
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mkanatlosa ping03:22
mkanatCould I get some recent logs for loggerhead?03:22
mkanatCodebrowse, that is.03:22
mkanatI'd love to see where it's spending the most time.03:22
spmmkanat: sure, gimme a bit03:32
mkanatspm: Okay. :-)03:33
maxbooh, a losa03:35
maxbcan I have some logs too? I want to know what abused Apache's svn repo from neumeyer today03:36
Some_PersonCan launchpad PPAs build packages for Debian?03:44
maxb(sadly; it would be so useful)03:44
Some_PersonYeah. I'm a recent convert to Debian03:44
Some_Personthough mainly because ubuntu crashes like hell on my main machine03:44
Some_PersonI run a semi-official PPA for supertux SVN snapshots. Since I'm no longer on ubuntu, I have no interest in continuing that project03:46
mkanatspm: A day or more's worth of logs would be ideal, if possible.03:56
spmsure, just stuck with something else atm03:56
mkanatspm: Okay.03:56
mkanatspm: Will it be a while?03:57
spmhopefully not, but I've been thinking that for about 15+ mins atm03:57
mkanatspm: Okay.03:57
spm"fiddly" would be the description.03:57
spmmkanat: right. logs. coming right up.04:48
mkanatspm: Awesome.04:48
spmmaxb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/556438/05:26
mkanatWhy is ~vcs-imports/busybox/main so popular?05:34
mkanatIs that what the monitoring script is using?05:35
spmmkanat: yup05:42
mkanatspm: Ah, okay. :-)05:42
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LinuxJediis there a bzr issue at the moment?  I'm getting connection refused when pushing11:25
LinuxJedidoh! typically, fourth try and it works, nevermind :)11:26
RiddellLinuxJedi: yes I had hat too, seems to have gone now11:34
Riddellthat too11:34
andrejzHello! It seems that karma (at least translation karma) is not being updated anymore for a week or so.12:24
andrejzIt's possible that a new launchpad rollout had an influence on this12:25
andrejzIs this already known?12:26
aquariusIf I create a new project (and I already have the code in a local bzr repo on my machine), and I push to lp:~sil/projectname/trunk, what do I need to do to make that available as lp:projectname?12:29
aquariusOne day I will understand this stuff.12:29
aquariusOr do I somehow create lp:projectname first and then push straight back to that, so my name isn't associated with it?12:29
aquariusI wish the help docs covered this, or that if they do cover it I was clever enough to understand them :(13:01
aquariusping losa13:04
maxbaquarius: Link the branch to the project's development focus series13:13
aquariusmaxb, yeah, I think I've done that now -- the page suggested that just pushing was enough to do that, but it seems that I need to push and then link. I think I've got it. Don't like the feeling of trepidation I always get because I don't know what I'm doing, though :)13:14
lifelessaquarius: create the project; create a trunk series; push to lp:projectname should work.13:25
lifelessaquarius: or push to the team you want to own the branch/project/trunk and link it13:25
lifelessRiddell: what symptoms did you have with push ?13:26
Riddelllifeless: it couldn't connect to ssh when doing a checkout13:26
lifelessconnection error? or ssh handshake error?13:26
lifelesswe did have a kernel spew in dmesg when it failed the first time; I don't know about subsequent activity13:27
maxblosa ping? I'm looking for some importd logs to isolate what caused high volume of svn requests to svn.apache.org - preferably before it happens again, and they feel they need to ban us :-/ - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/14227713:32
lifelessmaxb: didn't jelmer conclude it was a bug?13:33
lifelessanyhow, folk will be around in an hour or mumble13:33
maxbIt's a bug that bzr-svn can do this, but it would still be nice to figure out which import caused it so we can suspend that one13:34
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lifelessmaxb: I thought you said it was the subversion tree?13:46
lifelessmaxb: or did you turn a number back on?13:47
maxbThe subversion one hasn't run since the 16th, but the Apache folks observed excessive traffic from neumayer on the 20th13:48
maxbFurthermore, none of the asf imports that I had bookmarked from when I turned them all off and on again ran on neumayer in the timeframe concerned13:48
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lifelessok thats odd13:55
zygais bazaar.launchpad.net up and running?14:24
zygaI just pushed two branches14:24
zygaand first one got past14:24
zygabut second crashed on unexpected end of message on b.lp.net14:25
Davieyseems lp's bzr is down... :(14:26
* bdrung got a "ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused" message too14:26
poolieyes, known issue14:28
poolielooks like hardware failure14:28
poolieLaunchpad: code host offline, known issue | https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: mrevell | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/14:30
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hallynlp expected to be down?14:53
