
moseswhats the best pdf viewer to install?00:05
DarkriftXmoses: there should be one installed00:16
mosesthere is00:20
mosesi love this OS00:20
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rtdosis there a way to launch Akregator minimized (in the system tray) ?00:55
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ussher_in KDE3 the taskbar at the bottom had a > that if you clicked it would suck the bottom screen navigation back into the >.  What is that called? and does KDE4 have this too?02:39
luis_hello guys can somebody help in here i am trying to open this links:02:53
luis_Installing Wine:02:53
luis_Once you have added the WineHQ PPA Repository, you are ready to install.02:53
luis_To get the most recent Wine 1.3 beta, click this link to install the wine1.3 package.02:53
luis_To install the older, stable Wine 1.2 version, click this link to install the wine1.2 package.02:53
FloodBotK1luis_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
luis_and i get error02:54
luis_Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt) isn't associated with any program.02:55
luis_can you help me please???02:55
luis_ok let me try again02:58
luis_i am tryin to get wine 1.3 i need it to install IE because there's this webpage that works only with it, i already did this: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa i did it for kubuntu hardy and once i did that i think i need to get wine fro here: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb  but whenever i click on those links i get this: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt) isn't associated with any program. is there03:01
luis_someone here that can help me to fix this so i can get the latest wine please???03:01
FloodBotK1luis_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:01
luis_i aM NOT03:01
luis_just read03:01
luis_so anyone in here that know how can i fix this ???03:05
valorieluis, isn't wine in your package search?03:15
valorieit's always better to use your distro tools03:16
valoriealso, just ignore floodbot, he's just a stupid bot03:16
valoriealso, can't you just change your browser to look like IE for the stupid website?03:17
valorieopera, at least, used to be able to do this easily03:17
valoriefinal question: why are you using such an old version of kubuntu?03:18
dan_____I have a kubuntu machine using full-disk encryption03:21
dan_____and I can't seem to access the GRUB menu on startup03:21
dan_____no matter what key i press03:21
dan_____any ideas?03:22
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:24
luis_hey valorie03:24
luis_i am still looking for a solution03:24
luis_yes it is but like i am explaining03:25
luis_i do need the latest03:25
luis_and i did follow what i place up there03:25
luis_but some reason the system is not updating so i can get the latest wine03:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:25
valorieHardy is immensely old03:26
luis_like my pc03:26
luis_i cannot use the latest kubuntu becauise my computer can't handle them03:26
valoriemight be easier to use a lighter desktop and more up-to-date kernel though03:26
luis_to heavy for my little procesor03:26
luis_and with hardy works just fine03:27
valoriemaybe xubuntu?03:27
luis_is bad03:27
luis_and by the way03:27
valorienot sure you can use new wine with old kubuntu03:27
luis_i also try that03:27
luis_the newest03:27
luis_still can run properly on my pc03:27
luis_so is there anyother way to use03:27
luis_ok maybe you can help me03:28
luis_here is the problem03:28
valorieI don't think I have that expertise03:28
luis_i work selling insurance03:28
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.03:28
luis_we at the company have this webpage03:28
luis_but it won't work with firefox03:28
valorieso you shouldn't be in firefox03:29
luis_only with IE03:29
valorieyou should be in your desktop03:29
valoriewhen you doubleclick that file03:29
luis_and i found a way to work it out03:29
luis_but it does ask for the latest wine03:29
luis_that's why i am trying to isntall thelatest03:30
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luis_there's this page that provides support so the latest wine can be installed in kubuntu hardy: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa03:31
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luis_and i did all that just fine03:31
luis_so when you do that the repositories suppose to be up to date on that specific software but in this case is not happening03:32
luis_i got no errors at all is just not updating03:32
luis_and also i am trying to get the latest in here: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb03:32
valorieOK, there are two ways to add software03:33
luis_but whenever i click on the link that is to ment to get wine1.3 i get this: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt) isn't associated with any program.03:33
valorieone is within your distro, by using the repositories03:33
luis_wich is the one i did rioght?03:34
valoriethe other is using debs -- do not confuse the two03:34
valorieyou don't use debs with repositories03:34
luis_debs is to do it manually right?03:34
luis_you get the tar file and compile it right?03:34
valorieyes, and you should only do that if the first method fails03:34
valorieit isn't clear to me that you have finished the first03:35
valoriefirst you add the repository, then you "apt-get update"03:35
luis_i did that03:35
luis_once you do that03:35
valoriethen apt-get install wine03:35
luis_if you open adept manager you suppose to have the latest right?03:35
valorieif you update adept, sure03:36
luis_but it is not there03:36
