
nhandlerczajkowski: elmo said it is due to the old moin version they are running00:23
czajkowskinhandler: so help me one of these days I'm going to find them severs and kick them very hard :)00:24
nigelbdoctormo: :)00:25
nhandlerczajkowski: Try working on a UWN release with errors every second or third edit ;)00:26
czajkowskinhandler: at least with that you can use a tomboy note and do al the work in that then copy in for final version00:26
czajkowskifor random editing it;'s just a pain lately00:26
doctormonhandler: What do you need for that?00:27
doctormoczajkowski: You know the wiki has no search indexing? Every time someone does a search, it brings the sever to it's knees.00:27
nhandlerdoctormo: Nah, we are fine. The errors aren't too bad (since at least no information is lost). It is more of an annoyance than anything (having to reload the page)00:28
nhandlerdoctormo: That is why I use Google's 'site:wiki.ubuntu.com' feature00:28
doctormonhandler: Sometimes I think you guys revel in being stick in the muds with that wiki.00:33
doctormoI maintain my belief that it's a burden to the ubuntu community.00:33
doctormoAnd should probably be deleted entirely.00:33
jcastroI hate the wiki00:36
nhandlerThe wiki does have its uses, but I do think that it is over-used a bit00:36
akgranerI use It's all text for editing wikis so if the server crashes  you still have your edits01:09
jonodinda, any more progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/704143 ?01:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 704143 in ubuntudeveloperportal "Make Ubuntu developer manual available on developer.ubuntu.com" [High,Confirmed]01:32
dindajono: not today, still haven't been able to talk to kyle01:33
jonook, does he know about the bug?01:35
jonodinda, he does now, I just subscribed him to it :-)01:36
dindajono: no but I'll tell him; everything in there is what he was advocating for on the mailing list just last week01:36
dindajono: he had some good ideas on how to make it happen01:37
jonocool :-)01:37
dindajono:  I'm in an America's board meeting right now - we've been meaning to ask you if there is some push internally to make canonical technical folks apply for membership asap?  we had several candidates who seemed rather 'anxious' that they get membership asap01:42
dindajono:  have to run, will catch up later01:43
=== IdleOne is now known as gpc
dholbachgood morning06:54
dholbachjono, on it07:00
jonodholbach, thanks so much, pal07:00
jonosorry to burden you with this on a Friday morning07:00
dholbachno worries07:01
jonodholbach, I assume there will be no problem getting me those stats?07:01
dholbachI hope not - if it's the same as last time07:01
jonoafaik they are07:01
jonoI will check in a bit later and see how you are doing07:01
kim0Morning o/08:00
dholbachkim0, صباح الخير08:02
kim0صباح النور08:02
kim0Lovely shiny sunny weather08:03
dholbachkim0, speak for yourself :)08:04
kim0I am hehe08:05
AlanBellmisty and gloomy in Belgium08:06
dholbach0°C, grey, chance of snow in Berlin08:07
dpmmorning all08:50
dholbachhey dpm08:51
dpmheya dholbach08:53
czajkowskiOhh today is dholbach day! aka NATIONAL HUG DAY !! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Hug_Day09:52
* dholbach HUGS YOU ALL09:52
* Tm_T huggles dholbach and everyone else09:53
* topyli hugs Alot10:33
=== daker_ is now known as daker
* jussi hi 5's duanedesign11:31
jussiNational Hug day... which nation...? (Why not "international"?)11:32
duanedesignmorning all11:59
akgranerduanedesign, morning :-)11:59
duanedesignhello amber o/12:00
akgranerI need an audacity expert :-/  I can12:01
akgranerI can't figure out one thing I want to change on the interview I recorded yesterday..  :-(12:02
jussiakgraner: try #ubuntustudio - although it is a little on the dead sid atm12:09
popeyakgraner: whats the specific thing?12:10
akgranerjussi - thanks12:10
* popey has used audacity a *bit*12:10
popeypodcasting etc12:10
akgranerpopey  - I need to make it center pan instead of panning hard left and right12:10
