
kenvandinerobert_ancell, just FYI, i got an answer to my gir from vala sources question... you can generate the GIR from valac01:55
kenvandineinstead of using g-ir-scanner01:55
kenvandinewhich works much better for vala sources01:55
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robert_ancellkenvandine, awesome02:46
robert_ancellkenvandine, what version of vala?02:46
kenvandinethe 0.12 series02:46
kenvandinepass --gir02:46
kenvandineor can do it with autotools nicely02:46
kenvandineof course now i am beating myself up trying to generate decent docs02:47
kenvandinei think i need to package valadoc02:47
kenvandinewhich generates gtk-doc style docs for vala02:47
robert_ancellkenvandine, oh, that's something I was looking for this morning - has anyone got a gir -> documentation program working?02:50
kenvandinethere is someone that seems to have gotten something going02:51
kenvandineusing seed and JS02:51
kenvandinebut nothing that seems usable yet02:51
kenvandineuntil we get that, the docs we generate won't be all that good02:51
kenvandineat least from what i have found, nobody has gotten there yet02:52
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evilvishpitti: hi, so we are switching to LibreOffice for Natty, right?08:41
pittiGood morning08:44
pittibryceh: apport crashes> not from my side08:44
pittievilvish: yes, the upload already happened08:44
evilvishpitti: neat! thanks.. :)08:44
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didrocksgood morning seb12809:50
seb128lut didrocks09:54
seb128hey rodrigo_09:54
seb128sorry I'm a bit late today09:54
rodrigo_hi seb12809:54
seb128didrocks, rodrigo_: how are you?09:56
rodrigo_seb128, fine, and you?09:56
didrocksseb128: I'm fine, thanks, you?09:56
seb128same ;-)09:56
didrockshey rodrigo_ ;)09:56
seb128everything is alright09:56
seb128running the new unity ;-)09:56
rodrigo_salut didrocks09:56
rodrigo_seb128, does it work ok for you now?09:57
seb128didrocks, is the right corner not working for you as well?09:57
seb128the session indicator doesn't open if I'm really in the corner09:57
seb128ok, known bug09:57
seb128just reading my bug emails09:58
didrocksseb128: no, I see some bug reports about it, but can't reproduce it, I'm still not on the new indicator stack though, just need a reboot09:58
rodrigo_hmm, new indicator stack, I guess that should fix the invisible menus problem I was seeing?09:58
didrocksrodrigo_: yes, if what you what is no menu at all :)09:59
rodrigo_I had no menu at all, so I want my menus back :-D09:59
didrocksdist-upgrade should be fine now09:59
didrocksok, let's reboot the session with the new stack, brb10:03
didrocksexcellent, all is working well10:05
didrocks… apart from the stacking issue10:05
didrocksso, restarting compiz10:05
didrocksseb128: so yeah, confirming now the top-left corner dead zone10:05
seb128didrocks, yeah but sladen set the bug as incomplete asking for a screenshot for some reason10:09
didrocksseb128: let me confirm it10:09
seb128I will comment as well10:09
didrocksthanks :)10:10
didrocksfrench cabale \o/10:10
sladenseb128: groovy if you can, I couldn't reproduce it---I was wondering if it was theme-dependent10:12
seb128sladen, do you run the current unity version?10:13
seb128it makes 3 people getting it since the upgrade it seems10:13
didrocksseb128: I can't change the importance in launchpad, can you try to do it?10:13
sladenseb128: FSVO latest;  last update was yesterday afternoon(?), but there could have been an upload since then10:14
didrocksI have the javascript popup, but clicking on it has no effect10:14
seb128didrocks, works on the ubuntu task10:14
seb128I don't have permissions on the upstream bug10:14
didrocksseb128: thanks, not that important in any case…10:15
seb128sladen, right, there was an upload on thursday night as every week10:15
seb128sladen, the version is included in the apport infos10:15
seb128rodrigo_, did you see my ping on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/649809?10:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 649809 in gnome-settings-daemon "Meerkat (10.10) does not apply theme properly" [Low,Confirmed]10:42
seb128it's a weird bug but quite some users get it10:42
seb128they get10:42
seb128"** (gnome-settings-daemon:1641): WARNING **: You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting10:42
seb128** (gnome-settings-daemon:1641): WARNING **: Unable to start xsettings manager: Could not initialize xsettings manager."10:42
seb128but don't have another settings manager running10:43
seb128seems most people having it get it on session start on i7 with ssd config10:43
seb128seems a race on modern hardwares10:43
seb128do you have a clue what could be going on there10:43
ebroderseb128: comment #100 makes it sound like g-s-d is racing against gdm's g-s-d exiting10:53
rodrigo_seb128, no, looking10:56
seb128ebroder, hum, but gdm is not running g-s-d for the same user10:57
seb128it's weird10:57
ebroderseb128: but they both share an x server, no?10:57
seb128ebroder, not sure what gdm is doing, if it's opening a new xorg session or reusing the gdm one for the session10:59
seb128pitti, ^ do you know?10:59
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, about bug #649809, I think I know what it is11:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 649809 in gnome-settings-daemon "Meerkat (10.10) does not apply theme properly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64980911:56
seb128rodrigo_, is that what ebroder suggested?11:56
rodrigo_seb128, desrt had that problem, on very fast machines, the g-s-d from gdm is still running when the user's g-s-d is running11:56
rodrigo_yes, ebroder's right11:56
seb128how do we solve that?11:56
rodrigo_hmm, let me find the bug in b.g.o11:57
seb128it's going to be hitting higher number of users over time11:57
