA and install the kernel after your script checks it17:39
ailoscott-work: I know you checked if adding a PPA being a part of a package installation was allowed and they said no, but how about if the user is given the choice during the install? I think that would be the absolute best.17:42
ailoUsing the -controls gui could be preferable.17:43
ailoFor my script, that is17:43
scott-workailo: i think that giving the user the choice to add the PPA and install the kernel would be acceptable17:46
ailoscott-work: Let's add that. If possible, also put user in audio group, but I don't know if that can be done from a package installation. I suppose it is run as root.17:47
scott-workailo: we should really find a mechanism to allow all this to happen not just during "package installation" because many people will also be installing from the ubuntustudio image/dvd17:50
ailoscott-work: Won't it work the same way, no matter how you install it? 17:52
scott-workailo:  i don't think so if you are asking the user to click something, the full installation will want to reboot after it installs and unless you also have it check on reboot 17:54
ailoscott-work: No clicking. Just like installing jackd17:55
ailoYou are given the choice to add the limit.d stuff17:55
scott-workailo: okay, that might work also then :)17:55
ailoscott-work: Maybe "postinst" script, a part of a package. I was just reading about it, so I'm not sure.17:56
scott-worki was envisioning this as more of an automated script to run and check, then bring up ubuntustudio-controls to the "kernel tab" of the gui and tell them they could improve performance if they click the button and hit okay17:56
ailoscott-work: That is what my script does, essentially, but if we can add the kernel already at base install, is that not better17:57
ailoAnd we can still use my script17:57
scott-workailo: thinking on this, i'm not sure during the install is the right place after all, at the point of installing other packages the kernel has already been installed during the full install17:58
ailoscott-work: The effect will be the same either way, no?18:00
scott-workailo: i don't know if it would be during the initial installation, we should probably asking persia or TheMuso about such a thing18:01
ailopersia: TheMuso: Could you help us out?18:01
scott-workbut i feel fairly confident if we moved the actual installation of the kernel into the -controls package and either let the user or the script call up -controls then it should work without problem18:02
ailoscott-work: It would work. I would replace the -controls entirely, though. And I'm not absolutely sure we need it to get what we want.18:04
ailoI mean, it looks nice, and can be started independently. Maybe for that reason only.18:04
ailoWe don't need it to get what we want, but it could be a nice extra.18:05
ailoscott-work: Did you try the script yet?18:06
ailoJust do: git clone git://gitorious.org/audio-system-check_11-04/audio-system-check_11-04.git audio-system-check_11-0418:07
scott-worki'll try it tonight and then move back to packaging the xsession fix18:12
falktxscott-work: hey there18:24
scott-workhi falktx 18:24
paultagscott-work: I'll stick in a holding pattern. Things tend to be small and short-term, and workarounds are found ( but not ideal )18:48
paultagscott-work: so I can help snipe issues as they pop up18:49
paultagthink of it as a code retainer ;)18:49
=== `Alessio` is now known as quadrispro
quadrisprohi all19:23
paultaghey quadrispro 19:24
quadrispronew swami release will reach natty soon19:24
quadrisproehy paultag !19:24
paultagquadrispro: s'new?19:25
quadrispropaultag, what? :)19:26
paultagquadrispro: what's new?19:26
quadrispropaultag, about swami?19:27
paultagquadrispro: no, goofball, you19:28
falktxquadrispro: hey there19:28
falktxquadrispro: do you know the "juce" library ?19:28
quadrispropaultag, I'm sorry, very tired tonight :)19:29
paultagquadrispro: quite alright19:29
quadrispropaultag, thoughts are coming with an huge delay to my mind19:29