akgranerjorge is in one ear and I am in the other12:11
akgranerand I wanted to fix it12:11
popeyskype call huh?12:11
akgraneryeah - and I forgot to change the settings12:11
popeyyou could just make it mono :)12:11
popeythats the quick and easy way12:11
akgranerahhh let me try that then...it doesn't sound bad in you are listening to it on the computer but if you put on headphones it's a but annoying12:12
akgranerbit even12:12
popey"When you've finished editing, split the tracks again. Click on the drop down menu and select Mono for each one. Select both tracks by holding down Ctrl and pressing A or clicking Edit/Select/All. Then click Project/Quick Mix and you're done. To achieve stereo separation, slide the L .. R pan control 20% to the right for one of the tracks and 20% to the left for the other before mixing them both together."12:13
akgranerpopey thank you!!!12:13
popeyHTH, off to lunch12:13
akgranerpopey thanks! that worked  - you are the man!!12:15
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* popey tickles JFo 14:45
* evilvish cautiously tickles popey … someone's gotta try it! ;p14:54
czajkowskiJFo: Ents Crew was a group of students who used to work security in my uni, we used to bus students to clubs and work the night club with the other bouncers, and bring students on class parties. We also were a bunch of piss heads :)14:54
JFosounds like a fun crew :)14:57
* JFo slaps popey's hands away :)14:57
czajkowskiJFo: yeah some of my best mates from college are in that group, all coming from different courses, we try and meet up now and go on weekend trips.14:57
jcastrothis "always on" glow in unity is confusing15:05
czajkowskiat least you have unity15:07
jcastrohey czajkowski15:37
jcastrois there a reason we don't just forward /LoCoTeamList to the directory?15:37
czajkowskijcastro: ello15:37
czajkowskijcastro: what do you mean?15:37
jcastroshouldn't these be on the directory by now?15:37
czajkowskijcastro: aye most are but there are still groups who use the wiki15:38
czajkowskiI'd be all for it being in one central place ie the LD tbh15:38
czajkowskisome teams edit the wiki easier then the LD15:38
czajkowskieven sense the last day poked people on irc to change stuf as he cant on the LD15:39
jonohey all15:46
dpmhey jono15:47
jonohey dpm15:47
jcastrohey dpm, do you have an example on how to use that big orange button CSS on your portal?15:48
jcastroI just need like an example15:48
dholbachhola jono15:49
czajkowskijcastro: but if you fancy we can try it ot for a while15:50
jonohey dholbach15:50
kim0hey o/15:50
czajkowskiand see if there are any massive objections15:50
jcastroczajkowski: well, if there's going to be a rebellion ....15:50
czajkowskiI think it'd be a really good idea15:50
czajkowskijcastro: I can deal with that15:50
czajkowskiresolved the LP issue yesterday15:50
czajkowskiI think I can deal with an wiki issue15:51
jcastronot to sound overly cynical ... (here it comes)15:51
jcastrobut I am starting to agree with doctormo that we need to delete large swaths of the wiki15:51
jcastrothe whole wiki probably not15:52
* doctormo does a little dance15:52
jcastrobut like, there's some serious junk15:52
czajkowskijcastro: I don't think you;ll find anyone in here that will disagree with you, however many teams heavily use it, as they can add content that is not English which they can't elsewhere :(15:52
czajkowskijcastro: JFo jono http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Hug_Day15:53
JFoyep :)15:53
jcastroyeah but there's no reason we can't do "find any wiki page that's older than 2 years that no one has touched since then"15:53
jcastroand then blam, there you go, a list of pages for people to either fix or delete for global jam15:53
jonoczajkowski, :-)15:54
czajkowskijcastro: *ahem* loco council did this last bug jam :)15:54
jcastrohow many pages was it? was it like alot?15:54
czajkowskijcastro: problem is as I said you'll find one member of the community who randomly adds conten to a wiki page15:54