seb128since new machines will not likely go slower11:57
seb128rodrigo_, thanks11:57
rodrigo_seb128, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63498812:01
ubot2Gnome bug 634988 in xsettings "my computer is too fast" [Normal,New]12:01
rodrigo_seb128, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63498812:01
rodrigo_a gdm bug12:01
rodrigo_seb128, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63498812:11
ubot2Gnome bug 634988 in xsettings "my computer is too fast" [Normal,New]12:11
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rodrigo_seb128, looking at gdm, to see if I can cook a quick fix12:11
pittiseb128: do you have some time today for the release meeting? I'll be travelling at that time13:15
cyphermoxgood morning13:15
didrockshey cyphermox13:15
cyphermoxhey didrocks13:15
Riddellbonjour cyphermox, what's the expected timetable of network manager 0.9?13:16
cyphermoxRiddell, I was once told shortly after christmas, but from the looks of things, it might still be a few weeks. I'll ask13:17
Riddellcyphermox: hmm, so are you expecting it for natty?13:18
seb128pitti, hey13:18
seb128pitti, ok, no problem, did you have time to update the wiki?13:19
cyphermoxRiddell, I thought so, but I'm not holding my breath now13:19
seb128pitti, is there anything I should know about?13:19
pittiseb128: I didn't update the wiki yet, sorry13:19
pittiseb128: the main problem is the LibO CD overflow, I didn't get to know another one13:19
cyphermoxlet me look it up properly and maybe I can make the call today13:19
Riddellcyphermox: hmm, but it's an API change right, so it'll almost certainly break the kde frontend13:19
pittiseb128: I discussed that with doko; he'll upload a new version in time for a2 for dropping the recommends13:20
cyphermoxso far though, there is only wimax added13:20
pittiseb128: and the balooning of -common is a known problem which we'll hopefully fix in time for release (we need the humanity icons back)13:20
seb128pitti, ok13:22
seb128pitti, do you want me to update the wiki or will you do it before travelling?13:22
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pittiseb128: if you could, that'd be great13:22
pittiI'd still like to wrap up some things here13:22
seb128ok, will do13:23
seb128pitti, was the week a productive one?13:23
pittiseb128: merci13:23
pittiseb128: absolutely, yes; I'll blog about it next Monday13:23
seb128great ;-)13:23
seb128Riddell, what happened to your patch piloting day this week?13:25
seb128the queue got quite some easy sponsoring which nobody picked this week it seems13:26
Riddellseb128: it was unfortunate enough to land on my swap day and now I'm busy with KDE SC 4.6.013:27
RiddellI hope to do some patch piloting next week13:27
seb128Riddell, ok, I figured you might have been not working that day, I'm wondering if we should trying to swap piloting in those cases or whoever is not there should find someone to swap with or something13:28
seb128will talk to dholbach about that13:28
cyphermoxRiddell, I think I rather stay with 0.8, unless there is something really good and 0.9 gets tagged before FF; the indicator patch is big enough a change for me I think13:29
Riddellseb128: yes I think I should have done that13:29
seb128Riddell, ok, next time then ;-)13:30
Riddellcyphermox: I expect that using 0.9 would result in breaking Kubuntu so I'd strongly support keeping 0.8 (this happened during the switch to 0.8 and it wasn't pleasant)13:31
cyphermoxok, then that's good enough of a reason to wait until next cycle... and if 0.9 gets released early, I'll put it in a PPA13:41
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cyphermoxhmm.. seems like stuff like menus (and notifications) are still painting behind windows or the desktop... distracting ;)13:54
didrocksyes, known bug13:55
cyphermoxdidrocks, what's the bug number?13:55
didrockscyphermox: don't have it handy for now :)13:56
didrockscyphermox: it's a compiz bug, stacking issue13:56
cyphermoxah ok :)13:56
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kenvandineanyone else having weird mouse input issues?14:21
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, like not being able to click a rectangular area in the top-left corner of the screen?14:22
sorenHmm... How do I access the "preferred handlers" configuration thingamajig in Natty?14:22
sorenOr "preferred applications" or whatever it was called before.14:22
kenvandinelike in evolution, i can click on the scrollbar in the message and scroll it but in the mailboxes scrollbar i can't do anything with it?14:22
kenvandineand i can't select text in gnome-terminal14:23
pittisoren: gnome-default-applications-properties ?14:23
sorenpitti: Yeah, that's the one. Thanks.14:23
sorenpitti: Is it in the UI anywhere?14:24
kenvandinevery frustrating :)14:24
sorenThis is the first time I've used unity :)14:24
pittisoren: we don't have the main menu back et14:24
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, if that only occurs in the top left area of the screen, try opening and closing places briefly ;)14:24
chrisccoulsonit happens to me too, and that's what gord recommended14:24
sorenpitti: Alrighty. np.14:24
sorenpitti: I'll stop searching for it, then :)14:24
kenvandinechrisccoulson, ah ha!14:24
kenvandinethat did it14:24
kenvandinethat is weird14:25
kenvandineso weird to be able to use one scrollbar in an app but not another one in the same app14:25
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i also couldn't click on any tabs in firefox, but i could bring up the big tab view thing and select them14:25
kenvandinebut now it can14:26
kenvandinegord, is there a bug filed on that?14:26
mterryI can't push to bzr right now?  Is that expected14:31
chrisccoulsonhuh is LP down?14:32
