
Riddellmmm, shiny new Thinkpad00:46
cmaginaRiddell: what model did you end up getting?00:48
cmaginaah, nice00:48
Riddellyou inspired me :)00:48
cmaginahah, glad to have helped in the decision00:48
Riddellmust say this Windows thing is rubbish, quite unusable00:49
Riddellbut at least I got to test and do some fixing to Wubi00:49
Riddellaudio jack output works fine00:50
cmaginayeah, i think i booted it long enough to verify everything worked and burn off the recovery cds00:50
Riddellno sparkle on the screen00:50
cmaginathe sparkle happens intermittently and jFo00:50
cmagina's audio jack works as well00:51
cmaginafigure something must be up with mine but i didn't test it in windows, so not sure if its hardware or not00:51
cmaginai use a usb headset, so haven't worried too much about it00:52
Riddellinternal speakers sound better than the old laptop, screen is notably brighter00:52
cmaginajust keep an eye on the screen, Lenovo knows of the issue00:52
Riddell3G modem doesn't "just work" with networkmanagement plasmoid, I should try nm-applet00:53
cmagina:) always love getting new machines00:53
RiddellI have three blinkenlights under the screen, wifi, something and hard disk.  any idea what the middle one is?00:53
Riddelllooks like wifi in a box00:53
cmaginathere is some upstream work going in around the mobile broadband stuff, or so it appears00:54
yofelI've got a t510 ;)00:54
Riddellreally?  I'm not convinced it has bluetooth00:54
yofelif 'rfkill list' lists bluetooth it has it00:55
cmaginai have the same icon and it most certainly is bluetooth00:55
Riddell0: hci0: Bluetooth00:55
Riddellwell well00:55
Riddellhow confusing, my old one had a blinkenlight that was the bluetooth trademark logo00:56
Riddellwhy hasn't bluedevil popped up?00:56
cmaginaodd thing is, in natty, it isn't always turned on. put the laptop to sleep with it off (i didn't turn it off, it was off from the get go) wake it up and it turns on00:56
cmaginarunning natty?00:56
Riddellyes I am00:56
yofelbluedevil works fine here in natty00:57
cmaginayour probably hitting the same issue i am and haven't had a chance to look into00:57
yofelcmagina: and yeah, it behaves like that here too00:57
Riddellmm, I should test suspend00:57
cmaginayeah, bluedevil works fine for me when it comes up, but it doesn't come up all the time00:57
cmaginasadly, it cold boots with it off as well00:57
Riddellsuspend working, how things have improved in linux00:58
yofelhm, here it's always on on boot00:58
yofelone annoying thing on my thinkpad is the mute button though00:58
Riddellworking good here00:59
yofelit has it's own hardware state and triggers the software state too when pressed00:59
cmaginayofel: yeah, noticed that00:59
yofelso if kmix is muted, and the button not, and I press it, I get: kmix unmuted, hardware muted00:59
cmaginathe "voip" mute button doesn't work however00:59
Riddellthat's been a consistent issue with thinkpads (probably other laptops too)00:59
yofelif they're both in sync it's fine01:00
Riddellhuh, I see what you mean01:00
yofelthat the button remebers it's sate and kmix always boots unmutes isn't really helpful there01:00
Riddellfunky new connectors on the side, SATA (not sure what the advantage of that is over USB, faster?) and something that I guess is HDMI (just when it's being replaced by DisplayPort)01:20
Riddellhmm no, maybe it is displayport01:21
cmaginaits displayport01:23
cmaginathey sell an adapter to covert it from displayport to dvi01:24
cmaginasata i believe offers faster data rates then usb 2.001:24
Riddellcan this thing do dual screen if I plug it into an external monitor?01:31
Riddellor tripple screen if I plug VGA and DisplayPort into external monitors?01:31
Riddellhttp://i.gizmodo.com/5030810/giz-explains-an-illustrated-guide-to-every-stupid-cable-you-need is interesting01:33
cmaginai believe it is limited to 2 displays01:34
cmaginaeither 1 external and built-in or two external01:34
Riddellmmm, 4 apparant CPUs, must try make -j4 to see how well this hyperthreading thing works01:37
jjesseRiddell you get a new toy :)01:37
Riddellit's so wonderfully non-shiny!  look at it not reflecting my lights in the annying way all the other laptops on the market do with their silly glossy screens!01:39
jussiapachelogger: ping10:09
apacheloggerjussi: yus?10:35
Riddellooh, I see a stable/4.6.0/src/10:43
=== apachelogger is now known as releaselogger
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 2011 same procedure as every year: 2 releases and many hugs | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | alpha 2 bugs http://goo.gl/yGhJd | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
kubotuapachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin and vorian ... to the Batcave!11:21
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger11:21
releaseloggerto the batcave sounds like way more fun.....11:38
valoriethose metaphors are very mixed up11:38
* valorie pulls out the light-sabers11:38
releaseloggeroh, are you joining the kio wars?11:39
valorieI would surely help if I wasn't going to do more harm than good!11:40
valorieright now, sleeping seems like the better plan11:41
valorietomorrow is another day!11:41
releaseloggeroh, it is yesterday for you? :O11:44
releaseloggervalorie: nini11:44
releaseloggerso I am in the future now?11:44
releaseloggeroh this is all messed up11:44
releaseloggershadeslayer: we are now both in the future! 11:44
