
jonokenvandine, around?01:30
kenvandinehey jono01:46
jonokenvandine, hey, I don't suppose you could get those gwibber bullet points to me?01:57
kenvandineyeah... i can do the bullets... i got consumed with fixing GIR generation and doc generation...01:58
kenvandinejono, i'll do it tonight01:58
kenvandinesorry about that01:58
jonothanks kenvandine!01:59
jonoI am trying to get everyone wrapped up this week01:59
kenvandinejono, i also got access to gwibber.com to post the gwibber api docs and all02:07
kenvandineplus i added an awesome gwibber user-guide written by the vancouver loco02:07
kenvandinethey are amazing!02:07
jonokenvandine, sweet!02:08
jonokenvandine, if you could mail me the bullet points that would be cool, or just add them to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/70239302:09
jonook, I am grabbing good02:09
jonoback later02:09
kenvandinehave food good :-D02:10
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MacSlowgreetings folks08:06
kamstrupKaleo: I added a check in libunity for gobject-introspection08:37
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nnnajihello Ayatana..09:58
nnnajitrying to build indicator-me09:59
nnnajii'm facing ftbfs over and over again09:59
nnnajinatty, maverick09:59
nnnajisudo apt-get build-dep indicator-me            didn't help me09:59
nnnajidoes anybody know how to get a poor guy like me started?09:59
nnnajii would like to build this on maverick10:00
nnnajii keep getting10:00
nnnajiNo package 'dbusmenu-glib-0.4' found10:00
nnnajiNo package 'dbusmenu-gtk-0.4' found10:00
nnnajiwhat am i missing?10:01
nnnajiany help on how to get over these two would be greatly appreciated!10:02
nnnajikenvandine .. *ping* :S10:04
nnnajikenvandine .. could this be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libindicate/+bug/684949 ?10:07
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ionI guess it’s known that unity-2d-launcher’s buttons don’t respond to clicks in the left-hand side corner of the screen?11:03
ion(Do unity-2d and unity-3d really share that little code?)11:04
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nerochiaroKaleo: had time to have a look at that branch yet ?12:39
Kaleonerochiaro: nope, just got up12:40
Kaleonerochiaro: working a bit on something else12:40
nerochiaroKaleo: ok, no worries12:40
nerochiaroKaleo: keep forgetting about the time zones12:41
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didrocksKaleo: FYI, new places pushed in natty13:42
Kaleodidrocks: AWESOME13:43
didrocksKaleo: why did you add unity2d to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/704231 ?13:49
didrocksKaleo: it's a compiz bug, weird that you are affected with metacity13:50
Kaleodidrocks: because we have the same bug in our code13:50
Kaleodidrocks: :)13:50
didrocksKaleo: "fun" :-)13:50
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didrocksKaleo: stop trying to make unity2d *too* similar to unity3d :)13:51
Kaleodidrocks: ;)13:51
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ionMight i humbly ask why unity-2d and unity-3d aren’t the same thing with a layer of abstraction for the respective rendering methods? :-)13:53
ograsure, nobody will stop you from asking :)13:55
kklimondamost likely it would take more time to do that the right way (I remember people talking about making compiz do that, but it wasn't ready). This way they can make it ready for tests for 11.04, and what really counts is the result, not the code.13:55
Kaleoion: Compiz has a 2D backend in the works that only rely on XRender13:55
Kaleoion: but it's not ready yet13:56
Kaleoion: that would solve the window management aspect of things13:56
ionogra: :-)13:56
ograXRender wont help on xfbdev based sessions btw13:56
ionI wouldn’t mind getting to try the 3D version as well, as soon as nux doesn’t crash on fglrx. :-)13:57
ograi.e. all arm devices that dont have the proprieatry drivers installed13:57
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Kaleodidrocks: the place packages kept the same names as before?14:00
didrocksKaleo: yes, it's just built, not yet published14:02
Kaleodidrocks: ah, right :)14:02
ograKaleo, i'm wondering about the autostart dir (and the file in it) in unity-2d-default-settings, i thought we dont even install that applet anymore14:11