chrisccoulsoni can't push to bzr14:32
chrisccoulsonoh "Launchpad: code host offline" in #launchpad14:33
mterrychrisccoulson, i got confused too.  Odd that they don't update their identi.ca status page on such thing14:34
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh, they don't? i have to admit, i didn't check that ;)14:34
mterrychrisccoulson, well, they didn't this time.  I'll have to remember to check #launchpad first then14:36
chrisccoulsonmterry, i think they might have fixed it already. i just tried again, and it seemed to work14:37
mterrychrisccoulson, yah, yup14:37
chrisccoulsonyay \o/ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/globalmenu-extension/trunk/revision/7314:37
chrisccoulsonit worked :)14:37
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mterrybratsche, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/gtk/ubuntu-f10/+merge/4704414:45
mterrybratsche, for that branch to work like normal F10, we'd also want to patch indicator-appmenu to dismiss menus when it gets the right accel press14:46
seb128mterry, hey14:47
seb128mterry, let me know if that should land today14:47
mterryseb128, it's not urgent, would rather have it well reviewed than not14:47
seb128I was about to push and upload to other pending patch but got blocker due to launchpadcode being down14:47
seb128mterry, ok, so I will upload the other patch and we can get that in the next upload14:48
mterryseb128, sure14:48
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i wonder if i need to handle F10 in firefox too14:53
chrisccoulsoni can't remember what it did before ;)14:53
chrisccoulsonoh, it does nothing14:58
bratschemterry_: Awesome!15:01
Amaranthhmm, anyone else not able to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad? synaptic wants to remove the rest of gstreamer to install it, can't figure out why though15:02
mterry_bratsche, I looked into the java thing too.  Seems like SWT isn't emitting the 'realize' signal?  I asked upstream about it15:02
bratschemterry_: Awesome * 2!15:03
bcurtiswxgood day everyone15:21
seb128hey bcurtiswx15:23
seb128so build didn't work still...15:23
bcurtiswxseb128, correct15:23
seb128bcurtiswx, try asking to cjwatson maybe he knows about that new error15:24
bcurtiswxseb128, OK will do15:24
seb128or build it with --no-as-needed as a workaround15:25
pittiok, time to catch the train, good bye and have a nice weekend!15:26
seb128pitti, ok, have fun15:27
seb128pitti, just wanted to discuss disabling the apport code which prevents filing bugs for assertions without a message15:27
seb128but we can do that next week ;-)15:27
seb128seems people keep running into crashes and can't report them because of that15:28
seb128seems we should not confuse users but rather see on launchpad if they are useful or not15:28
didrocksenjoy your week-end pitti15:33
cyphermoxhey didrocks , thanks for the quick reviews15:35
didrockscyphermox: you're welcome, just wanting for code hosting to be up again to push the branches15:37
cyphermoxI'm looking at another small thing though, looks like one plugin may have been dropped from 2.32, trying to figure out whether it's the case or if it's just no longer built15:38
* kenvandine twiddles thumbs waiting for bzr to work again :/15:38
cyphermoxdidrocks, so yeah, the face plugin appears to be missing, I'd like to push that too in the evo stuff I did15:38
didrockscyphermox: I've already sponsored the package, that will be for next upload :)15:39
cyphermoxah, ok ;)15:39
tseliotseb128: as regards bug #660417 I guess we don't need the patch anymore since we no longer set the virtual resolution in the gnome-settings-daemon, right?15:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 660417 in gnome-desktop3 "the load_desired_settings patch needs to be upstreamed and updated" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66041715:47
seb128tseliot, what do you call virtual resolution?15:47
tseliotseb128: the "Virtual" option in xorg.conf15:47
seb128was is what this patch was about?15:48
tseliotseb128: IIRC pitti dropped that patch15:48
tseliotthis patch was useful only because we needed to restart X in order to apply the virtual resolution15:49
seb128oh ok15:49
seb128right, so it's deprecated, thanks!15:49
seb128tseliot, I will drop it gnome-desktop as well in the next upload16:06
tseliotseb128: sounds good to me16:06
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seb128yeah, launchpad code is back!16:11
didrocksexcellent :)16:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - can you approve stuff in new?16:30
seb128chrisccoulson, yes16:31
seb128or ping jdstrand, it's his archive day ;-)16:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ah, i could do that ;)16:32
seb128Riddell, do you know about this one?16:41
seb128bug #68470416:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 684704 in qmf "qmf MIR or qtmobility change needed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68470416:41
Riddellseb128: hmm no, I've added a kubuntu tag and will take a look when I can16:42
ftawill we have libreoffice equivalents of the -hyphenation*, -thesaurus* and -style-human that oo currently has?16:56
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didrocksseb128: thanks for the compizconfig-python sponsoring17:04
seb128didrocks, you're welcome17:04
seb128kenvandine, could you review and sponsor lp:~om26er/ubuntu/maverick/empathy/empathy-fix-666288 if it's ok?17:12
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seb128kenvandine, thanks17:15
seb128micahg, hey17:18
micahghi seb12817:18
seb128micahg, could you do a debdiff for the sur on bug #695728?17:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 695728 in gnome-python-extras "python-gtkmozembed should depend on xulrunner" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69572817:18