* releaselogger makes some coffee while thinking of a kobayashi maru question for Quintasan_11:45
valorieoddly enough, it is today here, and will still be today when I awake11:47
Riddellit's a metaphore?  time to leave the poor bats alone then :(11:47
valorietime is so strange!11:47
* valorie flaps away11:47
Riddellwibbly wobbly timey wimey11:47
releaselogger:D :D :D :D :D11:55
* releaselogger hugs Riddell and hands valorie a timey wimey detector11:55
shadeslayerreleaselogger: oh are we? did you re-invent my time machine?12:06
releaseloggerI dunno12:09
releaseloggerwhat Riddell said12:10
releaseloggerI did not change anything yet I ended up in the future, and valorie being in the past is not in the past but the present which seems to last longer for her than for me12:11
releaseloggerthis is all very very confusing12:11
shadeslayerherp derp12:25
shadeslayerKDE 4.6 tarballs uploaded12:25
* releaselogger has a very nice kobayashi maru question \\o//12:25
shadeslayerreleaselogger: share12:25
releaseloggeralso I grew a third arm it seems12:25
Sputreleaselogger: that is not an arm.12:25
releaseloggershadeslayer: for Quintasan_12:25
releaseloggerSput: a leg?12:25
* releaselogger checks12:26
shadeslayerreleaselogger: id still like to hear it :P12:26
Riddellshadeslayer: going to be ninja-ing?12:26
releaseloggergood point there12:26
releaseloggershadeslayer: well, it will be on the ml in a bit12:26
shadeslayerreleaselogger: yes..... but ill also be doing neon stuff ... so will be a bit slow :)12:26
shadeslayerAlso ... will try to fix ktorrent12:27
releaseloggerRiddell: he will be ninja-ing but as he is also doing neon stuff he will be as slow as always, also he will try to fix ktorrent12:28
* releaselogger feels like a router now12:28
Riddellwhat's wrong with ktorrent?12:28
releaseloggershadeslayer: mail mail up12:28
shadeslayerRiddell: crashes while configuring shutdown plugin12:29
shadeslayerlooking :)12:29
Riddellthere's a plugin for shutdown?12:29
Riddellwhat happens if you want to shut down and don't have the plugin loaded?12:29
releaseloggeryou cannot shut down :P12:29
shadeslayerRiddell: the shutdown button wont appear till shutdown plugin is loaded12:29
shadeslayerso basically what releaselogger said12:30
releaseloggerso your computer will continue running and seed all the pr0n all the night ^^12:30
releaseloggerphonon tarballs are being put in place12:30
* releaselogger should go get lunch or something12:30
shadeslayerreleaselogger: nice question12:31
shadeslayerthe second one 12:31
releaseloggeryeah, I shall ask it every applicant now, no matter what they are applying for :P12:32
shadeslayerhahaha 12:33
* shadeslayer will keep that in mind when applying for Kubuntu Dev12:33
releaseloggervirtuoso eats my system12:33
releaseloggerI luv you12:33
Riddellreleaselogger: should we package the new phonon along with 4.6 in backports?12:34
shadeslayerreleaselogger: when do KDE apps NOT eat up memory12:34
shadeslayerlook at rekonq12:34
shadeslayeror phonon12:34
shadeslayeror any other KDE app12:34
shadeslayerreleaselogger: question about 2nd question12:34
releaseloggerRiddell: yes, if you do make sure to deactivate the plugin installer in phonon gstreamer though12:34
shadeslayerwant me to PM?12:35
shadeslayerso that Quintasan_ doesnt cheat12:35
releaseloggeraptcc in maverick is not able to handle plugin requests12:35
releaseloggerRiddell: also the new phonon gst should recommend gstreamer0.10-packagekit | gnome-codec-install12:36
releaseloggershadeslayer: phonon does not eat up memory12:36
Riddellgnome-codec-install?  that doesn't sound very kde-ish12:36
releaseloggeralso virtuoso is eating my cpu12:37
shadeslayerreleaselogger: but it should, thats what makes it a KDE app12:37
releaseloggerRiddell: hence the |12:37
releaseloggerRiddell: codec installation is handled by gstreamer itself, which just calls a helper app, and to my knowledge only gstpackagekit or gnome-codec-install implement that12:37
releaselogger(though I might be wrong)12:37
releaseloggerthey both use update-alternatives though ;)12:37
Riddellshadeslayer: meh, bug 702026 has questions12:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702026 in dcmtk (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dcmtk" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70202612:46
shadeslayerRiddell: its on my TODO for today :)12:47
shadeslayerhad a quick peek yesterday12:47
shadeslayerit should be a good experience to learn about gold linking .... 12:48
releaseloggerRiddell: phonon up in stable/phonon + gstreamer, vlc and xine12:53
shadeslayerso we can add that to the ninja page :)12:54
shadeslayeri wonder if we can run kubuntu on the Notion Ink Adam13:03
shadeslayerwould be awesome ....13:04
Quintasan_shadeslayer: At what I'm supposed to cheat?13:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: nufing :P13:46
* Quintasan <3 grilling at ML13:59
\shreleaselogger: the question about amarok new upstream version  with a lot of fixes was a nasty one14:02
Riddellnasty but not an uncommon situation that we find ourselves in, and there's no correct answer you just have to be able to justify yourself14:09
QuintasanI somehow knew that apachelogger will find a nasty way to grill me14:10
\shRiddell: I know :) I had to decide in the past for Amarok ;)14:10
Riddellhi kronos, going to do some ninja-ing for the release?14:10
\shRiddell: but it's hard to answer that tricky question...14:11