czajkowskijcastro: bout 3015:54
czajkowskinot many pages granted15:54
czajkowskibut so many link to places and link back it's a maze15:55
czajkowskiI plan to do another one this bug jam15:55
jcastroit's intensely frustrating15:55
czajkowskijcastro: I won't argue with you :)15:56
czajkowskibut the thing is take community on the wiki, it's a massive area15:56
czajkowskiand lotta folks add "snippets" to random pages15:56
czajkowskiif you remove them, they tend to get very cranky :(15:56
jcastromaybe instead we should say ....15:56
jcastro"think twice before putting something on the wiki"15:57
jcastroor "go back and tidy up please"15:57
dpmjcastro, unfortunately not, my button is not CSS-enabled, I need to work on that later. What I can give you, though, is the button in SVG format to modify.15:58
jcastrobut even then, if I had 500 people each with 40 hours, it's past the point of performance return that they could never get anywhere15:58
jcastrodpm: that would be perfect!15:58
jcastrodpm: just send it over mail or whatever, and no rush15:58
* czajkowski hugs jcastro 15:58
jcastrolp down, wiki's slow, forums need new hw.15:59
jcastrowe're getting big!15:59
doctormoMaybe we could have an archiving point, say 2 years after which wiki pages come with a giant warning about how they're out of date and may need updating.15:59
dpmjcastro, sure. If you know the text that will be there, I can send you a button already with the text you want.15:59
jcastrooh I'm going to do a bunch of them15:59
jcastro"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."16:00
dpmok, I'll send you a generic one then, just a sec...16:00
jcastroyeah just have it say "Frequently Asked Questions" or something16:00
jcastrothat's one I'll use a bunch16:00
jcastroAlanBell: did you ever get any traction for turning on that text indexing or whatever?16:01
akgranerjcastro, jono, http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Amber-Graner-You-in-Ubuntu/Unity-Bite-Size-Bug-Campaign-Interview-with-Canonical-s-Jorge-Castro  there you go :-)16:02
akgranerpopey, thanks again :-)16:03
popeynp :)16:03
jcastroakgraner: on it!16:03
jonoakgraner, rock and roll!16:03
Technovikingmorning all16:12
dpmjcastro, buttons on your way16:12
* popey tickles Technoviking 16:14
jcastrojono: you're using the css "awesome" class right?16:14
jonojcastro, for which site?16:14
czajkowskihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j6s87ly7hs <---------- FAVOURITE BAND16:14
jcastrojono: developer.u.c16:14
Technovikingpopey: tee-he16:14
jcastro            <a style="font-size: 12px;" class="awesome" href="http://developer.ubuntu.com/create/anjuta/">Get Started</a></td>16:15
jcastrothat's for the fancy buttons ^16:15
Technovikingjono: still want to chat today? If you are swamped, it can wait till you get back for sure.16:16
jcastroomg, class awesome is ... well, you know16:17
dholbachok my friends, I call it a day - have a great weekend16:17
Technovikingdholbach: you too16:17
czajkowskidholbach: toodles16:17
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 16:17
dpmsee you dholbach!16:17
* dholbach hugs you all back :)16:18
kim0dholbach: nice weekend16:18
Pendulumdpm: have a good weekend!16:19
Pendulumdholbach: ^^16:19
Pendulumtabfail :(16:19
dpmPendulum, no worries, always happy to get wished a good weekend! :-)16:21
akgranernow who can I interview for next week16:21
Pendulumakgraner: that sounds scary16:21
* Pendulum hids from akgraner 16:21
akgranerI know - I'm in a weird mood today :-) giddy with a touch or fright...16:22
akgranerof even16:22
akgranerbut it works for me16:22
jcastrodpm: I remember what happened now, you showed your button and I was like "oooh"16:22
jcastroand then bacon showed the CSS and I was like "oooh, more"16:22
dpmyeah, CSS is the way16:24
dpmI need to do this for the translation portal theme too16:25
jcastroI just hope no one blames me for it being called "awesome"16:25