seb128micahg, the only thing to sponsor is for natty it seems?17:18
micahgseb128: both natty and maverick were uploaded17:18
seb128ok, I'm fixing the bug status then, thanks17:18
seb128unsubscribing sponsors as well17:19
micahgseb128: err, maverick wasn't accepted yet17:19
seb128micahg, right, but you need ubuntu-sru, not ubuntu-sponsors17:19
seb128micahg, the sponsors do the upload, the sru team review the queue17:19
micahgright, I think my sponsor forgot to do that, fixing now17:20
seb128micahg, ok, I did fix it17:20
seb128so don't bother17:20
seb128thanks ;-)17:20
micahgseb128: thanks17:21
bcurtiswxim adding almost every .c/.h file in empathy to chat_SOURCES.. seems like i shouldn't have to17:21
seb128bcurtiswx, well are those used by the empathy-indicator source?17:22
seb128bcurtiswx, you should basically have to add the same list that was in the hand written section17:22
bcurtiswxseb128, i am plus some.. i'll keep going until i can't add any more i guess17:22
bratscherickspencer3, kenvandine: I pushed lp:~bratsche/libgrip/python-fixage-wip but it's still behaving kind of strangely.  Normally it doesn't work, but when I set a breakpoint at the program startup and hit continue then it seems to work.17:25
bcurtiswxseb128, can i link empathy_handwritten_sources to empathy_chat_sources before empathy_handwritten_sources is defined?17:25
seb128bcurtiswx, no and you should not do that17:26
bratscherickspencer3, kenvandine: Do you guys know anyone who might have time to peek into this?  I need to be focusing on some webkit and maybe a little gtk stuff now.17:26
bcurtiswxseb128, OK17:26
bcurtiswxi didn't but i was curious17:26
seb128bcurtiswx, what I mean is that you should probably add the same sources that were in the 2.32 patch17:26
kenvandinebratsche, i can try, is there any signal handling done?17:27
kenvandinewe just figured out that currently GI expects you to do the signal handling with pygobject instead... which i can't see how that could possible work17:28
kenvandinebratsche, how can i test it without the hardware?17:28
bratschekenvandine: I'm not sure what you mean.17:29
bratscheOh, right.17:29
bratscheI'm not sure.17:29
kenvandineright now you need to provide some gesture to trigger it right?17:30
bcurtiswxseb128, in 2.32 version there is no empathy_chat_SOURCES17:31
seb128well that's why I said in the "handwritten"17:31
chrisccoulsonwhat happened to libgrope? that was a much better name ;)17:31
bratschekenvandine: Yeah.17:31
bcurtiswxseb128, finally...17:32
bcurtiswxseb128, its back to how it _should_ be.. webkit issues because we don't ahve the most recent webkit in gnome3 ppa17:32
bratschekenvandine: Let me find out if there's a way to force geis to generate an event.  Hang on.17:32
* bcurtiswx has a new respect for tediousness17:33
kenvandinebratsche, ok, i am stepping away to eat... but will read scrollback17:34
seb128bcurtiswx, great17:34
bratschekenvandine: Okay sounds good.  I should do the same thing.17:34
seb128bcurtiswx, natty has webkit 1.3.1017:34
seb128bcurtiswx, seems the gtk3 binaries are still in NEW17:35
seb128but once they are NEWed you can use this one17:35
bcurtiswxseb128, will do.  for now i'm going to see if it build with --disable-webkit and then push to GNOME3 PPA if it works17:36
seb128kenvandine, do you think you could fix gtk2 for the same issue than you just fixed in gtk3?17:38
seb128the gir stacked probably changed or something, the gtk2 upload I just did failed in a similar way to what gtk3 was doing17:38
seb128cyphermox, impressive work on the eds and evo updates!17:39
seb128cyphermox, btw subscribe ubuntu-desktop to your merge requests rather than didrocks17:40
bcurtiswxseb128, i'll have to check into it more, but if empathy- deps are fulfilled in natty (non gnome 3) would it go into natty?17:40
seb128cyphermox, robert_ancell updated the version tracking to show ubuntu-desktop merge requests17:41
seb128so they would show there17:41
seb128he's also doing quite some sponsoring for things showing on it17:41
seb128cyphermox, could you also check on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-rss/+bug/688776, there is a merge request which seems to require some tweaks17:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 688776 in evolution-rss "evolution-rss broken in Natty" [Medium,Triaged]17:41
seb128bcurtiswx, no17:41
bcurtiswxOK just wondering17:42
seb128bcurtiswx, natty will not have gtk3 on the CD17:42
bcurtiswxah, i'll remember that17:42
seb128we would need empathy to build with gtk2 to update17:42
bcurtiswxit won't, so case solved :)17:42
bcurtiswxseb128, worked disabling webkit for not.. changlog editing and PPA bound.. thanks :)17:43
bratschekenvandine: utouch-evemu I think will let you fake events from hardware.17:43
bcurtiswxseb128, how do i merge https://code.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/empathy/ubuntu with what i have in my own bazaar ?17:51
seb128bcurtiswx, bzr get lp:~gnome3-team/empathy/ubuntu17:51
seb128cd ubuntu17:52
seb128bzr merge ../your_own_dir17:52
seb128bzr commit17:52
seb128bzr push17:52
bcurtiswxOK thx17:52
seb128Laney, could someone from the cli team review the merge request from bratsche on gtk#? the depends on gtk probably needs to be updated to the version shipping the grip patch as well18:04
bcurtiswxlibgnome-keyring-dev is now libgcr-dev ?18:06
rodrigo_bcurtiswx, afaik, there's no more libgnome-keyring18:09
bcurtiswxrodrigo_, OK thx18:10
bcurtiswxcassidy, the dep of KEYRING_REQUIRED is not libgnome-keyring-dev  right?18:12
rodrigo_bcurtiswx, wait, sorry, there's libgnome-keyring, but it's its own module now, so we are missing a GNOME3 package for it indeed18:14
* rodrigo_ adds to TODO list18:14
bcurtiswxrodrigo_, i was just going to go package it18:15