Riddellyes, I hope we don't put off anyone else wanting to apply to kubuntu-dev14:12
kronosRiddell: yeah .. would love to .14:13
Riddellkronos: take your pick https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging :)14:13
Riddelllet me know if you need an ec2 machine14:14
\shQuintasan: this wasn't actually a nasty one, it's actually daily business during release week14:14
Quintasan\sh: I'm no a part of release team, I just answered what I thought was right :P14:15
kronosRiddell: sry got disconnected for a while .. did i miss something? 14:16
Riddell14:13 < Riddell> kronos: take your pick https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging :)14:17
Riddell14:14 < Riddell> let me know if you need an ec2 machine14:17
kronosRiddell: i'd take up kdetoys and yeah an ec2 machine would be useful.. 14:19
releaselogger\sh: yes, but what Riddell said :D14:19
releaseloggerit simply is kobayashi maru ^^14:19
releaseloggerRiddell: I think we can take Quintasan's application to a vote?14:23
releaseloggeron the list?14:23
=== kronos_ is now known as kronos
shadeslayerreleaselogger: isnt it already?14:26
shadeslayeralso ... he replied the same thing i did :D14:27
Riddellyes, some people have already voted14:27
releaseloggervery well then14:27
shadeslayerAlso, nice to see that lex is active :D14:28
shadeslayerkronos: ssup?14:28
shadeslayerill take up kdegraphics14:29
shadeslayersigh : "Internal Server Error"14:30
\shQuintasan: when I had to decide in the past, about amarok, on release day, I got a blank upload permission and had to decide if we go with the new version or stay with the old tested one ;) I was sweating and testing with others14:31
\shreleaselogger: you are evil ;) and you are not Tiberius ;)14:32
\shanyways back to my puppet recipe14:33
kronosRiddell: can i get an ec2 machine for kdetoys ??14:34
Riddellkronos: yeah, what's your ssh key?14:35
Riddellor where rather14:35
kronosRiddell: www.launchpad.net/~bhargav14:35
Riddellkronos: ubuntu@ec2-50-16-112-9.compute-1.amazonaws.com14:36
Riddellit's maverick, you'll need to dist-upgrade, change to natty, dist-upgrade that14:36
Riddellmind and not change the sudo settings when it prompts14:36
shadeslayerand dont reboot14:36
shadeslayerRiddell: i think there was a post on planet.ubuntu.com about upgrading ec2 machines to natty14:37
shadeslayerit even loads the new natty kernel on boot14:37
shadeslayerhmm not quite it14:39
\shshadeslayer: kim0 wrote an article about upgrading and booting kernel from lucid to maverick on ec214:41
shadeslayer\sh: yeah im trying to find it :P14:42
\shshadeslayer: http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2011/01/upgrade-lucid-to-maverick-on-ec2.html14:42
shadeslayerthere we go ^^14:42
shadeslayerwait ...14:42
shadeslayerno there was a maverick to natty blog post14:42
shadeslayerhmm ... 14:43
\shshadeslayer: afaik natty can be used with pv_grub kernels from ec2, the same system like lucid to maverick14:52
shadeslayer\sh: should be possible ....14:52
\shshadeslayer: just ask kim0 he knows ;)14:53
shadeslayerbut they should provide natty images for development purposes ^_^14:53
shadeslayerkronos: the latest ones from ninja14:53
shadeslayerand check the dep graph14:54
Riddelllaunchpad code hosting is broken14:56
shadeslayerRiddell: worked for me14:57
shadeslayeri guess i branched in time14:57
Riddellit's tempremental15:04
Riddellmy toolbar has disappeared in Amarok15:05
RiddellI wonder how that happened, and how I could get it back15:05
shadeslayerRiddell: the thing which says "Amarok View Playlist ... " ?15:06
shadeslayerRiddell: just press Ctrl + M15:06
Riddellthat's the menubar15:07
shadeslayeroh then>15:07
RiddellI'm missing the toolbar, with the play button15:07
shadeslayerRiddell: right click below menu bar > Main Toolbar15:07
shadeslayersame thing with me :P15:07
shadeslayerunfourtunately all my music was wiped out along with my data15:08
Riddellah hah, that worked15:09
Riddellwhy was your data wiped?15:10
shadeslayerRiddell: USB Creator formatted my external HD instead of the bootable USB pen drive15:10
shadeslayerso basically .. the first 40 GB of my HD was gone along with the partition table15:11
shadeslayerand i had humongous amounts of data, so couldnt retrieve my ssh keys after 2 days of photorec15:11
shadeslayergood thing i had a backup of my GPG keys tho :P15:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jjessejust saw an announcement that code hosting was offline15:34
shadeslayerjjesse: yeah15:38
shadeslayerso everyone is currently stuck15:38
shadeslayerlol : http://bzr.bz/ : << see the second point15:41
jjessehahaha love that "its not launchpad" is a selling poitn :)15:45
shadeslayerjjesse: the pun is even more awesome right now15:46
Riddellshadeslayer: no need to be stuck, just get the packaging from apt-get source15:48
shadeslayerRiddell: thats what i did15:48
shadeslayeralso i just sprayed chilli sauce over my keyboard15:48
Riddellthat may not help with matters15:50
shadeslayersome of it might have gotten into kde graphics15:51
shadeslayeror onto IRC ... and might be making its way towards you :P15:51
Riddellit is starting to feel hot here15:52
* txwikinger wonders when the kded4 defunct bug will be fixed15:53
Riddellwhat bug is that?15:54
txwikingerwhen you connect or disconnect power kded4 starts to spawn lots of defunct processes15:54
txwikingerand in turn that slows down the computer15:55
RiddellI don't see that15:55