ogrado we really need that file to hide it ?14:11
ionAre application menus simply not yet implemented in unity-2d, or am i encountering a bug?14:11
ionkaleo: Btw, i take it it has been noticed that the launcher buttons don’t respond to clicks in the far left corner of the screen?14:12
ogradidrocks, ^^^ i see NoDisplay=true and OnlyShowIn=XFCE; in /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-volume-control-applet.desktop, i suppose we dont specifically need an additional .desktop file to hide it in natty, right ?14:16
ogra(unity-2d-default-settings ships a .desktop file containing Hidden=true)14:17
Kaleoogra: I suppose not14:17
ogragreat, thats the only subdir in that package :)14:18
Kaleoion: "launcher buttons don’t respond to clicks in the far left corner of the screen" no, what do you mean?14:18
Kaleoion: application menus?14:18
didrocksogra: no, you don't14:19
ionThe colorful square icons in the vertical bar can’t be clicked by moving the mouse to the left hand side of the screen. You have to move the mouse a few pixels to the right first.14:19
smspillaznjpatel: didrocks: the issue I have is that there isn't a way to differentiate between "I pressed super because I wanted the launcher" and "I pressed super because I wanted to do some other combo-keybinding and I just happened to press super first, wtf are you doing"14:20
smspillaznjpatel: the only way I can really think of avoiding this case is to disable the passive grab when the launcher is actually visible, but then you'll lose the ability to quick hide the launcher again by pressing super in rapid succession14:21
njpatelsmspillaz, tbh, I really don't care for natty :)14:21
smspillaznjpatel: yeah, I know there are more important things14:21
smspillaznjpatel: but I still think that it should be flagged that grabbing up an entire modifier tree is in gross violation of Ice Cubed :)14:22
njpatelsmspillaz, heh, file a bug but, yeah, we'll see that for natty +114:22
smspillaznjpatel: ok14:22
smspillaznjpatel: just an FYI then, see http://tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/sec-6.html#s-6.5, basically it's a case of X faffing about and not setting the standard that the super key *is* actually reserved for window management functions, so it says that we have to provide some way to allow buggy clients to recieve those events *sigh*14:25
Kaleoion: it's not reported yet, please report it :)14:26
ionAlright, will do.14:26
Kaleoion: and what did you mean by application menus?14:26
Kaleoion: thanks14:26
ionThe $UBUNTU_MENUPROXY thing. Gtk windows don’t seem to have menus at all. Hovering over the top bar doesn’t seem to reveal them.14:27
Kaleoion: that's a bug, it's implemented and working here14:28
smspillaznjpatel: hencing proving that once again that the ICCCM is still of use to absolutely nobody14:29
Kaleotoo many Cs14:29
njpatelsmspillaz, we'll axe it when we have some spare cycles ;)14:29
smspillaznjpatel: :p14:30
smspillazKaleo: ICCCM is actually just a set of rules designed to be broken. it's ridiculous :/14:31
ogradidrocks, so i renamed unity-2d.session to ubuntu-2d.session now, but i cant really rename the .desktop file for /usr/share/xsessions (since gnome-2d.desktop already exists) ... do you think just renaming .session is enough ?14:31
didrocksogra: no, it should be 2d-ubuntu.session to match upstream (GNOME-way) naming of session file14:32
ograoh, ok14:32
didrocksogra: no need to rename in /usr/share/xsessions/, just ensure you match the .session file name :)14:32
ogradidrocks, what about other files, anything else that needs renaming ?14:33
ograah, k14:33
didrocksno, just make the change and ensure the desktop file can be translated14:33
didrocks(not a big bugger for now)14:33
Kaleoogra: so, in the end what's the bzr branch for unity-2d-default-settings in natty?14:35
ograhmm, i suppose X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gnome-session-2.0 should rather be X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=unity-2d14:36
ograKaleo, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-default-settings-natty-release14:37
Kaleoogra: I see, any reason for the -release?14:37