jcastrobecause you know people will be like "ugh, jorge was here, why couldn't he just call it 'button' or something"16:26
JFotell them I named it16:30
JFoand that they should prepare for the 'epic' ones16:30
jonoTechnoviking, definitel16:30
jonoI just need to figure out a time16:30
* czajkowski suspects jono has a phone glued to his ear these days 16:31
jonoczajkowski, I do right now :-)16:31
* czajkowski hugs jono 16:32
* czajkowski munches on his prawn crisps 16:32
czajkowskisaw them had to buy em16:32
Technovikingi have a meeting from 11am till 12 noon MST (may run long, but free other than runing to get my son from school real quick16:35
jcastroczajkowski: i am waiting for him to walk into a UDS session one day with one of those bluetooth headsets.16:38
czajkowskias mdz rightly said, if you're not using them, they should be in your pocked16:38
czajkowskior you look like one of the '80s yuppies16:38
popeyhehe, i was watching Nathan Barley last night16:39
popeyhe wears two of them16:39
popeyall the time16:39
popeyi have no idea if that clip has naughty words in it16:41
jonodpm, call done16:54
jonoready to hop on Skype?16:54
dpmjono, yep, let me fire it up16:54
jonoTechnoviking, no worries - I will ping you this afternoon16:55
jonojcastro, I *hate* those BT headsets16:55
jonoalthough, I do have one for my PS316:55
jcastrowell you're fancy Mr. California now16:56
jcastroconvertible, bt headset16:56
jcastroyou're going to end up on Entourage16:56
jonojcastro, lol17:32
jonothanks for the agenda czajkowski :-)17:33
czajkowskijono: no skype :( cant get natty to install, can you mobile me ?17:47
jonoczajkowski, will msg you17:55
sensejcastro: Have you heard anything about StachExchange's plans for localisation?18:00
cjohnstonAnyone got a recient copy of the Home page for the wiki?18:08
cjohnstonor know how to revert it back18:09
popeyany good?18:23
popeyooo, no, very old18:23
popeythat page should _really_ be immutable18:24
popeythe number of times it gets deleted/changed is just stupid18:24
jcastro<--- lunch18:24
cjohnstonhmm.. no code tho18:26
popeyi had a backup18:27
cjohnstonone of the is people is trying to get backup18:27
jcastroman, Potbelly is SOOOOO good18:49
* czajkowski hugs jono 18:52
* popey tickles cjohnston 18:53
doctormojcastro: Sounds fattening. what is it?18:53
* popey redirects his tickles to czajkowski 18:53
jcastroit's a sub sandwich18:53
* popey fancies haggis tonight18:53
pleia2there is a potbelly clone here in SF, "toaster oven" - apparently they get asked all the time whether the chains are related18:54
* doctormo had sausages for lunch.18:54
czajkowskipopey: oi cheeky bugger, no ticking !18:54
* jono hugs czajkowski :-)19:01
doctormopleia2: Hey, did you get my email about art logs?19:14
pleia2doctormo: yeah, haven't had a chance to think it through fully, I'll get to it after work19:31
doctormopleia2: thanks19:44
AlanBelljcastro: no traction at all20:53
senseIs "That doesn't ring true" a valid English expression?21:06
AlanBellsense: yes21:07
senseHurray! I remembered it correctly. Thanks AlanBell!21:07
AlanBellbasically means you think something is false but you might not be able to state why21:08
akgranerAlanBell, you asked for pics of the house a couple days ago  - see my facebook page - I tagged a lot of pete's so they would show up there21:09
senseAlanBell: ah, ok. thanks for the clarification21:09
AlanBellthanks akgraner, looking now21:09
akgranerI think on FB Let me tag those right quick as well21:10
AlanBellthe finished article looks great!21:13
akgranerAlanBell, just tagged about 8 more from today21:14
akgranerI can't wait to be back in my own office instead of my parents kitchen or living room21:14
AlanBellis the new house in the same place as the old one or did it get rebuilt on the other side of the wood like Eeyore's house21:18
AlanBellwhere exactly is UDS-O?21:25
doctormoAlanBell: Budapest21:25
doctormoAlanBell: Although the wiki is deadly out of date, a tweet from a blog from news from mark says May 9th Budapest.21:25