valorieI've not really ever used adept03:36
luis_still the old wine03:36
dan_____the only GUI for GRUB2 configuration right now is the gnome startupmanager?03:36
valorieapt is one system, adept is another03:36
macovalorie: not really03:37
luis_i get wine1.2.1 instead of wine1.3 not even wine1.2.203:37
valorieif you updated apt, that doesn't necessarily update adept03:37
macovalorie: adept is an apt frontend, just like kpackagekit, iirc03:37
maco(or synapic, or ubuntu software center, etc, etc)03:37
valoriemaco is much more knowledgeable than I am03:37
macoi never used adept though. was a gnome user back when that was the thing to use03:37
luis_so maco can you help me please03:37
luis_i can use any of them03:38
macoahhhh apturl right03:38
macohang on....03:38
luis_but nor one or the other is working to install the latest wine03:38
macoinstall apturl-kde03:38
macomight need to restart firefox03:38
macohmm its that firefox doesnt know about the apturl stuff for kde, only for gnome (*sigh*)03:39
macodoes it ask what program to use to install the stuff from apt:// protocol?03:39
macoif so, /usr/bin/apturl-kde03:40
luis_well terminal says: couldn't find any package whose name or description matched apturl-kde03:40
claydohimo attempting to run IE in wine is a thankless and nervewracking task03:42
maconow thats odd03:43
claydohhttp://www.playonlinux.com is the closest to an easy way to do it03:43
macoyou're not using something more than 2 years old are you?03:44
macooooh you are. hardy03:44
luis_what about this playonlinux? does that does the same as IE?03:45
macothere may be someone doing wine backports for hardy, but the apt:// thing the website was having you do is exactly teh same as using the package manager03:45
luis_so in other words03:45
luis_i am stuck03:45
macoso if 1.2.1 is all its offering, thats it for the official repos, though you can try the hardy-backports repo in the software sources settings03:45
luis_and no way that i can do it03:45
macono thats not true03:46
luis_so how do i do what you say?03:46
macoyou just cant use an apt:// link... can certainly still download a deb and double click it03:46
macobut before going that route, id look for a repository that keeps up to date with it03:46
macosomewhere in your settings (i dont know where as ive never used 8.04's version of kde) there's software sources. thats where you set what mirror you use, wehther you get all updaes or just security ones, etc.03:47
luis_i did this: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa03:47
luis_for hardy of course03:47
macotheres a checkbox in there to enable the backports repo, which gets you newer releases of software than what was available when your kubuntu release came out03:47
macoah ok you got the ppa, great03:47
macothen "sudo apt-get update" and then install wine is all you should need03:47
luis_thats what i am saying03:47
luis_i did that03:47
macowhatever version's in the ppa should become available to you03:47
luis_but is not updating03:47
luis_i dont know why03:48
luis_it doesn't give an errors it just don't update03:48
luis_i still see wine1.203:48
luis_instead of wine1.303:48
claydohluis_: do it from the command line to see an error message if any:03:48
claydohsudo apt-get update03:48
luis_i did that03:48
luis_several time03:49
claydohthen apt-get dist-upgrade03:49
luis_and it doesn't work03:49
luis_ok here is what i did03:49
yofelthat's not the problem - the problems is that that ppa has NO wine 1.3 HARDY packages03:49
macoyep yofel got it03:49
luis_sudo apt-get update, then upgrade, dist-upgrade, aptitude update, upgrade, dist-upgrade and dafe-upgrade03:49
macothe ppa only has that version there ^03:50
luis_all fot them one by one03:50
luis_that's it03:50
luis_after ours and hours03:50
claydohyup, yofel is correct there is no 1.3 for hardy03:50
luis_hahahaha thanks a lot yofel03:50
luis_still doesn't solve my issue03:51
macounless winehq has some stash of debs somewhere, you're going to have to compile wine03:51
luis_i also did that but is not working let me paste bin what i got03:52
claydohluis_: I still suggest layonlinux03:52
claydohhas hardy packages03:52
claydohand uses wine to install IE, etc03:52
luis_here is my issue03:52
luis_at my work we use this thing to get the prices when selling an insurance it is a large company so we get speacial prices but in order to get this we need to get to a special webpage address and that page won't work properly on firefox03:53
luis_so googlin i found that theres a way to install IE so that web page can work properly03:54
claydohbut as men tioned it may be easier to change the user-agent string to spoof ie, or try other bowsers03:54
luis_that playonlinux would do?03:54
claydohI have to do this on my work's trianing website03:54
luis_i also try google-chrome03:55
claydohplayonlinux uses wine to help install IE among other things, it even downloads wine files if needed03:55
luis_won't work much less konkeror03:55
luis_ok let me rry that03:55
luis_see you in a while03:55
claydohchanging the user-agent to 'spoof' IE may also work, as is making sure you have the latest Firefox03:57
claydohkonqueror in Hardy is quite old and not quite a good broswer back then :)03:58
luis_never been03:59
luis_i don't know why they even still use konkeror03:59
luis_so basically this playonlinux is like wine?04:00
claydohit is actually  a decent browser these days04:01
claydohplayon linux is using wine to do whatever is needed to install IE as well as other things04:02
claydohits just a graphical way of doing it as iirc it is rather complicated process to do manually04:02
luis_well is is installing it04:03