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad to: KNOWN ISSUES: codehosting (bazaar.l.n) | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: mrevell | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad to: KNOWN ISSUES: codehosting down (bazaar.l.n) | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: mrevell | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
Riddellwas going to say, happened again14:56
Riddellssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused14:56
StevenKSorry. We are aware and are looking into it.14:56
Riddellthanks StevenK14:56
hallynyup, thx14:58
poolieRiddell, hallyn, StevenK, it looks like a RAM problem on a server14:58
exarkunman, hardware, what a drag15:01
lifelesswhats on disk is not what clients are getting15:02
lifelesswe'll be down for a bit while someone goes on site and doess $stuff15:02
pooliemrevell, maybe you or i should blog about it?15:11
mrevellpoolie, Are we expecting it to be offline for a while? I presume we are as it's hardware.15:12
mrevellpoolie, So, yeah, I agree.15:12
pooliean hour or two15:12
poolieassuming things go to plan anyhow15:13
pooliei'll draft a post15:13
mrevellpoolie, Ah, in that case I think a message to -announce would be right too. I'll handle that. Thanks for drafting the blog post.15:13
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\shdear lp maintainer, do you plan to enable ff cors functionality enabled on LP servers ? like Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" and Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST,GET,OPTIONS" so people could do some cross origin requests with ajax directly from a javascript app (chromium extension) running in a browser? :)15:15
lifeless\sh: can that app not just use LP apis' ?15:16
catphishdo you guys have an eta on fixing the bzr server?15:17
poolieone or two hours15:18
\shlifeless: that's the problem...I don't want to have a proxy app in between...I'm implementing something directly in javascript which runs directly from the browser...so it needs some cors allowness ;)15:20
catphishcould anyone point me in the direction of a public http bzr repo somewhere15:21
catphishi don't care what the repo is :)15:22
lifeless\sh: so reading that, I'd have great concerns doing that for private content or mutating operations15:23
\shlifeless: well, what's the difference having a proxy app? doing the oauth dance from inside the browser, user auth is done by lp itself + allowing the token of the app will be done by the user also on LP...I don't see any difference between a javascript chrome extension doing the magic or a python app using curl/python-launchpad magic15:25
lifelesswe can't tell the difference between a hostile site stealing a users auth cookie or the in-browser app15:27
kapohi men15:32
kapoand women15:32
kapothere's  a problem with launchpad, i cannot commit changes because the server is Unreachable15:33
cody-somerville\sh, I don't think launchpad needs to do anything to allow you to do cross-origin requests. I think you just need to add hosts or host match patterns (or both) to the permissions section of the manifest file then the extension can request access to remote servers outside of its origin.15:33
catphishkapo: correct15:33
kapook perfect15:34
kapoi'm not alone15:34
wgrantkapo: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/code-hosting-offline15:34
kapothank you15:37
catphishdoes anyone else host public bzr repos?15:37
wgrantSourceForge.net does.15:38
wgrantAlso GNU Savannah, and a few other places that I don't recall off-hand.15:38
pooliebzr.bz i think15:39
catphishthat looks provate15:39
catphishgot one thanks :)15:44
MethsAnyone else having issues with bzr over ssh connections to LP URLs?15:52
micahgMeths: see /topic15:53
MethsOh, thanks.  Normally if code hosting is down/read-only you'd get a message on code.lp.n.15:54
mtaylorthis is the gayest error ever15:58
mtayloruscan warning: In watchfile debian/watch, reading webpage15:58
mtaylor  http://launchpad.net/drizzle failed: 501 Protocol scheme 'https' is not supported (Crypt::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL not installed)15:58
thumperhi mtaylor15:58
mtaylorhey thumper!15:58
thumperman I'm tired15:59
\shcody-somerville: for chrome that could be right...I'll check15:59
mtaylorwow. it's just not my morning:16:01
mtaylorssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection timed out16:01
thumpermtaylor: codehosting is down16:02
thumpermtaylor: machine having hardware issues16:02
thumperI think they are replacing memory or something16:02
mtaylorthumper: that leads me to believe codehosting is done on _one_ machine?16:02
* mtaylor shuts up16:02
thumpermtaylor: maybe...16:03
thumpermtaylor: we have a machine to test our load balanced connector bit16:03
thumpermtaylor: but we haven't had anyone actually get it tested16:03
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=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: KNOWN ISSUES: - | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: mrevell | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
lifelessmrevell: codehosting is back, I've identi'ca'd that and updated topic16:19