Riddellbut maybe afiestas moves in the right circles to know what the issue is15:55
txwikingerThere is a bug about that on bug.kde15:57
txwikingerI have that happen on my netbook all the time15:58
* JontheEchidna is glad to not be affected by that bug15:58
shadeslayerRiddell: http://notionink.wordpress.com/2011/01/21/my-box/16:00
Riddellshadeslayer: cor, what's that?16:02
jjesseshadeslayer thats a really cool box16:04
jjessei would like one please :)16:04
shadeslayerRiddell: jjesse its a tablet pc designed by a indian company16:06
jjessethey look really cool16:06
shadeslayerit has a nvidia tegra *dual_core* processor16:06
shadeslayerand has USB ports and what not16:06
jjessecan i buy one?16:06
shadeslayerjjesse: they will open the second pre order soonish16:06
jjessewhats the cost?16:07
shadeslayerjjesse: go for the pixel qi one16:07
shadeslayerjjesse: one sec16:07
Riddellwhat's the OS?16:07
Riddella surprisingly popular choice16:08
shadeslayerits running a custom UI ontop16:09
shadeslayerjjesse: Riddell http://notionink.wordpress.com/2010/12/09/fiat-lux/16:09
txwikingerWhen will we have a kubuntu version for tablet PCs?16:09
jjessenice a wifi only model16:10
Riddellwhen plasma folks finish off plasma-tablet16:10
shadeslayerjjesse: essentially ... its cheaper than the iPad16:10
shadeslayerjjesse: dont compromise on the pixel qi16:11
shadeslayerits a *must* have16:11
shadeslayerlooks good :)16:13
shadeslayerthe tablet is also supposedly running some honeycomb elements16:14
jjesseshadeslayer w/ a mobile hotspot why would i need 3g?16:14
Riddellwhat's that?16:14
jjessehoneycomb is android 3.016:15
shadeslayerjjesse: really up to you :)16:15
jjessewon't have to have another data plan and it probablly won't be available on any carrer in the US16:16
shadeslayerjjesse: probably has a S16:17
Riddelljjesse: what do you mean by mobile hotspot?16:17
shadeslayer*SIM slot somewhere16:17
shadeslayerRiddell: your phone becomes a router of sorts16:17
shadeslayerso you connect to the network your phone is broadcasting and it routes all the traffic over 3G16:18
jjesseRiddell yes i have through Verizon in the US a mobile hotspot: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?&item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=472616:18
jjesseits a little card that broadcasts a wireless connection16:18
jjesseover 3g16:19
* shadeslayer is insanely hungry tonight16:19
* shadeslayer eats up releaselogger16:19
shadeslayermmmm ....16:19
Riddellyou can't do.. well I guess phonon is out now so it's ok, go ahead16:19
jjesseso my laptop, ipad and my wife's laptop can all share the same wireless connection where we have service16:21
shadeslayerits a really cool piece of tech ^^16:21
shadeslayerand im really interested in doing my post graduation in the field of Wireless 16:21
Riddelloh good, maybe then you can fix networkmanager plasmoid and get my 3G connection on this new laptop working :)16:22
yofelimplement system connections while you're at it16:23
shadeslayerRiddell: you got a new laptop? which one?16:23
Riddelllovely new thinkpad T41016:23
shadeslayeryofel: planned as GSoC project16:23
Riddellnetworkmanager plasmoid will have more issues soon when networkmanager 0.9 comes out16:23
shadeslayerRiddell: nice :D16:24
shadeslayerit has a matte finish? :O16:24
shadeslayeron the screen16:24
Riddellyes, no silly reflective screen16:25
ScottKRiddell: Are you covering the release team meeting?16:28
shadeslayeryofel: im also looking at form completion and phonon support in webkit16:36
shadeslayertho im yet to start on those16:36
shadeslayerherp derp16:47
shadeslayerRiddell: i need a server .... my ISP capped my download limit -.-16:47
Riddellshadeslayer: 1 or 2 cpu?16:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: your application is pretty much approved16:47
shadeslayerRiddell: either will do16:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: don't be so sure :P16:48
Riddelllaunchpad code hosting is back!16:50
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: I was trolled by kded twice last night: http://i.imgur.com/rp3Yv.png16:50
Quintasankded </316:51
Riddellshadeslayer: ubuntu@ec2-184-73-126-198.compute-1.amazonaws.com16:51
JontheEchidnawas debugging kde bug 26379016:52
ubottuKDE bug 263790 in notifier "multiple zombie kded4 process" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26379016:52
Quintasan>,Resolved: fixed16:52
QuintasanJontheEchidna: notice kded is almost kdead16:53
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: resolved, muon 1.1.116:53
JontheEchidnaand kubuntu 11.04 for kubuntu-notification-helper16:53
JontheEchidnacalling python apps directly via KProcess seems to leave zombies lying around afterwards16:54
JontheEchidnaso you have to call python /path/to/pyth0rnapp16:54
=== dbarth__ is now known as dbarth
ScottKyofel: When you updated kdesdk, did you use the KDE symbolshelper to update symbols files?16:59
ScottKupdate/update or create16:59
ScottKSee http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html for details if you didn't.17:00
yofelI used the symbolshelper with the instructions from the debian kde page to create them17:00
yofelyep, those 2 commands17:00
ScottKyofel: Would you please ask MoDaX on #debian-qt-kde for suggestions then? I think that should have worked.17:00
Riddelltalking of symbols, kdebase-workspace is missing some in 4.6.0, I wonder what to do17:01