claydohit download whatever it needs to do so, including wine itself04:03
luis_so once it finish installing i run playonlinux to install IE?04:03
claydohI used it last week thinking a site wasn't looking good in ff, konq, etc04:03
claydohbut it was just a poorly written site that didn't work well in IE either :)04:04
claydohyes, and other things as well tho I did not use it for anything else04:04
luis_that's actually my thinkng as well04:05
luis_i only need to get that web page working properly04:06
claydohluis_: how old is your computer? My laptop is 7+ year old p4 and it runs KDE 4 quite well04:06
claydohbut i do have 1gb ram04:06
phoenix_firebrddoes anyone experience jumping of mouse cursor in kde 4.6 rc2 ?04:07
claydohhopefully i can upgrade to somethin olny 3 or 4 years old soon04:07
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: i have the same config04:08
claydohphoenix_firebrd: I don't have any cursor probs04:08
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: how much  is your internel graphics card memory04:08
claydohphoenix_firebrd: 8mb radeon04:08
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: kde 4.6 rc2?04:09
claydohphoenix_firebrd: yes, using Natty04:09
luis_the latest kubuntu04:09
luis_i hae installed04:09
luis_and it runs kind of ok04:09
luis_but for some reason it keeps shooting down on itself after certain time04:09
luis_that's why i went back to hardy04:10
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: my cursor sometimes jumps when it reaches the left corners04:10
luis_cause it doesn¿t like to be on the spot :P lol04:11
phoenix_firebrdluis_: can you define certain time04:11
luis_like every 15 minutes04:11
phoenix_firebrdluis_: what version of kde?04:11
luis_good qustion04:11
luis_what do you mean04:12
luis_kde the one that comes with the latest kubuntu04:12
luis_i have here de iso04:12
luis_let me see it04:12
phoenix_firebrdluis_: open the file browser dolphin, goto menu ->help->about kde04:12
phoenix_firebrdluis_: there you can see the kde version04:13
yofelphoenix_firebrd: he's on hardy, so that will result in 3.504:13
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i am asking about the one he used before that04:13
claydohphoenix_firebrd: when I put my cursor to the left corner of my screen, it does the 'present windows effect' :) as it is supposed to do by default04:13
yofelphoenix_firebrd: sure, but he'll have to reboot into that for your instructions04:14
luis_thats what i have now04:14
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: i never heard of the prevent window effect04:14
claydohphoenix_firebrd: hah present windows rather04:15
luis_and the one i did actually installed because i want it to have the latest was: 10.04 LTS04:15
phoenix_firebrdyou tried 10.04 lts right?04:15
phoenix_firebrdluis_: you tried 10.04 lts right?04:15
luis_but with this last one my computer keeps shooting down like every 15 minutes04:15
luis_even when installing it this i notice was happening04:15
claydohimo 10.10 is better quality in terms of KDE version04:16
luis_let's see04:16
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: +104:16
phoenix_firebrdluis_: try 10.1004:16
* claydoh snoozes, have to get up and move snow in the AM :(04:16
phoenix_firebrdclaydoh: snow?04:17
luis_don't have that04:17
luis_but one thing i can tell you04:17
luis_i even try debian50704:17
luis_thats the lates04:17
phoenix_firebrdluis_: where did you get the 10.04 image?04:17
luis_on kubuntu webpage04:18
phoenix_firebrdluis_: try downloading the latest kubuntu version ie., 10.10 and try it04:19
luis_you know04:19
luis_i have been thinking04:19
phoenix_firebrdluis_: the kde in 10.10 is much faster and stable04:19
luis_maybe is the kde04:19
luis_i like that04:20
phoenix_firebrdluis_: very fast04:20
luis_let me ask you this04:20
luis_have you try debian?04:20
phoenix_firebrdluis_: no04:20
claydohphoenix_firebrd: yes, snow. it is winter here :)04:20
luis_it feels so light04:20
luis_but when browsing04:20
luis_any aplication runs really fast and smoth on my computer04:21
luis_but if i go surfing on the web turns to slow04:21
luis_but i like what you say about the latest kubuntu04:21
luis_but do you think my coimputer will handle it?04:22
luis_let me see my computer features04:22
phoenix_firebrdluis_: debian's main  aim is stablity. but the downside is that the proprietary drivers are not packaged04:22
luis_that is true04:22
luis_the only way to get the lates kubuntu is burning the iso04:23
luis_another question04:23
phoenix_firebrdluis_: mine computer config  is p4 3.0 ghz, 1 gb ram and nvidia 9400gt 512 mb, works great for me04:23
luis_let me tell you mine features04:23
phoenix_firebrdluis_: you can always order the cd, but can you wait till that04:24
luis_intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40 Ghz cache size 512 KB04:26
phoenix_firebrdluis_: my brother's system is the same one. kubuntu 10.10 works fine04:27
yofelyep, I have a p4 2.54GHz with 1GiB RAM and an nvidia 6<something> and it runs 10.10 fine04:28
luis_my RAM is half of it04:28
luis_no nvidia04:28
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thats kubuntu04:28
yofelphoenix_firebrd: yes04:29
phoenix_firebrdluis_: kubuntu 10.10's minimum required ram is 25604:30
phoenix_firebrdluis_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes04:31
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luis_than i have another question04:32
luis_as you know there's this adept manager and it always tells me if i want to upgrade04:32
phoenix_firebrdluis_: sure it wil04:33
luis_is there a way to do the upgrade to kubuntu10.10 from hardy? on terminal?04:33