ograKaleo, but i'll merge the files into the unity-2d-natty-release branch ... and to not conflict with trunl i think i'll put them into the debian dir if you dont object14:38
ograKaleo, consistency with NCommanders other branches14:38
Kaleoogra: oh, great14:38
Kaleoogra: but wait14:38
Kaleowhat is unity-2d-natty-release14:38
ograthats the package branch, NCommander will merge that with trunk regualry14:38
Kaleoogra: so we have a package branch now14:39
ogra(talk to him about all the natty-release branches)14:39
Kaleoogra: what's the point of having them if we have debian/ in trunk?14:39
Kaleoogra: or what's the point of having debian/ in trunk if we have them?14:39
ograask NCommander :P14:39
ografeel free to drop debian from trunk14:39
dbarth_API: ping? hey alejandro; did the at-spi2 vs 1 thing land on time for the release this week?14:56
dbarth_API: just curious if some of the issues i was having will also be fixed with the current build14:56
APIdbarth_, hi,14:56
APIdon't know14:56
APII have just applied the patch on upstream14:56
APIand notified the people on the list14:56
APIas I said, I'm not used to the internal packaging machineries14:57
APII think that TheMuso was working on that14:57
dbarth_hmm, so probalby not, since it has another part in an upstream; but i guess it will soon be integrated into ubuntu14:57
dbarth_ok, cool14:57
dbarth_anyway, the main bridge loader issue is fixed irregardless, so that's fine14:57
APIanyway, if the change is not applied14:57
APIand you are usint at-spi14:57
dbarth_(the hangs i was getting earlier at the beginning of january)14:57
APIunity will just avoid to load the bridge14:57
APIand just printing some warnings14:58
dbarth_ah, so nothing will show up on accerciser14:58
API"no bridge loaded" and so on14:58
APIbut at least14:58
APIwe will avoid a wrong bridge-loading14:58
APIdue gtk_init14:58
Amaranthwow, that's quite a memory leak from the dash :/15:05
kamstrupseb128: when do we stop pulling new package version in?15:21
seb128kamstrup, new version of what for what serie?15:21
* kamstrup asking because he needs https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=638929 in gobject-introspection15:21
seb128kamstrup, oh, GNOME, several weeks don't worry15:22
seb128it's likely that pitti will land all the work from the hacking done this week in natty next week or so15:22
kamstrupseb128: kewl,15:22
seb128or get kenvandine to backport things, he will probably want that if that unblock his gee hacking15:23
kenvandinekamstrup, i'll look at it15:24
kenvandinei am hacking on gobject-introspection right now actually :)15:25
kamstrupkenvandine: i am this close >< to having dee fully working with GI, now I just have problems because signals are marshalled with the old pygobject codepath and everything else is using GI15:27
kamstrupthis causes some type hickups15:27
kamstrupother than that adding and modifying rows works like a charm15:27
kenvandinekamstrup, weird... this patch has a bunch of references to TpAccount15:27
kenvandinemust be some copy and paste from tomeo15:27
kamstrupkenvandine: it's just testing code15:27
kenvandineyeah, all in tests15:28
kamstrupkenvandine: but in case you didn't see yet, the patch is already in git master15:28
kenvandineyeah, i did15:28
kenvandinetrying to get it in the package... but bzr seems to be down again or something15:28
kamstrupkenvandine: do you know if dbusmenu works well with pygi?15:28
kenvandinedon't know15:29
kenvandinei suspect not :)15:29
kenvandinewe are going to have a lot of work todo making sure everything works with pygi :/15:29
kamstrupkenvandine: ok, it's because I am working towards are future where we can bind libunity, dee, and dbusmenu. That would give super-powers to script the unity shell15:29
kenvandinealthough maybe lots of what you have fixed will end up helping :)15:29
* kenvandine likes super powers15:29
kamstrupkenvandine: the deal breaker right now is whether we'll have the signal marshalling ported to pygi as well15:30
kenvandinethat seems like a must... how could that ever work without it?15:30
kamstrupkenvandine: I might have a look at that, tomeu thinks it can work similarly to how they do properties right now, so might not be that hard in fact15:30
kamstrupkenvandine: i ownder that too :-)15:31