ScottKRiddell: Need to see if they are BIC changes or not.  FYI, JontheEchidna is very good at this.17:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's your secret?17:02
JontheEchidnaIf they are symbols for private functions or are being exposed via linking to another library, it's not BIC if they change17:03
JontheEchidnabut basically you just have to look in the .h files to see what the functions are listed as17:03
yofelScottK: sure, I can - where exactly do they fail? I'm new to this..17:06
ScottKyofel: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesdk/4:4.5.95-0ubuntu2/+buildjob/2169541/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-armel.kdesdk_4%3A4.5.95-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:06
Riddellrandom symbol diferences, and that's just one library out of the several in that package17:10
yofelI'm just trying to create the symbol files fresh to make sure I didn't make a mistake somewhere..17:11
yofelit was the same when I wanted to backport it to maverick too17:11
shadeslayerRiddell: is the IP of the machine right?17:14
RiddellI've no idea17:15
Riddell184-73-126-198 s/-/./17:15
Riddellit also has an internal IP17:15
shadeslayerah thats going to be the internal ip then17:15
* Riddell out17:16
shadeslayerbye :D17:16
debfxScottK: I don't think that symbolshelper would be able to know that these symbols don't appear on armel17:20
ScottKdebfx: The issue isn't that they don't appear, but that they are named differently.  It think something is up with the demangling.17:21
debfxdoes this affect other libs as well?17:21
debfxScottK: the kdesdk build log says that they are just missing17:22
ScottKdebfx: Bug 684703 is a similar issue that MoDaX says if I used the symbols helper right it would have worked.17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 684703 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "Generated symbols different on different archs with gcc-4.5" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68470317:22
* ScottK looks at it again17:22
debfxmaybe we should just add (arch!=armel) to those symbols and hope for the best ;)17:23
debfxthat seems to a different issue17:23
ScottKdebfx: You're right.  I misread the build log.  I agree it's different.17:23
ScottKdebfx: If yofel feeds that build log into the symbolshelper it'll do that.17:24
yofelerm, I'm supposed to do what now?17:26
yofeland I tried to create libkastengui4.symbols fresh - same symbols list17:26
ScottKyofel: Then update the existing one with the build log on armel17:27
debfxyofel: and change (arch=amd64) to (arch!=armel)17:27
ScottKdebfx: symbolshelper will do that.17:28
ScottKyofel: Even better feed it the build logs for i386/amd64/powerpc/armel from that build.17:28
debfxScottK: maybe if you feed it with all build logs17:29
ScottKdebfx: Yes.  I think that's needed (forgot about that until now)17:29
yofelok, let me try..17:30
afiestasRiddell:  :o?17:36
QuintasanAnyone is keeping up to date with Telepathy in KDE support?17:36
* Quintasan will upload packages to ppa shortly17:36
yofelScottK: i386 and powerpc don't have any dpkg-gensymbols output in the buildlog, so should I manually change it to !=armel?17:37
ScottKyofel: Just use the build logs.  I think it will DTRT.17:37
ScottKIf it doesn't, then yes.17:37
yofelk, let's see...17:38
yofelpkgkde-symbolshelper: error: no valid patches found.17:38
yofelif I feed it the i386 build log17:39
ScottKI see.17:39
ScottKThis was with update, not create, right?17:40
yofelthat was with patch17:41
ScottKyofel: How about batchpatch?17:41
yofelfails too17:42
yofelScottK: that's the right command right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/556590/17:43
ScottKyofel: No.  point it at a directory that just has the build logs in it.17:44
yofelok, I'll try that17:45
yofelScottK: yields this http://paste.ubuntu.com/556591/17:49
ScottKyofel: Looks like it needs to be manually changed to !armel17:50
yofelScottK: here's the new file http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/17:54
ScottKyofel: Can I have a diff from the old one?17:54
yofelScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556594/17:56
ScottKyofel: Looks reasonable to me.  I'm not in a postition to upload it now though.17:56
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ (kdesdk on armel fix)17:57
yofelk, it probably won't be the only file that needs fixing..17:57
QuintasanScottK: http://i.imgur.com/UUX4v.png May I know what this is all about?17:58
ScottKQuintasan: I need some context.17:59
ScottKWhat's that from?17:59
QuintasanScottK: control in kdeplasma-addons17:59
Quintasanout bzr branch17:59
* ScottK doesn't recall.18:00
ScottKWe shouldn't need to build-dep on quilt (and that's the only change I see)18:00
QuintasanScottK: I'm not sure what on earth is this  <<<<<<<<<< TREE thingy18:03
JontheEchidna^a conflict18:03
QuintasanMeans I should merge those changes into something that works?18:04
JontheEchidnaright, then bzr resolve filename, iirc18:04
Quintasanoh, awesome18:04
Quintasanfirst time seeing this18:04
QuintasanI hope they fixed the damn crash in Nepomuk18:07
shadeslayerHERP DERP http://paste.kde.org/~shadeslayer/3008/18:25
yofelshadeslayer: where's kpastebinit btw...18:25
shadeslayeryofel: kpastebinit?18:25
shadeslayerlemme see if i can hack on it quickly18:26
shadeslayerherp derp18:29
shadeslayeryofel: its in trunk18:29
shadeslayeryofel: put http://paste.ubuntu.com/556605 in ~/pastebinit.d18:31