JontheEchidnanot directly. You have to go from 8.04 -> 10.04, and then to 10.1004:33
phoenix_firebrdluis_: i think it is possible, but i wont recommend04:33
luis_cause terminal is faster i think04:33
luis_so best think is to make a fresh install04:34
phoenix_firebrdluis_: ya04:34
luis_i got that04:34
luis_so you are actually telling me that this new kubuntu is way better than the former ones? lucis and karmic? that is also lighter than the former ones?04:35
phoenix_firebrdluis_: there is a new feature called, caching that is used by the latest kde makes it very fast04:36
luis_mmm i like that04:36
phoenix_firebrdluis_: on jan 26 kde 4.6 is going to be released04:37
luis_well i think that kde4 is heavy for my computer and that is why with the new version gets slower and also shoot down on its own04:38
luis_but this kde4.6 is going to be lighter acording to what you are telling me right?04:38
phoenix_firebrdluis_: check you ram04:38
luis_how do i check my ram?04:39
phoenix_firebrdluis_: when you run the live cd, at the boot menu, there will be an option called , memory test, use that and check for any ram defects04:39
luis_ooo but that takes ages04:40
luis_i did that once04:40
luis_never finished04:40
luis_i stop my computer04:40
phoenix_firebrdluis_: i think it wont finish04:40
luis_i left it all night long04:40
phoenix_firebrdluis_: run it for certain time and see it it reports any data loss04:40
luis_so how do i know if it doesn¿t give a report sorry but for this matters i think i am a little stupid04:41
luis_certain time like minutes or hours?04:41
phoenix_firebrdluis_: read this .http://www.memtest.org/04:42
phoenix_firebrdluis_: try for 20 or 30 min04:42
phoenix_firebrdluis_: or what ever the above link says04:42
phoenix_firebrdluis_: see that if the application reports something like 'data lost'04:44
luis_i see04:44
phoenix_firebrdluis_: i got to go now, bye04:45
luis_thank you very much04:46
luis_take care04:46
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MadRush2how do you select which sound card you want to use in 10.0405:28
MadRush2kind of odd to have an irc channel with 220 people in it but nobody talking05:30
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bigbrovarHi guys, is anyone else experiencing this bug on Kubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-menubar/+bug/70152707:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 701527 in plasma-widget-menubar (Ubuntu) "Some Qt applications freezes Plasma-shell on start with plasma-widget-menubar enabled" [Undecided,New]07:24
bigbrovarThat bug is really making my experience a nightmare.07:26
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monzieHello all10:29
mandlaAparted from gparted what other partition editors are available for Kubuntu 10.1010:34
phoenix_firebrdmandla: kparted10:35
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mandlaphoenix_firebrd: is it available in apt-get repos?10:35
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phoenix_firebrdmandla: no10:36
mandlaphoenix_firebrd: How to i install it?10:36
valorieafaik is already installed in 10.1010:37
mandlavalorie: thanx10:38
phoenix_firebrdmandla: try this "partition manager" in apt and see if it is installed10:38
phoenix_firebrdmandla: this will be helpfull to you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_disk_partitioning_software10:38
mandlaphoenix_firebrd: yah its installing, thanx10:39
phoenix_firebrdmandla: welcome10:39
phoenix_firebrdvalorie: do you have gparted10:40
mandlaphoenix_firebrd: so i can format my external HDD with it?10:40
mandlaphoenix_firebrd: gparted is not stable in 10.1010:40
phoenix_firebrdmandla: you can10:40
phoenix_firebrdmandla: ya thats the problem10:40
valorieno, gparted would be a gnome app10:44
valorienot installed on my system10:44
valoriekparted doesn't exist anymore, I don't think10:45
valoriepartitionmanager is the new app10:45
valoriehmmm, but I'm wrong, it isn't installed by default10:46
valoriesorry for the wrong info10:46
HackeMatecould kubuntu run fluid in pentium4 with 1gb ram?10:46
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: mine has the same configuration p4 3.0ghz 1 gb ram, kubuntu 10.10 works fine for me10:48
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: what is the gpu?10:48
HackeMatean intregated one10:49
HackeMateintel i believe10:49
HackeMatenot gamer computer, just an office one10:49
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: the desktop effects wont be nice. so disable it10:49
HackeMateelse will be ok?10:50
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: you can do some tweaks to make it faster10:50
HackeMatei dont mind too much about effects10:50
HackeMateoh, good10:50
HackeMategoogle will advice me i guess10:50
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: ya10:50
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: search for diabling services and tweaking kde oxygen10:51
phoenix_firebrdHackeMate: if you are not going to use any sound related things, you can uninstall pulseaudio10:52
HackeMateokey :)10:54
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mantas_Newbiehello everyone11:15
mantas_Newbiecould anyone help me pls?11:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:20
mantas_Newbiesorry, im first time here.. new kubuntu user. I need help to add key indicator for changing languages in typing...11:21
mantas_NewbieI saw some information that u add key indicator by clicking on panel and when "add to panel" in ubuntu.. but it seems it is a little bit different in kubuntu... and i cant find..how to do that.. still googling11:23