rodrigo_bcurtiswx, ah, cool18:15
rodrigo_bcurtiswx, submit it to the GNOME3 PPA then, when ready18:15
bcurtiswxwill do18:15
rodrigo_ok :)18:15
bcurtiswxrodrigo_, wait.. so http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources/libgnome-keyring/2.32/ isn't it anymore18:18
seb128kenvandine, oh, seems that empathy update was already uploaded18:22
seb128kenvandine, the bug and request where just not updated18:22
mterrytedg, where you talking about how you weren't sure if about-to-show made sense?18:25
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mterry(in dbusmenu)18:25
tedgmterry, Well, it makes some sense, but it's kinda difficult to do the blocking of the menu in GTK.  It's not really built to do that.18:26
mterrytedg, I see.  I'm trying to solve an empathy issue where they construct the menu dynamically, and I was looking into adding support to appmenu-gtk for it18:27
tedgmterry, Ah, that'd be cool.  Really it needs dbusmenu support as well.18:29
tedgmterry, appmenu support will only get you the first layer :)18:29
tedgmterry, The submenus need support too.18:29
mterrytedg, agreed, that's next, because empathy dynamically removes/adds submenus to items18:29
mterrytedg, explain about dbusmenu support?18:30
kenvandineseb128, i should have looked on launchpad i guess...18:30
chrisccoulsondoesn't that already work in dbusmenu now? (i'm using it in firefox, as it dynamically builds most of its menus)18:30
tedgmterry, It just needs to track the menu opening and block it before it gets the signal or a timeout.18:30
kenvandinermadison didn't show it18:30
tedgchrisccoulson, it'll work in that they'll update and send the signal, but it won't block the building of the menu for the reply.18:30
chrisccoulsonoh, you're talking about blocking it too :)18:31
chrisccoulsontedg - btw, i uploaded the extension to the archive today, but it's still sat in new. you can get it from my PPA already though if you want to use it: https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa ;)18:32
chrisccoulsonkenvandine too ;)18:32
mterrytedg, so it works, there's just a race condition?18:32
mterrytedg, if I add support to appmenu-gtk, what does the return boolean of about-to-show callbacks mean?18:33
mterryso I'm future compatible with dbusmenu support18:33
* kenvandine jumps on that18:33
chrisccoulsonmterry, i think i just always return the same value for that ;)18:33
mterrychrisccoulson, yeah, dbusmenu just throws the value away currently18:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, i always return false: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/globalmenu-extension/trunk/view/head:/extensions/globalmenu/components/src/uGlobalMenu.cpp#L6018:35
kenvandinechrisccoulson, how do i enable it?18:38
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, once it's installed, you should just need to restart firefox18:38
kenvandinechrisccoulson, and what should be the default for tabs? tabs on top?18:38
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, tabs-on-top should be default18:38
didrocksenjoy your week-end everyone!18:39
kenvandineyou too didrocks18:39
didrocksthanks :)18:39
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i thought so... you had me change that last week to tabs on top...18:39
kenvandineit reverted18:39
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's odd. do you have any other extensions installed?18:39
kenvandinei doubt it...i hate extensions :)18:40
kenvandinei restarted firefox and this menu extension isn't enabled18:40
kenvandineand i have no enable button18:40
seb128tedg, sorry but I just uncleaned your indicator-application list by adding upstream tasks for the ubuntu bug ;-)18:40
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, hmm, does it show in the addons manager?18:42
kenvandineas disabled18:42
chrisccoulsondoes it give a reason for being disabled?18:42
chrisccoulsonwhat firefox version are you using?18:42
kenvandineincompatible with 4.0b918:43
chrisccoulsonthat's odd ;)18:43
kenvandinethat is what it says :)18:43
* kenvandine couldn't make this shit up18:43
chrisccoulsonit should be compatible with that. i'll check what happened with the build18:43
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, oh, actually, which version of the extension is it? is it 0.1 or 0.2?18:44
chrisccoulsonperhaps it still hasn't published yet ;)18:44
chrisccoulsoni see whats happened18:45
chrisccoulsonmy PPA pulled in b10pre from the mozilla-daily PPA ;)18:45
chrisccoulsonok, i'll fix that18:45
kenvandineugh :)18:45
* kenvandine builds locally for the new hotness18:47
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, ok, reuploaded. that will hopefully work now18:47
kenvandineok... local build failed18:47
chrisccoulsonas long as my PPA pulls in the right package18:47
chrisccoulsonoh? what was the failure?18:48
kenvandinefurther up it looks like missing build depends18:49
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, oh, it's because you have xulrunner-1.9.2 installed. could you run "update-alternatives --config xulrunner" and set the link to point to xulrunner-2.0?18:49
chrisccoulsonit should work then18:49
kenvandinethx even18:50
kenvandineoh the hotness!18:51
* kenvandine high fives chrisccoulson!18:51
kenvandineyet another reason not to use chromium18:51
chrisccoulsonnice :)18:51
kenvandinejcastro, take that!18:51
kenvandinenow go fix OOo :)18:51
* kenvandine ducks18:52
kenvandinejcastro, now you go port chromium :)18:55
jcastroI don't really use the menus often18:55
kenvandinejcastro, likely excuse18:56
kenvandinejcastro, oh... been meaning to ask you18:56
kenvandineyou use gmail and all in appmode right?18:56
jcastrolaunch speed > menus for me18:56
kenvandinedo you get the "a plugin crashed" error banner at the top everytime you launch it18:56