kenvandinekamstrup, just FYI, but i found out that valac can produce the GIR at compile time15:32
kenvandineso you don't need g-ir-scanner for vala libraries :)15:32
kamstrupkenvandine: yeah, i'm using that for libunity. it's awesome - but you still need to compile the typelib15:36
kenvandinewish i knew!15:36
kenvandineit was killing me... :)15:36
kenvandinebut now of course there is no useful way to generate docs15:36
kenvandinehopefully this gobject-introspection girdoc branch i am playing with really works15:37
nmarquesguys anyone has clue what can be triggering this behavior on clutk reported on lp: #695823 ?16:22
didrockstedg: hey, any idea why if I export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 ; killall nautilus && nautilus (and see that the nautilus currently running is the one from the command line, not one spawn by the session), I get no menu (sub) for a nautilus window, but still the full menus for the desktop?16:28
tedgdidrocks, Uhm, probably because my nautilus patch doesn't check for the env. variable? :)16:29
tedgdidrocks, I'm surprised it works though, I guess the .so still gets loaded?16:29
didrockstedg: you mean debian/patches/16_desktop_menu_export.patch, right? I even tried commenting it and build && install and I still get the menu there (but only for the desktop), can it be cached somewhere?16:30
tedgdidrocks, Well, it gets cached -- oh, perhaps it's not getting cleared.... do the menus work?16:31
didrockstedg: no they don't :)16:32
didrocksso make sense :) how to delete the cache?16:33
tedgdidrocks, killall unity-panel-service16:34
didrockstedg: ah, way better, thanks :)16:36
didrockstedg: you were about getting me crazy :)16:36
kenvandinekamstrup, btw i did upload the gobject-introspection with that patch16:55
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mterryWith latest unity, I'm getting an odd bug where parts of the upper left of my screen are not clickable until I open and dismiss the dash.  Is this a reported bug?17:08
aruizkamstrup, ping17:10
tarethmterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/70567217:13
mterrytareth, thanks.  Wasn't sure how to search for it.  :)17:14
tarethI just happened to have that one open17:14
chrisccoulsonm_conley, did you have any luck getting natty set up yet?17:17
chrisccoulson(i also hang out in #ubuntu-mozillateam btw, which is quite low traffic)17:17
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey!  No luck yesterday, trying again today.  Will let you know how it goes.  :)17:19
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i'll try it now, just to see if i hit the same sorts of issues17:19
chrisccoulsoni haven't done a new install in a long time ;)17:19
chrisccoulsonit's probably about time i did one!17:19
chrisccoulsonmy machine just gets more and more broken over time ;)17:20
m_conleychrisccoulson:  I guess it's hard to work on a car you're driving in.  :)17:22
chrisccoulsonheh, yeah, that's true :)17:25
chrisccoulsonoh, virtualbox feels weird with the menubar in it's own window ;)17:27
dbarthkenvandine: wow, the one for the docs?17:36
didrockstedg: ok, I'm completely puzzled with the desktop menu, even removing your patch still makes the desktop nautilus menu to be exported…17:36
tedgdidrocks, No, that's impossible.  You're confused :)17:36
dbarthdidrocks: appmenu-gtk is really powerful17:36
tedgdidrocks, Why are you playing with the desktop menu anyway?  Is there an issue?17:37
didrockstedg: a bug report your team was subscribed: bug #692194 :)17:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 692194 in nautilus (Ubuntu Natty) "Desktop menu adjustments for Natty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69219417:38
didrockstedg: I wanted to give it a try to help you seeing the other patch and thinking it was just a question of hiding the right menuitems17:39
didrocksI'm sure there is a cache somewhere, in addition to unity-panel-service making me crazy17:41
tedgNo, I'm pretty sure that's the only cache.17:43
didrockslet's try logout/login17:45
didrockshum, still there…17:49
didrockstedg: hum, I still I'll let this as it is for now. Even removing your patch still exports the desktop menu after logout/login…17:52
didrocksso maybe appmenu-gtk is doing it now17:52
didrocksand hiding items aren't reflected anyway17:53