mantas_Newbie!ask checking...11:24
mantas_Newbie!ask language11:24
mantas_Newbie!ask keyboard11:25
mantas_Newbie!ask help11:25
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:25
valorienot sure exactly what you are looking for....11:26
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html | See also !Shortcuts11:26
valoriethat might be what you need?11:26
mantas_Newbieill check thanks11:27
valoriethe point of a help channel is that those who can help will speak up11:27
mantas_Newbiexubuntu and kubuntu is the same?11:27
valorieno, xubuntu uses the xfce desktop, while kubuntu uses the Plasma (KDE) desktop11:32
valorielike Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop11:32
valoriebut the *buntu part, yes, that's the same11:33
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ct529hi guys .... i am having so many problems with kwin/xorg and cpu/memory preformance that I switched to icewm .... anyone experiencing similar problems?11:37
ct529In particular when I have firefox running, my laptop jams constantly .... handfuls of sceond to execute anything .... nothing of that sort with icewm (or gnome even, but icewm miles better)11:39
ct529windows that freeze for secobnds at a time when maximised and so on .... kde 454 on 1004 lts at 64 bit here11:40
ubottuError: KDE bug 454 could not be found11:40
mantas_Newbieback to my problem: in the link given few minutes ago says to configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf file... but there is no such a file in my kubuntu...11:41
ct529mantas_Newbie: $ locate xorg.conf returns /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:42
ct529mantas_Newbie: try locate11:43
mantas_Newbiethat $ means i have to past to terminal?11:44
ct529mantas_Newbie: if you do not have the file that is a bit of a problem then :-D11:44
ct529mantas_Newbie: yep, in terminal, write "locate xorg.conf" then press "enter"11:44
ct529mantas_Newbie: what graphic card do you have11:47
mantas_Newbiei just found xorg.conf.d in usr/share/x11 but thats folder11:47
ct529mantas_Newbie: integrated what? what chip? what version did you install?11:48
ct529mantas_Newbie: version of kubuntu?11:48
mantas_Newbiei thought i dont need any drivers in kubuntu11:48
mantas_Newbieso i did not instal anythinig11:48
ct529mantas_Newbie: well, what is your chipset?11:49
mantas_Newbieif I was in windows.. i could tell chip and other info about graphic card now not sure11:49
jelektrai just install kubuntu11:49
mantas_Newbiei ll try to check in asus support for my laptop11:49
ct529mantas_Newbie: try that: $lspci -v | grep -i vga11:51
ct529mantas_Newbie: and let me know11:51
mantas_Newbiethats enough?11:52
ct529mantas_Newbie: good ....11:52
ct529mantas_Newbie: well, could you please paste the whole line?11:53
mantas_Newbie00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])11:53
mantas_Newbiehonestly, i  did not write any drivers at all.. should i instal some of them?11:54
ct529mantas_Newbie: don't worry .... that should be supported, what is the problem?11:54
mantas_Newbieem... we were looking for graphic driver.. without knowing problem;) i think problem is not related with drivers11:55
mantas_Newbieas i said before..11:55
mantas_Newbiei need key indicator or sth like this tthat i could switch languages for typing in office or anywhere else11:56
mantas_Newbiein more details.. i need english(us) and lithuanian11:56
mantas_Newbielanguage layouts11:56
ct529mantas_Newbie: why are looking at the xorg then? and you must have a xorg.conf file!11:57
mantas_Newbiesomebody here..told me to do that11:57
mantas_Newbiethats why https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html11:58
ct529mantas_Newbie: is kde working?11:58
mantas_Newbiesorry i need explanation how to know that...11:59
ct529mantas_Newbie: that is very very old help .... forget about it11:59
ct529mantas_Newbie: are you in the graphicla interface?11:59
mantas_Newbiei am windows user for about 12 years11:59
ct529mantas_Newbie: open a terminal11:59
ct529mantas_Newbie: write "systemsettings" and press "enter"12:00
ct529mantas_Newbie: go to "hardware" and "input devices"12:00
ct529mantas_Newbie: go to the tab "layout"12:00
mantas_Newbiei already using it.. in country/region & language...12:00
ct529mantas_Newbie: that is what you are looking for12:00
ct529mantas_Newbie: click on "configure layout"12:01
ct529mantas_Newbie: click on "add layout"12:01
ct529mantas_Newbie: choose language "Lithuanian"12:02
mantas_Newbiethanks a lot12:02
mantas_Newbiei got that button12:02
mantas_Newbieon panel;)12:02
ct529mantas_Newbie: with the arrow put Lithuanian on top of the list, and then click "apply"12:03
ct529mantas_Newbie: and it is done!12:03
mantas_Newbiethanks its working12:03
ct529mantas_Newbie: np, have a good day12:03
mantas_Newbiethank you a lot.. but i think i will come back here a lot;)12:03
ct529mantas_Newbie: ;)12:04
mantas_Newbieso briefly, do i need to instal any drivers and antivirus to kubuntu?;)12:05
ct529mantas_Newbie: the drivers should be in your kernel .... if you try $dpkg -L xserver-xorg-video-intel, these should be the driver for your card12:09
ct529mantas_Newbie: as antivirus, the real problem is that you can pass windows virus to other windows machines, but they do not affect linux12:09
mantas_Newbieany way to make working all buttons for mouse?12:09
vanguardmantas_Newbie: You might need to install a graphics card driver, you find these in the "Additional Drivers" Program12:10
ct529mantas_Newbie: you can install clamav , just do $ sudo pat-get install clamav12:10
ct529mantas_Newbie: let me know whether you have the drivers I mentioned12:11