releaseloggershadeslayer: does your blog have a post yet?18:31
releaseloggeryofel: does your blog have a post yet?18:31
shadeslayerreleaselogger: no ...18:31
shadeslayerit wont till i fix neon18:32
releaseloggeryou are all lazy :P18:32
shadeslayerreleaselogger: fixing neon >>>> blog post18:32
* releaselogger needs someone to write him a phonon release blog post18:32
releaseloggershadeslayer: you are fixing phonon for a year already :P18:32
shadeslayer"Phonon version foobar was released, comes with support for unicorns, ponies and magiK, please dont report any bugs they are features "18:33
shadeslayerreleaselogger: am i?18:33
yofelrather help me fix dpkg - it gives nonsense errors...18:33
releaseloggerhow would I know18:33
* releaselogger is java haxx0r18:33
shadeslayerLOL Java18:34
releaseloggerme@avatar:~/src/svn/OAD-Moonlight/ex4$ grep -ri "main(" . |wc -l18:34
shadeslayerim obligated to say that everytime someone mentions Java18:34
yofelyou're the master of mains..18:34
releaseloggerand that is after me ripping main out of every flipping backend class18:34
* releaselogger being library dev does nto care about the ui :P18:35
shadeslayerreleaselogger: java is fscked ... switch to qt18:35
releaseloggerI proposed that18:35
releaseloggermy team was less than happy18:35
releaseloggeryet they do not speak java at all18:35
releaseloggerit is like I am communicating with apes over source files18:35
releaseloggersource file chatting18:35
releaseloggervery serious business18:35
releaseloggeralso java swing is nothing but fun18:36
releaseloggertheir layout system is rather sophisticated18:36
releaseloggerit predicates what you do not want to have and does it18:36
releaselogger9/10 times18:36
shadeslayershadeslayer@saphira ~ ±master⚡ » cat rekonq.diff | pastebinit -b http://paste.kde.org18:36
releaseloggerthey must have put years of work into that algorithm18:36
shadeslayerquit possibly18:37
shadeslayerreleaselogger: im hungry18:40
shadeslayerfeed me kookies18:40
shadeslayersigh ... too generic names http://paste.ubuntu.com/55660918:42
* releaselogger hands shadeslayer javabeans18:42
shadeslayerid rather die of hunger18:42
shadeslayerthan touch Jaa Vaah18:42
releaseloggeryour choice18:42
shadeslayeri still have to touch it twice every week18:42
* shadeslayer feels like showering after he touches java18:42
* yofel found a bug in pastebinit...18:45
yofelshadeslayer: and you rule!18:46
shadeslayersadly no18:46
shadeslayeryofel: java rulez the world18:46
shadeslayerthis means war18:46
shadeslayerreleaselogger: ^^18:46
yofelpython scoping by indentation is nice... as long as you put things into the right column......18:47
shadeslayerno its confusing18:47
shadeslayerC++ should rule the world18:48
shadeslayerits the most sane language i can read18:48
releaseloggeris a workaround for java18:48
shadeslayereverything else makes my mind go foobar18:48
releaseloggerjava is a workaround for shit18:48
releaseloggershit eventually gets produced by inhabitants of this nice planet18:48
releaseloggerin a way you all are responsible for java18:48
shadeslayerso kdegraphics ~done18:53
releaseloggershadeslayer: where is kronos?19:11
releaseloggerupstream grows ever so grumpy over missing akunambol packages19:11
shadeslayerreleaselogger: he was in here a few hours ago19:15
shadeslayer[20:51:41] <-- kronos (~bhargav@unaffiliated/bhargav) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)19:15
shadeslayerand its [00:46:00] now19:16
shadeslayerlibokular has so version bump19:18
shadeslayero_o http://www.linux-archive.org/kubuntu-development/476755-micha-zajcs-kubuntu-dev.html19:19
releaseloggershadeslayer: what year is it?19:23
shadeslayerreleaselogger: there's a so version bump from 1.5 to 1.6 in libokular, i dont suppose i have to bump name of package right19:24
shadeslayerreleaselogger: 211219:24
shadeslayerim in the future19:24
releaseloggerwe are out of sync again then19:24
* releaselogger is still in 201119:24
shadeslayerreleaselogger: quick get your spaceshipt19:25
ScottKreleaselogger: For Python to be a workaround for Java time travel is required.19:26
ScottKshadeslayer: That'd be kdegraphics19:26
shadeslayerScottK: yes, so i dont see a version bump for libkdcraw when so version was bumped from 8.0.0 to 8.1.019:27
ScottKshadeslayer: Increasing soversion doesn't require a package rename.19:27
shadeslayerok right, thats what i was confirming ... 19:28
shadeslayerScottK: version bump as in package version bump ... from libkdcraw8 to libkdcraw9 or something19:28
shadeslayeralrighty then, just need to fix0r up some files and it should be ready to go19:29
QuintasanIt's just me or depends on perl are broken?19:46
Quintasanperl: Depends: perl-base (= 5.10.1-16ubuntu1) but 5.10.1-17ubuntu1 is to be installed.19:46
yofelQuintasan: fine here19:50
hungerIs it international afghanistan day today or why is my keyboard suddenly set to af?19:56
yofelyou're on natty, aren't you?19:57
yofelconsole setup is somehow messed up there...19:57
jjessei had the same problem you click on the US at the top?19:57
hungerjjesse: Mz keyboard is not US...19:58
jjesseoh sorry19:58
jjessemy netbook on natty got set to AF as well19:58
hungerSo US is better, but still very wrong>\*19:58
yofelyeah, I got my german settings set to US/AF a while ago too, weird one19:58
=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
Quintasanlibkexiv2-dev is still 4.5.9519:59