AlanBellyeah I was looking for more exact than that21:26
AlanBelldo we know the hotel?21:26
PendulumAlanBell: hasn't been announced21:26
pleia2May 9 - 13 (it was announced last summer)21:27
pleia2oh, no hotel yet though21:28
pleia2doctormo: will you be doing the community sponsorship thing again?21:28
doctormopleia2: I hope so, do you want to help organise with me?21:29
pleia2doctormo: yes, I can help out :) we're hoping to add it to our list of options for ubuntu-women sponsorship21:29
pleia2maybe get more press about it this time around21:29
doctormopleia2: Sounds great, I have to review my kickstarter proposal and also look at the Debian team's concerns. But otherwise we should be good to make a go at it.21:31
czajkowskipleia2: akgraner Pendulum maybe this may help other women, mostly it's for my memories but it may encourage others. http://paste.ubuntu.com/556676/22:31
czajkowskionly missing natty which are done but drafts :(22:31
* czajkowski hugs Pendulum 22:31
czajkowskiPendulum: thanks for reminding me how much I used to blog22:31
pleia2czajkowski: thanks! I'll add it to http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UDS/Stories22:32
czajkowskiKarmic is the most fun as I'd never been to one22:33
czajkowskiand I really feel more stuff got done in the evening as we all hung out in the massive lobby22:33
czajkowskialso sitting down beside mdz and not realising who he was and ranting about ubuntu was entertaining and only knowing on the wednesday who he was22:34
czajkowskiLucid was dallas, where we went shooting and ice skating and where I got to meet more canonical folks on other teams that I never would have met or known, so that was a highlight22:34
czajkowskioh and getting elected to the loco council while I was there22:35
Pendulumpleia2: I'm horrid at blogging so don't have much UDS stuff up on mine, but I'm trying to figure out how to get stuff somewhere that you guys have it (without spamming planet, etc. with posts for things that were 3-9 months ago ;) )22:35
czajkowskiMaverick was fun as that was where the loco council kicked ass and came up with some really cool projects that came into effect like banners and new stuff,22:35
czajkowskiNatty was hands on meeting loco people and listening to them22:35
czajkowskifun fun times22:36
pleia2Pendulum: oh great, thanks :)22:37
pleia2I'll probably be doing a retrospective blog post that discusses some of my experiences from both22:37
czajkowskiI could do that too I guess, but never really looked at it as a female attending an event tbh, so not sure I could write it that way22:38
czajkowskialways me just I dunno having fun chatting to people and getting action items :)22:39
pleia2I'm not writing it with a female slant either, there are lots more people than women who have questions about the experience22:41
czajkowskiit's fun :)22:41
PendulumI look at it all as "demystifying UDS" :)22:42
Pendulumat some poitn I want to write something that's specific to accessibility because I know I had major concerns prior to my first UDS (and they come back to a certain extent every UDS) about actual physical access22:43
czajkowskiPendulum: aye I sure even thinking about the venue and how to get there and about22:43
Pendulumwhich were pretty much unfounded (and the part which were problematic weren't anything that Canonical could control)22:43
Pendulumyeah. I'm worried about Budapest22:44
czajkowskiPendulum: ash cloud :)22:44
PendulumI was thinking having to have someone go around and open the door from the inside so that I could get to the auditorium in Brussels22:44
czajkowskiPendulum: ahhh yes.22:44
Pendulumand the transportation situation is rarely ideal so I generally have to make a decision on whether I go out with people and spend the extra energy on dealing with inaccessible transport or whether I stay in and miss things22:46
* czajkowski may be heading back to Canada in July :D 22:47