ct529mantas_Newbie: that is, let me know what it says when you do $dpkg -L xserver-xorg-video-intel12:11
mantas_Newbiei got over 20 lines after that12:11
ct529mantas_Newbie: ok, good it is installed12:12
mantas_Newbiepaths in lines12:12
ct529mantas_Newbie: you have the drivers .... what is the problem with your mouse?12:12
mantas_Newbiei cant use back.forward12:12
mantas_Newbiein web browser or dolphin12:12
ct529mantas_Newbie: sorry, I am lost .... what do you want to do????12:13
mantas_Newbieu know.. side buttons on mouse?;)12:13
mantas_Newbieusually u use them for functions as BACK or FORWARD12:13
ct529mantas_Newbie: no12:13
ct529mantas_Newbie: I have 3 buttons on the mouse her12:13
vanguardmantas_Newbie: I know what you mean, but I do not have the solution. But my mouse has 7 buttons ...12:14
ct529mantas_Newbie: how many buttons do you have?12:14
mantas_Newbiesome mice have 5 buttons12:14
mantas_Newbieor even more12:14
ct529mantas_Newbie: what is the model of your mouse?12:14
mantas_Newbiecordless logitech..  i will findout soon12:14
ct529mantas_Newbie: it should be under the mouse, on a label12:14
mantas_Newbiemy label might be under batteries:D12:15
ct529mantas_Newbie: you can go on logitech website and look for it12:16
ct529mantas_Newbie:  is this it http://www.logitech.com/en-gb/for-business/products/mice-presentation-devices/devices/4900?12:16
mantas_Newbiemx 610 laser cordless mouse from logitech12:17
ct529mantas_Newbie: look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-332256.html12:18
mantas_Newbieagain that xorg.conf file12:18
mantas_Newbiewhich is missing12:18
mantas_Newbiein my kubuntu12:19
ct529mantas_Newbie: and this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input12:19
ct529mantas_Newbie: did you run the command $locate xorg.conf12:19
mantas_Newbieyeah it found only xorg.conf.d which looked like folder.. and there wasnt any files like xorg.conf inside12:19
ct529mantas_Newbie: ok, this is the right guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Logitech_MX61012:20
mantas_Newbieubuntu is more popular?12:21
ct529mantas_Newbie: use this last one12:21
mantas_Newbiethan kubuntu?12:21
mantas_Newbieso if i need help with kubuntu.. i can look for it in ubuntu forums too yeah?12:21
ct529mantas_Newbie: it is the same family .... the configuration files are the same for ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu, and so on12:21
mantas_Newbiethe latest guide using xorg.conf too12:23
mantas_Newbieis it usual problem that this file is missing?12:23
ct529mantas_Newbie: it does not make much difference, there is agood guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:23
mantas_Newbiewhat about path like this... /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/examples/xorg.conf12:24
ct529mantas_Newbie: instead of having only one file, you have different files in the directory xorg.conf.d12:24
ct529mantas_Newbie: but they are all read as a file12:24
ct529mantas_Newbie: read the last guide I sent you first, then you read the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Logitech_MX610, and you will probably solve the problem12:24
ct529mantas_Newbie: if you still have the problem I will be aorund later12:25
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ct529In particular when I have firefox running, my laptop jams constantly .... handfuls of sceond to execute anything .... nothing of that sort with icewm (or gnome even, but icewm miles better)12:29
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etidhorhi all12:44
saivinobahi 'uname -p' gives output as 'unknown'. But I get correct info regarding my processor in Slackware. how do i get this info in kubuntu?13:00
ct529saivinoba: uname -m13:03
ct529saivinoba: use lscpu as well13:04
saivinobact529: -m just says arch.13:04
saivinobalscpu is very informative. thanks13:05
ct529saivinoba: np13:05
saivinobabut why dont we get this info in uname? its same in debian and fedora. it works fine in slack and gentoo..13:05
ct529saivinoba: cpuid gives you the complete extended information13:06
ct529saivinoba: sudo apt-get install cpuid if you do not have it13:06
ct529saivinoba: I have no idea why13:06
saivinobact529: i got the info i needed. as for 'why' i will google... thanks :-)13:08
ct529saivinoba: np13:08
ct529have to go, bye!13:10
dsemblano<saivinoba> uname -a13:10
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ivan__hi, is there any problem with kubuntu 10.10? i've it freezing a lot, just mouse work, keyboard and the whole system does not... it's not only my pc, also on another one (complete different system/hardware) from a clean setup13:21
dsemblano<ivan__> mine is working well, despite some kde issues13:32
dsemblano<ivan__> if your system freezes a lot, could it be video driver issues, which video card are you using?13:32
ivan__dsemblano: don't think it's the video card.... here i've a nvidia, on the other an ati13:36
ivan__i've tried both open and closed drivers13:36
ivan__with both enabled and disabled effects13:36
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BluesKajivan__, hve you instaaled the reommended nvidia drivers in system hardware drivers ?13:39
ivan__BluesKaj: yes13:39
BluesKajmy KB is acting up again ...searching for new batteries13:40
BluesKajwhich driver is it ?13:41
BluesKajand which nvidia card?13:41
BluesKajivan__, I repeat , which nvivia card and which driver13:47
BluesKajerr nvidia13:47
ivan__BluesKaj: sorry, when i tried it was the last recommended available, don't remember the version... now i'm trying with the open one, but it's the same13:48
ivan__BluesKaj: the card is a nvs 160m13:48