tedgMy patch is more powerful than your simple efforts to remove it.17:53
didrocksseems so :)17:53
lamalextedg, what projects have you worked on triaging?18:04
lamalex:) it stoppped snowing18:09
kenvandinelamalex, snowing... it is looking like spring here, gorgeous18:14
lamalexYeah.. it looks like Maine here :P18:15
didrockstedg: so, I removed you patch for exporting the desktop nautilus menu, add some debugging in the same function (it's actually called), logout and login in the ubuntu-classic session… and the desktop menu is exported18:24
didrockstedg: so, either the patch is not needed anymore and the menu is exported by another mean by appmenu-gtk and not by the direct call or the patch, or there is a ghost in my laptop18:24
tedglamalex, I did indicator-applicaiton, I was thinking of doing dbusmenu next.18:24
didrockstedg: I checked for the ghost, no sign of it :)18:24
tedgdidrocks, I'm voting ghost :)  The window doesn't get created the same way, so I'd be surprised that appmenu-gtk would pick it up.18:25
tedgdidrocks, If it does, that's great, but it seems odd.18:25
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didrockstedg: I can built the version in a ppa if you want to ensure yourself :) (well, you can as well comment the patch in debian/patches/series)18:25
tedgdidrocks, The menus are never really created.18:25
didrockstedg: what do you mean?18:26
tedgdidrocks, They're never attached to the desktop window -- which is what appmenu-gtk looks for.18:26
didrockstedg: hum, but a nautilus desktop window is a nautilus window first, isn't it? (that's what I see in the code) and so, it should be attached the same way?18:27
didrockstedg: like if I uncomment the gtk_widget_hide(NAUTILUS_WINDOW(window)->details->menubar), I can see them (and hidden automatically if appmenugtk is loaded)18:27
lamalextedg, im doing dbusmenu now18:28
lamalexit has very few bugs :P18:28
tedglamalex, Damn it, I'll find something else then :)18:29
tedgdidrocks, Ah, hmm, cool.  That'd be cool if they weren't needed.... I swear it didn't work before I wrote the patch :)18:30
didrockstedg: maybe nautilus changed a little bit. Now I need to figure out why hiding /MenuBar/File get me a gtk_widget, but this one doesn't want to hide18:30
didrockstedg: I guess you are respecting the hidden value in appmenu, isn't it? (IIRC, that's how I did in gtkrecordmydesktop)18:31
tedgdidrocks, yeah, we should be.18:32
didrockstedg: ok, I'll give it another try next week and see what can be done. Otherwise, I'll surely ask you for help :)18:35
lamalextedg, want to review these patches? https://bugs.launchpad.net/dbusmenu/+bug/69066818:41
lamalexthe libindicate one appears to be fixed already18:41
lamalexbut indicator-messages looks worth looking at18:41
lamalexand looking at dbus menu now18:42
kenvandinetedg, have you had a change to look at the dupe items in the messaging menu yet?19:05
lamalexDBO, jason any news on that nux bug for multimonitor?19:42
jcastrotop panel is still not multimonitor aware. :(19:44
lamalexnor is launcher19:47
lamalexthe launcher is the one that kills me19:47
lamalexthe panel is annoying, the launcher is some level of unusable19:47
jcastromy launcher shows up on the proper screen19:50
lamalexjcastro, it's not that19:50
lamalexif you have two monitors of different sizes, and the launcher is on the smaller on, it doesn't fold based on the height of the smaller, it uses the larger so that some icons are unreahable19:51
jcastrooh, that one19:52
* jcastro nods19:52
chrisccoulsonnice, unity in virtualbox :)20:07
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i got the latest daily to work ok here20:08
m_conleychrisccoulson:  hey - nice!  Actually, so it turns out it might be a problem with the host machine over here20:08
m_conleythe SSD in it just died20:08
* m_conley sighs20:09
chrisccoulsonm_conley, oh, just as i tried to reply to you there, Xorg died ;)20:10
m_conleywe're having all the OS luck today20:11
chrisccoulsonheh :)20:11
nmarquesanyone I can have a small talk regarding LP685682 ?20:24
kenvandineyah... gi fixes make dee sort of work from python now!20:43
kenvandinejust can't require a signal for anything :)20:43
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