quadrispropaultag, nothing of particular, squeeze is coming out, I have always the same 4 exams to get my f***ing degree19:30
paultagquadrispro: truth19:31
quadrisproand althought life is hard, it's always beautiful19:32
quadrispro(cit. R. Benigni)19:32
quadrisprofalktx, I've seen something but never tried19:33
quadrispropaultag, and you mate? how're you doing?19:33
paultagquadrispro: well, thanks. School's just picking up again, getting depressing19:33
falktxquadrispro: I started packaging it for the ppa, if you're interested just let me know19:33
quadrisprofalktx, fst: which git branch should I push into debian?19:33
falktxquadrispro: i recommend jack-session19:34
scott-workquadrispro: is eq10 (or whatever it name is) is also in debian :)19:34
falktxpeople seem to care about jacksession...19:34
scott-workeq10q is the pacakge19:36
quadrispropaultag, school gives everyone the same feeling! :)19:36
quadrisprofalktx, good to know (for both)19:37
quadrisproscott-work, eq10q is broken, I've been thinking to ask ftp-master to remove it for now19:37
quadrisprothis time Jaromìr failed to do a good job19:37
quadrisproand I failed, too, in reviewing it19:38
falktxquadrispro: how broken ?19:38
scott-workquadrispro: oh, that's sad but it happens from time to time19:38
quadrisprofalktx, get it, build and try to load it 19:38
quadrisproand let me know :)19:38
falktxquadrispro: i have it working here19:38
falktx(not from debian)19:38
falktxquadrispro: let me check it19:38
quadrisprofalktx, so please help me reviewing the package: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/eq10q.git19:39
quadrisproI don't have so much time this period19:39
* quadrispro announcement: natty will have a great gmerlin version19:40
falktxquadrispro: has anyone looked at foo-yc20 ?19:40
quadrisprounfortunately, I think that ftp-masters will not accept gmerlin-avdecoder and gmerlin-encoders in time for the release19:40
quadrisprofalktx, already uploaded, ftp-master rule now19:40
falktxquadrispro: there's a new version with lv2 support19:41
paultagfalktx: quadrispro: ftp-masters stop doing NEW queues during freeze, unless you have a reason19:41
quadrispropaultag, they have accepted many packages in the last month, but now squeeze is so near19:42
quadrisprofalktx, which version?19:42
quadrisproI see 1.1.0 in the vcs19:42
paultagquadrispro: yes, like one of mine19:42
paultagquadrispro: but I talked with one of the ftp-masters and got it reviewd19:42
falktxquadrispro: http://linuxaudio.org/mailarchive/laa/2011/1/20/17787519:42
falktxit has VST too, I'll try to compiled it19:45
holsteinscott-work: got busy19:55
holsteini'll try and catch you later19:55
holsteini was thinking development in general though19:55
scott-workholstein: sounds good :)  anytime19:56
holsteincouple guys like falk and abogani on staff19:56
holsteinnot that that would happen19:56
falktxquadrispro: ha, I can see you working...20:00
quadrisprobuilds fine20:01
quadrisproa number of stuff to tune now20:02
quadrisprogo to the above URL to see the progress20:03
falktxquadrispro: eq10q doesnt build for me (missing lvplugin.hpp)20:08
falktxah, missing stuff. instaling now20:09
falktxquadrispro: thanks for swami! is it safe to backport ?20:10
quadrisprofalktx, no tests here, we should give it a try20:12
falktxquadrispro: eq10q still fails to build for me20:12
* falktx makes a diff20:12
falktxI think it's the patches that are a bit off20:14
falktxhm... fixed?20:26
falktxquadrispro: is eq10q pushed to debian ?20:29
falktxquadrispro: I fixed the patch (package now builds)20:31
quadrisproeh, and does it work?20:31
falktxlet me test20:32
falktxquadrispro: the plugin loads (shows GUI)20:37
falktxbut I dont know how to use it 20:37
* quadrispro on phone20:39
falktxquadrispro: I sent you the patch by mail20:40
quadrisprofalktx, thank you, 'll take a look later!21:01
quadrisprogoing away now, see you guys!21:01
falktxerr, foo-yc20 freezes when compiling21:28

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