czajkowskiPendulum: a week of maple syrup and waffles again :D22:48
PendulumI think maple syrup is the only real reason you come to North America ever :P22:48
pleia2and crispy bacon22:49
czajkowskiPendulum: aye tc and cox are on the planning stages :D We've found July to be free22:49
czajkowskiPendulum: ohh sooo much bacon smothered in syrup.22:49
Pendulumczajkowski: so Canada in July and then rugby world cup?22:49
czajkowskicup may not happen :s22:50
Picimmm... maple syrup22:50
czajkowskiPendulum: aye Cox and tc cant make it22:51
Pendulumpleia2: I knew I drank more in Belgium than in Orlando, but your blog is reminding me exactly how much more22:55
PendulumI think I'd blocked some of it from my memory22:55
pleia2Pendulum: haha, yeah, there was beer everywhere in Brussels22:56
pleia2and I didn't even link http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=299622:56
JanChehe, I still remember the green beer  ☺22:58
Pendulumso do I22:58
czajkowskiI remember the mess on Daviey22:58
PendulumI still tease Daviey about the famboise he spilled on me22:58
czajkowskiJanC: ohh 2 more weeks and we shall be there again :D22:58
JanCI guess it was one of the "new style" sweetened framboises, so very sticky?  ;)23:00
PendulumJanC: yes. not so fun :(23:01
JanCmaybe that's why I prefer "old style" unsweetened kriek/framboise/etc.23:01
czajkowskiBANANA BEER!23:01
JanCMongozo ?23:01
JanCor real banana beer?23:01
czajkowskino idea what it's call23:01
czajkowskiI know it's only served down stairs in delerium23:01
JanCprobably Mongozo23:02
JanC"banana beer" is just fermented bananas, and AFAIK you can only buy it in Matongo (the "Congolese/African quarter" in Brussels)23:03
czajkowskiso damn tasty23:03
Technovikingring ring ring, Banana Beer!23:04
czajkowski4 days of beer and chocolate23:04
czajkowskiI may need to be in the gym every night this week to make up for it23:05
JanCI'll try to remember to get some chocolate at the booth this year  ;)23:05
JanCczajkowski: there also exists sugarless chocolate  ;)23:06
JanCnot sure how it tastes though23:06
czajkowskiJanC: nooo I want the real stuff23:07
czajkowskishall go to the chocolate shop I go to and stock up on a lot of yummy white chocci23:07
JanCmaybe you should go to a wholesale shop and buy 5kg blocks  :P23:08
czajkowskieh no23:09
czajkowskitis like my logic with syrup23:09
czajkowskiit's a treat23:09
czajkowskiany more and then it's not good23:09
czajkowskiso I only have oddles of syrup while stateside23:09
czajkowskiand canada23:09
Pendulumczajkowski: and you did in Brussels23:10
JanChehe, like when you work in a chocolate or cookie factory, they let you eat as much of it as you want23:10
Pendulumwe really should have filmed popey trying the bacon & syrup23:10
JanCmost people can't *see* cookies/chocolate outside of their job anymore  ;)23:10
czajkowskiPendulum: aye a little, but not every day23:11
czajkowskinot like orlando :D23:11
czajkowskicrispy goodness smothered in it23:11
PendulumI have been dieting too long because I actually am finding more foods that I used to love that even the idea makes me feel a little ill23:11
czajkowskiheart attack waiting to happen23:11
akgranerczajkowski, thanks!  Where do you find the time?23:36
* akgraner can't blog my way out of a paperbag right now23:37
czajkowskiakgraner: I've a few in draft23:41
czajkowskihoping to get a few out over the next few days23:41
czajkowskibut now planning holiday in July with 2 of my girlies :D CANNOT_WAIT23:41
akgranerczajkowski, nice...23:42
akgranerWriting all week for work, makes doing it for fun not so fun all the time :-)  but I am hoping soon I blog on my personal blog again soon23:43
czajkowskiakgraner: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/01/05/ubuntu-women-project-growing-in-strength/23:44
akgranerczajkowski, me reads now  brb23:45
akgranernice write up...23:48
czajkowskiyeah stumbled upon that23:49
czajkowskikinda nice to go over some stuff23:49

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