jcastroyes, that's a compiz bug18:56
jcastroif you can believe that18:56
kenvandinechromium isn't any faster to launch anymore18:56
kenvandinefirefox is just as fast, and it actually uses less memory than chromium18:57
kenvandinewhich is hard to believe...18:57
kenvandinenot many things are more bloated than firefox18:57
kenvandinechrisccoulson, funny how i can praise firefox and insult it in like the same sentence huh?18:58
kenvandinejust remember i hate all web browsers :-D18:58
seb128pedro_, hey18:58
chrisccoulsoni expect firefox will use as much memory as chromium once electrolysis lands ;)18:58
seb128pedro_, if you want to clean some crash listed seems gnome-settings-daemon has quite some duplicates18:58
seb128or policykit-1-gnome18:58
kenvandinechrisccoulson, there we go... firefox won't let me down huh?18:59
kenvandinebratsche, i might just run over to best buy and pick up one of those apple magic touch thingies19:01
pedro_seb128, ok will have a look at both19:04
seb128pedro_, thanks19:04
seb128pedro_, how are you otherwise?19:05
pedro_np :-)19:05
pedro_seb128, I'm good, thanks. just finishing with the kernel sru testing for lucid19:05
pedro_seb128, what about you?19:05
seb128ok right, kernel testing for you now ;-)19:05
seb128pedro_, I'm fine thanks19:05
pedro_yeah yeah...19:05
pedro_good :-)19:06
kenvandinebratsche, where can i get utouch-evemu  ?19:07
kenvandinebratsche, and is there a package for libgrip yet?19:08
bratschekenvandine: Yeah, they're both in ppa:utouch-team/unstable I think.19:09
kenvandinebratsche, would it be a was of money to get a magic trackpad for testing purposes?19:09
bratschekenvandine: I dunno.. if you're thinking you might end up doing any more stuff with gestures then it's a good device to have.  And if nothing else, we'll have gesture-enabled Unity this cycle. :)19:11
kenvandineif it takes to long for me to figure out how to fake it maybe i'll go pick one up and hope my wife doesn't yell too loud for me getting more toys :-D19:12
seb128kenvandine, cf other channel19:13
kenvandineseb128, and i'll fix up gtk2 too19:14
seb128ok, dinner time19:14
cyphermoxseb128, thanks, looking at the merge request now... as for the merge requests I do, I only subscribed didrocks directly because he had prior knowledge -- we discussed these merges before19:18
cyphermoxwith evo and e-d-s done I still need to look at all the other evo- packages, especially evo-exchange which appears to be totally borked19:19
kenvandineok... while gtk builds and tries to overheat my laptop, i am going to run out to get that touchpad :)19:33
kenvandinebratsche, ^^19:33
dobeybratsche: hey19:35
dobeybratsche: any idea why the huge resize grabbers would show up on panel applets?19:36
bratschedobey: Yeah.. those are derived from GtkPlug and I guess it's not disabling the resize grip yet.19:46
bratschedobey: If you have time, it's a 1-line patch.  Otherwise just file a bug and assign it to me and I can do it later.19:46
dobeyweird. it's only on some of them, not all, and it's not at the bottom right on the ones it is on. it's closer to the middle19:46
bratscheOh, weird.19:47
bratscheI dunno.19:47
dobeywell i just saw it on my laptop, but i am not seeing it on my workstation19:47
dobeybut i'm upgrading the laptop right now19:47
dobeybratsche: hrmm, seems gone now, so i guess the update fixed it20:02
bratschedobey: Awesome20:06
dobeyyeah. though i had to switch back to metacity on my workstation :(20:06
bratschedobey: Suckfest20:23
bratschedobey: Why?  video problem or something?20:24
dobeybecause i'm damned tired of having all my compiz settings get completely wiped out when i update20:24
dobeyand alt+drag stopped working20:24
kenvandinebratsche, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/libgrip/packaging-with-gir/+merge/4709620:29
kenvandinebratsche, added the packaging for the gir stuff20:29
bratscheAwesome, thanks!20:29
kenvandinebratsche, also, do we need the overrides?20:30
kenvandineif so can you give me that?20:30
bratscheLet me find it.. I can't remember where it is or what's in it now.20:31
bcurtiswxok empathy builds, but fails to run (testing now) .. so using gdb i run empathy then backtrace http://paste.ubuntu.com/556655/20:34
bcurtiswxam I supposed to see the crash here?20:35
bratschekenvandine: Found it.. emailing now.20:37
dobeywhat does "fails to run" mean exactly?20:40
dobeybcurtiswx: ^^ that is20:40
bcurtiswxdobey, sorry, segfaults20:41
bratscheMaybe "fails to run for very long" :)20:41
dobeybcurtiswx: what's above the "(gdb) backtrace" bit? if it crsahed it should have spit some info out first before dropping to console20:42
bcurtiswxdobey, Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.     0x00007ffff57153b8 in XSendEvent () from /usr/lib/libX11.so.620:44
dobeybcurtiswx: ok, then yes that's the backtrace20:47
bcurtiswxdobey, where would I go from here?20:48
dobeybcurtiswx: install the debug symbols for everything in the stack, starting with libX11.so.620:48
bcurtiswxx11-dbg ?20:50
dobeyi don't know what the package name is20:51
dobey-dbgsym seems to be the commonly used appendage to the package names though20:51
bcurtiswxdobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556660/20:56
dobeyit could well be a bug in gtk+ or empathy or X or something else. you need to install the debug packages, reproduce the crash, and debug it21:00
bcurtiswxcassidy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556660/ have you seen this before?21:01
bcurtiswxi mean the file doesn't exist on my system.. a find / -name ... didn't come up with anything21:01
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
bcurtiswxwhere would I search to see if XSendEvent is deprecated ?21:17
Laneybratsche: can that patch go upstream?21:32