Quintasanwho is doing kdegraphics?20:00
hungerdpkg-reconfigure keyboard-<Tab> helped... after I found the - sign :-)20:02
Quintasanyofel: hmm, still something wrong :S20:15
yofelQuintasan: your mirror out of sync maybe?20:29
shadeslayerprobably ^^20:29
Quintasanhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ out of sync?20:30
Quintasanu kidding me?20:30
yofelyeah, that shouldn't happen... I'm on amd64 de.archive.ubuntu.com20:33
shadeslayeryofel: can you branch from kubuntu members kdegraphics and fix changelog a bit?20:48
shadeslayerit should read UNRELEASED and no ~ppa20:48
yofelshadeslayer: wasn't it fine either way?20:58
yofelshadeslayer: no bandwitdh?20:58
shadeslayeryofel: that and a huge headache ... and the fact that im on windows20:59
Quintasanlol windows20:59
Quintasanhad to say that20:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah .. same thing with Java20:59
QuintasanJava > Python20:59
shadeslayerthere's this compiler i have to use for my college C++ projects21:00
shadeslayerand its ~15 years old21:00
shadeslayerkubotu: google Borland C++ IDE21:00
kubotuResults for Borland C++ IDE: 1. Borland C++ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borland_C%2B%2B | 2. Simple IDE for the Free Borland C/C++ 5.5 compiler: http://www.codecutter.net/tools/Bcc55Tools/Bcc55JFE.htm | 3. Free C++ and C compilers and C++ developers tools - Freebyte's ...: http://www.freebyte.com/programming/cpp/21:00
Quintasan>15 years old21:00
Quintasanwtf, is it an abacus or what? xD21:00
shadeslayerdoesnt even run in full screen mode in vista21:00
shadeslayerand i cant use gcc because it wont run at College21:01
shadeslayeri could do it using cygwin .. but i dont really want to use it21:01
Quintasanlol college21:01
yofelhm, never used borland c++, I did my first spaghetti code in school with Delphi though21:01
shadeslayeryofel: dont even thing about using it21:02
QuintasanI usually crack or guess the admin password and install Dev-C++ when I'm under Windoze21:02
shadeslayerno STL, no code completion, still uses conio.h etc21:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: my teacher will not accept my gcc compiled code21:02
Quintasanuse Dev-C++ dude21:02
Quintasanor install cygwin21:02
shadeslayerbelieve me .. ive tried21:02
shadeslayerthey wont budge21:03
shadeslayerit *has* to have conio.h and stuff21:03
QuintasanYou got some seriously lol college21:03
shadeslayeror my code is invalid :P21:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: yea21:03
yofelshadeslayer: graphics set to unreleased21:03
shadeslayerits pretty much the same in every college in India21:03
shadeslayeryofel: thanks :)21:03
QuintasanI think even here in Poland we use Linux at universities and not using gcc is like shooting your own foot21:04
shadeslayerQuintasan: people go wth when they have to deal with command line utilities21:04
* yofel tries his Xth attempt at fixing runtime21:04
yofelconffiles are a PITA21:04
shadeslayeryofel: ok lets move to #p-n to see whats the issue21:04
vanguardI have a question regarding makefiles: How can I add all my source files (*.java) as a dependency?21:16
shadeslayervanguard: read the make manual?21:17
shadeslayeralso .. idk if make can handle those files or not ... 21:18
vanguardshadeslayer: well, I guess it is the same than .c files21:18
shadeslayerwell then you need to add pre-requistes and targets 21:18
vanguardI so not want to write target: a.java b.java c.java but something smaller21:19
vanguardbut "target: *.java" does not work too well I think21:19
vanguardI got it now21:22
vanguardI have a question regarding makefiles: How can I add all my source files (*.java) as a dependency?21:22
vanguardsourceFiles = $(shell find . | egrep "\.java$$")21:23
apacheloggerjava "D21:25
apachelogger:D :D :D21:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: Attempting to instantiate unknown property widget item of type Qt::Key <<21:26
shadeslayersomeone is poking me about https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/games/gluon/repository/revisions/master/entry/engine/components/input/keyboardinput/keyboardinputcomponent.h21:26
apacheloggeryou brokes it21:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: just tell me what to tell the guy who is asking ...21:26
shadeslayeri want him off my back so i can focus on STL and Neon21:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is not the relevant file21:27
apacheloggerQt::Key is not used there at all21:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: huh? gluon? it is in like 0.70 version release xD21:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats what im wondering21:28
Quintasanshadeslayer: complain in #gluon if it is required by something :P21:29
* shadeslayer signs out of gtalk21:29
shadeslayernow to fix0r stuff i know21:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: just dont talk to people who cannot paste more than one line of compile output :P21:30
Quintasanapachelogger: who is in the kubunu-dev folks apart from you, Riddell, JontheEchidna, Lex and Scott?21:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: you? :P21:31
apacheloggerQuintasan: Tonio_21:31
apacheloggerQuintasan: nixternal probably21:31
QuintasanI mean someone should finish the grilling :P21:32
apacheloggersomeone should move their lazy arses and vote :P21:32
apacheloggerwe grilled everything already21:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: NCommander and lure21:32