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BluesKajivan__, the driver is the 260.19.12 ?13:51
ivan__BluesKaj: i don't remember13:52
BluesKajthe nvidia x server settings in the kmenu/system will tell you, ivan__ ...we have to know if it's the correct driver for your card13:53
ivan__BluesKaj: as i said now i've installed the open driver, so i don't have the closed one anymore, neither the nvidia settings in the system menu13:54
BluesKajok , if that's what you want13:56
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GHHI am having a great problem after removing kdm just for getting console login15:02
GHHCan someone help me please?15:02
TheBobberHi. I installed 10.10 using wubi  but there's a couple of problems... on boot there's a problem with /dev/str1 & just before the logon screen there's a ubuntu-logon messages that has a failed attached to it & then when I try & restart from the logon screen it doesn't... it just goes to a black screen & sits there15:03
GHHCan someone help me please?15:03
BluesKajGHH, sudo service kdm start15:05
BluesKajGHH, or startx15:06
GHHBluesKaj, When i start the pc it giving me alot of thing like debug and hanging15:06
GHHIt is not giving me to type anything15:07
TheBobberBluesKaj: I think he means he removed kdm & can't get to a command prompt even now15:07
GHHTheBobber, correct15:08
BluesKajGHH, ok reboot , then hold the shift key down to get the grub menu, then choose the recovery kernel and then in the dialog choose fix broken packages and either reboot or startx15:08
GHHThe last line i can remember: fsck linux-util15:08
GHHdev/sda3:clean,44433/98732,file 908392/39588415:09
GHHand then taking so long time but nothing happening15:10
BluesKajreboot ,and do what I posted above15:10
GHHcoming back soon15:11
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TheBobberany ideas on the 3 errors I listed? it's a fresh installed booted only to log in screen & no further15:28
BluesKajTheBobber, /dev/str1 ?15:33
TheBobberthink that's it... might have muddled the order up15:34
GHHBluesKaj, no, It is not working and just hanging15:36
GHHi thought it is working and i waited for 20-30 minute but no. at least i pres the control + alter delete to reboot15:38
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GHHBluesKaj, any solve ?15:41
TheBobberno that's not it15:43
TheBobbermore like srm?15:43
GHHsrm mean?15:44
BluesKajGHH, ok looks like you need to boot in with grub set to nomodeset, this is supposed to help boot into the desktop in low graphics mode where you can then choose the recommended hardware driver in settings. Boot to the grub menu with the shift ket like before , rh right click on the kernel and ' e ' for edit and look for the line with nomodeset , edit ti to to nomodeset=yes15:44
GHHBluesKaj, at this time i have installed 3 OS...... (Ubuntu,Ubuntu(kubuntu-desktop),WINE). I was installed GDM too15:47
BluesKajGHH, wine isn't an OS15:48
GHHBut i rm it for the kdm. But i like console(debug)login that is why i rm kdm also15:49
BluesKajanyway, I have to go ...BBL15:49
GHHBluesKaj, wine=windows vista15:49
GHHBluesKaj, What is the right way removing kdm or getting console as default for user login (Please i need your help)15:50
GHHTheBobber, ?15:55
metallicoguys, how can i get the dekstop cube? I have the cube effect as animation when i switch between my desktops but i cant get into the cube to rotate it..15:56
tsimpsonmetallico: I think it defaults to Ctrl+F1116:03
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metallicothank you soo much!16:07
metallicohow can i change that keybord combination?16:07
tsimpsonmetallico: from System Setting -> Desktop -> All Effects, there should be a button to the right of "Desktop Cube" to configure the combination16:10
metallicothank you mate16:16
metallico it's not letting me assign control + alt + left click for some reason16:16
tsimpsonit has to be a keyboard combination currently16:17
metallicoi wanted to have just ctrl + alt but that's not possible as well, so i just left it as escape16:18
metallicowill change it later16:18
metallicothank you very much tsimpson16:18
Daskreechmetallico: ctrl and alt are modifer keys they need to modify something16:20
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mantas_Newbiehi.. question related with windows xp virtualization on kubuntu 10.10. I used VirtualBox for Ubuntu 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat") i386. I created virtual disk for windows xp but i cant instal windows as virtualbox do not find any cd/dvd image (*.iso). Anyone could help with this?16:41
mantas_Newbiecan anyone tell me what kind of problem i have here?   Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)16:59
mantas_NewbieThe VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing16:59
mantas_Newbie'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'16:59
mantas_Newbieas root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.16:59
FloodBotK1mantas_Newbie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
mantas_Newbiecan anyone tell me what kind of problem i have here? Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'17:04
mantas_Newbieas root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.17:04
Daskreechmantas_Newbie: Did you install dkms>17:14
mantas_Newbiesry what is dkms? i am kubuntu user since yesterday.. so newbie here17:15
DaskreechDynamic Kernel Module .. something?17:17
Daskreechit's what allows low level kernel drivers to exist after startup17:17
mantas_Newbieno i didnt17:17
mantas_Newbiecan i do it now?17:18
mantas_Newbiei already created virtual disk.. just cant instal windows to it17:18