mterrybratsche, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/appmenu-gtk/misc-fixes/+merge/47114 too21:34
dobeybcurtiswx: pretty sure it's not and that is being called inside gtk+21:34
bcurtiswxkenvandine, are you the guy to talk about libindicate/messaing menu ?21:34
bcurtiswxdobey, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/empathy/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/patches/31_really_raise_window.patch21:35
bcurtiswxits the XSendEvent in ther21:35
kenvandinebcurtiswx, more likely tedg21:35
bratscheLaney: Which one?21:35
Laneygtk# (and gnome-do I suppose)21:35
kenvandinebut... feel free to complain to me, and i'll complain to tedg... i rather enjoy that21:35
bratscheLaney: No.21:35
bcurtiswxtedg, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/empathy/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/patches/31_really_raise_window.patch  the XSendEvent is causing empathy to Segfault21:35
bcurtiswxcould you take a look when u get a minute or two?21:35
dobeyoh, weird21:36
bratscheLaney: So, this is new API in gtk+ 3.0 but we've backported it to 2.x for Natty.21:36
bratscheLaney: So I guess whenever there is a gtk# for 3.0 then it will get pulled in.21:36
bcurtiswxkenvandine, ^^ at my last post21:37
tedgI really feel that really_raise_window should go away.21:37
bratschemterry: Thanks.. looking now.21:37
bcurtiswxtedg, remove the patch entirely?21:37
tedgI think it's an abomination.21:37
dobeytedg: i was just about to say the same thing21:37
tedgbcurtiswx, Well, then you need to patch Compiz to remove focus-stealing prevention.  And I can't convince seb128 of that.21:38
bcurtiswxtedg, so is there something else needed for that XSendEvent21:38
kenvandinebcurtiswx, yeah, don't listen to tedg about that... :)21:38
kenvandinebcurtiswx, so this is just for the gnome3 ppa? you could remove it there for now... but ideally figure out why XSendEvent is causing a crash21:39
bratschemterry: I haven't looked through the patch yet, but are you sure about changing the separator mode stuff?  That was added in to fix a bunch of bugs we had due to uimanager's separator mode stuff.  Are you sure this won't break those things?21:39
tedgbcurtiswx, Not sure, I'm guessing the window is invalid at the point it's being called?21:39
dobeywell, i don't get what that patch is supposed to do anyway, other than implement gtk_window_present incorrectly21:39
kenvandinebratsche, ok... so what exactly is wrong with libgrip and the pygrip example?21:39
bratschemterry: I don't remember specific examples anymore thoughl21:39
mterrybratsche, nope!  I was hoping you could tell me more21:39
bcurtiswxtedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/556665/21:39
mterrybratsche, it fixed separators for me in empathy.  that's all the history I know.  Looking at gtk's code makes it seem like UIManager does the right thing, but I don't have a bunch of test cases to try21:40
dobeygrip has a library and python bindings?21:40
kenvandinedobey, "incorrectly" for some definition of that... it makes it raise the window when you as for the window :)21:40
kenvandinedobey, with gir21:40
bratschekenvandine: When I run it without setting a breakpoint, I never see anything printed to the console (which is in the callback).  But if I set the breakpoint that's right before register_window() and then hit "c" to continue.. everything works fine.21:40
kenvandineapparrently it is broken21:40
kenvandineah... i need to remove that breakpoint then to see that breakage21:40
mterrybratsche, at the least, the existing code never updated separator visibility.  In an attempt to fix that, I realized that all I needed was to watch widget visibility status21:40
bratschekenvandine: Yeah, without the breakpoint it appears to never get triggered.21:41
dobeykenvandine: https://launchpad.net/grip ?21:41
kenvandineah, racy...21:41
bratschedobey: libgrip21:41
kenvandinegesture stuff21:41
bratschedobey: It's a multitouch gesture library.21:41
bratschemterry: I doubt I left enough useful information in bzr log to figure out which apps were breaking without that. :)21:42
dobeybratsche: i can still make fun of the poor naming choice :)21:42
bratschedobey: My original name was libgrope, but Mark didn't like this. :)21:42
bratscheSo I had a new name forced on me.21:43
bratscheDBO had a good suggestion after that, which was libTSA.  But sadly, I had already renamed it to libgrip. :/21:43
dobeyfwap would have been more awesome21:44
bcurtiswxtedg, gtk_window_present was mentioned on gimpnet to use21:45
dobeyyes of course it was21:45
dobeywhich amounts to "don't apply the patch"21:46
tedgWell, it doesn't really work is the problem.21:46
dobeyit was already doing gtk_window_present21:46
bcurtiswxand sjoerd mentioned we should chat with them about moving it all upstream, but i have no idea about policies here so i refrained21:46
tedgAnd gtk_window_present_with_time would be better.21:46
* tedg would love for all of it to be upstream21:46
dobeytedg: i don't see how that would be different21:46
dobey_present() and _present_with_time(GDK_CURRENT_TIME) are the same21:47
tedgdobey, Because I think the only reasonable way to do focus stealing prevention is to match user events to timestamps.  And, they're not as this event is coming through DBus, much delay.21:47
dobeygtk_window_present (GtkWindow *window)21:49
dobey{ gtk_window_present_with_time (window, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);21:49
dobeytedg: why does dbus matter?21:50
bcurtiswxtedg, the change from gtk_window_present to empathy_window_present could potentially be ok, the other hunk is just bad (all according to upstream)21:50
tedgdobey, Because the event timestamp from X is getting send to the messaging menu.  It's then pulling that timestamp and passing it along.  So the event that is causing the present is the messaging menu one.21:51