catphishdoes LP not support bzr+http?16:19
lifelesscatphish: not at the moment, no.16:19
mrevellthanks lifeless16:19
lifelesswe'd like to eventually.16:19
catphishi am trying to find a service that does16:19
catphishi am trying to implement it myself but running into a few errors16:19
catphishsourceforge tries, but i run into similar errors with them16:20
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itnet7mrevell: ping17:44
mrevellitnet7, Hi17:44
itnet7Hey there, have a second to check out an Answer I submitted, please?17:45
itnet7I mean question17:45
mrevellSure, I'm in a meeting so may take a while17:45
itnet7Sure, when you can17:45
itnet7I will probably not be around later today, but I will follow up soon if you don't mind. Ping me with any questions, Thanks!17:46
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maxbAny losa able to take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/142277 ? It would be quite nice to tell the ASF Infrastructure team that we've taken some action to avoid hammering svn.a.o. again?19:58
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Chexmaxb: taking a look for you19:59
Chexmaxb: you just need this custom grep n' tar of the logs?20:00
Chexmaxb: chinstrap:~stasik/lp20:11
maxbChex: yes please, I hope that'll point out which import branch caused the misbehaviour20:11
maxbI don't have chinstrap access20:11
Chexmaxb: sorry, hang on20:12
Chexmaxb: http://people.canonical.com/~stasik/lp/20:15
maxbreceived, thanks20:16
Chexmaxb: thanks20:17
maxbThis is most confusing. There simply don't appear to be any import jobs matching the traffic pattern reported on #asfinfra20:19
maxbThe all took a matter of minutes, but ASF says they received sustained requests for 8 hours20:21
Erimos_Wolfis it possible to run launchpad on a Debian system? According to the tutorial of Launchpad, no, but they mention something about Debian.20:23
maxbErimos_Wolf: I'm not sure anyone has tried. It should likely be achievable, given how comparatively similar the systems are,  but can be expected to require some work.20:26
Erimos_WolfIs here anyone who runs Launchpad on a private server?20:35
shadeslayeranyone around to fix a launchpad import?21:07
shadeslayeri cant do it, because i dont have the privileges21:07
maxbshadeslayer: fix how?21:30
shadeslayermaxb: there's a new upstream url21:30
maxbah, I can do that21:30
shadeslayerhttps://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/konversation/trunk <<21:30
shadeslayernew : https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/konversation/repository21:31
maxbwell the import is broken anyway21:31
maxband will still be broken in the same manner even if the URL is fixed21:31
maxboh, wait, no, different host21:32
maxband different vcs21:32
maxbI can't change a svn import into a git import, you need to register a new import and get someone with registry admin powers to change the dev focus branch21:33
shadeslayerah ok ... will do21:35
wgrantErimos_Wolf: Launchpad runs OK on Debian.21:36
wgrantErimos_Wolf: You need to hack the setup script to not hardcode Ubuntu repos, and you need to install python-tickcount and ubuntu-keyring from Ubuntu, but apart from that it runs fine.21:36
wgrant(on Squeeze, at least)21:36
wgrantI have instructions, but they are on another machine.21:37
shadeslayermaxb: https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/konversation/trunk21:38
maxbmrevell: With your CHR hat on, could you change https://launchpad.net/konversation/trunk/+linkbranch to ~neon/konversation/trunk (project moved from svn to git; need to swap to the new import branch)21:39
mrevellmaxb, Done! Can you confirm that's okay?21:57
maxbgood, thanks21:58
maxbIt would be nice if ~vcs-imports could change series linkage for public projects :-)21:58
Erimos_Wolf:wgrant are we talking about hours of customizing or just some "hacking" ?22:01
wgrantErimos_Wolf: To get the setup script running on Debian?22:03
wgrantErimos_Wolf: It's just a shortish shell script which has some Ubuntu archive components hardcoded. In particular, you need to stop it checking for universe and multiverse (just delete the checks), and make it use the right PPA.22:04
wgrantNormally it uses the PPA packages for the release that you're running.22:04
wgrantThere is no squeeze support, but lucid's packages worked fine. maverick's probably do now, as long as they install.22:05
wgrantSo I just delete the universe/multiverse checks and hardcode DISTRIB_CODENAME in utilities/rocketfuel-setup.22:05
wgrantThen install ubuntu-keyring and python-tickcount from Ubuntu.22:05
wgrantThen run rocketfuel-setup as normal.22:05
wgrantAnd it all works fine22:05
Erimos_Wolfthx for the info22:08
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daehi folks. i have a user trying to upload an updated .po file, and when they do they get 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tm__potmsgset__language__shared__ubuntu__key"'23:24
daegoogle doesn't pop up any similar problems23:24
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