apacheloggerthat is all of kubuntu developers21:32
QuintasanYou forgot to extinguish the fire (i.e finish voting) :P21:33
NCommandervote on what?21:33
shadeslayerNCommander: whether apachelogger is sane or not21:33
QuintasanNCommander: My kubuntu-dev application on ML21:33
Quintasanshadeslayer: Didn't we conclude that he is not?21:33
QuintasanLike, ages ago? :D21:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: in #p-n yes21:33
shadeslayerhere no21:33
Quintasan~karma apachelogger21:34
kubotukarma for apachelogger: 1021:34
apacheloggera vote on whether apachelogger is allowed to do development when he is sober21:34
ScottKapachelogger: When is that ever going to happen?21:35
apacheloggerI am sober rihgt now21:35
apacheloggeryou see21:35
apacheloggerwhen I am sober I do java programming21:35
apacheloggerwhen I am drunk I do phonon programming21:35
QuintasanI think if we held the vote we would be responsible for providing you with alcohol21:35
apacheloggerwhen I am completely wasted I do Kubuntu stuff21:35
QuintasanNo wonder Intrepid was crap ;)21:35
apacheloggercant even remember that one21:36
QuintasanThat's no wonder as well :D21:36
Quintasanshadeslayer: 21:38
Quintasan<xvilka> parsing statistics for our sites21:38
Quintasan<xvilka> a lot of visits from *.motorola.com subnet! :D21:38
Quintasanguys over at #milestone-modding21:39
Quintasanget a lots of visits from motorola subnet :DD21:39
vanguardapachelogger: I can understand that you make fun of Java. But that does not help you --- you did not know the answer to my question I guess ;-)21:43
apacheloggerI did not even see a question21:45
apacheloggernor did I look for one21:45
apacheloggernor do I think this here land is where you would get one21:46
vanguardquestion was how to add a list of files into a variable of a makefile21:46
apacheloggeras I and shadeslayer are probably the only ones in here who actually admit that we love java21:46
vanguardI figured out that name=$(shell find . | egrep ...) works for me21:46
apacheloggerhow is that related to kubuntu development?21:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes ... we should sekretly open #java-love21:51
shadeslayerwell ... or something of that sorts21:52
apacheloggerswing layouting just ate my frame21:55
apacheloggerit vanished21:56
apacheloggermaybe it hides behind the moon :S21:56
shadeslayernight all21:59
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so phonon 4.4.4 ships with the gstreamer codec installation support?23:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes23:04
apacheloggeralso we want https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/phonon/phonon-gstreamer/repository/revisions/3784b33b487a7db3f526a59a384d9a978be745fd23:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: activated by default23:04
apacheloggerit is a cmake option23:04
apacheloggershould be turned off for maverick23:04
apacheloggeras aptcc on maverick is the broken WRT this foo23:04
JontheEchidnaaptcc has broken codec install?23:05
apacheloggernot in git master23:05
apacheloggernot sure if it is fixed in natty already23:05
JontheEchidnaok, since 4.4.4 just shipped and QApt isn't set for a feature release for a while I'm going to do a standalone release of the codec installer23:06
JontheEchidnaFor QApt 1.2 it will be in the utils/ subdirectory in a folder alongside qapt-batch23:07
JontheEchidnathough really it does duplicate some code from qapt-batch so I should see about merging the two23:07
JontheEchidnathe trick will be allowing the cmdline args to support both Gst's requirements while still being able to use it for regular pacakge install23:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if argv[0].contains("gstreamer-codec-install")?23:09
JontheEchidnaI could check the existance of the --transient-for flag and branch off of that23:10
apacheloggerI think argv is more reliable :P23:11
Riddellyofel: thanks for looking at kdesdk, you can just add it to bzr packaging and we'll upload it with 4.623:18
RiddellI would be curious to know why it's different on arm though23:19
yofelI don't know that much about symbols to know why they're just missing...23:19
yofeleek, which reminds me23:19
yofeldebfx: did you use the fixed symbols file for your 4.6 package?23:19
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Congrats to Quintasan on becoming Kubuntu dev | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | alpha 2 bugs http://goo.gl/yGhJd | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
yofel*sigh* - akonadi and neon is driving me nuts, no matter what I tell it, it *insists* on using /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi, not mysqld-neon-akonadi as defined per cmake23:22
yofelI wonder if akonadictl is even using the right akonadi server23:22
Riddellyou know -DMYSQLD_EXECUTABLE is defined twice in debian/rules ?23:23
Riddell(in the normal archive akonadi package)23:24
yofelwe don't use cdbs so our rules is written from scratch23:24
Riddelllooks fine23:25
Riddellso maybe akonadictl is using the wrong one, try rm /usr/bin/akonadiserver23:26
yofelstill fails, so I guess it's using the right one... http://paste.ubuntu.com/556688/23:29
* yofel tries a package with default mysqld23:31
yofelI'll spend some more time on this tomorrow, it does work if I completely remove 'akonadi-server'23:44

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