mantas_Newbiecan anyone tell me what this means : Please reinstall the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root.17:26
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dsemblano<mantas_Newbie> on terminal, sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup17:45
squidyhi there..17:53
squidyis there a solution about kde4 proxy authentication details?17:53
squidyi can't store my username and password in proxy settings17:54
squidythere is a bugreport for this issue (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232626).. but is there a workaround ?17:56
ubottuKDE bug 232626 in kcm_proxy "kde proxy authentication - option to specify a username and password" [Normal,New]17:56
squidyit happens since 9.04 (i think).. and now 10.10 it still happens... :-(17:56
dsemblano<squidy> Indeed, always prompt the window which password is saved...18:11
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dsemblano<squidy> unfortunately I don't know any workaround18:12
squidydsemblano: ok dude.. thx18:17
Darothanecan someone tell me how I stop a window being dragged when i alt-click on it?18:19
dsemblano<squidy> yw18:19
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mosesis there software for like taking notes via a touchscreen notebook19:16
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vanguardis there a cli tool that joins all lines into a single one?20:30
vanguardj/join dev20:34
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kyubutsuis there a way to make [applications] the first kickoff option?20:43
domux__kyubutsu: yea this option is in the system config21:03
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Westyvwon ubuntu i know how to manage services, what is the method in kubuntu?21:31
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HackeMatehello, i have disabled the knetwork manager because it was messing my eth021:43
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HackeMatenow firefox wont connect until i set up manually /etc/resolv.conf21:43
HackeMateeach time i open session21:43
HackeMatethe ip is configured, but the nameserver no21:43
HackeMatecan i set up the nameserver in /etc/network/interfaces instead?21:44
HackeMatefor some reason       knetworkmanager is still overwritten it21:44
rorkWestyvw: commandline tools work the same as in ubuntu, there are some (kde specific) services you can manage in System Settings > (Advanced >) Service Manager & Autostart (might be renamed in 10.10) but these don't include services like sshd, vsftpd or cups21:45
Westyvwrork: yep it is sshd that i am looking for. is that the same as ssh-agent?21:45
vanguardWestyvw: sshd is the server21:46
Westyvwok just wondered if they renamed to be ssh-agent, thats a new one to me21:46
Westyvwso i take it /etc/init.d sshd restart should do21:47
Westyvwor something along those lines21:47
genii-aroundsudo start servicename21:48
peabodyso my laptop backlight has turned off and I can't get it to turn back on. When I reboot, it comes back up until I login to my account, and then it turns back off. I tried creating a new user, and logging in as them, and when they log in the backlight turns off.. wtf21:55
peabodyisabled all the power management "dim backlight" stuff21:55
genii-aroundpeabody: Is it an ATI card?21:57
peabodyit's a Sony laptop21:57
peabodyI thinkATI and not nvidia right?21:57
genii-aroundpeabody: lspci| grep VGA should say21:58
peabodyI can't read anything in terminal so I can't lspci21:58
peabodyI have no backlight, I can barely see anything on the screen21:58
genii-aroundYes, tricky spot21:59
peabodycan I change the terminaground color to white and text to black?22:01
genii-aroundpeabody: Don't you have a key combo like FN-F1   or so that is hardware brightness control? Most laptops have something like it22:02
peabodyyeah, it doesn't do anything22:02
peabodythis is obnoxiously dissapointing, I'll have to look at it later.22:04
peabodythanks for listening22:04
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sourcemakercan you tell me, how to enable the gpg-agent?22:59
rtdosnetworking question: my dsl modem was running out of network ports so i hooked up a router to move all of my nas devices from the dsl modem to the router and moved one computer to the router. the computer on the router cannot see other devices on my network but can connect to the internet. other devices on my network (that connect through the dsl modem) can no longer see the nas devices which are now attached to the router. how can i get the23:18
rtdos nas devices viewable on my network?23:18
genii-aroundrtdos: I assume the dsl modem is giving out dhcp numbers?23:21
genii-aroundrtdos: The problem likely is router gets number and uses modem for nameserver/gateway, but then itself assigns a different range to it's own ports.23:23
rtdosi disabled dhcp on the router23:24
genii-aroundrtdos: The simplest way would be to just turn off dhcp entirely on router, use it as a switch by not plugging it's WAN port into one of the modem's ports23:25
genii-aroundeg: modem assigns same range to everything on router23:25
rtdosso unplug the wan on the router and move the plug over to one of the available ports? (i already have dhcp turned off on the router)23:30
genii-aroundrtdos: Yes, exactly. Apologies on lag, work required me23:42
Exilantusing  kubuntu maverick with the latest kde from kubuntu-ppa, i no longer get the new device notifier popup on insertion of a usb stick. Also nothing in dolphin, just oldschool manual mounting is possible. Any ideas how to debug this?23:56
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