tedgdobey, If you do GDK_CURRENT_TIME that'll be the time that the dbus message is processed.21:51
dobeytedg: the patch *IS* doing GDK_CURRENT_TIME21:52
tedgbcurtiswx, That's fine if it works.  I'd be happy to drop it.21:52
tedgdobey, Oh. :-/21:52
tedgIt shouldn't do that.21:52
dobeyit's just calling the XSendEvent directly instead of going through gtk+21:53
dobeywhich seems silly21:53
bcurtiswxsorry if i seem lost, but what was wrong with removing the patch all together?21:53
dobeyi think what you really want is to raise the window, but not focus it, right?21:53
dobeybcurtiswx: supposedly compiz sucks so the window doesn't get raised properly21:54
tedgYup.  It just won't come forward.  I think even with the patch it won't switch desktops.21:54
tedgIt's not a compiz thing really.  Metacity does the same stuff.21:54
dobeywhat behavior do you want?21:55
tedgSomeone clicks on the menu item in the messaging menu and that chat window is shown to them.21:55
bcurtiswxand without that patch, what will happen?21:56
tedgI don't remember entirely, but I think the Empathy issue was that it'd only call for attention.21:57
dobeythat's what should be happening without the patch. so if it's not working i think there's some other problem?21:57
tedgdobey, Yes, the WM is blocking the present.  It's focus stealing prevention.  You turn it off, the world is a happy place :)21:58
bcurtiswxtedg, well for now, i'll remove the patch, build, see if it doesn't crash, and work from there.. i'll keep the patch but remove it from series... that sound OK to you?21:58
tedgbcurtiswx, Yup.  If you're up for it, taking the event timestamp from libindicate should improve things some.21:59
kenvandinetedg, i had tried doing that when you first added it and it didn't really solve the problem22:01
* kenvandine shakes fist at window managers22:01
dobeyno, it wouldn't22:02
dobeyGDK_CURRENT_TIME would be best22:02
dobeytedg: do you have the XID of the indicator's window?22:04
tedgdobey, No22:05
tedgdobey, In many cases clicking on an indicator will cause a window to be created as well.22:05
tedgAnd, I really don't want to be a pager.  That seems broken even more.22:05
dobeyso the big problem is if it's on another workspace, right?22:07
tedgThat's one.  I believe they didn't raise at all at one point, but that was less reproducible.  Might have been a mutter issue, I don't remember.22:08
bcurtiswxtedg, sjoerd from upstream has mentioned a few times he'd like us to do less workaround patches and work with them to do things right.. just passing with word on tho22:09
bcurtiswxwell i should quote "right" because i know it's suggestive that we don't .. and i know we do.22:10
tedgbcurtiswx, Yes, that's a touchy point on both sides of the coin :)22:11
bcurtiswxtedg, yup :)22:12
dobeythis patch is clearly not right :)22:12
dobeytedg: hrmm, so yeah, it seems to be a larger issue, though i'm not sure it's a WM one yet22:14
dobeytedg: i just reproduced the "not raising/focusing the window" issue with ubuntuone-preferences though22:15
dobeyhrmm, i take that back. it raises, but doesn't focus22:15
dobeyand it doesn't switch to that workspace, or move the window to current22:15
tedgI've heard that GEdit supposedly has some very nice code for this, but I haven't looked for it.22:17
tedgProbably should go into GTK as gtk_window_present_no_i_really_mean_it() :)22:18
bcurtiswxtedg, a bigger issue and one that I wouldn't know better is that the other patches are mixed gtk2 gtk3 and cause gtk3 aborts.  i think the patches need to be gtk3-ified... who would be able to do that?22:19
bcurtiswxwell i mean the patches haven't been gtk3-ified while empathy has and empathy complains22:19
tedgbcurtiswx, I think that for GTK3 we're going to have to drop it anyway as Empathy is changing a bunch.  Don't we need the approver for Empathy 3, right kenvandine?22:19
kenvandinetedg, i think so22:20
bcurtiswxso basically all the libindicate patches for empathy will need to be completely re-written?22:21
dobeyprobably not completely22:21
dobeythe indicator patch didn't look too invasive in the empathy code itself. it just adds a few new files which are self-contained pretty much, which might need some gtk3-ification22:22
dobeyanyway, it is time for the weekend. later all :)22:23
bcurtiswxdobey, thanks for all the assistance.. :) later22:23
bcurtiswxwell kenvandine, until the libindicate stuff gets fixed up, do you think it would be against anything to just have a source only empathy built for the GNOME3 PPA ?22:24
kenvandineyeah, that would be fine for the gnome3 ppa22:25
bcurtiswxit won't be in the messaging menu for those who use the PPA22:25
kenvandineit's fine for the ppa22:25
bcurtiswxkenvandine, OK then I will do that.  Who would I request to put on their long-term to-do list ?22:26
bcurtiswxi.e. no rush until next cycle22:26
kenvandineit's already on mine22:26
bcurtiswxkenvandine, OK, a source empathy will go into the PPA then.  I guess lemme know if I can take some easy tasks with that for empathy when you start on it.22:28
bcurtiswxHave a good weekend everyone. CYA!!22:33
kenvandinebratsche, hey... so grip_gesture_manager_register_window should actually be the constructor for GestureManager right?22:59
bratschekenvandine: No.23:00
bratschekenvandine: Take a peek in ../rectangle-mover/gesture.c23:01
bratscheYou acquire a reference to GestureManager, and then you call register_window()23:01
kenvandineok, so GestureManager will be a singleton right?23:01
bratschekenvandine: Did you get it to print events by setting the breakpoint and continuing?23:02
kenvandinebratsche, i have some ideas, i'll work on it tonight23:09

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